The Washington Post reports that three people have been shot at the National Holocaust Museum.
A security guard and two other people were shot today inside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in downtown Washington, authorities said.
U.S. Park Police said a gunman armed with a shotgun opened fire on the security guard and that other security guards returned fire. The gunman was reported wounded.
The shooting was reported to police at 12:52 p.m., and officers rushed to the scene just south of Independence Ave. bordering the Mall.
Details are still sketchy, and we have no idea what was behind this incident, but it’s certainly troubling.
UPDATE 11:07 AM PDT– NBC’s Pete Williams has reported on-air that authorities are identifying the suspected assailant as one James W. von Brunn, whose apparent web site at first glance seems to be um, rather sick. So if you don’t like Jewish-conspiracy right wing nutball supremacist crap, don’t go there.
NBC also reported that von Brunn is believed to have been born in 1920.
UPDATE 1:15 PM PDT–Both MSNBC and CNN have reported on air that one museum security officer has died of his injuries. What a sad and tragic event.
I just heard about it and my initial reaction was, yes, this smells like another rightwing domestic terrorist.
But yeah, this doesn’t have anything to do with anything or anyone else on the right. This is just some random nut job….
Maybe someone should archive his site before it gets pulled down.
@2 How many random nut jobs does it take to make a trend? [And I heard just now that his site’s already down.]
I’m a long time watcher of the far right an have been worried about and predicting this sort of thing for a while.
My post @2 was meant as a prediction of what the general reaction of those on the right would be, not to say that didn’t think there wasn’t a connection. This is very much connected to the Tiller murder and all the crazy/hate the right has been spewing for the last 15-20 years.
Quick blame O’Reilly.
Quick blame Rush Limbaugh.
Quick blame Michelle Malkin.
Quick blame everyone that left wing-nuts don’t agree with.
That’s the same thinking when bush said you are either with us or against us.
I love it when the left imitates bush.
The shooter was a holocaust denier. So since we whom think right acknowledge the holocaust and support Israel, posts#1 & #3 are stunning as always.
man of truth…
Nice job trolls…scattering like the cockroach you are…
Still bitter I see.
Considering your life is under the control of democrats from city to federal, isn’t this the time you should be happy.
Why aren’t you happy under democrat control?
…hit “the marvin” a LEEEEETLE too close to home…bwa haha…OWN it asshole…this is what your hate has spawned.
…run puddybiotch, run!
James W. von Brunn.
This guy is a ne0-nazi. Hate filled, demented, racist, and insane. Just like manoftruth..
My question for the HA faithful is;
Is this terrorism? or a hate crime?
My answer is that the dude should be tried as a terrorist. Just like Tiller and Haq should be prosecuted as terrorists..
IMO he was trying to marter himself and commit suicide by cop.. What a f’n loser.
Leeeeeetle too close to home? I don’t live in Washington. Are you really this ignorant or is it just an act? Let me tell you, you are one hell of an actor. Maybe you should move to hollywood.
Own what?
What are you babbling about?
My hate? As said by someone that called me a cockroach.
I’m guessing you don;t live in a glass house.
Of course you dodged the question about you being bitter living under democrat control. I don’t blame you,
Terrorism or hate crime? Both!
I’m assuming you meant the guy who shot Tiller should be tried as a terrorist.
Yep, all three tried for terrorism.
I wonder if the trolls who foamed at the mouth a couple days ago about the security guard being gunned down in that Tacoma robbery will be equally indignant over a rightwing white supremacist murdering a security guard at the Holocaust museum. (CNN and AOL are reporting the guard has died.)
Put him on trial tomorrow (thursday), hang him on friday.
That leaves the whole weekend for trolling and shooting rabbits.
Cook the meat and sell the feet as lucky rabbit foot to kids. Kids love a lucky rabbit foot.
@5,6 Yes, it does appear the rightwing whackjobs like O’Reilly, Coulter, Malkin, Beck, and Norris who are trying to incite armed mayhem are having an effect on their deranged audience.
@9 Give it a rest, puddinghead. White supremacists are rightwing extremists. Not leftwing, but rightwing. A terrorist who shoots an abortion doctor may have different motivations than a terrorist who shoots up a Holocaust museum, but they’re both rightwing terrorists. Tell you the truth, it’s pretty weird to see trolls who equated Barack Obama’s law-abiding community activism with Bill Ayers’ terrorism trying to manufacture cute distinctions between various species of rightwing terrorists.
@11 That’s pretty insulting to cockroaches.
@16 “Leeeeeetle too close to home? I don’t live in Washington.”
Is it possible, even for Marvin Stupid, to be this dense?
@19 “That leaves the whole weekend for trolling and shooting rabbits.”
You are one sick bastard. But hey, if you want to try it, come to my hole in Green Lake Park and make sure you bring a gun so I can claim self-defense.
RR @ 23:
Possible?!?! Hell, it’s for certain the Sheik al Marvin is that stooooopid.
Have you read more than one of his posts?
Then you know he’d take the analogy of “too close to home” to literally mean he lives in Washington.
That’s the problem in using higher levels of thinking when interacting with a conservative. Give them a comparative or abstract thought and they take it as gospel.
Dense? Like a black hole.
Why Pelletizer@21? So your lies can reign supreme? Nazis were anything but right wing fool. They were socialists. Remember Pelletizer it was the 1900s progressives who liked Hitler.
What a tard.
Marvin’s just another agitator, making pointless comments to try to inflame the real people here, and then scurry away to the dark corners. Who cares? There’s no point in taking up space we have to scroll through to try to answer his decerebrated drivel.Do you also try to answer yapping poodles?
@26 “Nazis were anything but right wing fool.”
Good lord. There’s just no point in conversing with someone so stupid. Or is he willfully ignorant? Hell, either way – totally fucked up in the head.
I might be stoooopid.
At least I’m not such a yellow-bellied coward that I challenge people to a fight I’m too scared to show up to.
Say, how many “faggots” have you beaten up in your life?
You’re a fucking cowardly bigot!
Sucks for you that someone as stoopid as me outed you.
Puddy @ 26 said…”Nazis were anything but right wing fool. They were socialists….”
Dang, Puddy, you obviously don’t know ANYTHING about the Nazi movement, their ascent from the post-WWI Friecorps (spelling wrong, I don’t have time to look it up now), the Thule Society, etc.
The original title of the National Socialists Party was in name only, an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the various socialist and left-wing parties in Germany at the time, and to cause some confusion in their appeal to the “working classes”. They quickly abandoned the “National Socialist” in favor of the shortened “Nazi” abreviation, when they began to emphasize their anti-communist stand.
The only thing vaguely socialist about their philosophy smacks of the more modern Republican socialism as practiced during the George W. Bush administration, with large corporations such as Krup being favored in a mutual-benefit arrangement whereby the companies would make large donations to the Nazi party, in return for which they would receive exclusive government contracts and their competition would be harrassed out of existence.
steve and gbs can’t stop themselves from replying to me.
They both hate me with a passion.
You see, I exposed both of them for being homophobic bigots.
gbs acting the tough guy challenged me to a fight. I accepted his challenge and then he chickened out.
Did you notice steve’s bigotry. He went out of his way to write that he wasn’t belittling gays, but belittling me comparing me to “faggots.”
Say X’ad, how do you feel about steve and gbs being bigots. Anything you want to say or do you approve of their use of the “faggot” word being used as an insult.
If you share the views of the bigots, you don’t have to reply. Your silence will speak for you.
Say, where’s manoftruth? I bet it’d “hit close to home” if it turns out that Puddy’s little buddy manoftruth cracked today. Puddy had countless opportunities to condemn the Jew-hater but refused every damned time. Remorse? Hell no. Not a drop. Puddy responds by blathering bullshit about nazis being socialists. What a fucking asswipe. All these trolls except Right Stuff – all asswipes.
@25 “Dense? Like a black hole.”
Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of — that global warming will seem like a minor problem compared to the suction of wingnut density.
Steve, you are really moronic eh? The Stupid Solution is coursing through your veins. Puddy trying again.
The old man was a holocaust denier. Puddy and his right-wing friends love Israel and acknowledges the holocaust. It’s the left wing who screams otherwise.
Who are the bestus buds of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Muslim Brotherhood? You haven’t reviewed their treatises? Left-wing white professors in the university system. The same peeps Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama hated!
@26 “Nazis were anything but right wing fool. They were socialists. Remember Pelletizer it was the 1900s progressives who liked Hitler.”
Total bullshit. Nazism was a rightwing movement, fool.
“As a generic concept, National Socialism opposes capitalism, communism, international socialism and liberalism. … Hitler’s variety of National Socialism was … based on anti-Semitism, anti-Marxism and hyper-nationalism.” — Wikipedia
As usual, puttybutt’s feeble attempts at historical revisionism have led him to semantical folly.
@28 “totally fucked up in the head”
This concisely sums up Puddybutt’s peculiar pathology, albeit in unscientific terminology.
Marvin @ 29:
Why do you lie?
What I said was if you ever show your face in Seattle it would be on I didn’t say I was coming to LA just to kick your ass. NEVER.
Why do you lie so much???
This reflects poorly on your parents moral vales to have rasied such a dishonest boy.
As for the faggot remark, I already made a genuine public apology. It takes a BIG MAN to admit when he’s wrong you small boy.
Get over it and stop lying.
Here’s an update on the profile of the Holocaust Museum terrorist:
“In 1983, he was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board. He was arrested two years earlier outside the room where the board was meeting, carrying a revolver, knife and sawed-off shotgun. At the time, police said Von Brunn wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation’s economic difficulties.”
(Quoted under fair use from Associated Press)
@33 “Puddy and his right-wing friends love Israel and acknowledges the holocaust.”
Yeah, and that’s why you condone the Jew-hater, manoftruth, huh? Yup, you wack Christian end-timers do love those Jews, alright, and such a love it is.
Proud leftist, you doubt history? The historical fact American Progressives loved Adolf Hitler? The record is succinct on the Internet.
Nazi documents, publications, and major speeches included anti-capitalistic full of anti-finance capitalistic rhetoric. Sound like George Soros and many of the HA swineflu weasels of today. Capitalism was dead. Same thing being said by the HA swineflu weasels.
Hitler was super critical of traditional Catholicism. So are the HA swineflu weasels.
Nazi leaders and their documents, dogmas, publications, and major speeches were uncompromisingly anti-religious. Just like the HA swineflu weasels today.
Hitler banned free speech, like the support of the Dummocrapts and their Fairness Doctrine of today.
Pelletizer again conflates the real facts to spin it like he tried to spin Michelle’s hatred of white liberals at Princeton.
Stand back from the Nazi history thing.
Hitler, was not a “tree-hugging, granola eating, everyone is equal, save the whales” type of Liberal.
You goof.
@36 “Why do you lie?”
Lies are all he’s got. Say, did you know that he admitted to fucking goats yesterday?
Steve @ 41:
Well that put Sheik al Marvin in a box doesn’t it.
Either he’s a liar.
He fucks goats and it dumbed him down.
Which is it, Sheik?
You’re a Liar or dumb goat fucker?
That’s a bigger pile of shit then ANYTHING I’ve ever written.
As far as your “sincere” apology, that’s bullshit.
*IF* you only used the “faggot” word once, you could say I pushed you buttons to the point you weren’t able to control yourself. Oops, a mistake on your part.
Except you said it many times, no mistake. Well, the only mistake was you letting me push you to the point that the real you emerged.
My parents teaching me to lie on a blog?
Better than your parents teaching you it’s acceptable to be a homophobic bigot. No doubt your mommy has a big smile on her face knowing you call people you don’t like “faggot.”
@3 the James W. von Brunn web site is archived at in all its putrid glory.
A quick look shows that it is full of all the love you’d expect from a right wing web site.
@39 Puddy makes up a bunch of shit and then calls it “the real facts”. What a loon. Is it any wonder the guy called “Stupes” babbles on and on about some “stupid solution”?
37. GBS spews:
Marvin @ 29:
Why do you lie?
You answered your own question.
I don’;t expect bigots like you to be able to remember what you said 14 minutes ago. That’s why I included the link.
@42 and don’t forget Marvie also admits he “might be stoooopid.”
So he by his own admission is a stoooopid goat fucker.
Replying to yourself again? Ouch.
Are you still off your meds?
Ekim and the rest, go fuck yourselves…the overwhelming majority of right wingers are not racist Nazi scumbags. Your on the left, you must all be Communists right?
Maybe it’s just me, but when someone says a multi-billionaire is “anti capitalist” and “anti-finance” seems little, well, unrealistic.
No billionaire in America, that I know of, became a billionaire without the vehicles of capitalism and finance.
If my memory serves me correctly, I recall Puddy railing against George Soros for being ruthlessly capitalistic on currency trading.
There’s a word popping in my head that begins with “H”.
Ahhhh, yes, the word is: HYPOCRITE
@42 “You’re a Liar or dumb goat fucker?”
Hey mr tough guy bigot…
If you were on trial for being a bigot, would your own words…
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
…would your own words help the prosecution or the defense?
How do you feel the jury would view your words?
See, that’s exactly why I am calling you a homophobic bigot.
Everyone saw the rake I laid out for Sheik al Marvin didn’t they???
Ohhhhh, man, it’s soooooooooooooo funny to see the Sheik with that rake handle imprint on his face, but he’s just tooooooo stooooooopid to know it. Yet.
Heeeeeeerrreeee you go, folks. This reminds me of the time I caught JCH in a lie.
This is gonna be good.
FYI Sheik, I’m archiving this post. You’ll be seeing it often.
Sheik al Marvin lying saying I would come to LA.
What I said was: “show your fucking face in Seattle, I’ll prove to you that I may talk gibberish, but I don’t talk shit.”
Where did I say I was coming to LA to kick your ass. You’re the one with the big mouth. My word is my bond, you show, and I’ll show up. PREPARED. You liar.
Sheik at 52:
Teeny tiny penis BOYEE Sheik al Marvin who lies like the Culture of Corruption dictates he does:
51. GBS spews:
Apology to Marvin Stamn:
I want to extend a genuine apology to you for calling you a faggot.
You’re not a faggot and I retract that statement fully and completely.
I’m sorry.
You little, little BOY.
The jury, after seeing the WHOLE truth and nothing BUT the TRUTH, would find me innocent and you a LIAR.
@49 “Your on the left, you must all be Communists right?”
What’s you’re fucking problem? You folks read and write books labeling us as liberal-fascists. We call you out as the fascists you really are and your response is to start crying? Go weep someplace where somebody actually gives a shit.
Two rake faces in a row!!!!!
Damn, BOYEEE, I was hoping for just one rake face, and you did them back to back.
Gee, you’re dumb.
Keep going, I got more just waiting.
Shit, it looks like Sheik al Marvin walked into a field of rakes and doesn’t know if he should shit or go blind.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Again, Sheik, why do you lie????
From Fox News:
If you wanted to prove me a liar why not give the link to the first post where you threatened me.
You posted a link where you already lost your temper and called me a “faggot.”
I saw how you were trying to encourage bibigoober to kick my ass, you suggested something about an escrow account.
How did that work out for you?
@54 “The jury, after seeing the WHOLE truth and nothing BUT the TRUTH, would find me innocent and you a LIAR.”
However, the jury would find that Marvin indeed admitted that he fucks goats.
More from Fox:
Steve@45 farts again.
Nope you dope you can find all those on the Internet from “reputable” left-wing universities fool!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Rev. Jeremiah Wright holds the same views as the holocaust museum gunman. When asked if he’s spoken with Obama since he became President, Wright said “Them Jews won’t let him talk to me.”
Strange that someone calling me a “faggot” would also be talking about my dick. Does you wife know you talk about other guys dicks? That does explain the “faggot” insults.
I guess you missed the “sincere” apology I was calling bullshit on.
A fucking bigot like you that uses the “faggot” word over and over as an insult isn’t capable of a “sincere” apology.
I’m actually sorry you were raised as a bigot. In a perfect world your parents would have done a better job raising you. Parents can do so much damage to their kids.
@61 First you make shit up and then you lie about doing so. Yeah, that makes sense – follow one lie with another.
Muslim groups, that whip-up anti-Israel hatred, are also to blame for this murder.
I order you to ignore Troll’s statement, Puddy.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if people like this nigger”
You will follow my orders.
Why is that admitted goatfucker Marvin talking about his dick? Somebody push his button again?
I’m making progress. I edited my comment and took out that offending word.
Puddy, you really are stupid.
Nazi = socialist
People’s REPUBLIC of China. Must be governed by some body or council elected by the poeple. Or there must be some form of citizen input on governmental policy. It says so in the name.
REPUBLIC of Cuba – See above
REPUBLIC of South Korea – ad naseum
Shall I go on?
I can claim my name is Czechsaaz, supreme ruler of all lands East up until the border of Cle Elum, elected leader of the Democratic State of Washrualsuburbia. I can even put it on a flag. But that won’t make it fact.
Store’s closed. Beers in 15. Enjoy the evening folks. Go Penguins!
63. Marvin Stamn spews:
“A fucking bigot like you”
Getting a little testy are you, Sheik?
Yeah, I don’t blame you. Blindly walking into a rake face trap is enough to piss anybody off.
But, Holy Shit, two in a row! WOW! That’s gotta hurt the ol’ ego, too, huh?
Plus, being caught as the pure liar you are doesn’t help. I understand how that would make you angry.
Finally, your immaturity was on display for all adults to see. And you know what?
They all LAUGHED at you. Even some conservatives laughed. At least they shook their heads and thought “Marvin, what an idiot. He just made us all look even dumber than Michael Steele does.”
Tough luck, knuckle head.
This is a great day!
If you insist that racists aren’t called out.
Whatever makes you happy.
Yo, Yo, Yo Sheiiiik al Marrr-vaaaaan.
What up? Yo, MO’FO’ how you be wearin’ you RNC haaaat?
To da lef’ side?
To da right side?
Or, does you slap that skull cap on backwards because dat’s how you be rollin?
Jus’ axin ala Michael Steele.
@69 The names of Canadian political parties must really throw Puddy for a loop. Good thing he didn’t run away from Philly by heading north. He’d have no clue who the fuck he’s voting for. Good thing for Puddy, when he abandoned his Philly innercity peeps, he headed west. Hmm, I wonder if he thought it was nothing but white folk and Indians out here?
Sheik, since you be gots welfare you should be takin’ you badonkadonk down to da ER an’ git ‘dem black eyes and gashes on your face looked at.
You lookin’ messed up!!
Geez, Troll, Marvin just called you a racist.
But don’t you fret, Troll, we all know that Puddy would never turn on you.
Ahhh Shit, Sheik.
Now Steve @ 75 in on the rake face game. He just set you up for ANOTHER rake in the face.
Man, you’re 3 for 3 today with the rake traps.
God DAMN IT, this is funny.
What a dumb ASS.
@68 “I’m making progress. I edited my comment and took out that offending word.”
Hey, good for you! You, I have hope for, you provocative little SOB. Puddy? Eh, not so much. Marvin? Nah, he fucks goats.
Yeah, I suppose I shouldn’t use the word.
Curious that manoftruth hasn’t shown up?……
I’d think he’d be crowing about this tragedy…
Could it be that MOT=James W. von Brunn?
I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin…….
@78 I get it. Don’t worry about it.
@79 Yeah, I mentioned that earlier. Good for you for calling mot out on the hate.
4 for 4 rake face traps!! WOW an all time HA record.
I DID you FUCKING DUMB ASS at post 53 where the first rake hit you in the face.
Fuck, it hit you so hard, it bounced off the ground and hit you in the face TWICE.
Here’s my link at 53 fuck head. The last paragraph is where I say IF YOU EVER SHOW YOUR FACE IN SEATTLE.
Now, show us the link where I say I’m coming to LA just to kick your ass???
You can’t!
Now tell us, why did your mammy rasie a liar?
Didja ever know your daddy? Most pathological liars and criminals were raised in fatherless households.
Just axin.
Damn, I’m pretty good if I do say so myself.
@78 I don’t believe you’re a racist. Rather, you’re an old-fashioned troll. And a darned good one!
Steve@45, you forget Pelletizer started at WikiPedia and found similar material. You can visit Princeton, Harvard, Cornell etc. fool. But you can’t process Ivy League facts.
See ya.
GBS, you forget George Soros own words…”It is a sacreligious thing to say, but these ten months [of the Nazi occupation] were the happiest times of my life… We led an adventurous life and we had fun together.”
Back in 1994 and 1998, Soros freely admitted to his Nazi collaboration GBS. He declared he felt no guilt over his actions, or over the extermination of nearly a half million of his fellow Hungarian Jews.”
What a guy that George Soros
GBS – May Puddy suggest the Soros anti-capatalist treatise Open Society Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered
@85 100% pure horseshit.
Because I respect you and your opinions, I’ll read up on George Soros.
Thanks for the suggestion and the link.
Yes, Steve, George Soros is full of HorsesASS!
Steve you need to read this by George Soros’ father, Tivadar Soros “Masquerade—Dancing Around Death in Nazi-Occupied Hungary”. You’ll learn what George’s daddy had to say fool!
Puddy realizes the truth is not well known in your Neanderthal cranial orifice.
@ 87 – I wouldn’t get too worked about “Puddy”. He’s been up late studying his Jonah Goldberg again. Just send him to bed without dessert and be done with it.
Steve, even your bud Lyndon LaRouche didn’t like Soros.
See ya fool!
The Prosecution Rests…
Jason Eckelman – Jonah Goldberg? Those are Soros’ own words. CBS News 60 Minutes interview of George Soros on December 20, 1998 by Steve Kroft.
Man, you are a new HA leftist swineflu weasel Jason.
Well, I guess ol’ Sheik al Marvin could only take four WHACKS in the face with the rake.
It’s so satisfying to see the Sheik chache what he believes are great insults, let him use them repeatedly for weeks without countering him and, then, POW, setting the perfect ambush.
Watching him scurrying around like an al Qeada terrorist stumbling into a claymore ambush is hillarous.
BOOM!! “ahhhhhhhh”
BOOM!! “my face”
BOOM!! “my leeeeeegggsss”
BOOM!! **silence**
Hey, Shiek, do you know the three most important words on a Claymore? “FRONT TOWARD ENEMY” The last words you’ll ever see!!
Too, too funny.
Sheik, thanks for the hearty laughs at your expense you lying sack of shit, American soldier hating, terrorist.
From another thread Pelletizer farted this…
Michelle – “I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don’t belong.”
Pelletizer – “That’s exactly how blacks were treated when I was in college.”
Yep liberal whiteys in a very liberal college treating blacks like shit.
These are the same professors whom today support their bestus buds of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Muslim Brotherhood today as Puddy said above.
Maybe many white libtard college professors are really terraists in waiting?
Thank you, thank you, thank you Pelletizer for admitting white libtards are racists! Damn man you walked right into that one. GBS calls that rake face! How does that rake feel Pelletizer?
Another of the amazing comments by Pelletizer! You are a laugh a day dumb bunny.
Coleman ordered to pay $95,000 to Franken
Money to cover court costs for appeal of Minnesota Senate election results
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Republican Norm Coleman must pay Democrat Al Franken $94,783 to cover court costs for his appeal of Minnesota Senate election results.
What a way to end the day. Bashing the Sheik al Marvin with his own lies in an epic ambush and then Norm Coleman has to pay Al Franken $95,000 bucks because Coleman LOST the election.
God Bless America, the Liberals are winning and the terrorists are on the run.
Gotta go, it’s been a great day here on HA.
Sheik, if I cared I’d give you a band-aid for your wounds, but I don’t.
Better hope you don’t bleed to death.
:) :) :)
Soros an anti-capitalist?
The guy is a fucking billionaire..
What planet do these morons come from?
An anti-semitic maniac at the Holocaust museum.
A fanatic killer who guns down a doctor in his Church.
What’s the connection?
The two nutjobs are ON THE EXTREME RIGHT…
Think of all the right wingers out there who fantasize about doing these things but can’t bring themselves to actually do them.
Obama supporters beat, and attempt to rob transgendered person.
AP: Museum Shooter Has Rightwing Ties
The usual gang of HA troll traitors have spent the afternoon denying the terrorist who attacked the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. today is a rightwinger.
However, a Associated Press report details his ties to rightwing extremists:
“The Rev. David Ostendorf, executive director of Center for a New Community in Chicago, a national civil rights group, said von Brunn has described in his own writings a long relationship with Willis Carto, founder of the Liberty Lobby, the Spotlight Newspaper and a well-known white supremacist and anti-semite.”
Eerily, von Brunn is a frustrated artist wannabe — just like Adolf Hitler. Oh, and he’s a Navy veteran.
We properly pay homage to those who serve in the military. But literally millions of people have served in the U.S. military, and let’s face it, there are rotten apples in every barrel. For example, wingnuts love to assert that members of the military are Republicans, and no doubt some of them are. In organizations as big as the Army, Navy, or Air Force, there are bound to be some misfits. Still, you gotta wonder how someone like von Brunn managed to get a Navy commission.
Sorry to disappoint you, but no, I’m not getting testy.
If you want to call me immature, have fun.
I’m calling you a homophobic bigot. And I have proof. Your own words.
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
Well here’s an asshole, making comments about 14 year old children.
David Letterman – One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez.
Sarah Palin’s Response – “Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands — that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.'”
Yep now where are the National Organ of Wimens?
@99 I read the entire article and didn’t see any mention of “Obama supporters.” These punks sound more like a pack of neo-Nazi skinhead punks. Another rightwing hate crime, I would say.
@102 Gawd, you stodgy conservative types are a boring bunch … no sense of humor at all!
@94 Such bullshit. Off the deep end, Puddy. Again. As usual.
Instead of looking for racism on 1960’s campuses (Were you there? No. Do you know what you’re talking about? No.) why not just look a little further up the thread?
Hey, Puddy, did your friend, soulmate and fellow traveler manoftruth kill somebody today? We haven’t seen him around so I just thought I’d ask. I tried to tell you where the Jew-hate would lead but you just wouldn’t listen.
You want to find the hate? You need look no further than yourself and your wingnut friends. In other words, don’t concern yourself with the speck in a Democrats eye when you have a beam in your own. Oh, I forgot. You wingnut Christians reject Christ’s teachings. My bad.
It happened at Rainier Avenue South and South Mount Baker Boulevard. “The boy later told investigators that his “homies” started “messing with the victim” because they thought the victim was gay, according to the police report.”
“The brutal attack of a transgender person by a group of youths at a bus stop near Franklin High School on Saturday was clearly motivated by hate, Seattle police say.”
Roger, given where this attack occurred, you think they wanted McCain to win?
Hey puddy, here’s a joke for ya:
How can you tell you’re having dinner with a family of Bible Belt Republicans?
Easy. The father keeps yelling at his 12-year-old daughter to stop smoking at the dinner table because it sets a bad example for her kids.
Pelletizer farted:
Who was the CiC when he was commissioned?
Also von Brunn was a member of Mensa. But the HA swineflu libtards complain us whom think right are dummies.
Hey puddy, here’s another joke for ya:
How can you spot a Bible Belt Republican?
Easy. He’s the guy who’s complaining that he’s been married three times and still has the same in-laws.
Just tryin’ to lighten up your day, puddinghead.
@101 “And I have proof”
Proof? Marvin admits that he fucks goats!
A fanatic killer who guns down an Army private having a cigarette in front of a recruiting center.
Four potential fanatic killers try to bomb Jewish synogogues.
Are are from the HATEFUL Leftist Pinheads!
@109 “Who was the CiC when he was commissioned?”
What’s that got to do with anything? Individual Navy commissions don’t come anywhere near the CiC’s desk, dumbshit — he has more important things to do. This guy’s commission was signed by some low-level rightwing freak.
“Also von Brunn was a member of Mensa.”
So is my next door neighbor, and she’s nuts. Von Brunn is nuts, too. In fact, everyone I know that claims to belong to Mensa is nuts. Does this make Mensa an organization for crazies? It would seem so.
@109 (continued) There’s a difference between being intelligent and being smart, puttybutt. The world is full of high-IQ derelicts and misfits. Intelligence is wasted on some people. You’re living proof of that.
@102 “atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others”
Yup, I reckon Sarah Palin knows all about the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by dirty old Republicans.
Proof or another small shitty pellet?
Pelletizer, you lightened my day when you wrote what Puddy included in Post #94. Made my day almost as Lex’s picture of Steve and his goat.
Steve how are those “cunts” working out for you?
@112 There you go again, Puddy, making shit up.
Why are murders motivated out of hate or racism deserving of national attention, and accompanied by outrage, but murders motivated by robbery are barely a blip in the news, and accompanied by silence?
@116 Puddy, the guy joined the Navy during WWII. Get a grip, you fool.
Yes Steve, who was in charge of the Navy war machine back then? You see when Pelletizer makes all things political Puddy researches the historical record and reminds the dumb bunny sum facts. If that gets your “cunts” (Steve’s attack commentary) upset too bad!
@119 Have you ever spent time in Rainier Valley while listening to a police scanner? It’s a kick! Hardly any of the shit that goes down is reported except in the local community rag’s police blotter.
Moron@118 Proof on stuff made up? More dementia from Stupid Solution use!
@121 “cunts”
What the fuck are you going on about now? Got a point to make?
Another proud card caring member of the Republican party just performing their daily duties…GOP = KKK
Prayers to the family of the victim…
103 Roger, I read the article, and I was wondering the same thing….and then it hit me that because of the location, Troll in a great leap of cognition apparently assumed these were “Obama supporters” because of their race…
Like the rest of the right-wing loudmouths across the country, our resident trolls’ impulse control and grasp of reality are becoming ever more tenuous. I’m seeing stuff posted all over the place (including emails from some of my own relatives, who I dearly love in spite of their politics) that’s more apocalyptic in tone with each passing day. This is going to be, to say the least, an interesting summer.
@124: Just responding to your earlier use of the word Steve in an attack against Marvin and goats. Why do you use terms such as this?
@122 I do have a scanner and I know what you mean.
I was pretty surprised I didn’t hear about this crime just a few weeks back, but it happened one year ago. And I only saw it on CNN. Didn’t see a local report on it. A blind woman was repeatedly hit by a man on a Metro bus in Seattle, and it was caught on tape.
Hmm, still no manoftruth. I wonder… Geez, Puddy, you should have denounced him while you had the chance. Now you have to live with it the rest of your pathetic, hate-filled life. Too bad. You had the chance to be a man but couldn’t find the spine.
@127 I’m pretty sure I called that goatfucker a pussy as well. Heh, I suppose you expect me to apologize to all the women of the world. Fuck off, you pussy.
What? No condemnation from Puddy for that pussy Marvin admitting to fucking goats? Hmm, then I take it that you approve. Speaking of apologies, I certainly haven’t heard Marvin apologize to the poor, hapless goat he abused. But I’m sure you’ll demand one of him.
@128 Amazing, isn’t it?
Oh shit…
The holocaust museum shooter turns out to be a bush/mccain neocon hater.
Which puts him on the left side of the political spectrum.
Holocaust Museum shooter von Brunn a 9/11 ‘truther’ who hated ‘neo-cons’, Bush, McCain
The anti-semitism of von Brunn is the first thing one notices when visiting these bizarre websites. However, like those of most “white supremacists”, many of von Brunn’s political views track “Left” rather than “Right.” Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.
For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other “neo-conservatives” in online essays. As even some “progressives” such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, “neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”. As well, even a cursory glance at “white supremacist” writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.
James von Brunn’s advocacy of 9/11 conspiracy theories also gives him an additional commonality with individuals on the far-left.
Of course jon devore won’t add this new information to his post.
Since this is a lefty, the media will be dropping the story and go back to the killing of the abortion doctor.
Let’s see, first we have the right wingnut with a gun killing Tiller, now we have another rightwingnut with a gun shoot up the Holocaust museum.
How did this certifiably crazy, ex-felon ever get a gun? Oh yeah, the second amendment fools who forget about the “well-regulated militia” part…..
Is there a trend here? Are rightwingnuts becoming more violent?
Poor Puddy claims to be a supporter of Israel and Jews, but says nothing against a raving lunatic anti-semite like ManofTruth (woman of falsehood).
GBS: Don’t even bother with Marvin. He is a lying fool who is on here just to stir up trouble.
Mensa: Never joined it, it is full of people who are full of themselves and have nothing else to justify their supposed intellect.
GBS: Clearly, you are an intelligent person of honor.
Marvin is not intelligent and has no honor. Don’t bother with this type of scumbag.
@132: Only an idiot like Stamn would even try to spin this this way.
the fool was so far right he criticized the neocons for supporting Israel. He was a Hayden Lake white supremacist….and you think he was a liberal.
Wow, Stamn sinks even lower on the idiot scale.
What the fuck??
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
You call a homophobic bigot a man of honor?
And you didn’t denounce steve for his “faggot” comments either.
Now I know why. Not only do you not speak out against homophobic bigotry, you consider those that use it honorable. You’re worse than manotruth.
NutsTooTight barfed:
NutsTooTight, there is a threshold which Puddy identified. You know this but you love to act stupid. We whom think right are seeing you are just stupid.
There goes free healthcare, unless the obama is lying again.
“(One) important step we can and must take is restoring the so-called ‘pay-as-you-go’ rule,” the president said. “Today, with the support of these legislators, my administration is submitting to Congress a proposal to codify this rule in law — and I hope that the House and Senate will act quickly to pass it.”
Under PAYGO, “Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere,” said Obama, who noted he supported the concept while a senator from Illinois and during the presidential campaign.
If the congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar, where in the hell is the obama going to save so many dollars to fund his free healthcare.
Isn’t it funny how nutstoosmall wants you to speak out against manocrap yet he won’t speak out about the homophobic bigots steve and gbs.
That make nevercorrectnorright a hypocrite.
He has one standard for righties, and a much much lower standard for his fellow lefties.
@137: Puddy puts up some false threshold and refuses to condemn blatant anti-semitism…
‘Nuff said.
@Idiot 139: already spoke out on that – where have you been?
Oh, yeah, trying to pass out bullshit on the von Brun being a lefty….hahhaha, you are mighty stooopid.
Hree are a few facts about this rightwingnut, in his own biased words from his own hate-filled right wing website:
Seems pretty mainstream rightwingnut to me – somewhere right between Marvin the idiot and Manoftruth.
Speaking of terrorist assholes… bout that geriatric 62 yr old David Letterman saying on his late night “comedy” hack show that Alex Rodriguez impregnated 14 yr old Willow Palin in the dugout on the Palin’s visit to NYC …hmmm I guess that’s better than what daves been up to at home.
I guess this slander can work both ways….
@85 Why do you hate the rich, puddy? Envy?
How come the wackadoodle left nuts are all up in arms about throwing dead fish and the “pain” that fish go through when they get caught – yet they support the murder of unborn children(even ones that are viable outside the womb(late term abortions))…
Fish are apparently more important than children…
– signed, Proud Independent
@141 “I guess this slander can work both ways….”
It sure can, pal. Enjoy.
@143 WTF are you babbling about?
P.S., we already have enough wingnuts posing as “independents,” so drop the charade, will ya? It’s tiresome.
Try keeping up with current events, rabbit
@137 You wouldn’t know “stupid” if it hit you between the eyes. I speak from experience …
@138 “There goes free healthcare”
Don’t worry, you’ll still get your Medicaid coupons.
@ 144 ~ Sounds Good to me. Just don’t whine about what I say claiming “they’re off limits”. The left have made the rules, now they have to live by them.
Somehow, I believe “roger” has stupid down to a science. One only needs to read his posts in here for confirmation.
@146 I’m well versed in current events, thank you very much. Certainly better than you, whoever you are! Fish have nothing to do with anything. The only thing fish are good for is keeping eagles busy so they don’t bother rabbits! The PETA fascists are your buddies, pal, not ours. Like all totalitarian movements, they get their inspiration from the same folks you do.
Yawn … there’s not much action here right now, just a couple of small-fry trolls, so I’m gonna go watch TV for a while. I’m outta here for tonight.
Thats strange, PETA have always been part of the left bloc – you think they voted for McCain? hahah…fool.
…..I didnt realize that being independent made one fascist….but go ahead, keep being that party lemming that you are….
now go back to sleep….
Bunnies certainly can run can’t they?
NutsTooTight: Puddy’s threshold started long ago. Again you are acting stupid. But now we can all see it’s not an act. You are just plain stupid.
When Puddy put forth all of headless’ HA racist mess over the last three plus years for Steve to review, Steve manned up and asked headless to explain itself. Well Steve, headless never did and you never pursued it over the single thread. Then Steve lost his memory. Puddy reminded Steve about headless and then manoftruth got ugly. Puddy said MOT cross a line, but Puddy said when 50%+1 of the HA swineflu weasels stepped up to the plate Puddy would castigate MOT.
Then……………rujax called Juan Williams a “house nigger”. Shocking rujax. Where was NutsTooTight on that one? MIA of course. Also Puddy been keeping count. rujax has NEVER repudiated headless. So his coming out is not shocking to Puddy.
Oh well NutsTooTight, you are just plain stupid, there is no excuse for you anymore.
Moronic Dumb Bunny@142: George Soros is an ASS. For him not to care about his actions in 1944-45 speaks volumes of what this liberal asshole is made of.
Nuff said SUCKA!
Wow Pelletizer@142 has made Puddy laugh twice today. You hit yourself with stupid between the eyes. And it flowed to the whole dumb bunny.
No need to tell us of your experience getting hit between the eyes.
It’s been obvious for a while.
Funny how when you call the left out on their politics of personal destruction, they all head for the exits…or rat holes, which is probably a more apt description of their actions.
I guess the National Organization for Women are too busy being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen to comment on the Palin remark by “funnyman” Dave “Pedo” Letterman.
The usual fuckheads are STILL trying NOT to own this right-wing hate.
The puddybiotch is STILL nevernevernevernverevereverever wrong, just ask him.
Doesn’t he get a “crick” in his ethics whatg with all the contortions and gymnastics he goes through?
you know, its kind of funny that letterman is jewish, because it reminds me of a car commercial about 20 years ago. it might have been for volvo, but anyhow, there’s a guy washing his car in his driveway and he says “this is a great car, i should know, i’ve owned 12 of these”. then the anouncer says, “if the logic of this arguemnet escapes you , buy a volvo.” its the same with me, i keep pointing out jewish injustices and get called antisemtic, but here it is again , david letterman, being almost pornographic about sarah palins teenage daughter, and again, letterman, a jew, is poisoning our culture.
So…the ever stupid and never wromg puuudybiotch is wrong.
Ol’Rujax NEVER refered to Faux News’ Juan Williams as their “house n****r”. The fucking truth twister and well known right wing asswipe known as the puddybiotch, who is STILL nevernevernevernverevereverever wrong, just ask him….is truly (according to him) never wtong…ESPECIALLY when he’s wrong…like now.
So his lying has reached the point of being pathological. Yawn…what else is new.
…run away, puddybiotch…run away…
can’t the excreble and oxymoronic…shit he’s just plain moronic “man of truth” be indicted too???
That article you linked to is one of the bigger piles of crap I’ve seen in a while.
Truthers come from the left, right and center. There’s also plenty of folks on the right and far-right that weren’t too thrilled with the neo-cons.
It’s early in this, maybe we should wait a couple of days before making up our minds about where this guy tracks. But, he sure looks far-right to me. Time will tell.
Just because a fetus is X number of months along doesn’t mean it’s viable outside of the womb.
If we are seeing a high percentage of late-term abortions being done on healthy, viable fetus’s than maybe we need to change the regulations around that.
Universal health care ≠ free health care.
77. Rujax! spews:
Juan Williams is the Faux News “House Negro”
Considering you see black people as “house negros” and “field negros” what you said is racist.
Sorry you don’t get it.
Hey I know, IF you have any black friends, call them “house negro” to their face and tell us how that worked out for you.
re; 168…”the marvin” should fucking talk.
Oh…and the disparaging comment about Juan Williams, who is a sell-out of the highest order is calculated AND accurate.
You, stamn and your ilk are fucking reprehensible assholes. That applies to the puddybuddy, mr. cynical, troll and the rest of the Bush-boot-licking fakey libertarian me-first conservative religionist shitheads.
Damn fucking straight I’m bitter. Damn fucking straight I’m angry. After what your shitty anti-goenment governmental philosophy has done to this country, this environment and this world…who the fuck, save moronic puerile dopes like you, WOULD NOT feel that way.
For gawd’s sake man, have you no decency or common fucking sense.
Your idiots deserve nothing more than mocking. Your ideas are vapid and thoroughly discredited because THEY DID NOT WORK.
So get all fakey-indignant as you want, and try to make yourself feel better, thinking you did not personally have a hand in all the right-wing hate and violence that is cast about by your seed in this land. Just go right on fucking ahead you deluded cretin.
And ONE MORE TIME, the grown-up party has to clean up YOUR mess.
Fucking assholes.
Oh! And stamn…you’re a asslicking fucking cracker!
Feel better?
Oh! And stamn…should I ever have an opportunity to talk to Mr. Williams, I would have no qualms about asking him why he allows himself to be used as Rupert Murdoch and Fox News’ “House Negro”…and yes, I would use exactly that phrase. I heard Mr. Williams drift to the right and essentially “audition” for his current position when he hosted a mid-day show on NPR. He was terrible. He’s in it for the money, and doesn’t care about what stupidity comes out of hius mouth as long as he gets paid. Ergo…a sellout.
So again I say, sir…FUCK YOU.
As said by someone that refers to blacks as “house negros.”
And your racism never ends.
Why do you believe ALL blacks should think/behave/vote the same.
Why do you believe “negros” that are off the democrat plantation are sell-outs?
Sucks for you doesn’t it. What are you going to do about it besides sit on a computer whining like a 3 year old that isn’t getting his way.
You are free to stop using petroleum products. You are free to stop polluting. Why don’t you. Just imagine if all the people that share your views stop polluting the problem would go away. Of course, you can continue to pollute and blame others, that’s your M.O.
The person asking me if I have any decency is calling blacks that he doesn’t agree with “house negros.” Why won’;t you allow blacks to have opinions that you don’t share.
Using your kooky logic, since schools aren’t educating blacks, isn’t it time we change the system? You are in favor of black children getting the same educational opportunities as whites don’t you? I mean, even those “house negros” you don’t agree with still deserve an education don’t they?
I personally had a hand in??
I’d ask you to prove your words but we both know you can’t.
You admitted you are bitter. Someone with an IQ a little higher than yours would understand your bitterness is clouding your view of life. I would suggest you get some professional help to get over your bitterness, except I would rather you live a bitter hateful unfulfilling life. I’m not bitter for wanting you to continue struggling with life, I feel it will be a good life lesson for you.
Really? The party of “grown-ups” calls blacks “house negros” as an insult and others they don’t agree with “fucking assholes.” Yup, that’s adult to you. Priceless.
Stay bitter little rujax. Its working for you.
Rujax is clearly an ignoramus and a racist…which means he’s exactly in the right political party.
Yes and no.
As a troll, hell yes I’m happy you have exposed yourself as a racist. Only a racist would use “house negro” as an insult.
As myself in real life, I’m saddened that in 2009 there are still racists like you. It’s a little depressing that you feel safe enough on this blog to express your feelings without fear.
Can you imagine what rujax teaches his son? Pablum. Insipid hatred. Who he thinks is a house vs field negro. How does he know what’s the truth? What a scary thought.
Get real.
We both know you wouldn’t have the courage to call a black man to his face “house negro.”
Why do you feel that ALL blacks should have the same opinion?
Like you said…
Damn fucking straight I’m bitter. Damn fucking straight I’m angry.
Since I hate racists, that means I hate you. Keep up your bitter angry hate, I’m enjoying the effects it’s having on your emotional and physical health.
Hmmm… Me thinks it is the right wing that never accepts responsibility for the results of their incessant hate mongering…..
This story out of Tennessee from last year continues to haunt.
As to the claim, made repeatedly in this thread, that all the racists are members of the Democratic party… When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, all the racists LEFT the Democratic party. LBJ at the time said something to the effect of ‘by signing this I am destroying the Democratic party’s chances for victory for a generation.’ Which was about right, although, sadly, their are still too many Republican racists going to the polls…
That’s the worse thing about racists and homophobic bigots, they teach their children their hatred. That guarantees another generation of racist bigots.
The question I would like rujax to answer is did he learn that being a racist was okay from his parents or did he make the choice as an “adult.” Either way is unacceptable. If it was taught to him by his parents, he might be clueless that he’s a racist. He could still get help and learn better life techniques to overcome his racism. If it was his choice as an adult, there is no hope for him to change. So, rujax has no hope and no change.
Got a rise out of you hate-filled bastards…yayy!
Glad I gave you all something to do!!!
Geee…I wonder if “the marvin” has fucked any good goats lately…looks like he needs some release for his fevered little self.
It seems the Von Brunn guy may be more liberal than the HA swineflu weasels want to admit. He wanted to kill neocons, that’s right people whom think right…
Weekly Standard may have been shooter target
As one poster wrote below…”Why would a white supremacist automatically be categorized as a “right-wing extremist”? This may be a stereotype or a caricature by leftists, but should not be an assumption by the media. Hating “Bush”, “McCain”, “Neocons”, Christians”, “Capitalists”, etc. hardly sounds like a right-wing extremist to me.”
rujax, you didn’t get a rise outta Puddy. Nuthin you say or do surprises Puddy anymore fool.
Goldy, glad he’s one of your fools!!!!!!
Yeah, racists always do get me pissed.
Must be a proud day in your house.
To understand that the two most recent acts of terrorism in America are not just random acts of lone nut cases, one need just read the writings of average conservatives. For instance, look at this recent post from Federal Way Conservative on the two Americans recently sentenced in North Korea:
Because, of course, rounding up millions and executing them in the streets is really the only logical and just response to an act of injustice. No wonder conservatives like killing people. Don’t expect Federal Way Conservative to dirty his hands with all this retribution stuff, however. He has already appointed his South Korean proxies to do the job for him, because, well, they know the lingo there and, uh, you know, it would be better if he stayed stateside:
the puddybiotch…such a little prick, such a big asshole.
The White House has refused a request from Sen. Chuck Grassley for all the exemptions it’s granted to President Barack Obama’s ethics policy.
So much for an administration that promised to be open, transparent and accountable.
Hey worf@184, while Puddy doesn’t support those comments where is Al Gorebasm? He hired these two ladies and what is Al Gorebasm doing to free them?
Wow rujax such a blistering attack. OUCH! What a nutcase.
Hey who hates neocons?
Chris Matthews – he blamed it on Limbaugh
James von Brunn – he hates neocons too.
Crazed Conspiracy Nut Hated Blacks, Jews, Chistians, Bush, McCain, and “Neocons”
Sounds like the same definition from Pelletizer above.
But the coup de grace was — James Von Brunn was a 9/11 “truther”. OMG – He has real friends on HA with Goldy’s swineflu weasels.
Al Gore is collaborating with U.N. Secretary General and former South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Ban Ki-Moon and working with the Obama administration on clearance to go to Pyongyang to negotiate directly with the North Koreans.
There is this thing called “google”. It’s pretty nifty – you should try it sometime.
Now, unlike the conservative crowd, I have a job to go to.
…run little puddy, run…
Sorry worf, it’s still”Now Al Gore may be asked to embark on another perilous mission.” Why doesn’t he just publicly state “I’m going to get them out”?
And the best link is Fox News… Oh the joy!
moronic idiot@191 That’s the best you got fool?
rujax, you one of them 9/11 truthers too?
Hey worf did you get that from Daily Kos?
“Gore’s recent collaboration with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon who is the former South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs”
Of course, If he had better he would have already shown it.
When the racist rujax says “…run little puddy, run…,” do you think he says it because he thinks all blacks are fast runners like the kenyans? rujax has already proven he thinks all blacks should be the same.
Maybe he, like steve and lee, wanted to mimic my “jump steve, jump” but wasn’t smart enough to figure it out?
Maybe the racist rujax doesn’t like having black people so close and wants you to run away from him.
You clowns really HAVE to be proud of yourrselves now:
Stupes – you misrepresented what Rujax said.
How can a liar like you look yourself in the mirror?
Easy. Your image is one of the pantheon of gods you worship. Money being the other big one.
@195 “Maybe he, like steve and lee, wanted to mimic my “jump steve, jump” ”
You never did recover from that breakdown last November, did you?
Marvin, HA’s psychopathic goatfucker.
Jump, Marvin, jump!!
YLB-Stupes is “never wrong”, remember? Just ask him.
Wow Marvin, the three swineflu weasel stooges are here altogether now!
rujax, clueless wonder, and steve
Wow Marvin, the three swineflu weasel stooges are here altogether now!
rujax, clueless wonder, and steve
Thanks clueless wonder.
So you are microscopically hung, sloth-like and ugly! You are jealous so you continually bring this up.
@197 MWS. Hmmm. Good grief, YLB, is that a link to Puddy conversing with his sockpuppet MWS about Puddy’s wife’s pussy and his “Thank you Jesus” dick???
Interesting, though, Puddy wrote in the first person back then. Did he start this strange third person posting when he was outed as a sockpuppeteer?
I tell you what, this is some very, very strange shit.
(from http://www.talkingpointsmemo.c.....?ref=fpblg)
SHIT…maybe the excreble “man of truth” is an accomplice after all…sounds just like him…
Oh good, Puddy’s here. Maybe he’ll take a moment to explain to us just what the fuck is wrong with him??
Have fun boys…gotta go to work.
Golly Steve you are stupid.
After you tell us steve why you like to fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
Good try at deflection clueless wonder. When he can’t win the debate clueless wonder resorts to the silly attacks.
206 – Moron you changed Rujax’s words. Why?
Maybe you thought that would turn some of us against him?
And I simply asked how you could lie about what others have said and respect yourself?
Maybe you made a mistake. But that’d be admitting the “bubble memory” is not too good and is a little cloudy with brain farts.
And it doesn’t speak too well to “thinking on our butts” like you bragged – TO MWS!!!
LMAO!! Such a joke!
Now clueless wonder gonna go saintly on Puddy when Puddy is accused of everything in the book all the time? Where was your voice when NutsTooTight accused me last night of something Puddy never said? Where was your voice when Pelletizer accused me yesterday of something Puddy never said?
So you write blog entries standing up fool? Most are sitting on their butts but you are clueless as always, moronic everyday!
All this from the moron who said at November 10, 2006 10:00 AM, “My work is done I’m leaving”, only to come back as a hateful name morphing moby troll at 5:07 PM as a worse person.
Talk to the hand fool!
208 – Like you don’t deserve to have the book thrown at you?
Keep up the great work fool. You’re just too damn entertaining.
clueless wonder, you guys try to throw everything at us whom think right. 90% of the time our teflon works wonderfully. Just this thread alone from Jon proves it. Now it seems the von Brunn kook is more hateful of righties than lefties looks like Jon has stepped in it again.
So if MWS is Puddy, then what does this MWS comment from YLB’s link add up to?
It adds up to Puddy being stranger than I ever imagined. You’re Mr. Klynical??? You’re Janet S??
Puddy, you are definitely one very strange motherfucker.
After you tell us steve why you like to fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
@212 You can talk to Marvin about his admitted goatfucking all you want. Or would you be talking to yourself again?
No Steve this is about you. Tell us steve why you like to fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
Steve @ 211
Notice how MWS deflects by explaining all the work he would have to do to keep the name-calling straight. He says that would be tough “even for a conservative”. Of course MWS and Stupes are one and the same, they’ve been doing just that implying they’re some kind of “super-conservative”!
It’s a fact that Stupes keeps freaking LISTS of commenters here and tracks who and who hasn’t denounced Headless Lucy! What other lists does this guy keep?
Of course like a FIEND he brags about it!
I mean this guy is freaking whacked!
What breakdown.
True, I was offended by your homophobic bigotry but that doesn’t mean I had a breakdown.
No, Puddy. This is all about you. The behavior you’re displaying here can now be viewed as being deeply disturbed. Haven’t you any clue as to how fucked up this shit of yours is that’s being played out here?
At least now it’s a fair fight.
When I was outing steve as a homophobic bigot it was too easy.
When you outed little rujax as a racist you made it look easy.
Now that the three of them are together maybe they can not allow themselves to be outed so easily.
@216 If you can talk to yourself, then I’m pretty sure you can also go fuck yourself, Marvin, Puddy, or whoever the fuck you are.
The good news, Marvin, Puddy, or whoever, is that goatfucking would now appear to be the least of your problems.
Steve, This is about you and your luv for horny animals that go baaaaaaah. Lex posted you in action with your goat. Too Damn Funny.
Puddy doesn’t ascribe to bestiality. EVER fool! Puddy loves his woman. Puddy shouts it from the hilltops. That’s what bothers clueless wonder. Either he’s still living in momma’s basement with daily visits from Rosy Palm or his “SEIU wife” ain’t taking care of bidness. That’s why he continues to post that 2006 link. He’s gotta be jealous.
Only you think that’s “deeply disturbed” for Puddy to love his woman. But as a lefty you think anything besides normal heterosexual unions and relationships are “deeply disturbing”.
That’s your forte, bestiality. So again Puddy asks for you to tell us steve why you like to fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
Hey Steve, there he goes again about my wife.
Remember the time he told me “you’re in your SEIU corner now”.
That was some weird shit!
Some of that twisted right wing paranoia about unions mixed with strange fantasies about another man’s woman.
The worst thing I ever said about his wife was kidding about her coming after Stupes with a rolling pin for hanging out with us “sickos” (her word for us).
This is just too much fun!
Of course the obama does what his jew owners tell him to do.
Even the reverend jeremiah wright admitted it, and on the same day as the holocaust museum shooting no less.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Says Jews Are Preventing Obama From Talking to Him
And the Jewish vote, the AIPAC vote that’s controlling him
Does that make the reverend a right-wing wacko?
Any clue why the obama would sit in a church for 20 years listening to the same kind of anti-jewish rhetoric?
And so does the reverend that the obama sat and listened to for 20 years. Go figure.
LMAO @ 220!
Notice how the fool is deflecting from his over the top narcissism…
I wonder if steve can be around black goats 24/7.
Obviously headless has a “white goat only” sign on his bedroom door.
clueless wonder you continue to bring up the link. Strange fantasies over whom fool? Me dream over your wife or is it you dreaming over mine? You continue to refer to the link moron. You continue to be jealous so you relink the link over and over. Why is that clueless wonder? Puddy can go back and relive the past too but Puddy looks forward while you continue to look backward. Why is that clueless wonder? Why do lefties have delusions grandeur over heterosexual relationships? You are in your SEIU corner along with your ACORN buds. Are you too clueless to understand the implications? So you forget how the SEIU squandered tens of millions in dues monies on the Prop campaigns last year? Why is that clueless wonder? That’s why you are clueless clueless wonder. Puddy ties it all together while you trip over your shoe laces.
What a tool.
Brain fart time!!!
Ever see Obama’s Chief of Staff?
Wow what an anti-semite!
clueless wonder – Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
@220 “Lex posted”
Lordy, you’re fucked up. Just how many sockpuppets do you have?
@223 When he’s cornered, he simply plunges further off the deep end. A troll babbling on and on about goats. Too fucking much. That link you put up seals the deal. Puddy, Marvin, whoever he is, is a true freakazoid.
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
Did your parents live on welfare their whole lives too?
Is that where you learned to be such a lying hypocrite?
Are your “kids” living off gummint welfare, like their daddy? BTW, do you know how many “kids” you fathered?
“Kids,” of course, being the term for young goats. And since it’s a well-know fact you’re a serial goat fucker . . . well, one can only assume you have untold “kids” running all over So Cal who don’t even know who the fuck you are.
Only that their daddy is a lying, LOOOOOOOOOOSER.
Watch out! I spy with my little eye another RAKE!
Is that your explanation for why the obama sat in a church listening to a man that sounds exactly like the holocaust museum shooter for 20 years?
If that’s the best you got.
I did notice you didn’t even mention the reverend and his anti-jew hate speech. Is that because he’s a democrat and you’re not allowed to speak bad of a fellow jew hating democrat or because as a white liberal you are not allowed to say anything bad about democrat blacks.
We all see that little rujax has no problem with name calling for those blacks off the plantation.
225 – Stupes, you told me one time you’re better than me.
I challenge you to show where I’ve circle-jerked my own sockpuppet.
Yes, fantasies about MY WIFE. You mention her way more than I’ve kidded you about your wife.
ACORN? I’ve never met anyone from ACORN.
SEIU? Yeah I support most of what they do. And guess what? They allow their members to opt out of their political giving.
Do you support everything Republicans do with your political contributions? Hasn’t been working to well lately has it?
Pretty strange thing to say when you’re debating Bush administration policy in Africa.
@227 “Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mr. Klynical was diagnosed by me a couple months ago. Big time NPD – everybody agreed. Seeing as he’s your sockpuppet, that means you. Christ, you’re really fucked up, man. And you don’t even know it, do you?
Oh, and come up with your own material.
Steve, you are delusional. Lex ain’t Puddy. But Puddy did like the goat picture. It really hit home Puddy sees.
clueless wonder Bush policy in Africa included his AIDS policy. He spent so much on AIDs that even his biggest hater Randall Robinson applauded him fool.
That’s another reason you are clueless clueless wonder!
@229 If you were to call him “Mr. RAKE-FACE”, we’d all know who you’re talking about – just like when someone says, “that goatfucker”. Yup, that’s Marvin.
clueless wonder Puddy has no fantasies over your “wife”. HA peeps have met my wife so she’s real. Has anyone met yours? How can we know she’s real? I bring up SEIU and it’s wasting of union dues on losing CA Prop campaigns. You mentioned she belongs to the SEIU. Who knew?
You continue to bring up the 2006 link about MY WIFE so who has the wife fetish fool? You do you dope!
235 – You do that all the time. You say I’m wrong because someone else said something.
First you’re raising a strawman and then knocking it down with an appeal to authority.
Fucking braindead is what you are.
Bush met with over 30 heads of state from Africa and you think he did that just to show what a compassionate conservative he was?
Exactly. And like I ordered you before, keep paying your taxes.
Why? It’s more fun living off of your money. There’s a sucker born every minute, and that sucker is paying taxes for my benefit. Thanks gbs.
Not their whole life. They started around 18 when they figured out that there is a segment of society that will work hard and earn money so they coud live off of it. My parents thank you for working hard, how else could they have put so much $$ and property into my trust. Thanks again gbs.
That I actually learned on this blog. Once again, thanks gbs.
No idea how many kids. I hope they are all living off of your tax dollars. Thanks gbs for supporting my kids.
I know you were trying to insult me, is that the best you got?
Have you told your wife yet that you spend your time fantasizing over my dick?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a grown man thinking about my dick. It sure is strange. Especially with you being a homophobic bigot and all.
Remember, I am ORDERING you to keep paying your taxes. My section 8 housing doesn’t have a view of the ocean. Would you mind taking a second job at burger king or something so I won’t have to wait as long?? Thanks.
Only once?
That was damn nice of Puddy not to rub it in.
237 – Why are you always bringing her up? Yep she’s real enough along with the two kids I’ve brought into the world with her.
and Again you deflect. The 2006 link is about YOU and your batshit crazy antics. It has nothing to do with your wife, at least my reference of it anyway.
clueless wonder you brought up Africa after your ASS was kicked over how often you bring up the same link over and over when you are down on your debate skillz. Puddy just responded with the facts fool.
clueless wonder you got fixated over Bush military maneuvers because he was checking the Chinese. He was making sure US Oil interests were being enforced. Puddy reminded you that Bush also was checking the AIDs epidemic. Go back and review the record fool. Puddy also reminded you of TransAfrica and Randall Robinson. Puddy can’t help it for you are not only a very hateful name morphing moby troll and you have no memory. Puddy can’t help it you are continually clueless. Puddy can’t help it you are a moron.
There you go again clueless wonder in #241. You try to change the subject. You told us “she” belongs to the SEIU. Puddy had no clue on that. You are really jealous of my being proud of my wife, so you continually bring up that link. Not my problem you live in the past. Puddy introduced her to HA peeps because Puddy is proud of her fool. We have no proof of your “wife” fool!
@234 “It really hit home Puddy sees.”
What’s hitting home is just how fucked up you really are, Puddy. Let’s see, some Puddy psycho-sockpuppet posts a photo of a white guy and a goat and claims it’s me. Heh, it strikes me that you’re not even a black man, Puddy, and that’s a pic of you and your real wife. Puddy – phony sounding ebonics and a blackness gleaned from watching old Fred Williamson blaxploitation flicks. Hows that hit home?
Steve, Lex isn’t my sock puppet. Ask Dr Darryl he’s the HA policeman. Puddy posts as Puddy.
Blaxploitation films? Fool Puddy from Philly. What a tard.
But Steve and animal sex, that’s your forte, bestiality. So again Puddy asks for you to tell us steve why you like to fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
I played along with the gbs and said I was on welfare.
So what does he assume?
gbs the racist assumes I’m black. In the mind of gbs, only blacks are on welfare.
So far, gbs has proven himslef to be both a homophobic bigot and a racist.
That was a nice rake job you did to yourself gbs.
242 – How we’ve changed history. I posited that Bush’s policy was highly tied to oil and other resource interests and you went nuts.
Face it your chimp was such a total failure that any good he did will be completely tarnished by all the harm he did.
Obama, despite his fine line walking, is complete breath of fresh air.
There clueless wonder goes again, changing the subject. Why do you do that clueless wonder? You get your ASS kicked and you change the subject.
And here you go again.
Nope, the subject has always been your behavior here.
Yep, in a discussion about State employees, unions, and contract negotiations.
No. I feel sorry for her actually that her husband acts like such a fool here.
Nope that’s a lie. I bring it up to show you circle jerking with your sockpuppet. To show how nuts you are. Why are you lying? Answer: to deflect from the truth.
I don’t. I post the link to show the truth – ABOUT YOU. It’s your legacy here and you’re STUCK WITH IT.
I got no problem with that. Everyone should be proud of their spouse. I’m proud of mine.
If proof means being in the same room with you then you’re just going to have to take my word for it. Believe any damn fool thing you want. Your head is full of crap as it is. One more dumbass notion won’t hurt I guess.
Nothing you do here is going to stop me from bringing her up if it’s relevant to the discussion and that won’t be very often. You on the other hand seem fixated. Be that way. I don’t care.
Well it was nicer than the time he asked me if my daughter was turning tricks yet.
Now that was some twisted shit.
Shall I post a link to that?
@249 “You on the other hand seem fixated.”
His problems run a lot deeper than that.
That’s david letterman style humor. Don’t you get the joke?
If letterman’s joke about a 14 year old getting knocked up by a-rod isn’t considered offensive by people on the left, why are you complaining.
But that wasn’t nice. You deserve the insults for being so damn clueless, your daughter should be off limits.
Marvin, clueless wonder didn’t add the context. clueless wonder you should remind everyone of the discussion. clueless wonder said he’s for abortion. Soooooooooooooooo, Puddy asked clueless wonder if his daughter when she got older turned tricks, came home and told clueless wonder she was gonna get an abortion would he be for it or against it since that would be his first grandchild? We still don’t know if he be for it or agin it.
That’s out of bounds from anyone. If Letterman doesn’t clean up his act, he’ll be out of a damn good paying job. I don’t watch his show very often anyway and only for a musical guest of interest. I enjoyed Leno’s show a lot more.
Stupes saying he was better than me? What kind of a damn fool does dumbass things like brag about his dick size to his sockpuppet and then claim he’s better than ANYONE?
Who the fuck is he trying to fool?
254 – Notice there’s no links.
Shall I provide some?
So you didn’t insult her, you asked a rhetorical question.
Is that true ylb?
I’ll take you up on your offer to post a link.
clueless wonder has any HA swineflu weasel seen your “wife”? Has she identified to anyone as being married to you? Where’s da proof? And when Puddy didn’t know your “wife” was a card carrying member of the SEIU how is that typical? Did Dr Darryl know? He told me he met you once? Did you tell Dr Darryl? Who else knew? What a fool!
You continually bring up the link moron. You make it the subject of my “behaviour” here. You behaviour is beyond the pale so there is no need to discuss you. You live on Kos warm sticky man made juice every morning. Puddy challenged you and you failed. Puddy stayed off Free Republic over 90 days. EPIC FAIL fool!
Puddy left the Dummocraptic reservation. Puddy is a proud black man who takes no prisoners with swineflu weasel libtards such as you. You can’t live without using that link at least once a month. Why is that clueless wonder? Puddy focused on my love of my wife. Steve immediately focused on it in #202 moron. So how is it a lie when another HA swineflu weasel zeroed right in on it? What a fool!
Out of a job for insulting conservatives? Don’t you live in the united states? Have you ever watched tv, the movies, cnn/msnbc/abc/cbs/nbc? Remember how miss kalifornia was attacked for having the same opinion as the obama?
Well, facts are facts. I was saying it wasn’t nice to drag your underage daughter into it. Although, once you post the links and I read the context I might not see it as an insult.
Since his dick is bigger than yours and he’s better than you is that really considered bragging? If Kobe Bryant told me he was a better baller than I, would that be bragging or stating facts?
@254 “We still don’t know if he be for it or agin it.”
But we do know that Puddy unnecessarily introduced the idea of YLB’s kid turning tricks. I take it then that you’re good with Letterman joking about A-Rod knocking up the 14 year-old Palin kid. Oh wait, the right is becoming unglued over Letterman. Will Puddy become unglued over his own comments? Unlikely, as Puddy has no moral compass.
To his sockpuppet?
Note: I need a reminder as to whom I’m dealing with here!
@259 “Since his dick is bigger”
Too much. Marvin loves Puddy’s dick and wants to tell everybody how big it is.
I’ll let you be the judge.
The word “abortion” appears only once in that thread in a quote about the nature of fascism.
The discussion around Stupes’ mean-spirited jibe was spiraling around the true identity of the sock-puppet MWS and Mark Foley.
So Stupes is lying – again. I think at the time he was pissed that I tripped up his lying sockpuppet.
258 – Too funny. Deflect, deflect, deflect.
No mention about bragging to his sock puppet.
Steve, got the popcorn out?
Ehhhh.. Too much fun. My kid’s got a ball game tonight. Gottta go.
Been fun..
Ok Stupes you keep mentioning your wife. I don’t care about her. She’s your business. Here:
THAT is all about YOU. YOU bragging about your PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES to YOUR SOCKPUPPET.
You can stop mentioning your wife now.
It’s about YOU. Not her. YOU!
THAT is why I post the link.
clueless wonder… that’s wrong thread and you know it. Put up the earlier thread fool where I wrote the whole scenario. Why do you show something totally out of the realm of discussion clueless wonder? You have the other thread saved so show it fool!
266 – Got your panties in a bunch didn’t I.
You asked the question in that thread and there was no abortion discussion that I could see.
Hey maybe there was another thread. I don’t remember. That’s the one that comes up in my google searches. That’s the one that sticks out in my memory.
I know in another thread you insulted the virtue of my daughter with a fantasy about her coming home after having sex with her boyfriend and not wanting to listen to me anymore because it felt so good. I’m scratching my head right now. What sick place did that come from?
Bottom line: if a girl gets in trouble through rape, incest or just plain makes a mistake she needs options. Too many women went to the back alley and too many suffered and died because morons like you can’t think out of the box. And doctors of conscience like Tiller who dealt with too many patients who were butchered dedicated their lives to giving women SAFE options.
And they were killed for their convictions by idiots.
You show that thread if it exists. Do it for Marvin’s sake.
Good try @265 fool. Your buddy steve focused on it in #202. And he’s a tard like you clueless wonder, so your reason is lost in the sauce fool!
Keep dope alive.
My panties in a wad. Hardly fool. You chose not to post the real link where Puddy creates the scenario. You posted it before. You are bankrupt in thought deed action and word
Why is that clueless wonder? You afraid the peeps will see the abortion connection and how you vacillate when it’s your daughter? Why do you now hide it?
You don’t remember? You posted the thread before liar! Why are you lying again?
Puddy stands by the scenario. You vacillated when confronted with abortion in your own family. You are a dysfunctional individual dude. You claim to be conservative at home but a flaming libtard weasel on this blog. That is truly a dysfunctional mind.
269 – Post it fool! No one’s stopping you!
Are you afraid you’ll just look like the FIEND you truly are?
clueless wonder, Puddy didn’t save it. Why? It stands alone. You are bankrupt in your thoughts. Conservative at home and a flaming libtard weasel on HA.
See clueless wonder here is your brother stillbentover attacking me about turning tricks…
Thin skinned as always!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh shit.. “Conservative” at home.
I practice common sense MORON!
Torture isn’t common sense… Wars of choice isn’t common sense.. Women in shackles isn’t common sense… Men over a barrel isn’t common sense… Tax cuts for the rich and pissing away money like there’s no tomorrow isn’t common sense..
You’re a total failure here FIEND..
But keep doing the same thing expecting different results. It’s too entertaining for a lot of us!
Who is talking about torture fool? There you go again? We’re talking about abortion and how you are a flaming libtard weasel on HA while a conservative at home.
What common sense? You don’t have a lick of common sense. People act at home as they act in public. You are confused. You are bankrupt in thought deed action and word.
You’re so delusional it’s too sad.
You fall back on your silly canards and the rest all flies right over your crap-head.
Silly canards? Here are today’s canards from this thread alone:
Let’s see clueless wonder brings up torture, wars, tricks, women in shackles, Africa, money worship in this thread when the topic is terraism.
You continually try to see what sticks. Well from your fingers its always what stinks fool!
@274 That link you posted proves that Puddy is batshit-crazy. The rest of this thread is simply evidence of just how more batshit-crazy he has become since that 2006 comment. Since then, of course, everything Puddy ever believed in turned to complete shit before his very eyes. As a result he’s reduced to babbling on these threads like some street-corner lunatic.
Hmm, I may have just insulted street-corner loons by comparing them to the batshit-crazy Puddy.
Steve, Puddy batshit crazy?
Batshit crazy people are like you who fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?
Oh what did Juan Williams have to do with terraism in 156?
Fiend, you are fooling no one.
Easy fool@278, Puddy was responding to the racism attack @141. Can you follow a thread fool?
@245 “Steve, Lex isn’t my sock puppet.”
My bad. Darryl outed Lex as being RickyD on the other thread. So I take it that’s a pic of RickyD and his little goat. It looks like we can chalk RickyD up as being yet another crazed wingnut goatfucker.
Wingnuts, goats and sockpuppets. You fuckers are such obvious batshit-crazy loons. Well, obvious to everyone but yourselves.
You run on and on about goats, Puddy. Well, as you can see, one of your sockpuppets, Marvin, admitted to fucking goats. Isn’t it about time the sockpuppeteer fessed up as well?
@277 “fuck goats 24×7. Any questions?”
Yeah. Do you batshit-crazy loons ever give that poor goat some time off?
Steve, as stupid as ever. Keep accusing Puddy of having sock puppets when all know it’s stillbentover sock puppetry Puddy.
Yes, Steve why are you still doing goats 24×7?
@282, 283 You dig that hole deeper and deeper with each comment. YLB nailed you. Your sockpuppetry is exposed for all to see. As is your hatred of anything good and decent. Also exposed is your hatred of our nation.
As you admitted back in 2006 that you and Mr. Klynical are one and the same, I reckon you’ll be pleased to know that our president is at +7 in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll Presidential Approval Index, an increase of over 600% in the last week! This sucks for you, I know, but maybe a dose of reality now and then will help snap you out of your delirious state before you crack and start killing innocent people as your fellow travelers have done recently.
Speaking of terrorist assholes. Obama’s long time pastor had some words for the Jewish community that were revealed today.
20 years in the pews, you can’t tell me that Barack Obama doesn’t feel the same way. Just like no one sits through Klan meetings and then claims they thought it was a J.C. Penney white sale going on.
@285 “Just like no one sits through Klan meetings and then claims they thought it was a J.C. Penney white sale going on.”
Reads like the voice of experience, RickyD.
Steve, clueless wonder didn’t nail me. You are so moronic to think it. MWS was identified by Goldy. Goldy was yelled at by both sides. Darryl still does it now for us whom think right but dares not identify you fools on the left.
The comment about turning tricks was about clueless wonder’s support of abortion except when his daughter would approach him wanting one. That was the full comment. clueless wonder has posted it before but he won’t now because he’ll be exposed for the fool he is.
This post is a joke.
Damn steve, are you seeing sockpuppets behind every tree again.
Get back on your meds.
I’m sure if you were still on your meds not only would you not be still so obsessed with goats but you could have prevented yourself from proving you’re a homophobic bigot.
@287 Was the “Mike Webb” screen name some gay-hate thing? That’d be funny in a sad and unfortunate way, considering the rant your sockpuppet Marvin has been on of late.
In that 2006 comment you admitted that you were Mr. Cynical. I tell you what, that one surprised me. Why on earth do you continue to sockpuppet under that screen name? On one level it doesn’t make sense, but I have to admit that you had me going there. I had no suspicions of that one. And I’ve got to ask, are you really black? Go ahead and tell the truth. I bought into that one too. I really believed you.
You’ll have to excuse my friend Marvin. You see, too much goatfucking has dumbed him down.
This FIEND is so fucked up!
How fucked up is he?
Just a little ways back he claimed my wife is made up. Not real. (Which is crap of course.)
So then how can I have a daughter?
Anywho.. I don’t remember that thread. Really I don’t. Show me where I referred to it. Post the link.
One might conclude this is yet another LIE to deflect from your miserable record here.
Stupes is NOT Klynical – that would have been outed long, long ago if that were true.
In that 2006 post, he was ridiculing a time honored sport here in the comment threads – figuring out sock puppets. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes not.
If you look at the surrounding context, Stupes was desperately trying to deflect from me nailing MWS. DESPERATELY! It makes me laugh to this day to see it.
The Mike Webb thing might have been a reaction to progressive talk radio hosts or Goldy getting his own show on KIRO. I wouldn’t be surprised if Stupes called into Mike’s show once or twice and got cut off. IIRC, Stupes is acquainted with local wingnut talker John Carlson.
Mike Webb was merciless with wingnuts who called in to yell at him.
Stupes to the best of my knowledge is African American, friendly and well acquainted with fellow liberal commenter GBS and has met Goldy, Darryl and Lee in person at more than one DL.
Steve this is also TOO FUNNY.
Stupes keeps condemning me for “looking backwards”.. Again this is just more deflection.
He so forgets an old chestnut, something right wingers love to trot out: “you reap what you sow”. His nasty comments are here for us to use against him. Be careful of what you say Stupes – it might come back on you.
Reminds me of Samuel Jackson in the movie “Jumper”:
Yup. I’m one of Puddy’s sockpuppets.
Damn steve, you are just so smart to figure it out.
The funniest thing is the idiot trolls trying to claim that von Brun is a “liberal”.
What a bunch of crock!
von Brun is a right wing hater. He hates Jews and blacks. He hates Obama. He is in synch with Man of Truth – the guy Puddy welcomes into his “republican” tent of racist fools.
As far as the idiot Stamn is concerned – that fool is too stoopid to even realize what a laughingstock he is.
I can’t wait for Puddy to come up with more excuses for his racist buddies. Yup, Puddy has some stupid artificial line that he created out of nowhere that allows him to be a hpocrite and never condemn anyone on the right for racism. Not Limbaugh, not Macaca, not von brun, not man of truth…yes, that is the extent of Puddy’s moral relativism. It is only racism when Puddy decides that it is racism. And puddy is always right…..just like a good schizophrenic.
He would therefore qualify as a “progressive” liberal of today then. Word has it that the shooter had O’Reilly on his “bad person” list. Besides, he had relations with the Klan similar to that of Democrat leader Robert Byrd.
So there goes the bat shit crazy theory from our resident commode dwellers at Goldy’s waste treatment facility that he was a right winger.
reverend wright hates jews.
Does that make him a right winger?
the obama sat in his church listening to jew hate for 20 years.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 298
If von Brun hated right wingers it’s because all you doofuses were “too liberal” – FOR HIM…
The moron went to jail for 7 years for taking Ron Paul’s sermons a little TOO seriously. Last I Iooked Paul had an R next to his name.
You disavow von Brun now but he was firmly in your camp. I wouldn’t be surprised if he voted for that disaster you supported twice.
That’s not the reality that is emerging. He’s looking more and more like a “progressive” that has the history of Robert Byrd and the anti-semitism exhibited by about 70% of the Democrat party.
…but nice try
I’m just fucking with Puddy. Like Marvin, he’s just too easy. But speaking of sockpuppets, did you see that Darryl outed “Lex” as RickyD? Too funny. Then Ricky used some lame excuse how Goldy had banned him. Then Darryl outed him out on that one as well. Christ, these trolls are stupid. I bet it’s all that goatfucking they do. I hear that it dumbs them down.
REALITY??? That is too rich indeed.
Your kind wouldn’t know reality if it took a chunk out of your sorry asses.
Von Brun was a RIGHT WINGER. Deal with it loser!
Who said:
Obama was created by the Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do.
Who said:
Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. And the Jewish vote, the AIPAC vote that’s controlling him,
Why is reverend wright under the same impression about obama and the jews as von brun?
Steve @ 302
LOL! Little Ricky Dumbass lying??
Does the Pope take a dump in the woods?
There was some loon on Glenn Beck last night going on about, “Well, the nazis did call themselves the National Socialists, you know“, like that actually made von Brunn a liberal. If RickyD wants to know what it’s really like to have a jackboot up his ass he ought to try explaining to one of America’s own National Socialist Order freaks how the dude’s really a fucking tree-hugging, Al Gore lovin’ liberal. Oh, and put that encounter on Youtube, please.
well, let see, jeremiah wright said he can’t see obama because “them jews wont let me see him”. so i wonder, all the years obama knew him, he didnt know he was antisemetic? or, is that why obam threw him overboard when he became a liability.