I go to the House and Senate GOP caucus websites fairly often to look for pieces to make fun of. It’s where I found Baumgartner’s piece the other day. But somehow I’d missed that they went with an offensive picture for another featured story. They had a press release about how they’re opposed to human trafficking. It’s an important issue, but they fubbed the execution.
Basically, despite the fact that most victims of human trafficking are women of color, they chose to illustrate it with a stock image of a white lady being grabbed by black hands (Spokesman-Review link).
This morning, the Senate Republican Caucus web site was down, and the photo was removed, although a spokesman for Committee Chairman Mike Padden said that was probably a coincidence. The hearing was more than a week ago, Eric Campbell said, and the site was rotating features to get more current things up.
We should note that this is a “stock photo”, one that has been used other places to illustrate sex trafficking or child pornography, primarily on web sites with ties to religious organizations. In some versions of the image, the hands over the mouth don’t seem to be quite as dark as in the above image.
It’s tough to figure out why the GOP has a problem attracting minority voters. And to be clear, I don’t think whoever put it up was acting out of malice: They probably just googled human trafficking, that came up, and they called it good. But they didn’t have any black folks in the office who’d see it before it came up to say, “google that a little harder.”
To the conservative,
Black skin = evil and corrupt
White skin = angelic and inherently honest
Brown skin = terrorist or drug smuggler
And anyone with less than pure northwestern European ancestry is a Mexican. They even referred to George Zimmerman as a “Mexican American” even though his mother was Peruvian.
Thats why they always show TV shows like Cops or Wildest Police Videos and about 95% of the “clients” are non-European ancestry. Hell, in Texas and Florida, the Police have actively courted these TV shows and then staged raids on drug houses with as much flash and bang and dramatic action as possible for the cameras. Unfortunately, a lot of innocent people get killed in the process. But, its all in good fun right? Whats another dead spic or nigger here or there as long as they get ratings and keep the show going? The money is all that is really important. Every other concern is secondary, and anyone who raises such concerns is an un-American race baiter and traitor.
“To the conservative,
Black skin = evil and corrupt
White skin = angelic and inherently honest
Brown skin = terrorist or drug smuggler”
Human trafficking = Black men are stealing our women
“To the liberal,
Everything = racist”
That was no flub, it was Republican racism on display.
@3 If it looks like a racist, walks like a racist, talks like a racist, and behaves like a racist, it probably is a racist.
Looks like Rodney Tom & Co. have started purging the state senate’s non-partisan staffers to make room for political operatives.
Looks like Obama will be in Seattle for a pair of fundraisers on Sunday, one in Medina and the other in North Seattle (ST didn’t say where, but I tracked the location down to an address on 3rd NW, i.e. the Highlands gated community where all the CEOs live). You probably want to avoid those areas because traffic will be miserable — they’ll have everything blocked off and you just sit in your car for four hours and they shoot you if you try to leave your car.
@5 It’s behavior like that, that makes all Republicans seem corrupt and petty. Remember the republican outrage over Travelgate? More of the same IOKWARDI.
It’s OK when a Republican Does It.
I’d say shame on them, but they are immune to shame.
Liberals are the ultimate racists.
@8 And the world is flat, there is no climate change, and the housing collapse was caused by too much government regulation.
Rush Limbaugh isn’t a moron. He knows exactly who he’s pandering to: His listeners are morons.
Lefties believe only whites can be racist.
Ha ha, what? @ 11,
Not quite, Sparky.
You wingnuts believe that lefties believe only whites can be racist.
It’s just another one of your echo chamber-enhanced bullshit “factoids” that has no basis in reality.
@12, not according to looney lefty Chris “white guilt overcompensation” Matthews definition of racism…
“the belief that one race – whites – should rule all others.”