And one Democrat, Jim Hargrove of Hoquiam. Here are some highlights and lowlights from Wednesday’s hearing on the marijuana decriminalization bill in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
It’s no secret that I’m a solid Democrat. Fourth-generation, to be exact. My mom, who earned her spurs with the Pierce County D’s before I was potty-trained (and met a young man, who got outed as a Republican mole in the PCD’s McGovern campaign office, then went on to become the Ted Bundy we all know and love), met Hargrove I-don’t-know-how-many years ago in Port Angeles and said to me, ‘that’s one Democrat I’d never vote for in a million years.’
Strange, a business owner lying in an ad is committing a crime. A democrat politician lying in an ad is protected by his constitutional rights.
3 – That’s pure stupid from two sources now:
Stupes and Stamn. Like that’s any surprise.
Not what she said at all. Not what Obama has ever said.
John T.spews:
In Grays Harbor County you have to have Democrat after your name to get elected. Hargrove is a Democrat in name only. If you knew him in the 1980’s you would have seen what side of the fence he is on, big business at the expense of working people and the environment.
After living in Grays Harbor for many years, and now King County for many years I have noticed that in many ways the Democrats in Grays Harbor are more conservative than the Republicans in King County.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Jim Hargrove is a solid individual….sometimes a little grumpy.
Hargrove is in-tune to what drugs (starting with pot) have done to Grays Harbor and many other rural counties. Devasting.
Not everyone is as enlightened as you pot-smokin’ KLOWNS…….actually, you KLOWNS are living, breathing proof of why Marijuana should not be decriminalized.
I’m sure if someone gives Jim a copy of your post here Lee and the comments, Jim will say to himself…”I WAS RIGHT AGAIN!”
I don’t agree with Jim on a lot of things…but I respect his judgment more than the Seattle Kooks like Ed Murray and other idealogues who hold themselves up to be Populist Progressives. The problem is most of the things they do are idiotic and regressive…or involve pissing away tens of millions hashing issues to death over & over like the Viaduct.
Geez, you’d think Harry Anslinger rose from the grave. The truth is prohibition DOES NOT WORK. How else can we spell it out?
Al Capone would have been a no-name, two-bit hustler who died of syphilis if it hadn’t been for Prohibition in the 20’s. He used prohibition to build a criminal empire that exists to this day. Now, we have Mexican drug lords killing hundreds of people on both sides of the southern border because of these archaic laws.
Mexican drug lords could care less how many Americans smoke pot. They only care how many Americans BUY pot. Take the money out of the equation and they will dry up like yesterday’s pizza.
Remember, Eliot Ness didn’t take down Capone, repealing the 18th Amendment and the taxman did.
History is a wonderful thing, especially when it’s read.
The Sinaloa Cartelspews:
Mr. Cynical:
Muchas gracias amigo, we couldn’t make our ilegal profits from drugs without the help of people like you!
Whaat’s nice to know is you will totally put aside all your market theory to help us out with our black market profits. Because on every other issue you say the govt. should keep out…that govt. regulation raises prices…so we know deep down, you KNOW that the ban on drugs, which is a joke when 50% of All Americans have smoked pot, just ensures we narcotraficantes continue to ganar mucha lucre along with horrific violence we spew in Nuevo Laredo and now spreading across the border.
Once again, gracias amigo, we couldn’t do it without you!
It’s no secret that I’m a solid Democrat. Fourth-generation, to be exact. My mom, who earned her spurs with the Pierce County D’s before I was potty-trained (and met a young man, who got outed as a Republican mole in the PCD’s McGovern campaign office, then went on to become the Ted Bundy we all know and love), met Hargrove I-don’t-know-how-many years ago in Port Angeles and said to me, ‘that’s one Democrat I’d never vote for in a million years.’
After that wingnutty performance on Wednesday, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t either.
Democrats have a free pass on being called crazy…
All they do is believe the promises of candidates running for office.
Strange, a business owner lying in an ad is committing a crime. A democrat politician lying in an ad is protected by his constitutional rights.
3 – That’s pure stupid from two sources now:
Stupes and Stamn. Like that’s any surprise.
Not what she said at all. Not what Obama has ever said.
In Grays Harbor County you have to have Democrat after your name to get elected. Hargrove is a Democrat in name only. If you knew him in the 1980’s you would have seen what side of the fence he is on, big business at the expense of working people and the environment.
After living in Grays Harbor for many years, and now King County for many years I have noticed that in many ways the Democrats in Grays Harbor are more conservative than the Republicans in King County.
Jim Hargrove is a solid individual….sometimes a little grumpy.
Hargrove is in-tune to what drugs (starting with pot) have done to Grays Harbor and many other rural counties. Devasting.
Not everyone is as enlightened as you pot-smokin’ KLOWNS…….actually, you KLOWNS are living, breathing proof of why Marijuana should not be decriminalized.
I’m sure if someone gives Jim a copy of your post here Lee and the comments, Jim will say to himself…”I WAS RIGHT AGAIN!”
I don’t agree with Jim on a lot of things…but I respect his judgment more than the Seattle Kooks like Ed Murray and other idealogues who hold themselves up to be Populist Progressives. The problem is most of the things they do are idiotic and regressive…or involve pissing away tens of millions hashing issues to death over & over like the Viaduct.
Jim Hargrove is a fine man. Listen to him.
More reefer madness…
Geez, you’d think Harry Anslinger rose from the grave. The truth is prohibition DOES NOT WORK. How else can we spell it out?
Al Capone would have been a no-name, two-bit hustler who died of syphilis if it hadn’t been for Prohibition in the 20’s. He used prohibition to build a criminal empire that exists to this day. Now, we have Mexican drug lords killing hundreds of people on both sides of the southern border because of these archaic laws.
Mexican drug lords could care less how many Americans smoke pot. They only care how many Americans BUY pot. Take the money out of the equation and they will dry up like yesterday’s pizza.
Remember, Eliot Ness didn’t take down Capone, repealing the 18th Amendment and the taxman did.
History is a wonderful thing, especially when it’s read.
Mr. Cynical:
Muchas gracias amigo, we couldn’t make our ilegal profits from drugs without the help of people like you!
Whaat’s nice to know is you will totally put aside all your market theory to help us out with our black market profits. Because on every other issue you say the govt. should keep out…that govt. regulation raises prices…so we know deep down, you KNOW that the ban on drugs, which is a joke when 50% of All Americans have smoked pot, just ensures we narcotraficantes continue to ganar mucha lucre along with horrific violence we spew in Nuevo Laredo and now spreading across the border.
Once again, gracias amigo, we couldn’t do it without you!
That’s the best comment ever at this site. Thanks.