There was a shooting at the Family Research Council this morning. A security guard was shot and is in the hospital. Like these LGBT organizations, I don’t know if it was politically motivated. Still, when anything like this happens to a political organization, you have to assume their politics was part of what made them a target.
I condemn political violence of any stripe, and I hope the guard makes a full recovery. I’m saddened that we live in a country where this sort of thing is common. I don’t agree with anything the Family Research Council stands for, but nobody deserves this for their political beliefs. Nobody.
Madman Of The Day (TM)
You beat me to it, Carl, so I’ll just post a few of the known details.
” … [T]he security officer was in stable condition after being shot in the arm. A law enforcement official said the gunman made some remarks opposing the Family Research Council’s policies before opening fire ….
“The suspect’s weapon was a legally obtained 9mm handgun …. The suspect had obtained the weapon ‘fairly recently’ from a gun shop in Virginia. …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While reading comments in a previous thread this morning, I had a feeling we wouldn’t make it through the week without another of these; we didn’t make it through today.
Today’s act of violence was as unacceptable as any other.
@2 It’s too damned easy for madmen to get guns.
Class act for LGBT Organizations to denounce it. You wonder (I), if the shoe was on the other foot would the same apply. Would there even be a post regarding it?
I’m sure it was just random violence. After all, it took CNN two hours to post about it and Chris Matthews gave it no coverage at all.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
The Associated Press reported that Corkins had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Another official told the AP the shooter made a negative reference about the work of the Family Research Council before opening fire.
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council sent an e-mail to members last month in support of comments by the restaurant chain’s president, Dan Cathy, who criticized same-sex marriage.
Federal officials said the suspect the backpack also contained materials about Chick-fil-A restaurants.
Actually, isn’t this the type of violence that is alleged of the Tea Party on a pretty frequent basis by those voices on the left, always without evidence?
Shooting doctors and bombing and ramming cars into women’s health clinics is hardly “without evidence.” The Neo-Nazi with the backpack bomb at the Spokane MLK parade doesn’t qualify as without evidence in my book nor do the fun lovin’ boy of the Justus Township.
This shooting IS an example of the type of political violence that the left has been decrying for years and the right has mostly turned a blind eye too. Nice to have you with us for once.
Well, by
23 LGBT groups had signed a letter condemning the shooting.
The same can’t be said of the political right after the shooting of George Tiller or the beating death Of Matthew Shepard
Sorry to say these events are going to increase until the economy gets out of the tank. That is going to take New leadership period! 4 years of this IS enough.
Reference Michael? Or more conjecture from libtards? Where are these people referenced as Tea Party members or more slobbering libtard msm projection?
BTW gman… if this was a role reversal… every slobbering libtard msm playa would be screaming at the top of their lungs over this.
I love the posting on Kos
Shorter Puddy – We really hate 24x7x365.25, but when one of ours goes nutzo we “show compassion” for one day. Hatred restarts today!
What good comes out of so much pent up anger and hate? You have a Heart Attack.
@9 – Hatred doesn’t end for anti gay bashers – 24x7x365.25 Hate crimes against gay people is up. Something Puffy is proud of.
I wonder if the same thing happened at the HRC Headquarters, whether the FRC and organizations similar would come out and denounce it. Or would the bury their heads as if no association. Hell they don’t come out against hate crimes towards gays. They show compasion for the haters 24X7X365.25. Puffy’s Idols.
What prominent liberal spokesman can one point to as the one who made inflammatory statements that would have inspired such an attack on the Family Council of Excellence (or whatever goofy name they’ve come up with to hide their true agenda of hate and suppression)?
No one.
Yet, when an abortion doctor or a liberal radio personality is murdered, there are plenty of conservative voices who have counseled just such an action.
That is the difference.
For wingnuts to be going all victimmy on us now is entirely predictable.
I hate to be the one who points this out, but maybe a thing like this will make the inflammatory windbags of the right think a little before they open their yaps and inflict another attack on some hapless abortion doctor.
It’s a real drag when the chickens come home to roost.
@ 12
You might start with the Southern Poverty Law Center.
I’m sure there was a time for this organization but that time is passed. They’re just a shill organization now, listing groups with which they disagree as ‘hate’ organizations.
They’re less and less objective and are making ever greater errors.
Every so often they’re called to task:
Not often enough.
It strains credibility for you to feign difficulty identifying liberal sources of inflammatory statements against FRC. You might start with the Huffington Post, which published:
an anti-Ryan screed only hours before the shooting. Civil rights going back to the Dark Ages, Shepard, Byrd, Jr……it’s all there, all of the talking points and linkages one might expect of a hit piece on a conservative.
The author? Why, he’s listed as a LGBT rights activist.
Mere coincidence, I am sure.
“I’m sure there was a time for this organization but that time is passed.”
No, you smarmy racist bastard, not until your time has passed.
Serial “Ridicule the looks of an African American girl but I’m not a racist” Conservative, we will have to agree to disagree on the objectivity of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
You consistently dismiss any person or organization that doesn’t agree with your point of view so I don’t value your opinion much.
I find them more honest and objective than say…fox news or rush Limbaugh.
Besides, that’s the nice thing about facts, they are true whether you want to believe in them or not.
re 15: Your ‘proof’ is mere supposition. What liberal spokesmen and leaders do you have on video advocating violence against conservatives?
You are muddying the waters with BS.
@ 18
Advocating violence? That’s different than @ 12 inflammatory statements, isn’t it?
I could start with McCaskill’s pitchforks comment, probably pull a couple of things out of Sharpton’s speeches.
Or you could be consistent, since I did directly address your @ 12 statement, and acknowledge that if inflammatory rhetoric can cause some people to overreact, both sides are plenty guilty.
Cereal: Here is a concept that some say all conservatives have, but cannot see the fallacy of —
It is this: Conservatives cannot understand that efforts by others to prevent them from suppressing other citizens’ civil rights is NOT suppression of their free speech.
You can say pretty mucch what you want, but when you start beating and killing your political opposition and moving into the realm of promoting laws that suppress others’ civil rights, you’ve crossed a line.
The shooting at the Most Excellent and Pure Family Values Center for the Christianist Cause for America, as much as we might all decry it, should not be seen by you, Cereal, as an opportunity to perform some shallow oppo research.
“Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive!!!!”
Pretty much what everything Rujax has ever written here boils down to.
Well, bin Laden certainly is still dead.
About GM’s continued lifespan,
maybe not so much:
General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy — Again
In the 1960s, GM averaged a 48.3% share of the U.S. car and truck market. For the first 7 months of 2012, their market share was 18.0%, down from 20.0% for the same period in 2011. With a loss of market share comes a loss of relative cost-competitiveness. There is only so much market share that GM can lose before it would no longer have the resources to attempt to recover.
@ 20
WTF are you talking about?
re 19: My prediction on this turn of events (and believe me, there will be copycats — because when it comes down to it, their cause is just — and yours is not) in politically motivated violence by the left is that the provocateurs on the right — who do this for profit, not for dedication to principle,, will back off when they think their own skins are at risk.
To make an apt comparison: How many leaders of Muslim causes have you heard of who strapped a bomb to their own bodies?
re 22: Don’t play stupid.
@ 23
I think you strapped a bomb to your own cerebral cortex.
re 25: I don’t think so. Your cheesy little exercise in Oppo research in #15 (which is a direct response to my comments in #12:
…which I have only restated in a different way in subsequent comments — gives the lie to your statement that you don’t understand what I’m saying and that I must be crazy.
You just realize that you don’t have a leg to stand on and you are resorting to nasme calling.
Show us a link to a liberal spokesperson advocating violence against consrvatives. Where is it??
I can show you many clips of Rush Limbaugh inciting violence against liberals.
Go ahead, Cereal: Show us a link to a liberal spokesperson advocating violence against consrvatives.
Where is it??
I can show you many clips of Rush Limbaugh inciting violence against liberals. And I will if you challenge me on the point.
@ 26
I’m done here. There is a huge difference between speech or printed words that are inflammatory, and those that incite violence.
One is First Amendment-protected. The other might very well not be – as it depends on how blatant it is, which is subject to debate.
I addressed @ 15 directly what you said @ 12. I addressed less specifically @ 19 what you asked @ 18.
Asked, answered. Whether or not to your satisfaction, I don’t care. I owe you nothing.
Enjoy your day.
Rush Limbaugh: “I tell people don’t kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus–living fossils–so we we’ll never forget what these people stood for.”
@27 You’re talking to a guy who dismissed as no big deal a teabagger holding down a defenseless woman as another teabagger curb-stomped her. He dismissed this violent act committed by right-wingers because the defenseless woman wasn’t killed by having her neck broken, as he once saw in a movie.
re 28: “Asked, answered. Whether or not to your satisfaction, I don’t care. I owe you nothing.”
“If you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.” Harry Truman
First: Winter 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Family Research Council as a hate group.
Next: February 28, 2012 Congressional Meetings
Look them up ya moron!
Serial Conservative – dorky dorkman is another headless lucy disguise. Review Sept 9-15 2005 for headless’ really racist comments. Look for field ni@@er and house ni@@er. He told me I should know my place. rujax knows his place… cheering on headless lucy. rujax NEVER condemned headless lucy.
Even Steve found those comments disgusting. Don’t know about the Fascist moron though!
So GoatBoy, you are saying it is inflammatory to identify a hate group as a hate group?
You must mean the ‘no evidence’ women’s clinics bombings, and assassination of gynecologists like Dr. Tiller.
re 35:”So GoatBoy, you are saying it is inflammatory to identify a hate group as a hate group?”
It’s amazing, isn’t it? The level of sheer stupidity is immense.
Escum, lover of the goat appendage up his ASS… where has the FRC ever used the word hate?
NO WHERE! It is one of those useless labels generated by the leftists who don’t agree with their stands on traditional customs.
It’s in your single celled amoeba-like mind!
re 38: So, if the Aryan Nation states that they think it would be best if all mud people were exterminated, but they don’t specifically use the word ‘hate’, then they are not a hate group?
You’re ridiculous.