I was gonna post a smart ass comment about whether you moonbats were gonna blame GWB for the bridge collapse. Sure nuf, truth is stranger than fiction…. the dumbest senator Murka has ever had from right here in FUWA beat me to it.
Aren’t you guys the least little bit embarrassed to have her “representing” us? Cantwell is a liar and a moonbat, but she’s not stoopid. Murray is just fucking stoopid beyond belief…
My Left Footspews:
Mark the fucked up asshole at 1
The quote:
““This is what I worry about every day. The lack of investment in infrastructure is frightening,” Murray said. “This is what [Bush] is threatening to veto — investment in infrastructure for [roads] we go to work on every day.”
I don’t see mention of the bridge? Perhaps I am not using the right medication?
Exactly how does this blame Bush for the collapse? It blames him for not investing in infrastructure. You make wild leaps and bounds. You are intellectually backrupt.
You might want to use spell check too. Stupid.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Aw, come on, MTR, ‘fess up now. That bridge in Minneapolis had your “professional” fingerprints all over it.
re 1: Hypothetically speaking, if we had a president that had been appointed by the supreme court and not elected by the people, and that illegally appointed individual preferred to spend the country’s money on foreign oil wars that his cronies profited from, rather than infrastructure that they knew was in need of repair, wouldn’t that person share responsibility in the collapse of that bridge — or would it be strictly a state and local problem that SOMEONE ELSE needed to take responsibility for?
My Left Footspews:
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Take responsibility, you want to lead…you get the blame. You would get the credit, but you have done nothing right.
Katrina, 9/11, Minnesota, Iraq, rising gas prices, crashing housing market……shall I continue. It is all your fault. Your party was in control, your president (don’t blame me, I voted for the other guy) therefore your problem. Deal with it.
I am not sure why you post here. Must be the stiffie you get from seeing your words on the net. No one else is impressed. Pay your debt, welcher. A man is only as good as his word. You and yours is worthless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 A little defensive tonight, are you? You should be! You railed against paying taxes to fix infrastructure as loud as anyone. Every nitwit who voted for I-912 should take a good hard look at that heap of rubble in Minneapolis — then take a good hard look at himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to news sources, it would cost $1.6 trillion to repair or replace all of America’s at-risk infrastructure (at-risk bridges and dams, crumbling water systems, etc.).
Not much more than Bush squandered on his recreational war in Iraq.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans never met a weapons system they didn’t want us to buy for them, but you can’t get a fucking dime out of these cheapskates for a road or bridge repair.
Republicans have fucked-up priorities.
My Left Footspews:
RR at 7:
Very nice. Right up there with man on the moon and kids in this country still going to bed hungry. It is a fucking sin.
Virtual carrots, 2 bunches for you!!!
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
@5 The only way MTR gets a “stiffie” is courtesy of Cialis™.
My Left Footspews:
Problem: Hungry kids in America.
Republican solution: Immigration reform and tell their parents to get jobs and feed the kids.
Problem: Crumbling infrastructure.
Republican solution: Ignore it. The problem will go away.
Problem: Global warming.
Republican solution: No problem. It does not exist.
Problem: Rising gas prices.
Republican solution: Not really a problem. The oil companies will donate the record profit to reelecting us.
See the pattern?
My Left Footspews:
TFF at 10:
Honestly, it is a wonder he has not pulled that little thing right off. Due in part to the fact that he can’t get a good grip on it.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
So I guess the answer is “no”… you kooks are not embarassed by having a fucking idiot like Dimbulb Murray “represent” us.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
To complete your pattern, Carl: Republicans cannot win elections, so first, try to “fix” the outcome with crooked machines. . .and now, propose changes to how the Electoral College is constituted.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Hungry Chirrens: Stop fucking breeding.
Infrastructure: Look up difference between “state” and “federal”.
Global Warming: Separation of church and state.
Gas prices: Study fucking economics.
See the pattern?
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Pay your debt, Mark the Reddick Welsher!
And after that, suck on this: SUPER MAJORITY IN CONGRESS.
Don Joespews:
When the Welshing Redneck starts talking about other people’s intelligence, it helps to remember that the Redneck thinks Gerry Ford’s “Wip Inflation Now” campaign was sound Economic policy–yup; passing out buttons with the word “WIN” in red, white and blue.
Speaking of intelligence, the Lovenstein Institute has a report on presidential intelligence. Of presidents over the past 60 years, the Democrat with the lowest IQ was LBJ. His IQ would have placed him in second place, behind Nixon, on the list of Republican presidents.
And who leads the idiocy race? You guessed it. Bush II wins followed very closely by Bush I. Third place goes to Ronnie the Actor, whose most intelligent act was to pick a vice-president who was actually dumber than he was.
My Left Footspews:
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Might try using a spell check program. We don’t do Ebonics or whatever it is that you speak.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
In case MTR can’t figure it out, that will mean Patty Murray will be one of the most influential women in ‘Murka.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
In fact, in light of the disaster in Minneapolis, I bet we can get Patty interested in Professional Accreditation for ‘Inginears’.
My Left Footspews:
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Perhaps you should move to a nice red state? How about Mississippi? They think like you. They talk like you (I think). And you can preach to the choir. They might even think you to be intelligent. Nah, not that last part.
My Left Footspews:
I am proud that Patty Murray speaks for me at the Federal level. Hope that answers your question.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
MLF@21 As with most things, it’s never so simple as all that. I have friends in ‘Bama. Down the road ‘a-piece from Nawlins,
across the Causeway from Mobile. They were very fortunate when Katrina struck. Fairhope lost the Municipal Pier, and of course the white sand beach ‘went away’ along with the boardwalk. My friends refer to their less progressive neighbors as the ‘Necks. But even the ‘Necks wouldn’t put up with MTR and his posturing. And of ‘course, my friends live in a county that is 65% Black. They are registered. And they vote. It wouldn’t be real congenial for MTR. . .
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
You pacifists out there must be a little worried about Empty Skirt Hussein Obama threatening Pakistan.
So what’s the threat they poses to Murka?
What’s the plan?
What is “victory”?
What’s the exit strategy?
Or will he leave all the to the great military mind of The Smartest Woman In The World?
My Left Footspews:
Carl @25: Do some reading man! All you do is sit on your ass and blog since Teresa takes good care of you right?
It happened two days ago.
Carl: I thought Barbara and Dianne are your “senators”. Two of the richest Moonbat!s in the Senate.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
“…If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”
WASHINGTON – Views of the Supreme Court dropped sharply in a six-month period that included decisions that upheld abortion restrictions, struck down school integration plans and chided inaction on global warming, according to a poll Thursday.
Fifty-seven percent view the court favorably, the poll by the Pew Research Center found. The number was the lowest for the court in the survey in two years and down from 72 percent in January.
John Barelli says:
Come on liberals asked:
“Simple question, do you want the US to win the war in Iraq.”
Ok, since you don’t like the other answers, this old retired Sailor will see if you can understand simple English.
John maybe you should try Spanish.
Since your question asks if we want to win, the answer is certainly yes, of course we do.
Right answer but you seem confuse about what a WIN really is. Now if you could explain what (IS) is better than Bill Clinton we would get a transparent answer.
We also want an end to world hunger, an end to oppression, justice for everyone, a cure for cancer and even for the common cold.
Now Reverent John you are straying from the subject matter, besides we can’t do that in Seattle with all the Socialist Democrats running the government.
We want people to love their fellow human beings. All of them.
You have a real problem making every fellow human being loving all those who believe that crap will ever happen. Besides I have not heard anyone express how much they love and cherish Roger Rabbit.
Ok, now, which of those things is likely to happen right away?
NONE Pastor John accept the win in Iraq and rendering the Al Qaeda impotent.
Most of those things are beyond our power to accomplish, but we still keep at them, because our efforts actually make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our continued effort for a military solution in Iraq does not fall into that category.
Your belief John but not share by those who went over there and made real differences in the Iraqis lives.
I’d love to see the factions in Iraq quit hating each other and join in creating a peaceful country (which is the only reasonable criteria for “victory” in that conflict).
John, poor John you are forgetting military history, remember Germany, Japan, and let’s also include Italy after World War II. Now you can include Korea today which in time will be united as one Nation.
“Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability. “
John what you are claiming is that all our own military leaders are saying that, which is far from the truth. Today we are engaging into a war with multiple fronts and starting to make some headway but not out of control that would produce a loss.
Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse.
Now you sound like a defeatist who has never been in South West Asia. One thing you miss that place has always been messed up and doing something is better than doing nothing. To those who live there it can’t be any worse read Michael Yon and enlighten yourself. http://www.michaelyon-online.c.....-of-ii.htm
The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave.
Yes they do, but not until we finished the job, and they can remain in control of their own country and not the al Qaeda.
So, with the only reasonable criteria for victory beyond our reach, with our Soldiers (and Sailors, Marines and Airmen) losing life and limb on a daily basis, with our continued military presence making matters worse and with the majority of Iraqis wishing for our withdrawal, at what point do we stop tilting at windmills, Mr. Quixote?
You seem to forget that oath we took when we raised our right hand on the Bible and put on that uniform. (“tilting; to cause to slant; tip. To slope; incline, to change (at an opponent). To take part in a tilt. A medieval contest in which two horsemen fight with lances. Any spirited contest, a slope (at) full tilt at full speed.) Well Reverent John now you are a really making yourself sound like a DEAFEATIST and probable support Osama bin Laden and his many friends.
“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” – 17th century nursery rhyme.
War is not child’s play and they should never be invited to play or engage in combat. Today our enemies seem to enjoy including other peoples children to do their dirty work. They also exclude their own children and families from taking part in the conflict. Where is bin Laden family living? Besides, not to mention where is he hiding while others are being killed with IED’s?
Chief Lake USAF/Washington Air National Guard Ret.
Global warming hysteriaspews:
@11 My Left Foot says:
Problem: Global warming. Republican solution: No problem. It does not exist.
Ever see the Penn & Teller show about environmental hysteria? The show was at an environmental protest, they had a girl walking around getting signatures on a petition outlawing dihydrogen monoxide. They would tell the ignorant masses this was a substance used in anti-freeze, used in the refining of oil, used in nuclear reactors, etc. The people were only too happy to sign the petition outlawing it. Phucking hilarious!! It exposed how easily wackos are manipulated.
How pompous of the global warming crowd to think that we are at the right temperature. Ever hear of Greenland, think it was named because it was covered in ice? As the ice is melting proof of civilization (mining equipment) is being found. Of course, the global warming crowd refuses to address the issue of rising temperatures on mars and other planets.
Does that mean we aren’t polluting, of course we are. We can do more to be earth friendly, but that doesn’t mean we’re warming the planet up. Kyoto treaty excludes the biggest polluter on the planet, what a treaty that is. The biggest offenders are the most vocaal, I could post links about gore and his power sucking house, I’m sure trolls have posted them before. I could post links about bush and his environmental friendly house in texas, or how he implemented more eco-friendly for the white house.
For the idiots that googled dihydrogen monoxide, check out all the pranks. I like the 2006 Louisville, Kentucky warning in front of a fountain, “Danger, water contains high levels of hydrogen, keep out” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.....oxide_hoax
My Left Footspews:
Mark the fucked up asshole:
I read your posts. I can’t make head nor tails. Hence, the HUH?
Yes, I live south of you now, but I proudly voted for Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell.
How do you like that? I move and still piss you off. Teresa is fine, thanks for asking about her.
Hugs and Kisses
Don Joespews:
What’s with these wingnuts who don’t understand the difference between a scientist expressing a personal opinion and peer-reviewed science? Anything to justify the ostrich posture, I guess.
Ah, Mr. Lake. Always interesting to see your particular view of the world, and read your take on various issues.
I note that you take issue with a few of my statements, and seem to believe that I was making statements of my own opinions. Far from it. For example, you seem to believe that the statement “Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability” in regards to using military force to create a stable peace in Iraq is defeatist.
Perhaps so, but that is also the opinion of General Petraeus, who stated: “I think, again, that any student of history recognizes that there is no military solution to a problem like that in Iraq” and of the head of the CIA, Mr. Hayden when he stated: “the inability of the government to govern seems irreversible,” adding that he could not “point to any milestone or checkpoint where we can turn this thing around“.
And while you take issue with the comment “Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse“, you should note that again, I am not claiming that somehow I am an expert on the situation with insurgents in Iraq, I am merely noting the information available from the National Intelligence Estimate, when it stated: “The group (al-Qaeda) has protected or regenerated elements of its homeland attack capability,” including establishing new training camps in Pakistan as well as replacing its operational lieutenants”.
Then you took issue with “The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave“. In response I will refer to the State Department report, titled “Iraq Civil War Fears Remain High in Sunni and Mixed Areas” based on 1,870 face-to-face interviews conducted from late June to early July. It stated: “Majorities in all regions except Kurdish areas state that the Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) should withdraw immediately, adding that the MNF-I’s departure would make them feel safer and decrease violence“.
In closing you make the comment “War is not child’s play and they should never be invited to play or engage in combat“. I agree. We have allowed our government and the current administration to act like children. It’s time for the grown-ups to take over.
For all you right wing dick suckers who were bragging about right wing blogs – well where it counts, I already reminded you we have the seats in public office. But here’s more bad news – your WE DISTORT – WE DECIDE pals at Faux News are getting their ASSES kicked by just about every other online news site.
DEAD LAST – DEAD LAST – DEAD LAST is where Faux News comes in according to the Center for Media Research.
CNN, MSNBC and NYTimes web sites combined have 100 times the combined audience of Faux News HE HE!
What’s striking about this is that any one of the the big three have about five times the audience of Faux News – no wonder Dems don’t want to appear on Faux News – nobody’s watching!
I would like to find out where people get those nifty statistics about web site traffic. I have the distinct suspicion that the Stranger’s SLOG has about twice the traffic of Sound Politics and HA put together. In fact, it’s more than a suspicion. I know it’s the truth! It’s MY truth, which is much more impooortant than your truth.
Daddy Lovespews:
28 MTR
It is believed that the reference is to Special Forces limited incursion for a kill mission. That contains its own exit strategy. What Barack Obama is NOT talking about is a massive US military invasion of Pakistan, which would be as stupid an idea as invading and occupying Iraq, except for the tiny crucial difference of a real threat residing there.
At a September 15, 2006, White House press conference, Bush said that “the idea of sending special forces to Pakistan to hunt down bin Laden was a strategy that would not work,” because “Pakistan is a sovereign nation.” He’s a fucking pussy. What’s Osama got on him that he lets him get away and then says he can’t go after him?
He invaded a “sovereign nation” where there was NO threat. Why’s he wetting his shorts now? Obama’s got balls the size of your SUV.
Daddy Lovespews:
36 Puddybud
Ken Pollack wrote the book The Gathering Storm: the case for Invading Iraq. Really “liberal” of him. He has been telling us all how great things are going ever since. He supported the current escalation. He is now telling us whow well the escalation is going. Not a liberal. Just another opportunist.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey MTR, maybe you should have read the WHOLE speech by Barack Obama…
I will not hesitate to use military force to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to America. This requires a broader set of capabilities, as outlined in the Army and Marine Corps’s new counter-insurgency manual. I will ensure that our military becomes more stealth, agile, and lethal in its ability to capture or kill terrorists. We need to recruit, train, and equip our armed forces to better target terrorists, and to help foreign militaries to do the same. This must include a program to bolster our ability to speak different languages, understand different cultures, and coordinate complex missions with our civilian agencies.
Open Thread Trollspews:
Somewhere on this repellent site a Goldycrat sock puppet accused me of being a shill for Republicans. That would be despite my assertions that Republican losers deserved to lose in 2006 and that GWB’s evisceration of conservatism may terminally discredit or destroy the party. Sucks to be us.
And didn’t I know that GWB disavowed his own 16 words? Well, yes, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Andrew Sullivan, the point of the thread, said that the 16 words were valid when uttered (and screw Slam Dunk Tenet’s belated assertion to the contrary), and were valid later.
Give Sullivan the Medal of Freedom. He deserves it at least as much as Tenet.
It's easy to get over on a democratspews:
“Democrats … expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue.” http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1343
Do you wonder why your elected leaders are ignoring you? Do you feel taken advantage of?
Ah, who cares, they know the mindless sheeple like you will continue to vote democrat.
Michael Franksspews:
Kewl, down in la la land the democrat mayor (that happens to be one of Hillary’s Chair of her national campaign) instructed the police to keep reporters away, one big tough cop pushed a hispanic woman into a shipping container. One can only imagine a “publican” mayor having a minority woman pushed into a shipping container and the outrage it would create. Democrats won’t care, they see abuse of women as S.O.P.
“What’s with these wingnuts who don’t understand the difference between a scientist expressing a personal opinion and peer-reviewed science? Anything to justify the ostrich posture, I guess.”
The Lovenstein institute is an internet hoax, Joe.
I was gonna post a smart ass comment about whether you moonbats were gonna blame GWB for the bridge collapse. Sure nuf, truth is stranger than fiction…. the dumbest senator Murka has ever had from right here in FUWA beat me to it.
Aren’t you guys the least little bit embarrassed to have her “representing” us? Cantwell is a liar and a moonbat, but she’s not stoopid. Murray is just fucking stoopid beyond belief…
Mark the fucked up asshole at 1
The quote:
““This is what I worry about every day. The lack of investment in infrastructure is frightening,” Murray said. “This is what [Bush] is threatening to veto — investment in infrastructure for [roads] we go to work on every day.”
I don’t see mention of the bridge? Perhaps I am not using the right medication?
Exactly how does this blame Bush for the collapse? It blames him for not investing in infrastructure. You make wild leaps and bounds. You are intellectually backrupt.
You might want to use spell check too. Stupid.
Aw, come on, MTR, ‘fess up now. That bridge in Minneapolis had your “professional” fingerprints all over it.
re 1: Hypothetically speaking, if we had a president that had been appointed by the supreme court and not elected by the people, and that illegally appointed individual preferred to spend the country’s money on foreign oil wars that his cronies profited from, rather than infrastructure that they knew was in need of repair, wouldn’t that person share responsibility in the collapse of that bridge — or would it be strictly a state and local problem that SOMEONE ELSE needed to take responsibility for?
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Take responsibility, you want to lead…you get the blame. You would get the credit, but you have done nothing right.
Katrina, 9/11, Minnesota, Iraq, rising gas prices, crashing housing market……shall I continue. It is all your fault. Your party was in control, your president (don’t blame me, I voted for the other guy) therefore your problem. Deal with it.
I am not sure why you post here. Must be the stiffie you get from seeing your words on the net. No one else is impressed. Pay your debt, welcher. A man is only as good as his word. You and yours is worthless.
@1 A little defensive tonight, are you? You should be! You railed against paying taxes to fix infrastructure as loud as anyone. Every nitwit who voted for I-912 should take a good hard look at that heap of rubble in Minneapolis — then take a good hard look at himself.
According to news sources, it would cost $1.6 trillion to repair or replace all of America’s at-risk infrastructure (at-risk bridges and dams, crumbling water systems, etc.).
Not much more than Bush squandered on his recreational war in Iraq.
Republicans never met a weapons system they didn’t want us to buy for them, but you can’t get a fucking dime out of these cheapskates for a road or bridge repair.
Republicans have fucked-up priorities.
RR at 7:
Very nice. Right up there with man on the moon and kids in this country still going to bed hungry. It is a fucking sin.
Virtual carrots, 2 bunches for you!!!
@5 The only way MTR gets a “stiffie” is courtesy of Cialis™.
Problem: Hungry kids in America.
Republican solution: Immigration reform and tell their parents to get jobs and feed the kids.
Problem: Crumbling infrastructure.
Republican solution: Ignore it. The problem will go away.
Problem: Global warming.
Republican solution: No problem. It does not exist.
Problem: Rising gas prices.
Republican solution: Not really a problem. The oil companies will donate the record profit to reelecting us.
See the pattern?
TFF at 10:
Honestly, it is a wonder he has not pulled that little thing right off. Due in part to the fact that he can’t get a good grip on it.
So I guess the answer is “no”… you kooks are not embarassed by having a fucking idiot like Dimbulb Murray “represent” us.
To complete your pattern, Carl: Republicans cannot win elections, so first, try to “fix” the outcome with crooked machines. . .and now, propose changes to how the Electoral College is constituted.
Hungry Chirrens: Stop fucking breeding.
Infrastructure: Look up difference between “state” and “federal”.
Global Warming: Separation of church and state.
Gas prices: Study fucking economics.
See the pattern?
Pay your debt, Mark the Reddick Welsher!
And after that, suck on this: SUPER MAJORITY IN CONGRESS.
When the Welshing Redneck starts talking about other people’s intelligence, it helps to remember that the Redneck thinks Gerry Ford’s “Wip Inflation Now” campaign was sound Economic policy–yup; passing out buttons with the word “WIN” in red, white and blue.
Speaking of intelligence, the Lovenstein Institute has a report on presidential intelligence. Of presidents over the past 60 years, the Democrat with the lowest IQ was LBJ. His IQ would have placed him in second place, behind Nixon, on the list of Republican presidents.
And who leads the idiocy race? You guessed it. Bush II wins followed very closely by Bush I. Third place goes to Ronnie the Actor, whose most intelligent act was to pick a vice-president who was actually dumber than he was.
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Might try using a spell check program. We don’t do Ebonics or whatever it is that you speak.
In case MTR can’t figure it out, that will mean Patty Murray will be one of the most influential women in ‘Murka.
In fact, in light of the disaster in Minneapolis, I bet we can get Patty interested in Professional Accreditation for ‘Inginears’.
Mark the fucked up asshole:
Perhaps you should move to a nice red state? How about Mississippi? They think like you. They talk like you (I think). And you can preach to the choir. They might even think you to be intelligent. Nah, not that last part.
I am proud that Patty Murray speaks for me at the Federal level. Hope that answers your question.
MLF@21 As with most things, it’s never so simple as all that. I have friends in ‘Bama. Down the road ‘a-piece from Nawlins,
across the Causeway from Mobile. They were very fortunate when Katrina struck. Fairhope lost the Municipal Pier, and of course the white sand beach ‘went away’ along with the boardwalk. My friends refer to their less progressive neighbors as the ‘Necks. But even the ‘Necks wouldn’t put up with MTR and his posturing. And of ‘course, my friends live in a county that is 65% Black. They are registered. And they vote. It wouldn’t be real congenial for MTR. . .
You pacifists out there must be a little worried about Empty Skirt Hussein Obama threatening Pakistan.
So what’s the threat they poses to Murka?
What’s the plan?
What is “victory”?
What’s the exit strategy?
Or will he leave all the to the great military mind of The Smartest Woman In The World?
Carl @25: Do some reading man! All you do is sit on your ass and blog since Teresa takes good care of you right?
It happened two days ago.
Carl: I thought Barbara and Dianne are your “senators”. Two of the richest Moonbat!s in the Senate.
“…If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”
From his own fucking website. Shit… how fucking stoopid are you guys? Is that why you are behind this empty skirt dangerous naive fucking idiot?
So what’s the plan?
And most of all…What is the “exit strategy” since that’s all you guys worry about?
@ 28,
I could tell you what the exit plan is, but then I’d have to kill you. The particulars are classified.
Now, pay your gambling debt, you ignorant welsher.
57 percent view Supreme Court favorably
WASHINGTON – Views of the Supreme Court dropped sharply in a six-month period that included decisions that upheld abortion restrictions, struck down school integration plans and chided inaction on global warming, according to a poll Thursday.
Fifty-seven percent view the court favorably, the poll by the Pew Research Center found. The number was the lowest for the court in the survey in two years and down from 72 percent in January.
John Barelli says:
Come on liberals asked:
“Simple question, do you want the US to win the war in Iraq.”
Ok, since you don’t like the other answers, this old retired Sailor will see if you can understand simple English.
John maybe you should try Spanish.
Since your question asks if we want to win, the answer is certainly yes, of course we do.
Right answer but you seem confuse about what a WIN really is. Now if you could explain what (IS) is better than Bill Clinton we would get a transparent answer.
We also want an end to world hunger, an end to oppression, justice for everyone, a cure for cancer and even for the common cold.
Now Reverent John you are straying from the subject matter, besides we can’t do that in Seattle with all the Socialist Democrats running the government.
We want people to love their fellow human beings. All of them.
You have a real problem making every fellow human being loving all those who believe that crap will ever happen. Besides I have not heard anyone express how much they love and cherish Roger Rabbit.
Ok, now, which of those things is likely to happen right away?
NONE Pastor John accept the win in Iraq and rendering the Al Qaeda impotent.
Most of those things are beyond our power to accomplish, but we still keep at them, because our efforts actually make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our continued effort for a military solution in Iraq does not fall into that category.
Your belief John but not share by those who went over there and made real differences in the Iraqis lives.
I’d love to see the factions in Iraq quit hating each other and join in creating a peaceful country (which is the only reasonable criteria for “victory” in that conflict).
John, poor John you are forgetting military history, remember Germany, Japan, and let’s also include Italy after World War II. Now you can include Korea today which in time will be united as one Nation.
“Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability. “
John what you are claiming is that all our own military leaders are saying that, which is far from the truth. Today we are engaging into a war with multiple fronts and starting to make some headway but not out of control that would produce a loss.
Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse.
Now you sound like a defeatist who has never been in South West Asia. One thing you miss that place has always been messed up and doing something is better than doing nothing. To those who live there it can’t be any worse read Michael Yon and enlighten yourself.
The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave.
Yes they do, but not until we finished the job, and they can remain in control of their own country and not the al Qaeda.
So, with the only reasonable criteria for victory beyond our reach, with our Soldiers (and Sailors, Marines and Airmen) losing life and limb on a daily basis, with our continued military presence making matters worse and with the majority of Iraqis wishing for our withdrawal, at what point do we stop tilting at windmills, Mr. Quixote?
You seem to forget that oath we took when we raised our right hand on the Bible and put on that uniform. (“tilting; to cause to slant; tip. To slope; incline, to change (at an opponent). To take part in a tilt. A medieval contest in which two horsemen fight with lances. Any spirited contest, a slope (at) full tilt at full speed.) Well Reverent John now you are a really making yourself sound like a DEAFEATIST and probable support Osama bin Laden and his many friends.
“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” – 17th century nursery rhyme.
War is not child’s play and they should never be invited to play or engage in combat. Today our enemies seem to enjoy including other peoples children to do their dirty work. They also exclude their own children and families from taking part in the conflict. Where is bin Laden family living? Besides, not to mention where is he hiding while others are being killed with IED’s?
Chief Lake USAF/Washington Air National Guard Ret.
@11 My Left Foot says:
Problem: Global warming. Republican solution: No problem. It does not exist.
Ever see the Penn & Teller show about environmental hysteria? The show was at an environmental protest, they had a girl walking around getting signatures on a petition outlawing dihydrogen monoxide. They would tell the ignorant masses this was a substance used in anti-freeze, used in the refining of oil, used in nuclear reactors, etc. The people were only too happy to sign the petition outlawing it. Phucking hilarious!! It exposed how easily wackos are manipulated.
How pompous of the global warming crowd to think that we are at the right temperature. Ever hear of Greenland, think it was named because it was covered in ice? As the ice is melting proof of civilization (mining equipment) is being found. Of course, the global warming crowd refuses to address the issue of rising temperatures on mars and other planets.
Does that mean we aren’t polluting, of course we are. We can do more to be earth friendly, but that doesn’t mean we’re warming the planet up. Kyoto treaty excludes the biggest polluter on the planet, what a treaty that is. The biggest offenders are the most vocaal, I could post links about gore and his power sucking house, I’m sure trolls have posted them before. I could post links about bush and his environmental friendly house in texas, or how he implemented more eco-friendly for the white house.
For the idiots that googled dihydrogen monoxide, check out all the pranks. I like the 2006 Louisville, Kentucky warning in front of a fountain, “Danger, water contains high levels of hydrogen, keep out”
Mark the fucked up asshole:
I read your posts. I can’t make head nor tails. Hence, the HUH?
Yes, I live south of you now, but I proudly voted for Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell.
How do you like that? I move and still piss you off. Teresa is fine, thanks for asking about her.
Hugs and Kisses
What’s with these wingnuts who don’t understand the difference between a scientist expressing a personal opinion and peer-reviewed science? Anything to justify the ostrich posture, I guess.
Ah, Mr. Lake. Always interesting to see your particular view of the world, and read your take on various issues.
I note that you take issue with a few of my statements, and seem to believe that I was making statements of my own opinions. Far from it. For example, you seem to believe that the statement “Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability” in regards to using military force to create a stable peace in Iraq is defeatist.
Perhaps so, but that is also the opinion of General Petraeus, who stated: “I think, again, that any student of history recognizes that there is no military solution to a problem like that in Iraq” and of the head of the CIA, Mr. Hayden when he stated: “the inability of the government to govern seems irreversible,” adding that he could not “point to any milestone or checkpoint where we can turn this thing around“.
And while you take issue with the comment “Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse“, you should note that again, I am not claiming that somehow I am an expert on the situation with insurgents in Iraq, I am merely noting the information available from the National Intelligence Estimate, when it stated: “The group (al-Qaeda) has protected or regenerated elements of its homeland attack capability,” including establishing new training camps in Pakistan as well as replacing its operational lieutenants”.
Then you took issue with “The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave“. In response I will refer to the State Department report, titled “Iraq Civil War Fears Remain High in Sunni and Mixed Areas” based on 1,870 face-to-face interviews conducted from late June to early July. It stated: “Majorities in all regions except Kurdish areas state that the Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) should withdraw immediately, adding that the MNF-I’s departure would make them feel safer and decrease violence“.
In closing you make the comment “War is not child’s play and they should never be invited to play or engage in combat“. I agree. We have allowed our government and the current administration to act like children. It’s time for the grown-ups to take over.
Something scary from a really liberal guy:
“A War We Just Might Win”
GBS What do you think?? Most other ASSIE Voice Moonbat!s are seared by their internal hatred of GWB.
For all you right wing dick suckers who were bragging about right wing blogs – well where it counts, I already reminded you we have the seats in public office. But here’s more bad news – your WE DISTORT – WE DECIDE pals at Faux News are getting their ASSES kicked by just about every other online news site.
DEAD LAST – DEAD LAST – DEAD LAST is where Faux News comes in according to the Center for Media Research.
CNN, MSNBC and NYTimes web sites combined have 100 times the combined audience of Faux News HE HE!
Sorry wrong link
What’s striking about this is that any one of the the big three have about five times the audience of Faux News – no wonder Dems don’t want to appear on Faux News – nobody’s watching!
I would like to find out where people get those nifty statistics about web site traffic. I have the distinct suspicion that the Stranger’s SLOG has about twice the traffic of Sound Politics and HA put together. In fact, it’s more than a suspicion. I know it’s the truth! It’s MY truth, which is much more impooortant than your truth.
28 MTR
It is believed that the reference is to Special Forces limited incursion for a kill mission. That contains its own exit strategy. What Barack Obama is NOT talking about is a massive US military invasion of Pakistan, which would be as stupid an idea as invading and occupying Iraq, except for the tiny crucial difference of a real threat residing there.
At a September 15, 2006, White House press conference, Bush said that “the idea of sending special forces to Pakistan to hunt down bin Laden was a strategy that would not work,” because “Pakistan is a sovereign nation.” He’s a fucking pussy. What’s Osama got on him that he lets him get away and then says he can’t go after him?
He invaded a “sovereign nation” where there was NO threat. Why’s he wetting his shorts now? Obama’s got balls the size of your SUV.
36 Puddybud
Ken Pollack wrote the book The Gathering Storm: the case for Invading Iraq. Really “liberal” of him. He has been telling us all how great things are going ever since. He supported the current escalation. He is now telling us whow well the escalation is going. Not a liberal. Just another opportunist.
Hey MTR, maybe you should have read the WHOLE speech by Barack Obama…
Somewhere on this repellent site a Goldycrat sock puppet accused me of being a shill for Republicans. That would be despite my assertions that Republican losers deserved to lose in 2006 and that GWB’s evisceration of conservatism may terminally discredit or destroy the party. Sucks to be us.
And didn’t I know that GWB disavowed his own 16 words? Well, yes, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Andrew Sullivan, the point of the thread, said that the 16 words were valid when uttered (and screw Slam Dunk Tenet’s belated assertion to the contrary), and were valid later.
Give Sullivan the Medal of Freedom. He deserves it at least as much as Tenet.
“Democrats … expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue.”
Do you wonder why your elected leaders are ignoring you? Do you feel taken advantage of?
Ah, who cares, they know the mindless sheeple like you will continue to vote democrat.
Kewl, down in la la land the democrat mayor (that happens to be one of Hillary’s Chair of her national campaign) instructed the police to keep reporters away, one big tough cop pushed a hispanic woman into a shipping container. One can only imagine a “publican” mayor having a minority woman pushed into a shipping container and the outrage it would create. Democrats won’t care, they see abuse of women as S.O.P.
“What’s with these wingnuts who don’t understand the difference between a scientist expressing a personal opinion and peer-reviewed science? Anything to justify the ostrich posture, I guess.”
The Lovenstein institute is an internet hoax, Joe.
Sucks to be you.