Lee (Thehim) is writing about you again. It is very good. It is not flattering. You might want consider getting the AC fixed.
My Left Footspews:
Again, what candidate should I vote for? Who among us has what it takes to be president? Who are you supporting?
Or do you just bitch about Democrats ruining the country?
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Well that is up to you to decide. For me, I am going with the majority of the nation for the last 31 years and not voting for the democrat.
My Left Footspews:
What are you smoking? Please cite your sources. List your election results.
Then pull your head out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#2 My Left Foot says:
Again, what candidate should I vote for? Who among us has what it takes to be president? Who are you supporting?
Or do you just bitch about Democrats ruining the country?
Speaking as a troll… vote for hillary. Like rove said, she’s a flawed candidate. Like john edwards less cowardly half said, she’ll bring the republicans out in droves to vote against her. Vote for publicans lite.
Check the polls, the dems are lining up behind her like mindless sheep, you might as well be one of them.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
When I talk about “national election” it means POTUS. Here is the list of presidents receiving over 50% of the popular vote since Carter:
Reagan -1980
Reagan -1984-Landslide
G HW Bush-1988
GW Bush – 2004
Which one is the democrat again? I am dog and I know. No wonder you dems got the shit beat out of you by a chimp last elction. Geeesh.
My Left Footspews:
Here Jane,
Let me help you.
James Carter Democratic 40,831,881
Gerald Ford Republican 39,148,634
William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806
George Bush Republican 39,104,550
William Clinton Democratic 47,400,125
Robert Dole Republican 39,198,755
George W. Bush Republican 50,460,110
Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 51,003,926 (note: GWB did not have a majority of the vote)
You and your dog should learn to use “the Google”. I know having correct information is very scary.
However, thank you for showing us your ass.
Thanks for playing along. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Geeeesh…. let me rephrase…. roof roof.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Thanks for posting about me on another blog. It’s music to a trolls ears knowing you couldn’t resist posting about me. When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
BTW, tell everyone why you cut & ran on soundpolitics in the thread about armitage when you were being lambasted and then posting a meaningless post on your own blog where you could remove posts.
My Left Footspews:
And one last note Jane,
I was kind and did not mention that both houses of congress are controlled by a MAJORITY that is of the Democratic Party.
Think before you post, or ask your dog.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806
George Bush Republican 39,104,550
William Clinton Democratic 47,400,125
Robert Dole Republican 39,198,755
George W. Bush Republican 50,460,110
Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 51,003,926 (note: GWB did not have a majority of the vote)
None of those candidates won with 50% of the popular vote. It should be noted that Perot took 12-13 million votes away from Bush 41 to put Clinton in Office. If it wasnt for Perot Clinton would have never been elected.
Mrs. Rabbitspews:
Hunters And Gun Owners Unite! (But Not Behind The NRA … )
From an Associated Press article about the drastic decline in the number of hunters:
“As their ranks dwindle, hunters are far from unified. … One rift involves hunters disenchanted with the National Rifle Association, which runs major hunting programs and lobbies vigorously against gun control. A Maryland hunter, Ray Schoenke, has formed a new group, the American Hunters and Shooters Association, primarily as a home for hunters who would support some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales. ‘The NRA’s extreme positions have hurt the hunting movement,’ Schoenke said.”
Why, next then you know, soldiers will vote Democratic! In fact, possibly some already are! Maybe that explains why the RNC spends millions and risks jail terms to keep soldiers from voting: http://tinyurl.com/jv9nf
My Left Footspews:
Jane Balogh’s dog says:
“Well that is up to you to decide. For me, I am going with the majority of the nation for the last 31 years and not voting for the democrat.
09/03/2007 at 6:46 pm”
Jane’s canine now wants us to believe that she meant WHEN the candidates WON with MORE than fifty percent of the vote. Clearly her statement was that for the last 31 years the nation voted Republican presidents. Not going to let you weasel out, bitch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 was posted by Roger Rabbit
My Left Footspews:
Jane’s bitch,
The electoral system is what counts. Live with it. The fact is that in the post modern era this country has voted Democrat both for President and the legislative branch far more often than for Republicans.
Eat shit. (that is what dogs with coprophagy do)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 It’s true the majority of the nation didn’t vote for the Democrat. When you look at the election numbers for the last 31 years, you’ll see that less than half the nation’s population voted. For example, the current U.S. population is about 300 million, and in 2004 less than 123 million of them voted. The Democrat didn’t get anywhere close to 151 million votes. (P.S., neither did the Republican.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Don’t worry, we don’t expect much of dogs. We’re resigned to the fact that as long as Republicans keep registering their dogs to vote, we’re going to get a certain number of Republican idiots occupying public offices.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#7 My Left Foot says:
Let me help you. William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806 William Clinton Democratic 47,400,125
Bush 2004 Bush – 62,040,606 Wow, the dumb clueless hitler got more votes than clinton EVER got.
George W. Bush Republican 50,460,110
Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 51,003,926 (note: GWB did not have a majority of the vote)
What are you bragging about, bush won the election.
Bush – 62,040,606
Kerry – 59,028,109
Isn’t this the most embarrassing for democrats? What have you got to say, maybe apologize to the world for not having a candidate capable of beating bush?
You and your dog should learn to use “the Google”. I know having correct information is very scary.
However, thank you for showing us your ass.
Funny, you used google and didn’t put the truth that bush beat kerry. Oh yeah, liberal bias on google didn’t put the facts on the search page.
Thanks for playing along. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
I’d say thanks for voting but obviously you wasted your vote for voting for a very very flawed candidate. Someone so flawed he couldn’t even beat the worst president in recent history. What is so screwed up about you that you couldn’t see the obvious truth?
What are you going to do to change the way you view politics? To make a change instead of doing the same old? It’s up to you.
It’s time to think for yourself and give up being a blind follower.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “It should be noted that Perot took 12-13 million votes away from Bush 41 to put Clinton in Office.”
I’ll refrain from saying “bullshit” because you’re only a dog, and dogs aren’t expected to know anything. But in the interest of keeping the record straight:
“Some conservative analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. However, exit polling indicated that Perot voters would have split their votes fairly evenly among Clinton and Bush had Perot not been in the race, and an analysis by FairVote – Center for Voting and Democracy suggested that, while Bush would have won more electoral votes with Perot out of the race, he would not have gained enough to reverse Clinton’s victory.”
And one last note Jane,
I was kind and did not mention that both houses of congress are controlled by a MAJORITY that is of the Democratic Party.
Think before you post, or ask your dog.
I’m not so kind. Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%, even lower than the poll numbers of bush.
So I guess you are bragging about the dem majority in both houses approving the surge, not ending the war, fisa, etc. etc. Bush didn’t have it this easy when the publicans were in control.
My Left Footspews:
Again, who do you support and why should I vote for them?
Simple question.
As for your answer concerning the elections, I was disproving her statement, not trying to prove who got more votes. She stated that the majority of the country has for the last 31 years voted Republican. I disproved that. The Bush/Gore result proves my point more than any other.
Now, thank you for playing too. Your parting gift is posted on effinsound.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 In order to believe this rightwing screed, you have to believe everyone who voted for Perot was a Republican who otherwise would have voted for Bush Sr.
That’s palpitating fantasy.
In addition, I know for a fact it isn’t true, because I voted for Perot — and I’m not a Republican (in case you haven’t guessed) nor would I have voted for Bush Sr. if my only choice was him or Clinton.
My Left Footspews:
Marvin 20:
Where do you see where we were discussing approval ratings?
How do you make an argument that is off topic and feel so smug?
Sad little man, sad little life.
You are the stupidest person on this blog. Please continue to entertain us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “The electoral system is what counts.”
Yes, unfortunately. The electoral system was already an anachronism when it was adopted, and even more so today. The electoral college had one, and only one, purpose: To preserve slavery, in order to induce the southern colonies to join the union. What do we need it for today?
The main objection to abolishing the electoral college is that doing so requires a constitutional amendment (true) which is very difficult to enact (equally true). But we can accomplish the same thing without changing the Constitution.
A number of states have passed laws requiring their electors to vote for whoever wins the national popular vote. These laws usually are contingent on all states passing similar laws, which hasn’t happened. If we can get such laws passed in all 50 states, we can get rid of the pernicious distortions of the electoral college whereby the losing candidate gets to be president.
While that’s not easy to do, it’s easier than taking the amendment route, because all you need is a simple legislative majority in each state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Bush 2004 Bush – 62,040,606 Wow, the dumb clueless hitler got more votes than clinton EVER got.”
Big deal. Karl Rove registered more dogs in 2004.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How can ANYONE read #18 and still swallow Stamn’s claim to be an independent? There’s nothing there except the standard-issue wingnut talking points. #18 is exactly what a Republican is told to say. So, Marvin, why should be believe you’re not a goose-stepping GOP troll?
My Left Footspews:
Marvin, one last thing on the voting subject. My vote is never wasted. I understand the importance of voting, win or lose.
I will never vote for another Republican ever! That would be a wasted vote.
And I am tired of being polite. I have been very careful this weekend to harness my language.
But in dealing with a mercenary asshole, such as yourself for example, one must draw the line and call a spade a spade.
You are equal parts bullshit and bluster. You are, as Lee has so eloquently pointed out, just plain stupid.
Thank you for participating.
Carl: I was busy so I’m catching up on Kos Stupidity. I post his garbage here every now and then. Here is one for you…
1) This person has been employed there since 1971.
2) In 1998 two Maine newspapers disclosed the fact the wife worked for Senator Collins. She’s worked for her the last 10 years.
3)The Moonbat political editor of same the paper referenced above is the cousin of the Moonbat opponent.
And you wonder why Milktoast Kosdumass website causes me to laugh so hard!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#21 My Left Foot says:
Again, who do you support and why should I vote for them?
Simple question.
I already answered it. Post #5. Couldn’t be much simpler. Starting at the top, count down, 1, 2, 3, 4 and there is #5, right after 4 and before 6.
As for your answer concerning the elections, I was disproving her statement, not trying to prove who got more votes. She stated that the majority of the country has for the last 31 years voted Republican. I disproved that. The Bush/Gore result proves my point more than any other.
I’m not sure what you proved. But kudos, you showed her. Bush beat gore and then bush beat an even more flawed democrat candidate named kerry.
Not trying to be an ass, but did gore’s home state of tennessee vote for gore in the presidential election? Gore was the first major party presidential candidate to have lost his home state since George McGovern lost South Dakota in 1972. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.....tion,_2000
Why don’t you give us your intelligent analysis of why the people that knew gore best (he was their senator) didn’t want him as president? That is if you’re up to the challenge
Pelletizer@25: It is a big deal. No one has ever broke 60 million before. And after he was called a Nazi by the Kos Moe-rons. Not your glorious Clinton or John Effin Kerry.
So, Marvin, why should be believe you’re not a goose-stepping GOP troll?.
Do you understand the concept of trolling?
Google the los angeles lakers newsgroup for Coz if you need a clue. Or maybe the mountain biking newsgroups for mike vanderman.
If you still don’t understand, I’ll try to put together a few more words, albeit shorter words slower typed, to help you get it. I’ll do that for you rabbit.
Glad to see you joined me in voting for perot. Sucks to vote for the same guy I did doesn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%, even lower than the poll numbers of bush.”
Because people still associate “Congress” with Republicans. Because every time another Republican congressman or senator resigns, gets indicted, or goes to jail, people think of “Congress.”
It shows Bush’s approval ratings are less than 30% on most issues. Most telling of all it shows:
“17. As of today do you lean more toward the Republican Party or the Democratic Party? …
“37 Total Republican/Republican Leaners
“49 Total Democrat/Democratic Leaners”
And I recall reading another poll of registered voters recently that said people, by a 50% to 32% margin, would like to see Democrats win in 2008.
So you go right ahead and keep living in la-la-land, Marvin. The GOP’s armageddon is now little more than a year away. With a little luck, the Rapture may get here sooner. Then all you True Believers won’t have to be here when Hillary takes the oath of office and the Democrats have obstruction-proof majorities in both houses of Congress.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#27 My Left Foot says:
Marvin, one last thing on the voting subject. My vote is never wasted. I understand the importance of voting, win or lose.
A vote for kerry WAS a wasted vote. How could it be anything else?
And I am tired of being polite. I have been very careful this weekend to harness my language.
Wow, this whole weekend? Get real, you have a potty mouth. You love to show off your command of the english language, well, as long as the words are four letters long.
This is only the FIRST example on a horesesass search- Right Foot is an asshole.
Thank you.
FUCK OFF! http://www.horsesass.org/?p=3353#comment-686143
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “No one has ever broke 60 million before.”
Well gee whiz, we never had 300 million people before either! When our population reaches a billion, 60 million votes will make you a third-party candidate.
Eat shit. (that is what dogs with coprophagy do)
Nice catch MLF. Jane’s Dog AKA DOOFUS has been eating shit since the election contest. Remember I-912 DOOFUS?
Also at Republican picnics he sniffs the other dog’s butts. Senator Craig must have always been game for DOOFUS.
Good grief. Lee, Marvin, get a room.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#33 Roger Rabbit says:
@20 “Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%, even lower than the poll numbers of bush.”
Because people still associate “Congress” with Republicans. Because every time another Republican congressman or senator resigns, gets indicted, or goes to jail, people think of “Congress.”
So “we the people” are that stoopid? Well, once again proving my point government schools are failing.
How about this one… if the people are so stoopid to associate congress with publicans then the poll numbers you posted are meaningless because they are by the same stoopid people.
Then all you True Believers won’t have to be here when Hillary takes the oath of office and the Democrats have obstruction-proof majorities in both houses of Congress.
You’re not really voting for hillary are you? You voted for perot and now hillary? I was going to stop pissing on the carrots when I walked by them when I heard you voted for perot.
My Left Footspews:
The post you copied and pasted here was simple copied and pasted by me and I changed the name to Right Foot after the left the post for me.
By the way, asshole, thank you for outing yourself as Right Foot.
Thanks again, for playing along.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 What I’m saying is absolute numbers taken out of context don’t mean much. The number of total votes, and the number of votes the major party candidates get, rise in every successive election, except in the rare instances of a major independent or third party challenger.
And apart from how many votes Bush got, there is the question of how many more votes Kerry would have gotten if Republicans hadn’t devoted millions of dollars and countless thousands of man-hours of effort to keeping American citizens (and soldiers) from voting in their own country (committing federal crimes in the process).
Does any honest person really believe Bush would have “won” in 2004 if his stooge Ken Blackwell hadn’t locked voting machines in warehouses and made voters in Democratic precincts stand in line for 6 to 8 hours?
Does any honest person really believe Bush would have “won” in 2000 without illegal voter purges, “malfunctioning” voting machines, or if there had been a full recount?
Does any honest person really believe any Republican could ever get elected to anything, anywhere, without smear campaigns, wedge issues, and vote suppression operations?
I don’t think so. Republicans don’t think so, either. They know perfectly well they can’t win an honest election. That’s why they expend so much resources on dirty tricks. And that’s why the best dirty tricksters are the most exalted and revered people in their party! Who else but Republicans would worship a guy like Rove. To find any parallel in history, you have to go back to the Russian aristocracy’s idolatry of Rasputin.
Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%,
Tell me why Congress approval numbers have never broken much above 40% for either party.
Clinton’s approval always higher than Congress’ all during the time they tried to railroad him out of office.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
I’ll refrain from saying “bullshit” because you’re only a dog, and dogs aren’t expected to know anything. But in the interest of keeping the record straight:
“Some conservative analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. However, exit polling indicated that Perot voters would have split their votes fairly evenly among Clinton and Bush had Perot not been in the race, and an analysis by FairVote – Center for Voting and Democracy suggested that, while Bush would have won more electoral votes with Perot out of the race, he would not have gained enough to reverse Clinton’s victory.”
Yeah, we all know how all you dems love those corporate heads running for president. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Especially the ones from Texas…… ah roof my ass off!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “Sucks to vote for the same guy I did doesn’t it?”
Not at all. What sucks is having to vote for a guy like Perot because the major parties can’t give us anything better than guys like Bush and Clinton. But the really amazing thing is that Clinton turned out to be a damned good president despite all his personal flaws. And what’s even more amazing is that Bush Jr. turned out to be such a lousy president despite his pedigree. His old man must have a hard time looking at himself in the mirror for bringing such a piece of shit into the world.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#37 YellowPup says:
Good grief. Lee, Marvin, get a room.
Thanks for noticing.
Multiple threads about me on multiple blogs simultaneously. Props to us trolls.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
The main point here is that most of the county will not vote democrat when it comes to the most important office in the world. If you make it a two horse race against a democrat and a chimp, the chimp wins every time. hahahahaha
Marvin Stamnspews:
#41 YLB says:
Clinton’s approval always higher than Congress’ all during the time they tried to railroad him out of office.
Bush’s poll numbers are higher than those of congress and if the (democrat controlled) congress had the balls they would railroad bush out of office.
What’s your point? Except the publican controlled congress actually did what they said they would?
My Left Footspews:
Jane’s bitch,
Put the crack pipe down. Please, explain how half the time we have a Democrat in the White House?
Using your logic, most of the time half the country won’t vote for a Republican either.
Not only are you a bitch, but you are a dumb bitch.
My Left Footspews:
Marvin is now bragging that Bush approval rating is 29 percent.
He is not only stupid, but dumb too.
I rest my case.
Watch what happens when we get tired of laughing at you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#39 My Left Foot says:
The post you copied and pasted here was simple copied and pasted by me and I changed the name to Right Foot after the left the post for me.
Are you saying you don’t have a potty mouth?
By the way, asshole, thank you for outing yourself as Right Foot.
If I had a dollar for every time someone accused me of being a sockpuppet I would be in the rich half of america like john “2 americas” edwards.
Pay goldy for my IP address. Pay goldy for right foot’s ip address. Until then you are proving yourself to be clueless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Remember I-912 DOOFUS?”
I certainly remember I-912. That was the gas tax repeal. I also remember Mark the Welshing Redneck betting Goldy $100 that I-912 would win by 15 points. I remember Goldy accepted that bet. I remember Redneck refused to pay after I-912 lost by almost 10 points. It turned out Redneck was off by 25%; and his account is now almost 2 years past due! I’ll bet Redneck still has some library books he checked out in the 1970s, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But Goldy should have known he would never get paid. Republicans have no honor.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
It always amazed me how Clinton poll numbers were always so high except on election night. Did they have Diebold voting machines back the 90’s? hahaha
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “So ‘we the people’ are that stoopid?”
I know of only 1 other troll who spells “stupid” that way, and he owes Goldy $100 …
Marvin Stamnspews:
#43 Roger Rabbit says:
@32 “Sucks to vote for the same guy I did doesn’t it?”
Not at all. What sucks is having to vote for a guy like Perot because the major parties can’t give us anything better than guys like Bush and Clinton.
or gore or bush or kerry or clinton or rudy or edwards or…
That’s probably would have written if I wasn’t a trolling here. But I am so it must suck for you knowing we voted for the same person.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now I’ve got a pretty good idea of who Marvin really is, and why we don’t see Redneck posting very much anymore.
Did you change your gender at the same time you changed your name, Marvin?
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Jane’s bitch,
Put the crack pipe down. Please, explain how half the time we have a Democrat in the White House?
Ross Perot… Gawd damn how many times do you have to drill this in your thick ass skulls. Clinton won because of Ross (had nothing in common with democrats) Perot, get it. Geeesh.
47 yo
closeted gay
no children
never in military
drives a Japanese car but wants a beamer..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “The main point here is that most of the county will not vote democrat when it comes to the most important office in the world. If you make it a two horse race against a democrat and a chimp, the chimp wins every time. hahahahaha”
If you make it a race between a dog and a rabbit, the dog loses every time. If dogs had to live on rabbit meat they’d all fucking starve.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#54 Roger Rabbit says:
@38 “So ‘we the people’ are that stoopid?”
I know of only 1 other troll who spells “stupid” that way, and he owes Goldy $100 …
Hey rabbit, do me a favor. Beg goldy or darryl to tell you I’m not a sockpuppet of other trolls. That’s against troll union rules. I’d be back under the bridge stealing carrots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “Marvin is now bragging that Bush approval rating is 29 percent.”
It’s sort of understandable. At this point, Bush’s 29% approval rating is the best thing pubbies have going for them. Their numbers everywhere else are even worse.
My Left Footspews:
Of course I can have a potty mouth. I know you feel superior because of that. I assure you that my vocabulary is just fine. I know all the big words, but I was taught to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Folks like, well, you for example, who crawl out of their 1972 model trailer and post here.
I was just wondering, does your mouth hang open when you type too?
Once again, we truly enjoy your participation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “That’s probably would have written if I wasn’t a trolling here. But I am so it must suck for you knowing we voted for the same person.”
The difference between you and me is I didn’t want Perot to actually get elected. Mine was strictly a protest vote.
Makes sense with the rest of what Harvey says. That pookah is amazing!
I see you endorsed Ms. Clinton. That makes sense given Harvey’s outline but what about on the Republican side?
I asked Harvey and he surprised me by telling me that you support Hackabee … for his consistency and honesty and because he comes form Arkansas!
So is your idea to run HRC vs Huckabee???
BTW, Harvey also tells me that he feels you should really have a prostate exam. He says there is nothing wrong but you have not had one yet and at your age it is good t start!
That pooka!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 “I’d be back under the bridge stealing carrots.”
Yes, I thought I’d seen you there.
My Left Footspews:
Yep, that explains it. Thanks, it is all so clear to me now.
(sarcasm, pointed out as a public service to the trolls and other Republicans who believe all that they hear)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Unless you’re a rabbit, that behavior would be considered odd, to say the least.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “Clinton won because of Ross (had nothing in common with democrats) Perot, get it.”
Repeating baloney 10,000 times doesn’t turn it into caviar.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#62 My Left Foot says:
Of course I can have a potty mouth. I know you feel superior because of that.
Tell me how you figured that out. Have others in your life told you they were superior to you because you have a potty mouth and you’re assuming I’m like them?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#64 SeattleJew says:
OK so now yu want to be called a troll?
Makes sense with the rest of what Harvey says. That pookah is amazing!
I see you endorsed Ms. Clinton. That makes sense given Harvey’s outline but what about on the Republican side?
I asked Harvey and he surprised me by telling me that you support Hackabee … for his consistency and honesty and because he comes form Arkansas!
So is your idea to run HRC vs Huckabee???
BTW, Harvey also tells me that he feels you should really have a prostate exam. He says there is nothing wrong but you have not had one yet and at your age it is good t start!
That pooka!
So far your pooka was right about me being a male and not in the service. When and if he gets something else correct I’ll let you know. Encourage him to keep trying. I liked playing 20 questions as a kid.
My Left Footspews:
When you answer my question about who to support in the upcoming presidential election I will be happy to answer yours.
Not many folks have the nerve to stand up to me in person. I notice that you did not respond to my personal email. What are you hiding? I agreed to keep your “secret” so what is the hold up?
(By the way, it is standard Republican fare to use the family values holier than thou attitude in regard to swearing. You are no different. A pile of poo poo is still just a pile of shit.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
“In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton defeated Republican incumbent George Bush, with a comfortable Electoral College victory of 370 to 168. … Independent candidate Ross Perot won a full 19% of the [popular] vote ….
“Political scientists and practioners have vigorously debated the role of Ross Perot in Clinton’s victory. … Clinton won 22 states that Bush had carried in 1988. Among these were some states that Clinton probably won only because of the Perot candidacy. With a total of 40 electoral votes, these states are:
“Colorado, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Colorado by … 53% to 45%. In … 1992, Perot won 23% of the vote, and Clinton carried the state with 40% to Bush’s 36%.
“Georgia, 13 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … 60% to 39% …. In 1992, … Clinton won by an eyelash … with both candidates taking 43%. Perot won 13% of the vote.
“Kentucky, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won by 56% to 44% …. In 1992, Clinton defeated Bush 45% to 41%, with Perot taking 14%. …
“Montana, 3 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 52% to 46% …. In 1992, … Clinton … edged Bush by 38% to 35%, with Perot collecting 26% of the vote.
“New Hampshire, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush crushed Dukakis by 63% to 36%. In 1992,… Clinton … defeated Bush, 39% to 38%, with Perot taking 23% of the vote. …
“Nevada, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 59% to 38% …. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush 37% to 35%, with Perot picking up 26% of the vote. …
“Here are four states that Perot’s candidacy possibly allowed Clinton to win, although it is less persuasive. The total electoral vote in these states was 49. They are:
“Louisiana, 9 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis by 54% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 46% to 41%, with Perot taking 12% of the vote. The Perot vote would have needed to break three to one for Bush over Clinton to change the result ….
“Maine, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Maine by 55% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 39% to 30%, with Perot taking fully 30% of the vote. By 1996, Maine was solidly in Clinton’s camp, but Perot provided a gateway for traditional Republican voters to shift to Democrats. There is a chance that without Perot in 1992, a good number of these voters might not have been ready to shift to Clinton over Bush.
“New Jersey, 15 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … by 56% to 42%. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush, 43% to 41%, with Perot taking 16% of the vote. Given … the unpopularity of Gov. Jim Florio’s tax increase, it is possible that the Perot vote would have broken toward Bush. …
“Ohio, 21 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 55% to 44%. In 1992 …, Clinton … defeated him, 40% to 38%, with Perot taking 21% of the vote. If that Perot vote had split 12% to 9% in favor of Bush …, he would have won the state … a plausible assumption, although not a definite one.
Analysis: Perot’s vote totals in themselves likely did not cause Clinton to win. Even if all of these states had shifted to Bush and none of Bush’s victories had been reversed …, Clinton still would have won the electoral college vote by 281 to 257.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even if you make EVERY assumption in Bush’s favor he falls short! Closer, yes, but still no cigar. The claim that Perot cost Bush the election is BULLSHIT. When experts model the 1992 elction, there is no Perotless scenario under which Bush wins.
So Carl Left or Right Foot. How do you like them Union Bosses who continue to get their moolah when others go on strike?
My Left Footspews:
Please site your source.
My opinion has been asked and answered on previous threads.
Confused as to why you would confuse me with Right Foot. I only use Left Foot here.
Tell me, how is that virtually no Republicans have been in the military?
If you want to discuss a real question, what about the Draft? I am for national service. Howsa about you?
Nother real issue, is Laura the only Texan Bushie left in the WH? There is a rumor that the Israeli and Palestinians PMs will boycott Camp David because they do not think lil Bush can get anyhiing done without someone more impressive around. Daddy Bush? Wouldn’t that be sumpin!
Carl I posted it above. Please don’t go stupid on me!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#75 SeattleJew says:
BTW Harvey also told us where you live? Remember?
That was right on.
No I don’t remember. What street was it?
Many know I’m in los angeles and the owners of this blog can identify the city by the IP so you will have to name the street.
No privacy any more.
Okay. And the street was?
@51 Rodent:
Just one question for you that you never answered before: Did Ditzy Darcy accept your food stamp contributions or not? Seems you have no room to slam someone on welshing on a bet. Your obviously tiny mind is once again amusing, and I thank you for the chuckle.
@9 BTW, tell everyone why you cut & ran on soundpolitics in the thread about armitage when you were being lambasted and then posting a meaningless post on your own blog where you could remove posts.
Why don’t you post a link to those chain of events?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#71 My Left Foot says:
When you answer my question about who to support in the upcoming presidential election I will be happy to answer yours.
You didn’t like my answer?
Not many folks have the nerve to stand up to me in person. I notice that you did not respond to my personal email. What are you hiding? I agreed to keep your “secret” so what is the hold up?
Since you are talking about standing up to you maybe we shouldn’t meet. My PO wouldn’t like it. What am I hiding, my real life from some on the outer edges of reality (headless, etc.. NOT Lee or sj. etc.)
(By the way, it is standard Republican fare to use the family values holier than thou attitude in regard to swearing. You are no different. A pile of poo poo is still just a pile of shit.)
Did I say family values? Not me, it’s simply I don’t want to be vulgar or too insulting and goldy ask me to leave. Haven’t you seen me give goldy props for letting me post? Not many blogs allow ANYONE to post without being verified, I’ve been kicked off blogs from dailykos to lgf. Even though I’m trolling I’m trying to show some respect for the place.
BTW – I’ve attended both usc and ucla, got a degree from neither. Grew up in Tarzana. (just checked email)
I can’t wait for the next scandal you’re going to enlighten us with. What could it be? Barack Obama jaywalked to a campaign rally when he was in a hurry? Hillary Clinton was irresponsible and let her cat run away when she was 7? John Edwards once slept through Sunday mass by accident? Bill Richardson picked his nose on camera?
Seriously, man. You’re a joke. I’m not sure if there’ll be a highlight reel #3 any time soon, but this has been a blast so far. Whatever you do to stay this dumb, keep doin’ it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#79 Lee says:
@9 BTW, tell everyone why you cut & ran on soundpolitics in the thread about armitage when you were being lambasted and then posting a meaningless post on your own blog where you could remove posts.
Why don’t you post a link to those chain of events?
I didn’t even know you cut & ran until you explained that you posted your rebuttal on your blog. Obviously you know what thread I’m talking about.
Thanks for posting about me on another blog. It’s music to a trolls ears knowing you couldn’t resist posting about me. When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling.
That’s exactly the point. Good night!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#81 Lee says:
Marv, I can’t wait for the next scandal you’re going to enlighten us with. What could it be? Barack Obama jaywalked to a campaign rally when he was in a hurry? Hillary Clinton was irresponsible and let her cat run away when she was 7? John Edwards once slept through Sunday mass by accident? Bill Richardson picked his nose on camera?
Seriously, man. You’re a joke. I’m not sure if there’ll be a highlight reel #3 any time soon, but this has been a blast so far. Whatever you do to stay this dumb, keep doin’ it.
@82 I didn’t even know you cut & ran until you explained that you posted your rebuttal on your blog. Obviously you know what thread I’m talking about.
Then post it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#83 Lee says:
@82 Thanks for posting about me on another blog. It’s music to a trolls ears knowing you couldn’t resist posting about me. When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling.
That’s exactly the point. Good night!
A trolls work is never done. Night.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#85 Lee says:
I didn’t even know you cut & ran until you explained that you posted your rebuttal on your blog. Obviously you know what thread I’m talking about.
Then post it.
I didn’t bookmark it. It wasn’t important to me in the least. When I first mentioned it you replied that you didn’t get destroyed and you posted on your blog.
Good night already.
My Left Footspews:
And so Marvin lays his head down for the night. Another days work as the “stupidest troll in the world” has been completed.
Or at least he thought it was completed. He still has not answered my question about who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential election.
Nite Marvin.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
“In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton defeated Republican incumbent George Bush, with a comfortable Electoral College victory of 370 to 168. … Independent candidate Ross Perot won a full 19% of the [popular] vote ….
“Political scientists and practioners have vigorously debated the role of Ross Perot in Clinton’s victory. … Clinton won 22 states that Bush had carried in 1988. Among these were some states that Clinton probably won only because of the Perot candidacy. With a total of 40 electoral votes, these states are:
“Colorado, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Colorado by … 53% to 45%. In … 1992, Perot won 23% of the vote, and Clinton carried the state with 40% to Bush’s 36%.
“Georgia, 13 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … 60% to 39% …. In 1992, … Clinton won by an eyelash … with both candidates taking 43%. Perot won 13% of the vote.
“Kentucky, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won by 56% to 44% …. In 1992, Clinton defeated Bush 45% to 41%, with Perot taking 14%. …
“Montana, 3 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 52% to 46% …. In 1992, … Clinton … edged Bush by 38% to 35%, with Perot collecting 26% of the vote.
“New Hampshire, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush crushed Dukakis by 63% to 36%. In 1992,… Clinton … defeated Bush, 39% to 38%, with Perot taking 23% of the vote. …
“Nevada, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 59% to 38% …. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush 37% to 35%, with Perot picking up 26% of the vote. …
“Here are four states that Perot’s candidacy possibly allowed Clinton to win, although it is less persuasive. The total electoral vote in these states was 49. They are:
“Louisiana, 9 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis by 54% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 46% to 41%, with Perot taking 12% of the vote. The Perot vote would have needed to break three to one for Bush over Clinton to change the result ….
“Maine, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Maine by 55% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 39% to 30%, with Perot taking fully 30% of the vote. By 1996, Maine was solidly in Clinton’s camp, but Perot provided a gateway for traditional Republican voters to shift to Democrats. There is a chance that without Perot in 1992, a good number of these voters might not have been ready to shift to Clinton over Bush.
“New Jersey, 15 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … by 56% to 42%. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush, 43% to 41%, with Perot taking 16% of the vote. Given … the unpopularity of Gov. Jim Florio’s tax increase, it is possible that the Perot vote would have broken toward Bush. …
“Ohio, 21 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 55% to 44%. In 1992 …, Clinton … defeated him, 40% to 38%, with Perot taking 21% of the vote. If that Perot vote had split 12% to 9% in favor of Bush …, he would have won the state … a plausible assumption, although not a definite one.
Analysis: Perot’s vote totals in themselves likely did not cause Clinton to win. Even if all of these states had shifted to Bush and none of Bush’s victories had been reversed …, Clinton still would have won the electoral college vote by 281 to 257.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even if you make EVERY assumption in Bush’s favor he falls short! Closer, yes, but still no cigar. The claim that Perot cost Bush the election is BULLSHIT. When experts model the 1992 elction, there is no Perotless scenario under which Bush wins.
Yeah you forgot Wisconsin,Deleware and Connecticut which Bush could have easily won if Perot was not running. The 22 point swing on you above entirely possible (actually probable is more like it) scenario would have ended Bush 279 to Clintons 259, an electorial defeat roughly the size of Ohio. The problem with you Rabbit is that you listen to democrat polictical scientists.
Marvin usually vists his fave porn sites too before leaving his PC.
BTW Harvey can not iD anything unless yuo post give him clues. That is how his pookadar dicided you were gay. Guessing a street would be worhtless card trick.
BTW, Harvey does toell me you do not live in LA. Why the fib?
BTW is it true about Ethe Mertz being the first wife of Fred?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#88 My Left Foot says:
And so Marvin lays his head down for the night. Another days work as the “stupidest troll in the world” has been completed.
Or at least he thought it was completed. He still has not answered my question about who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential election.
Nite Marvin.
Way too early to go to sleep.
I answered your question, didn’t you like the answer. If you voted for kerry in the last election than hillary would be the logical vote this time. Like kerry, she’s the favorite to win. If you want a real answer, vote for anyone that isn’t a democrat or republican. Simple, buck the system.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#90 SeattleJew says:
Except he has not gone to bed yet.
Marvin usually vists his fave porn sites too before leaving his PC.
Oops, no PC. I’ve got a MAC. Keep trying. What’s that now, 2 for 36.
BTW, Harvey does toell me you do not live in LA. Why the fib?
Bzzzt, wrong. Now he’s at 2 for 37.
My Left Footspews:
Good Morning Marvin.
You are not answering my question. You are dancing in order to “protect” your independence. I asked you specifically who I should vote for. Who has the qualities to be president.
Your abject failure to answer the question is very telling. I am willing to venture that you will not be very happy at the end of the election. It will be President Clinton or President Edwards or President Obama.
Perhaps at that point, you will vanish.
We should be so fortunate.
Carl, I’m waiting for your answer on Union Bosses and their largesse!
My Left Footspews:
Asked, answered. You are wonderful at searching HA, find it.
How about you explain how you feel about Wingnuts and theirs. You can start with Cheney’s Haliburton move on to Cunningham selling his vote and move right into Tom DeLay’s pocket lining.
@87 I didn’t bookmark it. It wasn’t important to me in the least. When I first mentioned it you replied that you didn’t get destroyed and you posted on your blog.
If it’s the original Eric Earling post, then it’s already linked from the Highlight Reel. I figured it was a different one because both Darryl and I thoroughly explained to the clueless Mr. Earling how Valerie Plame was, in fact, covert (and there wasn’t a lot about Armitage). I didn’t think you could possibly be referring to that. But it appears that, as always, you have nothing…
I have noted that he is losing steam. A good troll will at least dip his toe into real discussion but for awhile now MS has refused to discuss anything but himself. Mr. Stamm njo longer does this.
A bit of pooka advice … ignore him. One of two things may happen. He might just go someplace else. Or, if he is at all intelligent, and my pookadar says he is, Mr. Stamn will think more about he posts and actually give rise to some good conversation.
Can anyone trace the link and see if it is real? Harvey tells me that anyone who portrays himself like this is never likley to becoime a serious commentator. Too bad.
I think I may still respnd to MS but only when he actually has something to say.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#96 SeattleJew says:
@92 WADR Marvin
You are fibbing. You live in S. Cal but not in LA.
The check for property taxes is made out to los angeles county.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#99 SeattleJew says:
@98 Harvey
As usual, the Pooka is wise
So says the sockpuppet replying to himself. HAHAHAHA
When do you plan to talk about fugitive Democrat fundraiser Norman Tsu?
Hillary Clinton has tens-of-thousands-of-dollars of his illegal money, as do many other democratic candidates.
The National Democratic Party and their Senate and House campaign committees have hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars of his illegal campaign money. All this giving was while he was a fugitive!
My Left Footspews:
You are so cute. It has already been returned (dontated to charity, no one knew what he was doing. It is not like he called Hillary on the hotline and said “hey, I am going to funnel you more money than the law allows”.
@102 When do you plan to talk about fugitive Democrat fundraiser Norman Tsu?
I actually talked about it in the post that’s linked from the very top. The scandal is minor. It’s the kind of thing that can happen to any politician anywhere. It’s not like the Clinton knew that Hsu was a fugitive. And, as MLF said, they returned his money. I don’t understand what the big deal is. If someone has managed to convince you that this is some big bad scary thing about Hillary, you’re a gullible person. And I’m hardly a Hillary fan myself.
The National Democratic Party and their Senate and House campaign committees have hundreds-of-thousands-of-dolla rs of his illegal campaign money. All this giving was while he was a fugitive!
Who knew he was a fugitive? If people knew he was a fugitive and took money from him, that’s bad. Otherwise, this is pretty minor.
@100 … so? LA county is a lot bigger than LA. Hell maybe you live on anoil well off of Ventura.
Glad to hear yu pay taxes.
Hmmm I dom like the idea of MS living on an oil platform.
A closeted guy, alon on an oil platform sounds perfect.
@100 Harvey a sock puppet.
Not sure what you mean by this. Do yo know what a pooka is?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#105 SeattleJew says:
@100 … so? LA county is a lot bigger than LA. Hell maybe you live on anoil well off of Ventura.
That would put me in ventura county. Pookas get senile, better get him checked out. His prediction rate is now down to 2 for 38.
Lee@104: Gee I came across this: “The campaign did not plan to return any money Hsu raised from other donors.” So the rest of Hsu’s money ain’t tainted? As I remember the Abramoff Scandal your side wanted all money raised by him and his clients returned. Remember Conrad Burns of Montana for example?
Funny these double standards Moonbat!s employ.
Left Foot your blogged: “My Left Foot says:
Janet S @ 14:
Janet,I am not sure what planet you are from but most “union bosses” forgo their pay when the rank and file go out on strike. It is done as a show of solidarity.
I would like you to cite one article, one creditable source to back up the fiction in your post. Just one, Janet S.”
I posted the link above Carl. Since you sit on your ass on the couch and blog all day while Teresa makes the big bucks. It’s above Carl. Look above in the double digits below 99. Search this thread on me.
You can do it Carl.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#108 Puddybud says:
Funny these double standards Moonbat!s employ.
Sorry, I thought I helped you understand this.
Expectations/standards are so low for liberals/democrats that they can’t be hypocrites. Everyone expects it from liberals/democrats, publicans on the other hand are held to a higher standard, that’s why they get called hypocrites when they screw up. And they do screw up just like the liberals/democrats.
@108 Gee I came across this: “The campaign did not plan to return any money Hsu raised from other donors.” So the rest of Hsu’s money ain’t tainted? As I remember the Abramoff Scandal your side wanted all money raised by him and his clients returned. Remember Conrad Burns of Montana for example?
Oh my god, you’re an idiot. Do you even understand what happened with the Abramoff scandal? Abramoff tricked people into giving campaign contributions after making promises that the money would entail benefits that he had no intention of delivering on. Are you not able to tell the difference between that and the Norman Hsu situation?
Crap, I just realized that was Puddybud, I was going to use it for the next highlight reel.
Marvin, could you follow it up with something stupider than your comment at #110? For example, could you say it again, even after I’ve explained the difference between the Abramoff and the Hsu situations?
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Pud @ 109:
I’m just a public school educated kid, but let’s look at that article that you linked.
President Douglas Dority of the United Commercial and Foods of the Twenty Largest unions waged a pernicious 141 day strike and lockout affecting 59,000 Safeway Employees in Southern California took a huge slice of members’ dues with a gross salary of $633,793. Union’s Knock Dority’s Gross Salary down to $329,000 a year plus retirement benefits and accrued vacation still this hardship comes off the backs hardworking union members.
I see two disconnected facts here:
1) The UFCW waged a 141-day strike.
2) The UFCW’s boss is paid a lot of money.
The inference that the boss was pulling a paycheck while the workers weren’t is yours alone, and does not appear in the article. In the future, read for comprehension, and not for speed alone. Grade school is done, and nobody is giving out prizes for saying “I’m done Mrs. Smithers!” 30 seconds after the book is opened.
The (badly written) article seems to say that Dority did in fact forgo pay during the strike, knocking his yearly income down to a piddly $329,000, which is pretty good for six months pay I’d say.
@9 When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
I believe I mentioned this already, but that’s the point. Now, when someone Googles for Marvin Stamn, the first link that comes up is my post about how you’ve made a complete ass of yourself here. I hope you’re at least smart enough to use different names when you troll at different sites (if you troll at other places).
My Left Footspews:
Puddy at 109:
Unlike the typical peer of yours, dogfighters, drug dealers and thugs…..I don’t just sit all day.
Your link has nothing to do with your question. You are attempting to twist and I am not going to allow it.
I was referring to, and the next post after the one you quote, was adjusted to make clearer , “local union officials” in solidarity with the rank and file, forgo their salary. This is nearly universal in my experience.
Now give it a rest.
My Left Footspews:
When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
Your name already means nothing. Only an idiot, take yourself for example, would fail to realize this.
Thanks for playing along.
Marvin Stamnspews:
How bad is it getting for the extreme left? Even markos of daily kos understands and is starting calling out his own minions.
One of them Macabee, wrote a diary about the upcoming invasion of iran, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/9/1/183018/1527. The daily kos kids happily agreed and praised him for his intelligent dissertation. Markos is trying hard to gain some respect from mainstream democrats and had to put out the fire, so hard he even cited a republican blog as proof. OUCH!
Don’t believe everything you read on the internets
by kos
Sun Sep 02, 2007 at 12:59:12 PM PDT
Seriously, just because something online confirms your own viewpoint or prejudices or whatnot, it does not mean it’s true.
Skepticism is a virtue.
Now the right-wingers are laughing at the gullibility of those who recommend Maccabee’s diaries.
And they are quite justified in doing so.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#116 My Left Foot says:
When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
Your name already means nothing. Only an idiot, take yourself for example, would fail to realize this.
Thanks for your words of wisdom. Why not copy and paste this tomorrow, save yourself 15 minutes of time.
Yeah right JSA. He made 600K and you think he took a pay cut while his CA union struck Albertsons? His pay was cut later.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Anything you say dude.
I will assume your mad skillz gave you access to the UFCW payroll database so you can make this assertion.
That information did not come from the article you cited.
I am skeptical that anyones services are worth 600K a year. If I was a UFCW member, I would bitch. I’m not, so my giveaflyingfuck meter is pegged pretty low.
And you still have yet to ost anything more interesting than nyahh nyahh. Sad. Tyical closeted guy, must be frustrating not to be able to tell anybody about yourself.
Oh my god!! One of the 500,000 people who contribute to Daily Kos every day wrote something that wasn’t factual? Stop the presses!!!
@119 The link to markos calling his followers fools.
Exactly, dumbshit. When people here in the reality-based community believe in stupid shit, others point it out. Why don’t you put 2 and 2 together and figure out that that’s the reason that you’re not filling a void here and we keep making fun of your stupid ass?
@118 Thanks for your words of wisdom. Why not copy and paste this tomorrow, save yourself 15 minutes of time.
I’d say you’re about 3-5 days away from where all it takes to make fun of you is simply copying and pasting from the previous ways we’ve made fun of you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
SeattleJew says:
107 Stamn …
BTW … yiu do drive a Japanese car!
Again wrong. 2 for 38
Another TJspews:
How ignorant do you have to be to call Markos the “extreme left?”
He doesn’t drive a car. They won’t let him off the grounds.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#126 Another TJ says:
How ignorant do you have to be to call Markos the “extreme left?”
Not as ignorant to think they’re not. How extreme? Joe Liberman wasn’t left enough for them.
Another TJspews:
Markos is a person (singular), and he is not “extreme left.”
Joe Leiberman was a target not because of his ideology, but because of his partisanship. If you’d been paying attention, you’d know that, but, then, not paying attention is what makes you ignorant.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#129 Another TJ says:
Markos is a person (singular), and he is not “extreme left.”
Joe Leiberman was a target not because of his ideology, but because of his partisanship. If you’d been paying attention, you’d know that, but, then, not paying attention is what makes you ignorant.
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
Another TJspews:
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
Until now, I had not thought you were one of Puddybud’s sockpuppets, but your grasp of the difference between ideology and partisanship is just as embarrassingly foggy as his. When I bring up this difference, you react exactly as he did. Curious.
If you’d been paying attention, you’d know that, but, then, not paying attention is what makes you ignorant.
ATJ: Marvin brought up a great point. Brian Baird saw progress in Iraq and the ‘tards started attacking.
Results 1 – 10 of about 382,000 for Brian Baird attacked . (0.12 seconds)
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Joe Lieberman is a great example of how the parties have shifted in what they represent. The party split in this country has formed along the lines of moderate/authoritarian. The “left” in this country is guided by moderation and the “right” in this country is guided by authoritarianism.
Lieberman being the VP candidate in 2000 was a big reason why I didn’t support Democrats then. Now the party makes more sense to my particular outlook. The party hasn’t necessarily moved to the left, it’s just started to understand the dangers of authoritarian thinking and achieved a better understanding of what America’s role should be in the world.
@130 Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
I forgot to respond to this silliness too. Baird’s opinion can best be summed by the prhase “faith-based liberalism”. My opposition to his stance is actually more conservative than liberal. It is rooted in the knowledge that there are some things that a government can’t do. Baird is falling into the trap of believing that if a problem exists, the U.S. government must fix it. That is not always the case.
Beyond that, Baird is also conflating military success with political reconciliation, showing that he really doesn’t understand what’s going on in Iraq at the level he should. That’s unforgiveable for a person in either party.
Lee (Thehim) is writing about you again. It is very good. It is not flattering. You might want consider getting the AC fixed.
Again, what candidate should I vote for? Who among us has what it takes to be president? Who are you supporting?
Or do you just bitch about Democrats ruining the country?
Well that is up to you to decide. For me, I am going with the majority of the nation for the last 31 years and not voting for the democrat.
What are you smoking? Please cite your sources. List your election results.
Then pull your head out.
#2 My Left Foot says:
Speaking as a troll… vote for hillary. Like rove said, she’s a flawed candidate. Like john edwards less cowardly half said, she’ll bring the republicans out in droves to vote against her. Vote for publicans lite.
Check the polls, the dems are lining up behind her like mindless sheep, you might as well be one of them.
When I talk about “national election” it means POTUS. Here is the list of presidents receiving over 50% of the popular vote since Carter:
Reagan -1980
Reagan -1984-Landslide
G HW Bush-1988
GW Bush – 2004
Which one is the democrat again? I am dog and I know. No wonder you dems got the shit beat out of you by a chimp last elction. Geeesh.
Here Jane,
Let me help you.
James Carter Democratic 40,831,881
Gerald Ford Republican 39,148,634
William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806
George Bush Republican 39,104,550
William Clinton Democratic 47,400,125
Robert Dole Republican 39,198,755
George W. Bush Republican 50,460,110
Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 51,003,926 (note: GWB did not have a majority of the vote)
You and your dog should learn to use “the Google”. I know having correct information is very scary.
However, thank you for showing us your ass.
Thanks for playing along. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
Geeeesh…. let me rephrase…. roof roof.
Thanks for posting about me on another blog. It’s music to a trolls ears knowing you couldn’t resist posting about me. When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
BTW, tell everyone why you cut & ran on soundpolitics in the thread about armitage when you were being lambasted and then posting a meaningless post on your own blog where you could remove posts.
And one last note Jane,
I was kind and did not mention that both houses of congress are controlled by a MAJORITY that is of the Democratic Party.
Think before you post, or ask your dog.
William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806
George Bush Republican 39,104,550
William Clinton Democratic 47,400,125
Robert Dole Republican 39,198,755
George W. Bush Republican 50,460,110
Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 51,003,926 (note: GWB did not have a majority of the vote)
None of those candidates won with 50% of the popular vote. It should be noted that Perot took 12-13 million votes away from Bush 41 to put Clinton in Office. If it wasnt for Perot Clinton would have never been elected.
Hunters And Gun Owners Unite! (But Not Behind The NRA … )
From an Associated Press article about the drastic decline in the number of hunters:
“As their ranks dwindle, hunters are far from unified. … One rift involves hunters disenchanted with the National Rifle Association, which runs major hunting programs and lobbies vigorously against gun control. A Maryland hunter, Ray Schoenke, has formed a new group, the American Hunters and Shooters Association, primarily as a home for hunters who would support some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales. ‘The NRA’s extreme positions have hurt the hunting movement,’ Schoenke said.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2g6e53
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Huh? A hunters and gun owners group for liberals? Seeing is believing: http://www.huntersandshooters.com/index.php
Why, next then you know, soldiers will vote Democratic! In fact, possibly some already are! Maybe that explains why the RNC spends millions and risks jail terms to keep soldiers from voting: http://tinyurl.com/jv9nf
Jane Balogh’s dog says:
“Well that is up to you to decide. For me, I am going with the majority of the nation for the last 31 years and not voting for the democrat.
09/03/2007 at 6:46 pm”
Jane’s canine now wants us to believe that she meant WHEN the candidates WON with MORE than fifty percent of the vote. Clearly her statement was that for the last 31 years the nation voted Republican presidents. Not going to let you weasel out, bitch.
@12 was posted by Roger Rabbit
Jane’s bitch,
The electoral system is what counts. Live with it. The fact is that in the post modern era this country has voted Democrat both for President and the legislative branch far more often than for Republicans.
Eat shit. (that is what dogs with coprophagy do)
@4 It’s true the majority of the nation didn’t vote for the Democrat. When you look at the election numbers for the last 31 years, you’ll see that less than half the nation’s population voted. For example, the current U.S. population is about 300 million, and in 2004 less than 123 million of them voted. The Democrat didn’t get anywhere close to 151 million votes. (P.S., neither did the Republican.)
@8 Don’t worry, we don’t expect much of dogs. We’re resigned to the fact that as long as Republicans keep registering their dogs to vote, we’re going to get a certain number of Republican idiots occupying public offices.
#7 My Left Foot says:
Bush 2004 Bush – 62,040,606 Wow, the dumb clueless hitler got more votes than clinton EVER got.
What are you bragging about, bush won the election.
Bush – 62,040,606
Kerry – 59,028,109
Isn’t this the most embarrassing for democrats? What have you got to say, maybe apologize to the world for not having a candidate capable of beating bush?
Funny, you used google and didn’t put the truth that bush beat kerry. Oh yeah, liberal bias on google didn’t put the facts on the search page.
I’d say thanks for voting but obviously you wasted your vote for voting for a very very flawed candidate. Someone so flawed he couldn’t even beat the worst president in recent history. What is so screwed up about you that you couldn’t see the obvious truth?
What are you going to do to change the way you view politics? To make a change instead of doing the same old? It’s up to you.
It’s time to think for yourself and give up being a blind follower.
@11 “It should be noted that Perot took 12-13 million votes away from Bush 41 to put Clinton in Office.”
I’ll refrain from saying “bullshit” because you’re only a dog, and dogs aren’t expected to know anything. But in the interest of keeping the record straight:
“Some conservative analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. However, exit polling indicated that Perot voters would have split their votes fairly evenly among Clinton and Bush had Perot not been in the race, and an analysis by FairVote – Center for Voting and Democracy suggested that, while Bush would have won more electoral votes with Perot out of the race, he would not have gained enough to reverse Clinton’s victory.”
#10 My Left Foot says:
I’m not so kind. Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%, even lower than the poll numbers of bush.
So I guess you are bragging about the dem majority in both houses approving the surge, not ending the war, fisa, etc. etc. Bush didn’t have it this easy when the publicans were in control.
Again, who do you support and why should I vote for them?
Simple question.
As for your answer concerning the elections, I was disproving her statement, not trying to prove who got more votes. She stated that the majority of the country has for the last 31 years voted Republican. I disproved that. The Bush/Gore result proves my point more than any other.
Now, thank you for playing too. Your parting gift is posted on effinsound.
@11 In order to believe this rightwing screed, you have to believe everyone who voted for Perot was a Republican who otherwise would have voted for Bush Sr.
That’s palpitating fantasy.
In addition, I know for a fact it isn’t true, because I voted for Perot — and I’m not a Republican (in case you haven’t guessed) nor would I have voted for Bush Sr. if my only choice was him or Clinton.
Marvin 20:
Where do you see where we were discussing approval ratings?
How do you make an argument that is off topic and feel so smug?
Sad little man, sad little life.
You are the stupidest person on this blog. Please continue to entertain us.
@15 “The electoral system is what counts.”
Yes, unfortunately. The electoral system was already an anachronism when it was adopted, and even more so today. The electoral college had one, and only one, purpose: To preserve slavery, in order to induce the southern colonies to join the union. What do we need it for today?
The main objection to abolishing the electoral college is that doing so requires a constitutional amendment (true) which is very difficult to enact (equally true). But we can accomplish the same thing without changing the Constitution.
A number of states have passed laws requiring their electors to vote for whoever wins the national popular vote. These laws usually are contingent on all states passing similar laws, which hasn’t happened. If we can get such laws passed in all 50 states, we can get rid of the pernicious distortions of the electoral college whereby the losing candidate gets to be president.
While that’s not easy to do, it’s easier than taking the amendment route, because all you need is a simple legislative majority in each state.
@18 “Bush 2004 Bush – 62,040,606 Wow, the dumb clueless hitler got more votes than clinton EVER got.”
Big deal. Karl Rove registered more dogs in 2004.
How can ANYONE read #18 and still swallow Stamn’s claim to be an independent? There’s nothing there except the standard-issue wingnut talking points. #18 is exactly what a Republican is told to say. So, Marvin, why should be believe you’re not a goose-stepping GOP troll?
Marvin, one last thing on the voting subject. My vote is never wasted. I understand the importance of voting, win or lose.
I will never vote for another Republican ever! That would be a wasted vote.
And I am tired of being polite. I have been very careful this weekend to harness my language.
But in dealing with a mercenary asshole, such as yourself for example, one must draw the line and call a spade a spade.
You are equal parts bullshit and bluster. You are, as Lee has so eloquently pointed out, just plain stupid.
Thank you for participating.
Carl: I was busy so I’m catching up on Kos Stupidity. I post his garbage here every now and then. Here is one for you…
Why didn’t maineiac mention these FACTS:
1) This person has been employed there since 1971.
2) In 1998 two Maine newspapers disclosed the fact the wife worked for Senator Collins. She’s worked for her the last 10 years.
3)The Moonbat political editor of same the paper referenced above is the cousin of the Moonbat opponent.
And you wonder why Milktoast Kosdumass website causes me to laugh so hard!!!
#21 My Left Foot says:
I already answered it. Post #5. Couldn’t be much simpler. Starting at the top, count down, 1, 2, 3, 4 and there is #5, right after 4 and before 6.
I’m not sure what you proved. But kudos, you showed her. Bush beat gore and then bush beat an even more flawed democrat candidate named kerry.
Not trying to be an ass, but did gore’s home state of tennessee vote for gore in the presidential election?
Gore was the first major party presidential candidate to have lost his home state since George McGovern lost South Dakota in 1972.
Why don’t you give us your intelligent analysis of why the people that knew gore best (he was their senator) didn’t want him as president? That is if you’re up to the challenge
Pelletizer@25: It is a big deal. No one has ever broke 60 million before. And after he was called a Nazi by the Kos Moe-rons. Not your glorious Clinton or John Effin Kerry.
Carl The Original Left Foot:
Check this site out!
http://www.freeworkplace.org/n ews/fatcat.php
#26 Roger Rabbit says:
Do you understand the concept of trolling?
Google the los angeles lakers newsgroup for Coz if you need a clue. Or maybe the mountain biking newsgroups for mike vanderman.
If you still don’t understand, I’ll try to put together a few more words, albeit shorter words slower typed, to help you get it. I’ll do that for you rabbit.
Glad to see you joined me in voting for perot. Sucks to vote for the same guy I did doesn’t it?
@20 “Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%, even lower than the poll numbers of bush.”
Because people still associate “Congress” with Republicans. Because every time another Republican congressman or senator resigns, gets indicted, or goes to jail, people think of “Congress.”
Stamn, if you really want to understand what’s going on in the country, read this August 3, 2007 Newsweek poll. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20...../newsweek/
It shows Bush’s approval ratings are less than 30% on most issues. Most telling of all it shows:
“17. As of today do you lean more toward the Republican Party or the Democratic Party? …
“37 Total Republican/Republican Leaners
“49 Total Democrat/Democratic Leaners”
And I recall reading another poll of registered voters recently that said people, by a 50% to 32% margin, would like to see Democrats win in 2008.
So you go right ahead and keep living in la-la-land, Marvin. The GOP’s armageddon is now little more than a year away. With a little luck, the Rapture may get here sooner. Then all you True Believers won’t have to be here when Hillary takes the oath of office and the Democrats have obstruction-proof majorities in both houses of Congress.
#27 My Left Foot says:
A vote for kerry WAS a wasted vote. How could it be anything else?
Wow, this whole weekend? Get real, you have a potty mouth. You love to show off your command of the english language, well, as long as the words are four letters long.
This is only the FIRST example on a horesesass search-
Right Foot is an asshole.
Thank you.
@30 “No one has ever broke 60 million before.”
Well gee whiz, we never had 300 million people before either! When our population reaches a billion, 60 million votes will make you a third-party candidate.
Eat shit. (that is what dogs with coprophagy do)
Nice catch MLF. Jane’s Dog AKA DOOFUS has been eating shit since the election contest. Remember I-912 DOOFUS?
Also at Republican picnics he sniffs the other dog’s butts. Senator Craig must have always been game for DOOFUS.
Good grief. Lee, Marvin, get a room.
#33 Roger Rabbit says:
So “we the people” are that stoopid? Well, once again proving my point government schools are failing.
How about this one… if the people are so stoopid to associate congress with publicans then the poll numbers you posted are meaningless because they are by the same stoopid people.
You’re not really voting for hillary are you? You voted for perot and now hillary? I was going to stop pissing on the carrots when I walked by them when I heard you voted for perot.
The post you copied and pasted here was simple copied and pasted by me and I changed the name to Right Foot after the left the post for me.
By the way, asshole, thank you for outing yourself as Right Foot.
Thanks again, for playing along.
@30 What I’m saying is absolute numbers taken out of context don’t mean much. The number of total votes, and the number of votes the major party candidates get, rise in every successive election, except in the rare instances of a major independent or third party challenger.
And apart from how many votes Bush got, there is the question of how many more votes Kerry would have gotten if Republicans hadn’t devoted millions of dollars and countless thousands of man-hours of effort to keeping American citizens (and soldiers) from voting in their own country (committing federal crimes in the process).
Does any honest person really believe Bush would have “won” in 2004 if his stooge Ken Blackwell hadn’t locked voting machines in warehouses and made voters in Democratic precincts stand in line for 6 to 8 hours?
Does any honest person really believe Bush would have “won” in 2000 without illegal voter purges, “malfunctioning” voting machines, or if there had been a full recount?
Does any honest person really believe any Republican could ever get elected to anything, anywhere, without smear campaigns, wedge issues, and vote suppression operations?
I don’t think so. Republicans don’t think so, either. They know perfectly well they can’t win an honest election. That’s why they expend so much resources on dirty tricks. And that’s why the best dirty tricksters are the most exalted and revered people in their party! Who else but Republicans would worship a guy like Rove. To find any parallel in history, you have to go back to the Russian aristocracy’s idolatry of Rasputin.
Tell me why the democrat controlled majority poll numbers are down around 18%,
Tell me why Congress approval numbers have never broken much above 40% for either party.
Clinton’s approval always higher than Congress’ all during the time they tried to railroad him out of office.
I’ll refrain from saying “bullshit” because you’re only a dog, and dogs aren’t expected to know anything. But in the interest of keeping the record straight:
“Some conservative analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. However, exit polling indicated that Perot voters would have split their votes fairly evenly among Clinton and Bush had Perot not been in the race, and an analysis by FairVote – Center for Voting and Democracy suggested that, while Bush would have won more electoral votes with Perot out of the race, he would not have gained enough to reverse Clinton’s victory.”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U .S._presidential_election,_199 2#Analysis
Yeah, we all know how all you dems love those corporate heads running for president. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Especially the ones from Texas…… ah roof my ass off!!!!!
@32 “Sucks to vote for the same guy I did doesn’t it?”
Not at all. What sucks is having to vote for a guy like Perot because the major parties can’t give us anything better than guys like Bush and Clinton. But the really amazing thing is that Clinton turned out to be a damned good president despite all his personal flaws. And what’s even more amazing is that Bush Jr. turned out to be such a lousy president despite his pedigree. His old man must have a hard time looking at himself in the mirror for bringing such a piece of shit into the world.
#37 YellowPup says:
Thanks for noticing.
Multiple threads about me on multiple blogs simultaneously. Props to us trolls.
The main point here is that most of the county will not vote democrat when it comes to the most important office in the world. If you make it a two horse race against a democrat and a chimp, the chimp wins every time. hahahahaha
#41 YLB says:
Bush’s poll numbers are higher than those of congress and if the (democrat controlled) congress had the balls they would railroad bush out of office.
What’s your point? Except the publican controlled congress actually did what they said they would?
Jane’s bitch,
Put the crack pipe down. Please, explain how half the time we have a Democrat in the White House?
Using your logic, most of the time half the country won’t vote for a Republican either.
Not only are you a bitch, but you are a dumb bitch.
Marvin is now bragging that Bush approval rating is 29 percent.
He is not only stupid, but dumb too.
I rest my case.
Watch what happens when we get tired of laughing at you.
#39 My Left Foot says:
Are you saying you don’t have a potty mouth?
If I had a dollar for every time someone accused me of being a sockpuppet I would be in the rich half of america like john “2 americas” edwards.
Pay goldy for my IP address. Pay goldy for right foot’s ip address. Until then you are proving yourself to be clueless.
@36 “Remember I-912 DOOFUS?”
I certainly remember I-912. That was the gas tax repeal. I also remember Mark the Welshing Redneck betting Goldy $100 that I-912 would win by 15 points. I remember Goldy accepted that bet. I remember Redneck refused to pay after I-912 lost by almost 10 points. It turned out Redneck was off by 25%; and his account is now almost 2 years past due! I’ll bet Redneck still has some library books he checked out in the 1970s, too.
But Goldy should have known he would never get paid. Republicans have no honor.
It always amazed me how Clinton poll numbers were always so high except on election night. Did they have Diebold voting machines back the 90’s? hahaha
@38 “So ‘we the people’ are that stoopid?”
I know of only 1 other troll who spells “stupid” that way, and he owes Goldy $100 …
#43 Roger Rabbit says:
or gore or bush or kerry or clinton or rudy or edwards or…
That’s probably would have written if I wasn’t a trolling here. But I am so it must suck for you knowing we voted for the same person.
Now I’ve got a pretty good idea of who Marvin really is, and why we don’t see Redneck posting very much anymore.
Did you change your gender at the same time you changed your name, Marvin?
Jane’s bitch,
Put the crack pipe down. Please, explain how half the time we have a Democrat in the White House?
Ross Perot… Gawd damn how many times do you have to drill this in your thick ass skulls. Clinton won because of Ross (had nothing in common with democrats) Perot, get it. Geeesh.
pookadar report on Marvin
47 yo
closeted gay
no children
never in military
drives a Japanese car but wants a beamer..
@45 “The main point here is that most of the county will not vote democrat when it comes to the most important office in the world. If you make it a two horse race against a democrat and a chimp, the chimp wins every time. hahahahaha”
If you make it a race between a dog and a rabbit, the dog loses every time. If dogs had to live on rabbit meat they’d all fucking starve.
#54 Roger Rabbit says:
Hey rabbit, do me a favor. Beg goldy or darryl to tell you I’m not a sockpuppet of other trolls. That’s against troll union rules. I’d be back under the bridge stealing carrots.
@48 “Marvin is now bragging that Bush approval rating is 29 percent.”
It’s sort of understandable. At this point, Bush’s 29% approval rating is the best thing pubbies have going for them. Their numbers everywhere else are even worse.
Of course I can have a potty mouth. I know you feel superior because of that. I assure you that my vocabulary is just fine. I know all the big words, but I was taught to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Folks like, well, you for example, who crawl out of their 1972 model trailer and post here.
I was just wondering, does your mouth hang open when you type too?
Once again, we truly enjoy your participation.
@55 “That’s probably would have written if I wasn’t a trolling here. But I am so it must suck for you knowing we voted for the same person.”
The difference between you and me is I didn’t want Perot to actually get elected. Mine was strictly a protest vote.
OK so now yu want to be called a troll?
Makes sense with the rest of what Harvey says. That pookah is amazing!
I see you endorsed Ms. Clinton. That makes sense given Harvey’s outline but what about on the Republican side?
I asked Harvey and he surprised me by telling me that you support Hackabee … for his consistency and honesty and because he comes form Arkansas!
So is your idea to run HRC vs Huckabee???
BTW, Harvey also tells me that he feels you should really have a prostate exam. He says there is nothing wrong but you have not had one yet and at your age it is good t start!
That pooka!
@60 “I’d be back under the bridge stealing carrots.”
Yes, I thought I’d seen you there.
Yep, that explains it. Thanks, it is all so clear to me now.
(sarcasm, pointed out as a public service to the trolls and other Republicans who believe all that they hear)
@60 Unless you’re a rabbit, that behavior would be considered odd, to say the least.
@57 “Clinton won because of Ross (had nothing in common with democrats) Perot, get it.”
Repeating baloney 10,000 times doesn’t turn it into caviar.
#62 My Left Foot says:
Tell me how you figured that out. Have others in your life told you they were superior to you because you have a potty mouth and you’re assuming I’m like them?
#64 SeattleJew says:
So far your pooka was right about me being a male and not in the service. When and if he gets something else correct I’ll let you know. Encourage him to keep trying. I liked playing 20 questions as a kid.
When you answer my question about who to support in the upcoming presidential election I will be happy to answer yours.
Not many folks have the nerve to stand up to me in person. I notice that you did not respond to my personal email. What are you hiding? I agreed to keep your “secret” so what is the hold up?
(By the way, it is standard Republican fare to use the family values holier than thou attitude in regard to swearing. You are no different. A pile of poo poo is still just a pile of shit.)
“In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton defeated Republican incumbent George Bush, with a comfortable Electoral College victory of 370 to 168. … Independent candidate Ross Perot won a full 19% of the [popular] vote ….
“Political scientists and practioners have vigorously debated the role of Ross Perot in Clinton’s victory. … Clinton won 22 states that Bush had carried in 1988. Among these were some states that Clinton probably won only because of the Perot candidacy. With a total of 40 electoral votes, these states are:
“Colorado, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Colorado by … 53% to 45%. In … 1992, Perot won 23% of the vote, and Clinton carried the state with 40% to Bush’s 36%.
“Georgia, 13 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … 60% to 39% …. In 1992, … Clinton won by an eyelash … with both candidates taking 43%. Perot won 13% of the vote.
“Kentucky, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won by 56% to 44% …. In 1992, Clinton defeated Bush 45% to 41%, with Perot taking 14%. …
“Montana, 3 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 52% to 46% …. In 1992, … Clinton … edged Bush by 38% to 35%, with Perot collecting 26% of the vote.
“New Hampshire, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush crushed Dukakis by 63% to 36%. In 1992,… Clinton … defeated Bush, 39% to 38%, with Perot taking 23% of the vote. …
“Nevada, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 59% to 38% …. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush 37% to 35%, with Perot picking up 26% of the vote. …
“Here are four states that Perot’s candidacy possibly allowed Clinton to win, although it is less persuasive. The total electoral vote in these states was 49. They are:
“Louisiana, 9 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis by 54% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 46% to 41%, with Perot taking 12% of the vote. The Perot vote would have needed to break three to one for Bush over Clinton to change the result ….
“Maine, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Maine by 55% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 39% to 30%, with Perot taking fully 30% of the vote. By 1996, Maine was solidly in Clinton’s camp, but Perot provided a gateway for traditional Republican voters to shift to Democrats. There is a chance that without Perot in 1992, a good number of these voters might not have been ready to shift to Clinton over Bush.
“New Jersey, 15 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … by 56% to 42%. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush, 43% to 41%, with Perot taking 16% of the vote. Given … the unpopularity of Gov. Jim Florio’s tax increase, it is possible that the Perot vote would have broken toward Bush. …
“Ohio, 21 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 55% to 44%. In 1992 …, Clinton … defeated him, 40% to 38%, with Perot taking 21% of the vote. If that Perot vote had split 12% to 9% in favor of Bush …, he would have won the state … a plausible assumption, although not a definite one.
Analysis: Perot’s vote totals in themselves likely did not cause Clinton to win. Even if all of these states had shifted to Bush and none of Bush’s victories had been reversed …, Clinton still would have won the electoral college vote by 281 to 257.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://www.fairvote.org/plurality/perot.htm
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even if you make EVERY assumption in Bush’s favor he falls short! Closer, yes, but still no cigar. The claim that Perot cost Bush the election is BULLSHIT. When experts model the 1992 elction, there is no Perotless scenario under which Bush wins.
So Carl Left or Right Foot. How do you like them Union Bosses who continue to get their moolah when others go on strike?
Please site your source.
My opinion has been asked and answered on previous threads.
Confused as to why you would confuse me with Right Foot. I only use Left Foot here.
BTW Harvey also told us where you live? Remember?
That was right on.
No privacy any more.
Tell me, how is that virtually no Republicans have been in the military?
If you want to discuss a real question, what about the Draft? I am for national service. Howsa about you?
Nother real issue, is Laura the only Texan Bushie left in the WH? There is a rumor that the Israeli and Palestinians PMs will boycott Camp David because they do not think lil Bush can get anyhiing done without someone more impressive around. Daddy Bush? Wouldn’t that be sumpin!
Carl I posted it above. Please don’t go stupid on me!
#75 SeattleJew says:
No I don’t remember. What street was it?
Many know I’m in los angeles and the owners of this blog can identify the city by the IP so you will have to name the street.
Okay. And the street was?
@51 Rodent:
Just one question for you that you never answered before: Did Ditzy Darcy accept your food stamp contributions or not? Seems you have no room to slam someone on welshing on a bet. Your obviously tiny mind is once again amusing, and I thank you for the chuckle.
BTW, tell everyone why you cut & ran on soundpolitics in the thread about armitage when you were being lambasted and then posting a meaningless post on your own blog where you could remove posts.
Why don’t you post a link to those chain of events?
#71 My Left Foot says:
You didn’t like my answer?
Since you are talking about standing up to you maybe we shouldn’t meet. My PO wouldn’t like it. What am I hiding, my real life from some on the outer edges of reality (headless, etc.. NOT Lee or sj. etc.)
Did I say family values? Not me, it’s simply I don’t want to be vulgar or too insulting and goldy ask me to leave. Haven’t you seen me give goldy props for letting me post? Not many blogs allow ANYONE to post without being verified, I’ve been kicked off blogs from dailykos to lgf. Even though I’m trolling I’m trying to show some respect for the place.
BTW – I’ve attended both usc and ucla, got a degree from neither. Grew up in Tarzana. (just checked email)
I can’t wait for the next scandal you’re going to enlighten us with. What could it be? Barack Obama jaywalked to a campaign rally when he was in a hurry? Hillary Clinton was irresponsible and let her cat run away when she was 7? John Edwards once slept through Sunday mass by accident? Bill Richardson picked his nose on camera?
Seriously, man. You’re a joke. I’m not sure if there’ll be a highlight reel #3 any time soon, but this has been a blast so far. Whatever you do to stay this dumb, keep doin’ it.
#79 Lee says:
I didn’t even know you cut & ran until you explained that you posted your rebuttal on your blog. Obviously you know what thread I’m talking about.
Thanks for posting about me on another blog. It’s music to a trolls ears knowing you couldn’t resist posting about me. When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling.
That’s exactly the point. Good night!
#81 Lee says:
Anything I can do to help you out my friend.
I didn’t even know you cut & ran until you explained that you posted your rebuttal on your blog. Obviously you know what thread I’m talking about.
Then post it.
#83 Lee says:
A trolls work is never done. Night.
#85 Lee says:
I didn’t bookmark it. It wasn’t important to me in the least. When I first mentioned it you replied that you didn’t get destroyed and you posted on your blog.
Good night already.
And so Marvin lays his head down for the night. Another days work as the “stupidest troll in the world” has been completed.
Or at least he thought it was completed. He still has not answered my question about who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential election.
Nite Marvin.
Roger Rabbit says:
“In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton defeated Republican incumbent George Bush, with a comfortable Electoral College victory of 370 to 168. … Independent candidate Ross Perot won a full 19% of the [popular] vote ….
“Political scientists and practioners have vigorously debated the role of Ross Perot in Clinton’s victory. … Clinton won 22 states that Bush had carried in 1988. Among these were some states that Clinton probably won only because of the Perot candidacy. With a total of 40 electoral votes, these states are:
“Colorado, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Colorado by … 53% to 45%. In … 1992, Perot won 23% of the vote, and Clinton carried the state with 40% to Bush’s 36%.
“Georgia, 13 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … 60% to 39% …. In 1992, … Clinton won by an eyelash … with both candidates taking 43%. Perot won 13% of the vote.
“Kentucky, 8 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won by 56% to 44% …. In 1992, Clinton defeated Bush 45% to 41%, with Perot taking 14%. …
“Montana, 3 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 52% to 46% …. In 1992, … Clinton … edged Bush by 38% to 35%, with Perot collecting 26% of the vote.
“New Hampshire, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush crushed Dukakis by 63% to 36%. In 1992,… Clinton … defeated Bush, 39% to 38%, with Perot taking 23% of the vote. …
“Nevada, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 59% to 38% …. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush 37% to 35%, with Perot picking up 26% of the vote. …
“Here are four states that Perot’s candidacy possibly allowed Clinton to win, although it is less persuasive. The total electoral vote in these states was 49. They are:
“Louisiana, 9 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis by 54% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 46% to 41%, with Perot taking 12% of the vote. The Perot vote would have needed to break three to one for Bush over Clinton to change the result ….
“Maine, 4 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won Maine by 55% to 44%. In 1992, Clinton won 39% to 30%, with Perot taking fully 30% of the vote. By 1996, Maine was solidly in Clinton’s camp, but Perot provided a gateway for traditional Republican voters to shift to Democrats. There is a chance that without Perot in 1992, a good number of these voters might not have been ready to shift to Clinton over Bush.
“New Jersey, 15 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush won … by 56% to 42%. In 1992, Clinton edged Bush, 43% to 41%, with Perot taking 16% of the vote. Given … the unpopularity of Gov. Jim Florio’s tax increase, it is possible that the Perot vote would have broken toward Bush. …
“Ohio, 21 electoral votes: In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis 55% to 44%. In 1992 …, Clinton … defeated him, 40% to 38%, with Perot taking 21% of the vote. If that Perot vote had split 12% to 9% in favor of Bush …, he would have won the state … a plausible assumption, although not a definite one.
Analysis: Perot’s vote totals in themselves likely did not cause Clinton to win. Even if all of these states had shifted to Bush and none of Bush’s victories had been reversed …, Clinton still would have won the electoral college vote by 281 to 257.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://www.fairvote.org/plural ity/perot.htm
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even if you make EVERY assumption in Bush’s favor he falls short! Closer, yes, but still no cigar. The claim that Perot cost Bush the election is BULLSHIT. When experts model the 1992 elction, there is no Perotless scenario under which Bush wins.
Yeah you forgot Wisconsin,Deleware and Connecticut which Bush could have easily won if Perot was not running. The 22 point swing on you above entirely possible (actually probable is more like it) scenario would have ended Bush 279 to Clintons 259, an electorial defeat roughly the size of Ohio. The problem with you Rabbit is that you listen to democrat polictical scientists.
Except he has not gone to bed yet.
Marvin usually vists his fave porn sites too before leaving his PC.
BTW Harvey can not iD anything unless yuo post give him clues. That is how his pookadar dicided you were gay. Guessing a street would be worhtless card trick.
BTW, Harvey does toell me you do not live in LA. Why the fib?
BTW is it true about Ethe Mertz being the first wife of Fred?
#88 My Left Foot says:
Way too early to go to sleep.
I answered your question, didn’t you like the answer. If you voted for kerry in the last election than hillary would be the logical vote this time. Like kerry, she’s the favorite to win. If you want a real answer, vote for anyone that isn’t a democrat or republican. Simple, buck the system.
#90 SeattleJew says:
Oops, no PC. I’ve got a MAC. Keep trying. What’s that now, 2 for 36.
Bzzzt, wrong. Now he’s at 2 for 37.
Good Morning Marvin.
You are not answering my question. You are dancing in order to “protect” your independence. I asked you specifically who I should vote for. Who has the qualities to be president.
Your abject failure to answer the question is very telling. I am willing to venture that you will not be very happy at the end of the election. It will be President Clinton or President Edwards or President Obama.
Perhaps at that point, you will vanish.
We should be so fortunate.
Carl, I’m waiting for your answer on Union Bosses and their largesse!
Asked, answered. You are wonderful at searching HA, find it.
How about you explain how you feel about Wingnuts and theirs. You can start with Cheney’s Haliburton move on to Cunningham selling his vote and move right into Tom DeLay’s pocket lining.
Have fun.
@92 WADR Marvin
You are fibbing. You live in S. Cal but not in LA.
I didn’t bookmark it. It wasn’t important to me in the least. When I first mentioned it you replied that you didn’t get destroyed and you posted on your blog.
If it’s the original Eric Earling post, then it’s already linked from the Highlight Reel. I figured it was a different one because both Darryl and I thoroughly explained to the clueless Mr. Earling how Valerie Plame was, in fact, covert (and there wasn’t a lot about Armitage). I didn’t think you could possibly be referring to that. But it appears that, as always, you have nothing…
to all …
Just a thought on the troll.
I have noted that he is losing steam. A good troll will at least dip his toe into real discussion but for awhile now MS has refused to discuss anything but himself. Mr. Stamm njo longer does this.
A bit of pooka advice … ignore him. One of two things may happen. He might just go someplace else. Or, if he is at all intelligent, and my pookadar says he is, Mr. Stamn will think more about he posts and actually give rise to some good conversation.
@98 Harvey
As usual, the Pooka is wise. Still, it is difficult to resist a troll. On another blog, someone claiming to be Marvin Stamn published a picture of himself .. apparently from his U-Toob site
Can anyone trace the link and see if it is real? Harvey tells me that anyone who portrays himself like this is never likley to becoime a serious commentator. Too bad.
I think I may still respnd to MS but only when he actually has something to say.
#96 SeattleJew says:
The check for property taxes is made out to los angeles county.
#99 SeattleJew says:
So says the sockpuppet replying to himself. HAHAHAHA
When do you plan to talk about fugitive Democrat fundraiser Norman Tsu?
Hillary Clinton has tens-of-thousands-of-dollars of his illegal money, as do many other democratic candidates.
The National Democratic Party and their Senate and House campaign committees have hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars of his illegal campaign money. All this giving was while he was a fugitive!
You are so cute. It has already been returned (dontated to charity, no one knew what he was doing. It is not like he called Hillary on the hotline and said “hey, I am going to funnel you more money than the law allows”.
Thank you for participating.
When do you plan to talk about fugitive Democrat fundraiser Norman Tsu?
I actually talked about it in the post that’s linked from the very top. The scandal is minor. It’s the kind of thing that can happen to any politician anywhere. It’s not like the Clinton knew that Hsu was a fugitive. And, as MLF said, they returned his money. I don’t understand what the big deal is. If someone has managed to convince you that this is some big bad scary thing about Hillary, you’re a gullible person. And I’m hardly a Hillary fan myself.
The National Democratic Party and their Senate and House campaign committees have hundreds-of-thousands-of-dolla rs of his illegal campaign money. All this giving was while he was a fugitive!
Who knew he was a fugitive? If people knew he was a fugitive and took money from him, that’s bad. Otherwise, this is pretty minor.
@100 … so? LA county is a lot bigger than LA. Hell maybe you live on anoil well off of Ventura.
Glad to hear yu pay taxes.
Hmmm I dom like the idea of MS living on an oil platform.
A closeted guy, alon on an oil platform sounds perfect.
@100 Harvey a sock puppet.
Not sure what you mean by this. Do yo know what a pooka is?
#105 SeattleJew says:
That would put me in ventura county. Pookas get senile, better get him checked out. His prediction rate is now down to 2 for 38.
Lee@104: Gee I came across this: “The campaign did not plan to return any money Hsu raised from other donors.” So the rest of Hsu’s money ain’t tainted? As I remember the Abramoff Scandal your side wanted all money raised by him and his clients returned. Remember Conrad Burns of Montana for example?
Funny these double standards Moonbat!s employ.
Left Foot your blogged: “My Left Foot says:
Janet S @ 14:
Janet,I am not sure what planet you are from but most “union bosses” forgo their pay when the rank and file go out on strike. It is done as a show of solidarity.
I would like you to cite one article, one creditable source to back up the fiction in your post. Just one, Janet S.”
I posted the link above Carl. Since you sit on your ass on the couch and blog all day while Teresa makes the big bucks. It’s above Carl. Look above in the double digits below 99. Search this thread on me.
You can do it Carl.
#108 Puddybud says:
Sorry, I thought I helped you understand this.
Expectations/standards are so low for liberals/democrats that they can’t be hypocrites. Everyone expects it from liberals/democrats, publicans on the other hand are held to a higher standard, that’s why they get called hypocrites when they screw up. And they do screw up just like the liberals/democrats.
Gee I came across this: “The campaign did not plan to return any money Hsu raised from other donors.” So the rest of Hsu’s money ain’t tainted? As I remember the Abramoff Scandal your side wanted all money raised by him and his clients returned. Remember Conrad Burns of Montana for example?
Oh my god, you’re an idiot. Do you even understand what happened with the Abramoff scandal? Abramoff tricked people into giving campaign contributions after making promises that the money would entail benefits that he had no intention of delivering on. Are you not able to tell the difference between that and the Norman Hsu situation?
Boggles the mind…
Crap, I just realized that was Puddybud, I was going to use it for the next highlight reel.
Marvin, could you follow it up with something stupider than your comment at #110? For example, could you say it again, even after I’ve explained the difference between the Abramoff and the Hsu situations?
Pud @ 109:
I’m just a public school educated kid, but let’s look at that article that you linked.
President Douglas Dority of the United Commercial and Foods of the Twenty Largest unions waged a pernicious 141 day strike and lockout affecting 59,000 Safeway Employees in Southern California took a huge slice of members’ dues with a gross salary of $633,793. Union’s Knock Dority’s Gross Salary down to $329,000 a year plus retirement benefits and accrued vacation still this hardship comes off the backs hardworking union members.
I see two disconnected facts here:
1) The UFCW waged a 141-day strike.
2) The UFCW’s boss is paid a lot of money.
The inference that the boss was pulling a paycheck while the workers weren’t is yours alone, and does not appear in the article. In the future, read for comprehension, and not for speed alone. Grade school is done, and nobody is giving out prizes for saying “I’m done Mrs. Smithers!” 30 seconds after the book is opened.
The (badly written) article seems to say that Dority did in fact forgo pay during the strike, knocking his yearly income down to a piddly $329,000, which is pretty good for six months pay I’d say.
When I stop trolling here, my name will mean nothing but your posts on other blogs will be the lingering proof of my trolling. Thanks again.
I believe I mentioned this already, but that’s the point. Now, when someone Googles for Marvin Stamn, the first link that comes up is my post about how you’ve made a complete ass of yourself here. I hope you’re at least smart enough to use different names when you troll at different sites (if you troll at other places).
Puddy at 109:
Unlike the typical peer of yours, dogfighters, drug dealers and thugs…..I don’t just sit all day.
Your link has nothing to do with your question. You are attempting to twist and I am not going to allow it.
I was referring to, and the next post after the one you quote, was adjusted to make clearer , “local union officials” in solidarity with the rank and file, forgo their salary. This is nearly universal in my experience.
Now give it a rest.
Your name already means nothing. Only an idiot, take yourself for example, would fail to realize this.
Thanks for playing along.
How bad is it getting for the extreme left? Even markos of daily kos understands and is starting calling out his own minions.
One of them Macabee, wrote a diary about the upcoming invasion of iran, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/9/1/183018/1527. The daily kos kids happily agreed and praised him for his intelligent dissertation. Markos is trying hard to gain some respect from mainstream democrats and had to put out the fire, so hard he even cited a republican blog as proof. OUCH!
Don’t believe everything you read on the internets
by kos
Sun Sep 02, 2007 at 12:59:12 PM PDT
Seriously, just because something online confirms your own viewpoint or prejudices or whatnot, it does not mean it’s true.
Skepticism is a virtue.
Now the right-wingers are laughing at the gullibility of those who recommend Maccabee’s diaries.
And they are quite justified in doing so.
#116 My Left Foot says:
Thanks for your words of wisdom. Why not copy and paste this tomorrow, save yourself 15 minutes of time.
The link to markos calling his followers fools.
Yeah right JSA. He made 600K and you think he took a pay cut while his CA union struck Albertsons? His pay was cut later.
Anything you say dude.
I will assume your mad skillz gave you access to the UFCW payroll database so you can make this assertion.
That information did not come from the article you cited.
I am skeptical that anyones services are worth 600K a year. If I was a UFCW member, I would bitch. I’m not, so my giveaflyingfuck meter is pegged pretty low.
107 Stamn …
sorry you need a county map .. here is one you can DL.
BTW … yiu do drive a Japanese car!
And you still have yet to ost anything more interesting than nyahh nyahh. Sad. Tyical closeted guy, must be frustrating not to be able to tell anybody about yourself.
Oh my god!! One of the 500,000 people who contribute to Daily Kos every day wrote something that wasn’t factual? Stop the presses!!!
The link to markos calling his followers fools.
Exactly, dumbshit. When people here in the reality-based community believe in stupid shit, others point it out. Why don’t you put 2 and 2 together and figure out that that’s the reason that you’re not filling a void here and we keep making fun of your stupid ass?
Thanks for your words of wisdom. Why not copy and paste this tomorrow, save yourself 15 minutes of time.
I’d say you’re about 3-5 days away from where all it takes to make fun of you is simply copying and pasting from the previous ways we’ve made fun of you.
SeattleJew says:
Again wrong. 2 for 38
How ignorant do you have to be to call Markos the “extreme left?”
He doesn’t drive a car. They won’t let him off the grounds.
Not as ignorant to think they’re not. How extreme? Joe Liberman wasn’t left enough for them.
Markos is a person (singular), and he is not “extreme left.”
Joe Leiberman was a target not because of his ideology, but because of his partisanship. If you’d been paying attention, you’d know that, but, then, not paying attention is what makes you ignorant.
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
Until now, I had not thought you were one of Puddybud’s sockpuppets, but your grasp of the difference between ideology and partisanship is just as embarrassingly foggy as his. When I bring up this difference, you react exactly as he did. Curious.
If you’d been paying attention, you’d know that, but, then, not paying attention is what makes you ignorant.
ATJ: Marvin brought up a great point. Brian Baird saw progress in Iraq and the ‘tards started attacking.
Results 1 – 10 of about 382,000 for Brian Baird attacked . (0.12 seconds)
@125 MS
Of course it is Japanese! You are fooling yourself, as on other issues.
BTW, sorry about what happened at work today. Too bad,
@125 AND … did you llok at the map?? Your oil rig is in LA county.
What is it like living on an oil rig? Lonely I’ll bet.
Marvin really has it bad.
ATJ: Marvin brought up a great point.
Just like MWS used to?
Figured out last year’s primary ballot yet?
Exactly. Toe the extreme left party line or “screw them.” The sad part is a couple years earlier he was left enough to be the VeeP candidate.
Joe Lieberman is a great example of how the parties have shifted in what they represent. The party split in this country has formed along the lines of moderate/authoritarian. The “left” in this country is guided by moderation and the “right” in this country is guided by authoritarianism.
Lieberman being the VP candidate in 2000 was a big reason why I didn’t support Democrats then. Now the party makes more sense to my particular outlook. The party hasn’t necessarily moved to the left, it’s just started to understand the dangers of authoritarian thinking and achieved a better understanding of what America’s role should be in the world.
Looks like brian braid is the next democrat not extreme left enough to face the wrath of the kos kids.
I forgot to respond to this silliness too. Baird’s opinion can best be summed by the prhase “faith-based liberalism”. My opposition to his stance is actually more conservative than liberal. It is rooted in the knowledge that there are some things that a government can’t do. Baird is falling into the trap of believing that if a problem exists, the U.S. government must fix it. That is not always the case.
Beyond that, Baird is also conflating military success with political reconciliation, showing that he really doesn’t understand what’s going on in Iraq at the level he should. That’s unforgiveable for a person in either party.