I’m so sick of this shit.
An unidentified gunman, acting alone, fired up to 60 shots before killing himself. The original reports of two dead were confirmed as the only fatalities. One 15-year-old Portland girl was taken by ambulance to OHSU Hospital, where she was in serious condition Tuesday night.
Officials declined to identify the victims.
The gunman died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, Lt. James Rhodes, a Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office spokesman, said at a news conference. The gunman, reportedly 22, has been tentatively identified, but police did not release his name.
I don’t know what the answer is to these things, or if there is one.
Carl, you’d better get used to it, because Republicans are determined to make sure that anyone and everyone can have easy access to guns.
Yeah, the violence is shitty. Regulating gun ownership (gun owners in Austria must pass a psychological profiling test before they may own firearms, and none of these pointless high capacity magazines are allowed) should reduce gun fatalities (and the body count per outrage), but it’s hard to see a way out of the violence.
And while O’Reilly whines about the liberal’s war on Christmas, there’s domestic terror going on in our streets and at our shopping malls and movie theatres, perpetuated by the right wing gun nuts.
Apparently he (or someone) posted a picture of the mall on 4Chan the day before and told folks to “watch the Clackamas mall, it’ll be in the news by this time tomorrow.” Or some such.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Oop, forgot the link.
I’m so sick of this shit.
Imagine how they must feel about it in, say, South Side Chicago.
@6 If only we had some sort of way to limit access to cheap hand guns and assault weapons.
Sounds like another mentally ill guy with a gun to me. Better access to mental health services and better screening of gun buyers will cut down on this sort of thing and wont infringe the slightest on people like me who like to go shooting a few times a year.
One of the things that we should start doing is stop treating all guns the same. There’s a big difference between a single shot .22 and an AR style rifle, yet our laws treat them the same. I don’t think we should ban semi-auto rifles or high capacity magazines, but I do think you should have me meet a higher threshold to by an AR than a single shot .22.
We are all sick of this shit, but the fact is that it will continue to happen because we live in a society which treasures the right to arm itself to the teeth more than the principle of civil governance.
I hope that none of you ever need to personally deal with the aftermath of one of these nuts gone wild with his right to bear arms. But it is more likely every day that one of us will.
Which is why you not only lock up your guns & put locks on the guns as well. It’s not hard to do and doesn’t cost that much. I don’t have a fancy gun safe or anything like that, but the closet I keep my rifles in has a lock on it, the rifles are locked to the wall of the closet and there’s locks on the guns as well.
In 1965 I cleaned up the results of a woman’s discharge from a psychiatric facility after she dispatched her husband, six kids, and herself with aid of a single-shot .22 rifle (in Walla Walla where I was a deputy coroner). Imagine what she could have accomplished with an AR-15.
Damn, that’s a mean woman and some good shooting.
More knife Violence
by Carl, 12/11/2012, 11:34 PM
I’m so sick of this shit.
An unidentified man wielding a knife, acting alone, stabbed up to 6 people before killing himself. The original reports of two dead were confirmed as the only fatalities. One 15-year-old Portland girl was taken by ambulance to OHSU Hospital, where she was in serious condition Tuesday night.
Officials declined to identify the victims.
The assailant died of an apparent self-inflicted knife wound, Lt. James Rhodes, a Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office spokesman, said at a news conference. The assailant, reportedly 22, has been tentatively identified, but police did not release his name.
I don’t know what the answer is to these things, or if there is one.