How freaked out are the wingnuts at the prospect of gay-loving, pot-smoking, $15-minimum-wage-paying Sodoms and Gomorrahs like Seattle and San Francisco economically out-competing the gun-toting, free-market-loving regions of the country? Via email, my new friend Tom explains:
Looking at the election returns, few patriotic Americans remain on the Left Coast, and their relative numbers will be further reduced by the current influx of illegals occasioned by the feckless narcissist squatting in the Oval Office. Granted, the loss of even one human (by definition, this term excludes ‘progressives’) is to be grievously mourned, yet such would be more than offset by the social, financial, health and security advances inevitably following the extermination of the leftist scum and their fellow travelers. Damn shame there is no virus which specifically vectors those defectives with the survival-adverse gene mutation causing liberalism. Then again, perhaps Michael Savage is correct in his claim it is a mental disease and thus treatable. In either event, there is an immediate need for a cure if America is to survive.
Out of courtesy, I’ll keep Tom’s full name and email address to myself (along with the names of the online gun forums on which he frequently deals firearms). But that is some seriously fucked up shit.
“Then again, perhaps Michael Savage is correct in his claim it is a mental disease and thus treatable. ”
Michael Savage is a hustler and con-artist who found his own little pot of gold in the self-pity, paranoia, and hate of the right wing Ignoratti.
Why do you not take Tom’s words ar irony?
so you are interviewed at Fox (I followed the link and was surprised you weren’t on TV, just mentioned in the article). But, based on this, you claim many more readers of your blog. Interestingly enough, none of the new readers seems to comment on anything, it’s just the standard run of the mill, certainly not anyone new or special commenting on your particular interview or comments about $15 minimum wage. Commenting on the blog is easy and straight forward…yet, it seems none of the “new” visitors is doing it. But then…Tom, is sending you email (harder to find and do then posting on the blog for everyone to see). Tom, so it seems, is commenting, but via email not directly. Wouldn’t it be better for Tom to make sure we all would see his comments ? Instead he “sends an email” to you and you mention it in a blog….
Is he the only one of those many new fox wingnuts looking at your site ? Is he the only one “commenting” ? Maybe you could mention a second one ? Just wondering.
Or is it all made up ? :-)
@3- Maybe, as a Wing-nut, he feels that his brilliant commentary would be censored a’la (u)SP.
Regular reader, seldom comment. I definitely don’t waste any electrons responding to slack-jawed mouthbreathers.
Anyone notice that the only consistent use of exterminationist rhetoric comes out of the Conservative element? In pretty much every country? It is almost always a major aspect of their own stated purpose of conservatism. You hear it from the psycho gun owners, that if they aren’t going to be allowed to keep their machine guns and concealable weaponry to use as they see fit, they’re going to be forced to start killing people.
Fucking insane.
@ 6
Anyone notice that the only consistent use of exterminationist rhetoric comes out of the Conservative element?
I’ve noticed that Roger Rabbit makes pretty consistent use of it insofar as he describes the right.
@6. Yes. It’s nasty and it’s scary. It’s hypocritical too, if minorities or other religions said things like that, the conservatives would be demanding they be jailed. Remember when just two black guys showed up and said they were Black Panthers. The conservatives went freaking nuts.