As Oregon US Senate candidate Jeff Merkley was recording this video explaining his reasons for signing on to the Responsible Plan for ending the war in Iraq, even more Democratic challengers were coming on board, including Faye Armitage (FL-07) and Cheryl Sabel (AL-02).
Meanwhile more national security experts are adding their public endorsement, including Rand Beers, a counterterrorism expert who served on the National Security Council under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush:
“The Democratic challengers that produced this responsible plan to end the war in Iraq prove that Democrats can successfully and responsibly discuss national security issues of the first order, and discuss them in ways that represent real solutions to the real problems that we face.”
But, then, what do a bunch of generals and national security experts know about this stuff compared to the man who took 18 years to catch the Green River Killer?
Update: Darcy Burner will be on KUOW (94.9 FM) at 1:50 pm today to discuss The Responsible Plan — Darryl
This is posted over at Drudge right now:
“New Bin Laden message expected… Developing…”
Anyone want to speculate that in the expected message he will endorse the so-called “Responsible Plan?”
The Piper
But, then, what do a bunch of generals and national security experts know about this stuff compared to the man who took 18 years to catch the Green River Killer?
Have either of the Democratic candidates signed on or, for that matter, discussed this plan?
@1 Soooo typical of the vomit we expect from the right.
Hey crackpiper! Chimpface is the best friend Osama ever had! Not only did Chimp let his entire family fly out of the U.S. after 9/11 (when everyone else was grounded), but Chimp also refuses to catch him! Can you believe it’s been 6 1/2 years since that tragedy and Osama is still running around free as a bird? If Osama endorses anyone, he’ll endorse McCain, because the Republicans are playing right into his hands. He’s getting all the publicity, recruiting inducements, and attention any self-respecting terrorists could possibly want!!
On this:
“But, then, what do a bunch of generals and national security experts know about this stuff compared to the man who took 18 years to catch the Green River Killer?”
Can you describe how you would have sped it up? (as long as you brought it up). Just curious.
# RR
Now, now…..Piper knows EVERYTHING. Just ask him.
Piper Scott,
‘Anyone want to speculate that in the expected message he will endorse the so-called “Responsible Plan?”’
Hey Piper, instead of just being an asshole, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?
I’ll bet you $100 that the next message from bin Laden doesn’t endorse the plan.
One of the reasons we pay for universities and spend years educating our youths is so the decision makers and people of influence in our society know what the fuck is going on and will make productive decisions instead of counterproductive decisions.
To put ignorance on a pedestal and act out costly and destructive comic-book fantasies, you need Republicans. No one else, except trailer park rednecks, are capable of routinely fucking things up so badly.
Take, for example, the Republicans’ knee-jerk militarism. To be a Republican, you have to go out of your way to avpod knowing anything about world history. Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of history knows that wars rarely achieve the objectives of those who start them, and even more rarely settle anything; wars more typically beget future wars. Applying these “lessons learned” to Iraq, a thoughtful person would have considered, before invading Iraq, the odds of this war creating an even worse situation than we started with — and spawning more wars in the future. And that’s exactly where it appears to be heading.
Reminder to wingnuts: Ignorance is not a virtue. Stupidity is not something to be proud of, or to brag about. And warmongering is a crime against humanity.
“Staying the course” is as false a dream as the original invasion was. It is what small, foolish, uneducated minds would do. It’s not in the best interests of our country, the Iraqi people, or the world. Of course I’m not convincing you wingnuts of anything, nor does it make any difference to you that future generations will curse you.
I merely want you to understand that’s what’s coming your way so you’re prepared for it.
Piper Scott: I had a joyous time pointing out what an amazing airhead you are on the Bruce Agnew thread last night.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, it’s time for a Roger Rabbit history quiz, and this one is real tricky so, dear trolls, put on your thinking caps and exercise caution before answering, or you will make real asses of yourselves. Ready? Here’s the question (and your answer options):
Which of the following sovereign states was a U.S. ally in the military intervention in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban?
[ ] 1. Soviet Union
[ ] 2. India
[ ] 3. Iran
[ ] 4. Nebraska
[ ] 5. Cyprus
Here’s something else of interest to trolls. I’ve had numerous medical tests lately, and the veterinarian says not only am I not dead, I’m not even dying! You wingnuts are SOL!
1,4 “New Bin Laden message expected… Developing…”
Oh, how convenient for little monkey boy…yeah, his family and the bin Ladens are great pals, and how nice of Osama to do a favor for Dumbya to help get us all scaaaaared of the terrrrrrrorists. Might even provide a few minutes of distraction for all those happy Americans who might be figuring out the way our Imbecile-In-Chief has been running things may have something to do with their getting fucked out of their homes, their jobs, their medical care and their retirement money.
Then again, it might not work all that well, any more. They just might have to blow something else up around here before anybody pays any attention.
@5 This issue has been addressed previously. Read about it here
and here
Some choice quotes:
“Frank Atchley, who supervised Reichert in the 1980s, told the P-I that Reichert ‘actually was more of an impediment to the investigation. He was probably the worst detective I’ve ever worked with,’ Atchley said. ‘He developed tunnel vision.’ He’s talking about Reichert’s lock on one suspect: an ornery cab driver named Melvyn Foster. They had butted heads in an interview early on and Guillén writes, ‘… an acrimony developed that seemed to taint Reichert’s judgment on Foster’s viability as a suspect for years.’ He was so convinced of Foster’s guilt, the task force focus disasterously excluded everyone else.”
“Reichert was 32 at the time the investigation began. Foster was 43. Although the FBI advised county police to use detectives older than the suspects for interrogation — to stimulate better cooperation during interviews — the county chose Reichert for the job anyway. Relations between Reichert and Foster deteriorated rapidly. Foster said later he was told that Reichert wanted to ‘get me in hand-to-hand combat. I sent a message back, `Anytime, punk. You ain’t old enough to be that bad.’ He doesn’t want to fool with this old bear.'”
10 RR
Now comes the news that Baxter has been selling heparin that’s been produced in China, where–guess what?–our Great Friendly Trade Partners have been cutting the stuff with glucosamine sulfate. Seems that in addition to helping post-menopausal women think they’re doing something to prevent bone loss, that stuff does thin out blood….and it’s a lot cheaper than heparin! Of course, God knows what sort of side effects it might have when administered intravenously.
Yeah, sure…America has “the best health-care system in the world”. If you can swallow that one, you must have been one of those high-school frosh who the seniors sold tickets to the upstairs swimming pool.
” ‘…to catch the Green River Killer?’ Can you describe how you would have sped it up?”
How about I describe how Dave could have “sped it up?” Like arrest, interrogate (like they did more recently, until he tells them where the girls are) and then try and convict the guy while they were looking at him the first time? Call me crazy…seems like that might have worked.
We are so fucked economically if we don’t stop this war. It’s why gas prices are high and why our budget is in deep deficit doo-doo. The longer we’re there, the more enemies we make and the weaker we are to try and oppose them. Bush has been a national security disaster, and McCain wants four more years of the same. Most people agree with me.
That’s not even mentioning the moral, legal, and humanitarian cases against militarily occupying a country for no good reason.
Hey Crackpiper,
Has Bush caught OBL yet?
No, because it was not the highest priority under the Republican “Irresponsible Plan”.
After all, there is no oil in the Pakistani hinterlands.
Hey Crackypiper:
Are we still financing the war in Iraq with Iraqi oil revenue, like you republicans promised?
Did we ever?
SRJ @5,
Sure, instead of focusing on that cab driver to the exclusion of all else, he could have had Ridgeway tailed for a couple weeks after a woman accused him of trying to strangle her to death. That might’ve sped things up.
Also, on being named Sheriff, he could have asked the county council to increase funding for the investigation, rather than slashing funding the way he did.
18 Maybe Bush and Reichert have been comparing notes.
Nah…forget it. That requires the assumption that either of them can read and write.
Iraq will be � an affordable endeavor � that � will not require sustained aid � and will �be in the range of $50 billion to $60 billion .� � Budget Director Mitch Daniels [Forbes 4/11/03, W. Post 3/28/03, NY Times 1/2/03, respectively]
Jeff Merkley has very impressive foreign policy/military creds!
Seven years as President of the World Affairs Council of Oregon. Still a member of the Council’s Board of Trustees.
Safeguarded American military technology, verifyied arms treaties, and assisted the U.S. delegation to NATO, all while working at the Pentagon.
Analyzed programs and policies for strategic nuclear weapons while working for the Congressional Budget Office.
Merkley also has an impressive and growing list of veterans backing him, including General McPeak and Colonel Zal.
Oh Crackpiper:
March 2003, no Al Quaida in Iraq. March 2005, much Al quaida in Iraq.
Mission Accomplished!
I can see why Bush-family friend Osama bin Laden would pick Matt Drudge as his tool for addressing the American people.
25 BBG
Well, Drudge certainly is a major tool.
People of Washington
Greetings to all in the name of the benifcient one God.
Know all, that there is nothing I want more than a fair and just peace. For too long your people have been deprived of the truth and misled by infidels who arrogantly takers it upon himself to determine the Word.
First, ask yourselves, how can a plan be “responsible” and sponsored by a woman? When Ms. Burner follows the will of God and dreasses appropriately, studies the WORD she may teach again, but always as the representative of a male and speaking only to other females.
Second, be of open mind. While I find the Western behavior of using an indecently dressed young feamle to make a proposal discusting, I am very open minded. As Hew Who Taught All, taught .. a closed mind admits no ideas and allows its own ideas to become fetid.
This is a core idea we shar with the men whose words Ms. Burner has represented. However, it is an idea not yet ready.
Imagine i that I were to come into your state tp discuss this plan. Seattle’s one mosque is too small even for my sons’ harems. As a gesture of goodwill it seems to me that your Congress should build withi8n one days walk of each other across the country!
25/26 Originated by tools, disseminated by tools, intended for tools.
It’s like Sears, for heaven’s sake.
more to follow …
First I need to change URLs to avoid detection.
Seems like the idea of starting this war in the first place was pretty half-baked.
Sure, instead of focusing on that cab driver to the exclusion of all else, he could have had Ridgeway tailed for a couple weeks after a woman accused him of trying to strangle her to death. That might’ve sped things up.
Goldy, it definitely sounds like you would have had a plan in place to speed up the Green River investigation if you’d been in charge.
But, back to my other question, have either of the Democratic candidates endorsed D. Burner’s Iraq withdrawal plan? I thought there’d be more of a reaction or at least some comment.
re 1: This time bin-Laden resembles Zeppo Marx with a fake beard.
“When I was a child, I thought as a child….”
You’re a Biblical scholar, Pipe™, what’s the rest of that quote.
“When I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things.” I Cor. xiii. 11.
bin Laden’s dead. Benazir Bhutto spilled the beans a few days before she was ….. uuuhhhhhhh…… uuhhhhhhhh….shot by a lone gunman with no connection to any living human being.
The wingfucks will no doubt make all sort of snide remarks, but in his book “Breaking Rank”, Norm Stamper ventured his impression of Reichert as a self-promoting cowboy. Back when Norm wrote that, it didn’t have any particular bearing on anything. It was just his personal observation.
Hmmm…Benazir Bhutto. The Paul Wellstone of Pakistan.
Well it looks like Osama bin Laden did make a statement about the so-called Responsible Plan since he decried and ranted and raved against cartoons and jokes, categories within which the plan clearly and easily fits.
The Piper
Hey Piper, how do you know where the message originated from? Do you take everything on face? Oh, thats right, it’s drudge!
Not hardly…
Stamper was responsible for completely screwing up the WTO protests and allowing them to degenerate into riots; as a cop he made a good eunuch. In the meantime, Reichert ran down a rioter/looter type with footage that made newscasts all around the world.
The contrast was stark and unmistakable with the result of one moving up in the world and one moving down. Guess which was which?
The Piper
The cable news channels are reporting on it now, and here’s a link to an article from Reuters:;sp=true
The Piper
Per The Piper–
This is posted over at Drudge right now:
“New Bin Laden message expected… Developing…”
Anyone want to speculate that in the expected message he will endorse the so-called “Responsible Plan?”
Piper, you are one funny SOB!!
In addition, Bin Laden is also endorsing Barrack Hussein Obama for Prez! And he is offering Goldy a Radio Gig on his AlQaeda Ham Radio Station transmitted out of a different cave every night in Pakistan Mountains.
Careful before taking the gig Goldy….
Bin Laden tends to like to blow Jews up.
This is posted over at Drudge right now:
“New Bin Laden message expected… Developing…”
“Just as soon as we finish putting the gray back into that fake beard!” — Official White Horse Souse
39 I notice the photograph of Osama accompanying the article is from 2001.
Oh, yeah….speaking of Reuters, it looks like Wall Street’s latest mainline fix from Bernanke wore off awfully fast. Just like smack, money doesn’t work very well when it’s been “cut” too many times.
yes, if the economy goes into and stays in the shitter, then bring out the booga booga monster.
Click on tiny earll above and you can sign a message to our ‘fearless leaders’ that you endorse the RESPONSIBLE PLAN!!
38 If that’s your impression from the WTO festivities of those two individuals, Piper, I might suggest you read Stamper’s book. Dave’s little photo op would seem to suggest some validity to Stamper’s impression. It might have looked cool, but it didn’t contribute any more to the task at hand of co-ordinating the efforts of the police to deal with the situation (which Norm admits was a mess at all levels) as Bush’s pretending to fly a Navy plane onto a carrier a few miles from San Diego helped protect us from the big bad terrorists. That’s why we’re still debating this shit, after so many years.
46 To elaborate further, a parallel might be drawn between WTO in Seattle and the Iraq war, or even the “war on terr’r” in general. The objective of the leaders was to prevent hostilities, not promote them. Every time Bush waxes with pride about “his” war, it makes me want to vomit. Sure he’s commander-in-chief, but the reason our country’s founders put that responsibility in the hands of a civilian was to take the decision to fire the first shot away from senior military officers who they thought might be overly willing to do so. The fact that the war began at all is in itself a horrendous failure, and Smirk is too damned stupid to recognize how badly he fucked up.
MARCH 2007
@ 48:
The “surge” is not just a military plan. Remember? Bush said the increased level of US troops would cause a drop in violence and then give them time to implement a political solution.
The military has done its job.
Bush . . . well, it’s like his TANG days — AWOL.
From page 11 of the RESPONSIBLE PLAN:
“NO PROTECTION OF PROFITS FOR WAR PROFITEERS. Contractors who have abused U.S. taxpayers
and Iraqi citizens by failing to deliver on their contractual obligations, by delivering substandard
goods or services, or by working counter to the interests of the U.S. and the Iraqis should be
held to account. At a minimum, profits made by such contractors at the expense of the U.S.
taxpayer and the Iraqi people should be refunded.”
Democrats have finally learned how to frame an issue. Republicans are now forced to inveigh AGAINST, the RESPONSIBLE PLAN.
It’s hilarious. Republicans are FORCED to be honest by being foresquare against planning and responsibility.
Yup!!! Tic-tac-toe, SUCKAS!!!
Easy on the repeat button big fella.
Seems like you are trying way too hard to convince yourself this Non-Plan is a Plan.
How many senior elected Democrats have bought off the so-called “Responsible Plan? On this re-hash of old ultra-liberal grievances and house-of-cards assumptions?
If this is a plan, I suppose a white flag constitutes one as well.
The Piper
“Piper Scott says:
Not hardly…”
Evidently Piper failed 8th grade grammar, as well as social studies …
What, did you throw up the white flag, Piper Scott?
Your stuck-in-the-eighties ideology really blinds you on all issues, doesn’t it?
How many cliches can one clueless Republican spit up in one sitting? The Piper answers that question for us on a daily basis here at HA.
Maybe this might explain The Piper’s penchant for personal responsibility & law and order, by any means necessary:
Name /
Participant Court Case Number File/Violation
Date Case Type /
Cause Code
Stclair, Scott Andrew
Defendant Pierce Co Superior 94-2-05540-8 06-02-1994 Civil
How many senior elected Democrats have bought off the so-called “Responsible Plan?
I asked the same question with regard to Obama and Clinton. Obama, who gave an elaborate discussion of Iraq today never mentioned it, and as far as I know neither has Clinton.
Most curious. Any ideas why they would remain silent on such a major initiative? Anyone?
@ 59:
He must be related to David “the mother beater” Irons.
LOL. Only a PUSSY commits Domestic Violence. What a fucking cunt.
All ya gotta do about Iraq is close down the show and get out of the way. The Israelis will take care of the Iranians, and, once the US is gone, the Muslims in the area will start killin’ each other over who is the “rightful” religious decendant of Mohammed. That’s what all that shit with the Shi’ites and Sunnis is about: who gets to claim they’re following Muhammed’s rightful religious heir. Crazy, ain’t it?
You did not believe me that I was about to issue a message through this web site?
Now, think on this, your city is the home to many cartoonists as vile as those in Denmark.
Out of respect to the few good friends here .. I suggest NOT opening the funny pages next Sunday, there just might surprising powder inside.
I also suggest that you avoid any building that looks as if its architect had a bad night.
In the name of the one, the only bringer of truth I call on all here to revert to the one true faith.
“Wired for Change”
A few days ago the word came out that this PR firm “Wired for Change” actually authored “the plan”. The version linked today makes no mention of them. Why don’t you “netroot” lefties fess up to this vast left wing conspiracy and acknowledge who they are and what their “mission” is. (Hint: PR hacks/PR.)
A nice PR move which is not really a “plan”. Example page 11 (thanks poon):
“NO PROTECTION OF PROFITS FOR WAR PROFITEERS. blah blah blah…….” all this is already law and has been since before our garandparents were born so where’s the plan?
Usmar Bin Laden said:
“In the name of the one, the only bringer of truth I call on all here to revert to the one true faith.”
And which one of the seven “true faiths” would you be referring to in your comment at 63? I lean towards Neo-Paganism myself.
You must remember, the URL here are not secret. I see you day and night.
I am leaving now, need a new URL and I think I hear choppers. Ooops it was OUR chopper delivering Hallal Thai!
Usmar Bin Laden says:
You must remember, the URL here are not secret. I see you day and night.
Yeah, right. Time for your meds!
re 64: Frank Luntz authored the Republican ‘Contract on America’ strictly by what points polled at 60%. There was no belief or idealism involved.
“The ideal of America is idealism.” Calvin ‘not cynical’ Coolidge
@1 Now that we have OBL’s new message, i.e.,
“Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden threatened the European Union with grave punishment on Wednesday over cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad.”
we gave conclusive evidence that crackpiper’s shrill, shrieking attempt to equate Darcy’s “responsible plan to end the war” with sympathy for terrorism is, well … merely the shrill shrieking of a terrified mouse caught in the trap of the approaching November elections.
we have
Anyone who’s hung around HA for more than 10 minutes knows I live in the 45th District, so that’s not me!
The Piper
@14 Give that man a prize! Now … what do we do about a GOP candidate who actually tells the press and public that Iran is training al Qaeda operatives and sending them into Iraq?
Unfortunately, our system imposes more restrictions on advancing pupils from 6th grade to 7th grade than it does on advancing senile old fools from the Senate to the White House.
A statement like this ought to disqualify someone from serious consideration for the presidency; but with the GOP, it is possible for the most ignorant fuck on the face of the earth to get a major-party nomination for president.
In a reasonable universe, nominating someone like McCain for the presidency should disqualify a political party from being taken seriously or getting a significant number of votes; but with GOP voters, it is possible for the most ignorant fucks in the galaxy to end up running our government.
Thanks for nothing, Republican shitheads.
Oh! Excuse me, wingfuck shitheads; I forgot to explain WHY Iran helped the U.S. run the Taliban out of Afghanistan.
It’s simple. Iran is Shiite, and Shiites HATE AL QAEDA’S GUTS.
They hate al Qaeda so much they helped a country they call “the Great Satan” to run them off.
And now the GOP presidential nominee-in-waiting is going around telling stupid, ignorant, gullible Republican voters that Iran is training al Qaeda fighters and feeding them into the Iraq insurgency? Holy Geezus Lying Ignorant Stupid Fucking Cripes … why does ANYONE in the media or this country take that gibbering old fool seriously?
Ok today is 5 years in Iraq, and I have heard the conspiracy theories over the years. So if Bush and his Admin start pulling out of Iraq and are almost done the end of the year, as per this plan, where does that leave us? Let’s say he finally listens to the people and Congress, and starts withdrawal and all hell breaks lose in Iraq, who’s to blame?
Meanwhile, America’s Ignorant Class is worrying about Obama’s church’s minister’s pulpit tirades while their own presidential candidate can’t even keep straight who our enemies are …
If McCain becomes president he might attack New Zealand or somebody …
The only people more ignorant than Republican politicians are the fools who vote for them …
@76 – No I would think Canada first…then New Zealand
… Republican voters surely are among the most gullible and misinformed people on the face of the earth.
Like I said before, ignorance is NOT a virtue.
@15 Not to mention what it does to people who are allergic to the unlisted ingredients.
@16 As I pointed out @13, Reichert’s main contribution to fucking up the Green River investigation was to focus the task force’s efforts and attention on the wrong suspect for a number of years, thereby allowing the real killer to operate unhindered and with little risk of getting caught during that period. And, yes, the King County Police had Ridgeway’s name and profile and rap sheet and knew he was a promising suspect during all of that time.
@17 This fall let’s help voters remember that gas was a buck a gallon when Bush and his goon squad seized power in the 2000 coup.
@83 – And within a few years (of Obama) gas will be back down to a buck a gallon, well maybe 2 bucks a gallon.
NB – Merkley’s not the only Senate candidate in Oregon who’s endorsed this plan. His principal opponent, Steve Novick, who is somewhat to the left of Merkley on several key issues, has also endorsed it.
Novick is the guy with the hilarious TV spots (the first two are online here and here) that were done by Russ Feingold’s ad agency.
@27 Well, now we know Bush’s fucking buddy Usmar bin Laden can’t type or spell any better than the average Republican. Hell, he probably IS a Republican.
@31 Wingnut gets ass kicked in debate, changes subject.
@87 We’ve seen that before, a few times.
@35 Bhutto’s dead. Wellstone’s dead. Wonder if there’s a connection? Just thinkin’ …
@38 “Stamper was responsible for completely screwing up the WTO protests and allowing them to degenerate into riots; as a cop he made a good eunuch.”
What’s that got to do with Stamper’s observation that Reichert was a self-promoting cowboy? As any lawyer knows, you don’t have to be a good manager to be a good witness.
@90 See #87.
@38 (continued) Since when has becoming a congressman been considered a promotion?
@40 On the one hand we have crackpiper speculating that bin Laden’s new message will endorse Darcy Burner; on the other hand have Mr. Cynical speculating it will endorse Barack Obama.
This is what passes for Wingnut Yin and Yang these days.
Just an observation: Now that Mr. Cynical has retired and fled from Washington’s inheritance taxes, he won’t be working for BIAW converting L & I taxes to Rossi slush funds, and he won’t be voting for Rossi either. Rossi is doomed.
@47 “Smirk is too damned stupid to recognize how badly he fucked up.”
So are the stupes who continue to support him.
I will be cheerleading for Dino.
It will be an interesting election.
I still haven’t met anyone who voted for Rossi last time and is now voting for Gregoire.
I have met plenty of pissed off Dem business owners who will vote Rossi this time.
@55 Sounds like you’re working hard to convince yourself it isn’t. It’s certainly more of a plan than the made-in-GOP chaos and anarchy we have now.
@57 That phraseology is perfectly respectable among the Ignorati.
Or should they be called the Illiterati?
We all know that Dino won the legitimate count, but never under estimate the fraud of King County. With their new vote by mail they will have phantom donks in China voting for Gregoire.
Remember Democrats always cheat.
I still haven’t met anyone who voted for Rossi last time and is now voting for Gregoire.
I have met plenty of pissed off Dem business owners who will vote Rossi this time.
Yeah, where have I heard this before?
Remember Democrats always cheat.
Oh? That must be the reason Allen Raymond went to jail and Tobin is getting another trial after burning through 3 million of RNC money.
And what happened to that ACVR that was supposed to fix things?
Eat shit Cur!
@59 Not the same guy. According to crackpiper’s WSBA listing,* his middle name is Allan not Andrew.
* The WSBA Lawyer Directory includes former as well as current lawyers. St. Clair’s WSBA status is “Inactive.” Scott has previously stated on HA that he voluntarily stopped paying dues. By the time you add the cost of attending the required CLEs (continuing legal education), it can cost over $1,000 a year to maintain your license to practice law, which is a lot of money if you’re not actively practicing and don’t need the license to make your livelihood.
King county has probably two missing bags of ballots in storage just just waiting to be found. You know just in case they under estimate how many fake votes they need in the original count.
@62 ” … once the US is gone, the Muslims in the area will start killin’ each other over who is the “rightful” religious decendant of Mohammed. That’s what all that shit with the Shi’ites and Sunnis is about: who gets to claim they’re following Muhammed’s rightful religious heir. Crazy, ain’t it?”
And when they’re done with that, any survivors will commence killing each other over who gets the oil revenues.
@63 “I also suggest that you avoid any building that looks as if its architect had a bad night.”
Does this mean your associates are planning to reduce EMP to a smoking cinder? How much is the city paying you for this portion of the Seattle Center renovation? Why wasn’t it reported in the media? Was this a secret no-bid contract?
@64 “all this is already law”
Well then, all we need to do is elect an administration that will ENFORCE THE LAW. The way things are going, that shouldn’t be difficult.
@67 No, time for his dialysis. He gets like this when he hasn’t had dialysis for several days.
@68 “Frank Luntz authored the Republican ‘Contract on America’ strictly by what points polled at 60%. There was no belief or idealism involved.”
There wasn’t any contract involved, either, as the GOP reneged on every promise they made in COA. The only promise they kept was its implied promise to rip us off if they got the chance.
The beautiful thing about Republican behavior since 1994 is they have fucked so many ordinary citizens so badly that we now have a real shot at getting universal health care, banking and credit card regulation, enforcement of environmental laws, a national energy initiative, a renaissance of unions and collective bargaining, reimposition of fair taxes on the Bloodsucker Class, and a host of other social and economic necessities that have languished under fascist rule.
If Darcy Dumbshit were put in charge of finding the green river killer, he’s a died of old age.
@71 See #103. You see, crackpiper, EVEN ROGER RABBIT WILL DEFEND YOU OF CHARGES AND ACCUSATIONS BASED ON MISIDENTIFICATION … which, by the way, is more than any Republican is willing to do for the ordinary citizens of our country. Case in point: The administration’s error-riddled list of terrorism suspects used to deny airline boarding, credit, employment, etc.
Crackpiper, if you’d ever been a parent who had to go through the Bush administration’s hoops to get his 4-year-old off the Suspected Terrorists list so he could enroll in kindergarten, you would appreciate how readily I came to your defense when I realized you had been erroneously accused of domestic violence based on misidentification. You also wouldn’t be a Republican, because you would be mentally and emotionally incapable of sanctioning or supporting the incompetence of the Republicans running our government. The Suspected Terrorists list is only one of their innumerable fuckups, and a relatively minor one at that, compared to their truly egregious fuckups.
However, crackpiper, you should understand that the fact I defended you in this thread doesn’t change anything between us. You’re still a hopelessly addled wingnut, and as a patriotic and loyal American rabbit, it’s my moral duty to expose you as the dunce you are.
@78 I would be inclined to agree with you, except I don’t think McCain can find Canada on a map.
I wouldn’t surprised if a navigation error was involved in McCain getting shot down over Hanoi. It seems strange that of a flight of 20 attack aircraft, his was the only plane hit.
@84 “And within a few years (of Obama) gas will be back down to a buck a gallon, well maybe 2 bucks a gallon.”
Economic fundamentals would seem to support that. Until recently, Wall Street believed crude would fall to $30 – $40 by 2007 or 2008. Obviously that hasn’t happened, but the reasons why Wall Street thought it would happen haven’t changed — there’s plenty of oil and oil-equivalents in the ground; even the world’s most expensive oil and oil-equivalents (e.g., tar sands, and arctic and deep offshore oil) can be profitably extracted for $40 a barrel; and high prices (and the wherewithal they bring to the oil industry) are stimulating new investments in exploration and production. The oil industry disinvested during the low-price era of the 80s and 90s, so it will take some time (and a lot of money) to bring new supplies to market, but these investments should begin having an impact by the end of the decade. Economic theory also argues that high crude prices should engender recessionary pressures in consuming economics leading to reduced demand, which in turn exerts downward pressure on prices; and I think we’ll begin seeing those effects as the recession takes effect in America as we progress through 2008. Of course, some will argue the surge in demand is coming from India and China, which is true (U.S. demand is nearly flat); but those countries’ economies are booming and they have the money to buy more oil precisely because they’ve been selling so much stuff to American consumers, so the U.S. recession will affect their demand for crude. Also, most crude market experts believe speculators have built a “risk premium” of $20 to $40 a barrel into current pricing. This price premium could evaporate very quickly if the market perceives an oversupply (i.e., more oil is available than can readily be sold to waiting buyers). This is why oil stocks are significantly off last year’s highs and have been highly volatile all winter. For all these reasons, Wall Street probably is correct in surmising that oil prices eventually will settle at a lower level than we’re seeing now, although Wall Street doesn’t want to acknowledge the reason: American consumers have run out of both money and credit, and America’s consumption-driven economy is now going to implode in a very serious way. Meanwhile, a drop in gas prices from $3.50 or $4 back to $2.50 or even $2 won’t mean a whole lot to the millions of people who will become unemployed and the millions of others who, while stile employed, are effectively bankrupt. You can push down wages and eliminate jobs only so long, then your customers disappear. This is the fundamental question that the Wingnut Economy can’t answer: When they’ve reduced the working class to poverty, who are they going to sell their goods and services to?
in consuming economies
Spring keeps coming earlier for birds, bees, trees, and sneezes because of global warming -Seattle Times
Is this why it’s going to snow tomorrow in Chicago??? harharharharharharharharhar
With all this talk of a recession you would think we were living in 2000 when things were really rough. Geeeesh
108 Assuming Osama is still alive (which is admittedly dubious at best) I wonder if he uses Baxter heparin…
@96 “Mr. Cynical says: Rog– I will be cheerleading for Dino.”
This is news? Tell us something we don’t already know.
“It will be an interesting election.”
Yes, but not in the way you think.
“I still haven’t met anyone who voted for Rossi last time and is now voting for Gregoire.”
Another non-statement. We all realize the people who were dumb enough to vote for Rossi last time haven’t gotten any smarter. That’s irrelevant. This election will see a hoard of new voters and re-motivated voters who sat out the 2004 election who will turn out to vote against the Republican debacles and mismanagement of the last 8 years. Also, Gregoire lost 10s of 1000s of votes to the independent candidacy of a gay Libertarian candidate, a lucky break for Rossi in 2004 that won’t be repeated. In addition, Gregoire and her campaign manager ran a rather inept campaign in 2004 and it’s unlikely she hasn’t learned anything from her 2004 mistakes or will have the same campaign manager or if she does that he didn’t learn anything either. In short, Rossi got close in 2004 because of a number of happenstances not of his making or within his ability to control that are unlikely to be repeated in 2008. In addition, Gregoire now has a record to run on, whereas Rossi has been out of public office the last 4 years and consequently has no accomplishments to point to or record to run on, and also, more Washington voters understand now that (a) Rossi is not the moderate he pretended to be in 2004, and (b) Rossi is a stalking horse for developers, who are not exactly a popular breed in this state. There’s really nothing here you can draw on to argue that Rossi is going to do better in 2008, or even come close to repeating his near-miss in 2004. I’ll call it right now as, at a minimum, 53% to 45% for Gregoire — an 8-point spread. However, I wish to make clear to my friends in the governor’s office, the Gregoire campaign staff, and the Democratic grassroots that I believe we can’t afford to get complacent and ought to run scared as if Rossi might get within a couple hundred votes of taking Gregoire out, because given the certainty that he will run a lie-laden smear campaign against her, nothing can be taken for granted and she and her supporters would be reckless to get complacent or overconfident.
“I have met plenty of pissed off Dem business owners who will vote Rossi this time.”
Bullshit. Gregoire hasn’t given them any reason to vote for Rossi. She hasn’t raised their taxes. She has taken action to solve the Republican-created transportation crisis that allowed the crumbling of infrastructure critical to bringing employees, freight, and customers to their places of business. She has continued and expanded the efforts begun by Gov. Locke to make state government more user-friendly to businesses of all size. Moreover, your assertion that Democratic voters will defect in numbers to a wingnut candidate in the year of The Great Republican Collapse is mere fantasy and wishful thinking on your part. You need to buy a better brand of liquor, because whatever you’re drinking is fucking up the reasoning functions of your brain (which were never very strong to start with).
In other words, stop drinking Sterno to save money and invest in real booze, Cynical. That wood alcohol is fucking you up, and if you keep drinking it, it’ll kill you and we wouldn’t want that because then we wouldn’t be able to kick you around anymore. =:-D
@100 “We all know that Dino won the legitimate count”
Actually he didn’t, and in the context of your comment the word “we” refers to a small number of reality-denying goofballs, but dogs don’t need reality to be happy.
(Scroll down and click on the link that says “Horny Chihuahua Assaults Weird Stuffed Animal”.)
@104 Gas would cost little more than the taxes if someone could figure out a way to turn wingnut wishful thinking into a useful form of hydrocarbons.
“We” actually refers to a majority of Washingtonians (57% to be exact). Come on, do you actually think that any fair minded individual thinks that Gregoire is legitimate when she only won the second recount after King County found that mysterious bag of ballots that happen to put the queen over the top. You have to be a corrupt donk to believe Gregoire is legitimate.
@111 Darcy isn’t a cop, but Reichert was, and Ridgeway damn near did die of old age.
Only Republican voters are dumb enough to vote for a blockhead like Reichert based on his police credentials.
@120 Don’t worry, the economy will get worse, and in a way that will make 2000 look like a walk in the park, and in time for the election.
@126 In answer to your question, in that I was involved in the recount as an official observer, there is no doubt in my mind that Gregoire won the election and is the legitimate governor. This fact was proved by the state’s finest lawyers, who were hired by the GOP to prove to their handpicked Republican judge in their hand-picked Republican county that the only provable fraud was committed by Republicans.
Sheesh. After the extreme embarrassment of spending $2 million in legal fees to get a Republican judge to subtract 4 fraudulent votes from Rossi’s total (while finding no fraudulent votes on Gregoire’s side of the ledger), you’d think the Republican shysters and their shills would hide in a hole somewhere. It’s amazing they still show their faces in public. This has to be chalked up to stupidity. There is no other explanation.
When ever a donk promises something the opposite usually happens. Those freaken six hurricane promised back in 2006 are no where in sight. hehehehe
Geez Roger, every election year the lefty fringe is wishing for bad news.
In answer to your question, in that I was involved in the recount as an official observer,
What were your observations when King county found that missing bag of ballots???? Why weren’t they count in the first count??? Were there elections officials looking for that missing bag during the first count? Did they even know that it was missing?? Who found it and where??? Why didn’t they find it in the first or second counts???? If the ballots were there the whole time why weren’t they counted in the first placed???
As is widely known and reported on the video-box, the Swiss are training the French Foreign Legion in Mexico. Therefore we must invade Australia.
You have my orders!
Why did King County have so many more votes counted than ballots turned in????
Why did King County have so many more votes counted than ballots turned in????
Ballot box stuffing by Republicans?
“Wired for Change”
Authors of the “plan”. You lefties are getting marketed by a slick PR firm. The “plan” reads like a TV commercial. This fiasco is worse than “new Coke”.
You suckers that buy into the credibility of this phony “plan” are the same consumers that will keep this economy humming. The slickest TV commercial will suck you in every time.
Not a bad strategy for the empty suit: raise a ton of out of district dough, spend it on slick PR and hope for the best.
Right, zip! You are brilliant! We should just stay the course!
Nothing bad could happen by keeping to the same wasteful, bloody, losing strategy!
Hoorah!!!! We win!!! Or not!!!
We just keep pouring blood and money in the sinkhole!!!
Whooh Hooo!!!!
@96 Mr. Cynical
Sorry about that frined but I voted for Roxxi last time and will vote aagainst him this time DESPITEbeong less tyhan thrilled with Grgoire.
I am an intolerant son of a bitch. I will not tolerate racism, I will not tolerate Nazism ..I will not vote for anyone who does. Mr. Rossi ius coddling the people who posted that hate Obama messages on a Republican Web site. That is racist, THAT IS INTOLERABLE.
I have no loyalty to either party. BUT, Mr. Rossi has associated himself with the worst elements in his party. I hope Mr. McCain will hold true to his past record and lead a reform effort but, as far as I can see Dino will not be on the aise of that effort I could support.
The sooner the Republican party rids itself of its hareful, fantasy obsessed majority, the soone we the epople can vote for both parties based on the best candidates again.
zip @ 137,
You fucking simpleton. Wired for Change didn’t write the plan…they put together the fucking WEB SITE!
Here are the facts: This project was started some six months ago by Darcy Burner (the origin is documented in this video). She approached Major General Paul Eaton and asked him work with her to develop the plan. Darcy spearheaded the effort, pulled together people from the military (Eaton, Dr. Lawrence Korb [former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan], Brigadier General John Johns [U.S. Army Ret.] and Capt. Larry Seaquist [U.S. Navy Ret.]), a group of political activists, and, finally, the other candidates who originally endorsed the plan. All of these people had input to the plan at one state or another.
How do I know this? I talked to some of the people involved in developing the plan. You could probably talk to them, too. I’m sure Darcy Burner’s campaign would help you get in touch with them.
Or you can keep up your lying.
…And don’t forget to get your kids innoculated!
@132 “Geez Roger, every election year the lefty fringe is wishing for bad news.”
You’re confused; but then, that’s long been obvious to regular readers of the HA comment threads.
Why would I want bad news? Do you think I like stocks to go down? People losing their jobs? American kids dying in Iraq for nothing? Endless corruption and mismanagement?
No, to the contrary, I’m hoping for GOOD NEWS — namely, a Democratic sweep in November and the final, irreversible, and crushing defeat of the NeoCONvict Party.
@133 “What were your observations when King county found that missing bag of ballots????”
A) It was misplaced by accident. Similar incidents of misplaced ballots also occurred in other counties. It’s a normal hazard of having large numbers of lightly-trained temporary employees physical handle hundreds of thousands of ballots. Stuff gets lost in the post office, too.
B) The voters who cast those ballots had as much right to have their votes counted as you do. More, in fact, because dogs aren’t eligible to vote and registering a dog to vote is a felony — which didn’t stop you or your master from committing felony voting fraud, by the way. You’re lucky Republicans managed to steal the King County prosecuting attorney’s office, or your master would be in jail and you would have been sent to a shelter and put to sleep by now.
C) Until the misplaced ballots were opoened and counted, no one knew who those voters voted for, so why would anyone try to steal an election by hiding a bag of ballots? What if it turned out those ballots favored the candidate the ballot thief wanted to lose?
I hope this answers your question, stupid fucking moron mutt.
physically handle
Probably the next thing that dumb dog will ask you to believe is that the Bush administration stuffed the nation’s post offices with Democratic partisans who held absentee ballots up to x-ray machines to determine who the voters voted for, and threw Rossi ballots into a dumpster.
Rufus a/k/a Dufus didn’t get any smarter when he morphed into a voting-felon mutt.
@134 The bright side of this is that, given McCain’s purely random selection of bombing targets, there’s at least a 25% chance he’ll attack a Red State and kill a bunch of Republican voters.
@135 It didn’t. Got any more stupid questions?
@138 I think it’s about time we suited zip up and shipped him out … he’s been an armchair warrior long enough, and it’s time he saw the real thing and spilled his own blood.
@140 “You fucking simpleton.”
You need to respect his limited mental capacity. Zip isn’t capable of being more than a fucking simpleton. No wingnut is. That’s why they’re wingnuts.
A wingnut is someone whose limited faculties require him to see the world in black-and-white and deal only with numbers between 1 and 4.
(They haven’t learned how to count on their thumbs or left hands yet.)
You know your war is unpopular when…
McCain’s winning strategy? 100 years of a war that only 30% of America wants.
Don’t take the lack of political unity and reconciliationIn Iraq, or the lack of stabiliy and security there, as failures of the US occupation. Lack of stability is part of the plan. A unified, stable Iraqi goverment would tell us to get our army the fuck out of there, and that’s not what the big boys (including McCain) want.
Oh, and why Hillary and Obama haver not signed on the the Reponsible Plan? I’m pretty sure it’s because the Plan is a legislative creation and they are running to be the executive. After all, they each already have a plan to end the war.
Roger, get a hobby or go for long walks. Something! This blog shit isn’t real life: it’s just a bunch of whack-jobs on all extremes of the spectrum just spouting hate.
You spend too much time here.
@140 … leaving aside the authorship of the “plan,” the sad thing is that it DOES raise issue that should be discussed and I see no evidence that the discussion is proceeding.
I will focus on one specific example. The plan says we should exploit the interests of the neighboring countries to create an alliance that has peace in its self interest. OK?
So, it would be interesting, given the difference you and I have, to see who YOU think should be stakeholders in such a debate.
My opinion is that the big players include:
Iran, Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria, Egypt, OK
BUT I think any effective peace needs to include China, Saudi Arabia, amd India since each of these