A lot of folks came out of the past legislative session awfully pissed and/or disappointed about the performance of our Democratic majority, but there is at least one special interest group that is celebrating the results:
Our state’s most vehement conservative lobby, which spent $7.2 million trying to defeat Gov. Chris Gregoire, boasts how the majority Democrat Washington Legislature did its bidding in the just-completed session.
“After coming in like a lion, the 2009 Legislature went out like a lamb,” reports the lead article in “Building Insight,” newsletter of the Building Industry Association of Washington.
The BIAW newsletter lists 14 legislative proposals that it opposed, ranging from solar water heaters in new homes to including climate change in the Growth Management Act. The word “Dead” is attached to 12 of them.
One of the slogans of the progressive netroots movement is “More and Better Democrats,” a motto by which we recognize that the straightest path toward implementing a progressive agenda is through a Democratic majority, but that quantity of representation doesn’t always translate into quality, a truism clearly demonstrated by the near super-majority Democratic control of the Washington State Legislature.
So what’s the solution for frustrated progressives? It sure as hell ain’t electing more Republicans, so vindictively undermining the electoral prospects of conservative Democrats in swing districts, as some have suggested, would be more than counterproductive. No, it’s time for us in the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party to start targeting “safe” Democrats who have proven themselves to be either ineffective or out-of-touch, or both. That means working outside the traditional party hierarchy, and yes, that means primary challenges.
Let Frank worry about the swing districts, while we focus on electing better Democrats from the party’s urban base. Either that, or be prepared to see the BIAW celebrating their legislative successes for years to come.
Or perhaps centrist Democrats and Republicans still lead this state after all. While the righty BIAW is crowing that the lefties didn’t get their way…..maybe…..just maybe Goldy the actual message from the majority of the people is distilled into the basic ideas:
Don’t tax us more, make do with the resources you have and readjust priorities.
Maybe political maneuvering by the blustery edges left and right isn’t the answer after all….and never has been. Maybe the moderate path is the better way to go.
To be sure what was left this year isn’t ideal.
But maybe legislators will go back next year and finish the job of making do, saying No occasionally to constituents when it’s not a priority, and worrying a little less about Horsesass and SoundPolitics ramble on about.
Just maybe….
Something is seriously wrong when we can’t even get homebuyers’ rights or retro reform out of a Democratic supermajority.
While I agree with this, I still think making those D’s a bit nervous and making them work for endorsements, cash and volunteers is a good idea.
What we saw wasn’t a successful third-way legislative session, it was a complete and total failure of leadership to understand the problems before them and to lead.
Matty @1,
Right, it’s a centrist, moderate position to deny homebuyers a warranty on new construction. Is that what you’re implying?
Homebuyers’ warranties? If you think that is a big deal you have zero perspective.
Big business and anti-progressives like all these Democrats you’re a cheerleader for Goldy. Figure out yet you’ve been had, big time?
I’m serious – blindly backing unaccountable and financially-irresponsible entities like Sound Transit and the regressive taxing policy Ed Murray, Lisa Brown, Frank Chopp and Nickels have been behind really has fucked people.
The BIAW and other really anti-progressive institutions LOVE the brand of Democrats running the state and local governments in Washington. Those Democrats raise the money, and spend it on outfits that are headed by Republicans.
Look at Sound Transit: regressive sales taxes collected by Democrats in huge amounts, spent on multinational Republican-headed securities underwriters and other financial institutions, big law firms, huge construction contractors, BNSF, big engineering firms, Japanese train makers and concrete/steel suppliers. Same with Brightwater. Same with WSDOT and its AWV tunneling plans. All highly leveraged with long term debt and very little payoff to people. Seriously – you know now you’ve been had, right Goldy?
The big corporations here don’t pay taxes (MSFT sells its software through a Nevada subsidiary and Boeing gets huge tax breaks). The Democratic party controlled legislature that you fellate is responsible.
On the national level the Dem’s want a sales tax, because rich people and big corporations want economically vulnerable people paying taxes instead. That will fuck people here, because we already have the most regressive tax structure in the nation.
The ten biggest banks just got equity stakes taken in them by the Democratic controlled congress. They’ve been nationalized to no small extent. Same with GM (nationalized), plus $30 billion in subsidies. Obama’s minister of war Casey will prolong by a decade the US occupation of Iraq (big bucks for R-led contractors), and will increase troop levels immediately in Afghanistan – serving the interests of the military industrial complex quite well.
Republicans can’t get enough Democratic-run governments these days. The BIAW is just a small player in the anti-progressive pantheon that is thrilled with how the Democrats run the state and local governments around here.
Here’s a heads up Goldy: quite being such a D. partisan. Catch a clue as to what is going on – it is the rise of intertwined layers of statist governments. It truly is evil. Realize that these people exist on both sides of the aisle and they truly want to cause financial harm to most people as that keeps them weak.
Let me ask you a question: if you knew that the judiciary in this state was fundamentally dishonest when it comes to the rights of people, but the interests of the Democratic Party were served by that dishonesty, would you object or not?
Maybe Frank Chopp could use a primary battle.
9 out of the 10 U.S. cities with the highest murder rates have Democratic mayors.
Let that sink in.
THIS is why I hate liberals … they let people get away with murder:
Mike Webb’s killer will get no more than 12 years.
@9 Yeah, I agree with you. There’s no excuse for not prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes. Democrats are too soft on Republican criminals!
If I did what some of those Republican congressmen did I’d be doing 1,000 years but they’ll be out in 3.
And how do 8 & 9 relate to this? Welcome to Troll’s Delusional World, people.
Here’s how: Democrats = increased violent crime. Goldy want more Democrats. Therefore, Goldy wants more crime.
I think the answer is fusion politics. This allows a candidate for office to run for more than one party, on the same ballot.
For instance, in Oregon where they just passed fusion, a candidate “Joe Smith” can run for the state senate as both the Democratic nominee….and as the candidate of a third party, such as Working Families Party, etc. Let’s say that the WFP adopted a pro-single payer platform, and Joe knows he can get an additional 25,000 votes if he negotiates with the WFP that he will adopt that position in return for their nomination. That hands Joe extra votes and gives him additional campaign infrastructure, while giving proponents of single payer a seat at the table.
In this way, popular issues/voices that are ignored can muscle their way into the debate, while again, candidates have a much easier time of bringing in votes and campaign resources.
Wow calls for bold leadership…. calls to do stuff in the future…..hey, you guys follow this stuff why don’t you start NAMING NAMES OF DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATORS WHO ARE THE WEENIES WHO NEED TO BE PRIMARIED?
I mean come on, you’re calling them cowards yet you can’t name ONE of them???????
David Sirota, in his book The Uprising, has a short chapter on fusion that walks through a real-world example of how it works.
Or really, why not just start the socialist party?
it’s all top two now. Yoe’d get some socialists in there from Seattle.
And achieve moral clarity.
Let’s start with this program:
1. progressive taxes. No more tax increases for the poor until we have progressive tax system.
2. single payer. And everyone gets into the state legislator’s health care program. Now.
3. gay marriage
4. state AG directed to arrest and prosecute Bush, Cheney and other torturers on sight.
I’d like to see the usual Democratic suspects debate why they would be opposed to these common sense things.
The problem is, Goldy, that you don’t know a good candidate, or a bad one, when you see one, much less a good or a bad incumbent.
Don’t believe that? See Martinez, Juan. That worked out just great, didn’t it?
So pardon me if Frank Chopp and all those eeeeeevil fat-cat Democrats aren’t exactly quaking in their shoes over any threat *you* might pose, or any primary challengers that *you* might back.
The heavy lifting will get done during session, and in the interim, by the “blue-green alliance,” an existing House caucus. Maybe you should check out what they’re doing, and seeing how you might generate support for it, before posturing about primary challenges that have as much chance of succeeding as you have of flapping your arms and flying to the moon.
@15 see #7.
Well this is nice.
Never mind that partial birth abortion never existed and dilation and extraction abortions have been banned.
yo, conventional wisdom goldy – did you and your drinking buddy joel decide to jointly start hand wringing cuz …
ha ha ha
the fucking sell outs and chickenshits you guys support as ‘moderates’ and ‘centrists’ are ONLY moderate relative to bush & raygun’s fascism?
know WHY there are ‘conservative’ Dem districts? cuz our ‘leaders’ are completely outta touch with life outside queen anne and capitol hill, AND, these ‘leaders’ sure as hell don’t know how to fight for the vast swath fo peee-ons from south of tacoma to north of everett… and beyond!
while there will ALWAYS be people from the bottom 95% voting fascist –
some cuz they’re dumb enough to think that cheney and bush want em for more than cannon fodder, asswipes, boot lickers and doormats,
some cuz they’re too dumb to think that deeply,
NO ONE in the bottom 95% has any business supporting 95% of the right wing policies foisted on us as centrist or moderate.
I can’t wait for your support of patty worthless.
Let me ask you a question: if you knew that the judiciary in this state was fundamentally dishonest when it comes to the rights of people, but the interests of the Democratic Party were served by that dishonesty, would you object or not?
Let me guess: responding to that presents a financial, but not a moral, quandry.
Rog – it’s the BIAW!!!!
You hate the BIAW – and now they want to get BARBARA MADSEN’S seat on the Supreme Court.
That’d be horrible. You must use all your efforts to keep that from happening. Just think, ANOTHER seat for the BIAW on the Supreme Court – to the barricades, Rog!!!
The BIAW will spend over $5 million trying to kick Madsen off the Court in 2010. Go nuts Rog. Tell everyone exactly why that would be an abomination!!!
The BIAW says “we have Madsen’s ass in the crosshairs.” Go get ’em, Rog.
5. Goldy spews:
Matty @1,
Right, it’s a centrist, moderate position to deny homebuyers a warranty on new construction. Is that what you’re implying?
Sure is…There are plenty other priorities than that….Some pet projects had to be left off this year….imagine that? with only a $4 billion budget gap, some things didn’t get done..
Matty: you’re forgetting we’re talking about Goldy here- a human parasite. He doesn’t have a job nor a discernible income to speak of, which is why he’s amenable to raising taxes on those that are productive in society as a source of revenue to pay for his/their [personal and party affiliation] sorry , deadbeat ass(es).
The life of a “progressive” is never without its contradictions.
@13 “Democrats = increased violent crime.”
Oh, bullshit. Here’s the truth about crime. Bush didn’t replace 2,200 FBI agents reassigned to terrorism duties. Why? So he could give tax cuts to billionaires. Result: Bank robberies and identity theft crimes soared during his reign.
@17 Republican = socialism for the rich.
@24 Maybe I should run and split the Republican vote. The BIAW candidate will get the real estate agents, but I’d get all the stockbrokers. And since there are only 16 real estate agents left in the entire state, I’d get half the Republican vote.
@25 Exactly how much state revenue would a homebuyers warranty law cost?
@26 “he’s amenable to raising taxes on those that are productive”
Yeah but these are Democrats you’re talking about so this is only a quarrel among friends. Republicans don’t produce anything, they just skim off the top of what workers produce.
I get it. Democratic politicians cause people to murder. But—– I have a question I’m sure Troll would love to research:
Did the Democrats get elected because the crime rate rose and voters wanted someone to do something about it, or did people elect Democrats and that spurred the murderers on to their homicidal acts?
Where did you get that statistic.
You know what else is common knowledge? Republicans start wars and Democrats finish them.
“I’ve been on welfare and food stamps, did anyone help me?” Craig T. Nelson on Fox news.
Another fine conservative who ‘gets it’.
Right, it’s a centrist, moderate position to deny homebuyers a warranty on new construction. Is that what you’re implying?
It’s a centrist, moderate view that you don’t need government to get that. Warranties exist on new construction for those that shop for it. I got a year on mine as part of the basic house purchase and had several small items repaired during that period. Also, a city or county’s quality inspection program is far more effective to maintaining quality construction.
Uhhhh…”Matty” may not grasp the finer point…the “Home Warranty” was on NEW CCONSTRUCTION…and was fought tooth and nail by the evil BIAW. I’m definately with the rabbit here. Leaky builders (esp with the crackerbox construction of the last few years) NEED to be on the hook when the structure has problems.
THis is NOT the same as a commercially available “Home Warranty Insurance” product.
No, I am talking about new construction. I know for a fact some homebuilders provide it because I had a value home built 5 years ago, was provided a one year warranty as part of the purchase, and that warranty was my deciding factor between them and another builder. I, in fact, used it twice in the year. Once on a defective electrical socket and once on a wall seam that wasn’t mudded right. Only problem since then is a window with condensation, but having that replaced since it’s covered by the manufacturer on an industry provided lifetime warranty.
I’m glad the state didn’t mandate it because, in this case, the market can sort it out just fine.
Pretty simple. Don’t buy from builders that don’t offer a warranty. People don’t need a nanny government in this case.
Millions of new home purchasers each year are forced into binding mandatory arbitration by deceptive “warranties,” and those warranties may violate the law in as many as 17 states, Public Citizen has found.
Hey Kommodore steve!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Obama is in freefall.
People don’t feel safe and are figuring out we are going to have to pay back all the debt Obama is ringing up.
You mean better Dems like Murtha???
Just in from AP–
Pete Yost, Associated Press Writer – 47 mins ago
Great…another criminal Democrat.
Tax Evaders and other assorted KLOWNS.
Most conservatives use this mantra without ever seeming to question its effects. I know nobody will read this, but just as a point of order:
Our state funds pretty much everything with sales taxes. One of the reasons this is supposedly a good idea is that it’s supposed to track inflation. And it kind of does. But local government’s spending needs don’t match the “basket of goods” that the consumer price index (CPI) — the measure used by the government and everyone else to track inflation. Local governments don’t buy tube socks. But they do buy construction supplies, and the price of construction supplies has been going up at four times the rate of inflation for the last five years. And that’s not a problem that can be dealt with just by reprioritizing.
so who’s going to name the names of the democrats who should be ousted?
once again it’s all talk and no action.