On national security experience from being able to see Russia: yes, and from watching McCain during the debates, you’d get the sense that he’d like us to believe taking a trip to Waziristan or Columbia is equal to knowledge and good judgment on national security.
Why won’t Goldy say positive things about our black presidential candidate? What latent thing is stopping him? Hmmm.
@5 Well, that was certainly disgusting. Did you see the video of the woman who was stealing Obama campaign signs? This one gal got fed up with her signs being stolen so she set up a video camera and recorded the thief at work. A camera at another location caught the thief stealing somebody else’s Obama sign. She would drive up, quickly jump out and pull up the sign, toss it through the rear window of her station wagon, then jump back in and drive off.
It’s not an act. I’m the only one on this piece of shit blog to stand up to Goldy. Wanna point to a comment where you challenged him? Can’t find one? Then shut the fuck up!
Here’s one to digest – Benedict Powell, Race Patriot:
Powell is a traitor because he supports Obama? That’s the wing-nut mindset for you.
@11 “Then shut the fuck up!”
Um, yeah, sure, Troll. Whatever you say.
Bye the bye, Troll, you never explained to us why you support the party of pedophiles and goatfuckers. Geez, could it be it is because you are one yourself?
@11 Why is there any need to stand up to Goldy? His blog is dedicated to standing up against the lies and smears of the scumbag right — meaning liars and slimeballs like you. I mean, what kind of asshole gets invited into someone’s living room and proceeds to badmouth the host? That’s what you’re doing on this blog, pal. No, I won’t tell you to “shut the fuck up.” I have a better suggestion: Go fuck your goat, she’s lonely, and you’ve already kept her waiting too long!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 I’m Walt Disney.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wish the Repugs would send us higher class trolls. The minimum wage trolls they assign to this blog are no damn good.
Shit, it’s a total act. Miserable troll…
proud leftistspews:
You have become a one trick pony. One trick ponies don’t get to stay in the circus very long. They get sold to the glue factory. Have you ever thought of trying to come up with something original?
15 – I wonder if Troll has named his pet goat Sarah like the rest of the unhinged wingnuts who spew here.
proud leftistspews:
Troll prefers male goats. He’s named his, “First Dude.”
Proud To Be An Assspews:
No!!!! I am Walt Spartacus Disney!!!
My Left Footspews:
You are a lying piece of shit and poor excuse for a human being. You are more Republican than puddypudpuller and The Pipinghotpileofshit.
How much are you being paid, dipwad? Who is paying you? These questions need to be investigated. Your handlers are not getting their monies worth.
@17 It is highly unlikely that the BIAW pays Troll minimum wage. Those fascists hate the minimum wage.
I’m a Martin Luther King Democrat. I believe in judging someone by the content of their character, and not their party affiliation. That’s why you must think I’m a Republican, because I will stand up against other Democrats who are racist and unethical. I am one of the few who have the courage to go up against group think. If you don’t have the courage to do it, that’s fine. You’re not alone. I have courage for both of us.
proud leftistspews:
If you’re a Democrat, then I’ll be starting in centerfield for the Phillies this week. The two propositions stand an equal chance of constituting reality.
– Environment
– Energy
– Iraq War
– Abortion
– Foreign Policy
You are not a democrat. If you voted for Bush you are not a democrat or someone who follows MLK. If you support the republican policies of voter suppression – you are not a democrat or someone who respects MLK, who strongly supported the vote. If you support tax breaks for the rich – you are not a democrat or someone who follows MLK. If you supported an unnecessary war in Iraq – you are not a democrat (you could have been fooled by the Bush lies – but you would have realized it and recanted).
Your faux civil rights stand is total BS. MLK was a strong opponent of the war in Vietnam – he would have been against the lies that led us into Iraq and he would be against the voter suppression tactics and the false accusations against Acorn. MLK would have been out PROTESTING Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and illegal wirtetapping and the war.
Have you protested against those things? If not – then shut the hell up about being for MLK, because you are not.
You are not allowed to pick and choose a few things from MLK – you have to look at the whole.
Hey proud leftist – if you do start for the Phillies do you bat and throw lefty?
My Left Footspews:
so troll, you must be a black man from the south. I don’t need your courage. I am standing up to the Republicans who have driven this country into the ditch.
I am voting for Obama because he is more qualified to be president. Because he offers us change. Because he is not part of the group that ran this country into the ditch. Because he inspires and, when you get down to it, that is what leaders need to do.
His personality is a steady one. He did not stop and start his campaign, he did not change messages every two days, he did not choose a VP designate with no experience, with no knowledge and no intellectual curiosity.
For you to claim being a Democrat is laughable. You are nothing more than a racist who will not vote for Obama based on the beliefs you have posted here previously under the banner of “some may believe these things, but I don’t”. You are not fooling anyone, including yourself.
It is my sincere wish that you would just walk outside and do the honorable thing. It is time for you to quit wasting air and resources.
@26 “I’m a Martin Luther King Democrat”
Being a goatfucker makes you a Republican. You should know that by now.
How stupid are you cynical?
You can find an occassional African American who will vote for McCain – heck, maybe 10% will. but 90% understand what this election is about – 4 more year of trickle down economics, the worst economic conditions since the great depression and over a trillion wasted on an unnecessary war the African american have disproportionately dies in.
Yup – you find the exception and try to make it the rule. Typical stupidity. Even Colin Powell (the secretary of state for Bush and the former chair of the Joint chiefs of staff of the military) knows dmaged goods when he sees it – McCain and the republicans are incompetent and corrupt. They are resorting to sleazy tactics like fomenting hate and telling lies to try and turn the tide. They are only embarassing themselves.
My Left Footspews:
As a group Americans are no longer fooled by the politics of hate and fear. The poor, stupid Republicans are late to understand this and it has destroyed their brand.
Thank God.
There’s good reason Palin won’t release her medical records – the kid isn’t hers.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t bring much to the table. I could probably resurrect my tobacco-chewing talents, but that would be about it.
My Left Footspews:
Some words of advice from my mom. It is better to be thought a fool than to open your big, fat mouth and remove all doubt.
Are you planning on making an honest nanny out of that goat you have been fucking?
Er….another sort of “talking head”.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here’s you “Foot in the Mouth of the Moose” Biden blabbing:
“ABC News’ Matthew Jaffe Reports:
Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.
“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking
Mr. Cynicalspews:
How brilliant of Biden!
The logical follow up question is: Since we have not been attacked on American soil since 9/11/01 (over 7 years), why in the world would anyone vote for Obama??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Biden truly is a major league dipshit, isn’t he!
@40 Really, it must hurt your head to be so stupid, Cynical.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gee Steve–
What a thoughtful intellectual comment.
Easier than addressing the fact it is TRUE.
Joe Biden is a moron for saying this, admit it.
The Election isn’t even over.
What did he possibly hope to gain??
@43 Delusional. And boring as hell.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Once again Steve, NO SUBSTANCE!
Why don’t you address specifically what Biden said & try to defend it??
Because you know the guy’s a moron for saying it right before the election!!
My Left Footspews:
Here is some reading for you, Cynical, I will give you last paragraph:
Palin initially provided the McCain campaign with a boost, but polls now suggest that she has become a liability. A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is. According to the Republican close to the campaign, she has sometimes discomfited advisers by travelling with a big family entourage. “It kind of changes the dynamic of a meeting to have them all in the room,” he told me. John McCain’s comfort level with Palin is harder to gauge. In the view of the longtime McCain friend, “John’s personal comfort level is low with everyone right now. He’s angry. But it was his choice.”
You can read the entire article here, I know it is long, but try to follow along:
Exactly what part of the statement do you think is so awful that he should be castigated?
I see a statement of his thoughts. He should not have his own thoughts? So what if Obama gets tested early on? Kennedy was tested. GWB was tested? What the fuck is your point?
Call it whatever you like. I will not discuss anything with fascist traitors such as yourself. My only interest is to see you tried and then shot. Be glad we believe in the rule of law or there’d be no fucking trial.
Yours is the party of hate-filled fascist pedophiles. You have no defense to that accusation so you deflect, project and attack. In the end, there is still no defense. You never confront the accusation. That is because what you people have become, the things you do, are utterly indefensible. You know it. I know it. Everybody here knows it. To hell with you.
@39 & 40
Okay a couple of implications in what you said.
First, GWB has kept us safe for 7 years and McCain will likely keep us safe for another 4 or so. Is this what you’re saying? And at the same time taking a swipe at Senator Biden.
Well, TWC was attacked in 1992, then again in 2001. That was 9 years. 9 years while, according to those who blame Clinton, nobody was watching. I always found it a bit disingenuous of the right to claim it was GWB who kept us safe when you can’t actually measure any success. Most of the non-partisan analysts continually say that those who want to attack us are patient. Who knows, it could just be a matter of time. Honestly, I feel less safe today than I did back in the fat dumb and happy days.
Secondly you’re hoping to score a few points because Joe stuck his foot in it. He was ineloquent, no doubt. He does that from time to time. But he’s not stupid. Anybody who isn’t looking to pick a fight can see what he’s saying.
– In a world in turmoil (economic, political, fractional) there is likely to be at least one international crisis by mid year next year. Pick your poison, deep recession, failure in afghanistan, Iran nukes, you name it.
– Some unpopular to the left decisions may need to be made. Pick your poison, more bailouts, more money in afghanistan, strike Iran, you name it.
– We have to stick together to get thru it
– President Obama will count on his advisors, America’s allies, and us to see it thru.
Pretty simple, pretty obvious, said badly. We’d all do better to give people running the benefit of the doubt when they say things badly. I thought jumping on McCain for the “economy is sound” statement was poor form.
Stupid is another issue.
proud leftistspews:
I don’t want McCain dealing with any crisis, foreign or domestic, and neither does Colin Powell. McCain’s judgment is laughably shallow–witness one Sarah Palin. McCain has become a pale shadow of what he once was. He is a man who should deal with no greater a crisis than that of how to handle incontinence without a supply of Depends on hand. I hate to be agist, but sometimes the shoe fits.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here’s some reading for you!
O-blah-blah has some serious esplainin’ to do:
Obama Praised ‘Searing and Timely’ Book by Ayers
Barack Obama once gave a glowing endorsement of a book by former domestic terrorist William Ayers and was mentioned by name in the book itself.
Barack Obama provided a glowing endorsement of a book by domestic terrorist William Ayers in the Dec. 21, 1997 Chicago Tribune.
Barack Obama, who has consistently downplayed his relationship with William Ayers during his presidential campaign, once gave a glowing endorsement of a book by the former domestic terrorist and was mentioned by name in the book itself.
A blogger unearthed the Dec. 21, 1997, endorsement in the Chicago Tribune and posted photographs of the praise for Ayers’ book on Zombietime.com Saturday.
Featured next to a smiling photograph of himself, then-State Senator Obama called Ayers’ book, “A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court,” a “searing and timely account of the juvenile court system, and the courageous individuals who rescue hope from despair.”
The book, which details life at the Chicago Juvenile Court prison school, mentions Obama by name on page 82 when it describes Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood:
“Our neighbors include Muhammad Ali, former mayor Eugene Sawyer, poets Gwendolyn Brooks and Elizabeth Alexander, and writer Barack Obama. Minister Louis Farrakhan lives a block from our home and adds, we think, a unique dimension to the idea of ‘safe neighborhood watch’: the Fruit of Islam, his security force, has an eye on things twenty-four-hours a day.”
This was just posted on Fox News.
My guess is McCain knew this was coming…which explains his continual pounding of Obama re: Ayers when others told him to stop.
Conclusion: Obama is a liar!
@52 That’s all you’ve got? What a fucking joke. Face it, traitor, you goatfuckers have had your day. Your brand of fascism is now headed to the backwaters of American society from where came from and where it belongs.
proud leftistspews:
That’s all you guys have? Obama gave a favorable review to a book called “A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court”? And, oh no, the book mentions that Obama, the writer, is a neighbor of the author? Obama hasn’t lied about one damned thing. The profound inability of you puppy barbecuers on the right to recognize what is relevant is leading to your demise. You don’t see that, though, do you? Colin Powell does. Christopher Buckley does. George Will is starting to see that. Stay at it, stay in your Fox News world of nonsense, irrelevancy, and lies.
@54 “nonsense, irrelevancy, and lies”
That’s all he’s got.
proud leftistspews:
One more thing. How do you feel about your party’s anti-intellectualism? Do you believe the dumbing down of politics and politicians is in this nation’s interest? Is incompetence a value that we can export to help us compete in a global economy? Wake up, man, idiocy should have no political constituency, but it does in the contemporary GOP. That is scary.
@56 “That is scary.”
Not anymore. Our uneducated Christo-fascists will be soon headed back to where they came from – complete, total irrelevancy. Let them wallow in their ignorance. In the end the only jobs for which they will be qualified will be flipping burgers and washing dishes.
Come on. He endorsed a book. Can we stop with this? I’m in my 40’s. If this is the level of involvement you need to *prove* I share someone else’s views, then over my life I’ve been easily this close to people such that it would guarantee that I’m an evangelical, a felon, a muslim, a hindu, a “terrorist”, a raving libertarian, a dipped in the wool republican and a lazy hippy. I’m none of these. Very few of us over 40 would be exempt from “guilt” if we use this level of interaction to judge people. I sublet an apartment from a friend who later commited and was convicted of a felony. Does that make me a criminal? If so, then John McCain should be in jail because of the private jet junkets with Keating.
But he’s not. McCain hung out with an idiot criminal that fleeced a huge number of people, and even pressured regulators for him. Obama had a stupid minister and knew a guy who was a “terrorist.” Nobody over 35 is perfectly clean. Can we get over it now and talk about things that matter?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
rla spews:
Come on. He endorsed a book. Can we stop with this? I’m in my 40’s.
O-blah-blah has repeatedly said he has had virtually no relationship with this unrepentant mad bomber.
cynical – You are so dumb that you make Joe the plumber look smart by comparison (the idiot who says he wants to buy his bosses business and has no money to do it, but if he did Obama “might” tax him if he made over 250K).
Again, I once wrote about a “book” that I read and I never even knew the author – does that make me an associate with the author?
It mentions Obama by name – and a bunch of other neighbors..ooooh, oohh. I guess Muhammed ali also was associating with bill Ayers since he was mentioned too.
Again, where are the issues? Colin Powell said it best – ayers is meaningless. The only meaning we get from this is the right wing obsession to call someone unpatriotic. Even colin Powell recognizes that Obama is better presidential timber and will make us more secure than the erratic John McCain. McCain showed his true colors in crisis – he shot his big mouth off, claimed the economy was fine, then the next day reversed himself and wanted to “fire” the SEC chair, then claimed he was going to fix things, susepned his campaign and screwed up the vote on the bailout and then reinstated his campaign. Erratic, ineffectual, egocentric and sustaining panic instead of calming things down. Yup – he has also run the worst, dirtiest and most dishonest campaign is history. His robocalls are full of venom and innuendo but short on facts. He is using the tactics he swore he would not use. He is desperate and any ends justify the menas for the man who has sold his soul.
I endorsed a book by Kurt Vonnegut and once had my picture taken with him. He was nice enough to smile with a silly college student. I’d even say he’s one of my heros. I’ve was never privileged enough to be named in one of his books though, which speaks to how invisible I was to the culture in which he lived. Does that mean I had a relationship with him? I had virtually no relationship with him other than my own admiration for his writing and thinking.. I shook Charlie Rose’s hand once. Yeah, we’re tight, Charlie and I.. Simply ridiculous.
If this was on the other side. Obama actually claimed he had a deep relationship with some republican figure like Mr. Annenberg, you’d be discounting it left and right if there were only this evidence.
Now you can say all you want about how this makes Obama some stooge of the weather underground. Just saying it though does not make it true. There is no evidence he’s lying. None. It’s not internally consistent at all.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Joe “the Idiot” Biden spews:
Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.
“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking.
You KLOWNS had your fun with Palin but here is your guy….turning a sure thing into a slugfest! It’s like Obama-Biden had McCain-Palin totally on the ropes….and Biden turns around & punches Obama in the face. He’s my kinda KLOWN.
*Admitted multiple Plagarizer
*Lies about his helicopter being forced down in Afghanistan by enemy gunfire when John Kerry WHO WAS WITH HIM says NO, it was forced down by bad weather.
*Lies about being in the midst of enemy shelling while in Iraq when in reality the shelling was 50 miles away!!
Great V-P…..Liar, just like Obama!
proud leftistspews:
Here’s a simple yes or no question: Are you pleased that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President? [Theme from Jeopardy playing in background.]
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I truly am indifferent re: Powell.
But if forced to answer Yes or No, I would have to say NO.
Can’t get the reference.
On national security experience from being able to see Russia: yes, and from watching McCain during the debates, you’d get the sense that he’d like us to believe taking a trip to Waziristan or Columbia is equal to knowledge and good judgment on national security.
Murder by Death.
But I think it was
“Cow on wall talk”
“Its not a cow dammit! It’s a Moose!”
And here I was going to chime in with “The Doodlebops!” They too have a talking mounted moose head, if I recall correctly.
Yes, I have little kids.
Fly on the wall Palin style.
Wingnuts swing into action!
Remember when I told you all that Goldy is abnormally obsessed with Palin?
BTW, Goldy, why do you keep ducking my question about how many blacks have had posting privileges on HA? Ashamed of something?
Why won’t Goldy say positive things about our black presidential candidate? What latent thing is stopping him? Hmmm.
@5 Well, that was certainly disgusting. Did you see the video of the woman who was stealing Obama campaign signs? This one gal got fed up with her signs being stolen so she set up a video camera and recorded the thief at work. A camera at another location caught the thief stealing somebody else’s Obama sign. She would drive up, quickly jump out and pull up the sign, toss it through the rear window of her station wagon, then jump back in and drive off.
Here’s a brief news clip of the sign thief.
Your act is well past the point of being stale, Troll.
It’s not an act. I’m the only one on this piece of shit blog to stand up to Goldy. Wanna point to a comment where you challenged him? Can’t find one? Then shut the fuck up!
Here’s one to digest – Benedict Powell, Race Patriot:
Powell is a traitor because he supports Obama? That’s the wing-nut mindset for you.
@11 “Then shut the fuck up!”
Um, yeah, sure, Troll. Whatever you say.
Bye the bye, Troll, you never explained to us why you support the party of pedophiles and goatfuckers. Geez, could it be it is because you are one yourself?
I don’t challenge Goldy because we are in 100% agreement that Republicans suck. So I send him money instead.
I’m a Democrat.
@11 Why is there any need to stand up to Goldy? His blog is dedicated to standing up against the lies and smears of the scumbag right — meaning liars and slimeballs like you. I mean, what kind of asshole gets invited into someone’s living room and proceeds to badmouth the host? That’s what you’re doing on this blog, pal. No, I won’t tell you to “shut the fuck up.” I have a better suggestion: Go fuck your goat, she’s lonely, and you’ve already kept her waiting too long!
@14 I’m Walt Disney.
I wish the Repugs would send us higher class trolls. The minimum wage trolls they assign to this blog are no damn good.
Shit, it’s a total act. Miserable troll…
You have become a one trick pony. One trick ponies don’t get to stay in the circus very long. They get sold to the glue factory. Have you ever thought of trying to come up with something original?
15 – I wonder if Troll has named his pet goat Sarah like the rest of the unhinged wingnuts who spew here.
Troll prefers male goats. He’s named his, “First Dude.”
No!!!! I am Walt
You are a lying piece of shit and poor excuse for a human being. You are more Republican than puddypudpuller and The Pipinghotpileofshit.
How much are you being paid, dipwad? Who is paying you? These questions need to be investigated. Your handlers are not getting their monies worth.
@17 It is highly unlikely that the BIAW pays Troll minimum wage. Those fascists hate the minimum wage.
@21 Heh- “First Dude.” Good one.
I’m a Martin Luther King Democrat. I believe in judging someone by the content of their character, and not their party affiliation. That’s why you must think I’m a Republican, because I will stand up against other Democrats who are racist and unethical. I am one of the few who have the courage to go up against group think. If you don’t have the courage to do it, that’s fine. You’re not alone. I have courage for both of us.
If you’re a Democrat, then I’ll be starting in centerfield for the Phillies this week. The two propositions stand an equal chance of constituting reality.
A few issues where I am in the D column:
– Environment
– Energy
– Iraq War
– Abortion
– Foreign Policy
You are not a democrat. If you voted for Bush you are not a democrat or someone who follows MLK. If you support the republican policies of voter suppression – you are not a democrat or someone who respects MLK, who strongly supported the vote. If you support tax breaks for the rich – you are not a democrat or someone who follows MLK. If you supported an unnecessary war in Iraq – you are not a democrat (you could have been fooled by the Bush lies – but you would have realized it and recanted).
Your faux civil rights stand is total BS. MLK was a strong opponent of the war in Vietnam – he would have been against the lies that led us into Iraq and he would be against the voter suppression tactics and the false accusations against Acorn. MLK would have been out PROTESTING Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and illegal wirtetapping and the war.
Have you protested against those things? If not – then shut the hell up about being for MLK, because you are not.
You are not allowed to pick and choose a few things from MLK – you have to look at the whole.
Hey proud leftist – if you do start for the Phillies do you bat and throw lefty?
so troll, you must be a black man from the south. I don’t need your courage. I am standing up to the Republicans who have driven this country into the ditch.
I am voting for Obama because he is more qualified to be president. Because he offers us change. Because he is not part of the group that ran this country into the ditch. Because he inspires and, when you get down to it, that is what leaders need to do.
His personality is a steady one. He did not stop and start his campaign, he did not change messages every two days, he did not choose a VP designate with no experience, with no knowledge and no intellectual curiosity.
For you to claim being a Democrat is laughable. You are nothing more than a racist who will not vote for Obama based on the beliefs you have posted here previously under the banner of “some may believe these things, but I don’t”. You are not fooling anyone, including yourself.
It is my sincere wish that you would just walk outside and do the honorable thing. It is time for you to quit wasting air and resources.
@26 “I’m a Martin Luther King Democrat”
Being a goatfucker makes you a Republican. You should know that by now.
How stupid are you cynical?
You can find an occassional African American who will vote for McCain – heck, maybe 10% will. but 90% understand what this election is about – 4 more year of trickle down economics, the worst economic conditions since the great depression and over a trillion wasted on an unnecessary war the African american have disproportionately dies in.
Yup – you find the exception and try to make it the rule. Typical stupidity. Even Colin Powell (the secretary of state for Bush and the former chair of the Joint chiefs of staff of the military) knows dmaged goods when he sees it – McCain and the republicans are incompetent and corrupt. They are resorting to sleazy tactics like fomenting hate and telling lies to try and turn the tide. They are only embarassing themselves.
As a group Americans are no longer fooled by the politics of hate and fear. The poor, stupid Republicans are late to understand this and it has destroyed their brand.
Thank God.
There’s good reason Palin won’t release her medical records – the kid isn’t hers.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t bring much to the table. I could probably resurrect my tobacco-chewing talents, but that would be about it.
Some words of advice from my mom. It is better to be thought a fool than to open your big, fat mouth and remove all doubt.
Are you planning on making an honest nanny out of that goat you have been fucking?
Er….another sort of “talking head”.
Here’s you “Foot in the Mouth of the Moose” Biden blabbing:
“ABC News’ Matthew Jaffe Reports:
How brilliant of Biden!
The logical follow up question is:
Since we have not been attacked on American soil since 9/11/01 (over 7 years), why in the world would anyone vote for Obama??
Biden truly is a major league dipshit, isn’t he!
@40 Really, it must hurt your head to be so stupid, Cynical.
Gee Steve–
What a thoughtful intellectual comment.
Easier than addressing the fact it is TRUE.
Joe Biden is a moron for saying this, admit it.
The Election isn’t even over.
What did he possibly hope to gain??
@43 Delusional. And boring as hell.
Once again Steve, NO SUBSTANCE!
Why don’t you address specifically what Biden said & try to defend it??
Because you know the guy’s a moron for saying it right before the election!!
Here is some reading for you, Cynical, I will give you last paragraph:
You can read the entire article here, I know it is long, but try to follow along:
45 and 39:
Exactly what part of the statement do you think is so awful that he should be castigated?
I see a statement of his thoughts. He should not have his own thoughts? So what if Obama gets tested early on? Kennedy was tested. GWB was tested? What the fuck is your point?
Looks my link failed try this one;
Call it whatever you like. I will not discuss anything with fascist traitors such as yourself. My only interest is to see you tried and then shot. Be glad we believe in the rule of law or there’d be no fucking trial.
Yours is the party of hate-filled fascist pedophiles. You have no defense to that accusation so you deflect, project and attack. In the end, there is still no defense. You never confront the accusation. That is because what you people have become, the things you do, are utterly indefensible. You know it. I know it. Everybody here knows it. To hell with you.
@39 & 40
Okay a couple of implications in what you said.
First, GWB has kept us safe for 7 years and McCain will likely keep us safe for another 4 or so. Is this what you’re saying? And at the same time taking a swipe at Senator Biden.
Well, TWC was attacked in 1992, then again in 2001. That was 9 years. 9 years while, according to those who blame Clinton, nobody was watching. I always found it a bit disingenuous of the right to claim it was GWB who kept us safe when you can’t actually measure any success. Most of the non-partisan analysts continually say that those who want to attack us are patient. Who knows, it could just be a matter of time. Honestly, I feel less safe today than I did back in the fat dumb and happy days.
Secondly you’re hoping to score a few points because Joe stuck his foot in it. He was ineloquent, no doubt. He does that from time to time. But he’s not stupid. Anybody who isn’t looking to pick a fight can see what he’s saying.
– In a world in turmoil (economic, political, fractional) there is likely to be at least one international crisis by mid year next year. Pick your poison, deep recession, failure in afghanistan, Iran nukes, you name it.
– Some unpopular to the left decisions may need to be made. Pick your poison, more bailouts, more money in afghanistan, strike Iran, you name it.
– We have to stick together to get thru it
– President Obama will count on his advisors, America’s allies, and us to see it thru.
Pretty simple, pretty obvious, said badly. We’d all do better to give people running the benefit of the doubt when they say things badly. I thought jumping on McCain for the “economy is sound” statement was poor form.
Stupid is another issue.
I don’t want McCain dealing with any crisis, foreign or domestic, and neither does Colin Powell. McCain’s judgment is laughably shallow–witness one Sarah Palin. McCain has become a pale shadow of what he once was. He is a man who should deal with no greater a crisis than that of how to handle incontinence without a supply of Depends on hand. I hate to be agist, but sometimes the shoe fits.
Here’s some reading for you!
O-blah-blah has some serious esplainin’ to do:
Obama Praised ‘Searing and Timely’ Book by Ayers
Barack Obama once gave a glowing endorsement of a book by former domestic terrorist William Ayers and was mentioned by name in the book itself.
This was just posted on Fox News.
My guess is McCain knew this was coming…which explains his continual pounding of Obama re: Ayers when others told him to stop.
Obama is a liar!
@52 That’s all you’ve got? What a fucking joke. Face it, traitor, you goatfuckers have had your day. Your brand of fascism is now headed to the backwaters of American society from where came from and where it belongs.
That’s all you guys have? Obama gave a favorable review to a book called “A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court”? And, oh no, the book mentions that Obama, the writer, is a neighbor of the author? Obama hasn’t lied about one damned thing. The profound inability of you puppy barbecuers on the right to recognize what is relevant is leading to your demise. You don’t see that, though, do you? Colin Powell does. Christopher Buckley does. George Will is starting to see that. Stay at it, stay in your Fox News world of nonsense, irrelevancy, and lies.
@54 “nonsense, irrelevancy, and lies”
That’s all he’s got.
One more thing. How do you feel about your party’s anti-intellectualism? Do you believe the dumbing down of politics and politicians is in this nation’s interest? Is incompetence a value that we can export to help us compete in a global economy? Wake up, man, idiocy should have no political constituency, but it does in the contemporary GOP. That is scary.
@56 “That is scary.”
Not anymore. Our uneducated Christo-fascists will be soon headed back to where they came from – complete, total irrelevancy. Let them wallow in their ignorance. In the end the only jobs for which they will be qualified will be flipping burgers and washing dishes.
Come on. He endorsed a book. Can we stop with this? I’m in my 40’s. If this is the level of involvement you need to *prove* I share someone else’s views, then over my life I’ve been easily this close to people such that it would guarantee that I’m an evangelical, a felon, a muslim, a hindu, a “terrorist”, a raving libertarian, a dipped in the wool republican and a lazy hippy. I’m none of these. Very few of us over 40 would be exempt from “guilt” if we use this level of interaction to judge people. I sublet an apartment from a friend who later commited and was convicted of a felony. Does that make me a criminal? If so, then John McCain should be in jail because of the private jet junkets with Keating.
But he’s not. McCain hung out with an idiot criminal that fleeced a huge number of people, and even pressured regulators for him. Obama had a stupid minister and knew a guy who was a “terrorist.” Nobody over 35 is perfectly clean. Can we get over it now and talk about things that matter?
rla spews:
O-blah-blah has repeatedly said he has had virtually no relationship with this unrepentant mad bomber.
cynical – You are so dumb that you make Joe the plumber look smart by comparison (the idiot who says he wants to buy his bosses business and has no money to do it, but if he did Obama “might” tax him if he made over 250K).
Again, I once wrote about a “book” that I read and I never even knew the author – does that make me an associate with the author?
It mentions Obama by name – and a bunch of other neighbors..ooooh, oohh. I guess Muhammed ali also was associating with bill Ayers since he was mentioned too.
Again, where are the issues? Colin Powell said it best – ayers is meaningless. The only meaning we get from this is the right wing obsession to call someone unpatriotic. Even colin Powell recognizes that Obama is better presidential timber and will make us more secure than the erratic John McCain. McCain showed his true colors in crisis – he shot his big mouth off, claimed the economy was fine, then the next day reversed himself and wanted to “fire” the SEC chair, then claimed he was going to fix things, susepned his campaign and screwed up the vote on the bailout and then reinstated his campaign. Erratic, ineffectual, egocentric and sustaining panic instead of calming things down. Yup – he has also run the worst, dirtiest and most dishonest campaign is history. His robocalls are full of venom and innuendo but short on facts. He is using the tactics he swore he would not use. He is desperate and any ends justify the menas for the man who has sold his soul.
I endorsed a book by Kurt Vonnegut and once had my picture taken with him. He was nice enough to smile with a silly college student. I’d even say he’s one of my heros. I’ve was never privileged enough to be named in one of his books though, which speaks to how invisible I was to the culture in which he lived. Does that mean I had a relationship with him? I had virtually no relationship with him other than my own admiration for his writing and thinking.. I shook Charlie Rose’s hand once. Yeah, we’re tight, Charlie and I.. Simply ridiculous.
If this was on the other side. Obama actually claimed he had a deep relationship with some republican figure like Mr. Annenberg, you’d be discounting it left and right if there were only this evidence.
Now you can say all you want about how this makes Obama some stooge of the weather underground. Just saying it though does not make it true. There is no evidence he’s lying. None. It’s not internally consistent at all.
Joe “the Idiot” Biden spews:
Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.
“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking.
You KLOWNS had your fun with Palin but here is your guy….turning a sure thing into a slugfest! It’s like Obama-Biden had McCain-Palin totally on the ropes….and Biden turns around & punches Obama in the face. He’s my kinda KLOWN.
*Admitted multiple Plagarizer
*Lies about his helicopter being forced down in Afghanistan by enemy gunfire when John Kerry WHO WAS WITH HIM says NO, it was forced down by bad weather.
*Lies about being in the midst of enemy shelling while in Iraq when in reality the shelling was 50 miles away!!
Great V-P…..Liar, just like Obama!
Here’s a simple yes or no question: Are you pleased that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President? [Theme from Jeopardy playing in background.]
I truly am indifferent re: Powell.
But if forced to answer Yes or No, I would have to say NO.