Breaking: Federal judge finds WA is "violating the constitutional rights of… most vulnerable citizens" for mental health wait lists #waleg
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartin206) April 2, 2015
We can’t fund McCleary, we can’t provide proper care for our mentally ill, we can’t pave our roads or repair our bridges or pay for our public colleges and universities.
So what is Washington State’s problem? Money. We don’t have enough of it. Because we don’t have a tax system that is capable of growing revenue commensurate with our needs or our economy.
We can elect all the Democrats we want, but until we find a way to tax income, we will get the drown-govmint-in-a-bathtub Republican agenda default. There’s no way around it. It’s simple math.
I think that voters in WA are generally of the opinion that a modest state income tax is just a Trojan Horse and if it goes through they’ll soon have huge income tax hits on their already shrinking paychecks.
It’s a problem of re-education. AZ has a state income tax and we all know what reptilian hammerheads the citizens of that state are. But even they realize the need.
The problem is simply that in Washington large corporations and high income individuals don’t pay taxes, period. We don’t necessarily need a state income tax, although that’s the preferred solution, but just taxing all the untaxed wealth out there would be sufficient to solve our state fiscal problems.
Something simple for those afraid of income taxes like:
” The voters of Washington State want a state income tax with the first $ 200,000 exempt. ”
This would tax the rich and people would vote for it. Bill Gates Sr. had the right idea but made it too complicated.
Well a state capital gains tax would be nice, and a state income tax after 150k-200k would be good.
social security stops getting taxed at something like 80k, what if there was a state tax for half of the social security percentage that only kicks in after someone has eclipsed that amount.
I still want to see some better oversight on programs and especially D.O.T Projects.
Taxes? Why are DUMMOCRETINS always wanting more taxes? Because with out more taxes DUMMOCRETIN lose the LIV masses! Less money available for DUMMOCRETINS to say look at us we gave you all this free stuff we gave you whether you deserved it or not.
How can DUMMOCRETINS propose a state budget with 14% increase in spending? Is this more future budgeting by your side? Golly looks like we’ll get some revenue increases so lets plan now to SPEND the eggs before they are even dropped by the hen!
Increase taxes by $1.5 Billion? Wasn’t there a spending limitation voted in by WA state voters? How is enacting a 5 percent tax on most capital gains above $50,000 for couples and $25,000 for individuals good for anyone? Puddy has a retired neighborhood friend who has spent almost $375,000 this past year and a half because he knows state and federal DUMMOCRETINS will raid his estate upon his death! And he continues to spend it with his retired wife. Naturally I asked would he like to adopt a black step-son! HEH HEH HEH!
So state DUMMOCRETINS want to increase taxes some more! The house budget spending increase comes from increasing the business and occupation tax on services businesses such as doctors, lawyers and architects. Since three of Puddy’s neighbors are doctors, they said they will just pass this additional cost onto Puddy! In the end the consumer pays every fee and tax state DUMMOCRETINS propose and pass. Doctors aren’t going to eat this! Are you DUMMOCRETINS just dumb or are you just stupid? Puddy postulates you are dumb and stupid!
Then the piddly tax increases are AMAZING… the proposed DUMMOCRETIN budget would repeal the sales tax exemption on bottled water [gee drink that tap water DUMMOCRETINS], limit sales tax breaks for Oregon residents who purchase small items in Washington [small items?], and get rid of tax breaks for travel agents, tour operators [Puddy thought that’s what Expedia does] and resellers of prescription drugs [are these DUMMOCRETIN resellers?].
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit must have had Mrs Wabbit help him because the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit actually wrote something cogent for a change. State DUMMOCRETINS, whom you all gladly voted in gave big tax breaks to businesses to keep them here in WA State. First off why do you need to give them tax breaks? Will they run away from Wa State? If so why? What are the mitigating factors? Seems no one wants to identify the shit pile in the room!
And all this money going to non-road projects when Boeing complained about road traffic. Puddy remembers…
Why is it DUMMOCRETINS always want to raise taxes to fund new road, transit and pedestrian projects without any reforms to the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). This DUMMOCRETIN moron was busted by people in her own party!
House DUMMOCRETINS promised to work on the state transportation system when Boeing agreed to build the 777X in Everett. How many people use that light rail again? How many people use the Sounder trains again? At least the Sounder trains use BNSF rails. Why do DUMMOCRETINS always look for the worst methods to spend tax dollars; ie. their pet projects? When you go back and revisit Inslee’s carbon tax initiative (ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay…) Inslee screwed Snohomish County road system. He threw most of the money for King County useless projects which don’t help road congestion… Pet projects instead. To travel from Snohomish to King Commute on some mornings are taking close to 2 hours. That’s from WADOT not Puddy! Puddy trips to the airport used to take 35-40 minutes leaving early in the morning. Now more DUMMOCRETINS are on the road earlier in the morning creating more traffic congestion into Seattle. Puddy either has to leave earlier ot deal with an 60-90 minute ride to the airport.
Republicans want to direct the sales tax paid on transportation projects back into transportation, instead of into the state general fund. This would allow approximately $1.5 billion to 1.8 billion more state fuel tax revenue going to road projects. Yet DUMMOCRETINS are against that. So DUMMOCRETINS want to raise taxes instead to fix bridges because their state funds ponzi scheme is more important? Really?
How many of you actually read this February leftist horsemanure? Shocking and amazing… Oh my it’s a poison pill eh to be frugal? DUMMOCRETINS never want compromise. Reminds Puddy of the freakazoids in Wednesday’s open thread. The freakazoid extremists in the Environmental Priorities Coalition (EPC) further claim anything Republican “undermines the public interest by pitting important environmental priorities against each other”. So you idiots are upset because you want both the transit and fuel mandates? Well yeah you morons; you can’t have both! So choose one and compromise! Wait being a DUMMOCRETIN means you never compromise!
Funniest line yesterday –
– That comment remarkably demonstrates the ignorance of derek. You get taxed until $117K in 2014! And the Medicare tax continues its sucking sound and when you make over $300K, Obummer takes an additional special hit from you for medicare! Puddy blew right through that value last year. It’s sad HA DUMMOCRETINS like derek always speak from the illogical side!
Staying with expedia, in the expedia thread derek displayed additional remarkable ignorance to the restaurant owner who walked derek through the economics. derek continually played emotions while the restaurant delivered facts. No one knew what checkmate was delivering! Well it did smell.
Oh the expedia thread had one lunatic comment in it… the last one which should have been removed butt as we know only conservative comments are ever fully erased!
Wait for the worf comment…
The shrieking harpy HR nightmare puddyfuckwad can just move to Kansas or Indiana if he doesn’t like it here.
Or the deep south…they just looooooove his kind there.
When you have no cogent snyaptic thought processes as proven by rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @6, all that’s left are personal attacks!
You can’t engage in any debate rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Why? Because you need to get your daily marching orders from left wrong sites! Refute anything with real web sites… Puddy dares you!
When the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad has anything to offer other than the worst kind of christianist nonsense and knee-jerk anti-worker, anti-tax, anti-Democrat, anti-20th century ultra right-wing bullshit and paranoid propaganda I might take the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad more seriously.
But until then, and I am NOT holding my breath, if I do read the drivel and drool the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad vomits from his keyboard it is only to get a barometric reading of the latest ultra right-wing warmongering christianist horseshit and claptwaddle of the day.
I guess if I were to be (extremely) charitable I could reallyreallyreally stretch and allow that the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad is kind of performing a service (a lot like ‘Boob the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists’ and his slavish devotion to the neo-liberal economic principles that are destroying us all) by parroting that crap he reads on ‘The Blaze’ (????…Glen Beck…really? How smart is a guy the CONVERTS to the LDS Church) or the totally discredited ASSHOLES at ‘Breitbrat’, or (wait for it)…the ‘Free Beacon’ a supposed ultra right-wing dumb fuck attempt at well…not being such ultra right-wing dumb fucks.
Well the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad can continue to get his shriek on (iffen that puts lead in his pencil) so he can toddle of to Montana where it is said he takes comfort (along with his gracious host) in (strictly) christian and heterosexual goats at El Rancho Cynyklown-o.
My…such a world we live in, eh?
Add @7…
I remember something that Rabbit said to the sheiking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad.
“I’m not your research assistant.”
The sheiking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad can just (wait for it)….
…fuck off.
Tim Eyman, in a post today on (u)SP, with his characteristic dishonesty shrieks that House Democrats in Olympia have passed a “jaw-dropping $13 billion tax package.”
I have to admit it got my attention and I did a double-take, until I read the fine print. To get to that figure, Eyman took the actual tax projection, $1.3 billion, and multiplied it by 10 years.
Here’s his justification: ” Passed by voters in 2007, Initiative 960 requires a 10 year cost projection for any tax increase bill.”
There’s nothing jaw-dropping about $13 billion spread over 10 years. Our state has been underfunding education for decades. The state supreme court has stepped in several times, most recently by holding the legislature in contempt for failing to satisfy the state constitutional mandate to fund education. If you have a $1.3 billion shortfall, you need $1.3 billion of revenue to close it.
A kid can do that math. Little to no “wow” factor here.
I note that (u)SP is now the “Tim Eyman Blog.” All of the current postings there are by him.
Oh no the stench of a rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears fart happened in this thread. From the moron who runs to left wrong sites and copies four or five paragraphs with no commentary just plain hijacks. Then cries a river when people whom think right use right thinking sites. Butt as all can see from the rant above rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears lives in a different time frame. Where did Puddy use those sites rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears cries about above?
Ummmm no where your honor. The prosecution rests your honor. No sentient life between the ears or behind the eyes of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears screams about
Well all can see this moron can’t answer anything about the 2015-2017 biennium budget. Why? The rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears moron can’t find an answer in Media Morons, The Puke Masters, PoliticsIran, Daily Kooks, RawNonStory, etc. So he has to make up BULLSHITTIUM to handle the lack of awareness or knowledge on the budget. Where did Puddy offer any of those sites rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears cries about?
Also rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears forgets Breitbart The Blaze, and others link to left wrong sites for their daily delivery! That is always lost on rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! In fact everything is lost on rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Stupid and still acting that way from 2007 until now!
Clearly the shreiking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad can’t read…
The solution to this problem maybe money, but there are other players in this problem of the mentally ill rights being violated. It’s a problem that has been there for years if not decades. Yet state judges have been able to resolve this problem very easily, or is the problem they are elected and unwilling to uphold the states Constitution?
In every one of these cases a state judge has the power to tell the prosecutor you will get this citizen the proper treatment or evaluation within 48 or he/she walks out a free person.
This might mean prosecutors have to ask for more money from the legislature or tell the legislators that when you pass bills that lengthen sentences or create new crime or are tough on crime this comes with a price tag. Politicians who are unwilling to be honest with the public are then put on the gibbet as they should be. Tough on crime but you don’t want to pay for it. Don’t want to see the other costs involved. Unless we are going to let Boeing use prison labor, and I do think they would decline, but I’m sure some highway contractor would just love that kind of labor and they would still charge the state the regular cost of labor and pocket the difference.
Perhaps it’s time for a professional legislature. Or a unicameral legislature.
And how about having the highest paid state officials as basketball or football couches. None of them should make a penny more than the governor and probably should only make half his salary. While there is an economic argument that can be made I don’t believe our state universities should be the minor league for professional sports. Basketball and football are successful and profitable enough to have real minor leagues and pay players and couches. While national trophies are nice the point of there being student athletes is that they are students first. Huskie and Cougar fever are good things in moderation and should come with a moderate cost to the taxpayers. Could be significant savings here to the taxpayer, we though may have to make some hard choices, as perhaps getting into the Rosebowl or the sweet 16 are things the citizens are willing to pay for. Now making sure our children isn’t as important as that national championship. We will still be able to point to the very few who win big in this system. Or maybe we should be training a few more folks to be plumbers, welders, ect. none of whom will be big winners but will earn good livings and be assets to their communities and may even serve their communities and they will be able to pay taxes.
obviously, it’s simple math, need income tax, but the democratic party isn’t out there every day fighting for it — they’re not explaining it focusing on it, using things like tax breaks to point out the favor the rich economic policies we have.
they’re not even out there right now pushing a state minimum wage initiative. why not? what are they waiting for?
they seem unable to message and connect on economics.
and note they support the regressive taxes at EVERY turn thus turning off tons of middle and working class to government, making them fear taxes, fear government, fear democrats, etc.
often, too the democrats don’t talk middle class or working class they talk save the world, choice and identity politics.
you can’t win on something if you don’t make it the front and centerpiece every cycle. so don’t expect us to get a income tax. right now we have folks in nyc marching for $15 an hour — but our local democrats didn’t push for that, a socialist did. and now we’re not making the $12 an hour or $15 an hour min wage the TOP issue despite huge support in the polls, instead dems are staging show votes to embarass moderate dems on issues not relating to well to what should be the D core message.
here we are in a state with the WOW issue, we won on it in seattle, WOW, we have polls saying 70% support but don’t run on it statewide, this would message we are for the working class and middle class and putting money in their pocket. We just kind of stand by idly and let the gop not pass it in the leg. then we ask for billions in regressive taxes. then we WONDER why we can’t get an income tax, gee how COME masses of the working and middle class get poached by eyman’s views on income tax? gee, how come? here’s how come — we’re not even fucking trying to be a party for the working and middle class the ordinary Washingtonian, ECONOMICALLY.
@15 I couldn’t agree with you more. Among the most frustrating aspects of Gregoire’s governorship was her refusal to use the office of governor to promote tax reform and her rolling over on deep budget cuts during the recession instead of defending vital public services. She wasn’t a fighter when we needed a fighter. Lack of candidates and electeds with spines is Democrats’ biggest problem.