Quick one today. But I do want to draw your attention to this piece on federal funds for Sound Transit’s BRT.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Quick one today. But I do want to draw your attention to this piece on federal funds for Sound Transit’s BRT.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
From the previous thread
America was going to enacted a strict and conservative bi partisan Border Security Bill.
Now there are thousand and thousand crossing the border, the fault of Broke Don the Loser and the the weak republicans.
Broke Don is a Failure
Broke Don owns 80 million shares of DWAC’s merged media entity.
Those shares right now are at $41.31 per.
Broke Don owns a stake in a publicly traded media company worth $3,300,000,000.
Broke Don is a misnomer, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. But what I call you isn’t.
Brave, Brave Joe Biden has allowed the UNSC to pass a resolution demanding a cease-fire without the requirement that Hamas release hostages.
These are the consequences
Kamala Harris referred to in an interview yesterday. The Biden-Harris administration expects Israel to lose the war and go home so that Hamas can reconstitute itself in order to attack Jews another day.
Because Michigan and Wisconsin.
By the time Trump is inaugurated in January there won’t be any US allies left.
The UN Security Council has called for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, after the US did not veto the measure in a shift from its previous position.
The resolution also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.
The United Nations Security Council on Monday passed its first resolution calling for a Gaza cease-fire after four failed attempts. The United States abstained, allowing it to pass. The resolution, backed by 14 nations including China and Russia, demands an immediate cease-fire during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and the release of all hostages
With the full approval of my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president and his multiple box-checking sidekick.
Because Michigan and Wisconsin.
By the time Trump is inaugurated in January there won’t be any US allies left.
Oh great. The obese, malodorous, orange-tinted rapist with a shitty combover won’t have to “withdraw” i.e. turn tail and run from NATO (to kiss Vlad’s ass). We’ll be kicked out.
@ 6
We’ll be kicked out.
Queen YLB, if the US is removed from NATO, which nations will be left to pay the dues necessary to fund it?
Please show your work, Princess.
Let me get this straight.
Defendant commits a historic amount of fraud. And the courts reaction is “let’s give this guy more leniency than almost any other defendant”
Not really surprised. Two tiered justice system.
@7 your babbling about “no allies”, not mine.. yaawwwnn..
Who’d want you and your ilk to join their club? I’m sure the local VIP lounge in widbee appreciates your patronage.
@ 6
We’ll be kicked out.
Being an unserious twat like Queen YLB means ignoring reality without consequence. After all, we already know she’s unable to make a cogent argument to save her life.
Queen YLB’s perspective comes from a life lived through the financial contributions of others so that she doesn’t have to make one herself. To Queen YLB, someone else will pick up the tab if the US isn’t there to do it, because Queen YLB’s truth is that someone other than her always does.
Such an unserious twat is our Queen YLB.
@ 8
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is struggling more this morning than he usually does. Today he’s babbling about the possibility of POS Hunter Biden skating on the numerous charges against him.
I mean, it’s gotta be POS Hunter Biden. What else might The Even Bigger Fucking Moron be referring to in such a rudderless spew?
The Biden-Harris administration expects Israel to lose the war
Israel is losing the war on their lonesome just fine.
If they slaughter countless 10s of thousands in Rafah, they seal their doom. Who’d want to trade with a genocidal pariah? Pariah status means Israel depopulates.
What reason does Netanyahu have to hold back on Rafah? IDF has been holding back in an effort to maintain US support. Now that the support is gone, why continue to hold back?
Finish them.
Cool cool. It’s also Monday March 25th and Broke Don hasn’t come up with a bond to appeal his fraud conviction.
The state of New York is empowered to seize and sell whatever assets Broke hasn’t fourth mortgaged worthlessness.
In such a merger there is definitely a time period where Broke Don is barred from selling any shares so get back to us when the fake value has imploded. Wait’ll the other shareholders learn Truth Social has a 15th of the daily users they claimed and the top ad revenue is coming from prepper meal kits, Candice Cameron Burre’s clothing line and AMAC.
someone else will pick up the tab if the US isn’t there to do it
Notice, teh kreepshit of widbee is “seriously” “turning tail and running” from its own babbling about “no allies” in January..
It is also conveniently silent about being wrong about the U.N. resolution.
The obese, malodorous, orange-tinted rapist with a shitty combover it pines for (now that unlikable midget reptile thug is sidelined) almost withdrew the U.S. from NATO..
It looks forward to a NATO without the U.S. cuz its own “seriously” deranged babbling. yawwwn.. next?
The UN is demanding a ceasefire on Christmas Day but the leftist forces of Antifa continued this 75 year war with an attack on the American Holiday of Arbor Day.
Correction to @ 3 (new text in italics)
The passed UNSC resolution calls for Hamas to accept a cease-fire proposal currently on the table, which is bilaterally conditional. It does not condemn Hamas behavior.
Bibi took his ball home to pout.
He doesn’t actually want the hostages back he wants all the Palestinians dead so he can have the land.
It’s been obvious. Only a Dumbfuck couldn’t see it.
Trump The Penniless Rapist is set for his first criminal trial in three weeks. Jury selection to begin Monday.
@ 12
Who’d want to trade with a genocidal pariah?
Every nation that needs what Israel has to sell, Queen YLB. Israel has plenty to sell. After all, those fucking Jews will do anything for money, I’ve read.
Putin’s a pariah, isn’t he? Still plenty of ongoing trade between Russia and other nations.
Want me to name others, Queen YLB?
Yabbut the claimed Palestinian death count is totes accurate. Just ask Queen YLB.
Hamas, Al Jazeera admit: Story of IDF rapes in Gaza hospital fabricated
Although the Qatari mouthpiece has yet to officially refer to the retraction, all content related to the allegation has been deleted.
I am shocked, shocked to learn that claims by Hamas have been admitted intentionally false.
Broke Don’s first, let’s say that again, first criminal trial set to begin on Tax Day in a New York courtroom.
The irony.
@ 12
If they slaughter countless 10s of thousands in Rafah, they seal their doom.
Queen YLB, what if IDF conducts a full, organized invasion of Rafah, while providing corridors for the escape of non-combatants currently there, and eliminates the four remaining Hamas battalions in Gaza, without the slaughter of “countless 10s of thousands” in the process?
What then, girlfriend? The answer to the question is your worst nightmare: IDF seals their
doomsuccess.Lie back and enjoy it, Precious. It will all be over soon enough, and now Netanyahu doesn’t have to hold back in order to keep the US from allowing passage of a UNSC resolution attempting to prevent it.
@ 22
The irony.
Since it’s not a tax case, where’s the irony, praytell?
I think you meant to spew The coincidence., not The irony.
From the Department of We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It:
I notice that HA libbies are no longer complaining about the IDF focus on Shifa Hospital.
Why is that?
Shouldn’t Queen YLB be wailing about the Shifa Hospital “genocide” currently taking place?
It’s almost as if the long-known use of Shifa Hospital as a command center by Hamas isn’t something that HA libbies can deny anymore.
So they just stop talking about it.
Queen YLB, is that why?
Every time Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit replaces his urethral catheter while in the tub it’s a bloodbath.
So many words in all-caps I thought at first that Queen YLB may have written it.
Some HA libbie behaviors my presence have ended:
• Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit no longer brags about how much he made on a trading day. I did the math and repeatedly showed that his claims merely proved that he is not a millionaire.
• Queen YLB no longer overuses exclamation points and all-caps expressions. I mocked and mocked and mocked, and she caved. If only I could be more successful about her excessive use of YLBonics.
@28 LMAO!!! Keepin’ on being our pos KREEP, teh KREEPSHIT!
You’ll be here as long as your life is miserable.. I.E. TO THE GRAVE!
At president Trump’s DWAC is up more than 22% on the day.
I have no idea if it will stay there, and I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole, but isn’t it silly, the things that HA libbies posted about the shares on Friday?
In particular, I’d like to point out the absolute silliness of this one:
Intraday moves aren’t worth the time it takes to spew about, libbies. All you end up doing is beclowning yourselves, like the asshole who calls himself I looked it up and so can you.
@ 18
Bibi took his ball home to pout.
Hardly. The delegation was to lay out to the US the plans IDF has for Rafah invasion.
As the US was complicit in the passage of the UNSC resolution essentially prohibiting an invasion at this time, there’s no point anymore in sharing those plans.
Biden chose. He chose Michigan and Wisconsin over an ally in the Middle East.
You were aware that now that he’s convicted of fraud in how he valued his assets the IRS gets to have a crack at him if they like.
“according to the IDF.”
Says our troll while reaching for a kleenex to get that little bit he couldn’t swallow.
In one week it will be April Fools’ Day. We should cancel any shenanigans for that day because we have a total foolish disaster, globally, nationally and local, on our hands.
Biden and the NeoCon crazies are doing their best to ruin America and to have a nuclear war with Russia and/or China.
Shit! We were better off with the Milk Chocolate Messiah. We’d better order if Trump had won in 2020, too!
And that’s saying something!
Jude dismisses lawsuit against nonprofit research group by thin-skinned whiner who can’t stand criticism.
Maybe he should spend that energy cleaning up his hate speech-filled social media cesspool.
@2 How many shares did you snap up? Me: Zero.
You do have to credit Trump for knowing how to part dumbfucks from their money (e.g., Trump University, gold-painted sneakers, fake charities, emptying RNC’s treasury, etc.).
@3 “By the time Trump is inaugurated in January there won’t be any US allies left.”
Sez the pimp for the nominee who thinks the only allies the U.S. needs are Russia and North Korea.
@4 Well whaddya know, you caught the HA Bibi Fan Club in a baldfaced lie. Good work!
@10 Which is cheaper, maintaining peace, or sitting on your hands waiting for somebody to start the next world war?
There’s no shortage of somebodies out there …
@11 You should get your eyes checked. You’re definitely nearsighted.
@13 Dumbfuck logic: Now that the U.S. no longer excuses slaughtering civilians, it’s okay to go ahead with it.
And it isn’t just Michigan and Wisconsin, dumbfuck. Our entire nation has a conscience (except for Texas, Florida, Idaho, parts of other states, and a little spot on Whidbey Island).
@15 “Notice, teh kreepshit of widbee is ‘seriously’ ‘turning tail and running’ from its own babbling about ‘no allies’ in January..”
I think it’s more a manifestation of the same stupid isolationist reasoning that had a previous generation thinking everything would be fine if we ignored the rest of the world and let Hitler and the Japanese militarists go about their business.
@18 “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a planned visit to Washington”
You mean he’s not going to give another speech to the House at the Republicans’ invitation?
@20 “those fucking Jews”
From the troll who complains about a common vegetable and hides behind my name to do it.
At least he posted under his own name this time (under threat of expulsion). And this time he isn’t talking about a vegetable (to which he alone attaches racist connotations).
@23 “Queen YLB, what if IDF conducts a full, organized invasion of Rafah, while providing corridors for the escape of non-combatants currently there, and eliminates the four remaining Hamas battalions in Gaza, without the slaughter of ‘countless 10s of thousands’ in the process?”
Works for me. But how are you gonna get BiBi and IDF commanders to do that, and also rein in the settler wannabes eyeing a land grab, including that witch who says Gazans aren’t human and should disappear, and a guy named Jared? The devil is always in the details.
@25 He wasn’t fooled, he was coerced, and signed it to prevent the government shutdown your party was itching for. The “fooled” part was invented by your “source,” which is rated as follows:
Better than your usual “sources,” but that’s not saying anything, and not by much.
@27 Your “source,” some nobody posting on X, is misquoting a Guardian article (which you didn’t bother to read) from 4 years ago. What the actual source (i.e., the Guardian) actually said was,
Nothing there about Biden “threatening” Sanders, girlfriend. What you’ve done is repost a rightwing lie created by taking a phrase out of context. That’s both lazy and intellectually dishonest, girlfriend. Which is ironic, since you’re the guy constantly calling out other people for alleged intellectual dishonesty.
Maybe you should go back to not posting links to your “sources,” because every time you do, it blows up in your face.
@28 “I did the math and repeatedly showed that his claims merely proved that he is not a millionaire.”
This is similar to the math that proved Biden lost the 2020 election. Next, these amazing algorithms will land people on Mars without having to go there.
@28 “Queen YLB no longer overuses exclamation points and all-caps expressions.”
Obviously your reach doesn’t extend to Trump.
@30 So you wouldn’t touch the stock you touted @2 with a 10-foot pole? Okeh dokeh …
Know what this reminds me of? A shady stockbroker trying to get customers to buy a stock he himself wouldn’t touch.
@34 You need to stay away from those LSD-laced Easter candies.
@28 Citigroup is up 38% and Disney is up 34% since October. Tesla is down more than 20% over the same period. I own Citigroup and Disney; I’ve never owned Tesla nor gambled on its options.
Market Summary
Digital World Acquisition Corp
49.95 USD
+13.01 (35.22%)today
Closed: Mar 25, 5:47 PM EDT • Disclaimer
After hours 50.80 +0.85 (1.70%)
@53 Well, that’s good for Trump I guess, but does you no good because you said yourself @30 you “wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.”
Another brilliant investment call by the dumbfuck investor: Bragging about a stock he pissed on instead of buying.
Trump The Felon will be old news by November.
Liberals dismiss national polls like this while embracing prior national polls in which respondents say they won’t vote for Trump if he’s convicted of something.
Well, OK then.
Trump was for banning TikTok before he opposed it. Why the change? Answer: He’s been bought off:
Now wait for the dumbfuck troll to post a comment about his corrupt, senile ex-president.
Just a thought, would the general public consider a federal judge who is assigned a case where his wife was paid by the Plaintiff’s lawfirm six times in the previous five years a conflict of interest that would require recusal? No I’m not talking about SCOTUS where the ethics are “whatever we feel like and Ginny never talks to me about my work.” This is the appellate court where the ethics codes are actually in place.
Let’s introduce you to James Ho, a Trump appointee and one of the three judge panel that affirmed Texas’ Mifepristone ban from the 5th circuit on to SCOTUS. His wife Alison was paid for services by the lawfirm representing the plaintiff between 2018 and 2022.
In her defense, her husband is saying, “(I) consulted our court’s ethics advisor prior to sitting in that case, and was advised that there was no basis for recusal. In any event, my wife’s practice is to donate honoraria to charity.” See, the ethics board here in Texas took a look at me sitting on a case where my wife has a demonstrable financial interest and said, “‘S all good, man.”
As noted in various reports of the situation, “The payments to Allyson Ho don’t technically violate the court’s code of conduct, but experts warned they do not help with public trust in the legal system.” That’s quite a take. The judges wife got paid, even if she gave the money to charity, can we see your tax returns and what you wrote off? It only HINTS at corruption that in the 5th circuit violating the clear ethics guidelines on recusal is only a problem if you don’t alert the ethics panel that you’re going to do it.
Texas goes blue. Y’all better hope SCOTUS doesn’t drop a Mifepristone ban on the country sometime in the mid/late summer. You think the women are pissed now.
@ 56
Trump has also said that banning TikTok will strengthen Facebook, and we know what Facebook did Trump no favors in 2020, and that “Zuckerbucks” benefitted liberal candidates over conservative candidates.
But this means nothing to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who uncritically swallows everthing Joy Reid shills without the otherwise requisite massive grain of salt.
What a bloviating clown is our Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 57
You think the women are pissed now.
The only pissed women I know are you and Queen YLB. The other women I know practice personal responsibility and fellate to avoid pregnancy, rather than to show unwavering loyalty to a favored politician or HA moderator the way Queen YLB does.
Say aren’t you the guy who shat on all the Registered Voter polls since the dawn of time?
Here we are in March. RFK Jr. will continue to say batshit things, Donald will be convicted, Donald doesn’t have the cash to stay competitive, Donald’s mental decline is more pronounced about every two weeks…
Yes yes, the women are not allowed to enjoy the sex only to service the men.
Nice work. This is why women find you creepy and you can only score with a corralled horse.
@ 60
Say aren’t you the guy who shat on all the Registered Voter polls since the dawn of time?
One and the same, especially if they are national polls regarding the presidential election.
As soon as I see HA libbies spewing about individual battleground state polls that show voter antipathy toward Trump if he’s convicted, I’ll limit myself to individual battleground state polls that argue otherwise. Until then, I’ll feel free to make HA libbies as queasy about the re-election prospects of their Depends-clad party’s standardbearer as I possibly can. Right now that means dumping national polls on HA.
“I can see Uranus clearly tonight.”, said the full-time BBC and part-time amateur astronomer to Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit as she assumed her customary position on all fours while he fiddled with the telescope he fondly nicknamed Eggplant, after Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s unsuccessful attempt at an under-the-radar racial slur in a spew on HA a couple of years back.
March 24, 2024
Potential Aurora Over Washington State Tonight
Look to the north tonight, you might see an aurora!
We forgot to mention, starting in about two weeks the electorate will be treated to daily testimony about Donald’s weird little mushroom penis, that he was banging a hardcore porn star and a Playmate while his wife was nursing his newborn son and a whole bunch of other depraved sexual shit and how he stole campaign funds to buy them off.
I know, I know, the evangelicals and our Dumbfuck will take each days transcript and then spend an unusual amount of time in the bathroom ‘reading’ but normal people don’t really like pigs who fuck around on their wives.
Maybe he’ll call her horseface on the stand.
@58 That didn’t take long. The dumbfuck troll is on the ball today making excuses for his corrupt, senile ex-president.
Don’t let anyone re-attach the door, file the safety paperwork and then hit you with it on the way out.
@59 “women I know practice personal responsibility and fellate to avoid pregnancy”
And just to make sure you fuck the horse instead of your wife. Which, by the way, is fine with her, but she feels sorry for the horse.
@62 Instead of trying to make us feel queasy about our candidate possibly losing, you should feel queasy about your candidate possibly winning.
65 – “corrupt, senile ex-president”
You’re getting ahead of yourself. That phrase will apply to Biden in about 10 months.
@63 The dumbfuck troll posted his “eggplant” racism under his own name this time. He must think Darryl’s threat to ban him is serious. He should, because it is.
To me, eggplant is a vegetable. To Doctor Dumbfuck, it’s a stand-in for another word he’s decided he can’t get away with using.
@69 Good luck with that. Your guys have had three years to get to first base with that and are still standing in the batter’s box.
What will you do if Biden wins in November? Scream “THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!” again?
They’re in the batters box because strike three was called and then they got ejected for arguing and now they’re just sitting down demanding to speak to a new manager.
71, 72
We’ll see in November.
By May we may have Speaker Jeffries.
You know full well the Dumb as fuck wing of the House Caucus is pissed as fuck Speaker Maga Mike Jesus Johnson kept the government open. They’ll give it a shot.
Republicans saturated America’s streets with guns. They’ve never had a real plan to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. This is one of the results.
Joe Biden plagiarized from RFK Jr.’s father.
“… a flyweight.”
@76 Haw haw haw, this time the dumbfuck troll fell back on the “Mother of All Sources” … DJT himself.
Trump probably is plagiarized more than he plagiarizes, as when his followers copy his threats against public officials and election workers. It’s great to see them get lengthy prison sentences. Even better, as convicted felons they can’t have guns.
Well no, actually we know you won’t.
You fucking racist, privileged, disappointed traitors not “seeing” has always been the reason for so much polarization, misdirected anger, street violence, and Face-Painted, pipe-bomb idiocy.
From the very first moment you wannabe Brown Shirts fully embraced him in 2016, Trump has done nothing but fail you and throw your dumb asses under the bus. And he’s just getting started. His failures are growing and they are poised to swallow you all up.
Bitch make my food or you know what happens.
Reports that the container ship possibly had a fire before it hit the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.
Scotty, you’re fired
Past and future president Donald Trump owns 80 million shares.
That’s a little less than $5,600,000,000 of equity in this company alone for Trump.
Not exactly Broke Don. But cluelessness is Biden’s shtick.
Trump’s media company is up 100% in the last week.
In a couple weeks you’ll be telling us how much of it you ‘optioned’
show unwavering loyalty to a favored politician
lmao… dumps midget reptile thug for malodorous orange dear leader.. what a dumbfuck…
Anyone notice? As it ages and molders in “retirement” it just gets more silly and stupid? and boooriiing….
@ 84
I just looked at the options chain for DWAC. Nope, not gonna touch it.
I’ll let Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit use it in the pursuit of his second million dollars, seeing as he has long ago given up on ever accumulating his first million.
Headline du jour:
Biggest loser, by far, is @ 30 the asshole I looked it up and so can you.
There is always a pump before there is a dump.
But it’s far too late for the lying idiot troll.
It looks like another year of blue tarps over the leaky parts of the Whidbey Island trailer. I sure hope we don’t see another price shock on Costco cat food.
Trump’s Truth Social is now a public company. Experts warn its multi-billion dollar valuation defies logic
Trump Media has struggled since Truth Social’s lackluster launch, generating sales of only about $5m since 2021. But Digital World has increasingly been seen as a so-called meme stock, boosted by internet memes – posted, in its case, on platforms including Truth Social – urging retail investors to buy into it.
This looks like a straight up pump and dump scam. Some people are about to lose a lot of money
Trump can’t sell the stock for the first 6 months, so we’ll see if the value actually holds
>> Could foreign governments, China, Russia, Saudis, keep the price high until trump cashes out, then let it collapse?
In a couple weeks you’ll be telling us how much of it you ‘optioned’
The dumbfuck Nazi coward’s after the fact announcements of his options trades would get him laughed off of any trading forum.
His Orange Jesus isn’t the only fraud.
There was a bridge accident in Maryland where a major transportation link was severely damaged. That bridge will be repaired to get things up and running again. The people that do the work will not be gender studies majors, sociology majors or other politically correct majors. They will be engineers, welders, electricians, concrete specialists, and other technical and skilled people.
So, wokesters, who borrowed money to get frivolous “degrees,” maybe you all can learn to be welders to generate the money to repay you student loans?
Who do you suppose prepares and oversees the recruitment of all those welders?
Who stocks their grocery stores or makes their bikini barista coffee?
Who teaches their kids the alphabet or shows them how a potato can run a motor?
Who walks their dogs or re-shingles their roof?
Who cleans and dresses their job site wounds at the urgent care?
Who writes the gags and sketches on the hours of shock jock podcasts they listen to in the truck traveling to and from the bridge?
Who writes the stupid ear-worm advertising jingles that fund those podcasts?
Enjoy living bored and all alone in your damp, freezing, welded used shipping container home you stupid dipshit.
92)Figured the anti-wokesters would bring woke into it.
Meanwhile, Great video from What is going on with Shipping.
They will be engineers
Stupid troll did a self-pwn.
94 – I think you mean “own” and not “pwn.”
@95 I think you mean deciduous, not desciduous.
Good riddance.
Ronna McDaniel Gone From NBC After Four Days
GOP gubernatorial candidate Phil Lyman blames Baltimore bridge collapse on diversity
There is no disaster that Republicans won’t blame on some minority.
If it’s not blaming gay people for hurricanes, it’s blaming non-white people for existing to cause a ship malfunction and destroying a bridge.
I got really drunk last night and couldn’t remember where I left my truck parked and had to walk home drunk and missed a half day of work this morning and got written up by that lousy HR bitch and swore and got sent home just now and have to go to an anger management class taught by some fucking fag this week or I’m fired.
@92 – The difference between welder and a barista is the welder can generate the cash flow to repay his or her student loan. The barista will never get there and will count on “Daddy Government” to “take care of that for me “
“Please Daddy!”
Lonely, cold and stupid inside that shipping container.
“Please Daddy!”
Your father is as worthless as you are. He never paid me one dime for child support.
And speaking of paying back, give me back all the damned money you stole from my purse!
Fucking Idaho, man. Nothing about that state is good. White supremacist capital of the USA.
Maybe Couer d’Alene was hosting a KKK convention or some damn thing. Anyway, the NCAA and Gonzaga helped the players get new rooms. You wonder how they found new hotel rooms during an NCAA tournament?
President Joe Biden (fag – some kind of faggoty degree) promised the federal government will pay for the cost to rebuild the crumpled bridge “as soon as humanly possible”.
Federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (actual fag -some kind of faggoty degree) offered the department’s unlimited support to Baltimore authorities in both investigating the cause of the collision that destroyed the bridge as well as quickly replacing it.
Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld (fag – some kind of faggoty degree) is pressing ahead with search and rescue efforts for any welders working on the bridge when it collapsed. MDOT officials (buncha fags – faggoty degrees) are in contact with all the affected families of the welders providing any needed support such as counseling, childcare assistance, transportation assistance or Starbucks coffee.
NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy (girl fag – some kind of faggoty degree) arrived on the scene before 6 am this morning to personally oversee the investigation into the collision with initial emphasis on assisting the United States Coast Guard (fags – some kind of faggoty academy degrees) in their efforts to gain control over vessel traffic in the vicinity of the disaster.
Four years ago President Donald Trump (PI’s most favoritest he-man President ever) was faced with a much bigger crisis when experts in epidemics and infectious disease warned him that a never before seen deadly respiratory virus was established and spreading rapidly in our communities. He advised America to shove a flashlight up their ass and go shopping.
Jared Kushner (BBC curious cuck – some kinda faggoty frat boy) was immediately placed in charge of the federal response by his father-in-law and then called up his frat brothers to start hoarding supplies and profiteering from all the dead Americans.
The hatred and resentment of all “conservatives” at every level is pathological and reflexive.
Tell us you know Hogan’s gonna be a senator without telling us you know Hogan’s gonna be a senator, Joe.
In today’s investing news,
It’s unlikely Trump is blind to this, so he’ll probably start dumping his shares as soon as he can, and his dumbshit followers who snap them up will end up paying his fines and attorney fees.
Summary of some recent spews:
And all of those people will have their student loans forgiven at the perpetual expense of Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
All of which seems to work out much better for society than $99 dollar Trump Bucks, DWAC pump and dump, Nutraceuticals, and selling federal judicial appointments to whores and strippers.
@107 Since all you have is a worthless M.D. degree, clearly they should not put you in charge of either rebuilding the bridge or running the coffee shops.
And all of those people will have their student loans forgiven at the perpetual expense
of kreepshit’s unfortunate “grandkids”??? Naahh.. Fascist “kick the living shit” thugs are excused from taxes..
yawwwn next?
Oh here’s what’s next.. our kreepee trust fund troll will be throwing the lever in November for a stinky, pathologically lying, orange-tinted rapist.. but didn’t we always know that?
@90 His assumption @86 that I’m dumber than him is the height of idiocy, and his bigger assumption that my money would touch anything Trump is the Mount Everest of idiocy.
@98 I guess that was inevitable, given the entire GOP’s descent into fantastical absurdity.
But you gotta hand it to him, it takes a lot of creative imagination to blame a ship’s propulsion failure on “diversity.” He must have one of those “useless” degrees to go with his Trump pardon.
If you’re curious what he was convicted of, I won’t keep you in suspense:
Yes, he’s one of those assholes.
In other Trump news,
Of course he won’t comply. He can’t. Ordering Trump to keep his mouth shut is like telling an alligator to keep its mouth shut. What the judge is doing here is giving himself a prerogative to hold Trump in contempt and slap him with more fines. And why not? As Doctor Dumbfuck points out, Trump is a newly-minted billionaire. He can afford to support the courts for a long time to come.
@100 If you looked into it, I suspect you’d find the grads most in need of student debt relief are “useless” teachers and nurses.
Next time you’re on an ER gurney, be sure to tell the attending nurse what you think of her degree.
Ripping out the IV and catheter, not gently, will follow.
@ 108
All of which seems to work out much better for society…
So far, perhaps. But let’s give Queen YLB’s fucked kids a couple of decades of the combined burden of paying for my Social Security and for the interest on the added federal debt due to those forgiven student loans of others, along with fewer similarly fucked people helping to shoulder that burden because there will be fewer workers per retiree.
And then let’s ask those weak, emasculated fucked kids how well it’s working out.
While Trumpsters with too much time on their hands concoct conspiracy theories to explain the bridge disaster, and Biden “vows to make Congress pay to replace the collapsed bridge,” I suspect House Republicans are plotting to block the funding bill: “Not one dime for bridges in blue states!” Also, “we can’t afford it!” and, “No border funding, no bridge!”
Yep, rightwing freaks are coming up with some doozies:
The golden sneakers didn’t sell so now Trump is hawking MAGA Bibles.
It looks pretty skinny in these photos, so a lot of stuff must have been edited out. I haven’t read it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if editorial revisions turn Trump into Jesus Christ and replaces forgiveness of sins with executing his opponents. He’ll probably keep forgiveness of adultery, though. He needs that one.
The Pillow Guy isn’t having a great week. His attorneys dumped him.
So did his landlord.
@116 Bleating loser.
paying for my Social Security
Not for long…
Plenty of repukes you fellated in those numbers: Limbaugh, Ken Starr, Todd Akin (who “legitimized” rape for you and your Orange rapist leader)..
More every day… According to your silly babbling, best stuff ever for the kids…
Sorry kreepshit, dying repukes cancel your check.. heh.
btw, how long ago now since you danced stoopid for Mary Kay’s first check?
Gonna have to look that one up – along with that announcement of some wedding anniversary.. it’ll be fun putting two and two together over that.. heh.
those forgiven student loans
Dang, that empty suit…
First recreational wars of choice in a pissing contest over daddy now that.. kreepshit voted for it.. twice…
One possible reason Hamas won’t get serious about the hostages:
The longer Hamas stalls, the more likely international pressure will let Hamas get away with it if Israel backs down.
Unless Israel doesn’t back down. Just because Biden caved doesn’t mean Israel will.
Probably the most viscerally terrifying thing the poor lying idiot troll is something that Trump did to him starting in 2020.
Proving to every previously brainwashed worker in America that in fact there really is plenty to go around.
It’s just a matter of distribution efficiency.
The government was handing out stimmy checks at the same time Jeff Bezos was launching a 250 foot super yacht as staff quarters and storage to support the 417 foot super yacht he gave to his fiancee as a wedding present, and Leonard Leo was buying $3,000 bottles of Burgundy for a Supreme Court Associate-Justice-For-Hire with Robert Mercer’s spare change jar.
And just like that.. POOF …Figth For 15 suddenly became Fight For 20.
There’s plenty to go around.
Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸
There should be a serious investigation into the horrifying tragedy of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland.
Is this an intentional attack or an accident?
Praying for the victims, survivors, and families 🙏
Dumbfuck wishes he could vote for MTG.
@125 Spending the kind of money Bezos has requires a great deal of creative thinking. He already has more houses than he can keep track of. Anybody can buy another yacht; that requires no imagination. And $100 million paintings don’t come on the market every week. His ex-wife has already co-opted the charities. All that’s left is paying lawyers to keep Amazon drivers in their place.
Prominent election denier admits to lying that election official rigged election against her.