You should have received your ballot for the Presidential primary. Get it postmarked or dropped off by March 12.
I know, who cares? Barring something strange, Biden and Trump are going to be the nominees. But still, you can register your support, or your opposition. You can write in “Bumface” if you want to register your displeasure with one bored poll worker.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
The most stupid thing written over the weekend:
The surprise is that it wasn’t written by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@1 Did I say that will happen? No. That it might happen? Not even that. Look up “Let’s suppose” when you’re not too busy fucking the horse. And if you still can’t figure out what it means, have an English teacher explain it to you. (Spoiler alert: “Let’s suppose” establishes an assumed premise solely for the purposes of the thought experiment that follows.) You truly are an illiterate idiot.
@ 2
Let’s suppose that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can ever achieve erection again.
Hasn’t happened since before the new millenium, but let’s suppose.
Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit won’t be interested. Not in the least.
Bidenflation touches all.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investing history makes what his family does have, worth less.
Queen YLB’s fucked kids need to get in line. It’ll be awhile before the next available agent can hand either of them a tissue.
@1 Doc, there’s a silver lining to your longstanding reading comprehension problem — it’s not getting worse.
Because that’s not possible.
Fire Palestine!
Hatred of Jews can cause people to do some really stupid shit.
Can’t blame this stupidity on Hamas. This is unbridled liberalism, pure and simple.
NPR. So liberal. Waste of tax dollars. All you get is the left wing crazy news.
He live-streamed a long statement about refusing to be complicit in a genocide. Then he went to the Israeli embassy and set himself on fire while shouting ‘FREE PALESTINE’.
They’re right though. It’s possible he was upset by the use of pronouns in his unit or the mistreatment of 1/6 heroes. No one can say for sure.
@7 sounds like your panties are all in a bunch.
You fail to care about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus….this really can’t be too important to you, can it?
I mean, there’s this thing called innocent until proven guilty. Maybe they’re just not going to find him “guilty” without full evidence. Are you assuming?
We’ll assume how men kill women almost daily, and think to yourself, do you really care? No? Well stop being a little whiny bitch.
Ron Filipkowski on Xitter
My favorite part is when they all go through their tortured explanations of why their government subsidies are different.
In 1940, as Hitler’s troops rolled across Europe, a growing chorus of Republicans argued against sending American weapons to Britain.
The U.S., they said, would be wasting resources sending help to London and instead Washington should put “America First.”
Republicans are now secretly using AI powered online bots to target mass challenges to Black voter registrations in Georgia and other swing states.
Because it is now GOP policy that only whites should be allowed to vote.
It’s gonna be a long Summer for Trump fans. The post All-Star half of the season are gonna be like trying to avoid a 100 losses.
When I’m elected for life I’ll immediately put a stop to the hurricanes being sent to our shores by the Chinese using my very large button. We can store the hurricanes in Greenland and use them for the global warming hoax. I’ll have by lovely First Lady Ivanka handling that. Meanwhile my son, Spiderman, will fix Gaza once and for all. And that’ll happen on day one.
Jordan, at peace with Israel since 1984, defied the Israeli blockade this weekend and delivered relief aid directly to the coast of Northern Gaza by ship and airdrop.
I have the ability to regrow severed limbs just like certain reptiles.
@15 but i look like the nightmare fuel AI images of me with the extra protuberants.
@ 10
In 1940, as Hitler’s troops rolled across Europe, a growing chorus of Republicans argued against sending American weapons to Britain.
In 1942, after Pearl Harbor’s invasion by a hostile enemy a Democrat president issued an executive order to forcibly incarcerate American citizens of Japanese and Italian descent, among others who do not look like the majority of us. This order remained in effect until it was reversed by an executive order issued by a Republican president.
@6 In one flying leap, Doctor Dumbfuck turns “Free Palestine” into “hating Jews.”
Honestly, doc, I think most Palestinians only resent the Israelis for stealing their land, bulldozing their homes, bombing their schools and hospitals, starving them, and kidnapping their children.
All of which you approve of, although being the impatient sort you are, you prefer FINISH THEM! to slow genocide.
That was a terrible mistake that would never have been needed if we had just been smart and let Hitler win.
@11 Nothing new. In 2004, Republican operatives targeted black soldiers serving overseas for disenfranchisement:
Republicans don’t support our troops; they attack their basic rights.
@ 19
That was a terrible mistake that would never have been needed if
we had just been smart and let Hitler winthe 22nd Amendment had been in effect at the time.Much better. And far more Republican.
Just think of all of the recent idiocy that we would have avoided had the current cabinet made use of the 25th Amendment’s tools.
There aren’t that many spines in the entire Democrat party, unfortunately.
@25 I’m thinking of all of the idiocy we would avoid if you spent more time in the barn fucking the horse.
As Amazon replaces Walgreens as a Dow 30 component, we are remind ourselves that the Dow 30 is a silly barometer for market health, and that correspondingly Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a silly source of anything market-related.
What Kenneth Chesebro told investigators:
What Kenneth Chesebro posted on his secret social media account under an assumed name:
@17. That’s what you took from that? Are you stupid?
So because a Democratic president did an awful thing, that justifies republicans being worse and giving aid and comfort to Hitler? Both are wrong.
How about Democrats and republicans not repeat reprehensible actions? Don’t support fascists and dictators, and over react over people who are different than the majority.
Hatred of Jews can cause people to do some really stupid shit.
Roll tape..
Roll tape..
Those two videos are previews of the future that kreepshit has planned for its two unfortunate “grandkids”… with the appropriate substitutions like one reptilian, height challenged fascist with a pained “smile”.
The air out of the hunter dick pics balloon is letting out fast for lord kreepshit of widbee…
Sure it will fantasize about offshore accounts till Joe Biden’s re-election and after…
the only thing that will shut it the fuck up is..
knock, knock, knock..
No time for HA when that happens.
This is how you void an immunity agreement.
It’s just another boring, bad faith argument.
A Democrat once did something bad. So therfore all Republicans are permanently excused for all time from every shitty thing they do. Trump can rape an infant. QEDumbfuck
Just a reminder that tomorrow afternoon is Russian Trivia at the Dogwood Senior Center from 2 to 5 pm.
Normal criminal defendants never do the shit that Trump Crime Incorporated do. Any and all of the Fulton County indictments can be amended ahead of trial.
Tell us more about your options trades. It’s fun. It’s not often we get to hear someone brag about break even plays.
@ 26
So because a Democratic president did an awful thing, that justifies republicans being worse and giving aid and comfort to Hitler?
How predictable. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks Hitler is still alive.
@ 33
Tell us more about your options trades. It’s fun.
They’re based on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bloviations. And you’re right, he’s so consistently wrong in his investing decisions that it is fun to make money off of his inanity.
Example: Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit buys shares of GNRC at $98. The winning trade is one of two things:
1. Sell a naked put at $80 strike price or below. Gives you the margin of a 20% loss, which is usually what happens to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, before your trade risks losing money.
2. After Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit buys in at $98, wait for the predictable decline in share value of at least 15% before coming in and purchasing shares yourself.
Nearly eight years ago I began this investment strategy, which I have coined The Notadumbfuck Method.
Profiting off of the pain of the Dumbfuck Rabbit family and having fun in the process is a winning twofer.
The desperation:
Previous thread the asshole who calls himself I looked it up blamed the Georgia nursing student’s murder on the GOP:
House and Senate Republicans should not be blocking border security funding.
But since they are they committed that murder.
I know. What an asshole.
The reality:
Voters see border as Biden’s biggest failure: Poll
Maybe it’s because the senseless murders of future health care providers by illegals are viewed by the country as something other than an opportunity to blame the opposition party for the failures of the president:
There’s no reason Biden should care, of course. He won’t be the DNC nominee and he’s already sold out the nation for all the money The Biden Crime Family will need.
And then there’s this poll by CBS News, released in January. 2,153 US adults, so not a small sample:
Small wonder, isn’t it, that the weakest liberals @ 36 are the ones most desperate to blame Biden’s performance on anybody other than Biden.
My corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president? He doesn’t give a shit.
Your move, QoS McHillbilly:
I bet Wade sent pics. Hey, if Weiner was stupid enough to do it, why not Wade?
Politics can be brutal.
Run away, silly girl.
Only 37 months for Biden to realize that the illegals will put Trump back in office.
My senile fossil of a president “said that he hopes there’ll be a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict by next Monday,” adding his “national security adviser tells me that we’re close,” while a senior administration official told CNN, “The major obstacles have been resolved.”
Meanwhile, the Very Stable Genius is still trying to figure out whose side of the Russia-Ukraine war he’s on.
Only one of them is too old and confused to be president; and ironically, it’s the youngest one.
@26 “How about Democrats and republicans not repeat reprehensible actions? Don’t support fascists and dictators, and over react over people who are different than the majority.”
Unfortunately this is not possible, because only Democrats learn from their mistakes, while Republicans haven’t learned a thing in the last 1,000 years. Conservatives are still stuck in the Middle Ages, as HA’s resident dumbfuck’s posts demonstrate every day.
@34 “How predictable. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks Hitler is still alive.”
No, we only think Trump is trying to copy Hitler’s techniques for seizing power, and perhaps eventually emulate parts of his agenda too (we’re not sure of this, but aren’t inclined to assume his intentions are good and pure, either).
@35 “Tell us more about your options trades. It’s fun. They’re based on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bloviations.”
I think he just admitted his trading is gambling.
@36 Funny you should mention that just as stupid House Republicans are handing Biden the huge political gift of blocking border funding.
Next week they’re going to follow this act by freezing the paychecks of our military personnel.
And Trump is boasting they’re doing it because he told them to.
@36 @37 or the guy who loves polls that don’t mean anything this far ahead of an election:
@39 “I’m not here to upset anyone.”
He’s a Republican, so this probably isn’t the first lie he’s ever told.
Lookie who spent much of the weekend laughing about someone looking at National polling only to wake up on Monday and make posts about National Polling.
Heidi Heitkamp isn’t just a lawyer, she was North Dakota’s attorney general for 8 years, then a U.S. senator. She knows what defamation is.
She probably wouldn’t go on a podcast and tell the world that Rep. Matt Rosendale ended his Senate campaign after just 6 days because he knocked up a 20-year-old staffer unless she has inside information from trustworthy sources.
Scads of reputable MSM news outlets might report that his lawyers are threatening to sue her as a purely political story. But it’s a much better story, and far more newsworthy, if they too have reason to think there’s something to the juicy scandal part of it.
Rosendale has filed to run for re-election to his House seat. His wife of 39 years hasn’t left him. He’s still the head of his local Catholic parish council. He’s admitting nothing so far. We don’t know the woman’s name yet. A lawsuit hasn’t been filed yet. This is a developing story.
We often say Republicans have no ideas, let alone any good ideas. This one time, Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) may be an exception. A doctor, he wants to keep food stamps from being used to buy soda, candy, and junk food. I’m 100% with him on that, and I hope Democrats adopt this idea.
But he sucks otherwise. During the pandemic, he opposed masks and restrictions on gatherings; as a doctor, he prescribed ivermectin for his patients. Politically, he’s even worse: “Harris defended Trump’s efforts to overturn the election[,] falsely claimed there were ‘large-scale voting irregularities’ and ‘secret, unobserved vote counting in the swing states’, and called on Attorney General William Barr to investigate ‘these crimes’.” He was actively involved in efforts to overturn the election, and called the Capitol riot a nonviolent protest. A few days later, he was caught trying to sneak a gun onto the House floor. On policy, he’s hardcore anti-choice, anti-LGBQT, voting against impeaching Trump and for impeaching Biden, called the Capitol riot a nonviolent protest, and has praised Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban. Right or wrong about food stamps, he needs to go.
A 16-year-old rape victim decided the judge who let off her 18-year-old attacker should be kicked off the bench. He just was. GOOD FOR HER.
I’m not the only one who thinks Haley’s showings in New Hampshire and South Carolina, “while a substantial number of Haley voters said they would not vote for Trump if he is on the November ballot,” spells trouble for Trump. Even worried conservatives are weighing in:
Self-hating Justice Clarence Thomas “has hired a law clerk who was accused of racist conduct while she worked at a conservative nonprofit organization that included sending a text message that stated ‘I hate blacks.'”
They should get along just fine, because he hates blacks, too.
Do you ever go to reputable and truthful websites?
“Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones lashed out at Elon Musk, the owner of X, and claimed he had been ‘massively censored’ by the billionaire’s social media platform.”
Isn’t it fun to watch barbarians fight each other? That can sell a lot tickets. The Romans knew what they were doing by building the Colosseum.
Becuase if you live in a food dessert and the only store you can reasonable shop in is Dollar General, restricting what you can buy to about 1/10th or their merchandise is cruel.
But I suspect the Representative is aware of that. “BRING BACK THE SHAME OF FOOD STAMPS! These poors have just become too comfortable picking up a can of nacho cheese to go with the food bank chips.”
We promised to defend them if they relinquished all the nukes.
A regulation soccer ball weighs 76 pounds.
I have nothing better to do on a monday night so lets get into the weeds a bit.
Exit Polling probably has the smart money GOP very worried.
South Carolina
-43% of women were for Hailey.
-54% of college graduates were for Hailey
-49% of voters earning $100K or more were for Hailey
-Of people declaring themselves independed but voting republican, 62% were Hailey, identifying republican, 30%
-Hailey even managed 24% of white evangelicals
-Among people who said their vote was determined in the last 30 days, you know after the guilty verdicts, the fines and the yet to begin but underway OTHER legal issues…67% Hailey
-People saying Foreign Policy was their #1 issue, 74% Hailey
-Abortion, 58%
Yes it’s funny, and YES these GOP senators deserve to be mocked.
You go, Saturday Night Live!
@56 Now why didn’t I suspect this guy has a hidden agenda, when everything in his biography screams “rightwing extremist dick”?
To wit, starve them out of existence. FINISH THEM.
I guess because I’m not capable of thinking that way.
@59 Not to be overlooked,
That’s Harry Enten on TV here. Data points like this got me toying with the idea of a 55%-45% Biden win. I’m not predicting it, mind you, I’m just looking at these numbers and wondering how things might play out in November if a significant number of non-MAGA GOP voters can’t bring themselves to vote for their own party’s nominee.
ESG policies are good for business.
So are DEI policies.
So is immigration.
That’s why Republicans are against ESG, DEI, and immigration. The GOP is anti-business.
Stating the obvious
The ideas of environmental, social and governance (ESG), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are proven to be profitable. If they were not, business wouldn’t do it. Business will fire thousands of workers if not having them, would generate a dime of profit. Businesses have run the numbers and ESG, DEI and immigration make them more profits.
However, Conservative voters are terrified of change, competition and loss of inherited privilege. They vote for politicians to promise to stifle ESG, DEI and immigration so the politicians to stay in power.
Trump has significantly underperformed his pre-ballot polling numbers in each of the state Republican party primaries held so far.
Currently, as Michigan primary voters head to the polls, Trump leads Haley by more than 56 percentage points in that state.
@65. that seems contradictory. Trump the Rapist is both Underperforming AND leading Haley by 56 pts. He should leading by 90%?
So, what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?
You are confusing poll results with election results. Perhaps I should have been more explicit.
Trump’s election results have significantly underperformed his pre-ballot polling numbers in each of the state Republican party primaries held so far.
I make the a priori assumption that in electoral politics the only measure of performance is ballot results. Trump appears to hold a different opinion.
Once again, currently, as Michigan primary voters head to the polls, Trump leads Haley by more than 56 percentage points in that state.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
@67. Treating that as a legit question.
If trump the Rapist is legitimately elected, then accept that a majority of Americans want a dictatorship and this country is over and prepare to suffer.
If trump the Rapist is installed illegitimately due to the extreme scenarios involving second sets of electors and or contested fair elections and or state legislators, move to a blue state and prepare for civil war.
Steal the voting machines, offer $5m to prove my “audit’ was incorrect, call in death threats to elections officials, smear feces on the walls of congress, Call myself a patriot.
You know the normal stuff.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Republicans in the Tennessee House voted Monday to advance a bill that would prevent local governments from reappointing state lawmakers who were expelled due to behavior.
>> Being uppity?
>> Democracy isn’t working in TN, the voters keep electing people the conservative white people hate. Democracy has to go. /s
“I’m too rich to put up a bond for my debts. Just ask Letitia James, she’ll verify my assetts.”
Dirt Poor Conservatives who spend their last $25 on a “Make America Great Again Again” flag.
“That’s right, he’s fighting for us and really understands our issues!”
69 – It’s a legitimate question: what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?
70 – Move to a blue state? Do you mean you don’t already live in a blues state?
71 – Oh, I see: the same stuff you allege Trump did?
You’re all no better than the MAGA crowd.
How bad is the abortion issue for the GOP?
NBC notes that Lindsey “Lady G” Graham has introduced a federal abortion ban bill in the Senate every year for the last 13.
Until now.
@74 If you let yourself understand what I wrote, no amount of typing will make you stop being willfully ignorant. Have a nice life.
For the second day Jordan defied the Israeli Blockade and airlifted aid into Gaza today.
What’s the phrase?
Something about a battle and a war.
@75 Welcome back.. Unless of course, you’ve been here all along.
A certain degen dumbfuck troll who has been boring us all to “tiers” will dance for your return soon.
Trump lost at the ballot box. 91 different Republican courts, judges, and juries heard all his claims, examined all the evidence, and concluded he was lying. Again.
The major cable and streaming news networks who amplified and repeated those lies have all been forced to admit they they were lies and that they knew they were lies. Tucker Carlson and dozens of other fake propagandists were fired for cause or forced to resign. Thousands of rioters were arrested and charged. Hundreds are in prison. Trump is about to go to trial facing decades of prison time.
Also, since you might have missed it, all the “Biden corruption” claims were also lies supplied to Republican lawmakers by Russian spies.
You really should be ashamed.
But we all now realize you aren’t capable.
So, what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?
Blast from the past… teh babbling butthole would babble..
if such and such happens what will HA liberals doooooooooooooooo?
We’ll resist and cope till the always wrong wing shit collapses on itself, like it always does, and then pick up the pieces.. rinse, repeat until the clock runs out:
Monmouth Polling show 6/10 see illegal immigration as major problem and support building a wall
We had bipartisan legislation to deal with illegal immigration and the republicans rejected it so they could appease trump the Rapist.
If you are upset by illegal immigration, blame republicans. Democrats tried to do something about it.
Also, put everyone, and mean everyone who hires an illegal for anything, in jail and many will stop coming if they can’t get work. The farm economy would crash but maybe the scared people will take up the slack in the fields and meat packing plants.
@ 81
Monmouth Polling show 6/10 see illegal immigration as major problem and support building a wall
And yet, on his first fucking day in office:
What Trump did was working, and Biden fucked it up. We fucking told you so at the time, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
This isn’t from Fox. It’s from Voice of America.
Eat shit and die, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. You’re no doubt intimately familiar with the first part. Give the second part a try.
Nationwide polling cope.
@ 77
For the second day Jordan defied the Israeli Blockade and airlifted aid into Gaza today.
You know it wasn’t delivered by air into Gaza, don’t you? It crossed into Gaza via Egypt at the Rafah checkpoint.
Meaning Egypt had the opportunity to inspect the cargo before allowing it through. Egypt hates Hamas. I doubt Israel lost much sleep over this.
My “move” with Bradley scheduled to begin supplemental testimony shortly what I anticipate:
– Bradley’s testimony will not be as direct, as irrefutable, nor as contradictory as Trump’s defenders have hoped and prayed, nor nearly as probitive as his attorneys have claimed in sworn filings to the court.
– Having previously opened the door, Fulton County will further explore the witness’s credibility by interrogating the history of criminal sexual assaults Bradley is accused of having committed prior to his termination from the firm and his potential for personal animus directed toward his former law partner, as well as his history of lying, evasion, and misrepresentation to the court.
– Bradley’s testimony will be granted very little credibility by the judge.
– Evidence of any relationship between Willis and Wade prior to his appointment in November of 2021 beyond that already described to the court will have little weight in any decision regarding the defense motion to disqualify.
I will look for a third party candidate in the 2024 presidential race. Biden and Trump aren’t good enough for my vote.
So far Merchant is floundering and seems unable to comprehend why she is there. Arguing with the judge is not helpful.
@ 84
Another source states that air drops occurred. On the coast along the Gaza strip:
From this sentence:
it seems as if a fair amount of cargo landed in the Mediterranean Sea. Hey, Five Second Rule. It’s still edible.
@67 “So, what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?”
We will hate it, but we will respect voters’ right to choose who they want, and accept the election results. We won’t propagate a Big Lie about “election fraud” that didn’t happen, violently take over the Capitol, submit fake electors, or try to block certification on the House or Senate floor. We won’t attempt to seize voting machines or make death threats against election workers.
There may be some peaceful street protests, in which case a re-elected President Trump has suggested he would invoke the Insurrection Act and hinted he would deploy the military and order him to gun down the protesters, like they do in places like Myanmar.
Trump has also suggested that, if he returns to power, he will “go after” political opponents with a politicized DoJ. There, he may run into a wall of grand juries that refuse to indict, prosecutors who refuse to prosecute, judges who dismiss baseless charges, and juries of ordinary citizens who refuse to convict.
He’s also suggested he will set aside provisions of the Constitution that hinder what he wants to do. That will test our courts, and it’s possible SCOTUS may not be up to the challenge, but it’s also possible he might be reducing to railing against judges and making veiled threats against them hoping his fanatical supporters will take them out.
It’s likely both that Democrats will retake the House, and a near-certainty that a re-elected President Trump will engage in further, and probably even more egregious, abuses of power; with the result that he will incur historic third, fourth, and possibly more impeachments — maybe even one or more a month — which will continue to die in the Senate until even his own party tires of him (which it eventually will).
Far more likely, though, is the probability that as his already-rapid mental and verbal decline continues, he will become a babbling idiot whom his own cabinet declares incapacitated, with the result whoever he chooses as his next vice president will become the acting president. What will we do in that event? We’ll sit back and quietly watch, and wait for the next election.
“I never witnessed anything.”
“I have no personal knowledge.”
“I never heard anything from anyone.”
“I was merely speculating.”
“My comments were based on speculation.”
“I recall him stating that at some point they were dating. No one else was present. I do not recall the date. This only took place one time.”
Powerful stuff. /s
I’ll gladly credit my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president for this fact, which was unmentioned @ 81 by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
Other poll facts that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron left out are that 41% of Democrats see the illegal immigration issue as a very serious problem. In 2019 only 26% of Democrats felt that way. Nice goin’, Joe.
The same illegals who will callously and viciously murder Queen YLB’s kids a few years from now are the ones who will put Donald Trump back in office come November.
Suck it.
A girl has her fantasies, I guess.
@70 “If trump the Rapist is legitimately elected, then accept that a majority of Americans want a dictatorship and this country is over and prepare to suffer.”
That simply won’t happen. There is no scenario under which a majority of Americans will vote for Trump. All we’re talking about is whether an electoral system designed to preserve slavery enables him to overcome the popular will again. In which case the Framers, who intended to preserve slavery, unwittingly paved the path to dictatorship, made possible by the subservience of a political party.
It’s not correct to say the Framers didn’t foresee political parties, or the chaos and perfidy that could be wrought by groveling party loyalists. They didn’t want parties, or acknowledge them in the Constitution, but were aware parties could arise (as they very quickly did), but they did provide for managing factions by building checks and balances into the Constitution. What they failed to do is consider that a party might undermine or neutralize those guardrails in service to a dictator who demanded personal loyalty from his followers and unquestioning obedience to his orders.
The Framers did know what they were creating was fragile. After all, when one of the key leaders of the Constitutional Convention was asked what it was, he replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” He’d probably be surprised it has lasted this long. I don’t think he’d be surprised at all that eventually a Trump would come along, determined to rule in the manner of a king according to his own whims, and the people (or the majority, at least) be damned. As Doctor Dumbfuck loves to crow, the majority of the people don’t get to choose the president; that’s a privilege reserved to the underpopulated and unpopular states.
“Other poll facts that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron left out are that 41% of Democrats see the illegal immigration issue as a very serious problem.”
It’s true that illegal immigration at our Southern border is a very serious problem that threatens our communities.
Republicans in Congress should stop blocking and obstructing bipartisan legislation to fund border security and enforcement.
What they are doing is terrible and putting our communities at great risk.
@72 “Republicans in the Tennessee House voted Monday to advance a bill that would prevent local governments from reappointing state lawmakers who were expelled due to behavior.”
The actual meaning and interpretation is that it “would prevent local governments from reappointing black state lawmakers expelled due to behavior,” but they don’t expel white lawmakers, so they can obfuscate their real intentions by omitting the adjective “black” secure in the knowledge this provision will never be used against their own race.
@73 “he’s fighting for us and really understands our issues!”
Put blacks back in their place and send Hispanics and Muslims back to their own countries.*
*Including those born here; no birthright citizenship for non-whites!
@74 “You’re all no better than the MAGA crowd.”
What we didn’t do when Trump was elected says otherwise. Some other ways we’re better than the MAGA crowd:
– We’re not brandishing guns in public
– We’re not flooding public officials’ inboxes with death threats
– We’re not throwing tantrums on the House floor or catcalling during SOU addresses
– We’re not shutting down the government
– We’re not plotting to overthrow the government
– We’re not burning books or threatening teachers and librarians
– We’re not banning black history from classrooms
– We’re not interfering with reproductive health or going after children because of their nonconforming gender identity
– We’re not trying to force private social media companies to post lies, hate speech, and racist comments
There’s lots more, that’s a very partial list, but to say liberals are no better than the MAGA crowd falls into the “Super Whopper Lie” category.
Merchant manages to work into the record that one of Willis’s daughters “failed out of FAMU”.
Classy stuff. /s
@ 93
That simply won’t happen. There is no scenario under which a majority of Americans will vote for Trump.
Look at the weak Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pretending that the presidential election is a popularity contest!
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, was it in 1992 or 1996 that Bill Clinton won with a majority vote?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit displays his innate weakness each and every time that he attempts to portray the presidential election as anything other than what it is – a tally of electoral votes cast by the electors of each US state. He has no argument to make and he must pretend that the election is something that it is not.
@ 98
Classy stuff.
We’ve long passed a threshold of class, QoS McHillbilly.
Look at the weak profoundly stupid trust fund troll pretending that nationwide internet web polls are dispositive of presidential general elections.
Hard cope
@77 Jordan is doing BiBi a favor. If the latter actually pulled off a genocide, Israel wouldn’t have a friend or supporter left in the world, America included.
What personal details the witness volunteers, and how those personal details reflect upon the witness are up to the witness.
What irrelevant, prejudicial, and potentially threatening facts opposing counsel introduces into the record by means of her speeches preceding her questions are up to the..
McAfee has beclowned himself throughout this whole proceeding and this is no exception. The closest the judge has come to regaining any control over what has become a fishing expedition is to warn Merchant that he might consider sustaining an objection from Fulton County eventually… maybe.
Still she persists. Getting absolutely nowhere.
Biden acted to halt construction of Trump’s $16 billion wall along the border …
Oh that feckless fucking wall.. waste of money, environmental abomination, tramples on property rights in TexASS and useless..
How about more border agents, enforcement, electronic surveillance..
Not cheap, but not a cheap stunt either.
“I do not have any knowledge of when the relationshipe between Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade began.”
“I do not recall any specific date of when Mr. Wade said any specific thing about a relationship with Ms. Willis.”
McAfee just referred to counself for the County as “defense”.
Bit of a tell. What a fucking clown.
It’s not a No.
@81 Americans spend a smaller proportion of their income on food than anyone else on earth. We owe that to the cheap farm labor provided by illegal immigrants. If you think food inflation is bad now, just wait until the border is closed. The fentanyl and cocaine will still come in,* the cheap labor will not and America’s labor shortage will become ever more acute. Not only will food become scarcer and more expensive,** but you’ll also have trouble getting yardwork done, car repairs, or a new roof for your house due to the lack of immigrant laborers already performing much of this work.
* 90% of drugs come through ports of entry, much of it smuggled by couriers or “mules” who are U.S. citizens
** Not entirely a bad thing, as most Americans eat too much and are overweight
@82 “In the first hours of his presidency two weeks ago, Biden acted to halt construction of Trump’s $16 billion ineffective wall along the border …”
If Trump had served in the military, he would have learned in basic training that physical obstacles such as trenches, tank traps, barbed wire, and minefields only slow an enemy advance down, and can’t stop it; their purpose is to buy time to man the defenses. Since you haven’t learned this lesson either, we can assume you never were in the military (like I was).
Stopping or stemming the migrant flow requires boots on the ground — lots of them. Which means you have to fund, and then find within the labor force and recruit, and train the needed personnel. So far the GOP is flunking the very first of these tests, the funding part.
@ 107
Americans spend a smaller proportion of their income on food than anyone else on earth. We owe that to the cheap farm labor provided by illegal immigrants.
No, we don’t, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. We owe it to technology and engineering.
The above is from the USDA. If you click on the link and view the graph at the top of the web page, you’ll see that for the same amount of output we’re using only about 0ne-fourth as much labor as we did 75 years ago.
You’re wrong, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re always wrong.
We grew the agriculture economy for reasons other than growth of labor, and that is why food is relatively less expensive here.
@84 “I doubt Israel lost much sleep over this.”
If Israel isn’t losing sleep over aid reaching starving Gaza civilians by truck through checkpoints, then why aren’t they letting it in through Israeli checkpoints where their soldiers can inspect the cargoes?
Or better yet, supplying the aid themselves, which would cost only a tiny fraction of what they’re spending on military operations (and possibly be reimbursed by international aid organizations and other countries), and would go a tremendously long way toward absolving them of war crime and genocide accusations, and greatly improve their standing in the world?
Because they want the civilians to starve. They’re well aware half the civilian casualties are children. Yet instead of sending in bandages, they’re bombing hospitals and arresting doctors, cutting off water supplies, and subjecting civilians to mass starvation while far-right Israeli politicians talk about seizing Gaza’s land.
“I was just joshin’ y’all.”
Defense attorney: About things of national importance, do you tell lies about your friends?
Bradley: “I…I could have, I don’t know.”
Apparently this is part of the SOTU and the fact checkers will either ignore it or have to admit it’s true.
But Donald has $400 sneakers so the blacks are flocking to him. Also as in indicted soon to be criminal he’s out there talking about how he’s more black than anyone knows because…yuk yuk, blacks are criminals.
@ 113
Not part of the SOTU: Asian-heritage workers earn $1.15 for every $1.00 earned by white workers.
No, this means that Queen YLB must hate Asians and cheer the universities’ discrimination against them.
@88 What would the Israelis do if the United States and other countries embarked on a Berlin Airlift-style effort to get food, water, and medical supplies to Gaza civilians in need? The Biden Administration and its allies should be discussing such a relief effort right now — and how to protect it against possible interference.
@91 Propaganda works, as shown by the fact a very high proportion of Republicans believe Trump’s blatantly false election lies and embrace a wide range of disinformation, falsehoods, and wild conspiracy theories including alien spaceships, the return of dead people, the efficacy of horse pills for preventing and treating Covid, and that Taylor Swift is rigging the 2024 election for Biden.
“It’s not a no.”
And Trump needed not only a “yes” but a more specific yes that would have included credible detail to support the statement against interest hearsay exception. Without that hearsay exception the exchange will be struck from the record.
And btw, as we might have expected, the propaganda peddlers for Trump that our profoundly stupid trust fund troll relies upon got some critical details completely wrong. Like Dogwood Senior Center wrong.
The question concerned Bradley’s knowledge of a meeting that took place in one of his offices between Wade and Willis prior to his appointment. He knew that a meeting had taken place, he recalled it. He could not recall the purpose of the meeting and informed the record that he was not informed about it. Following prolonged badgering under cross, as the movants asked questions in various forms about his recollection of the meeting, when asked if Wade told him that Wade and Willis had sex in that office he replied he did not recall Wade ever telling him that.
Again, much of the potential admissibility of Mr. Bradley’s recollection of what he heard someone tell him and when, is narrowly excepted from the prohibition against hearsay testimony based on the statement against interest rule for hearsay.
There can be no statement against interest exception to the rule attached to any statement that a hearsay witness can not recall. And so the exception would not apply. And the witness response to the question would have to be struck and the judge may not consider it in his deliberations.
It’s a question that calls for speculation on the part of the witness and lacks foundation. It should never have been asked and answered. And McAfee has had himself a great education these past few weeks. And it hasn’t come to an end today. He’ll be responding to motions from now until he rules. And most of those motions will call upon him to observe the rules of evidence in the light of the testimony as it has now been placed into the record.
@99 Non-responsive answer. I was rebutting speculation @70 that “a majority of Americans want a dictatorship.” They don’t. Winning the electoral college has nothing to do with that and doesn’t prove otherwise.
@100 “
We’veYou’ve long passed a threshold of class” ftfy112,
A troll’s admission that the defense key witness in their motion to disqualify an elected DA is “a big fat liar”.
We told them this weeks ago. Defense attorneys are big fat liars. Their clients are big fat liars. Their key witnesses are big fat liars. And their motions contain big fat lies.
Fulton County just got a few weeks of hearings to flesh out what Trump’s own attorneys now argue are just a bunch of lies. They said they had the proof. They said they had eye witnesses. They said they had documents and records.
They lied.
@106 “I do not recall” is not a “yes.” Lawyers, judges, and juries know that. Some legal gadflies do not.
@109 “We owe it to technology and engineering.”
Wrong. You have it backwards. The farm labor shortage is driving more adoption of technology and engineering.
A million-dollar self-steering harvester is not cheaper than a crew of field hands. What this technology and engineering does do is drive farmers deeper in debt and more small farmers out of business.
@ 120
A troll’s admission that the defense key witness in their motion to disqualify an elected DA is “a big fat liar”.
Which leaves the direct testimony of a former friend, the cell phone data, and massive efforts by both Willis and Wade to prevent what we’ve heard and seen from being heard and seen.
And then there is whatever duty to the defendants the judge may feel if he believes that there is credible evidence that the prosecution is legally or ethically compromised.
I’ll agree that I don’t know which way he’ll go, but listening to him this week and last it does not seem that he is a fan of the prosecution.
With “PodiumGate” still swirling local AR media is starting to ask questions about Governor Huckabee’s trip to the Super Bowl in a luxury suite and field passes. It’s been pointed out that such a trip would likely set a person bak in the range of $250k. If you devide the minimum price for a suite ($750K) for the Super bowl by the 20 tickets it includes, face value of the tickets alone is $37,500 each. It’s also raising questions because in 2023 she posted pictures of herself in the Owners box at a Chiefs game. Tickets to the owners box are not available to the public so that ‘gift’ from Chiefs ownership would be valued (box devided by 20) at about $12,000 for a regular season game. There is no record of such a gift in her legally required financial disclosures from 2023. She apparently forgot an elected official can’t accept anything of value over a couple hundred from anyone with or without disclusure.
So who paid for it?
The Governor, a long time Chiefs fan, brought this on herself posting pictures to Instagram of her wining and dining in the days leading up to the game, gameday shots from in the suite And a few selfies with players on the field either during or just after the trophy presentation.
So who paid for it?
Sarah? Who paid for it? Do you have any receipts that it was your funds?
Arkansas goes blue in 2024.
We owe it to technology and engineering.
yawwwnn.. wrong…
Farmworkers, Mostly Undocumented, Become ‘Essential’ During Pandemic
Immigrant field workers have been told to keep working despite stay-at-home directives, and given letters attesting to their “critical” role in feeding the country…
It is an open secret that the vast majority of people who harvest America’s food are undocumented immigrants, mainly from Mexico, many of them decades-long residents of the United States. Often the parents of American-born children, they have lived for years with the cloud of deportation hanging over their households.
i.e. teh “illegals” saved your miserable ass during a rough patch..
what a fucking willfully ignorant asshole you are…
Asian-heritage workers earn $1.15 for every $1.00 earned by white workers.
translation: I (kreepshit) don’t give a fuck.. I’m moldering in widbee..
yours truly: good on ’em.. Someone has to be on top.. The following assholes are fading away:
Good riddance.
“Legally compromised”?
What’s that, a Steve Bannon reboot of Legally Blonde?
“Legally compromised” has fuck-all to do with disqualifying an elected DA.
I find myself having frequently to remind you white people of that fact. That Fani Willis is the elected District Attorney of Fulton County. And the conventional, statutory standard for a court to intervene and disenfranchise the voters of a jurisdiction by disqualifying their choice to represent them in court is a fuck ton higher than whatever that verbal dog vomit is.
LYING defendants and their LYING attorneys who bring forth LYING witnesses don’t get to have such motions granted just because of New Age woo or “feeeeels”. And a buch of media whining about appearance and “propriety” doesn’t cut it either. Nor are a buch of white Oberlin journalism graduates who live in New York and DC entitled to decide what’s “appropriate” for the voters of Fulton County. This is a democracy. We hold elections. Whites don’t get extra voting privileges. Deal with it.
Their must be conflict to obtain an order disqualifying an elected District Attorney. Real conflict that directly imperils the rights to investigative and trial fairness held by the accused. Only by showing that the elected DA can not continue in the case without depriving the defendant of their due process rights can a defendant seek to remove an elected DA. Trump’s idiots have never even come close to getting there. Since the original hearing where their original claims of conflict centered around the finances of the prosecutors we’ve learned that this too was another lie. So they’ve switched now to claims of perjury. Also another fail. None of these witnesses have accused anyone of perjury. None of these witnesses have accused anyone other than Ashleigh Merchant of lying to the court.
And the cell phone data won’t say that either.
The same illegals who will callously and viciously murder…
yawwwn.. if TexASS is any indication (good one being a border state) my family has more to fear from
“teh legals”
This study used uniquely comprehensive arrest data from the Texas Department of Public Safety to compare the criminality of undocumented immigrants to legal immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens between 2012 and 2018.
The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses.
Good thing widbee is a far drive from Seattle…
…the direct testimony of a former friend…
Unable to inform the record of any date or timeframe in which she came to know of a personal romantic relationship between Willis and Wade.
…the cell phone data…
Potentially obtained illegally, potentially inadmissible, and at best inconclusive. According to a supplemental motion filed by attorneys who have now lied to the court repeatedly in prior motions, the data places Wade’s phone in the area of Hartsfield-Jackson on two specific time periods prior to his appointment. That establishes that Wade goes to the airport (and not the Dogwood Senior Center).
…massive efforts by both Willis and Wade to prevent what we’ve heard and seen from being heard and seenWe’ve also heard and seen Willis’s daughter’s home address, Willis’s daughters academic performance, Wade’s cancer diagnosis and treatment resulting in impotence, and agonizingly intimate details about a perfectly legal relationship between consenting adults. None of which are even remotely relevant to the rights of the defendants to a fair trial. The level of invasiveness of this inquiry placed alongside of its probitive nature is a grotesque mockery.
Of course they sought to prevent this charade. It was and is a miscarriage of justice and an abuse of the legal system. Their duty as officers of the court would be to seek to prevent it.
The judge is a fuck up. White people should all be ashamed.e
@ 128
So let’s classify them as non-violent instead of violent and let’s classify them as federal instead of local, because:
Great source, YLB. Very, very persuasive.
@ 128, 130
Arrests of criminal noncitizens by CBP (by fiscal year):
2020 2,438
2021 10,763
2022 12,028
2023 15,267
Queen YLB, quoting a study that ran through 2018 when Biden opened the borders wide in 2021 isn’t really relevant to present-day status.
I’ll be pleased to stipulate that the illegal alien criminals who murder Queen YLBs two fucked kids in future years did not enter the US during the Obama or Trump years, but instead came in after Biden opened the borders to every POS criminal who wanted in.
That better, girlfriend?
Matt Rosendale’s 20-year-old, pregnant personal aid is very pro-life.
Matt Rosendale’s 61-year-old wife is recently very pro-abortion.
Great source, YLB.
From TexASS… That’s heaven to your ilk.
That better
Hardly. From your link:
Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions
The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol
Wow kreepshit should be paranoid of the meat and produce “touched” by “violent criminal” hands..
What an asswipe.
2020 2,438
2021 10,763
2022 12,028
2023 15,267
With over 10 million undocumented in this country – those are small number kreepshit..
You should be afraid though.. That’s what being a repuke troll is all about..
And the 10.7 million – that’s less than 4 percent of the US population..
You should be scared kreepshit.. It’s in your nature. you feel better when you’re scared.
It looks as if Trump selects his lawyers in the same way he selects his Speakers.
It would be much easier for the ICE enforcement division to deport criminal aliens if they had the bipartisan funding that House Republicans are blocking.
@131 U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests in 2020 were dramatically lower than before or after. What was going on in 2020 that caused the entire world to shut down?
Oh yeah, The fabled godwinha World Wide Tornado Deaths
You are lying to imply the effects of COVID lockdown on the world as an example of brilliant Conservative immigration policy.
I’ll be pleased to
stipulatefantasize..That this twaddle kreepshit spews here at HA will keep the IRS auditor at bay indefinitely…
Navalny died of a blood clot. Putin and Company had nothing to do with it.
Gonzalo Lira, on the other hand, was killed by us in the Ukrainian government.
@ 139
Navalny died of a blood clot. Putin and Company had nothing to do with it.
Andrew Breitbart, meanwhile, has blood on his hands over this.
@ 77, 84, 88, 115
The airdrop of “aid” for Gaza ended up going mostly into the Mediterranean Sea.
Jordan successfully air-dropped aid for Gaza in Mediterranean Sea
Half of the alleged “genocide” is due to Gazans being blown up by wayward Islamic Jihad rockets and the other half is due to Gazans drowning trying to reach aid delivered without Israel’s consent.
140 – Don’t forget about Gonzalo Lira.
Is that the guy who was selling child porn subscriptions using crypto?
I’m just asking questions.
@ 142
That dude? Hank Gathers murdered him.
More good news for Georgia Democrats.
Leader of Georgia state Senate Democrats won’t seek office again this year
Maybe Fani Willis is interested in the job.
My Arabic is a little rusty, but I think he said “If only my parents hadn’t voted for Hamas!”
Or maybe it was “If only Queen YLB hadn’t been so unserious all her life we wouldn’t have turned out to be so fucked.”
It could go either way.
So, twice as many boats ready to pick up shit from the Mediterranean Sea, then. Got it.
Middle East
Jordan’s King Abdullah says Gaza aid must be doubled to avert catastrophe
Hey Reuters, are you sure that “aid must be doubled” wasn’t supposed to be @ 141 “aim must be improved”?
143, 145 – No, we took him out. He was critical of us.
@ 149
No, we took him out.
Like, on the town?
Modern washing machines use less water but they need a special very high voltage connection.
Is that the guy who was selling online gyno degrees to middle schoolers?
I took myself out. Medium rare, caramelized crust. Not kosher.
For nothing, as it turned out.
@123 “Which leaves the massive efforts by both Willis and Wade to prevent what we’ve heard and seen from being heard and seen.”
You don’t want your love life paraded in public either, so we do it for you by posting about your trysts with a horse in a barn stall.
@124 “Arkansas goes blue in 2024.”
I doubt it. She got 63% of the votes in 2022, and even if she gets a little less in 2024 because of her many scandals and pratfalls, she’ll still win. Arkansas is a red state, and Republican voters have grown used to voting for corrupt politicians who lie and steal, because that’s all that’s left in their party now. All the honorable people have quit the GOP or been shown the door.
“An out-of-control wildfire is threatening Texas Panhandle towns and forcing residents to evacuate. Meanwhile, several other wildfires are burning nearby, fueled by high winds and dry air. And the flames jumped into bordering Oklahoma communities Tuesday night, prompting evacuation orders there too.”
I remember when Gov. Rick Perry cut the state firefighting budget by 90% to save money, then when Texas was burning up, he went begging to Obama for federal emergency funds and got them. Democrats are too classy to let people lose their homes just because they elect jerks.
@126 “Asian-heritage workers earn $1.15 for every $1.00 earned by white workers.”
They’re smarter, study hard, are always at the top of their class, and work their butts off on the job to get ahead. They have a work ethic that lazy Americans (read: Millennials and GenZers) don’t. Why shouldn’t they be paid more, when they’ve earned it by hard work?
150 – That actress was in “True Blood” on HBO and “Masters and Johnson.” She has nothing to do with our killing of Lira.
152 – Don’t know anything about false gyno degrees to middle schoolers, but we advise you to not go to middle schools asking that question. Might end up being labeled a pervert. (Are you?)
@128 “The same illegals who will callously and viciously murder…”
How many times do we have to repeat the illegals have far lower crime rates than citizens, and there are plenty of studies proving this? It’s a fact. An inconvenient fact for racists and migrant-haters, and one they can’t sweep under the rug, so they lie about it. Yes, some illegals commit murders, robberies, rapes, and deal drugs. But statistically speaking, you’re safer on a migrant bus than a city bus.
@130 If you want your Texas buddies to report them for supposed crimes (besides being here illegally), then ask them to report their crimes.
There’s no centralized or uniform crime reporting in the United States because local jurisdictions or Congress, or both, don’t want it. So you get what the 18,000-plus LE agencies want you to have. And it’s not beyond possibility that what they give you is skewed for political purposes, especially when you’re dealing with partisan sheriffs in places like rural Texas.
@131 15,267 arrests out of 3.2 million encounters yields a criminal apprehension rate of 0.48% of the migrants encountered by authorities. We should be so lucky as to have a 0.48% crime rate in our major cities.
Compare 15,267 arrests at the border in 2023 with 2.3 million arrests nationwide* in 2022. The crime problem isn’t at the border, and it’s not migrants; it’s our own citizens committing crimes in our cities and towns.
* Based on reporting agencies; as some agencies don’t report data, the number undoubtedly is higher
Of course we don’t want migrants coming to our country and committing crimes, and they won’t commit any crimes here if we keep them all out. But that would require such a large diversion of law enforcement resources and personnel that the vastly larger number of home-grown criminals would have virtually free reign in our cities and towns.
@137 Yeah, I’d completely forgotten he crowed about Covid causing only 7 deaths. That was early days, and sure seems like a long time ago now, more than 103 million U.S. cases and over 1.1 million U.S. deaths later. He really embarrassed himself that time. A doctor, yet, too.
@141 Practice makes perfect. The recent lunar landing didn’t go off perfectly, either. You probably hit a few parked cars while learning to drive.
When it comes to technology, youngsters are ahead of the curve:
Republicans talk about being in favor of IVF, but …
… it’s only talk, nothing more.
Was that the guy selling adventure excursions to Kenya to hunt asian prostitutes by helicopter?
Fox’s Jesse Watters is reduced to criticizing ice cream flavors.
What’s next from Fox, attacking hot dogs?
“In November, the National Republican Congressional Committee put out a memo … boasting about some of its new recruits, who, it said, would help expand the GOP’s razor-thin majority in the House.”
Like this one:
“Party strategists were banking on former Ohio state Rep. Craig Riedel to block Majewski from the nomination. Then audio leaked late last year of him calling Trump ‘arrogant’ and vowing to refrain from endorsing him. That revelation caused panic among Republicans who feared Riedel would not be able to win a primary filled with Trump supporters — but that Majewski would not be able to win a general election.”
(“According to Politico, an exit by Majewski would be good news to House GOP strategists who thought his bid was a threat to a GOP majority. Majewski’s 2022 bid for Congress was derailed after it was discovered that he lied about his military service.”)
Arizona Republicans have at last come up with an idea on how to stem the flow of migrants into their state:
Why getting rid of immigrants, “woke,” and “deep state” won’t save rural America. (Hint: Automation eliminates farm jobs.)
I suppose someday robots will grow all our food, and moguls like Bill Gates will own all the farmland; then we won’t need farmers anymore, and there won’t be any “rural rage” because there won’t be any rural Americans. They’ll all have to move to cities to find work, just like 100 years ago when machines began taking over plowing, picking, and sorting, and the number of hands needed to run a farm plunged. Then they can road-rage on their morning commutes to meaningless, brain-dead, warehouse jobs — if any of those jobs are still left. They won’t be able to target-practice in their backyards, or go hunting in the local parks on weekends. Yes, I see why they’re angry, because the miserable lives they have now are about to become a lot worse. But Trump can’t save them. He has nothing to offer except angry words. Maybe listening to him makes them feel better in a sort of catharsis way.
@166 Unverified.