Flat fares for Link light rail starting in the fall of 2024. I think this makes sense, especially as the line gets longer and longer. But I guess it would be annoying if you only live one or two stops away from your work and are paying yourself.
I don’t know, my work pays for my Orca Card. I won’t really notice it one way or the other. No tapping off.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
I don’t know, my work pays for my Orca Card. I won’t really notice it one way or the other.
Neither will YLB’s fucked kids. They’re being bled with the leeches their mother Queen YLB voted to enact. So is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, except he at least understands that he’s being bled to support a boondoggle that is useless to the majority of those paying.
The “look” speaks volumes..
No “cushi” is gonna tell us what to do…
@1 The wife gets an Orca card, a union negotiated benefit..
Non-union management gets one too..
There’s still no income tax in WA state. yawwwn.. troll be stoopid again..
The dying troll is so fucked…
Everyone expected a recession. The Fed and White House found a way out.
knock, knock, knock…
AI enabled Manchinema IRS squad calling for teh kreepshit of widbee..
knock, knock, knock.. heh..
Off the top of my head…
A game of chicken was being played.. Between the Fed and the corporate sector..
CEO’s were gloating over their new found “pricing power” and greedflation was spreading..
The Fed jacked up the interest rates and CEO’s now had to decide between being greedy and rolling over their massive corporate debt at higher interest rates..
The CEOs caved. Sorry.. No need to be so “greedy”.. Now in 2024, rates will decline and the pressure will ease.
heh.. now always wrong wing trolls the world over are so fucked…
Another picture
In POS Ashley’s defense, it’s really hard to get high all the time AND remember to pay your taxes.
Biden’s daughter owes over $5,000 in income taxes, per lien documents
@ 3
@1 The wife gets an Orca card, a union negotiated benefit..
Non-union management gets one too..
And Queen YLB teaches her fucked kids that these benefits come without a cost elsewhere in their total compensation.
“Off the top of my head…”
The only thing coming off the top of your head is your pimps ashtray.
Sound Transit’s CEO is leaving after 16 months with a hella nice severance package – and no real explanation as to why.
That entire organization is a crooked mess. billions over budget and decades behind schedule…
Remember the great zinger Ron DeFascist tried to get off.
Well about that. Turns out the ‘poop map’ was generated by an app that was designed to report any kind of trash.
Also, the app went dormant in 2019. For the entire supported life of the app. Gavin Newsome was not the mayor of ‘your city San Francisco’ but Lt. Governor of CA.
But she’s not done. The reporting activity on the app beacame near extinct from 2020-2022 but then there’s a weird surge of reports in and around a certain part of San Francisco encompassing the most recognizable tourist areas that started in 2023 and is weirdly the exact part of the city Ron brought on his prop to hold up.
So strange. Like someone tried to create it for him.
Clarence Thomas wanted a better lifestyle than a Supreme Court salary could support. Unlike other justices, he didn’t have independent means. So he talked up leaving the court.
Alarmed, or at least rattled, rich benefactors “persuaded” Thomas to stay by “supplementing” his official income. They weren’t buying rulings in particular cases; they bought a conservative seat — one already held by a conservative, but which they believed would be vacated if they didn’t pay up.
This is as clear a case of paying off a public official to get favorable treatment as you’re ever going to see.
Impeach him. Prosecute them.
@1 “So is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, except he at least understands that he’s being bled to support a boondoggle that is useless to the majority of those paying.”
Well, yes and no. I pay the ST sales tax if I buy a book from Amazon, but these days I read library books. I don’t pay sales tax on groceries. I haven’t bought a new car in years. As a disabled veteran I get free license tabs, so I don’t pay the ST vehicle excise tax. My biggest contribution to ST is the dollar I chuck into the farebox if I ride a bus, which happens maybe once every 5 to 10 years. So I’m not paying noticeably more for light rail than you are, doc.
But I agree with you that my neighbors are being gouged for it, although it’s not exactly a boondoggle in that it’s actually useful to the community and local economy — it’s just overpriced, that’s all, like some stocks you gamble on.
@4 “The Fed and White House found a way out.”
Not so fast. It’s bingeing consumers, not politicians, who kept the recession wolf from the door. But the wolf is still out there, more likely temporarily held at bay than driven off. Having gone their pandemic savings, consumers are now spending money borrowed at high interest rates. This is not sustainable. The math doesn’t work; we see default rates rising, and lenders are tightening credit. Already there are signs of a slowdown in consumer spending. The media are playing up a “soft landing,” but a majority of economists don’t agree. While there are pockets of strength in the economy, consumer spending is running on fumes. I think you just want to do a reality check here.
@6 Wow. That’s another Biden going to jail unless she gets favored treatment due to corrupt presidential interference at the IRS whistleblower pay grade level.
@9 “That entire organization is a crooked mess.”
Well, that makes two. Like the Supreme Court, except the people running ST aren’t (as far as we know) bribed with “gratuities” to stay, they’re only paid to leave.
Maybe we should adopt that business model for two certain Supreme Court justices who are unhappy with their government salaries, too. I’m on board for offering them severance pay in return for getting the hell out of Dodge.
File your post under whatabout whataboutism
Little maxwhipple @ 8
yawwwn.. that all ya got? No halfway reasonable counter?
Yours truly hasn’t touched tobacco or grass in decades.. neither agreed all that much with me.. alcohol? too caloric.. and poisonous.. I value a clear head..
you? addled by booze and whatnot.. dumb as a rock.. like your kreepee mancrush, poor old dead Dori Monson
these benefits come without a cost elsewhere in their total compensation.
earth to kreepshit.. No state income tax.. plenty of ways to live cheap – even in WA state..
Too bad you’re so addled by living high on the hog. It makes you butt ignorant..
yawwwwn.. next?
@ 10
Apparently “GOP b lyin” but Rebekah Jones isn’t. This time.
This is the same woman who claimed that Ron DeSantis arrested her son. In previous spews Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has claimed to like her a whole bunch.
This lying, mentally ill twat also lied about the COVID-19 data in FL state. The state caught up with her:
So really, you need to come up with a different source for your claims than a proven serial liar whose name you really should have recognized instantly.
He sounds great. Complete or nearly complete recovery.
He sounds great. Complete or nearly complete recovery.
And according to kreepee from widbee, “right” on Israel.. nothing to fear from AIPAC or DMFI.. who knew?
Having gone their pandemic savings, consumers are now spending money borrowed at high interest rates. This is not sustainable..
You forget the retiring boomers who live high on the hog.. Look at that Villages documentary on youtube.. they don’t cook.. they always go out to eat.. they buy guns.. self-improvement classes.. they spend on everything from rv’s to golf to decorating their retirement digs..
But yes, there’s been something of a slowdown from some segments of the population.
@ 4, 13
HA’s unserious twat, Queen YLB, was singing the praises of 7 rate cuts in the coming year in one of her silly spews last week, completely oblivious to the economic environment that precipitates 7 rate cuts. In short, it’s called a recession, and if 7 rate cuts are needed it probably is a recession lasting at least several months.
She’s praying that her kids will be fucked for 2024 so that she can cheer 7 rate cuts and praise my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president for orchestrating them.
What a stupid twat is our Queen YLB.
The Queen YLB mentality will elect Donald Trump.
Now we know who Trump’s inspiration and mentor is.
And while a certain troll can still argue that voting for Trump twice doesn’t make him a Nazi, it’s a little harder argument to make now.
@22 “Look at that Villages documentary on youtube”
The one I watched depicts the place as full of color-coded swingers. I guess the Republican part of the “free love” generation never broke the habit. Another perk of living in The Villages is they just get probation and community service for voting twice.
@23 How, exactly, does a president “orchestrate” Fed rate cuts?
@ 27
I have no explanation for YLBnomics.
She lives off of the labors of others. Since she doesn’t do anything for herself, it must be someone else. Might as well be the president – it’s all the same to her.
In short, it’s called a recession, and if 7 rate cuts are needed it probably is a recession lasting at least several months.
That all kreepshit? The way you babble, Joe’s spending has caused something that makes Bush’s depression look like a piker in comparison…
all you can manage is “several months”…
No probs here at the homestead kreepshit.. We’re ready for a short recession and even one a bit longer.. quite a bit longer even…
And as I’ve told you many times, the kids have savings, retirement savings even.. they’re ready.. but.. you’re denser than spent uranium..
you on the other hand… every day w/ a Dem in the white house is you fearing a knock on the door..
An AI enabled IRS.. fear.. it’s palpable from your every spew…
@28 I see. You put words in someone else’s mouth, then claim you have “no explanation for” those words.
All I can do is remind you those were your words.
The dumbfuck armchair lawyer can take comfort from knowing there’s a real lawyer even dumber than he is:
“Donald Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba bragged to a crowd of conservatives Sunday about a $1 million fine she and the former president were hit with for filing ‘frivolous’ lawsuits.”
Ron DeSantis just lost another campaign worker.
Little Marco hired an insurrectionist, too.
I guess they really love them down there in Florida.
Monmouth has Biden at 34%. Last week Pew had my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president at 33%.
The unlikable, incompetent boxchecker he chose as VP is at all of 35%.
A whopping 28% of poll respondents approve of the mess that Biden has made of inflation. 99% of these are unserious twats just like Queen YLB.
Well done!
Each of Queen YLB’s fucked kids will vote for Trump.
God bless the secret ballot.
44% of poll respondents report that they are struggling. During the depths of the pandemic (June ’20) the number was half that – 22%.
The Biden Crime Family has butt-fucked Queen YLB’s kids.
kids will vote for Trump.
WA State won’t.. yawwwn…
and whaddabout serious maga boots (w/ risers)?
The Biden Crime Familya zoomer redneck w/ baby momma and maga hat has butt-fuckedteh kreepshit of widbee..
and we all laughed..
My corrupt president “loaned” his brother $200,000 until he could complete the grift.
One might think James Biden is an unsuccessful influence peddler. But since the aim is to enrich The Biden Crime Family and not to successfully provide the promised influence, it appears that he was very successful.
We’re only a couple of grift news items from Biden approval in the 20s.
well, Joe’s spending (investment really) on infrastructure, green tech and semiconductor industrial policy has so far seen my two sons through full time, gain full employment and the youngest scoring in high 90’s on professional school admissions test and on track to apply to pro school next June..
But according to teh kreepee dumbfuck it’s all downhill after it starts collecting on a measly LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS CHECK..
No word on that from teh kreepshit yet.. hmmm…
Guess it’s finally sunk in:
Every month teh kreepshit’s shitty check is cancelled by its own ilk…
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Bidenomics is our greatest strength report.
WASHINGTON — The United States experienced a dramatic 12% increase in homelessness to its highest reported level as soaring rents and a decline in coronavirus pandemic assistance combined to put housing out of reach for more Americans, federal officials said Friday.
About 653,000 people were homeless, the most since the country began using the yearly point-in-time survey in 2007. The total in the January count represents an increase of about 70,650 from a year earlier.
The latest estimate indicates that people becoming homeless for the first time were behind much of the increase.
a dramatic 12% increase in homelessness to its highest reported level as soaring rents
we get the latest from “asshole 1” aka the landlord..
About 653,000 people were homeless,
hmmm.. about the size of the population of Memphis, TN – a crime ridden city in a deep red state.
Should be fixed.. Will the repukes in the maga mike kook haus lift a finger?
Not a chance..
@33 “the mess that Biden has made of inflation”
From 9% to 3% in 12 months. What a mess!
@38 Trumpers Who Got Nuttin’ (TM) are reduced to redefining “corrupt” to include family loans. No wonder nobody takes them seriously anymore.
@ 44
… reduced to redefining “corrupt” to include family loans.
Congress will hear more about this from POS James Biden early next year. A formal vote by the House to authorize an impeachment inquiry has been held, and passed.
Congress will hear more
translation: make more shit up for credulous, fearful trolls to lap up and spew online..
in the case of kreepshit: fearful of an irs audit…
3)My employer doesn’t provide a pass, but $30 per month is helpful. Round trip for me is $5.50, except for the trip I took on my day off today. Down on the 594, up on SOUNDER from Tacoma Dome Station Getting to TDS on the T line, used the only Sound Transit rail route currently a flat fare. It matches Pierce Transit’s fare, and is an improvement over what the T line charged before September. If it weren’t for being at the mercy of BNSF from King Street Station to Reservation Junction, SOUNDER could come in handy tonight. Unfortunately when the NFL changed this game to Monday Night, Sound Transit had to cancel the Game Day run.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Making sure everybody has plenty of bombs is our greatest strength report, featuring IDF spokeshag Fat Ugly Demorat Hag https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/tmp/2023/12/Clip-1-12_6_23.jpg
Hamas Bombs Another Gaza Hospital Then Shoots Survivors
By Fat Ugly Demorat Hag
Everybody knows that Hamas is always blowing up their own hospitals because they use crappy old Russian rockets and bombs which only blow up civilians, while the IDF uses modern American rockets and bombs which only blow up terrorists and Russians. But now we know that Putin has provided Hamas with upgraded hospital bombs and bullets which can detect hospitals even if they are disguised as churches and convents, as shown by the following CNN hospital bomb squad report;
An Israeli military sniper shot and killed two women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza on Saturday, according to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
The mother and daughter were walking to the Sister’s Convent, the patriarchate said, when gunfire erupted. “One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety,” it added.
Seven others were also shot and wounded in the attack at the complex, where most Gaza’s Christian families have taken refuge since the start of the war, according to the patriarchate, which oversees Catholic Churches across Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.
“No warning was given, no notification was provided,” the statement continued. “They were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the parish, where there are no belligerents.”
According to the patriarchate, Israel Defense Forces tanks also targeted the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Theresa, which houses 54 disabled people and is part of the church’s compound. The building’s generator, its only current source of electricity, as well as its fuel resources, solar panels and water tanks were also destroyed.
IDF rockets had made the convent “uninhabitable,” the statement said.
In response to a CNN request for comment about the incident, the Israel Defense Forces released a statement saying that no fatalities had been reported by Holy Family Parish representatives during a “dialogue” with the IDF as of Saturday morning. “A review of the IDF”s operational findings support this,” it added
Can anyone name a bigger liberal fucking asshole than Aidan Maese-Czeropski?
Here’s hoping this POS can’t find a job for the next couple of decades.
Can anyone name a bigger liberal fucking asshole than Aidan Maese-Czeropski?
Seems kinda dopey sure but here at HA we specialize in repukes suck..
Repukes like Bob Packwood..
“In interviews, the women described a man whose sexual approaches came out of nowhere, often in unexpected situations. Several women said he took advantage of chance encounters to make abrupt and unwelcome advances, French-kissing them when a handshake might have been appropriate. Some women said he seized on their interests or aspirations to establish a rapport and then maneuvered to be alone with them.”
Repukes like Christian Ziegler:
“He arrived at her apartment five minutes after receiving that message, according to the affidavit. Inside the apartment, Ziegler made a cell phone video of the sex act while she was bent over a piece of furniture in the bedroom, according to sources.
The video of the sex act is brief in duration and the victim can be heard telling Ziegler to climax in her mouth rather than on her new shirt, the sources said. ”
Repukes like James Dale Guckert
Gannon, whose real name is James Guckert, made headlines last week when he resigned from Talon after days of intensive scrutiny from bloggers. Online critics first raised questions about Guckert’s questionable journalistic methods and his lack of experience.. AmericaBlog also details scores of other gay escort sites featuring photos and personal profiles of Guckert, such as MaleCorps.com, WorkingBoys.net, and MeetLocalMen.com. Guckert’s first site remained live until May 8, 2003, one month after he began covering the White House for Talon. According to Aravosis’ research, Guckert’s escort profile on WorkingBoys.net was still active as of Monday. Aravosis says he contacted Guckert for comment for the story but received none. On Sunday night, Guckert had a two-hour phone conversation wtih Michelangelo Signorile, who hosts a talk show on Sirius satellite radio. Although much of the conversation was private, according to Signorile, he asked Guckert specifically, and on the record, about his gay escort past. “I’m just not going to address it,” Guckert said.
But in the pantheon of repuke assholes none come more ragin’ and boooorrriiinnng than teh kreepshit of widbee…
And not a single one of them votes.
This is just the dumbest concern troll since the profoundly stupid troll warned us about the imminent demise of Bud Light.
@45 “A formal vote by the House to authorize an impeachment inquiry has been held, and passed.”
Which has as much credibility as the party that passed it.
If there was ever a sure bet, much surer than your options bets, it’s that a House GOP majority would impeach Biden. Whether he did anything wrong has nothing to do with it.
@49 Fucking for sure, asshole maybe. Know what? He was gone within 24 hours. If a Republican staffer was caught doing this, he’d negotiate for severance; if a Republican congressman did it, your party would close ranks and defend him.
Democrats and Republicans are not the same. One has standards; the other does not.
And while a certain troll can still argue that voting for Trump twice doesn’t make him a Nazi, it’s a little harder argument to make now.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward is definitely a Nazi. And a dumbfuck coward.
So the question is how long Biden can maintain unqualified U.S. public support for Israel, no matter what Israel (read: Netanyahu and his far-right cabinet) does. My guess is not much longer. Maybe not past today.
Not a good look, but he doesn’t speak for the Israeli government:
“A local Israeli council head suggested in a radio interview that Gaza should be ‘flattened completely, just like Auschwitz today,’ the latest Israeli official to publicly call for the annihilation of the besieged Palestinian enclave. David Azoulai, a political leader for the northern Israeli town of Metula, made the remark Sunday in an interview with Tel Aviv’s Radio 103FM. He went further, suggesting that Palestinians in Gaza be forcibly sent to refugee camps in Lebanon.”
Not a good look either, and he does:
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that he was ‘proud’ to have prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state, putting him at odds with what for decades has been the United States’ policy priority for the region.” In other words, he’s bragging about thwarting a key U.S. policy goal to bring peace to the Middle East.
It’s pretty clear Israel’s far-right want to conduct a genocide against the Palestinian people, and instead of hobnobbing with these homicidal maniacs, the U.S. needs to join the other countries — including virtually all of our allies — trying to stop them. The Biden administration will have an opportunity to do so in a U.N. vote scheduled for later today.
Republicans have no credibility for many reasons, not least because they’re prolific liars, but sometimes their spin is so over the top the only term to describe it is “full of shit.” This Republican is full of shit.
By the way, so are most Trump followers and a lot of other Republican voters. I don’t need to mention names; you know who they are.
Lest anyone assert that I’m flippantly bandying around the term “genocide,” no less an authority than the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum characterized the Israeli mayor’s remarks as “a call for murder of the scale akin to Auschwitz.”
Netanyahu has a responsibility to repudiate this nutcase’s ravings. Knowing Bibi, he probably will fail in that responsibility.
A couple justices in Karlsruhe just ordered a re-run of a couple Bundestag seats in Berlin.(German Federal Constitutional Court meets in Karlsruhe, not Berlin) from the 2021 Federal Election. There were errors in the vote count and ballot shortages. The Bundestag ordered this a year ago, but the Conservatives challenged it. Berlin has about 29 seats in this current term, and may not alter the government, but it could be bad news for the Left Party, some of tge contested precincts were in the 2 Berlin Districts they won. The Left loses this seats, tgey will be down to 1 District seat, which since they didn’t clear 5% in 2021, they needed 3 seats to qualify for the compensatory seats. That’s 39 seats that could be eliminated, as to handle Overhangs, the Bundestag is usually increased past the usual 598 seats, right now, it’s 736 seats.
Didn’t help that the state election for the city-state of Berlin was on the same day, which in Germany, E.U. Citizens above the age of 16 can vote in local but not Federal Elections. Some would say not to have two different systems, others, if you have two different electoral rules, don’t have them on the same day. Usually they don’t have them on the same day in Germany, but the Bundestag is a 4 year term, some states do 5 year terms.
“Donald Trump’s extreme rhetoric reminiscent of Nazi propaganda and his penchant for siding with America’s adversaries and autocrats pose a unique challenge to his Republican opponents and, ultimately, US voters,”
but doesn’t disqualify him in the minds of Republican voters, which makes these voters POSes, not patriotic Americans, because this isn’t what America stands for and generations of American veterans fought and sacrificed for.
No matter how much allowance we might make for Trump supporters in 2016 and 2020, there’s no excuse for them not walking away from him now.
I don’t see them walking away. I don’t see GOP politicians walking away, or condemning this rhetoric and his totalitarian impulses. They’re all embracing it, and that makes the entire GOP is an un-American, unpatriotic, POS party.
From the link @61: “Trump voters often argue that people … look down on them …”
All I can say is, they make it hard not to.
Rapist Republican nominee Trump’s lawyers have notified the Special Counsel that they refuse to even look at any of the voluminous discovery produced to them by the Special Counsel at their own request while the Supreme Court prepares to take up his idiotically stupid claims of immunity from prosecution.
Clearly their hope is to be able to cite their own refusal to make use of discovery as grounds for another delay, once the Supreme tell them to get fucked.
Ultra MAGA House Republicans refuse to repudiate the Nazi rhetoric used by their nominee campaigning in front of their voters:
This from a so-called “moderate” Republican whose district leans very heavily toward Orthodox Jews who have taken immense pride in recent elections for having helped flip seats to the GOP.
Why do Orthodox Jews support Republicans and their use of this Nazi rhetoric?
62 – Yes, just like white folks look down on certain minorities.
Chick with a dick now stealing a UW scholarship from a real woman.
It’s too bad that the influx of men into womens’ sports hasn’t happened quickly enough for a foreign dude to knock the living shit out of Megan Rapinoe on the field, in the name of inclusivity.
@ 62, 65
Aaron Sorkin’s Newsroom character Will McAvoy.
There’s no way for most people to interact with the likes of Queen YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron without looking down.
@ 64
Why do Orthodox Jews support Republicans and their use of this Nazi rhetoric?
Why do most other American Jews support Democrats and their use of anti-Semitic rhetoric, defense of Hamas, hatred of Israel, and the increasingly violent behavior of Democrat-voting liberal college students toward their Jewish classmates?
After all, only 10% of American Jews are Orthodox. The rest are voting against their own best interests. At least up until now they have been. Maybe some of them are finally waking up to it.
Businesses, like governments, sell narratives, issue propaganda, and are liars. For example,
“Target blamed theft and violence when it closed nine stores in four cities earlier this year, but a CNBC investigation found reported crime is worse at most of the locations it kept open near those stores. In some cases, Target chose to keep operating stores in busier areas that had better foot traffic or higher median incomes, even though the locations saw more theft and violence. CNBC’s findings cast doubt on Target’s explanation for the store closures and raise questions about whether the company’s announcement was designed to advance its legislative agenda and obscure poor financial performance.”
@65 But one is based on skin color, the other on behavior, which are not the same. Fire isn’t like water.
@68 The brilliant troll solved this problem by fucking a horse so he’d look up.
@69 It’s easy to explain, “Why do most other American Jews support Democrats,” because the rest of your rant is false. Also, “Jooz won’t replace us” may have a bearing, too.
Having now seen and heard many clear examples of the Republican nominee and twice impeached former president precisely mimicking actual Nazi phrases and rhetoric, the profoundly stupid troll and all other Republicans are faced with a massive whadabout deficit from which they may not recover.
It remains for Orthodox Jews themselves to answer for why they would be willing to overlook rapist Trump’s enthusiastic adoption of Nazi ideas and Nazi culture.
But all Americans can clearly and easily see that President Biden has always and consistently embraced the searing lessons of The Holocaust. And that President Biden opposes Nazis and Nazi sympathizers at least as much as he opposes Trump.
Why can’t Republicans?
Because they join Trump in revering Hitler. Just like the profoundly stupid troll does.
You wouldn’t see numbers like this in a GOP primary poll:
Andy Kim – 45%
Tammy Murphy – 22%
Robert Menendez* – 3%
* incumbent
Republicans would rally behind the corrupt senator. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
@74 “Republicans are faced with a massive whadabout deficit”
Maybe they hope Israel’s slaughter of Gaza civilians will distract attention away from their own leader’s enthusiastic embrace of the perpetrator of the Holocaust.
Fox freaks continue to deny reality.
Fox and its personalities should just go away. Symantic may help them do just that. We can hope …
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) asserted Trump said “Democratic policies” (her words) are “poisoning the blood of our nation” (his words, and also Hitler’s words), and denied he was referring to immigrants.
Just one leetle problem: On Sunday, Trump wrote on social media, “ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS POISONING THE BLOOD OF OUR NATION.”
Malliotakis is either very stupid or a liar. I think she was very stupid to think she wouldn’t get called out on her lying.
“Poisoning the blood of our nation” isn’t language any normal person would use, nor is it rhetoric that Trump would dream up. It came straight out of the book of Hitler speeches his late ex-wife said he kept at his beside.
Hitler was the most successful demagogue in history — for a while. There’s strong evidence that Trump admires his success. And the evidence keeps growing stronger than Trump wants to emulate him. Borrowing Hitler’s rhetoric certainly is evidence of that.
Any Republican voter who sticks with Trump after this latest revelation deserves to be thought of as a closet Nazi.
It is not a complicated analysis. It really does not lend itself to the weak trolling of whaddabout.
It’s really quite simple.
If Nicole Maliotakis goes on television and says “I am not a Nazi” she loses her election next fall.
If ultra MAGA House Republican Nicole Maliotakis reputdiates nominee Trump’s Nazi rhetoric she forfeits tens of thousands of poorly educated, older racist white Trump voters in Staten Island, where Trump defeated Clinton by 17 percentage points in 2016 and where Trump defeated Joe Biden by 15% in 2020, but where Nicole Maliotakis only won by 6%. Without the strong support of Staten Island south shore, Maliotakis loses her seat.
Swing district Republicans need the love of Nazis to win.
But can Nicole Maliotakis afford to betray the love of Orthodox Jews in Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge?
Republicans are betting that she can.
@ 75
Republicans would rally behind the corrupt senator. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
There have been a few Democrat senators who have called for Menendez’ resignation.
One who hasn’t:
Schumer needs Menendez because for so many reasons he cannot count on Manchin, Sinema, Fetterman, Tester, Rosen.
So when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bloviates about how the GOP won’t force out their bad apples, as he did upthread, it’s important to note that Schumer is doing nothing to force out an obviously bad Democrat apple in his own caucus.
I cannot recall seeing a call for his resignation from my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president, nor from my unlikable, incompetent, unserious vice president. Does anyone have a link to something that proves me wrong about them?
@ 79
“Poisoning the blood of our nation” isn’t language any normal person would use, nor is it rhetoric that Trump would dream up. It came straight out of the book of Hitler speeches his late ex-wife said he kept at his beside.
Using eggplant as an example of a vegetable in a sentence referring to a black person also isn’t language any normal person would use. Especially since it’s technically a fruit.
Unless it was intended as a racial slur against black people. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In “approval” opinion polling taken in Ohio right before and right after the abortion vote, Trump led Biden by significant margins.
In the Nov. 2 DFP poll Trump led Biden by 8 points.
In the Nov. 13 Emerson poll Trump led Biden by 12 points.
In the Nov 7 election Ohio voters approved Measure 1 affirming a constitutional right to abortion by 14 points.
To understand these results requires that we consider what might be going on in opinion surveys versus actual elections.
We might conclude that really large percentages of the people responding in opinion surveys who declare their intention to vote for Trump, who very strongly opposes abortion and calls for a nationwide prohibition, also simultaneously voted in the election to guarantee abortion in their state by similar large percentages.
Or we can conclude that the opinion surveys are measuring a sample of registered voters immediately before and after the election who very disproportionately did not vote in the November election.
Or we can conclude that the opinion surveys are measuring a sample of registered voters who disproportionately express support for Trump.
The first of these conclusions is one we can probably discard. The very same and similar opinion surveys have consistently measured support in Ohio for abortion rights with very high opposition to Trump. The numbers are too staggering to dismiss out of hand. Trump supporters strongly oppose abortion. But abortion rights supporters overwhelmingly oppose Trump. That shows up not just in opinion surveys but in actual election data and in exit poll data. They really hate the fucker. Enthusiastic bragging about his success as a rapist might have something to do with that.
That leaves us with the other two explanations, only one of which holds much real promise for Republicans next November. Their entire theory of the election at this point is predicated on a wildly disproportionate turnout in their favor in specific places like Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump’s only real path to victory depends on that disparity in turnout.
I’m not posting this to offer false reassurances to Democrats. We should suffer no such delusions. The situation is dire. Nor do I wish to argue that Biden’s results will precisely mimic these off year and special election results. They will not. Turnout will be different. But the question is, by how much?
Democrats path to decisively defeating Trump and ultra MAGA Republicans again will come down to turnout. It will be imperitive to produce an overwhelming turnout of our voters to crush theirs into submission and force them to admit final defeat. And the point of posting these disparities between actual election results and opinion surveys is to emphasize the potential Democrats have to acheive just that if we are all willing to pull together and work toward the common objective of destroying the Republican Party.
Because they are Nazis.
And destroying Nazis is a moral imperitive.
Well there goes the last dying gasp of Dumbfuck seeing a split democrat vote so his Beloved dictator can get another term.
Manchin’s out.
Do those who oppose Nazis bear an obligation to treat the Nazis and their Nazism with “civility”?
How does history remember those who sought comity and dialog with Nazis?
It’s something to keep in mind. In the 1930s as the Nazis seized political power in Germany through violence and corruption, and expanded territorial claims to eventual encompass all of Europe, plenty of leading statesmen, industrialists, and media titans treated Hitler and the Nazis with deference and respect and lent credibility to their use of violent authoritarianism to advance their nationalistic claims. And history has mostly discarded them all.
Donnie has a sad. The judge just isn’t taking His side on the bullshit.
Sorry Don, your kid’s testimony and the actual loan applications proved it was all true.
“I would go further than that. I think that it would be fair to say that Trump knows what he’s doing. I think he chose that rhetoric on purpose.
You could say the ‘vermin’ remark or the ‘poisoning the blood’ remark, maybe one of them would be a coincidence. But both of them pretty much makes it clear that there’s something thematic going on, and I can’t believe it’s accidental.
The question is why do it on purpose. Well, my opinion is that Trump believes, for whatever reason, that there is some part of his base that really wants to hear this message said that way, and he’s catering to them.”
Biggest loser: GodwinHA
@82 “Using eggplant as an example of a vegetable in a sentence referring to a black person” is what you do.
“Using eggplant as an example of a vegetable in a sentence referring to” a garden fruit is what I do.
We’re not the same.
Keeping on using “eggplant” to refer to black people, after repeatedly being told it’s a garden fruit, is what a racist does.
So how about it, dumbfuck, garden fruit or black person? I say garden fruit. I’ve always said garden fruit. Are you ready to put this argument to bed? Or do you wish to continue?
Breaking News: “Colorado’s highest court on Thursday knocked former President Trump off the state’s Republican primary ballot under the 14th Amendment in a 4-3 ruling, making it the first state to block him from seeking the presidency because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
“In a major legal blow to Trump, the court affirmed he engaged in insurrection by inflaming his supporters with false claims of election fraud and directing them to the Capitol – preventing him from a second White House term under the 14th Amendment’s ‘insurrection clause.’”
Closet Nazi: J.D. Vance “slams ‘poisoning our blood’ comparisons between Trump comments, Nazis”
Too dumb to be a Nazi: Tommy Tubes is “mad he wasn’t tougher”
Tommy will never be a real Nazi because, even on his best day, he can’t figure out which arm the swastika armband is supposed to go on.
Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch had fellow Justice Samuel Alito’s newly released 98 page draft opinion overturning Roe v Wade in his in box for ten minutes before sending his reply to Alito indicating his agreement with the lengthy decision with no questions or changes.
Ten minutes. 98 pages.
Fifty years of precedent reversed without any consideration at all of the merits arguments or the stakes. He didn’t even read it.
These are members of this court who are not even considering the cases before them. They have predetermined the outcomes they desire. And when the right case comes before them, regardless of the merits, regardless of the arguments, regardless of the legal issues at hand or the deeply researched citations to precedent in similar cases, they vote the decision that produces that desired outcome.
And they don’t give a fuck if America knows it either.
We are supposed to be reassured in America that the permanent lifetime power invested in these federal judges is constrained by their solemn and sworn duty to consider these cases on the merits and to rule in them without prejudice. But this conservative court majority tosses all that aside and really does not mind if we know it or if we don’t like it. They are gleefully and corruptly engaging in an exercise of pure power and in complete disregard of their judicial oaths.
This Roberts Court will indeed be an historical one. Historically corrupt.
Side note. It’s racist to blame a crime that is overwhelmingly committed by white American citizens as a thing the ‘illlegals’ are doing. But it has its desired effect among racists who might vote for you.
Those commie BLM loves at the Cato Institute:
@93 “He didn’t even read it.”
He needed to not read it. There are things it’s better not to know. Such as overturning a constitutional right for the first time in American history based on a medieval manuscript. It’s not a good look however you slice it, but if that’s what you want to do, your least-worst option is being able to say, “I didn’t know that was in there.”
P.S., since Neil Gorsuch is a guy who signs stuff without reading it, if he wasn’t overage a lot of Army recruiters would love to put an enlistment contract in front of him. Crawling through swamps, jumping out of airplanes, shithole duty stations, the whole nine yards.
@ 93
Why not link to the NYT piece, which reported this?
You believe the draft sent was the first one Gorsuch saw? You believe the earlier versions of the draft were not widely shared between clerks, who showed it to Gorsuch?
You’re a clown for believing thisv.
“The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases in the coming term that could have a profound effect on the 2024 elections. The first, Fischer v. United States, has the potential to overturn scores of prosecutions related to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The other, Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, could effectively make medication abortion unavailable throughout the United States, regardless of its legal status in individual states.
“Should the Court rule against the government in both cases, it would have profound consequences: the government’s efforts to hold insurrectionists accountable could be effectively erased, and FDA approval of pharmaceuticals could be rendered pointless. These would be monumental rulings that would sharply curtail the core functions of the federal government.”
I don’t see the first, because if the justices turn the mob loose, it might come for them. I think the second is a foregone conclusion.
Vivek is throwing a toddler tantrum:
“Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy pledged to withdraw from the GOP primary ballot in Colorado following a ruling Tuesday from the state’s Supreme Court to remove former President Trump from the ballot over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.”
Yes! YES! yes! This is a good tantrum! We need more tantrums like this. He should withdraw in all the states. Now there’s a protest you can believe in.
“This is what an *actual* attack on democracy looks like,” Vivek said.
No, THIS is what an *actual* attack on democracy looks like.
The more Vivek runs his mouth, the more he proves Haley was right when she called him “scum.”
It’s too bad the German courts didn’t do to Hitler what the Colorado court just did to Trump. If German judges had barred Hitler from holding office, they would’ve saved tens of millions of lives. It’s hard to say whether barring Trump from office would save lives, but it would save democracy. American voters shouldn’t be allowed to elect a Hitler. After all, the 14th Amendment didn’t allow them to elect Confederate traitors, however much they wanted to. The Constitution doesn’t allow them to elect a president under age 35, or a non-citizen, so there are already limits placed on voter discretion. I think it’s reasonable for courts to rule that a coup plotter is disqualied, too.
I just can’t get over having to share my fifth place finish with a dude in the relay.
I’ll never get over it.
“The Trump campaign vowed Tuesday to swiftly appeal a Colorado court ruling to kick him off the ballot over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, putting the matter on track to be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States.”
Good! I like the risk-reward ratio here. Trump lost Colorado in 2016 and 2020, and will lose there again in 2024 if he’s on the ballot, so this appeal poses absolutely no risk in terms of Colorado’s electoral votes. And the potential reward is immense: SCOTUS could kick him off the ballot in all 50 states or they could blow up their own states’ rights arguments. There doesn’t seem to be a downside here.
I was misquoted. Taken out of context.
What I really said was, “I actually have no interest but Donald paid me to take down all these other people on stage.
I’m going back to selling you crypto in June when he’s got the nomination wrapped up.
He’s good for it. He’s going to pay this time. He’s like. Rich rich.’
@93 “These are members of this court who are not even considering the cases before them. They have predetermined the outcomes they desire. And when the right case comes before them, regardless of the merits, regardless of the arguments, regardless of the legal issues at hand or the deeply researched citations to precedent in similar cases, they vote the decision that produces that desired outcome.”
Well, we saw that when they made up facts in the praying football coach case. But at least that time they went to the trouble of manufacturing facts to fit with their reasoning, kinda like the yellowcake. In Dodd, on the other hand, they just waved a not-magic-wand to set off a dog poop bomb.
According to the header data that accompanied, it was the first draft of any opinion distributed by Associate Justice Alito following the completion of oral argument in Dobbs.
So unless this profoundly stupid and profoundly dishonest piece of shit Nazi troll wishes to suggest that Associate Justices Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, and KegStand had begun circulating draft opinions before oral argument, then Gorsuch took ten minutes to review a 98 page monumental opinion that would change history and, not for nothing, destroy the Republican Party in my lifetime.
Either way it’s judicially corrupt.
As I made clear, I believe the decision to overturn Roe was made long before cert was granted. And almost certainly Team FedSoc had been sharing their thoughts privately among themselves for a long, long time. But that assumption is accompanied by the inescapable conclusion then that these justices abandoned their judicial oaths to hear cases on the merits without prejudice.
And no Republican nominee to any federal court should ever be allowed to proceed through Senate confirmation ever again without first having to answer for that.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Thanks for Colorado you fvcking loons.
Colorado has just proven Trump’s theory true that he’s the victim of political persecution
His poll numbers won’t drop.
On the contrary, they will rise. ??
In a 4-3 decision, Colorado’s Supreme Court handed Trump an in-kind contribution in the GOP prez primary —much like the 4 criminal indictments against him, which caused Republican support for Trump to intensify & solidify
@FrankLuntz; https://twitter.com/FrankLuntz/status/1737270812221247936?s=20
Your dream is still just as much a lie tonight as it was three years ago on January 6th.
Treason is treason.
You are a traitor.
The same today as when you willingly sold your national loyalty to an avowed rapist for permission to tell racist jokes in the break room at Walmart.
Because they are Nazis.
And destroying Nazis is a moral imperitive.
Shall we start by destroying our dumbfuck Nazi coward?
I’ve got the rope if anybody’s up for it.