– New bike shop dropped in Belltown-SLU.
– I hope that I’m not falling for news bullshit, but it’s scary that people are hitting pedestrians on Aurora.
– Did He Ghost You or Is He a Washington State Ferry?
– Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
#CrookedHillary wants a floor nomination.
Biden least popular president in modern history at this point in office: Polls
Meanwhile, Momala wants someone new and exciting to hide behind, and wants DEI to just make her president without having to face the voters.
Momala also wants Claudine Gay to be forgotten as soon as possible.
This is what “genocide” looks like.
OJ too refused to take the stand in his defense.
Sure is a great thing Republicans have chosen to run the convicted rapist felon Trump.
Kinda makes you wonder why Republicans do shit like that.
Looking for a per curiam smackdown of Orange Man Bad.
Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution
What could go wrong?
Because rapist Trump’s argument that he faces “double jeopardy” is a novel argument, but also frivolous one and unworthy of further consideration. I would expect the court to eagerly grant cert and rule.
Trump’s argument that he has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct while in office is non-frivolous and worthy of full consideration. But since Trump’s non-frivolous argument that he enjoys absolute immunity from prosecution for acts while in office is predicated on his novel, yet frivolous argument that he can only be prosecuted following an impeachment conviction in the Senate, the court will have to give him the legal ass fucking that he so richly deserves.
Appeals in advance of a criminal trial are rare and limited. Questions of immunity from prosecution are among the rare instances. So rare in fact are such instances that only a couple of circuits have ever had to devise remedies around these kinds of questions of official immunity, and the DC circuit has not been among those.
The district court correctly rejected Trump’s non-frivolous prior claim, consistent with binding precedent concerning similar claims of absolute immunity arising from acts in office, by distinguishing between official acts and all other acts. The district court correctly concluded that defrauding the United States government in violation of 18 U.S.C. 371 not within the constitutionally defined authorites of a president.
In the circuit procedures if a claim of immunity is not deemed frivolous, then the appellate court gets first bite of the apple, thus respecting the appellants right to due process. But if the claim is deemed frivolous then an expedited final review is appropriate to the prevailing interests of justice.
So in this case the Supreme Court would normally be expected to reject cert only if they disagreed with the district court’s conclusion that attempts to defraud the United States in violation of18 U.S.C. 371 was not included in offical acts – the non-frivolous claim. But if the Supreme Court agrees with the district, and similarly concludes that the novel claim about double jeopardy is frivolous, then expedited final review is appropriate under the procedures and cert would be granted in order to issue a ruling concurring with the lower court on the non-frivolous claim, and thus allowing the trial to move forward unimpeded.
In other words, get ready for The Pain.
Of considerable note, and since Smith included the citation in his application:
The SCOTUS did not defer to the circuit in US v. Nixon, also concluding that Nixon’s claim to “”absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances.”” was essentially frivolous in nature, and that a prolonged process adjudicating such a claim would thwart the interests of justice.
Of course this now widely discredited and manifestly corrupt Roberts court could, and may decide to defer to the circuit to settle Trump’s claim of “double jeopardy”. But in doing so it would be granting legal authority to that claim and to all such subsequent claims based on a similar interpretation of the impeachment clause – right before the ultra MAGA House Republicans begin to carry out impeachment of President Joe Biden.
Biggest loser: aspiring Trump AG Alina Habba
Here’s the Never Surrender Guy surrendering his ass off:
No, they proved that the private Florida sex club was worth only 18 million using math and accounting.
It’s legal, because it’s happening in a public court in front of a judge as opposed to the imaginary values that you and your kids dream up to fuck over lenders and tax collectors.
You declined a jury, even after the nice judge reminded you.
You owed lots more. The court already ruled on that and you lost. IMPORTANTLY, I WON AT THE APPELLATE DIVISION,
You fucking lost, you loser. You always lose.
There is no such order. He’s fucking lost his mind. This is awesome!
Which he just made up by squeezing really hard and pulling it out of his ass
Promises. This same cock-bag promised he would testify.
Nothing that wouldn’t send him straight to jail.
Biden hasn’t even mentioned it.
Guess who the witch is!
It is guaranteed to keep Trump’s business out of NY. Ha ha.
Because too scared and too completely emotionally unhinged.
Should America give this guy another nuclear trigger?
“An outstanding question is whether House Republicans will argue that Biden’s false statements rise to the level of impeachment.”
I dare them to impeach a president for lying.
Ultra-MAGA House Republicans will do whatever Trump and their Trump addled base demand. But they won’t be able to apply any recognizable standard of proof. Everything Devon Archer claims is equally refuted and dismissed by contemporaneous eyewitnesses. And so it goes every step of the way.
The purpose in all this is not to accomplish anything in terms of legal or constitutional process.
Rather it is to introduce an idea among Republicans who need a reason to give in to the inevitability of Trump, despite the very strong potential for him to be a convicted felon by the time those Republicans are called upon to vote for him once again. Biden has to somehow be made to seem like he is “getting off” to provide those ethically degenerate Republicans a good enough reason to go ahead and vote for a rapist again.
So far, nothing.
On the same day that Smith filed his application the court has agreed to receive briefs by Dec 20th.
Looks like a dry New Year for Associate Justice BeerBong. And Harlan Crowe will have a couple of empty seats on his G 800 bound for Nassau on the 26th.
@ 10
Everything Devon Archer claims is equally refuted and dismissed by contemporaneous eyewitnesses.
Also refuted: My corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president’s claims that
• his son has done nothing wrong
• his son wasn’t taking money from China
• he didn’t have anything to do with his son’s business
• the number of grandchildren he has is six
Shorter @ 10, 12
No one POS Hunter Biden associates with tells the truth.
Looking forward to his defense witness testimony.
Bibi and Hamas sittin’ in a tree..
havin’ a three way w/ teh kreepshit troll of widbee..
Hunter Biden may never go to trial given the misconduct that continues to cloud this indictment. And if he does he won’t be called to the stand. This is a profoundly stupid comment.
Artful language and teevee posturing notwithstanding, the ultra-MAGA Republican House is not a court of law. Cow Farmer Jim is not a criminal prosecutor. And the President of the United States is constitutionally independent of that stupid Republican shit show. Ultra-MAGA House Republicans have absolutely zero authority to compel a President to do anything. First rule of power struggles is don’t get into a power struggle with anyone who has more power. This too is a profoundly stupid comment.
Why is this troll bent on this daily ritual of self-humiliation for the sake of Trump?
That second Biden term is really going to sting bad
@2 “apparent Hamas operative ”
“Apparent” is always good enough for you. No further inquiry or investigation needed. In fact, you’ll go with “thinly apparent” 99.9% of the time.
The double-jeopardy argument is the stupidest legal argument I’ve ever heard of. Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. Congress is not a court. His “acquittal” by the Senate is not equivalent to a court acquittal or dismissal of charges. His lawyers are idiots.
Texas Supreme Court to every female voter in the state.
“We totally don’t care about your potential loss of life if there is a fetus that can’t be saved either.”
Nah, that isn’t going to be an issue in 2024. It’s all done. Dobbs is OVER. Get used to it sluts!
@18 The Texas Supreme Court ruled today that only dead women can get abortions in Texas. All nine justices concurred in the ruling. All nine are Republicans, white, and six are men.
The ruling appears to say Texas courts can’t decide whether an abortion falls within the statutory exception, only a doctor can decide that, and then take his chances with the courts when the state prosecutes him for murder.
It’s the Texas Catch-22.
After today’s ruling, Texas doctors will not perform abortions. Ever. Period. Even if the patient dies. Which is what Ken Paxton, the Texas legislature, and the Texas Supreme Court want.
Elon Musk, an expert on the subject of popularity decline, just warned Taylor Swift about popularity decline, after she was named as Time’s Person of the Year (which Elon previously received). Posting on “X” (of course), he said, “Some risk of popularity decline after this award. I speak from experience lol.”
But Taylor Swift is not Elon Musk. She is not unstable, erratic, and mentally ill. She’ll be fine. He won’t be.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Diversity is our greatest strength report. Anti-Diversity biological unit formerly known as woman protestor accidentally injured in mostly peaceful Pro-Diversity protest.
In an ironic twist the Anti-Diversity protestor is the great-granddaughter of Diversities who fled Europe to avoid Anti-Diversity pogroms.
Hunter Biden, unsurprisingly, is asserting a Second Amendment defense to the gun charges against him.
He was not a felon or convicted drug user in possession of a firearm.
When the plane is on fire, and in a death spiral, the wise thing to do is strap on a parachute and jump.
The operative phrase here is “unsalvageable mess.”
“I went onto that [debate] stage just a few days later, and a general, who’s a fantastic general, actually said to me, ‘Sir, I’ve been on the battlefield, men have gone down on my left and on my right, I stood on hills where soldiers were killed, but I believe the bravest thing I’ve ever seen was the night you went onto that stage with Hillary Clinton after what happened, and then that woman asked you the first question about it, and [you] said ‘locker room talk.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Real generals don’t stand on hills where soldiers are being killed. MacArthur ran the Korean War from Japan. Westmoreland ran the Vietnam War from an air-conditioned office near Saigon. The colonel directing the Hamburger Hill battle was overhead in a helicopter.
The guy Trump’s talking about must have been a Private E-2, very fresh from the in-country processing center and still clutching his assignment orders, because everyone else has enough sense to not stand up on a hill.
Geez, you’d think Trump would’ve learned that in the military school his parents sent him to, unless he was asleep in class.
According to Clarence Thomas, quack medical therapy is free speech protected by the First Amendment.
@23 You left out the good part for our kreepee troll:
The now ex-CEO of Project “Veritas” (aka always wrong wing bullshit deception) is Hannah Giles..
Now watch kreepshit as Hannah walks away…
“Though I had high hopes when I joined the organizations, I stepped into an unsalvageable mess — one wrought with strong evidence of past illegality and past financial improprieties. Once such evidence was discovered, I brought the information to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Thank you.”
And leaving that shitpile admitting to being a narc.. traitor to the always wrong wing cause… RINO…
First do harm.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – The “Don’t Worry We’ll Only Spy On Deplorables Act” is better than the “Don’t Worry We’ll Only Spy On Muslims Act.”
Maybe you were pissed when you found out from Snowden that the Don’t Worry We’ll Only Spy On Muslims Act was really used to spy on everybody. Well don’t worry, this is better and will only spy on Deplorables because we are in charge of the security organs now.
RED ALERT: Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702 “reform” bill, which is schedule[d] for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow, is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States since the Patriot Act.
Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of “electronic service communications provider,” the bill vastly expands the universe of U.S. businesses that can be conscripted to aid the government in conducting surveillance.
Under current law, the government can compel companies that have direct access to communications, such as phone, email, and text messaging service providers, to assist in Section 702 surveillance by turning over the communications of Section 702 targets.
Under Section 504 of the House intelligence committee’s bill, any entity that has access to *equipment* on which communications may be transmitted or stored, such as an ordinary router, is fair game. What does that mean in practice? It’s simple…
Hotels, libraries, coffee shops, and other places that offer wifi to their customers could be forced to serve as surrogate spies. They could be required to configure their systems to ensure that they can provide the government access to entire streams of communications.
It’s no longer possible to practice medicine in Texas. If a doctor performs an abortion he believes is necessary to save the mother’s life, he risks being second-guessed by prosecutors and judges with no medical training and sent to prison for life. If he refuses to perform the abortion and the patient dies, he risks being prosecuted and sued for medical neglect. There is no middle ground where he is legally safe. The only safe space for the doctor is another state. Soon there will be no doctors or female Republican voters in Texas.
It tells us that the criminal financial misconduct was not limited to Admiral Dildo but also extended to members of the Dildo Naval Staff.
So sad. Thoughts. Prayers. And so forth.
@28 Don’t worry, the Democrats don’t have enough votes to pass it.
Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702 “reform” bill….
Is anyone going to tell this dipshit that the House is run by Trump’s Republican left hand gargoyle, MAGA-Mike Johnson?
Would it make any difference?
Say, Harvard, how’s that DEI thing workin’ out for ya?
‘This is Definitely Plagiarism’: Harvard University President Claudine Gay Copied Entire Paragraphs From Others’ Academic Work and Claimed Them as Her Own
An enterprising individual could author that many during a five-year residency.
@33 Well well, look who’s standing up for academic integrity. Now do creationism, intelligent design, and climate denialism.
But don’t bother your little head about political lies. Republicans are expected to lie.
Any form of dishonesty is to be discouraged.
These death threats are not alike:
“The jury heard audio recordings of the threats the two women received after Rudy Giuliani falsely accused them of voter fraud in the 2020 election.”
“Giuliani Lawyer Says Georgia Election Workers’ Damages Demand Amounts To ‘Death Penalty'”
Giuliani is also being sued for $1.36 million in unpaid legal bills. So what if the jury awards the election workers $47 million? You know what? After the first 6 feet, it doesn’t matter how deep the water is. After the first 50 feet or so, it doesn’t matter how high the cliff is. Giuliani is financially dead. But he won’t starve; he’ll get Social Security, maybe a NYC pension, and he could supplement that income by working in fast food, where there are plenty of job openings. He’s going to be fine. He has no worries. Nobody can ever come after him for money again, because he’ll never have any. Anybody wanting money from him in the future will have to go to the back of the line of his judgment creditors.
Why is this troll bent on this daily ritual of self-humiliation for the sake of Trump?
Because he’s a dumbfuck Nazi coward and a traitor to his country.
Very distinct sound of bus tires at about the six minute mark:
If the supreme Court rules that Trump is immune from prosecution for anything he did while President, does that mean that Biden can then put Trump in jail and put all the conservatives on the supreme Court in jail
Oh no’s. Rudes is going to have to sell it all and apply for DPA housing and live out his final days in the projects.
Sad. He’s bought his last bottle of single barrel cask strength Pappy Van Winkle. Nothing but Early Times for the rest of his life.
Another thing we learned yesterday is that Smith has the contents of phones rapist Trump was using while conducting his conspiracy to defraud the election.
Reuters/IPSOS latest now reverses other recent pres polls and has Dark Brandon DEFEATING rapist Trump in key swings.
Corporate media predictably fail to run screaming through the streets with hair aflame. No “Republicans in disarray”. No “calls for Trump to step aside”.
So remember all the breathless news coverage because a few actual smash and grab retail thefts were caught on security cameras and distributed by a PR firm to the media?
Remember how Big Box Retailers sent their spokespeople out to talk about the 100 billion dollars lost to ‘organized retail crime rings?’
Yeah that was bullshit.
The National Retailers association just put out their annual shrinkage report stating that $117b total was lost. The problem is only 37% is attributed to theft with the remainder being breakage in stores, spoilage and returns of damaged product that then can’t be resold. So roughly $430m of merchandise is lost to theft.
But wait, there’s more. Internal theft, that is employees helping themselves to a snack and maybe a big ticket item when the opportunity arises accounts for about 26% of all theft.
So we’re down to about $318m in shoplifting total. Across the entire industry in the United States. Now you don’t have to be a genius to know that a teenager lifting a sweater from Forever XXI or the Winona Ryders of the world are accounting for at least a great majority of the items that walk out of stores unpaid.
The same industry trade group states total sales of over $5T so far in 2023.
“Help us! We’re drowning in increased profit over 2021, 22, 23. We must shrink our workforce to stay competitive. First to go..LOSS PREVENTION! We installed cameras. That will do.”
SF Council Idiot Dean Preston says capitalism is the cause of the homeless problem. Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened.
There has been no new funds for Ukraine since Republicans took over the House from Democrats in January.
Why? Because Putin-loving fascists like our dumbfuck Nazi coward want Russia to win their war of aggression against Ukraine. That’s why.
unregulated capitalism.
Why lie?
$3.259 per gallon
Capitalism like:
The largest owner of rental units in the Bay Area is Veritas. They did not own a single property, at least no in their own corporate name, in 2021.
Second largest is a house flipping felon who did six years for real estate fraud but was allowed to keep his profits and exit the penal system use the profits to buy apartment buildings.
The third is Greystar a company that has been sued by the federal government more than 200 times for price fixing, substandard maintenance and deceptive rental pricing.
The first two are privately held but Greystar has a market cap of $24.72B
It seems Israeli soldiers are shooting each other:
“About one-fifth of Israeli soldiers killed during Israel’s ground offensive in the Gaza Strip, which began in late October, died from friendly fire and other accidents, the Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday.”
@38 Bus tires? Sounds like tank treads to me.
@45 Yeah and JD Vance is going around saying Ukraine should give up territory to Russia. Good thing he wasn’t a senator in 1950-1953.
Confidential Human Source is so drunk, that now he has forced his trial judge to open this morning’s proceedings with a prolonged inquiry into further defamatory statements the drunk made outside the courthouse last night. The Judge expressed great sympathy to the plaintiffs begging the court to prohibit the drunk from further using the public spotlight of the trial to harm them. But the judge also pointed out that the drunk is creating new, additional claims of defamation.
Brain worms.
And this is the key witness upon whom the profoundly stupid troll’s baseless assertions of Biden corruption rest.
@47 Oil dropped 3.7% today and gas prices will follow.
Sadly, many U.S. voters care only about pump prices, which go up and down. And we all know oil prices are rather easily manipulated by foreign powers, especially one in particular.
Looks like the Saudi crown prince, having dealt with Trump once, doesn’t want to deal with him again.
“Russia has lost a staggering 87 percent of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine …”
No wonder young Russian males aren’t rushing to enlist. They have better survival odds from suicide.
There is no chance Ukraine can survive. Might as well cede some territory now. No reason to fund them
@55 I love fascist Republicans like you.
Brave Social Media Warrior offers his expert analysis.
After a comparitively tiny, essentially unarmed nation brought the amassed military might of a “global power” to its knees using recreational drones purchased on Amazon with a Discover card.
More incredible news for Democrats:
Biggest loser: that’s right.
I’ll bet you didn’t know your pharmacist may be giving your prescription history to the cops without a search warrant or your knowledge if you use these pharmacies, did you? Well, now you know.
It’s not true that Alabama reinstated slavery. They operate a gulag system of forced labor, that’s all. Private citizens can’t buy and sell the prisoners.
“I’m a federal official so I really don’t have a comment,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said about his party’s persecution of women needing medically necessary abortions.
Hey, JD Vance is a “federal official” too, but that doesn’t keep him from telling Ukraine to surrender.
White supremacist wants death penalty for non-Christians
White supremacy is already mainstream in the GOP; it’s probably just a matter of time before the rest of this is, too.