Tomorrow is the last day to get your ballot postmarked or dropped off. City, county and school board elections are super important. The guy with the Blue Lives Matter bumper sticker you passed last night? He’s voted. The lady who came to school board meetings to yell about trans kids? She voted the day she got her ballot. But their vote counts the same as yours, so let’s elect the best people.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
To Tlaib “From the river to the sea.” is a peace wish.
To Queen YLB “genocide” is the possible loss of about 4% of the Palestinian civilian population as collateral damage during the elimination from the face of the earth of 100% of Hamas.
What a pair of unserious twats.
House Democrats now hoping for a brief humanitarian pause after the 240 hostages are released.
House Democrats hit back on Tlaib in new letter
Your move, Hamas.
“genocide” is the possible loss of about 4% of the Palestinian civilian population
i.e. kreepshit excuses the IDF killing thousands of kids… “mowing the grass” is sunshine and roses to kreepshit, a “positive”..
The kids that “survive” who’ve lost parents and relatives – have done that over and over again for generations of attacks by Israel will grow up to be “properly subjugated” in kreepshit’s fantasy.
what a moldering pos.. widbee’s “finest”..
The clock ticks for kreepshit..
Your move, Hamas.
Heh.. Hamas held Galid Shalit for 5 fucking years..
And Bibi caved..
What will Bibi do differently? yawwnnn,. uh killin’ more kids perhaps? Whatever it takes..
Body bags stack higher and higher..
Score stands at 1400 vs over 10K.. Who’s in the lead?
She’s a Democrat, so it’s OK for her to call black people stupid.
Dem Rep. Jasmine Crockett: Some Black Voters Aren’t Supporting Biden Because They Don’t Understand Civics
To be fair, there’s absolutely no reason for black people to feel good about Kamala Harris in office. It’s not just that Trump made them feel good. Harris makes them feel shame.
Queen YLB’s greatest fear is that Hamas will be eliminated, Gaza will be freed, and within a few years Palestinians will be expected to go out, get jobs, and begin working for a living like everyone else.
Everyone except Queen YLB, that is. She’s hooked on free money earned by people who are not her.
“What’s happening in Gaza now must be analyzed critically as genocide, because racial or ethnic or religious groups are causing mass harm — serious bodily, physical and mental harm — and creating living conditions that might lead to the destruction of the group in total,” said Francesca Albanese, the U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories.
“Genocide is not an art; it is a process, and we start always with the dehumanization of the other. And Europeans should know that, because what happened in Europe would have not been possible without the dehumanization of the Jewish people for centuries,” she said.
the dehumanization of “the other”… kreepshit almost never talks about “civilians” killed by IDF bombs.. well it puts those scare quotes to good use..
Hamas is a convenient cover.. such a “seriously” moldering pos troll…
@ 7
… almost never talks about “civilians” killed by IDF bombs
Er, see @ 1.
Queen YLB’s claims are consistently unserious.
[kreepshit’s] greatest fear is
Bibi caving like it did for Shalit.. that deflates kreepshit’s fragile ego..
1 guy, Shalit, for how many Palestinian “murderers”?
Kind of blows its Bergdahl babbling out of the water..
Shorter Queen YLB @ 7:
vBy making dehumanizing comments against conservatives, Democrats are committing genocide against Republicans.
Queen YLB’s bizarre focuses on historical events such as the US defeat of the USSR in a hockey match during the 1980 Winter Olympic Games are difficult to rationalize.
Now it’s the exchange of Shalit for 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, a decision that Netanyahu might regret now that he has seen that it did exactly nothing to promote peace.
Queen YLB doesn’t really know why she keeps bring up hockey in 1980. She does know that it’s all she’s got, the dumb cunt.
Audrey Hale and Queen YLB certainly had a lot in common.
Hamas will be eliminated
Generations of Israeli attacks have just bred more fighters growing up to attack and kill Israelis..
Israelis more or less shrug about “mowing the grass”..
The grass grows and the IDF kills it.. That’s the way the Israelis and “serious” lickbutts like kreepshit like it..
If it’s not Hamas, it will be something else..
@12 “serious” guy that kreep crowder…
too funee shit from the moldering tool in widbee..
@ 13
If it’s not Hamas, it will be something else..
Palestinians with jobs. This is what Queen YLB fears most. The one thing about Biden administration policy that Queen YLB cannot bring herself to support is the effort to eliminate the excuse Gazans currently cite for relying on the outside world for …
well, for everything.
making dehumanizing comments against conservatives,
Heh.. the only thing that a klownservatic would consider “dehumanizing” is an IRS audit..
Otherwise any depravity goes.. Ask Madison Cawthorn…
Cawthorn, 26, claimed that colleagues aged “60 or 70” had invited him to a “sexual get- together” and used cocaine in front of him
@ 14
Guess the fact that Crowder leaked it for public consumption means that Queen YLB doesn’t have to face what’s in it.
It’s what all unserious twats do when faced with embarrassment. They find an excuse not to own it.
Palestinians with jobs.
Jobs aren’t much of a problem, kreepshit.. Arabs are Israel’s cheap labor.
the US defeat of the USSR in a hockey match
Heh.. And what happened after that? a “seriously” moldering pos in widbee voted for Carter..
Then it learned to fellate bonzo (after a brutal “initiation” during a hell week) and high fived its white frat bros during the hollyweird telling on the tube..
heh.. endless entertainment from our “seriously” deranged troll..
@17 kreepshit covers for its kreeplove for kreep crowder… too funee..
@ 18
Palestinians with jobs.
Jobs aren’t much of a problem, kreepshit.
What an unserious twat you are, Queen YLB.
Gaza graduates demand UNRWA solutions for high unemployment rate
Unemployment rate in Gaza continues to be among the highest in the world as it hits 70 percent among young graduates.
That’s from Al Jazeera, ya dumb twat.
To Queen YLB, who relies on free money to subsist, 70% unemployment in Gaza isn’t “much of a problem”.
Queen YLB’s greatest consistency is her unseriousness. She’s got 5 minutes left to change it and deny she ever wrote it.
a decision that Netanyahu might regret now that he has seen that it did exactly nothing to promote peace.
kreepshit, Bibi is your teflon shit-lord of the country that can do no wrong. Have more respect..
but uh yeah.. look what happened to us after we traded the 5 has beens for Bergdahl…
We no longer piss away 9 billion a month in the “graveyard of empires”..
We can now saber rattle at Iran and Hezbollah.. kreepshit should be happy!
That’s from Al Jazeera
And this is from the BBC..
Shame on Bibi.. Causing all that unemployment..
So if taking out Vicki and Sammy Weaver was just so much “mowing the grass”, why have we been asked to endure over thirty years of incessant mewling and sobbing from modern “conservative” patriots like the ShitLord Crybaby?
What makes some “human shields” more precious than others?
Mike Johnson’s Porn ‘Monitoring’ Remarks Spark National Security Concerns
To keep himself from indulging in porn, he has his 17 year old son audit his electronics using an outsourced service. Can the admins audit his data? Are the uncleared admins and his son getting to read all the email and digital traffic about the running of the House?
“This opens up the Speaker to a real security risk. To allow a non secure outside source full access to the Speaker of the House’s phones and computers is a security breach waiting to happen.”
Will the Buttery Males crowd peep about that? I expect not.
Imagine being this terrified of sexuality…
Judge Repeatedly Asks Lawyers to ‘Control’ Trump as Testimony Goes Off the Rails
Doesn’t trump seem too old?
Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report
The Joint Chiefs: “No”.
Project 2025: “No problem, there are no joint chiefs now.”
Tuberville: “No prob, I’ll keep the seats open till the election.”
Farm bill faces battle as GOP pushes to strip climate, SNAP funding for subsidies
Once again, republicans want poor people to starve, or maybe do crimes to put food on the table, so they can be arrested. Not very christian of them.
Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Luke 14:12-14
13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Jesus doesn’t just call us to serve those in poverty, but to engage with and live in community with them.
Republican voters. “Fuck that socialism! Not a dime of my taxes.”
At least one of Trump’s lawyers is facing a real possibility of being charged with contempt.
If Engoron declines doing so it would only be in order to help protect his final ruling and to be rid of the case and these defendants. However, very few judges are so willing to compartmentalize the interests of justice and the dignity of their court. Most conflate the two.
If Chris Kise is jailed for this shit, it will be in Rikers. It becomes increasingly clear that Florida Man Lawyer has no fucking idea what he’s doing or how to effectively represent a client like this. A weekend in Rikers is a helluva way to learn.
The implication for witness Trump in defying the court’s imploring that he give responsive answers to relevant questions, is ultimately that the judge, as the trier of fact, may at his own discretion but dictated by the witness’s refusals, terminate further efforts at obtaining a response from the witness and then “infer” from the refusals a factually unfavorable response.
That’s the most reasonable response when the witness’s own attorney openly defies the court and refuses to intercede in his client’s interests. It is about the only way the judge can act affirmatively to preserve due process in the face of that kind of defiance. And it’s the direction I expect this to go.
Trump isn’t just going to lose this. He’s going to take a beating.
And Letitia James is going to score a massive and humiliating win. Right now her team are probably struggling not to lose their composure and begin celebrating.
@1 “the possible loss of about 4% of the Palestinian civilian population as collateral damage”
Disappointed it isn’t more?
@27 “Republican voters. “Fuck that socialism! Not a dime of my taxes.”
What taxes? They don’t pay taxes. They’re talking about our taxes.
Moms for Liberty called the cops on a librarian for letting a 17-year-old check out a YA novel
>> It was dismissed but it’s going to make librarians in red states even more skittish some Morals Harpy will turn them in. I’m agreeing with Rabbit. It’s child abuse to raise a child in Florida.
>> Have they penciled in yet when they plan to ban the Internet?
PlayStation 4 and PS5 lose Twitter integration next week.. This move from PlayStation comes after Microsoft removed the ability to share content to X back in April. World of Warcraft’s in-game Twitter integration was pulled offline in February 2023.
@ 30
@1 “the possible loss of about 4% of the Palestinian civilian population as collateral damage”
Disappointed it isn’t more?
Reasonably confident it won’t be more.
YLB, we are confirming your purchase of 1000 shares in the Zyklon B Chemical Company and 500 shares of the Arbeit Macht Frei Sign Company.
Thank you for your business.
I believe when Trump loses his NY lawsuit, ending forever his business operations in New York his reaction will provide some real insight into the kind of “father” he is to his children.
Trump is primarily a branding and licensing figure now. He builds nothing. He owns very little. Even his own false testimony suggests that he views his name, likeness, and reputation to be much more valuable than any real estate.
But that isn’t at all true for his kids. They all individually and collectively rely upon the value of the company real estate to prop up their own lifestyles and business ventures. And not only will that value take a big nose dive, but the portion of it in New York, or financially intertwined with the New York stuff is going to be frozen for quite a while. And by now this has been explained to Trump.
But he really doesn’t care. He’s going to act as if it was his own idea to quit New York. And he really won’t care how that fucks over his loser kids.
Sounds like MAGA Mike wanted to catch his son yanking the old pecker. What disgusting fuck.
I wonder if Bob and the Horses have some type of an agreement to monitor each other. Scummy Mums for Fascism want to know!
Sorry Red, They aren’t Mom’s for Liberty. You really should call them what they really are, Scummy Mums for Fascism.
It would be nice to ask them how they feel about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Hamas and ISIS have affiliates in America, the GOP Fuckwads are terrorists.
I heard a GOP voter claim the same about Democrats. The GOP has seen the writing on their mirror and need to project. Don’t let them beat you to it. Fucking say it how it is. Don’t be nice with words, tell them that they are fucking scum.
You can find a bunch of Heterosexual Neanderthals with the Virus doing no productive shit, they truly are useless.
Scummy Mums don’t give a shit……..or will they? They should care. Ban the alcahol! Little Bobby or Sussie my get hurt by some drunk.
Well beats little Sussie getting shot by the Hubby.
Here is little Sussie and little Bobby.
Their Moms were for Liberty! Give me Liberty or Give her Death!
@38 Somebody managed to film a Moms for Liberty library cleansing rally.
You mean a Scummy Mum for Fascism.
One that yearns to be raped.
Remember the black newspaper carrier who sued Pierce County sheriff Ed Troyer for racially profiling him? The case has been settled for $500,000.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Diversity is our greatest strength report. Demorat-Pfizer National Committee Diversity Demorat of the Day Award goes to:
Name: Luis Aroyo-Lopez
Pronouns: He/Headhunter
Occupation: Headhunter
Current Project: Restoring the ancient art of headhunting
Last book read: N/A
Last Picture:×388.jpg
Contact: c/o Santa Rosa Jail
“Conservative” is synonymous with “deception” and “fraud” and now, also “identity theft.”
The rest of the story …
According to Rachel Maddow, the recent poll showing Trump taking a lead over Biden in half a dozen swing states also showed “all six of those six swing states would go for Biden if Trump is convicted on any count in any of his trials.”
The rest of the story …
According to Rachel Maddow, the recent poll showing Trump taking a lead over Biden in half a dozen swing states also showed “all six of those six swing states would go for Biden if Trump is convicted on any count in any of his trials.”
Meanwhile, Republicans are trying to impeach Biden for lending $240,000 to his brother and getting paid back.
India’s bosses love the idea of a 70-hour workweek.
“Work harder to make me richer” sounds like an American idea to me.
So what we learned from direct testimony that can also be used in any future cases against the former President.
Regularly just flat out made up the valuations that he signed documents attesting “true to the best of my knowledge” in order to secure loans from financial institutions.
“Everybody” in Trump Inc was responsible for detecting and preventing fraud which pretty much says, well me, my kids, my accountants, the secretary and yet, huh, we missed those many many many instances of fraud we committed…oooops. Please Clap.
Was super busy being president in 2021. Too busy to look at any financial reports of his businesses.
It was quite literally the shit show everyone expected it to be.
Playboy? Really. Can I be the one to show her 2 girls One Cup or any part of the “Extreme Fistfucking” series that her own kid is streaming on his laptop? We could actually hire her for “Chubby Slut Moms #27”. There’s good money in this industry
I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck has marked to market his WeWork stock options. That wouldn’t take very long.
He sold puts on WeWork?
Good God. Tell me this was pre-COVID.
Funny thing about tech options @ 52, 53…
If you buy Apple in 1993 and Amgen in 1995, and hold them both for three decades, you don’t have to fuck with tech options.
It turns out that IRAs and Keoghs are good places to buy and hold. Go figure.
Somebody seems not to want my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president to run again.
Fresh revelations contradict Joe Biden’s sweeping denials on Hunter
It’ll take the next president’s DOJ to verify it. But you know it’s true. By now everyone but The Even Bigger Fucking Moron understands that it’s true.
FedEx has lost so much shipping volume that it is telling its pilots to take PT gigs with American Airlines.
Trucking volume is declining.
Gee, whatever could be the cause?
Actually, the truth is Trump did indeed create the need for a brief pretrial schedule with his incessant verbal threats to witnesses, investigators, opposing attorneys, and court personnel.
Moreover, the defendant’s clearly stated intention to employ a series of interlocutory appeals based on meritless claims such as “absolute immunity” and double jeopardy obligate Judge Chutkan to organize her court’s pretrial calendar to protect due process by efficiently disposing of those frivolous claims.
If Chutkan is who I think she is, she is going to continue to deny this defendant’s naked efforts to distort the criminal trial process for political purposes. There is a need for federal judges to recognize where the limits of “judicial norms” exceed the boundaries of the public interest in due process and equal protection. Public trust in these proceedings is harmed whenever wealthy, powerful, and/or influential litigants are granted dispensation to pervert the course of justice. And a young, highly talented, dynamic judge from a non-elite background with a history of serving regular people as litigants is perfectly fitted to that need.
Whenever it suits him, the degenerate gambler can always drag out his moldy collection of S&H Greenstamp books.
FedEx is a shit show. The Biden Economic Miracle’s consistently strong employment growth for more than 33 months has made it impossible for FedEx to continue to operate on its model of worker exploitation. Years of refusing to invest in improvements to logistics or fleet infrastructure leave the company hollowed out and incapable of responding to a growing economy.
They fucked up and listened to degenerate idiots like the Shit-Lord Crybaby and Jamie Dimon who have been DEMANDING an economic nuclear winter in each of the last three years, only to come away babbling about “nuance” and “statistical revision”.
Blessed are the poor in education,
for theirs is the kingdom of the Trump Rebate Banking System
You’re so cute with your “unverified allegation made by an unnamed FBI informant that echoed the initial claims of Trump’s allies.”
Did you happen to see Donald admit to financial fraud on the witness stand while you were rubbing one out over the latest unverified Hunter Biden….cough…’revelation.’
I get it. Bill Barr said it may have been real. This Bill Barr. “I don’t like the idea of a former president serving time in prison,” (re, classified documents. Stolen classified documents. Stolen classified documents stored in his shitter. Stolen classified documents stored in his shitter that he discussed with several people who did not have security clearance. Stolen classified documents stored in his shitter that he discussed with several people who did not have security clearance that contained the defense capabilities of a United States Ally. Stolen classified documents stored in his shitter that he discussed with several people who did not have security clearance that contained the defense capabilities of a United States Ally that may have given Hamas the information needed to penetrate Israeli defenses.)
Huh. Not a drag queen.
I got $50 says he wins anyway. Granbury has Rs as mayor, and in 4 of five city council seats.
Just because we were curious…
Granbury sits in TX-11. TX-11 went 78% Trump in 2016 and 80% Trump in 2020.
So yeah, they’re totally gonna elect the Pedo because literally nothing matters to Republican voters except the party ID after the name on the ballot.
Democrat-origin poll has Beshear up by 2 points over Cameron in KY governor race:
It does this by showing 20% of Republican respondents voting for Beshear, even though in the same poll only 15% of Republican respondents think of him unfavorably.
Gonna be a close result. Beshear’s at 50%, but barely. The MOE is double the gap between the candidates.
I previously posted about the Emerson poll, with a MOE of 3%, which had Cameron up by 1. Differences in methodology between the polls are significant.
@ 61
Did you happen to see Donald admit to financial fraud on the witness stand …
No. I didn’t. I think CNN would have led with that had it actually happened. Probably MSNBC, too.
@ 63
So yeah, they’re totally gonna elect the Pedo because…
… sometimes Democrat insistence on liberal early voting opportunities ends up biting them in the ass.
In a state that voted 2 to 1, R over D in each of the last two Congressional cycles.
If they didn’t already have very firm plans to retire, people like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are noticing.
Digging through the data,
16% of Republicans have a very favorable opinion of Beshear. 9% of Republicans have a very unfavorable opinion of Cameron
Overall favorability spread is Beshear 9 and Cameron 0. And there’s the 40 of White people who have unfavorable views of Cameron….who isn’t white. And this IS Kentucky.
Just for Fun, Yertle is -52 favorable. -22 among Republicans.
80% of Republicans who responded that they were voting Beshear said it was because they like him.
It’s also a text and web poll so none of the above is likely accurate.
I don’t see why.
The directed verdict of Trump’s guilt was entered almost two months ago. At this point it’s old news. And if America has learned anything at all from this trial about Trump and his relationship with objective legal reality, it is “fluid” and very situational depending on his mood and circumstances. At some point every Trump has admitted to some criminal offense or another. And it hasn’t mattered to MAGA Republican voters. Trump admitted to them that he is a rapist. And they all voted for him anyway. Including this troll.
Trump criminality is just not newsworthy. It’s the default condition.
The underlying messaging to Trump voters isn’t that Trump is “innocent”. His own supporters recognize that he lies a lot, is basically dishonest in most of his relationships, and has at least technically crossed a few legal boundaries in his career, as certainly evidenced by the commentary from the incel troll.
They don’t actually mind the dishonesty, and see it as a kind of special power that Trump has compared to other politicians. As Trump himself taught them, “When you’re a star you can do anything”.
The underlying message to Trump voters is that these kinds of criminal offenses (sexual assault, financial fraud, extortion, election fraud, espionage) “don’t count” and should not apply to “someone like him” even if they do count. It’s “jury nullification”. And the reason it works so well with these voters is that they are predisposed from a lifetime of habit to granting exceptional privilege based on status and identity.
Look at this horse! She’s a beauty, if you are into horses.
I said this yesterday
Experts warn the program Mike Johnson used to keep himself from watching porn is akin to ‘a modern day wiretap program’
If you want to keep something secret, don’t message the Speaker of the House.
This is the best guy they could select?
How many dead bitches today?
Anyone care? No, not really? Oh well, neither do the Scummy Mum Fascist Pigs that roam the stables.
So, carry on, and be calm. Fuck the bride and go shot yourself, you deserve it. This bud (light) is for You!
Tennessee lawmakers launch review, consider rejecting federal K-12 funding
Legislative leaders appointed the 10-member panel to determine whether the state can reject the funding and make up the different in state money
Five federal formula grant programs make up 93% of Tennessee’s federal funding allocations and about 20% of Tennessee’s $8.3 billion education budget.
In Tennessee and other Republican-led states, lawmakers are rejecting federal funds that don’t align with their culture war objectives, turning away billions earmarked to benefit their constituents in need.
>> It will hurt the poor communities the most.
>> They can’t have the money and be mean to LGBTQ+ people.
>> You could have had nice schools but the gays forced us to reject that money. Blame them. “
“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an estimated 275,666 people left Florida in 2022—nearly 23,000 people every month. Most, according to the bureau, relocated to places like Georgia (46,884), North Carolina (42,301), Tennessee (36,200), South Carolina (31,456) and Texas (29,975).”
Florida had 319,000 new residents in 2022. Still a net gain but looks like native/long term residents the ones relocating.
“Old boomers are moving in to retire, young working families are moving out to survive financially without getting squeezed. The workforce is going to dry up and all jobs that cater to retirees with it.”
US Mortgage Purchase Applications Fell 26.5% Over the Past Eighteen Weeks, Hitting Lowest Since 1995
If home prices go down, people could afford to buy.
The times we must endure.
When our US global security intelligence is going to be compromised because a ranking Republican in The Gang of Eight is dependent upon intrusive porn monitoring software.
And the access addicted major broadcast media are still chasing SALACIOUS PICS PKG bullshit.
I think it bears pointing out how this kind of dependent weakness and vulnerability among top ranking Republicans represents a unique opportunity for Democrats. Normally the notion of going after these freaks and cripples because of their bizarre superstition and histrionic preoccupation with their magical, invisible sky pal is a fraught endeavor. Average persuadable voters react extremely badly to campaigns or messages that appear to challenge the xtian or xtian adjacent religious beliefs of any individual (obviously it remains open season on Muslims, Hindus, etc,). So conventional political wisdom holds that no matter how weird, or freakish they get, it isn’t worth the backlash to try to “other” them based on this weird cult shit.
But the intelligence vulnerability that this presents to US security provides a uniquely safe operating environment in which Democrats and Democratic operatives can go after MAGA Mike (and Republicans like him) for this weird, cult freakiness without facing the backlash. We should all be pounding the shit out of them for placing their bizarre cult rituals and practices ahead of their sworn duty to protect our nation’s security and it’s secrets.
What the fuck kind of grown assed adult man is so uncontrollably drawn to Milf porn that he would expose our nation’s highest intelligence secrets just to virtue signal to his fellow cult members? Ted Cruz can write that book.
The successful Democrat candidate for president in 2024 will be nominated from the floor.
Change my mind.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 77 confuses a drop in mortgage applications with a drop in home prices.
@ 76
Florida had 319,000 new residents in 2022. Still a net gain but looks like native/long term residents the ones relocating.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, Florida’s population grew by 2.1% between 2021 and 2022. It’s the highest population growth of any state in the nation. That’s an increase of more than 463,000. It’s also AFTER subtracting the departures from the arrivals. It’s the NET increase.
That’s from the census department, which is probably a better source for population figures than the BLS.
When you let guys skull-fuck you, try not to be kneeling just in front of a concrete wall. The cumulative damage to your brain is increasingly difficult to ignore.
Fetterman’s speech has really, really improved. Good for him.
He’s now able to call members of his own party pussies, and be clearly understood.
He’ll be calling Biden corrupt any day now.
Sadly, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is in the other 40%.
Viagra could slash risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 60%: study
The drug’s a failure to him. Doesn’t make him hard, and doesn’t prevent him from online commentary dumbfuckery.
It’s also a text and web poll so none of the above is likely accurate.
And to think that the dumbfuck used to say that only likely voter polls were worth anything and that registered voter polls sucked.
Such an unserious twat. And a dumbfuck.
Your radiology news item of the day.
A pro-Hamas protester killed an older Jewish man during an argument. Paul Schell knew what it was like to take a megaphone to the face from an asshole protester, too. The megaphone broke bones in Schell’s face but he was able to maintain his balance.
Libbies are so brave when beating up on senior citizens.
Killilogy trained, Roid-Raging cops on amphetamines pose a far more credible danger to my civil liberties than any abandoned public school squatter.
Change my mind.
Of course you didn’t actually read it.
He was cooperative and told authorities he was involved in the altercation with Kessler, Fyhoff said.
The Buffalo cop who beat the living shit out of 75-year-old Martin Gugino for peacefully protesting police violence left the scene immediately without identifying himself, went home, called out on PTO for four days, contacted his union representative, obtained representation from a criminal attorney and refused to make any official report of the incident for all of those four days.
Biden has increased his RCP Favorability Rating lead over Trump. Momala has increased her lead over both DeSantis and Haley.
“Law enforcement arrested an individual that appeared to have a gun around the upper Senate park near the Russell Senate Office Building, a law enforcement official told CNN.”
No word yet on whether the suspect is a GOP congressman.
@55 An “unverified allegation made by an unnamed FBI informant” doesn’t get you past the security guard at the courthouse door, much less satisfy any legal standard of proof. It’s good enough for MAGA and Doctor Dumbfuck, though, because they’re legal illiterates.
@64 Instead of batting around poll numbers, why don’t you wait for the election results? Can’t hold your horses for a few more hours?
@66 More likely R voters haven’t heard about the arrest because they never listen to real news.
@80 Look up the word “if” in a dictionary sometime when you’re not busy jerking off the horse.
I know this is complicated, and more than pea-sized brains normally can handle, but the word “if” is conditional and sequential; e.g., home prices must go down before people can buy homes.
@81 It occurs to me that every Republican boomer moving to Florida makes the state he came from younger and bluer.
99% of Homes are Unaffordable to the Average Home Buyer
Researchers examined the median home prices last year for roughly 575 U.S. counties and found that home prices in 99% of those areas are beyond the reach of the average income earner, who makes $71,214 a year, according to ATTOM.
“First-time home buyers, who are often the most sensitive to interest rates and prices, have had to postpone their home-buying dreams,”
“Those older buyers with more cash on hand can buy down interest rates, or they can absorb a higher monthly payment and are still buying homes across the country.”
>> Boomers getting a extra house and corporations,who will turn around and rent out the house are especially hated by potential home buyers locked out from building affordable generational wealth and stability.
unnamed FBI informant = Rudy
Boomers getting a
extra housetax advantaged passive income for retirement do not deserve that special tax treatment.The only thing she’s missing is the suicide vest.
@96 The housing crisis is complex, and has many causes. There’s little evidence it’s currently driven by corporate buyers.
Back in January 2023, The Atlantic said blaming corporate buyers is scapegoating (the article, here, is paywalled so you can only read the introductory paragraphs).
In July 2023, a Harvard study critical of corporate intrusion into the residential home market estimated only 2 percent of single-family and small-scale apartment rentals are owned by large investor entities.
In August 2023, Yahoo Finance reported (here) that investor homebuying has fallen sharply.
All of this suggests the affordability crisis stems from other factors. Blaming it on corporate buyers distracts attention from the real causes.
The housing shortage is rooted in the subprime mortgage crisis and housing crash of 2007-2009, which brought homebuilding to a halt while population kept growing. We simply don’t have enough housing stock, and more buyers than homes for sale pushed up prices through natural market forces.
Then Federal Reserve interest rate policies came into play. Now there’s much less turnover of the existing-home stock because owners won’t trade their 3% mortgages for new 8% mortgages, so they’re staying put. This is a side effect of Fed policies that first suppressed interest rates and then raised them.
In a normal real estate market, home prices are closely related to local wages. In any given market, you can’t sell a home for more than local buyers’ incomes will bear. That mechanism has broken down because of external events creating market distortions. Corporate buyers exploited the foreclosures resulting from the subprime abuses, but the problem now is lack of inventory from sellers staying put because if they moved they’d have to replace their cheap mortgages with expensive mortgages.
Brought to you by the serially humiliated choke-fapping cuck-troll whose party built and placed pipe bombs to disrupt an election count because they lost so badly.
Credere, Obbedire, Combattere!
That didn’t take long. KY already called for Beshear.
He’s been a decent governor, for the most part.
@99 Tlaib complains about the wholesale slaughter of Palestinian civilians, and Doctor Dumbfuck calls that terrorism because he’s a dumbfuck.
@ 100
There’s little evidence it’s currently driven by corporate buyers.
Queen YLB agrees. Of course, her perspective is slanted.
She’s never met an Asian-American neighbor
with an IQ as low as herswho met her social standards.@ 104
Queen YLB’s preferred term for them is “Asian”. No matter how many generations of family were born in this country.
Clarification: That’s her preferred term to be used in public.
Abortion rights ref in Ohio is steadily working its way towards a big win tonight.
@98 Boomers owning second homes makes sense; boomers owning rental homes doesn’t for two big reasons:
They’re less able to keep up rental property, which requires a lot of work; and much of the advantage from owning rental property derives from long-term appreciation they won’t realize, unless they’re buying rental property to pass on to their kids.
I can’t find statistics on it, but I would guess that boomer-generation ownership of rental homes, especially recently-acquired ones, is pretty low. Buying rental property to manage themselves is something people ordinarily do in their 30s and 40s, unless they’re real estate professionals doing it as a business.
Some data I did find suggests that boomer homeownership is typically twice their proportion of the population in major cities (roughly 40% homeownership rate vs. 20% of the population). This isn’t surprising because boomers have worked longer and accumulated more savings than their younger cohorts. This isn’t to say there’s not an affordability crisis for young homebuyers, but buying a first home has always been difficult for young couples and even more so for young singles. That’s why we have government programs like FHA, VA, and so on. And the mortgage deduction is far more important for young homebuyers than for older homeowners whose mortgages have been paid down and now consist largely of payments of principal.
@102 Made easier for Beshear by the Republicans nominating a toxic candidate.
Meanwhile, in neighboring Ohio, early results on abortion rights is roughly 60% for, 40% against.
“Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) said he will temporarily shutter his district office in the city of Cumming after his staff experienced ‘serious threats of violence,'” which if you read the rest of the article, appear to be coming from the right, not the left.
Republicans aren’t safe from their own kind. Democrats, generally speaking, don’t have that problem.
Calling opposing counsel “just not that bright” is not a legal argument. Using that argument suggests the lawyer using it isn’t very bright.
This cuck-troll’s haplessly forgetting that his own party’s nominee staged an armed violent insurrection to overturn an election that threw his party and him out of office is a telling piece of a whole.
Starting with J6 defendants, extending to various Republican members of Congress hiding behind the speech and debate clause, and culminating in the spotty orange spittle-flecked blob himself, the modern MAGA Republicans have fought tirelessly to compartmentalize their own violent, anti-democratic, terroristic tendencies.
They’ve called for and carried out political violence in dozens of US cities since 2017, kicking their cavalcade of terrorism off “officially” in Charlottesville Virginia in 2017. Since then it’s been a continuous Terror-Tour from city to city, and rally to rally, culminating (mostly) in the disgraceful attempt to overturn their 2020 election defeat. They’ve broken into election offices and health clinics. They’ve stormed children’s libraries. They’ve fought with, assaulted, and killed peaceful demonstrators in a half a dozen states. They burn, the beat, they shoot, they bomb, and they do not stop. Terroristic political violence has become incorporated into the DNA of Republicans, even while they elevate a superficially “mild-mannered” religious bigot fascist to run (or fail to run) the US House of Representatives.
Perhaps no individual so perfectly embodies this compartmentalization better than MAGA Mike, who is in all likelihood about to cripple the US government by throwing a political tantrum and refusing to fund it properly, all while smiling mildly behind his nerd glasses and muttering about “Father God” and “My Sweet Lord Jesus”.
We should never let any Republican lecture about terrorism ever again. Not after the last few years. Not after Jan 6th.
The greatest terrorist threat the United States faces right now, and for the last seven years, has been The Republican Party.
never met an Asian-American neighbor
kreepshit went into a racist freak out when I expressed some qualms about absentee landlords on my block.
Both owners are ASIAN (caps for the dim among us), CHINESE to be specific.. Big whoop… Things are volatile in China and people w/ money especially mainland Chinese highly prefer real estate as a store of value.
The house across the street from me is still unoccupied since July 10.. There’s been a little delivery of household goods and some gardening.. So I might have a new neighbor soon. Or the house might be in the process of being flipped. Can’t really tell one way or the other at the moment.
I have several neighbors of asian extraction on my block who happen to actually care to live and raise their families in the homes they bought. I happen to prefer that kind of neighbor to absentee landlords..
Yawwwn.. cheap shot boob having yet another moldering in widbee night.. boooooriiiiiinnggg
107, 108,
All of which is entirely irrelevant to how the structured passive income derrived from fake “second homes” does not and never has deserved any special tax treatment. Preferential tax treatment for owner occupied primary homes should be capped at a locally indexed max. And occupancy status should be require 183 total days of owner occupancy in each calendar year with at least 92 days uninterrupted.
The very same generation that has actively sought to suppress new home starts while promoting policies that drive up the costs, should not simultaneously engage in hoarding the supply they succeeded in limiting. But if they do, they should not enjoy tax breaks for it.
heh. Didn’t take long for Ohioans to reject the Handmaid’s Tale for Ohio..
Fred and Serena Waterford were not available to comment..
teh widbee kreepshit couldn’t make a coherent sentence beyond babbling about “filling the tank, making the rent” and something or other about Amtrak tickets to Cleveland..
Well, she’s been bright enough to kick the strip mall lawyers sorry, incompetent ass all over Foley Square for the last three months in full public view. I haven’t even followed this trial very closely. And it has still very obviously been one of the most lopsided and humiliating civil legal defeats for a prominent business defendant in New York history.
Elivis’ second cousin is making a good run on Tate Reeves and its corrupt administration..
But a Dem win Gov of Mississippi? I’ll believe it when I see it.
Look at what repukes do for that orange fraud.. do they really care if they’re corrupt as fuck?
Beshear wins pretty easily too.
Another Groundhog day for the cuck-troll.
104. There’s little evidence it’s currently driven by corporate buyers.
Fucking racist liar is wrong again.
How out-of-state companies are buying up homes and changing the St. Louis area market
I won’t wait for your apology that you were wrong. You are probably too busy gasming that vulture corporations are fucking over the working class.