– I hope you all had a great Pride, even the straight people.
– Spokane, Spokane.
– Oregon will vote on ranked choice.
– Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I hope you all had a great Pride, even the straight people.
– Spokane, Spokane.
– Oregon will vote on ranked choice.
– Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Mr. Rogers has some news for all y’all chicks with dicks out there.
Mr. Rogers has a message from 52 years ago about boys and girls
Pride Month ends Friday at midnight, and we go back to laughin’ at y’all for the next 11 months.
Mr Rogers on gender orientation — The Tonight Show 09-04-1980
If this wasn’t true, Tom Hanks wouldn’t have played him in the movie.
Fred’s been dead for 20 years and there’s no telling how he might have received lots of new research and scientific evaluations of the social construct that is gender since QED he’s dead.
He was pretty progressive about homosexuality for the 60-70s.
Rogers intentionally hired gay people to work on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Two members of the Neighborhood, John Reardon and Francois Clemmons, were both openly gay and among some of Rogers’ closest friends. Clemmons, as Officer Clemmons, first appeared in 1968 and was also the first black person to have a recurring role on children’s television.
Rogers would later encourage his gay friend and co-star to be openly gay.
And hundreds of thousands of gay people will continue to never think at all about a dumbfuck who got so scared of the city he moved off to a safe secure life with horses that he loves so much.
While they live rent free in your head.
Pride is 24/7/365.🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
Well, while laughing…. I hope you also find funny The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (STD). And, yes, I will be laughing too of all the groomed wives and children of the heterosexual Neanderthal makes.
Take solace in the fact that the violent heterosexual Neanderthals, if not killing their wives and children, then they’ll be gang banging and killing one another.
Take solace in the fact that earth will be destroy heterosexual Neanderthal fucks,
@ 4
Interesting information about a seemingly nice man. Doesn’t change the fact that gay isn’t trans. Doesn’t change the fact that men can’t get pregnant.
Trans men can get pregnant.
I’ll just leave you to ponder that.
Doesn’t change the fact that men can’t get pregnant.
Didn’t Arnold teh Governator have a baby?
And he’s nominally an R.. heh.
And silly Darrell Issa cried… mourning for its munee…
Doesn’t change the fact that Heterosexual Neanderthals are violent killers
Heterosexual Neanderthals are violent killers
Exactly what kount kreepula, shit-lord of widbee wants for its “grandkids”…
(rolls eyes)
@ 8
Trans men can get pregnant.
I’ll just leave you to ponder that.
Trans girls can, and sometimes repeatedly do when inexplicably permitted, rape other girls in the high school girls bathroom.
I’ll just leave you to ponder that.
Lookey look here!
No rest for the bitches! Bitches, call 1-666-YOU-DEAD before you dead, like this bitch. The Heterosexual Neanderthal virus (STD) got another.
Happening wayyyyyywayyyy too often, or not often enough depending on your POV.
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
Trans women raping…..another fantasy of you, the Heterosexual Neanderthal?
For all the effort, and expense Republicans are investing, it really just isn’t paying off. And even if it were to pay off, it requires a degree of nuance and clever messaging that modern Republicans are incapable of, and for a marginal result.
Transphobia is aimed at leveraging two groups of Democratic/Biden voters: non-college educated whites and Blacks. Both groups, who combined comprise as much as 60% of Biden/Democratic support in key swings, are well understood to be more “socially conservative” than college educated white voters. So the opinion polling and focus group surveys show that some Democrats and Democrats in general can be made vulnerable with the right kind of attack on how “social justice” is being defined and who defines it.
But the same opinion polling and focus group surveys also show that these are groups of voters with greater lived experience with the impacts of inequality than more affluent, college educated whites. So the transphobic messaging has to be very careful not to trigger those lived experiences. And as much as possible it must even leverage those lived experiences.
This is part of what Trump managed to do remarkably well in his much more moderately positioned 2016 campaign’s focus on immigration. He managed to portray asylum seekers and other legal applicants for entry as “dangerous others” undeserving of an existence within our borders, but also as “parasites” in a zero-sum contest for diminishing opportunity.
I think it’s much more challenging to portray trans people as either dangerous or taking something away from more religious voters. It works best with much older, white voters. But that’s not who these Biden/Democratic voters are. It’s pretty fucking hard to see a threat in either Dylan Mulvaney or Elliot Page. Which is maybe why we all here find the Shit-lord Crybaby’s constant, fearful pearl-clutching about them to be so funny, and actually pathetic.
But perhaps at this point, even Republicans realize that their messaging about transphobia and trans hatred is not serving the purpose they had originally intended. It can at least still be deployed as needed to distract from a constant barrage of completely negative stories unfolding around the GOP and Trump.
The last actual positive news cycle the GOP enjoyed was about five days following the 2022 midterms. And that quickly collapsed into somewhat negative terms once we all realized how much they had underperformed. It’s looking like this is the new normal for “conservatives” in a MAGA dominated conservative world.
@ 14
Trans women raping…..another fantasy…
Ask Terry McAuliffe about whether it was fantasy.
Maybe this is where Bob was while missing in action. Probably even “rode” the horse there.
Giddy up, Giddy up.
To be fair, so is her intelligence.
@18. Better hope nothing happens to Biden then.
Hey, how’s the Swedish Green New Deal that America’s going to pay for, festering in your head?
@ 15
I think it’s much more challenging to portray trans people as either dangerous or taking something away from more religious voters. It works best with much older, white voters. But that’s not who these Biden/Democratic voters are. It’s pretty fucking hard to see a threat in either Dylan Mulvaney or Elliot Page. Which is maybe why we all here find the Shit-lord Crybaby’s constant, fearful pearl-clutching about them to be so funny, and actually pathetic.
I actually agree with you here. Elliot Page harms no one, as far as I can tell. Dylan Mulvaney harms only those investors who own shares in A-B/InBev.
Now, let’s discuss chicks with dicks competing against girls in high school sports, shall we?
69% think chicks with dicks taking sports awards from real girls is wrong.
You do, too.
Then MTG linked to a CBS story about how ‘hackers’ can get into your Smart TV.
Point 1. When a smart tv is powered off it cannot turn on by itself or be powered on by a ‘hacker’ so at least part of this story is 100% bullshit OR Marge just leaves her TV on and thinks the dancing Samsung when it times out means it’s off. (probably the former)
Point 2.
Hackers, in the sense that someone came across a blue tooth device in pair mode and used the manufacturer default to sync.
Point 3.
If you didn’t edit the manufacturer bluetooth login well, that’s on you and further proof that you in particular should never, ever be allowed near any classified information.
Point 4.
If someone is able to access your wifi network and your smart tv is connected to that network (and powered on) someone within WiFi range can jump on and change your channels or see your viewing history. (That’s a weird thing that you keep youtubing deep fake orange haired obese senior citizen porn, Marge)
Point 5
If you left your WiFi unsecured, that is further proof that you should never, ever be allowed near classified information.
With all this “slicing and dicing” of children’s genitalia, there are going to be some bad things happen in the future. I believe we will see a massive increase of suicide rates for those children who undergo such surgeries, probably within five to ten years from now. Those kids talked into reassignment with all the latest gender claptrap will consider suicide because they realized they’re made big mistakes. Suicide will be their “solution” to this bizarre chapter in American history.
Noun, verb Anitfa didn’t work in 2020
Noun, verb Chicago didn’t work in 2022
Noun, verb , “chick with dicks” won’t work in 2024..
But none of that matters cuz’ it all makes teh kreepula of widbee..
@ 21
Point 5
If you left your WiFi unsecured, that is further proof that you should never, ever be allowed near classified information.
If you were dumb enough to employ Imran Awan even after learning he and his POS family are under criminal investigation as suspected spies, same thing.
If your password was some variation of the word “password”, same thing.
And Hunter DICK PICS touch no one.
Except the Shit-lord Crybaby.
Re @ 24, Politifact wants you to know that the rumor that Podesta used “password” as his DNC workstation password is false.
It was p@ssw0rd.
The 2025-2016 DNC deserved President Trump..
No better example than McAuliffe.
His strategic error was the same one as Hillary’s.
They made it about themselves.
Voters in general are reluctant to feel much sympathy to preening egomaniacs who respond to campaign lies as “personal effrontery”. HOW DARE YOU? is never a good look in a candidate.
What voters want in a candidate is a selfless hero in some form. So when Republicans fabricate bullshit, whether it’s about JOO SPACE LASERS or TRANS RAPES, Democratic candidates need to fight back.
But to defend the innocent, not themselves. For more, see Joe Biden.
Candidates like Hillary and McAuliffe who always make it about themselves are always doomed to lose these culture wars fights.
It’s always about the humanity and dignity of who we are defending. The minute a candidate makes it about themselves, they lose votes.
For more, see Trump. Although he is trying, at least. In even his most deranged stump whining he almost always makes it a point to tell his audience that he’s doing it all for them, and that they are the ones under attack. And for the most part, he always has. He understands voters better than Hillary or Terry McAuliffe.
He’s just a fascist. And insane.
So he did discuss business, plenty of times. Hard to explain 14 of Hunter’s biz BFFs gettin’ to meet Papa Joe otherwise. He just wasn’t “in business” with his corrupt, POS, criminal spawn.
Got it. Until the next revision.
@ 27
So when Republicans fabricate bullshit…
Not just Republicans, asswipe.
Specifically, Brennan’s handwritten notes indicate that #CrookedHillary & Co. were”stirring up a scandal”.
In this sense #CrookedHillary was trying very hard to make it NOT about her corruption. By creating a lie about her opponent.
So, back to Republicans fabricating bullshit…
I don’t need tech savvy members of Congress, even on Intel.
I need politically savvy members of Congress who have enough self-awareness to resist diving into bizarre, half-baked conspiracy delusions just because they haven’t yet had time to take the edge off their Adderall binge with their usual lorazapam and strawberry wine coolers.
But Manafort carrying stolen campaign data to supply to Prighozin’s Internet Research Agency via Deripaska remains evergreen.
Even the Shit-lord Crybaby admits it.
@24. “You realize, greedy racist incel, do you not, that your reference piece is
16 months old7 years old. Do you understand that?”http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1483043
>> I know. The greedy racist incel doesn’t care. He lies to make himself feel like less of a loser.
@ 30
I don’t need tech savvy members of Congress, even on Intel.
How about on AI? China’s influence using Tik-Tok and similar, perhaps?
Your statement is moronic. Not every member of Congress needs to be tech-savvy. But a good many of them do. Otherwise Congress will digest and act on information in the same way that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit digests and acts on stock market information.
QoS McHillbilly doesn’t need people in the know. But he sure needs 51 signatories to a letter about Russian disinformation being responsible for Hunter Biden’s laptop, particularly given the amount of documentation of Biden family corruption it contains.
You mean the support that trump got from Russia that Mueller documented and Durham confirmed.
Mueller did, however, find hundreds of contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 campaign season, and concluded that Russian intelligence operatives had been directed to help Mr Trump win the presidency, in part by hacking and leaking emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign officials through WikiLeaks.
Though his investigation did not result in charges against any Trump aide for working with Russia to tip the election, it did find that Russia interfered on Trump’s behalf and that the campaign welcomed, rather than discouraged, the help.
Schiff also noted that Durham’s report did not dispute any of the findings in special counsel Robert Mueller’s 2019 report on Trump’s links to Russia, which was initiated by the FBI probe.
Durham, for his part, stood by the findings of the report. He also affirmed that there was “substantial evidence” of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
But go right on lying, greedy racist incel. That’s all you are good for.
@34. Repeating the lies doesn’t make it true. It just make you desperate.
@12 Most rapists are straight men.
The hubris of concentrated wealth has reached the point of self-elimination.
@20 Look who’s handwringing about “wrong.” This might be halfway credible if you weren’t so blind to so many other wrongs.
@33 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit digests and acts on stock market information.”
Right now I’m digesting lunch and reading “stock market information.” GNRC 1.6%, TSLA -5.7%
3M is down 32 cents after Friday’s big announcement.
Just come on out and say no one should have hired him because he’s brown with ties to Muslims.
It was all a bullshit conspiracy theory hatched by the GOP.
Q Much?
Da Da, Sank you for eegnoring ze many many meetings the capaign of Meester Trump with now known operatives of ze russian government and ze sharing of ze secret campaign data with ze KGB tied Russians and all ze many many times vee vere able to speak with Jr. Donald about the help vee could asseeest.
The Burtima woman….what a looker. I vonder if she had to give blowjob to Junior Trump?
“I love it”
A future Biden administration relies upon agency experts outside of the government to carry political water by pointing out shitty “evidence” like SALACIOUS PICS PACKAGE.
GOP Trump just fires AGs until he finally finds one willing to do political dirty work from inside the government. And then thirty months later it all falls apart.
I expect political campaigns to engage in political communications. That might even include an active effort to recruit respected individuals outside the government to sign a letter defending against a smear.
Or it might include an active effort to recruit former frat bros and queer curious fellow blackout drunks to sign a letter defending a nominee from charges that he took part in teen gang rapes.
Take it up with Marge, then ya fuckin’ crybaby.
She’s your drug addicted House Republican Leader alleging that her household appliances are watching her undress at night.
That’s your problem. And it’s not going away at all.
Cory Booker and Mayor Pete – Rhodes Scholars.
Marge and Backpages Barbie – Barbizon/American Idol dropouts.
Delusional Wannabe Doctor Nutjob @22.
Are you speaking from experience? Did PI slice and dice his genitalia or his brain?
I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16 or ‘20. The guy is a arrogant jerk, but he was not a Russian stool.
A Long Island stool.
Which must make you Groom of the Stool.
Such an honor. How proud you must be
It’s too bad 24 people had to be shot before the law could take guns away from someone previously charged with felony menacing and kidnapping. I think gun laws need tweaking.
@46 “I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16 or ‘20. The guy is a arrogant jerk, but he was not a Russian stool.”
He’s an arrogant jerk, alright, but you left out a few other things: Serial liar, serial adulterer, serial bankrupt, perpetual deadbeat, racist, bigot, misogynist, sexual harasser, draft dodger, tax dodger, seditionist, bully, braggart, grifter — am I missing something? A man of no character.
As for whether he was a Russian stool, he owed a lot of money to Russians, pursued business interests in Russian, and buddied-up to Vladimir, so I would be surprised if he wasn’t a Russian stool, too.
Not voting for him (assuming you’re not lying about this) doesn’t earn you a medal or mark you as a person of exceptional talent or personal qualities. All it does is keep you out of the nut house.
More proof that Republicans, including GOP elected officials, never fact-check anything but just latch onto anything that conforms to what they want to hear as if it were gospel truth.
Even Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t this careless with facts, although he sometimes makes up shit.
Florida already has a teacher shortage. I predict they’re going to have a pool cleaner shortage, too. There are plenty of safer ways to make a living in Florida.
But public defender isn’t one of them.
Toronto held a special election today to replace ousted Mayor John Tory, and they could have used Ranked Choice, instead of winner take all to sort out the 102 candidates running. With 37% of the vote, Olivia Chow, widow of former Federal opposition leader Jack Layton, has beefed elected Mayor of Toronto.
Stephen Miller, Trump’s immigration chief, wanted to keep migrants from reaching the U.S. by murdering them at sea.
American “conservatives” finally beginning to repudiate Trump means we can begin to look for more of them to return to their TV trays and yelling at the contestants on Wheel of Fortune instead of voting.
I promise, I was born a man.
More than two-thirds of America can tell that Biden’s a walking, talking vegetable.
Well over 50% are absolutely certain of it.
@46. The evidence says otherwise.
Listened to the local conservative talk station on my drive in for a few minutes. The talker complained about the gay agenda being too radical, and he polled his well off gay friends and they want to just do their jobs and not make a fuss.
Then the talker threw in some digs that radical gay agenda is ruining race relations in St Louis.
In 5 minutes I learned…. His gay “friends” are in the closet and rich. and if black people have any problems, it’s the gays fault.
This is the propaganda the conservatives are spewing .
@56 Older (by a lot) and off its rocker Charles Grassley and older (by a little) and addled by tbi cocaine Mitch has kount kreepula’s total konfidence..
@ 58
…he polled his well off gay friends and they want to just do their jobs and not make a fuss.
I suspect that the vast majority of gays just want to be seen like everybody else. It’s harder for some people than for others to acknowledge gay rights. Barack Obama famously had to be dragged into supporting gay marriage, even after he was elected president. Hillary Clinton’s husband signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act.
When she ran for the Senate in 2000, #CrookedHillary famously said,
Comments like that make it hard for gays to not make a fuss. Unless they choose not to marry, in order to not make a fuss.
Change is hard for some Democrats. Barack got through it OK. #CrookedHillary didn’t.
The SCOTUS justice most frequently in the majority has been Sotomayor.
So much for the conservative Court.
Anyone else notice that gasoline prices are up 32 cents in the last month?
Why did Darrell Issa tweet that Joe Biden has “officially lawyered up”?
NYC is cracking down on coal-fired and wood-fired pizza ovens in the City. This is important? For a city that is choking on filth, homelessness and crime , the city “leadership” is more worried about pizza ovens in the name of “climate change?” These people are fucking ridiculous.
BTW, why aren’t these moonbeams calling is “global warming” any longer? Do they use “climate change” now, instead, because they can pretend they’re correct, not matter what happens in the future?
@ 64
Do they use “climate change” now, instead, because they can pretend they’re correct, not matter what happens in the future?
Yes. Next question.
Yes. Of Course. Wonder which murderous thug regime is responsible?
Saudi Arabia cuts oil production again to shore up prices — this time on its own
Good choice of source…
And the GOP is hell bent on nominating a felon, PROVEN sexual abuser, national security risk, who is also old as fuck and obese.
So voters in MI, NC, MN, WI, AZ, GA, PA go….”Yeah we’ll take Joe over that insane treasonous Fuckwad. Joe on a bad day is better than giving Russia our intelligence briefings.”
Really revving up the machine to recapture the youth vote, eh Donald?
Putting aside that repeating the same word seven times in a minute is a clear sign of dementia…
GM has already announced a massive $4 billion overhaul at its Orion Assembly plant, where the Chevy Bolt EV is built, to prepare for its upcoming Silverado EV, but the automaker has more extensive ideas planned to ramp production. The plant is in Lake Orion, MICHIGAN
In more local MICHIGAN news
Michigan lands two more EV battery plants, bringing up to 4,000 jobs Bridge MI, 2022
Meanwhile the GOP absolutely hates, I meant they hate, it’s a hatred obsession how much they hate, the haters in the GOP hate EV jobs for Michigan.
More GM
The only reason he’s pissed about an ‘illegal leak” is he was hoping to stave off until it becomes public record during the trial that he LITERALLY told people the document was classified, he wasn’t allowed to have it, as no longer the President he had no ability to declassify it…
And then he showed it to them anyway.
@56 He’s doing pretty well with Ukraine, NATO, our Pacific alliances, rebuilding America’s infrastructure, and a bunch of other stuff for a rutabaga. We should elect more vegetables.
Btw, did you eat your veggies today?
@60 Oh look. Doc’s pretending Democrats are gays’ Enemy #1. Hey doc, whatever problems gays had with Dems are trivial compared to the anti-LGBQT genocide being waged by your tribe.
@60. “You realize, greedy racist incel, do you not, that your reference piece is
16 months old23 years old. Do you understand that?”horsesass.org/friday-night-multimedia-extravaganza-640/#comment-1483043
>> I know. The greedy racist incel doesn’t care. He lies to make himself feel like less of a loser.
@61 The SCOTUS justice most determinedly against democracy is Thomas, with Alito a close second. Moore should’ve been a 9-0 decision.
@62 Yeah, well, in case you didn’t notice gas prices have been falling in most of the country, but are up locally partly because the Olympic pipeline is shut down for maintenance.
Moore v. Harper: 6-3 Roberts ruling. The Supreme Court rejected the independent state legislature theory. Thomas dissenting, Gorsuch joining in part, and Alito joining in part.
6 SC justices determined democracy should continue. 3 SC justices disagree.
@63 “Why did Darrell Issa tweet that Joe Biden has ‘officially lawyered up’?”
The question answers itself: Because tweeting bullshit is what Issa does. And stepping in bullshit is what you do, when you’re not shoveling horseshit.
“Did Joe Biden just ‘lawyer up’?: A member of Congress tweeted over the weekend that the president has hired a lawyer, and that this is a sign of major scandal. But neither of those things appears to be true.”
@64 Particulates, idiot. Why do you hate asthma and COPD sufferers? What did they ever do to you? Also, do you have a science-based rationale for the theory that pizza tastes better baked with coal or wood heat instead of electric heat? Heat is heat. Or do you like smoke with your cheese?
Remember: Two thirds of Americans, when asked, admit to having real misgivings that the next commercial aircraft they board might suddenly fall out of the sky.
Then they book a flight to Ixtapa.
Because fucking Ixtapa.
Biden’s age is a challenge for him as a candidate. But it’s a challenge he meets ably with his consistently excellent performance.
Because fucking Biden. 😎
Why did Darrell Issa tweet that Joe Biden has “officially lawyered up”?
teh greedee silly Issa is still in mourning for the million dollars it pissed away..
so many years ago… awwwwww…
wasn’t munee supposed to buy everything? Issa’s “revenge”..
what a miserable asshole.
@70 “he LITERALLY told people the document was classified”
You mean he literally BRAGGED to people the document was classified.
But if prosecutors are looking for an espionage motive, they won’t find it. This was kindergarten-level show-and-tell.
@64 How’s the weather down there in Texas?
@ 69
With enough subsidy from US taxpayers, nearly any EV manufacturer can survive.
Lordstown Motors planning to use $200 million federal grant to help with production
That’s nearly any EV manufacturer.
Lordstown Motors files for bankruptcy, sues Foxconn over $170 million funding deal
$400 billion in US taxpayer funds subsidizes Big Three efforts to Me-Too.
The bright side is that Queen YLB’s fucked kids will foot the bill for most of it. The second bright side is that the finished products will have to pay to use Tesla technology in order to charge.
@83 Your rant against federal subsidies would be only slightly more hypocritical if you owned a wheat farm in eastern Washington.
This is what happens if you question a GOP presidential candidate about his position on Uyghurs.
@83 One fondly remembers when kount kreepula babbled about Obama’s support of Elmo Musk’s TSLA.
It wasn’t very positive. heh.
Heh that turned out to the upside eh kreepula. and good for the kids..
Take it Away Wall Street Journal:
And others in the media have noticed…
The irony that Lordstown was acquired by FoxCon, another savior of the economy by Donald that never produced a single item in Wisconsin and is no longer operating bought Lordstown and then pulled the plug, pun intended, is utterly lost on Dumbfuck.
He just goes on and on about, “Yeah but an EV maker went down so….CHECKMATE libs!”
Elmo is so always wrong wing these days and that thrills kount kreepula into afterglow..
One wonders why…
Whadayaknow.. That IRS bill was good for the kids too.
May there be many more.. And we might just pay off the Bush recreational wars debt.
Guns banned from Trump speech at Republican dinner
>>”I want my guns so I can feel safe and kill anyone I don’t like AND I want guns banned at the speech so I can feel safe and nobody kills me. ” – Republicans.
@ 85
This is what happens if you question a GOP presidential candidate about his position on Uyghurs.
We have yet to see what happens when a Democrat presidential candidate is questioned about his son’s criminal activity, how much said presidential candidate knew about it, and how much said presidential candidate involved himself in it.
But we will.
Meanwhile, we got to see what happened when a Democrat presidential candidate was caught visiting his fuck buddy and the child they had together.
And of course, we already witnessed a Democrat presidential candidate cut and run before the 2020 primary voting even got underway.
@90 “We have yet to see what happens when a Democrat presidential candidate is questioned about his son’s criminal activity, how much said presidential candidate knew about it, and how much said presidential candidate involved himself in it.”
You do have the tapes, don’t you?
@ 89
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, please name a publicly attended event in which a Secret Service protectee’s audience was not prohibited from packing heat while attending.
Senior NATIONAL ENQUIRER Reporter Alexander Hitchen
LMAO… the corrupt rag that bought off drumpf’s “fuck buddies” over the years.
Funny that always wrong wingers were crickets over this story..
and babbled it was made up when confronted.
Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority
it is a meal service program reserved for qualifying schools and districts in low-income areas. The program enables schools that predominantly serve children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast and lunch, instead of means-testing them and having to manage collecting applications on an individual basis. As with many universal-oriented programs, it is more practically efficient and, as a bonus, lifts all boats. This is what Republicans are looking to eliminate.
“Tell Poor White Racist Republican voters that you are taking food out of the mouths of Kids of Color, and they will happily let their own kids starve. ”
Greedy racist incel. Why does your tribe hate children? Do you support banning Universal free school lunches?
Along with trying to stop schools from giving all their students free meals, the proposed 2024 Republican budget includes efforts to:
– cut Social Security and Medicare
– make Trump’s tax cuts for the top 1 percent permanent
– impose work requirements on “all federal benefit programs,” like food stamps and Medicare
– extend work requirements on those aged 55–64
– bring back all of twice-impeached and twice-arrested former President Donald Trump’s deregulations, including the weakening of environmental protection.
@62. Why? Demand an exception.
Republicans want everyone armed, to be safe. Trump should be totally safe in that venue with everyone packing. Right? That’s what they are telling everyone else.
Shorter @ 93
A president taking a drink
is equivalent to
Adultery and fathering of a bastard child while trying to keep it from becoming public.
It’s not for nothing that Queen YLB is widely known as HA’s dumbest twat.
A president taking a drink
A one time blind drunk alcoholic falling off the wagon apparently is just ok
with its finger on teh nukular trigger and prosecuting two wars abroad while domestically a city is drowning
to our silliest kreepshit troll evah… yeah.. you right…
97. Adultery and fathering of a bastard child while trying to keep it from becoming public.
Which president did that?
We know which one was the one time blind drunk alcoholic.
Let’s go back to the source:
A Washington source said: “The sad fact is that he has been sneaking drinks for weeks now. Laura may have only just caught him — but the word is his drinking has been going on for a while in the capital. He’s been in a pressure cooker for months.
“The war in Iraq, the loss of American lives, has deeply affected him. He takes every soldier’s life personally. It has left him emotionally drained.
The result is he’s taking drinks here and there, likely in private, to cope. “And now with the worst domestic crisis in his administration over Katrina, you pray his drinking doesn’t go out of control.”…
It has to be true. I read it in the ENQUIRER…
“John Edwards? Is he the Bass Guitarist for those guys my Gramma listens to? Sirhan Duran or something? Maybe he was a sports guy?”
“Nah Think he’s the guy from that hospital show that was always on TNT like 24/7 when we were little.”
Gen Z.
While we’re on the subject of philandering politicians, remember when I got busted for Heroin possession at age 30. And the time I cut of the estranged wife’s credit card even though the court ordered me to give her access and then she killed herself?
Wait, shit…don’t google that, BAN TIK TOK!
You know the USDA funds a whole gigantic fucking program of zero down payment, ultra low interest loans that are exclusively for “rural” areas, right? Basically very similar to VA loans. Only applicants “serve” their country by being clay eating, toothless, half-wit fuckwads eager to live in a rural shithole surrounded by pigs. Or, alternatively, they can “serve” their country by being affluent, greedy, racist, conservative-voting recluses whose “lifestyle choices”* won’t tolerate having a neighbor closer than two miles.
I wouldn’t argue that such loan programs should ever be eliminated entirely. Instead I’d argue they should only be available to teachers, nurses, doctors, home healthcare workers, and foster parents willing to work in a rural shithole surrounded by pigs.
*Basically torturing and murdering truck-stop whores, or fucking horses.
We learned nothing from telling the kids they needed to ban abortion
Queer Girl music sensation Boygenius performed in Nashville to a sold out crowd before Julien Baker’s home town crowd.
They took the stage in exagerated Drag Queen dress and Baker got the crowd going, “Today, I’m so grateful for my life, not because I get to stand onstage with my best friends… but because I’m content with the person that I am. I have a lot of anger for the people that have made me feel small, and feel erased. And I’ve found it’s a really powerful and humiliating tool to make those people fuck off. I would like you to scream so loud that Governor Lee can hear you.” The crowd then happily and quite clearly shouted “Fuck Bill Lee” for several minutes.
Unlike morons on the right, no we won’t be trying to profit off “Let’s go Miss Lee”
Boygenius is the supergroup of singer/songwriters Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus. Now before you go, who?
Phoebe did SNL and all the late night shows in support of her last album including a sold out show at Marymoor Park for the summer concert series. She also opened the first set of shows for Taylor Swift on the Era’s tour. Their show at the gorge is sold out for next month (27K fans) Oh and she also introduced Taylor Swift at a thing only the youth care about awards show. The kids LOVE her.
Boygenius had a #1 song with “Not Strong Enough” and this year’s ‘The Album’ peaked at #4.
You may be saying, who? But every voter under 30 knows.
“See the problem is the kids today. If we can just keep them from ever ever learning about the gays and the queers and all the homos and the trans then they won’t ever know that some of their friends they’ve known since they were toddlers are gay and still totally decent human beings and then we can get back to winning! We need to make sure they hate as much as we can make them.” GOP Official Platform 2024
“Our Creator hates PRIDE, and each of us as the creation will be held to account for our choices, eventually. The 7-color natural rainbow is a reminder of His promise to never again enact worldwide judgment by WATER. The next worldwide judgment will be by FIRE.” -Minnesota state Senator Eric Lucero, R-Religious Bigotry
“Yeah, fuck those guys.” Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z
Seriously, can you find me an elected Democrat who is as clearly crazy as so many Republicans are about shit that does not exist.
The Founding Fathers are too woke.
Joe Donnell SD-01, in a live interview.
An “Independent” freind of mine once said to me that he was afraid that cis gender men would go into a womans room and then if caught use the excuse that he was transgender, while his real motive was to get a peak at some vag.
I said to him, well if that is the case then he should be mandated to change his license from male to female. That should settle it.
No. It’s because idiots like you can’t comprehend what “Global Warming” really means. If a snowflake should drop from the sky in say July, you would think that the earth is cooling.
Next. You’ve must have diced and sliced your brain.
See if you can understand this too.
It’s called The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. An STD passed on by the Church, in seek of well groomed Bitches.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD Bitch!
Ladies, you are allowing this to happen. Your choice to be hooked up and shacked up with such animals.
gas is still 3.39 in Delaware, like it has been for the last 3-4 months.
But why does it matter?
Why do you want to talk about Climate Change?
Is it because you’d rather forget about The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus and the Violent Mad Animals of Heterosexuals?
Oh, it’s just a normal fact of life, you say. You say that, oh there are pisons (not subsidised by you?). Just some normalcy you are willing to accept and look the other way.
What about the child? This 3 week old child! Where are those Mom Fucks for Liberty?
Don’t rape me. Don’t rape me. Don’t rape me, said the little bitches to the Heterosexual Neanderthal with the HN Virus.
@92 So if I understand correctly, if it weren’t for the Secret Service, Republicans would happily allow rally attendees to bring guns to their candidates’ campaign rallies? And why not? They’re happy with guns in daycares and elementary schools. They’re all for manufacturers offering pink AR-15s as a sales gimmick to make them more attractive to little girls. And they don’t seem to care when people get shot, even when it’s them.
@94 They’re hoping poor black parents can’t satisfy the red tape, so poor black kids will go hungry.
@95 They can’t enact any of that into law. The worst they can do is refuse to pass a budget Democrats will accept, resulting in a government shutdown. Which is just what they’re going to do.
It’s OK with Greg Abbott if heat kills poor people who can’t afford A/C. More electricity for the rich, and fewer Democrats voting against him.
The most relevant part: