I don’t understand how you want to be a civic leader and you don’t even remember how you voted in the last Presidential election. It sure looks like it’s Trump. It sure seems like Olga Sagan voted for Trump and then was too chickenshit to just say it.
Jesus, it would have been less damning if she just admitted to voting for Trump. It defies logic. Just say who you voted for, goodness sake.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Early bad news for Dumbfuck’s boy riding in in a Shetland pony to save the GOP from killing themselves…
First post indictment poll, 80% of republicans think Trump should run if CONVICTED. (CBS YouGov)
75% of GOP is considering voting for Trump while 61% say they will.
But but but, Hillary was 30 to Obama at this point.
Donald’s lead over DeSantis has swelled to 38
Here’s where we add that Hillary never had a cult behind her that has zero interest in ANYONE and will likely burn it all down if he’s not the nominee.
Just say who you voted for, goodness sake.
And if you’re a Democrat US senator, just say whether Fetterman’s a positive or a negative for the nation.
And if you’re a Democrat US senator, just say whether DiFi’s a positive or a negative for the nation.
And if either one of them is a negative for the nation, then come out and call for their resignation or, in the alternative, for their impeachment and removal.
@ 2
Here’s where we add that Hillary never had a cult behind her …
Just what do you think the pink pussy hats signified?
@ 2, 4
Donna Brazile begs to differ as well.
Notice that QoS McHillbilly isn’t claiming that Obama didn’t have a cult.
’cause he’d be wrong about that, too. So wrong.
Listening to G-clown for awhile has an effect.
At some point fucked up in the head isn’t worth supporting anymore. Most people understand this.
G-clown’s type would rather let chicks with dicks continue to rape girls in the girls’ bathroom in public schools.
They’re not Nazis, either.
Democrat Who Equated Muslims With White Supremacists for Opposing LGBTQ Curriculum Apologizes
I clicked on YouTube’s video The World I Know by Collective Soul.
It came with a suicide images warning, which I had to acknowledge before the video would play.
The London Times confirms: It was always The Wuhan.
Fauci directed US funding to aid the Chinese military in gain-of-function research, then lied his fucking ass off to Rand Paul about it. For this the left made him a hero.
When the Fever comes, when the Fever come, when the Fever Comes, when the Fever comes.
A cult debate?
Nah. That’s just a semantic distraction intended to take attention away from the fact that the supreme leader of the GOP is a career criminal now destined to spend the end of his days in a federal correctional facility.
Let’s let his own Attorney General explain it:
There’s no credible way to WHADDABOUT this egregiously criminal conduct into the corn field.
It was terribly wrong to nominate and elect Donald J. Trump to be president. So wrong.
The GOP gets to live with this forever now.
Evidence? Any articles? Any clippings?
Something? Something more than your fantasies?
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus – not a fantasy. Real. Alive and well. And probably a few victims last night. Just google it.
Raping little girls and kids is a Republican thing especially in evangelical circles.
But like The Fuckhump committing treason, they just don’t care. Now isn’t that special.
Speaking of which……The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus killed another last night!
Ladies, you sheep, get a life, call 1-666-YOU-DEAD bitch. Don’t be groomed.
Here’s another lady who allowed, choose the lifestyle, to be groomed.
Ladies call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Feed me bitch. Wash my clothes!
@ 12
… the supreme leader of the GOP is a career criminal now destined to spend the end of his days in a federal correctional facility.
Nah. He’ll be pardoned by the victor of the 2024 presidential election. Who will then pardon Biden.
In 2016 the supreme leader of the Democrat party was a career-long corrupt grifter who was spared indictment only because Comey’s draft indictment was subject to a couple of word changes by Peter Strzok. While spared indictment, she’s not spared the knowledge that her behavior led directly to the seating of
Justice Neil Gorsuch
Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Some things are worse than prison.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett will hold their seats far longer than Donald Trump will be incarcerated.
#CrookedHillary gave the country a conservative Court for at least the next generation.
Some things are worse than prison.
President Joe Biden.
Vice President Kamala Harris.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The collapse of the GOP into a violent cult.
And losing every single election for the rest of his life, watching one swing state after another flip, and knowing as he does that there will be no turning back is worse, for sure.
It’s absolutely true. He would have been better off if Trump had been re-elected. So much better off. But that isn’t what happened. Trump lost. Trump was beaten. And now he’s going to prison.
Those were about women realizing that less than half the voters but just enough in the right states don’t give a fuck about sexual assault or rape.
Doubling down on that kind of anti-woman rhetoric and policies cost you a lot in 2022 and it’s got a whole generation or two fighting against you forever.
Good job on that
His pornhub ‘favorites’.
“…cost you a lot in 2022…”
Cost him nearly everything since 2017.
Year after painful year of crushing disappointment as all the pins that had been setup by decades of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and corrupt legislating simply refused to fall. And just as the death rates had begun to go the wrong way. It really was the Flight 93 Election. And now he stands amid the smoking ruins like a raving lunatic survivor demanding that they bring him another bag of nuts.
I personally find it fun to watch as at each turn it just gets progressively worse for him and he can’t tell anymore.
Does Draft Kings have a line on whether or not G-mans parents wish they had aborted him?
Oh c’mon, Carl. We have SECRET ballots in this country. She’s ENTITLED to keep to herself who she voted for. She didn’t LIE by denying she voted for Trump. And anyway, her presidential vote isn’t relevant to city governance, and voters should evaluate her fitness for City Council based on how she answers questions about local issues. Besides, if she’s a MAGA nutter, it’ll come out, because that’s awfully difficult to hide. The rioting, flagpole throwing, and Trump flags are a dead giveaway.
When you are referring to the White Supremacists you mean the American Taliban? The American Taliban = Muslim Extremists. Remember those Muslims? I think your kind refers to them as Towel Heads.
@3 Nowadays, anyone can be a positive simply by not being a Republican.
The Wuhan Virus is just a flu, every Republican knows that.
Eritrean Biniam Girmay won the first road stage in the Tour de Suisse today. van Aert third after going too early, Sagan fifth.
@4 “Just what do you think the pink pussy hats signified?”
Not a Hillary cult, dumbshit. If you don’t know what something signifies, you should look it up before posting something that makes you look stupid. Here, I’ll help you:
“The Women’s March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was prompted by Trump’s policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women. … According to organizers, the goal was to “send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights”.
Not a word in there about Hillary. The pink hats were all about Pussygrabber Trump. And you have proved once again that you’re a dumbfuck.
The dumbfuck radiology department reject will soon reply to @29 with irrelevant references to GE, 3M, T, etc. etc.; wait for it.
@8 Good work. Now do Republicans equating Muslims with terrorists.
@9 I’m surprised it didn’t ask you to verify your age, too. Of course, anyone can lie about that. YouTube doesn’t ask for birth certificates.
This is all CYA. It’s drafted by lawyers to protect You Tube from being sued by PI’s mom for corrupting her minor child. They want to be able to say, “He told us he was 18.”
Please release the declasified information to the public. Unredacted!
No? Why not?
Jim Jordan is a POS.
@32 I can sue YouTube because of my worthless son?? Oh, wait. I just reread your comment. Damn.
So just curious, does news footage showing up in a campaign ad of white people waving Nazi flags and DeSantis flags outside an entrance to Disneyland help or hurt his candidacy?
Actually trick question. Helps him a lot in a GOP Primary.
Hurts a lot if he makes it to the General election.
(Voiceover) If American Nazis support Ron DeSantis to run the United States of America, why would anyone else support him?
@36 independent voters is a fallacy.
Heterosexual Neanderthals have really fucked up this Country and this world.
Every CEO should care but they don’t.
She was smart. She got rid of him before he got rid of her and the kids and Fifi.
Heterosexual Neanderthals just having a wayyyyyyyy wayyyyyyy wayyyyyyyy too tooo often typical day.
And they looked so happy, having the time of their lives, fuck the parenting, who wanted those kids anyways.
Taxpayers and society pays for their bullshit. Broken families, if still alive. The Bible! The Bible! Though shall not……….The Bible! Wahhhhhh wahhhhhh The Bible. Tricitious 34:6:6!
Trump raised $170 million after his loss in Nov of 2020 off his Stop the Steal fraud. The following January he tried negotiating the estimated $3 million in fees for his impeachment trial defense team including experts, consultants and prep down less than a third. So a week before the Senate trial they quit.
But we are left to puzzle why he still can’t find qualified criminal defense attorneys to represent him. It looks like he will appear for his arraignment tomorrow represented by an insurance attorney. 😁
I want him to get a fair trial represented by a good attorney before a neutral judge and be convicted by a Republican jury.
Federal prosecutors with lots of experience with the guidelines are saying that, convicted on all counts, the likely range for sentencing will be something like 17-21 years.
Then he’ll flee to Saudi Arabia.
@41 Why not Russia? And get Russki citizenship like Snowden? He’s over their draft age.
I know I’m not a chic with a dick.
35 – When are you going to repay that money we used to get you off of the drug charge in Snohomish County, you welching whore? You’ve been an economic leech your whole life, you dumb bitch!
You can criticize PI if you want, but PI is richer than any of you will ever be. It’s PI’s mom that’s the fucking disaster.
I dunno. I just find it hard to believe that someone who speaks as cautiously as does Joe Biden – who once compared his IQ to a voter’s, while on camera during his first campaign – would let himself be caught Abscam-style on audio recordings discussing bribes to his family and to himself.
And I find it similarly hard to believe that someone as congenitally cautious as Hunter Biden would find himself recorded doing anything that wasn’t what we would want our betters to do for the nation they so dearly cherish.
It’s just not possible that Chuck Grassley has already heard those audio recordings.
Is it?
There’s always a “Big Guy”.
At minimum this is premature. More likely it’s an own-goal by the GOP.
GOP Rep. Ogles introduces impeachment articles against Biden, Harris
32)Som of my game apps like SimCity are asking for age verification’ now.
It’s just not possible that Chuck Grassley has already heard those audio recordings.
The 89 year old who is off its rocker?
“We are not interested in whether the allegations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not.”
I dunno. I just find it hard
Grassley, krazy old koot, seems have just a little more of its marbles than the unhinged kreepshit of widbee, starving for a tax cut.
There’s always a “Big Guy”.
heh.. sez the “little buddy” of widbee..
@45 “It’s just not possible that Chuck Grassley has already heard those audio recordings. Is it?”
Possible, but unlikely. This is what Grassley has:
“According to Grassley, the foreign national in question has possession of 15 audio tapes of phone calls between himself and Hunter Biden and two audio recordings of conversations with then-Vice President Joe Biden.”
In court, it’s called double hearsay, which isn’t exactly the same thing as, say, Trump incriminating himself in front of TV cameras.
Grassley reminds me of this guy.
Team Treason is planning a scorched earth trial defense, intending to directly attack the trial prosecutors, the Special Counsel, the grand jury, the DOJ, the Attorney General, their past associations, and their families.
And for some reason no qualified criminal trial attorneys are interested?
@52 It occurs to me the night before arraignment isn’t a great time to still be shopping for a defense attorney.
He looks like a child molester too. One of Bob’s Friend (OBF).
A man with conviction. A real man and not a sheep.
Not just a–holes, but proud snowflake a–holes.
These Indians really trying to give American Heterosexual Neanderthals a run for their money.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus lurks in India. Why? Because of the Grooming that Indians cling to like American Heterosexual Neanderthal men.
Ladies! Do yourselves a favor. Don’t be groomed! You’re a dumb bitch for allowing yourself to let some neanderthal fuck try to fuck you and then kill you.
You tell him to wash your dishes. You tell him to wash your clothes. You tell him to cook you dinner. And all you pretty ones that think your good looks will keep you safe……not! You dead bitch.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD. The tip line on how to keep you from being killed by your Sanctimonious Lover. The Church aint fucking helping you, they only got you into this mess.
Stop costing the American taxpayer hard earned slaved over money.
This one got the two brothers-in-law…..at least those two guys wives are safe now.
This one actually proobably helped saved some lives.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus on a rampage.
Did anyone see my bra and panites?
Daughter scared for life because you let some man groom you.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Ladies! You aren’t too smart. You are grown woman letting these men groom you. You bitches, bitches. Get smart. You are half the problem. You are not the victim, when you let them do this to you.
Hey de Plane, boss, de plane! Bridges catching on fire and collapsing, boss.
Heres one from Lebanon! Babkas!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (STD) perpetrated by Marjorie Taylor Yellow Face and that Boebert hoe.
For them two there is no number to call, just suffocate yourself you two pigs.
Every woman thinks their man is not that man. But one day they wake up and Bam, they are dead.
They chose this lifestyle. Society accepts this lifestyle and doesn’t disapprove.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is here to stay and never going away. It is here, it is Apeish, and we love it!
Key words here – “the girl”
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba! Delicious! Stamp of approval! No chic with a dick!
We get our shit from Mexico! Them little jumping beans are good to us! MAGA!
Try a Drag Queen Book reading next time, that’s where they’ll be safe.
They’re not even safe in their own home, with the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus lurking about. Man wake up, you dumb bitch. You chose to put your kids in unsafe spots and be groomed, own it. Be a good parent next time.
Fucking Heterosexual Neanderthals – we must protect the fetus! We are pro life….but we flip flop to pro death very quickly, so sorry. Praise the Lord!
Happy White Heterosexual Pride! We celebrate 12 months of the year of killing Heterosexual on Heterosexual crime!
Is easy to determine – Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Check out the picture – if it doesn’t change.
Ohhhh, the children…..close your eyes! Tits be flying!
Bunch of Heterosexual Neanderthals causing violence and wasting taxpayers money.
“Police said a “complex investigation” was underway following the shooting, which unfolded in the 2000 block of Market Street.”
Oh stop wasting your time, go catch someone with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. Or maybe just let them kill each other, probably better.
The bridge! The Bridge! It collapsed!
“This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.”
Nahh, just wait till tommorrow, another Heterosexual Neanderthal murder will happen. Move on.
This woman is so upset because no guy wants to fuck her.
What do you expect your a pig and it smells really bad between your legs.
FUCK! Where is that Recession!?
More Heterosexual disease spreading.
It’s also possible that I have a board mix of the death rattle of Jerry Garcia on DAT that I traded for my Soldier Field ’83, Warfiled ’72 and a copy of the only known recording of the Ken Kesey party where they played their first show on gold plated CD.
With this morning’s gain in TSLA shares I’m up $100/share in just six months.
Say, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how is your repurchase of 3M doing these days?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wishes for everyone to know that TSLA doesn’t pay a dividend, and 3M does.
Between share price gains and collected option premiums my short-term gains on TSLA are enough to pay for a Tesla Model 3.
Despite his unrelenting losses in his 3M investments, his 3M dividend payments have earned Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit enough to purchase a case of Depends.
I think this explains G-clown, who also was gang-raped while in Egypt.
@72 have you realized any of those gains yet?
Don’t time it the wrong way.
@75 insipid, and as always noting ever factual and/or right in any way.
@ 51
In court, it’s called double hearsay, which isn’t exactly the same thing as, say, Trump incriminating himself in front of TV cameras.
Fine. But a president heard on a call reported by Eric Ciaramella to Vindman to Schiff was enough to impeach Trump. And recordings of that call weren’t played in public.
What happens when plain ol’ Americans hear Biden’s voice agreeing to a $5 million payment, and digital voice analysis confirms it’s really Biden?
78 – Nothing is going to happen to Joe Biden. We’re here to make sure of that. Our task is to get rid of Trump, by hook or by crook, and insure Joe wins in 2024. Like the old Union Pacific ad used to say, ”We can handle it!”
@ 76
@72 have you realized any of those gains yet?
Some of the options contracts, yes. Having someone hand you money at the beginning of a contract, and then watching said contract expire worthless, is a wonderful thing.
One very useful options play is this:
• Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit announces he bought shares of X company at Y price.
• I sell a naked put of X company at a 20% discount to Y price, expiration 4-6 months out.
• When the contract expires, I do it again at a 20% discount to the prevailing Y price, expiration 4-6 months out. Repeat.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a demonstrated loser investor, but his losses typically occur at a rate of 20-30%/year, or 10-15% every six months. So I build in an extra 5% cushion on top of that with the option sale.
It’s free money. Here’s the irony: You can become a millionaire playing the market off of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s false representation of himself as a millionaire investor.
My Notadumbfuck Investment Method isn’t just a joke. I use it. I use it on Citigroup and AT&T, and I use it on Generac. Over the past couple of years, taking advantage of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s publicly announced investment missteps has led me to a FIVE! FIGURE! GAIN! I would never have thought to invest in Generac but playing the options will net me $2600 in August and another $3000 in November, without actually owning GNRC shares. All because Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit mentioned it.
A Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit Notadumbfuck Investment Method example:
A couple of years ago he bought Citigroup for around $68. It’s now trading at around $49.
Sell 10 contracts of January 2024 puts of Citigroup with a strike price of $42.5. You’ll be paid $1600, up front.
Watch what happens.
Teachers who belong to this union are POS.
With what we’re learning about The Wuhan’s origins, school closures, and vaccines, by election time next year neither Fauci nor Weingarten will be permitted anywhere near a Democrat campaign.
For years Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit lied about getting rich at the expense of Rethuglican investors.
The demonstrated reality is that my wealth has grown at Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s expense.
It’s been quite fun, watching his claims to be a millionaire repeatedly proven false by reality, all while at the same time, Ka-ching!
But done on Hunter Biden’s lap, it’s just another day spelled with a Y at the end.
Upon seeing her breasts, the president asked if that was where the ice cream came from.
@83 “The demonstrated reality is that my wealth has grown at Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s expense.”
Doctor Dumbfuck is now a 1023 form.
Speaking of which Matt Gaetz says he personally “debriefed” the as-yet-unnamed FBI whistleblower, and now “the important work ahead” is “to look for these 17 audio recordings that I knew were alleged to have existed.”
I wonder why he doesn’t ask Grassley what’s in them?
@80 The cheapskate won’t even pay me a finder’s fee for a stock that’s up 13.2% in the last 2 weeks.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Thugs whom we can believe in!
@ 87
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit invested instead in utility stocks like AT&T. Remember how happy he was when he enjoyed a one-day paper gain of 6% on his AT&T shares? They have since fallen 15%.
A 41% gain in 13 trading days is pretty good, no? Had Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit invested instead in TSLA shares he wouldn’t be begging
for crumbs.
Know who else doesn’t have to beg for crumbs? Real millionaires don’t.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit invested his precious few shillings into a company that doesn’t pay its bills.
All of that contradicts what you’ve been saying all along as your strike price.
Congratulations on breaking even after sweating it out for a year and a half.
What happens when the tapes prove to not exist?
Like the “witness” who they can’t find but we “assure you his information is very credible.” What happens when all the Whistleblowers turn out to be paid by Trump, INC?
What happens when we found out the whistleblowers brought to the attention of the committee by Grassley himself learn they could someday be charged so they….disappeared?
What happens when the 1023 form which is specifically used for “allegations” and not evidence that Grassley is rolling around citing as proof because….he’s an 84 year old is just that….allegations.
He’ll pretty soon be trying to get the FBI subpoenaed to produce alleged evidence they have never had in their possession becuase it is…..alleged.
What happens when the tapes prove to not exist?
Like the “witness” who they can’t find but we “assure you his information is very credible.” What happens when all the Whistleblowers turn out to be paid by Trump, INC?
What happens when we found out the whistleblowers brought to the attention of the committee by Grassley himself learn they could someday be charged so they….disappeared?
What happens when the 1023 form which is specifically used for “allegations” and not evidence that Grassley is rolling around citing as proof because….he’s an 84 year old is just that….allegations.
He’ll pretty soon be trying to get the FBI subpoenaed to produce alleged evidence they have never had in their possession becuase it is…..alleged.
@ 91
All of that contradicts what you’ve been saying all along as your strike price.
Feel free to disbelieve. Feel free to believe that #CrookedHillary didn’t really lose in 2016, while you’re at it.
I reached that determination years ago when this pathetic humiliated fucktard was still pleading for us to believe that he didn’t vote for Trump.
Trump has now been booked and arraigned more times than he’s won an election.
As a much younger Senator not staring death into the eyes and knowing that he’ll need to run again…
Comer is admitting that they have nothing.
When asked on a very right wing media show about the alleged tapes,
Comer also accused the FBI Tuesday of not investigating these claims. Except the FBI did: The bureau, alongside a U.S. attorney appointed by then-President Donald Trump, reviewed the bribery accusation when it was made in 2020 and found it to be unsubstantiated.
Indeed. See @ 96.
@ 97
Comer is admitting that they have nothing.
Two weeks ago Wray wasn’t even admitting the 1023 form exists.
I can wait.
Nevada GOP Chair was hauled before the J6 grand jury again today along with an RNC National Commiteeman also from Nevada. Both had previously attempted to defraud the US government by posing as fake electors.
J. D. Vance is acting like a hillbilly.
@90 And to think that a mere few posts ago he was bragging about betting on Generac …
@94 “Feel free to believe that #CrookedHillary didn’t really lose in 2016, while you’re at it.”
Did somebody here claim she didn’t? I think you’re confusing us with, oh, three-fourths of Republicans.