– I haven’t paid attention to the Dilbert guy since like 1997. But Christ almighty. I’m glad The Seattle Times has dropped him.
– pay them human services workers what they’re worth.
– Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. And, hey, wash your damn hands.
Oh geez, who could have predicted giving Steve Bannon your money would lose you that money.
I bet Nate Silver would like to know what Darryl thinks.
On my list to read later today. Sorry, Steve, but since it’s not RawStory your lips might move as you read through it.
Or for a paycheck if you’ll shill for a leftist billionaire.
We’d be better of if Trump had been re-elected.
Trump lost.
Fauci won.
Quit being loser pussies about it.
@ 6
Quit being loser
pussiesPink Pussy Hat about it.Indeed. Pussy was so 2017-2020.
Kentucky passes law banning ‘woke’ investing saying entities in the state can’t boycott securities based on any environmental or social Justice criteria.
Kentucky AG to all banks operating in the state, “Submit to our office any and all emails, texts or written communications containing the words ‘environment’ ‘environmental’ ‘climate’ ‘climate change’ ‘global warming’ ‘sustainability’….
Banks: “Fuck off”
Kentucky AG, ‘Here’s a subpoena’
Banks, “Here’s a lawsuit. You are quite mistaken that you can dictate to us how we asses risk to principal in our investment decisions.”
Commentary: if it gets to SCOTUS the the majority will be pressured by Federalist friends to come down on the side of unfettered destruction of the environment for profit and don’t you mess with Jews and Israel’s ability to be there to die to get the rapture going religious groups AND the banking industry which is far far FAR more powerful in everyday politics. Since this is LITERALLY a political court now they’re stuck pissing off one set of very powerful friends.
Funny that the GOP has decided to pick a fight with the financial services industry whose political donations could decide the next few election cycles.
Do you prefer your popcorn buttered or not?
@2 March 2020…..I’ll have to read myself later, but wasn’t Fauci taking direction from The FuckHump.
And also, isn’t this kind of subject mater that regardless what one was told by the government that one believed with skepticism?
I mean there are no Martians or UFO in the distant galaxies that surround us, right? I mean our government hasn’t said that they exist so I guess they MUST NOT!
Exploit your little nonsense when it suits you…..cherry pick your bullshit, while books are being taken away and people dying of the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
We’d be better off if The FuckHump died of COVID.
SCOTUS to offer a resounding “Fuck You” to Elizabeth Warren and her ilk.
They could have elected to let the Fifth Circuit decision stand.. But nah. They’ve got somethin’ to say.
@ 8
Funny that the GOP has decided to pick a fight with the financial services industry whose political donations could decide the next few election cycles.
Pretty sure the GOP was watching when Goldman Sachs poured all that money into the #CrookedHillary effort.
Oh, and see @ 11.
One of the most pathetic things to exchange your integrity for is cable news hits.
e.g… kon-klown deathsatanist.. no integrity to begin with, but who’s counting?
I need protection, Consumers don’t need protection. They can fuck off.
My pronouns:
Bomb NIH
btw, apartheid is the fairest social order ever conceived… did you know that?
The lab leak theory looks like it may truly be the source of the COVID shit. None of this ”wet market” crap.
@ 12. If you defy the GOP, the GOP will destroy you.
Republican Eric Burlison senator 7th district of Missouri cosponsored bill to Terminate Department of Education.
Go figure from the state that’s consistently in the bottom 5 for education
And theres nothing Forced Birth Republicans want more than to kill social mobility by eliminating the pell grant and in so doing keep poorer people with worse primary education misguided enough to vote for them.
Its interesting the Kill Social Security Republican’s obsession with “freedoms” considering they want to force people to have kids, keep people from getting an education if they want one, keep people from being anything other than what the social norms of 1950 dictate (esp regarding gender and sexuality), etc. At a certain point you’d think people would recognize how much they are out to attack personal freedom in both the negative and positive sense. But I guess the only liberty they care about is the liberty to strap up.
“woke” capital @ 15
Elon Musk meets with California Gov. Newsom at Tesla’s new engineering headquarters to discuss expansion.
“This was HP’s original headquarters, and so I think it’s a poetic transition from the founders of Silicon Valley to Tesla and we’re very excited to make this our global engineering headquarters,” Musk told CNBC. “And we’re a California-Texas company.”
No worries klownservatics.. based on how the Fremont plant was run, no
“k@ff!rs”.. ooops blacks need not apply.Elon Musk lays off more Twitter employees, including hardcore loyalists
New York Times: Twitter lays off another 10% of staff
Twitter conducted an unexpected round of layoffs this weekend as the company struggles with plunging revenue and aggressive cost cutting under CEO Elon Musk.
The company let go of at least 50 employees on Saturday across different departments, including engineers who help keep the social network running.
Someone didn’t read an article. Keep the timeline in mind.
The paper in question ruling out the lab theory comes out March 17, 2020.
OK, so what do we know so far, some scientists were INTIALLY thinking the lab theory could be true. As the report was being drafted those one of the scientists in particular was suspicious of a specific portion of the genome…let’s see the unredacted emails:
Fauci “I told [Andersen] that as soon as possible he and Eddie Holmes should get a group of evolutionary biologists together to examine carefully the data to determine if his concerns are validated. He should do this very quickly and if everyone agrees with this concern, they should report it to the appropriate authorities. I would imagine that in the USA this would be the FBI and in the UK it would be MI5.”
OK, Fauci, takes in new information and says, GET ON IT!
Then come a flurry of emails from various scientists on the team:
“On a spectrum if 0 is nature and 100 is release—I am honestly at 50!”
Dutch scientist Ron Fouchier states that his opinion is that a lab release is very unlikely but nevertheless, publicly airing the theory would likely lead to “conspiracy theories” (happened) and Chinese authorities stopping cooperation with international research efforts. (happened)
Fuaci: “I agree that we really cannot take Ron’s suggestion about waiting. Like all of us, I do not know how this evolved, but given the concerns of so many people and the threat of further distortions on social media, it is essential that we move quickly.”
Where we are so far, a team is very undecided on the origin of the virus with some saying yes we think it was a lab and others saying no but all agreeing they aren’t going public either way until they can study it. You know…science.
Translated, We don’t want to have to disprove a narrative that has already spread through the interwebs whether it is the lab or definitely NOT a lab.
If you keep reading the article you learn that after a draft was circulated there was still some pushback with the debate shifting to was this engineered in a lab or was it an accidental release and THEN mutation in nature.
So they keep working at it and find a very very similar virus, though not exact in nature. Rember Eddie?
So the big breakthrough bombshell smoking gun Dumbfuck is on is, Scientists disagreed early in a research project and then game to a general consensus and what we really really really need to focus on is the early disagreement!
BOOOOM, Proved it! Fauci was crooked!
Starting the week of strong, Dumbfuck
@19 A few token will be fine. It’s California..
K@ff!rs will be prohibited on Mars.
We’re waiting for you to get to what a “Low Confidence” intelligence assessment is.
Is is less than greater than or equal to the confidence you have in the Steele Dossier
Starting the week off strong, Dumbfuck
Will Biden be able to give an outsize majority of $400B to borrowers who don’t need the gift, and make YLB’s fucked kids pick up the tab?
SCOTUS will hear the case tomorrow.
Disney fucked around with DeSantis.
And found out.
I’m perfectly happy if the NIH traded some small measure of public integrity before a hooting mob of toothless drunks wildly screaming BEACH WEEK!!! while injecting themselves with aquarium disinfectant, in exchange for vital genetic data that got us a more effective vaccine years earlier.
Pfizer hit a new 52-week low today. Apparently the news that The Wuhan was lied about early on by Fauci and that natural acquired immunity is better than the transient immunity imparted by forced vaccinations isn’t gonna sell a lotta vaccines going forward.
Trust the science! Masks don’t work! Wear your mask to save lives! But masks don’t work!
Small wonder Fauci now feigns memory failure.
From noted Trump sycophant Glenn Kessler at WaPo:
Oh, my. What does an unserious twat like YLB do now?
to borrowers who don’t need the gift
aka veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
Pell grant recipients who have to be dirt poor to get a grant?
10k maximum to everyone else up to a means test of 125k?
Either way no skin off our back.. The kids have no student debt. The wife’s large loan is due to be forgiven early next year after 120 on time payments. Her remaining loan is pretty trivial.
Joe won’t sign a tax increase on any household making less than 400k.
Can kon-klown make the same promise? ‘course not – it’d lose teh pos kreep vote.
From our analysis, none of the regulatoryY changes made during the Trump administration at this point can be cited as contributing to the accident.
Yawwwn… fine.. sue the shit out of a negligent greedhead railroad.
Who made the call on burning that toxic shit? Hmmm.. Republican Governor perhaps?
What does a “seriously” greedee pos like kreepshit do then?
Short the stock? Keep funneling cash to Ohio repukes? We report you decide.
@ 29
Joe won’t sign a tax increase on any household making less than 400k.
No, he’ll let those who interpret the bill’s contents do that for him.
There’s massive fraud in The Wuhan giveaway schemes and there will be massive fraud in the student loan giveaway scheme as well. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the feds announced that they won’t be pursuing those who lied to get PPP money. They won’t pursue those who lied about their financial circumstances in order to take advantage of the free money that YLB’s fucked kids will be forced to hand out to their hipster friends.
Masks don’t work! Wear your mask to save lives! But masks don’t work!
Too bad kreepshit was forced into retirement too early..
Refusing to use a N95 mask “that doesn’t work” might have meant something..
for my kids..
The wife works in health care and sees covid patients all the time.. Rigorous masking, gowning, hand-washing – hasn’t caught the bug yet. Not even a cold. Same with yours truly.
There’s massive fraud in The Wuhan giveaway schemes
CARES Act fraud aka repuke fraud. Spent on lambos, etc. A lot of repukes involved.
A lot’s been recovered and continues to be recovered.
kon-klown will put an end to such “wokeness”… heh.
natural acquired immunity is better than the transient immunity imparted by forced vaccinations
Evidence of a truly shitty doctor forced into retirement:
While it’s true that natural active immunity can make you immune to a disease after just a single case of infection, there is a downside: You have to get sick. And many illnesses can cause serious health issues that can affect you, sometimes for life.
For example, in some people, chickenpox can cause lung infections (pneumonia), blood infections (sepsis), and swelling of the brain (encephalitis). Before a vaccine was developed, this common childhood illness resulted in 10,000 hospitalizations every year.
You can avoid risks like these by getting all the vaccines your doctor recommends.
Not herr diktor kreepshit of widbee… Just walk the fuck away from that freek..
@25 You say that like it’s something to be proud of.
Republicans. All for small government and corporate self-determinism, except for corporations that display any liberal values, which become wards of the state, obviously
Never has a post aged so well so fast.
Bring it on. Bidenflation caused it.
Fed needs a recession to win inflation fight, study shows
All is not lost, libbies. In just a couple of years y’all can blame inflation on President DeSantis.
Bidenflation caused it.
Let’s see Bonzo Raygun held on to Carter appointee Paul Volker who is credited with taming inflation – two recession were needed.
Joe Biden has held on to drumpf appointee Jay Powell who is determined to bring inflation down to 2 percent even it means the pain of a recession.
Bonzo Raygun was re-elected..
Joe Biden or another Democrat will handily beat kon-klown once the voters get wise to kon-klown’s fascist acting out. And laugh at its “seriously” white maga boots.
No word on whether Stacey Abrams plans to boycott California.
Lawsuit Forces Los Angeles County To Remove 1.2 Million Ineligible Voters From Rolls
One. point. two. million. voters. Gone. Poof.
Why aren’t y’all libbies screamin’ about this? Isn’t this “voter suppression”? Or did the massive 2022 turnout in Georgia after the voter rolls were cleaned up disprove that?
Voter suppression by cleaning up the rolls was always bullshit. What’s news is now it’s been exposed. On both coasts.
Why aren’t y’all libbies screamin’ about this?
The County itself says they’re inactive ya silly dumbshit..
There’s no proof of any fraud.
If they re-register in compliance with the law, LA County will happily reinstate them. Won’t have them jump through dozens of hoops like they do in repuke places.
Nothing JW can do about that. Repukes are highly unlikely to do better in LA County.
yawwwn.. dang, this troll’s shit is tiresome.
Voter suppression by cleaning up the rolls was always bullshit.
That’s a fucking lie.
Federal standards for purges were set in the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Since 2013, Florida, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia have conducted illegal purges. Moreover, Brennan Center research has uncovered that four states (Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, and Maine) have written policies that by their terms violate the NVRA and provide for illegal purges. Alabama, Indiana, and Maine have policies for using data from a database called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program (Crosscheck) to immediately purge voters without providing the notice and waiting period required by federal law (Indiana’s practice has been put on hold by a federal court). Arizona regulations permit Crosscheck purges during the 90 days prior to an election, a period during which federal law prohibits large-scale purges. These eight states are home to
more than a quarter of registered voters across the nation.
Many places have purged voter rolls for repuke partisan gain – period. No one with a brain has an issue with voter roll cleanup done properly.
Are you really that stupid?
Literally no one is against accurate voting rolls. When a state takes a first last name match of a neighboring state’s rolls and removes all who match (like Georgia did) assuming that it is just UNPossible for there to be more than one person with that name living at the same time….THAT’s voter suppression.
When someone moves and doesn’t report it to SOS is a problem but it only becomes fraud when they vote in the wrong or both places. Right Ms. Coulter?
Yeah take out 1.2M and whichever jackass the GOP runs for Feinstein’s seat, President and Governor get their asses kicked anyway.
The BEST advice I can give to white people is stay away from carbs if you want to lose weight
-not a racist cartoonist
The BEST advice I can give to white people is start saving for your kids college before they are born
-not a racist cartoonist
The BEST advice I can give white people is don’t lease a car if you can afford to buy. The terms are always in the dealer’s favor.
-not a racist cartoonist
The BEST advice I can give white people is get at least 8 hours sleep every night
-not a racist cartoonist
The BEST advice I can give white people is skip college and master a trade
-Slightly racist Reality TV host
I wonder what that means?
That no person registered to that name and address has voted.
Can they cheat that way?
No. How on earth can someone cheat by not voting in an election?
Is this evidence of fraud?
Of course not. Can people who don’t file any withholding certificate or return cheat on their federal income taxes? What a stupid question.
Well, it is possible to make a living under the table for cash and never report any income I get your point
Hey. Look what I just got in the e-mail:
The moment Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis makes his 2024 presidential bid official, he’ll immediately become one of the leading contenders to be the next president of the United States.
As one of the Republican Party’s most sharp-elbowed culture warriors, he’s become a Fox News darling by attacking everyone and everything from asylum-seekers to LGBTQ people to Advanced Placement African American history.
But while DeSantis has made himself a right-wing star by “owning the libs,” far less well known is the story of DeSantis’s actual record as governor and representative — as well as the wealthy corporate interests and political machine behind his rise in Florida politics.
That’s why, at The Intercept, we’re determined to find out: What doesn’t Ron DeSantis want the American people to know about him?
What we’ve uncovered so far on Ron DeSantis is disturbing.
One example: In apparent service to the developers in charge of The Villages retirement community, DeSantis personally fired two county commissioners, while his machine sent one 72-year-old man to jail.
Our D.C. bureau chief, Ryan Grim, exposed the lengths DeSantis and his henchmen will go to protect moneyed interests: indicting two county commissioners on bogus felony charges and imprisoning one of them for 75 days. “It was a set-up,” said the wife of the commissioner who was jailed.
In another investigation, The Intercept uncovered how DeSantis campaign donors were rewarded with tens of millions of dollars in state contracts. And when DeSantis sent immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard just to “troll the libs,” we revealed the $615,000 in taxpayer money that went to a major Republican campaign donor to charter the flights.
The Intercept isn’t ignoring the missiles DeSantis is launching in the culture war or the devastating impact they’re having on people’s lives. Intercept columnist Natasha Lennard has doggedly covered his assault on public education and attacks on gender-affirming care for trans youth.
The American people need to know the truth behind DeSantis’s record and the political machine that elevated him to the highest tier of American politics — and The Intercept is on the story.
Go Intercept! Please send them a few bucks to help out:
We’ll be relaying what they uncover and rub it all in the face of teh kreepee shit-lord of widbee.. the most butt-reamed, psycho/sicko-phant of kon-klown deathsatanist.
People’s Republic of Soviet Monica spews:
Monday, 2/27/23 at 1:59 pm
Yeah take out 1.2M and whichever jackass the GOP runs for Feinstein’s seat, President and Governor get their asses kicked anyway.
Yes, the Democrats have the assistance of the Deep State to help them out in elections, but it won’t be necessary in California: the people of that state will always vote for Democrats.
the Democrats have the assistance of the Deep State to help them out in elections
Awwww.. lookee.. we have a troll who is a headless, time travelling entity…
We found Syd Powell’s source! Right here at HA!
We should all feel so privileged! “semi-conscious” PI.. Too funny!
@3 There’s nothing wrong with shilling if you’re upfront that you’re shilling. P.R. and advertising people do it, and it’s not inherently nefarious. Goldy doesn’t knowingly, willingly, and with malice aforethought disseminate lies to maintain or increase audience share. Fox “News” does exactly that. There’s zero comparison.
What Goldy does isn’t shilling anyway. If you form your own opinions, and make honest efforts to be right, that’s very different from parroting what your paymaster wants you to say. News reporters get paid, yet they can still report news objectively. Op-ed writers get paid, but they write their own honest opinions.
Fox News is uniquely different. Their hosts discuss outrageous lies among themselves, call them “bullshit,” then go on the air with them because their employer makes a ton of money by pandering to rightwing crazies and passes some of it through to them by cutting them multimillion-dollar paychecks for playing along. They’re whores. Goldy is not a whore, he writes what he believes.
Random thought of the day:
Our system is based on self-government. It’s not self-government when an unpopular minority takes over, takes away freedoms, imposes their religion and ideology, and even tries to cancel some people out of existence. That’s the tyranny our Founding Fathers tried to prevent.
Preventing the majority from oppressing the minority is a proper function of our republican form of government. The minority bossing around the majority is not. The fact we are a republic, not a pure democracy, does not mean — as Republicans assert — that the “majority rule” principle does not exist in our form of government. Our system is based on “majority rule subject to limits,” not “minority rule with no limits.”
@49 My understanding of the “deep state” is that it consists of the virologist who says vaccines work and horse pills don’t.
@43 @48 “Inactive” by definition means they don’t vote. Remove 1.2 million nonvoters from the rolls and you get exactly the same election results. Duh. But apparently too hard for you to figure out.
@48 “the people of that state will always vote for Democrats”
That must be how Reagan was elected governor twice, followed by 16 straight years of Republican governors from 1983-1999, followed by voters recalling a Democratic governor and replacing him with a Republican governor who was re-elected.
You sure are a low-information troll.
@44 “If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people – according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll – that’s a hate group.”
When you poll black people on a known white supremacist slogan “It’s OK to be White” that’s been floating around in fascist punk and metal since the 1980s and is currently very much in fashion with the Charlottesville riot crowd…..
It’s like polling if people think the word “Retard” should be OK.
I went on to say,
Some people have a lot to say about corrupt media trying to influence an election:
“During Trump’s campaign, Rupert provided Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, with Fox confidential information about Biden’s ads, along with debate strategy (providing Kushner a preview of Biden’s ads before they were public),” Dominion’s lawyers wrote in the filing.
Murdoch is also quoted from his depositions in the case, agreeing that he “seriously doubted” any claims of widespread election fraud pushed by the Trump camp.
@58 hopefully Murdoch dies in a helicopter or plane crash too.
Wonder if he intended to hava a barbeque.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Disease. This was man made in a laboratory too.
yeah or polling evangelical Repukes on what they think about gay people. Sciencely shocking results.
Better yet – claim a loss of profit.
DeSuckFuck fucks around with Freedom
and he will find out.
Remember way back in 2019 when a certain political bent was all up in arms about not having the faintest idea what a HIPAA violation was?
A third party demanding and receiving the medical information of anyone is quite literally a HIPAA violation.
“Fox News was ‘trying to straddle the line between spewing conspiracy theories on one hand, yet calling out the fact that they are actually false on the other,’ Murdoch said in testimony released in the court documents.”
If you want to straddle, get a horse. Don’t try to straddle a razor blade.
Open the gates of love to let the stars glow.
Another great one
Or this one.
My name is Matt. I used to write for The Stranger.
I like to write about comic books and furries.
Will someone please hire me?
@2 All I see from reading that article is scientists kicking around various theories, laying odds on natural-versus-lab origin, and not wanting their deliberations to provide fuel for conspiracy theories. At the end, it says scientists still don’t know, and probably never will.
Fauci was simply one of the people in the loop who got the “potentially engineered” email, which was mentioned as something they were looking at, not something they found. None of these scientists ever concluded it definitely was “engineered.”
There’s no scandal here, doc. Just a bunch of researchers considering possibilities. The article is full of references to their “speculations.” That’s hardly a smoking gun. But we can’t expect a mere clinical radiologist to figure that out, can we?
@65 I guess it depends on what “information” he requested. If he wanted to know how many, it’s not a HIPAA violation. If he wanted names, it is.
The difference is removing inactive voters who don’t vote vs removing voters who don’t vote republican.
You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit.
You lost, you loser.
Cry more please.
You lost too, you racist loser.
Please cry more 😭😭😭😭😭😭!
Well THAT’s embarrassing for the Dumbfuck.
So the only demographic where voter turnout is growing are getting behind Biden.
Could it be the GOP has lost an entire generation and the Democrats could nominate a professional Hackey Sacker with no experience and win? It appears possible.
It seems not a day goes by anymore.
Thankfully he remains none the wiser.
@ 75
Could it be the GOP has lost an entire generation and the Democrats could nominate a professional Hackey Sacker with no experience and win? It appears possible.
In 2016 the Democrats proved it achievable.
She was awful.
The spread between the 2-year and 10-year Treasuries is up to 84 bp. 2-year notes now at 4.8%.
Ah, the fruits of Bidenflation. I bet Marianne Williamson wouldn’t have let this happen.
This year companies will buy back more debt. Growth prospects are nil and cash is flowing in. What to do? Repurchase shares during price decline periods.
And hey, the last thing consumers should want is companies funneling that cash into the economy and worsening inflation, amirite?
I’d like to thank YLB for voting to make this possible.
I’d like to thank YLB for voting to make this possible.
I was happy to make the purpling of Moscow Mitch’s hands continue for another two years.
And save HA from a booorring troll babbling about Third Way and “extreme Dems”…
This year companies will buy back more debt.
Heh.. Awwwww. ya mean they’re choosing that over stock and maxing out their stock options? Dang, that sucks.
Growth prospects are nil and cash is flowing in.
Who ya gonna blame for cash flowing in? drumpf? Of course.. yawwwn.. I voted for Joe myself.
kreepshit blamed the baby formula shortage a while back on Joe..
Not on always wrong wing ideology to weaken anti-trust policy allowing extreme concentration of production to a few large corporations.
Not on corporate lobbying to loosen regulation..
To enable same corporations to buy back stock to enrich shareholders and executives.
To enable a breakdown of production resulting in the contaminated, spoiled formula, lost production and shortages.
Nah.. just blame Joe.. Worked just great last November.
The richest man in the world is…
The problem the Colonialist American right has with our company is that the kids can talk to each other. It has nothing to do with being Chinese except the racism part. They don’t even care we were financing Mr Trump.
So when someone like Rep. Barry Moore, R-AL introduces a tremendously stupid bill, before our platform only a few thousand kids would learn of it.
But now they can go on line and share with millions of American kids their age that this JACKASS and the GOP are suggesting making the weapon of choice for school shootings, the AR-15, the ‘National Gun of AMERICA!’*
And all the kids find out the GOP is so much more interested in their false penis than in them staying alive. They want to ban us like we are books.
*real bill.
@ 79, 80
This year companies will buy back more debt.
Thanks for catching my error. Corporations will buy back more of their issued stock. Not debt.
I did mention share repurchase, but debt was the wrong word.
This ain’t Cindy Sheehan complaining that she only got to meet personally with GWB43 once about her son.
Maybe if they offer First Vegetable Joe Biden the right flavor of Jell-O…
Corporations will buy back more of their issued stock. Not debt.
All is as it was after all in greedhead land… why am I not surprised?
Share prices are allowed to “inflate” to the moon. amirite???
@ 83
Wouldn’t national firearm of America sound better?
“Gun” is so…
…so lowbrow. David Hogg would sneer at it.
The richest man in the world is…
being ordered to STFU by “the boss”…
ahole will comply…
@ 88
Sure he will. Same way Chris Rock chose not to talk about being slapped by Will Smith.
In re 77,
Speaking of pathetic losers…
just how the fuck did the Shit-lord crybaby fail so miserably?
Trump took office running it all. The House. The Senate. The Courts. Even the media. He holds total control over the world’s biggest bully pulpit. He controls the daily ebb and flow of the media cycle from his BirdShite platform. His Congress gives him anything he wants. And Newscorp and their local TV and radio affiliates are operating a media spy network to show him all the other player’s cards.
Four years later it’s gone and Trump is running a private sex club in Florida and selling souvenir classified documents to the Chinese Communist Party.
It’s no wonder they are all such pathetic crybabies. This is unprecedented failure and humiliation. But how?
How did an entire generation of angry white privilege get it all so completely wrong?
His Congress gives him anything he wants.
Johnny McSame denied it the prize of prizes… after drumpf declared it “dead”…
the black guy’s signature program.
It was Mitt Romney “the man who understands [vulture] capitalism””s program actually but wtf cares? A lot more low income people got access to health care..
Even a nut like Kasich took advantage and chalked it up to being a good Christian.
The virus came from the government lab in Wuhan Province. If it wasn’t an intentional act by the corrupt Chinese Communist government, then it was one of the most serendipitous events of the last one thousand years.
Same way Chris Rock chose not to talk about being slapped by Will Smith.
Heh… kreepshit called that “hitting like a girl”..
then remembered itself and called it “black on black violence”…
Would kreepshit do the same for Mary Kay? heh.. maybe so.. but skin color changes things up don’t it?
“Maverick” had been bought off many times before.
How is it that “Imbecile” Joe Biden could succeed in repeatedly rolling Joe Manchin and an obstructionist GOP? But ART OF THE DEAL couldn’t even win over a single feeble desert state Senator with a brain tumor the size of a grapefruit?
Older generations: we’re going to hoard all the houses and make it so you can’t build new ones! Bootstraps!
Younger generations: well, I guess it’s time to pull the plug.
it was one of the most serendipitous events of the last one thousand years.
And in the mind of a troll exceeds the signing of the Declaration of Independence, VE Day, dozens of other events…
All because of unhinged disdain for a guy whose name ends in a vowel.
Man I have never been this awkward it was rough last night. They had me present an award at the SAG AFTRA ceremony
Now I’ve tried really hard and never have anybody find out about it but it’s true when I was a teenager I beat Asian kids. I hit a Vietnamese guy with a bat. I have no idea. I always assumed it was totally normal to serve only 45 days in a two year sentence.
So how awkward was it for me to read the award for best cast and then be standing on stage with the 100% Asian cast and white girl Jamie Lee Curtis and give them their award.
None of them even brought me an egg foo young or loved me long time. Ungrateful sons of bitches.
@97 No worries Marky Mark… After all Mitt “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism” Romney once assaulted a gay kid.
That was bad but what Romney did when this came out was even worse:
In the words of the babbling butthole troll:
Prolly cost him the election.
I bet Marianne Williamson wouldn’t have let this happen.
I bet Mary Kay is a fan.
I love that the Shit-lord crybaby thinks that trolling the woo-woo crystal grifter is a good troll.
In one of those fairly meaningless gestures that take up five minutes at the beginning of a house session they voted on a resolution of mourning for lives lost in Earthquakes in Turkey.
2 no votes. Both Republican. One from the shrieking ‘Christian’ harpy. Dumbfuck loves her ‘spirit’.
Well done Republicans. This is already a trending topic on the TikTok.
This is a moment for leaders to lead.
DeWine’s not a “leader”?
Awww look what happened.
Did he make the right call? Did an R next to his name make all the difference?
In one of those fairly meaningless gestures that take up five minutes at the beginning of a house session…
I think it’s important to note that, with his razor thin majority completely crippled by his own depthless weakness and servility, Brave Kevin and the GOP have absolutely nothing else to do with the House other than this sort of political performance art.
They can’t work on funding the spending they’ve already authorized because Dark Brandon has them cornered. They can’t pass anything to satisfy their own controlling minority of White Nationalist Weirdos because they can’t override any veto or get re-authorizing slavery to pass in the Senate. This Kabuki theater is as good as it gets for the GOP.
And they can’t even do this shit without stomping on their own dicks.
DeWine never took any of the most meaningful and important steps to authorize active, direct federal assistance in the community, almost entirely for political reasons.
CAN’T unleash federal authorities into the community while it remains an active crime-scene.
This is why you saw them arresting reporters who got too close, asked too many questions, pushed too hard.
There was a political cover-up that needed to be accomplished before outsiders could be allowed to get near the scene. And the response by the feds needed to be sufficiently limited in scope that they couldn’t be effective in either uncovering the crimes or dealing with the aftermath.
@77 We’re not in 2016 anymore, darling.
@79 If you think Treasury yields are something now, wait until Republicans default on the interest payments to force Democrats to take Social Security checks away from old people so corporations and billionaires can keep more money.
Republicans put the gun in this man’s hands.
@84 “Thanks for catching my error.”
The HA Truth Brigade is on the job, daily catching your legions of errors.
@85 “This ain’t Cindy Sheehan”
It sure isn’t.
@86 “Share prices are allowed to “inflate” to the moon. amirite???”
Like it or not, that’s the system. I got on that gravy train years ago. Everyone else should do the same. Working for money makes no sense at all when the real money gets handed out to people and rabbits who do no work, produce nothing, and get taxed at half the rate of wage earners. Under capitalism, working is for saps and suckers. I’m by no means saying that’s right, I’m only saying that’s the system.
92. Back that statement up. Provide links to credible sources otherwise you’re just lying.
@91 “How did an entire generation of angry white privilege get it all so completely wrong?”
Maybe because they were never right about anything in the first place.
@92 While we maintain an open mind on the subject, at this point, we have low confidence in your assessment.
@95 It took me and the missus thirty years of sweaty hard labor to pay off the mortgage on our little bungalow, and we don’t want an apartment house full of loud partying twenty-somethings next door to us. Does that make us mean, greedy, or evil?
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Trump blew it.
FFS, he put Jared in charge.
Face it.
Trump lost.
Fauci won.
And you are a crybaby loser.
You won’t win this by re-litigating any more than you can win Arizona. There are no “do-overs”. You lost, you fucking pathetic pussy. It’s been more than two years and rather than working on any kind of plan to win, you are still pissing and moaning about how badly you got beat.
Besides, the lesson of “WUHAN” is not one or the other.
It’s both.
We need to enhance lab safety and containment regulations everywhere, and closely regulate gain of function research.
AND we need to pour lots more money into understanding, tracking, and controlling zoonotic disease. And that’s going to mean closer regulatory oversight of deforestation, habitat destruction, global warming, CAFO farming, and mass processing, as much as “wet markets”.
Now cry more for me, pussy.
Fauci is a lying piece of shit, and so is that arrogant bastard, Collins.
Believe whatever the fuck you want, losers.
@115 “Gain of function” is a bumper sticker slogan, and 99.99% of the people spouting the phrase haven’t the foggiest idea what it means.
Of course, you always have to interpret things in proper context. When displayed on the rear bumper of a 20-year-old car with gray primer paint and loud exhaust (because the catalytic converter has been stolen and not replaced), it means:
“Virtually every agency of the U.S. government, including the FBI but especially the CDC and Dr. Fauci, are in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party in a sinister Deep State plot to kill all of us Trumpers so Biden can get re-elected and steal our cropland and redistribute it to illegal immigrants.”
The fact the owner of the 20-year-old car doesn’t own any cropland is immaterial. There are several variations in the details of this socialist scheme.
@116 “Believe whatever the fuck you want”
You certainly do, so why shouldn’t we?
“It’s not right that nobody “reasonably” priced will mow my lawn at my 2nd home, or clean my 7000 sq foot house or serve me food or work at my nursing home. They way they whine about a three hour commute each way.
Nobody wants to work any more.”