– Were you in SeaTac Airport or Swedish on First Hill recently? You might have been exposed to measles. If you got your MMR as a kid, or as an adult, you should be fine. But here are Public Health Seattle & King County’s recommendations if you were exposed.
And speaking of being vaccinated, get your COVID-19 initial dose or booster if you’re eligible. The vaccine itself and the bivalent booster are modern miracles.
– There’s a bill to have the minimum wage cover prisoners in Washington State. If you think this is a good idea, hey, you can contact your legislator.
– I have passed the asphalt plant in Kenmore many times growing up nearby. Good to see that it’s being cleaned up.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
This can’t be good for Goldy and Civic Skunk Works.
Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight Are on ABC’s Chopping Block
Hey, it’s not just Elon Musk who throws away his money on stupid shit. Nick Hanauer’s done it, well, ever since he started helping Goldy feed and clothe himself.
Guilty of Seditious conspiracy.
So far the Government is undefeated against wanna be overthrowers.
You know the true patriots. It’s a shameful tyrannical thug regime.
I didn’t take the stand today, maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have to explain why tweeting fake financial info can move a stock. I’m not smart about these things.
We shall go.
Yes let’s go.
With so many parents refusing to get their kids vaccinated now, I’m sure glad I had measles long ago and can’t get it again.
After reading this article, I wondered why she doesn’t get a generator. Health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid should cover it. Or regulators can require utilities to provide standby generators on a medical need basis; there aren’t that many people who need them, so it wouldn’t be a big cost item, and utilities can be reimbursed in the rate structure.*
* Yeah, yeah, that’s socialism. But what do you think all insurance is?
@2 Advertising-dependent jobs are cyclical. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Which means even you can figure it out.
Trump +26 over DeSantis, who will never be our dumbfuck troll’s president.
Trump 55
DeSantis 29
Pence 6
Haley 3
Cruz. Rubio, Pompeo, T. Scott, Noem, Ryan 1
“There’s no question in my mind that FiveThirtyEight was used by partisan sources to create a false impression of the election and that Nate was aware this was happening and by not addressing it he ended up contributing to misleading the American people about what was happening in the election,“ Democratic strategist and former ABC News producer Simon Rosenberg told Confider. “This is an existential threat to FiveThirtyEight. If he refuses to make significant reforms and changes the political elite should move on to other sources to get information about polling.”
“We can’t trust the data on RealClearPolitics or FiveThirtyEight any longer,” Mr. Rosenberg complained on MSNBC in late October, “because it’s essentially Republican propaganda.”
That’s a good reason. The promoting of “defund social security” republican propaganda. Bye.
Can I ask, really, what schools teach conservatives absolute bullshit?
Let’s see…
Summer 1776, ‘unalienable rights’ except for the nearly half million slaves.
1787 – not only was slavery STILL going strong but it was codified into the constitution by NOT abolishing the practice AND that three fifths thing. They’re people for slave states to have more seats in Congress but you know…property with no human rights.
1791 – Not a peep about getting rid of slavery in the Bill of Rights.
1850 – Fugitive slave act. Not only are we STILL saying it’s legal even non slave states are REQUIRED to return any suspected fugitive slaves.
Guy who clearly failed remedial US History has thoughts on AP History.
Jesus Ron. You are an evil fucking moron.
We may run out of special counsels:
Just a little over eight weeks ago, when asked point blank if he removed any classified documents when he left Pence answered with an unequivocal “No.”
Guess he’s a liar.
Raises so many disturbing questions.
If FBI were at the Pence home last week recovering classified documents, why are we learning about it nearly a full week later?
If Pence discovered the documents on the 26th why did he wait so long to notify DOJ?
What was Pence up to in the interim that accounts for the delay?
Is the problem the documents?
Or is the problem removing classified documents and then concealing them and lying about it in sworn statements to investigators?
This morning I woke up and discovered I was former Vice President Mike Pence!
When Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos wanted a new super yacht five years ago, he was worried about climate change. So working with his design team at Oceanco he made sure it had huge high tech carbon-fiber sails that reduce carbon emissions.
But having sails also meant that his super yacht could not have a helicopter pad. So Bezos also commissioned a second, smaller “support” super yacht with a helipad to accompany the sailing super yacht wherever it goes.
Now remember kids, Every Republican You Know believes that Jeff Bezos neeeeds a giant tax cut. And they plan to get rid of Social Security and Medicare to pay for it.
Turns out violent crime and gun deaths are highest in red states because of red states:
More things Mueller was forbidden to look at:
As soon as Putin and Deripaska learned from House Republicans in 2016 that the FBI was investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, Deripaska compromised the investigation by buying it off.
12. The answer to Mike Pence classified document problem is on Hunter Biden’s laptop, next to the dick pics.
Huge layoffs are an admission by senior executive “masters of the universe” that they don’t really understand how to use human resources.
And stock buybacks are an admission by senior executive “masters of the universe” that they don’t really understand how to use revenues.
When you see a company doing either of these two things it should alert you, either as an employee, an investor, or both that the company may not be well run.
@ 15
Turns out, in 2020, it was because of the pandemic.
QoS McHillbilly won’t like it, but going to church brings a sense of community and meets other human needs. Forcibly interrupting those natural human longings has serious consequences.
The difference between rural America and inner-city America is that by 2025 rural America will go back to its old ways of community interaction. Meanwhile, inner-city America will pop in another clip.
As long as I’m grandfathered in, I don’t care if Republicans abolish social security and medicare for anyone after me. Heck it’ll lower my taxes.
Shorter 19,
Mass community indoctrination in hate and fear is the antidote to rural isolation, loneliness, and despair.
It’s either that or it’s Oxy.
Speaking of Republicans preparing to be abused by Trump and TrumpWorld for our amusement, Mike Pompeo, fresh off bariatric surgery appearing newly skeletal and gaunt, predictably has released a new memoir to be used in funding his campaign.
In it he describes Washington Post reporter Jamal Kashogi as “an activist” and “dissident” whose live dismemberment ordered by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was inevitable and not really a big thing. Pompeo also admits that it was probably not great for MBS to order the live dismemberment of a journalist. But he goes on to point out that the Crown Prince is an otherwise gracious and charming dude who is doing a bunch of cool stuff to modernize and transform the cultural institutions in his country.
Just like Pol Pot.
Shorter 19,
Mass community indoctrination in hate and fear is the antidote to rural isolation, loneliness, and despair.
Shorter @ 21:
Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ is the antidote to inner-city absentee fatherism, loneliness, and despair.
@ 20
As long as I’m grandfathered in, I don’t care if Republicans abolish social security and medicare for anyone after me. Heck it’ll lower my taxes.
Moreover, it will increase the burden on YLB’s fucked kids. Serves them right, as she’s the one who voted for the debt burden that will compound their misery.
I really don’t see the Gallego announcement as helpful to the Democrat party.
Thune urges Sinema to caucus with GOP to avoid three-way reelection race
Nobody is asking Manchin to caucus with the GOP. The GOP just needs to wait 22 more months, then take his fucking seat.
Halliburton Q4 earnings announcement this morning. Thanks, Joe!
Sinema can’t win reelection running as an independent.
And Sinema can’t win reelection running as a Republican.
Sinema can’t win reelection.
She’s weird and corrupt. But unlike most Republicans, she’s not stupid. She knows there’s nothing John Thune, or Moscow Mitch can do to influence Arizona Republicans like Kari Lake, Doug Ducey, Martha McSalley, and Blake Masters. So these are her last two years in office. She has less than 24 months to obtain maximum leverage on the rest of her career and future earnings. She’ll grift that for as much as she can possibly get.
Relabeling herself as an “independent” is all about that grift.
Fuck you, WaPo.
@ 27
Sinema can’t win reelection running as an independent.
And Sinema can’t win reelection running as a Republican.
Sinema can’t win reelection.
Perhaps. Although Lisa Murkowski and Joe Lieberman might have reason to disagree.
You left out what Sinema can do if she runs as an independent, while Gallego runs as a Democrat.
You left that out for a reason.
19 Do you catch fire when you set foot on Church property? It’s a valid question.
The reason is money.
It’s always the same reason with Sinema.
Kelly’s 2022 midterm Senate reelection was one of the most expensive in Arizona history.
Sinema will have to raise and spend $100 million to even be in the running. Which is all she can hope to do as an independent.
Party aligned PACs and SuperPACs will air drop another $200 million into that race.
So with nothing to hope for but to act as a spoiler probably ensuring a Republican win, she will still have to raise and spend more than she ever has before. After which she will go into early retirement at 48 with a list of frenemies twice as long as she currently has. She’s worse than useless to her billionaire backers that way. Sinema has always stood for one thing, and one thing only: Sinema.
To posit that Sinema will intentionally run in order to guarantee that Blake Masters or Kari Lake can win the seat requires that you can demonstrate how that particular outcome would benefit a wine drinking, bisexual triathlete’s future in Arizona Republican politics.
It’s possible. It’s a thing that could take place. But it’s one of the less likely things imho.
He doesn’t have to attend church in order to believe that religion provides beneficial solace to all the grieving relatives of ignorant trailerbillies killed because of his lies about COVID vaccines.
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
@ 30
Do you catch fire when you set foot on Church property? It’s a valid question.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you brace the back of your head against a brick wall every time you get skull-fucked? It’s a valid question.
Perhaps the mainstream media might try to just do the news and leave their political and social views out of the story???
I’m a big supporter of term limits for members of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme Court. We should amend the Constitution to raise the term for the House members to four years and to reduce the term for senators to four years, too. As for the Supreme Court, we should limit them to a single, sixteen-year term each. (I did a bit of math and found that most Supreme Court judges over the past two hundred years served an average of between fifteen and sixteen years. That’s where I came up with my sixteen-year term limit, plus, the Founding Fathers seemed to like even-numbers of years for office terms.)
While I think term limits would do a lot to end the cults of personality that have collected in our high government offices, I would add one more restriction to prevent these egotistical bastards and bitches from establishing multi-year empires: a mandatory waiting period of ten years between ANY federal employment, whether elected or appointed. That means some gomer from Oklahoma can’t finish his two terms in the house and then decide to run for the Senate seat from Oklahoma. He also can’t work ANYWHERE in the federal government until that ten year waiting period has elapsed. Now THAT would do a lot to end the careers of these damn political lifers who hang around for decades in the federal jobs.
@ 31
To posit that Sinema will intentionally run in order to guarantee that Blake Masters or Kari Lake can win the seat…
Ducey. You keep leaving stuff out.
@11 “Can I ask, really, what schools teach conservatives absolute bullshit?”
Schools run by conservatives. Isn’t that obvious?
@19 “QoS McHillbilly won’t like it, but going to church brings a sense of community and meets other human needs.”
Is that why churches are one of the more dangerous places for mass shootings?
@24 “she’s the one who voted for the debt burden that will compound their misery”
So did you. Trump added $8 trillion to the debt, in no small part by cutting Jeff Bezos’ taxes.
But that’s only the beginning. Wait until you see the GOP’s plan to replace income taxes on rich people with sales taxes on poor and middle class people.
Same problem, different rhetoric and craziness.
How does a Senator Ducey guarantee a Republican political future in Arizona for a wine drinking, bisexual triathlete who frequents Davos wearing Scooby Doo glasses and cartoon fruit necklaces?
Sinema-as-spoiler simply is not the slam-dunk claim trolls want it to be. A lot depends on the Arizona Republican primary. With a very Ducey-hostile Trump in the mix.
This is the same Arizona Republican primary base whose most recent Senate nominees have all been uniformly bug fuck. And Ducey still says he’s not interested.
Sinema is shopping for suitors on her time frame, not Ducey’s and not Trump’s. And if Republicans seem disorganized and divided in DC that’s nothing compared to Republicans in Arizona.
There is at least as much reason to assume that Sinema switching to Indy is more of her usual ego-stroking in order to avoid losing a primary. Her chances of running are in my estimation no better than the chances that Ducey will run.
@35 That would mean the end of Fox. But they’re not mainstream media anyway.
@36 I prefer to elect professional politicians who know what the fuck they’re doing. Trump is a good example of what happens when you fill high offices with rank amateurs who know nothing about government, have no experience governing, and don’t even know what’s in the constitution.