Vote you jerks. Get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow (Tuesday). Please vote for the Democrat in all the races against Republicans. And there are good resources statewide if you’re still unsure. You can also probably still volunteer with your favorite candidate. Tell your friends to vote. It’s crunch time. Let’s do this.
And hey, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
He’ll be Senator Turnip.
I wonder if Goldy has realized that without Twitter, he’s even less relevant.
Good thing the only people still using Twitter are indies.
Take heart, libbies. Y’all can just wait for him to endorse a Democrat Congressin 2026, when President DeSantis is in office.
But then Steve will have nothing to talk about.
She didn’t mention it but, Jesus H, STFU about abortion, too. Women who are starving because they can’t afford food are amenorrheic, and won’t get pregnant even if they can gin up the energy to fuck.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
She worries about the future of democracy as much as YLB does.
7 – The problem is that most intelligent people have no faith in the system because of the actions of you-know-who.
WaPo opinion column today:
Think on your sins. You especially, Steve. You’ve been the biggest disappointment of all.
Me, right?
You’re talking about me!
Geezus you people are stupid.
@ 10
This you, Dean?
Yeah, motherfucker, he’s talking about you.
538 has increased its likelihood of GOP control of the Senate after midterms to 56%.
538 is gettin’ ready for The Pain.
Steve will endure The Pain by staying in bed, hiding under the covers, until Thanksgiving.
She’s a chickenshit.
WATCH: Whitmer Bails on Interview When Questioned About Pandemic Record
Michigan governor cites audio difficulty during live TV interview
Thank you, libbies, for the $53 million Democrats spent during the primary season in order to make this possible.
Most Election Deniers Are Favored To Win Their Midterm Races
Libbies, y’all gotta start gettin’ used to payin’ attention to the black plight more often than quadrennially.
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball:
Thanks, Democrats!
Just like a good Russian oligarch. It will a be a great day when this Countryi is modeled just like Russia. Don’t Tread on Me!
Dumb Florida cops supplement another vulnerable senior citizen’s disability income with police department funds after lawyer intervention.
@17 et al. – Tomorrow, for better or worse, we’ll all have to deal with real poll results. I do not see this turning out badly for me personally, given that the Dow is currently up 445 points.
P.S., my burrow isn’t running on a generator, but has one if needed.
How Elon’s adventure started:
“I believe in unrestricted freedom of expression.”
How it’s going:
“I’m the world’s richest man.
And if any of you express an opinion about me that is unfavorable, I will spend whatever it takes on greedy, unscrupulous lawyers to destroy you with lawsuits.”
Senate hold works for me.
Republicans burning police cars because the winners aren’t announced before Matlock comes on works even better.
For a company trying to work off $20 billion in debt, that should turn out okay, I guess. All he needs is for each and every one of them to send him a check for $1000.
No problemo.
My big prediction is that Republicans in the House will hold at least two votes to impeach President Biden before they ever pass any legislation to help working families struggling with inflation.
And that Chuck Todd will ignore this completely.
lol! lord kreepshit is well acquainted with “the pain”…
everytime mary kay writes a check to a liberal cause – heh.. pain…
When that redneck zoomer rolled the head up its ass boomer and “finished” by putting a junker on blocks.
heh… not since it confessed to its frat bros its vote for Carter after the real miracle on ice has a shithead endured such “pain”…
yawwwwn… ogling a zoomer redneck’s baby momma is only one of many ways lord kreepshit gets off to its sins and then suffers the consequences.
heh.. karma, baby!
@25 I predict a GOP House takeover in 2022 will remind everyone how awful Republicans are in sufficient time to help Democrats sweep the 2024 elections.
I’d rather voters find out in 2023 and 2024 what voting for Republicans gets them, instead of running that experiment in 2025-2029.
Goldie, maybe you should have never been on Twitter in the first damn place.
@28 For once, I agree with you. Trump was there. It’s a bad neighborhood. I avoided it.
29)I only just got to Twitter.
Try Mastodon. It’s cool.
About half of Republican voters now describe themselves as “Christian Nationalists”. About 80% of these voters say they regard being a Christian and believing in the divinity of Christ as an integrally important part of being a true American. About 70% say they believe the federal government should pass laws making the United States a Christian nation formally recognizing Christianity as the official religion of the United States.
@32 To be followed by Catholic vs. Protestant religious wars, inquisitions, heretic trials, and stake burnings.
Unfortunately, Catholics have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, so it appears the rack will be constitutional again.
New Era Republican shoots neighbor for being a Democrat.
In the last 24 hours Twitter mods began issuing permanent suspensions to parody accounts mocking Elon Musk that included the magic word “parody” in the Twitter handle, including one account named “ParodyElonMusk”.
So now even Elon’s mildest critics are banned from his platform.
Which is entirely his choice to make as the owner of the platform.
But it does raise very reasonable concerns among users and advertisers about the utility and value of his platform going forward. And maybe that’s why most of his advertiser dollars, content creators, and many passive users are now fleeing.
But I’m sure it feels more comforting for Elon to believe that he is being persecuted.
For reference purposes:
“I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means”
“By “free speech”, I simply mean that which matches the law.
I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.
If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect.
Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”
But not apparently contrary to the will of the billionaire crybaby.
And to be perfectly clear, parody is not only protected expression within the United States, but there has never existed any legal, constitutional requirement that it must be identified as such. The Framers were not nearly as concerned about stupid, gullible people as Elon Musk. But then again, The Framers were not emotionally dependent upon the stupidity and gullibility of 50 million 13-year-olds.
We’re watching a $44 billion investment go to zero. If Musk doesn’t want to lose everything he put into Twitter, he’d better fire himself and hire a competent CEO.
Mastodon reached one million accounts today. Almost all of the growth is US.
Not what I would call a threat yet. But possibly on the way to becoming one.
@32 The Christo-fascists are only 6 states away from a constitutional convention.
Just another subject our resident traitor refuses to talk about.
Roger has right all along. Liberals must arm.
Of course.
Russian state media reportedly rooting for big GOP win in midterms
Greene: Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine..
To entertain us with its misogyny, mean-spiritedness, distortions and lies all in service of its
fookin’ munee…
Heh.. Please entertain us all further as you debase yourself.
It’s election day!
Hey, lord kreepshit, remember the time when “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism”
to “the community organizer”??
oh, lmao, you know about pain lord kreepshit… inside your ass and out. lmao!
Enough for me today… My voted is counted. Everyone in my household has voted. Fuck the maga repukes!
Maybe it’s because democracy has never been at risk.
A record number of midterm voters are turning out today to cast a vote to end democracy.
Deep down, not even Steve buys that.
Look at it go on Darryl’s thread..
Like what the babbling butthole did all the time – babble like a street corner loon..
Got no takers so it comes here.. yawwwwn…
Heh.. Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, donald drumpf and lord kreepshit of widbee…
Two of them are filthy rich and can claim some accomplishment in life. One is a vain fucking liar, business failure, con-man, tax cheat and pretend billionaire. The last is a silly jerk whose entire life has amounted to tending to liberal wifey’s horsies and trolling a website with maybe a dozen participants.
None of them get a nanogram of the respect they crave.. craved their entire miserable lives. And they HATE that.
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