The Seattle City Council is voting on cuts to the police department today. It isn’t the 50% that activists have been pushing for. But it is a significant movement.
If you want to contact your Council Members to let them know how much you want cut, that an option.
In any case, please wash your hands right now.
Chicago is a cesspool.
Looting and Chaos Erupt in Downtown Chicago, With Widespread Damage and Shots Fired
Apparently some POS spread a rumor that cops shot a child.
And then there is Portland – not unlike Chicago, but with more gender studies degrees.
‘You can’t control people’s anger’: Portland protesters set fire to police union headquarters as tensions rise again
Just watch – the one place these POS won’t show up is to vote.
Not for nothin’, but it should be noted @ 1 that WaPo called them “looters”. Not peaceful protesters.
Time for one of y’all HA libbies to tell the rest of us that property damage is not violence. Again.
Oh, and that the businesses have insurance. So it’s all good, in the end.
Here ya go.
75 years since Nagasaki would have been better to recognize.
Why recognize a part of a movement based on a lie? There is a world of difference between Michael Brown and nearly every other recognizable name of a black person killed by police.
No doubt. In 2016 very few loyal Real Americans could have imagined how incredibly stupid and self-destructive conservatives were, even then. And in the last four years you have only grown more so.
Thankfully, however, there’s no concealing it anymore.
Entire reddits are devoted to a daily cataloging of conservative racism, stupidity, violence, and ignorance.
I don’t get why Federal government operating costs not covered by revenues started being called “deficits”, since the Fed can print as much money as it pleases to erase them.
Especially since Article 1 of the Constitution provides for the congressional power to coin money.
@ 6
Let’s be honest. There are no more conservatives in office.
So, I guess selling short-dated covered calls against DE shares with a strike price of 190, when they were trading in the 150 range, was a mistake.
Actually, we’re fine with #BLM’s self-definition as a mob. No adjectives necessary. See @ 1, @ 2
Wardrobe update. To honor the memory of George Floyd.
Why, it’s almost as if they had some prior looting experience.
Then I guess there are no more conservatives.
You are what you are. Nobody forced this upon you. You chose this path and pursued it eagerly for decades. As the last four years ought to clearly demonstrate, for most of that time a substantial effort was underway among liberals and Democrats to restrain progressive impulses in order to better make common cause with conservatives and Republicans, but also to beckon conservatives away from this destructive impulse.
You did this to yourselves, despite “third way”, despite the DLC, and despite Democrats giving you a southern Bubba bent on implementing a sweeping police state, eliminating the traditional welfare state, and balancing the budget. If you recall, you thanked him for that by spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars digging through his garbage and soiled undies and impeaching him for a consensual BJ.
At this point, Cat Lady, playing victim or martyr is just an absolutely ridiculous flex for any of you worthless pieces of shit. For five fucking decades the enlightened modern world stood aside patiently waiting for you people to come to your senses, recognize the realities of modernism, and at least accept (if not embrace) a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-cultural modernism that IS our shared future. Instead you spent those decades railing against “Press 1” and conjuring up an obese, flatulent, bankrupted television celebrity racist to define your future for you.
Quit being a bitch and own it.
The rest of Washington is laughing at you, Seattle.
@ 13
As the last four years ought to clearly demonstrate, for most of that time a substantial effort was underway among liberals and Democrats to restrain progressive impulses in order to better make common cause with conservatives and Republicans, but also to beckon conservatives away from this destructive impulse.
You’re just straight-out lying now.
Bob Barr Godwinha is so envious of this.
This guy is a piece of shit…instigating. This is exactly what they want to do, is “tear down the system” but then falsely claim that it is the other side doing it.
The fuckers are so dangerous ……sadistic mother fuckers.
Remember folks – what comes around goes around…they will get there day and it won’t be just voting them out of office….it will be with them in office.
“They’re not interested in compromise, they’re not interested in dialectic exchange of views. They’re interested in total victory,” Barr said of the left. “It’s a secular religion. It’s a substitute for a religion.”
If this isn’t what them fascist fuckers want then ill be fucking damned.
Bunch of racist, yeah racist, I said you mother fucking racists, mother fucking assholes.
Just how badly has Lightfoot lost control of Chicago?
This badly.
Check out the brief video of the bridges – three in a row, fully raised.
@14 keep laughing you fuckwad racist.
Get a load @ 15 of what “fascist fucker” @ 16 Nancy Pelosi wanted to extract during the widespread panic overtaking the financial markets.
You keep doing you, gman. It’s fucking hilarious.
Godwinha is a Troll because that’s all he could ever be in life.
What comes around goes around!
@19 glad I could amuse use. Mask worry with laughter.
I have less to lose than you. Let the world go haywire….you lose more, you fucking horse cocksucker.
10Ten football team players shocked to learn that they’ll be expected to study this Fall.@22 you are so smart maybe you should offer to teach them, you ignorant asshole dumbfuck.
How #BLM treats a black cop:
Mayor’s Response to Incident at Private Residence
Mayor Dennis McBride issues a statement in response to an incident related to Officer Mensah
Wisconsin is a swing state, no?
@ 23
Sure, gman. I would teach them:
1. Observe how gman embarrasses himself and his family.
2. Don’t be like gman.
You mean the officer who has killed three people in five years and is still being paid with their tax dollars?
You should pick better victims, Dumbfuck.
Speaking of swing states.
At this point in 2016 AZ had two polls, Trump +2 and Trump +5.
OH Predictive Research took a poll at the end of August that had Clinton +1 but at only 40% to Donald’s 39%
OH Predictive Research, Released today: Biden +4, 49%.
How’s eliminating Social Security playing with the Snowbirds registered in AZ?
“Donald Trump will raise your taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you, and I won’t have the cognitive skills to realize I did it.”
President Trump is trying to lure Joe Biden into a Walter Mondale trap — attempting to force the Democratic nominee to embrace middle-class tax increases as part of his election strategy.
@ 27
Oh, let’s talk about Arizona!
Remember when Hillary thought she could take the state, and visited there with only one week to go before the election?
Good times, good times.
Gideon 48% / Collins 41%
Collins’ highest number in any poll in 2020 is 43% and smallest deficit is 1. She has not led a poll in 2020. How does someone who has been in the Senate for 23 years convince people who are already sour on her that she deserves another six year term?
She must be concerned. Very concerned.
@ 26
You mean the officer who has killed three people in five years…
Yeah. That guy.
1. Man shot, killed by Wauwatosa police was brandishing sword
2. Man with gun fatally shot by Wauwatosa police officer
3. The 17-year-old Milwaukee teen killed by Wauwatosa police fired first with a stolen gun, police say
@ 30
See Reid, Harry.
How does someone who has been in the Senate for 23 years convince people who are already sour on her that she deserves another six year term?
Remember when Donald was an outsider with unknown policies save REPEAL/BUILD and there wasn’t an American hero Astronaut husband to a gun violence House Member Senate Candidate who provides up ticket coat tails for the Presidential race?
Yep, 2020 is just like 2016.
RCP Average:
Kelly 50%, McSally 43%
Remember when the GOP only talked about eliminating Social Security in private?
Betting on Kelly/Trump ballot splitters is not a great strategy.
You mean a guy polling consistently in the mid to high 40s with every poll in the MOE and led polls even as late as October?
Yeah, it’s exactly the same.
You know it’s true. Looking forward now, while looking back, you must surely regret the opportunities you squandered in exchange for the steam rolling you now face.
Eight years ago Democrats handed you a market based health insurance solution modeled precisely after your own presidential nominee’s state plan. You spent the following eight years suing to tear it apart and falling short of the votes in your own majorities to repeal it. Now you are staring at single payer with no way to stop it.
Twenty four years ago Democrats gave you a total restructuring of entitlements that eliminated welfare and replaced it with time limited assistance and systematic state transfers to SSI disability. Red states did nothing to create re-employment and a decade later found themselves permanently saddled with The Greatest Opiate Generation with no way to pay for any of it and no way to turn it around.
Twenty four years ago Democrats gave you eight years of rapid economic growth concentrated at the upper income levels accompanied by budget surpluses. You responded by launching the most expensive forever-war in human history and cutting billionaire taxes to explode the deficit.
Now you get to deal with AOC and Tlaib and “Socialist” Democrats with nowhere to hide and nothing to distract. Your own caucuses have eagerly agreed to purely Keynesian relief in response to your TrumPlague disaster. And the worst part is that so far IT”S WORKING. And everyone can see that too. Your forty years of supply side orthodoxies have been rendered a joke and your own voters are joining in the laughter and begging for more. It’s no longer a debate about whether a deficit. It’s a debate about how much. Twenty four months ago things like “basic income” were weird, fringey concepts debated by trans-gendered Oberlin College Bernie Bros. Now you have to fight it off in committee.
CBS/YouGov also has PA Biden at 50% 9.
Same poll in late August had Hillary 45% 8
I’m sure, just like 2016, a bunch of those Biden supporters are lying about supporting a home state well-liked long time Senator and Vice-President and 100% of the undecideds are going to break for Donald.
Good luck with that.
Also, a lot fewer undecideds.
Thank Trump, and The Q Clearance Cat Lady for that.
Also not helpful to Sen. Collins is the double digit polling lead Biden has over Trump in ME.
Now there may be a greater number of Biden/Collins voters than Kelly/Trump but are there enough? Maybe if the voters look deeply and have a great conversation with Collins about their concerns she can pull it out.
It’s kind of a perfect storm for Collins. The voters don’t really like her anymore, they really hate the President running for reelection from the same party AND Susan has been a rubber stamp for all of Donald’s excesses for four years.
Not a great environment to stage a big comeback.
“The Flu is worse. Car accidents are more deadly.” Dumbfuck, March/April/May.
Roughly one out of every 2000 Americans who were alive when the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in the United States have now died from it.
166K > 15
Dumbfuck still wants to pretend 2016 and 2020 is an “All things being equal” thing.
One of my East Coast cousins that I haven’t seen since my wedding died of Covid-19 over the weekend. She was 46. Getting close to the tipping point where every American is two degrees away from someone who has been killed by the virus.
Godwinha doing his part to stoke the fear.
Florida keeps it’s streak of top 5 in both new cases and new deaths so far today. Leading the pack for both.
Remeber way back, this year, when Conservatives had a freakout at Rep. Omar’s suggestion that some Jewish lawmakers favored Israel over America?
Donald to Israeli American Council in Florida, Sunday,
Donald is demanding an NCAA FB season in a Twitter Tantrum.
This after MAC has cancelled all fall sports, News that only Iowa and Nebraska voted yes in a non-biding vote for Big-12 playing the season. Pac-12 Presidents’ meeting kicks off tomorrow and cancellation is an agenda item.
“Call your cable company. Tell them “I WANT MY MTV!” -Donald
More GOP fun,
Loomer is perhaps best known for getting banned from Twitter and chaining herself to their Manhattan offices while wearing a yellow star of David patch because not being able to dox, harass, and spread rabidly racist shit on the private internet platform is JUST LIKE being sent to a concentration camp or being gassed in a group shower. She said that.
And then she shit her pants when she was unable to unlock herself.
She’s running in a relatively safe blue district so you’d assume people who aren’t ALSO insane would distance themselves from the Batshit a little bit but no. This is the GOP brand now. Victimhood and crazy.
A late day entry into the polling data.
The poll that got Hillary interested in trying to win Arizona was 5 in early October. Two August polls had her 1 though at 38, 40 and 43% by age indicating would vote for her signals soft support.
Georgetown University, 1000 Likely Voters AZ (Aug 1-6, eliminate Social Security not yet baked into polling)
Biden 53%, Trump 40%
That’s a lot of lying to pollsters and undecideds still up for grabs, right?
AZ has an existing vote by mail apparatus and a Democratic SOS so watch for some form of lawsuits and shenanigans by the GOP. If the election were held today, they would need to cheat bigly.
“If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a Harley take advantage of low low prices at our Estate sales and auctions beginning in September.”
Another of Trump’s “fine people.”
A 35-year-old thug with a criminal record sucker-punched a 72=year-old disabled veteran unconscious because the veteran asked his girlfriend to wear a mask.
No, I don’t believe defunding police and disbanding police departments is a practical idea. I don’t even support disarming the police. But if they’re going to shoot people, I wish they’d shoot people like this, instead of shooting at black children.
Will there also be savings on ass-antlers, nipple rings, fetish leather, and bad Ed Hardy replicas?
Asking for a friend (not-a-friend).
Named Cat Lady.
@44 I remember when Republican candidates were local businessmen and Chamber of Commerce types. You disagreed with them, but didn’t think of them as psychos. Seems like a long time ago.
Do we see people like her “running in a relatively safe blue district” (and she’s not the only one) now because they can’t recruit plausible candidates for these suicide missions, or because this is the whole fucking GOP now? I’m not sure I want to know the answer.
@42 “Unfortunately there are Jews that don’t like Israel. We need more Jews in the U.S. that love Israel.”
Does this mean selections are back? Or soon will be, if he’s re-elected?
“Loomer is perhaps best known for getting banned from Twitter and chaining herself to their Manhattan offices while wearing a yellow star of David patch…”
… and shitting herself in public on West 17th in the middle of the day.
It was a Chelsea mourning.
I reckon this tweet pretty much sums up one of the many peculiar moments of the press conference…
Look at the bright side. At least he’s not as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck.
Seattle Times headline: “374 Seattle Police Department employees made at least $200,000 last year”
I know where the city could save some money in these financially strapped times …
@ 53
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was never paid $200,000 in a year.
@52 “Sell Puerto Rico”
The eBay auction of the century! A bidding war between Russia and China! Iran will be an early dropout. Who will snipe the high bid in the last nanosecond? Who has the fastest, nastiest computers? Stay tuned!
I once sniped an eBay auction in the last 0.01 second of bidding. At first eBay awarded the item to the previous bidder. But after 10 seconds or so — their computer had to think about it — I came up as the winner. That other guy must’ve shit his pants — “whaaa–whaaahappened??” When I cut it that close, I did it as sport; I usually sniped 1 to 3 seconds before the auction ended.
It takes a pathetic individual leading a pathetic life to talk story about an eBay purchase.
Bob is a fuckwad. The horse is twice as smart as him. Great retirement times!! He helped build it, and he keeps stacking new block.
@57 I sniped the snipers. Sounds like you were one of my victims.
Here’s how it worked. Let’s say an item is worth $10 and after several days of bidding the highest bid is $8.75 and eBay raises the bids in 25-cent increments. So if I submit a bid for $10 and nobody else bids, I’ll get it for $9.00, but if somebody else bids $11.00, he’ll get it for $9.25.
Here’s where the real fun starts, and it’s all about psychologically profiling the sniper I suspect is lurking out there, because I don’t want to outbid him. He’d snipe at $25.01 and I’d snipe at $24.99, and now he’s fucked because he just paid $25.01 for a $10 item, and I made some seller very happy. If there was no sniper, I got the item for $9.00. But there usually was.
I hope it was you, Bob. Maybe it was. You sound bitter.
It takes a waste of skin to shill for Donald for five years.
@60 Good point. He posts Trump apologia, and I post eBay stories. Take your pick. You could say if HA is a cesspool, I’m the toilet paper, and he’s what’s on it.
Bet he can’t name a Kanye song:
@54 I’ll bet you were paid more than the president is; even you must have had better years than he’s having.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News -Demorat Rule Means Death & Destruction Report – Washington DC Body Count;17-year-old dead, 20 injured.
WASHINGTON — A dispute that erupted into gun fire during a large outdoor party in Washington, D.C., early Sunday left one person dead and some 20 others injured, including an off-duty officer “struggling for her life,” according to police.
Christopher Brown, 17, died in the shooting that occurred after midnight in a southeast side neighborhood where people had gathered for music and food, Peter Newsham, the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, told reporters.
Police said at least three shooters may have been involved, though no arrests were immediately announced. Newsham said a motive for the shooting wasn’t clear.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Loons Ruin Everything They Touch Report – Ugly Demorat Dingbat Insists 2 + 2 = 4 Is (Of Course) “White Supremacist Patriarchy.”
Brooklyn College Professor of Math Education Laurie Rubel argued this week on Twitter that the mathematical equation 2+2=4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” Rubel’s tweet was retweeted and promoted by several academics at universities and colleges around the nation.
According to a report by Campus Reform, Brooklyn College Professor Laurie Rubel, who teaches math education, tried to make the case this week that basic math is “white supremacist.” The tweets are part of a larger trend in recent scholarship by American academics, many of which have argued that “objective truth” is a social construct.
“The idea that math (or data) is culturally neutral or in any way objective is a MYTH. I’m ready to move on with that understanding. Who’s coming with me?” Rubel wrote in a tweet.
“Along with the ‘of course math is neutral because 2+2=4’ trope and the related (and creepy) ‘math is pure’ and ‘protect math.’ Reeks of white supremacist patriarchy,” Rubel added. “I’d rather think on nurturing people & protecting the planet (with math in service of them goals).”
Weird that in most media coverage of this story up to a certain point in the day the officer was not IDd as ‘off duty.’ Almost like someone in public affairs was fine with people assuming an officer responding was shot.
Let’s talk about cognitive function again shall we.
“In 1917 they say (eds note, no they don’t) the great, the great pandemic it certainly was a terrible thing (eds note, that happened in 1918) where they lost anywhere from 50-100million people (eds note, historians peg it at 50-60million but what’s 40 million among friends) probably ended the second World War (eds note, 21 years before Hitler invaded Poland? Three years before Hitler was Chancellor, well four if you spot this guy 1917 it ended World War II?) all the soldiers were sick uh it was uh that was uh a terrible situation. “
@67 Personally, I think Biden has better cognitive function than he does. Hell, my cat does. With W you could understand it because he was on drugs. Trump seems to have structural defects of the sort that brings buildings down.
Now show us the divide by zero proof that 2+2 /= 4.
You can always copy pasta that too.
Unable to keep her departments’ bloated budget 100%!intact and facing very modest cuts Police Chief Carmen Best is taking her blast balls and going home.
Buh Bye.
@65 Shop for another college. There’s a free market in higher education in this country.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady contends that Trump isn’t confused.
He’s just that stupid.
Ever wonder how stupid you need to be to believe the Q anon/DERP STATE garbage that Trolls4Trump like Puddy and The Q Clearance Cat Lady profess?
Turns out science has an answer!
Modeling reliably shows that the larger any conspiracy is, the shorter its lifespan before exposure. Any massive conspiracy on the scale of either Q anon or DERP STATE!!! could not have survived mathematically for more than a few weeks. Too many conspirators in too many places.
But dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck anyhow.
30)Will be interesting if they adapt their campaigns for Ranked Choice, the GOP has been fighting expansion of it to the Presidential ballot in Maine.
Could Lindsey Graham lose? “RealClearPolitics now calls it a toss-up.”
This isn’t from a Huffington Post or Daily Kos article. It’s from Yahoo Finance, not exactly a bastion of leftwing dogma.
It doesn’t matter what trump says or does. The stupider shit he says, or does the better. It’s all about making the libs react. Nothing more. The base loves it.
I agree. The point of supporting Trump for most of the GOP base is “pwn the libs”. They’ve come to see that avowing support, and agreement with whatever dumbass, nonsensical shit he spews produces a reaction among the media (who they despise) and on popular social media platforms. Over time they’ve seen it demonstrated, they’ve learned the code, and they now embrace it.
Think about early surrogates and spokesmodels arguing with reporters about Trump’s flagrant dishonesty and gaffes. Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts”. Sean Spicer defending Hitler in comparison to Assad, or using his first press conference to threaten to punish the press corp if they failed to adopt Trump’s idiotic claims about the size of his inauguration crowd. And onward and downward from there. Each time a momentary reflexive burst of outrage from various “elitist” institutions, and a few days of lively opportunities to “trigger the libs” on social media.
These kinds of utterances and miscues are fodder for a combative rage sport for them. But it can’t be denied that it is also costly. While it may harden and deepen support among sporting partisan assholes like our own Trolls4Trump, it most certainly weakens support among some wavering “shy-Trumpers”, the millions of more traditional GOP voters who held their noses and voted for him anyway. After all, even if you can overlook stupidity like “alternative facts”, how the fuck can any enlightened person, much less any Jew, overlook the White House Press Sec. offering holocaust denial as a way of criticizing Assad (back before it was official GOP policy to admire Assad).
Call it whatever you like. It may produce larger, more colorful, more enthusiastic Rona-Rally crowds for the candidate. But it must also be driving away a great many voters he cannot afford to lose in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. “The Base” can’t carry him to re-election. I think he is already resigned to this and no longer gives a shit. He’s building his portfolio of aggrievement and resentment to fuel that base afterward. And thus the GOP is transformed into a much smaller, more focused, late night shopping network audience to fuel Trump Family grift.
@ 75
This isn’t from a Huffington Post or Daily Kos article. It’s from Yahoo Finance, not exactly a bastion of leftwing dogma.
No, you absolutely moronic dumbfuck.
It’s from Politico, republished by Yahoo.
In other words, it IS from a bastion of leftwing dogma.
Those errors aside, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re a fucking clown.
@ 66
Weird that in most media coverage of this story up to a certain point in the day the officer was not IDd as ‘off duty.’ Almost like someone in public affairs was fine with people assuming an officer responding was shot.
That wasn’t my take at all. Both pieces I read mentioned the officer being off-duty up front.
The first one made it seem like the officer was part of the gathering. The second one made it clear that even though he was off-duty he responded to a call for help.
BTW, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is always fine with an officer being shot. Usually it’s the high point of his miserable day.
Finally, most media did NOT cover this, at least not to the extent that the number of people shot would ordinarily cause. It was the largest mass shooting in the US, this year. If a white guy had pulled a gun and fired around a Wal-Mart and hitting 21 shoppers it would be the story of the day, especially if one of them was a black boy. But it’s black people shooting a lot of black people in DC. So it’s buried. It probably does not help the MSNBC crowd that the dead 17 year-old boy was already a father of one child, with yet another child on the way.
TIL, anything not operated by Jim Hofts or a Murdoch is “a bastion of leftwing dogma”.
Bastion: a projecting defensive fortification or an institution or person strongly defending or upholding a narrow view point.
Dogma: principles imposed by an authorizing in-group or institution upon those over whom the in-group or institution exercises authority.
That time Politico paid a university professor to appear on a 15 minute news segment analyzing 3.2 seconds of video of a Republican to conclude he was making a “terrorist fist jab” gesture.
Think about this every time you see The Q Clearance Cat Lady whining about “overuse” of the word “racist” to describe racists. In general, the media as a global entertainment industry has a conservative bias. Always has. Even when they were going after Nixon for Watergate or covering the “controversy” around police use of force. But a few major media outlets have a manifest partisan bias. And they are all the most conservative.
@ 80
I’m sure that for anyone to the left of Bernie Sanders, most of the world appears conservative.
This morning under questioning from the panel Flynn’s lawyer said that if a district judge indicated he would grant a motion to dismiss but simply wants a hearing first to clarify the background, that mandamus relief would not be warranted and should not be granted.
So that’s going to do two things. First it will persuade a majority of the panel that plaintiff admits there is no reason to grant mandamus relief. Second it clearly indicates what the true purpose of the writ was – to prevent the hearing. Flynn has no clear interest in that. But Barr and the DOJ most certainly do. So Powell has prolonged her client’s legal peril, run up the tab, and ultimately delayed a favorable outcome for her client in order to serve the interest of a third party.
And so now Trump must pardon him. And he will.
I wonder if this makes Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit happy. After all, certainly Chief Best is one of those SPD employees earning @ 53 more than $200,000 per year.
(KING5 reporter)
A meaningless statement motivated by rampant partisanship and colored by a demonstrated propensity for believing in bizarre conspiracies.
Baby cannibalism or “liberal media bias”. Choose your adventure.
Where is the dude that comes along to tell Godwinha (or Dumbfuck) that he’s wasting his time?
More than time that he is wasting – to his detriment.
Now that is something to laugh about. Hahahahahaha!
Flynn/Sullivan/en banc is being livestreamed here.
At one point during Flynn’s mandamus hearing his lawyer actually responded to a panel question that even in a clear case of bribery, where a prosecutor was paid by def. to move for dismissal, the trial judge would have no choice but to grant.
That’s not just legally and ethically wrong. It is impressive in it’s wrongness. She is not doing well for her client today. It doesn’t appear that she prepared. And I’m not at all convinced that prevailing was ever the point here. To watch one of the most important federal appellant panels used in this fashion for pure political theater is going to piss off quite a few lifetime appointees and leave a lasting bad taste.
Well done, Rapepublicans!
@ 87
I heard that question being asked by one of the judges, a woman. I thought it was being asked of the DOJ attorney, a man.
Was the question asked of more than one respondent, or did I hear incorrectly? You will note I did not suggest that you were incorrect, because you will never admit to being incorrect.
Secrecy is necessary to prevent the full exposure of the appalling extent of Cuomo’s incompetence.
New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy
Additionally, he is given cover, not to mention fawning coverage, by his brother.
Especially for YLB.
90 – Yes, some of the women protestors appear to be more like men in appearance than women.
Two polls out in Georgia today
Survey USA Likely Voters
Biden 48% Donald 44% (online so there’s that)
Monmouth Registered
Biden 51% Donald 41% (small sample size)
For perspective, Hillary led a single poll in GA first week of August 2016 by 5. That was the last time anyone showed her with a lead.
That’s three consecutive polls indicating Donald is going to have to spend a lot of time and money holding Georgia.
Other news, Monmouth’s national general poll pegs Donald at 41% that number hasn’t moved since May. CW would tell you that means there has been no ‘Breaking Through’ to undecided voters nor are events causing a rally round the candidate. Call that the ‘known quantity’ problem Donald didn’t have in 2016.
BLM is tearing apart cities!
“Yeah, Donald is still terrible”
Joe is Senile!
“Yeah, cognitive tests and Yo Semite and World War II wasn’t in the teens and Donald is still terrible.”
Hunter is corrupt
“Dude, you have a trio of kids who have never worked an honest day in their lives and think they pulled themselves up. And you’re terrible.”
Democrats will destroy the suburbs
“You’re terrible and the suburbs are out of work and some of them are dying from COVID.”
Mail in Voting is FRAUD!
“Bitch please!”
If ol’ Joe picks Stacey Abrams he’ll take Georgia fer sure.
Sadly, for all his years of trying and failing, all the doctor got for his efforts was a reputation for being a dumbfuck. Oh, and a Putin-loving fascist traitor.
I bet when ol’ Joe announces the VP nominee he’ll get her name wrong.
And if it’s Abrams, “Look, fat…”.
If ol’ Joe picks Duckworth he’ll ask her to stand to be recognized.
Steve @ 94 doesn’t want you to know that he got Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, individual and corporate federal tax cuts, and a four-year ulcer.
The only thing Steve didn’t get since Trump’s election is laid.
You’re talking about Jeff Wall.
He answered questions after Powell. At one point he attempted to undo the damage by circling back to that point about prosecutorial misconduct and referenced Fokker, which is the key case cited.*
However, in trying to put distance between DOJ and the craziness coming out of Powell, even Wall more than once conceded that a district judge was empowered to inquire into why a prosecution was dismissed.
So you’ve got plaintiff agreeing that mandamus is not warranted at this point (even though she filed the writ), while attempting to expand Fokker to include a prohibition against inquiry into misconduct. And you’ve got DOJ conceding that under at least some circumstances the district court is empowered to inquire as well.
*In Fokker the DC Circuit vacated a district court order and directed the district court judge to grant a motion for extended time and a DPA. The record demonstrated that the district court judge disagreed with the DOJ’s decision to offer the DPA. The DC wrote that “the ‘leave of court’ authority gives no power to a district court to deny a prosecutor’s Rule 48a motion to dismiss charges based on a disagreement with the prosecution’s exercise of charging authority.”
BLM has turned into an organization of radical destroyers of property and looters. Now, some of these criminals are saying they are “owed” the things these “people” are destroying and stealing.
Well, Soros, you’re getting your money’s worth.
@ 87, 88 (and, I missed it until the edit, @ 98)
It wasn’t Sidney Powell who responded that way. It was the SG.
From Patterico:
Whoa, Nellie! Wingnut projection. This time, though, it reveals something we already knew. Well, except for revealing that the doctor apparently understands that horses don’t count.
@ 98
At what point did Sullivan inquire into the DOJ misconduct WRT Flynn?
I do not recall him having any interest at all in the inappropriate behavior demonstrated by the FBI. I certainly may be misremembering.
Why do you hate the troops?
The point of supporting Trump for most of the GOP base is “pwn the libs”
That’s been the principle of the entire Trump enterprise. From day one Cabinet appointments appeared to have been made by googling for people who most infuriated liberals and appointing them to positions for which they were incredibly unqualified.
Ben Carson – HUD
Rex Tillerson – SOS
Sessions – AG
Zinke – Interior
Pruitt – EPA
And the list of ambassadors is long.
@ 27, 29, 33
Since AZ was brought up by someone else upthread, I thought it was worthwhile to mention a couple of things:
1. McSally/Kelly Senate
In May Kelly was up 13 points. Now he’s up 5 points. He’s now also under 50%, first time since March he’s dropped below that level.
2. Trump/Biden
Trafalgar has Trump up 46.2 – 44.8. And in the RCP poll average Biden’s AZ lead has narrowed to only 2.2%.
I have no point to make other than we’re still a long way out from November. And, I suppose, that the existing wall is being fortified and new wall is going up along the southern border, just like Trump promised.
Enjoy your lead, Cz-252. I remember what a great time you had the day before the 2016 election. You must be giddy this year.
Giddy about Joe Biden.
That was the point of Sullivan’s order for hearings that resulted in Powell’s writ – to clarify “inconsistencies” in the DOJ’s presentation and filings before the court. Hearings that would be avoided by a grant of mandamus.
Playing dumb works for you guys. But only amongst yourselves.
Much being made of the DNC speaker schedule. Kamala Harris is slotted for night 4. The VP nominee traditionally speaks on night 3.
Jeff Wall does not hold the title Solicitor General.
Never will either.
Technically he holds the title Principal Deputy Solicitor General acting as Solicitor General.
Much being made of the RNC speaker schedule.
The Nuge may be preempted by a Wayland and Madame Tribute act.
@77 A lot of them are kids mad at the world about acne.
Btw, speaking of mentally disturbed pimply kids, has MAGA Kid’s latest CNN lawsuit been tossed yet?
Could be true, could also be sample size of a single poll by a single pollster.
The poll referenced yesterday has double the sample size and has Kelley at 50% 10.
Which one is right? We don’t know but what we can say is right now Kelly/Biden have an outside the MOE lead in both races.
If I were a professional at this I might look at a few things.
The LatinX population of Arizona, though that includes migrant and undocumented workers is 31%. 24% of Arizona voters self ID as LatinX The poll is 15% Latino. Arizona party registration is 35% R, 32%D, 32%I. The poll is 40%R, 33%D, 26%I.
Now maybe they did the statistical analysis right on some of the stranger demographics of responders. But maybe not.
Concern for Kelly, sure. Consultants and campaign staff freaking out, no.
I’m not a ‘shewed poll’ conspiracy theorist but in a phone poll the data depends on who answers and then a subset of who answers and takes the poll. Sometimes you get more people from one group on the phone until you reach your target response rate. it just happens. A larger sample size flattens out (see what I did there) the effect of getting more of one demographic that doesn’t necessarily reflect the full electorate.
What OPR seems to have generated on this survey is a sample that is more white and more GOP than you would expect in a general election in AZ.
Released yesterday.
Something for The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s spank bank:
@78 “a bastion of leftwing dogma”
If you mean left of your fav reading material, I suppose so. For normal people,
“In a 2007 opinion piece, progressive watchdog group Media Matters for America accused Politico of having a ‘Republican tilt.’ A 2012 study found that the percentage of Politico readers who identify as Democrats — 29% — is equal to the percentage who identify as Republicans.”
And when interpreting these statistics, you’ve gotta remember only a small percentage of knuckledraggers read.
@79 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is always fine with an officer being shot.”
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a dumbfuck’s interpretation of me not being fine with black children being shot by cops and white vigilantes. I’m not perturbed, because I understand we’ve gotta make allowances for dumbfucks. They can’t help their dumbfuckery. It’s who they are.
Well there’s the Domino.
Big 10 will postpone the 2020 CFB season. Pac-12 quickly followed.
Two of the power 5 are out.
He will still get votes because, Republicans.
@80 “In general, the media as a global entertainment industry has a conservative bias. Always has.”
I never cease to be amused by their conniptions against a “liberal-biased media” owned almost exclusively by wealthy conservative white men, who must have unbeknownst to them an awful lot of subversive journalists on their payrolls.
On a slightly related subject, somebody posted this comment on SJ’s blog yesterday:
“this whole website is bias and fake news”
I’m honored. What a refreshing change from Mark Adams’ incessant, buzzing, meandering droning.
“I loved that Amos n Andy. Get them. Dead? OK, Jolson? Dead too? Damn, Ted Danson but only if he and Whoopi come together and do the friar’s club bit. Followed by Leonard Skynard and Hank Williams Jr. Just listen to this one by Hank!” -Donald, or words to that effect.
If the South would’ve won we’d a had it made
I’d prob’ly run for President of the Southern State
The day Elvis passed away would be our national holiday
If the South would a won we’d had a it made
I’d make my Supreme Court down in Texas
And we wouldn’t have no killers gettin’off free
If they were proven guilty, then they would swing quickly
Instead of writin’ books and smilin’ on T.V.
We’d all learn Cajun cookin in Louisiana
And I’d put that capitol back in Alabama
We’d put Florida on the right track ’cause, we’d take Miami back
And throw all them pushers in the slammer
If the South would’ve won we’d a had it made
I’d prolly run for President of the Southern States
The day young Skynyrd died we’d show our Southern Pride
If the South would a won we’d had a it made
I’d have all the whiskey made in Tennessee
And all the horses raised in those Kentucky hills
The national treasury would be in Tupelo, Mississippi
And I’d put Hank William’s picture on one hundred dollar bills
I’d have all the cars made in the Carolina’s
And I’d ban all the ones made in China
I’d have every girl and child sent to Georgia to learn to smile
And talk with that southern accent that drives me wild
I’d have all the fiddles made in Virginia
Cause they sure can make’em sound so fine
I’m goin up on Wolverton mountain and see ole Clinton Powers
And have a sip of his good ole Arkansas wine
Hey, if the South woulda won we’d had it made
I’d prolly run for President of the Southern States
When Patsy Cline passed away that would be our national holiday
If the South woulda won we’d a had it made
I said, if the South woulda won we’d a had it made
IVR phone polls like that have some issues. Partly it’s a matter of how the pollster adjust for that. And partly it’s a matter of the pollster’s “likely voter” model. This movement is expected as polls shift from “registered” to “likely”. Public polling of most races in most years tightens as the “likely voter” model is applied. And historically that shift favors Republicans because the models more than anything skew toward older voters.
Needs to be mentioned that this is The Q Clearance Cat Lady once again performing a shirtless, hip thrusting end-zone dance in a state and race that favors the GOP and has from the start. If McSally, the incumbent is doing less shitty as election day draws closer that is not exactly cause for GOP celebration.
So I say let him.
Arizona is a TrumPlague ShitShow right now. The body pile is going to explode in the next couple of weeks. Could have a sobering effect. And even on election day it’s going to be nuts. Something like 85% of Biden voters say they will vote by mail. While something like 85% of Trumpalos say they will vote in person. So all the decision desk jornos are going to be under enormous pressure to call these races early based on the in-person counts.
@81 I suppose I’d have to agree with you there. I must look to them like a greedy, grasping, money grubbing capitalist, indistinguishable from you if they’re not paying attention to fine details.
BEACH WEEK! Part 747,020
@82 I remember when lawyers were disbarred for that. I guess they don’t do that anymore for fear of being accused of partisan bias, because the GOP would have no lawyers if they did.
@83 “Chief Best is one of those SPD employees earning @ 53 more than $200,000 per year.”
Heh. Dumbfuck should’ve been a cop. They make more than doctors, and it doesn’t take years of education.
“364 Seattle Police Department (SPD) employees made over $200,000 in 2019, and 1,326 Seattle officers made at least 6 figures, Forbes reported Tuesday. The top 10 highest paid officers made between $304,417 and $414,543.”
Here, you even have a rightwing website calling bullshit on inflated cop salaries.
They blew past that norm months ago. Today we saw senior ranking members of one of the most significant appellate panels throwing shade at the Acting SJ, appellant counsel, and even some of their own fellow judges. Palpable levels of frustration and disgust seldom seen outside the 9th under Kozinski.
This is leaving an impression. And it’s one Trump himself can ill-afford. His attorneys are going to be spending a lot of time in years to come arguing in front of these people.
Arizona is a ‘received by’ state so the counts there don’t take the kind of time and patience as here in WA.
I will always say “postmarked by” is better until someone decided to F with the postal service and change which items get postmarked and when for so many reasons.
Example, GOP candidate strangled his wife the day before the election. To be certain a ballot was received by election day on Tuesday mailing on Saturday or earlier is prudent. Then he strangled his wife on Monday. Can’t change your vote.
@85 “he’s wasting his time”
Not at all. What he does here is an extremely valuable service to society.
1. Keeps him off the streets.
2. Vents a build up of volatile gases that otherwise might explode like the Beirut fertilizer pile.
Seattle’s police chief announced her retirement on September 2, about three weeks from today. The question is what took her so long.
Why do you hate the founding fathers?
“George Washington would have had a hard time beating me before the plague came in, before the China plague.” Donald, today
Conservative radio, “The way the Seattle City Council forced out Chief Best, a black woman is a shameful attack on the diversity they claim to love. Time and time again they show they don’t care about minorities. Now let me introduce to you your interim chief Adrian Diaz.”
Best outcome I could have hoped for. Hopefully if she replaces Biden as prez she’ll revert to AG behavior.
Modern life. Phone pings, @NYT has the VP news.
Phone pings, Twitter, ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping
Turns off all notifications
I’m going to raise your taxes.
DC and PR should never be allowed statehood because my party can’t win them.
Unelected Senator Martha McSally “They’re going to make D.C. & Puerto Rico a state & get 4 new Democrat Senators. We’d never get the Senate back again. And look, this is just the implications of this seat, the implications of this vote.”
I said something above about LatinX voters in AZ. Not sure what % of them are PR but it can’t be none. A quick google shows me 5 Puerto Rican restaurants in Phoenix. Also put 2 Cuban and a Dominican into the mix but good try.
@ 133
LatinX voters in AZ. Not sure what % of them are PR but it can’t be none.
Bet it’s fewer than the % of them who vote GOP.
Consolation prize goes to gman.
While it was not Mayor Pete, gman takes comfort in the knowledge that for the first time a vice presidential candidate is someone who, like gman, is widely understood to have given oral sex to a black man.
Bob is always fine with putting one life above another. Ohhh but that little itty bitty baby.
Hey look one of Bob’s predictions came true – Biden/Harris.
What we do without Bob’s knowledge, his parents must be so proud.
LatinX media in Florida is going to have something to say about her comments. Estimated 1.1M Puerto Ricans in FL. How many of them moved there since Donald ate shit with Hurricane response. How many remember that? How many will get reminded today?
GOP is great at brand building.
@135 did you learn that while sucking on the Horse’s cock?
@132. Thank God….the Grandchildren!
On 20+ years of GOP Branding.
The Democratic ticket is a Graduate of Public University and an HBCU & Public Law school.
Go on, tell us about those East Coast Elites with their snooty Ivy League ways telling you what to do.
Bad news for Piddles with the VP nominee.
I’m not entirely sure why African American Democrats supported Biden in the numbers they did while black democrats were still in the race.
But how often and to what audiences will Kamala Harris bring up Howard University on the campaign trail.
How’s that “getting a bigger share of the black vote” going for Donald?
Joe-d’Mentia (formerly known as Joe-Mentum) picked the whitest black woman he could find. Of course, she’s of Indian and Jamaican descent (“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Jd’M).
Com’n woMan!, “take a walk on the wild side“, ‘your hair smells sweet and you’re soft hands petting my legs will set me atingle’.
And the Corn Pop Clown Car keeps tootin’ along.
I wonder how Kamala feels about being not one, but TWO tokens for barely awake Joe-d’Mentia’s charm bracelet . . .
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
And BLM Seattle drives out Carmen Best, the first black woman to serve as Seattle’s chief of police.
Congrats wokesters!
Bringin’ the racism right from the start. On Brand for GOP.
And with such fresh material too. She’s not Black enough. Apu. Token.
You left out she slept her way to the top.
@142 “the whitest black woman he could find”
No doubt that was foremost in Biden’s mind while checking boxes.
In your mind, that is. Nothing better illustrates the low-powered mental functioning of simpletons like you. You’re to average IQ as Ford is to skateboards. The existence of people like you explains how a Republican Party like today’s GOP is even possible.
Lemme get this straight:
Puerto Rican-heritage voters in FL @ 137 are gonna tell Puerto Rican-heritage voters in AZ @ 133 not to vote for McSally? And that will make the difference, in a state whose LatinX residents are overwhelmingly of Mexican heritage?
Really? That’s your argument?
Emerson has Biden up by only 3 in MN, 50-47.
MOE? It’s 3.6%.
Gee. I wonder what might have happened in MN recently that could explain this tightening of the race in that state.
@141 “I’m not entirely sure why African American Democrats supported Biden in the numbers they did while black democrats were still in the race.”
He didn’t throw their kids in jail for skipping school. And other reasons. Like Clyburn. And the fact Biden has championed black caucuses longer than anyone can remember, and loyalty matters in politics. Trump has no loyalty to anyone, and it shows in his polls.
In any case, with VP picks, it’s not so much who supports them as who they turn off, which is why Bernie and Warren were never really in the running and Bass (think Florida) wasn’t likely to get it.
@146 And here’s Dumbfuck dripping sweat beads on polls. We all know what polls mean: not much. Far more interesting is when diehard South Carolinians who’ve been voting Republican all their lives tell James Clyburn they can’t stand their party anymore and will vote Democrat for the first time, suggesting even red states are in play.
You built this. Too many assaults on intellect, decency, and good sense. Hard to say which straw broke the camel’s back, there are so many of them, but the camel is dead and you’re walking the rest of the way.
@ 141, 147
By the time the Iowa caucus was held there were no black Democrat candidates in the race. Harris had dropped out in 2019 and Booker quit on January 13th.
Booker and Harris never had black support during the early primary season.
Booker is a clown. He had his Spartacus moment, which outed him as unserious. Sort of a YLB but with an IQ in three digit territory.
And Harris? Well, don’t listen to me about Harris. Listen to this woman:
I didn’t say that. She did.
Nope. LatinX media in Florida is going to play up a GOP Senator who thinks Puerto Rico should continue under colony status forever because TEAM R needs the wins! (Fuck your representation. Pay your taxes!)
There’s local politics and then there’s National branding. The GOP is the brand for racists. The GOP is the brand for letting PR wither and die. The GOP is the brand that can’t get relief to an island. The GOP doesn’t want PR equality.
Yeah. Oh yeah. This’ll lock up the black vote for Democrats.
Wonder what Kim Kardashian will have to say about this?
“I love Modhi. No one has done more for Indian Americans. You’re all loyal to India right. I’m the guy who made Indian Americans what they are today. Pay no attention to that Indian on the ticket. Damnit Jerod! I knew we should have picked Haley. Why’d you saddle me With this weird white guy who can’t even be on a stage with a woman who isn’t his wife? Can I get Bobby Jindal in some photos with me? What is Naan. Looks like a tortilla. Why do they all smell like curry? There’s an Indian I buy stuff from all the time. He runs the store by Trump Tower. Actually he might be a Paki. India loves Trump. Cricket is like golf in a way. I think his name is Booji. You go into the store and it’s all crazy music, weeeaw, ping ding ding wee Aaaahh. Veejay Singh.”
@ 150
LatinX media in Florida is going to play up a GOP Senator who thinks Puerto Rico should continue under colony status forever because TEAM R needs the wins!
Still wondering why you think that LatinX media IN A STATE THAT DOES NOT HAVE A US SENATE ELECTION IN 2020 will have any substantial 2020 influence in Arizona, a state that has millions and millions and millions of residents with Mexican heritage.
You seem to think that Puerto Rican-Americans and Mexican-Americans think alike. Maybe you didn’t hear Joe Biden last week, touting the diversity of the LatinX community. According to ol’ Joe it’s the black community that is monolithic and sheeplike in its political behavior.
Donald J. Trump donated $6000 to Kamala Harris when she was running for CA AG and Ivanka donated $1000
“That Nasty woman, very disrespectful. You know accepted donations from a bankrupt tax evader and a dimwit blonde who sells purses. They both have legal troubles with the SEC too. One of them made a deal with the government about not renting to the blacks.” Donald
One might ask why New York City Real Estate notBillionaire and a socialite were interested in an AG race in CA but that can wait.
I have 29 reasons why what Florida’s PR population thinks about the GOP and it’s leadership is important in 2020.
Do try to keep up. I can focus on more than one thing at once.
Poll projection bullshit.
GOP/Trump2020 has been over performing in MN since the first of the year. They should. They’ve spent more than anyone. Recent shift reflects poll shift from “reg” to “likely”. So The Cat Lady is doing about the same.
July 28, LV Biden +3
May 24, RV Biden +5
Summary of Trump’s press conference today:
“President Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
“President Trump, Kamala Harris: the worst, or just worse than most others?”
I suspect for largely the same reasons nobody else did other than Biden. And probably for the same reasons that outside of NH, Iowa, and NV, nobody other than Biden had much support from anyone.
Biden wasn’t electrifying, did not dominate in any debate, and wasn’t the media darling. But he was safe. And in the primaries it appears that was the quality most sought after by a majority of voters whatever their “identity”.
It’s a blind spot for most of these modern conservatives who have been scratching their heads for decades over “The Blacks”. African American’s voting behavior is about as diverse as their other qualities. The Cat Lady still imagines “slums teaming with Negro broken homes” and “GimmeeGimmee Welfare Queen Cadillacs” defining the African American electorate.
Say what you will about the NYT but they are pretty staid with their language and style so seeing them throw shade in the election results…
Early returns (25% reporting) Greene 59% / Cowan 41%
That’s your brand GOP.
@ 154
Donald J. Trump donated $6000 to Kamala Harris when she was running for CA AG and Ivanka donated $1000
Claire McCaskill said of Bill Clinton, “I wouldn’t want my daughter near him.”, but not too long after that rushed to be the first one to endorse the longtime enabling wife of a rapist.
Times change. Priorities change.
Recently ret. Navy SEAL caught tossing explosives into crowd in PDX positively ID’d.
Part of a group who attacked demonstrators. A couple were equipped with night vision goggles.
Believed to be currently employed as a govt. contractor.
So that’s nice.
Wherein Trump calls Harris “nasty” and “disrespectful.”
The Negro should be respectful and appreciative.
Don’t you agree?
pos rapey mcdimfuk is a klown…
it fellated these klowns back in the day:
“Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.
a freak’s “intelligent” choice when it was a pup..
Congrats to Biden.. I’m not a Biden fan but good choice..
And damn right I’m voting for him.
Moving over to MN with about half of the precincts reported Rep Ilhan Omar, a target of much outside the district (And GOP) money has 57% of the vote.
Challenger has 39% with the other not serious candidates getting about 3%
Portland Police Bureau has responded to the reports of a federal government contractor and retired Navy SEAL caught on video participating in explosive attacks on peaceful demonstrators:
Anyone who has information about the incident is asked to submit an anonymous tip:
Visit the App Store and download P3 Tips to submit secure and anonymous tips.
Online at
PPB asks witnesses to install tracking and data surveillance software on their phones in order to assist them with the investigation.
What could possibly be wrong with that?
drumpf is a serial sex assaulter…
Does Melania, Jared, Ivanka, etc. enable him?
@158 And black males prowling apartment buildings for mugging victims while disguised as deliverymen.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Fingers Kamala Harris For VP Slot, Offer Warmly Received By Ms. Harris. Ms. Harris Explained, “It Came As A Total Surprise, I Thought He Was Only Going To Smell My Hair.”
Kamala Harris has some explaining to do because last year said she believes Biden’s accusers.
“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Kamala Harris said in April 2019 at a presidential campaign event in Nevada.
In March of this year, a woman named Tara Reade accused her former boss then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993.
Reade said in 1993, then-Senator Joe Biden pushed her up against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers.
@160 Yeah, but the sequels never change, only the stars.
Back to CT for a second. With an unknown number of absentee ballots left to count the lead by the GOP House candidate who did not get arrested for strangling his wife last night leads by….57 votes.
Decade from now, five shots in at the bar at Oyster Club “And I would have won if that bitch hadn’t made me choke her!”
That’s your brand now Dumbfuck.
You missed where she told her story…..and then It fell spectacularly apart.
Flavor Flav has a question for you.
Harris statement April of 2019.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady warmly embraced the newly made TAAAARAAAA! accusations in March of 2020.
Bob’s intelligence level.
Ivanka spreads her legs for daddy, while Bob sucks Jared’s cock.
How the times change.
At one time Bob was fucking the horse in bed but now he does it in the stables.
Only if you are Republican!
@142 “Bringin’ the racism right from the start”
@144 “No doubt that was foremost in Biden’s mind while checking boxes.”
From the party that demanded Joe-D’Mented choose a woman and a black. Not the most qualified, not one who may be qualified, but black and female:
Demand for Biden to Name Black Woman Surges Ahead of Vice Presidential Pick
More Than 100 Black Men Pen Open Letter To Joe Biden Demanding Black Woman VP Pick
‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash
African American activists and operatives say Biden would pay a steep price if he chooses a white woman for the ticket.
‘If Not Now, When?’
She ain’t no Geraldine Ferraro.
Hell, she ain’t no Mrs Wille Brown, either.
But, “boxes” checked, race pander brought.
Well that was money well spent.
in 2018 Ilhan Omar took the nomination with 65,000 votes, 48.2% while Kelliher got 41,000
After all that effort and PAC spending and GOP shadow money,
Omar got (preliminary 99% counted) 97,000 votes, 57.4% to Kelliher’s 62,000 votes.
Rollin’ on to a second term in an insanely large turnout for a primary.
On the other side, the combined total of Republican votes was about 11,000. Compare to 2018 when 16,000 Republicans came out in an off year.
Along will come dumbfuck to say something about tightening polls and engaged electorate and MN flipping.
WAIT! Has she shouted her abortion(s), yet???
He missed a box!
In Portland? Day 71 of a riot and counting
Yeah, peaceful protests…
You are a joke!
Puddy still living free in the smaller than a Planck sized mind yellowishleakingbuttspigot
The Planck length is smaller at 1.616229(38) x 10^-35 meters and represents the smallest distance of 2 locations. Anything shorter than the Planck length is consider as being in exactly the same location. Hence the less than Planck sized mind of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
She ain’t no Sarah Palin either.
Toot! Toot!
Palin’s abortions have their own reality shows.
Toot! Toot!
The irony is GOP pacs pouring money into a primary to build turnout among voters they need to suppress.
Classic Trump!
I can tell you something else that’s visually striking if you’re comparing NBA and NHL.
“Those schwartz need to mind their place.” Donald.
Somehow Puddy remembers when Harris called Joe BiteME! a segregationalist lover.
Thems her words!
People accusing Joe BiteME! of being handsy, dicksy and other actions.
Monday, August 10, 2020 Inconvenient to the prevailing DemonRats narrative. . . .
Oh! I wonder, does the Checked Box still believe Biden’s accusers?
Oh! How will the Checked Box handle her daddy’s confession, Reflections of a Jamaican Father detailing their family owning slaves?
A research archive of Jamaican records indicate that at one point in 1817, Hamilton Brown owned scores of slaves. The majority were brought in from Africa, though he also owned many Creole slaves.”
Heh. teh babblin’ poophole is konfused…
Never mentioned the idiot in this thread..
Awwwww.. It’s miffed?
Remember when congressional dummocretins were against schools opening in the fall? Well now they are looking foolish attacking Trump all those months ago!
Remember when Puddy brought up the Andrew Cuomo comments on rich people fleeing NYC and the moronic twit dot bomb attacked Puddy for choosing specific links? Well it seems Puddy was ahead of the curve AGAIN! Now why is that? Because Puddy reads between the lines and sees dummocretin trends when those who claim to be “erudite” dummocretins miss their nose in spite of their ugly mugs!
Usually dummocretins are almost always on the wrong side on an issue!
About One-in-Four U.S. Hispanics Have Heard of Latinx, but Just 3% Use It
Uh oh. . . Joe D’Mentia: a pander box FAIL. . .
How proud you loud DemonRats must be:
Shout your riot, DemonRats, You own it.
Of course, the cowardly crickets won’t rub their legs. . .
Hurry hurry hurry
Step right up.
See the babbling biped
You’ll not believe your eyes.
He’ll ignore the first sentence all together.
Back up kid you’re bothering me
Step right up and for a thin dime watch the twisty man turn his spine 426 degrees.
Now compare two political rivals having a public disagreement and then working together.
Contrast with:
‘That big idiot” Bolton.
“Not mentally qualified” Jeff Sessions
“Way over his head” John Kelly
“Weak Person and bad lawyer” Michael Cohen
“Cried and begged for his job” Steve Bannon
“Highly unstable” Anthony Scaramucci
“Dumb as a rock” Rex Tillerson
I could go on but adults can work through things. Petulant small minded children lash out.
New York’s richest people have fled during the lockdowns. If their kids’ tony public schools
stooooopid…. what rich person (the “richest” in particular) sends their kid to public school?
Author is an idiot.. If NY is opening up schools it’s because they’ve gotten the virus under control..
Deaths are at an over 1000 deaths per day clip across the country.. Been that way for a long time… New York State is down to ….
4 -7 of those… York
The Q TARAAAAAAAA!!!!! conspiracy lives again!
In this version of the parasitic conspiracy eating their brains, an intern with multiple theft, forgery, and fraud warrants, who forged credentials to gain employment and now faces a possible prison term accuses the candidate of finger banging her knuckle deep through her pantyhose in the middle of the work day in one of the busiest public corridors on earth.
YOU BETCHA! WINK! WINK! (finger gun)
Tony Public Schools is a famous Luchador.
I think.
No wait. That’s not it.
Tony Public Schools is a character from The Sopranos.
Killed off in season 3. Dated Janice.
No wait. That’s not it.
Tony Public Schools was a beloved children’s breakfast cereal cartoon character from the 1960s.
Killed off in season 3. Dated Janice (who didn’t?)
Federalist has the pulse on NYC. If you touch Schumer’s debunked quote you can count the beats.
Once again Piddles, who claims to know a bunch about NYC fails to grasp why people who live there choose to live there. And if they’re wealthy enough they have a vacation home outside the city.
Not sure if Piddles grasps the psychology of a true New Yorker at all. Especially the park Avenue ones who don’t even want to be seen on the Westside. Must not know any real Manhattanites.
Quick quiz. What state are the Hamptons?
“Quick quiz. What state are the Hamptons?”
The state of liberal progressive idiocy.
@201 Follow up..
What kind of school, private or public did Ken Starr client Jeffrey Epstein work as a school teacher?
Extra credit: who hired Epstein?
Well, apparently “liberal progressive idiocy” includes the second most valuable residential zip code in the United States.
But no Cracker Barrel.
Aaaaaahhhh yes the yellowishleakingbuttspigot BIG YAAAWWWN! and dot bombed didn’t visit the Federalist story so they didn’t click the link under “tony public schools“! Once again they are as stoooooooopid as evah. If they took the time they would have realized the link took them to
Butt, being two stooooooooooooooooooopid dummocretin morons they missed the big picture as Puddy wrote above. Andrew Cuomo recognized this and yet dot bombed is still “clueless“, comparing it to the Mexican heritage wrestler Óscar Gutiérrez Rubio. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot did get something right, the rich don’t send their kids to regular public schools, butt didn’t click the link to really find out just what was being said based on the rest of the BULLSH^TTIUM left in post@195. If the yellowishleakingbuttspigot read the article, it would have read how Cuomo said on July 13th about DiBlasio’s NYC school opening statements
This is why you now have two morons that are posting worthless SH^T every day in every thread. Proving Puddy Prescience each day.
Hey BeerPong@194,
Did Mike Pence say anything about Donald Trump in 2015 when Trump chose to run in 2016 like Kamala Harris said about Joe BiteME! in 2019 now that BiteME! is running in 2020?
Another post of false equivalences! DAYUM you are tooooooo stooooooooooooopid too.
EPIC FAYLE and train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,143 and counting!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Seems Mike Rogers has kept BeerPong as drunk as evah.
I must have missed Mike Pence running for president…
Or being in a Presidential debate…
Or not being a creepy scared of women evangelical…
or not trusting his own ability to not jut be all up on her like a dog if he found himself in a room alone with a woman who wasn’t his wife….
Figure out in what state Manhattanites who move to the Hamptons permanently pay their taxes?
Marymount School moving so the rich kids can get their tony education elsewhere?
There you go again BeerPong with train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,144.
Did John Bolton. Jeff Sessions John Kelly Michael Cohen Steve Bannon Anthony Scaramucci or Rex Tillerson run against Trump in 2016? NOPE you DOPE! Yet you used Trump’s comments against them. You are totally in the wrong ballpark again BeerPong!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh you really are a piece of dummocretin stooooooooooooooooooopidity!