Good morning. I was looking at the Olympic mountains on my walk this morning, and man is there no snow. I feel like in the past it didn’t go away this much. Maybe I am misremembering my youth?
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated or boosted, get it already. What are you waiting for?
Neanderthals probably don’t even know where the water goes once they step away from the bowl
My Independent friend sends me this stupid article
And says, “What a fuckin loser. He needs a real bat mobile to get laid?!”
I responded to him by saying, “I bet not one gay person was related to the story…a bunch of hetero Neanderthals only. My friend is straight, married with two boys.
The heteros that want to single out gay people as being different from them must realize that they are singling themselves out as different.
You can’t treat gay people differently but then want to include them when it comes to your ills and mainstream stupidity.
Those straights really should try to be better people, and not Neanderthals.
I haven’t gotten a response yet from him but he rarely does respond when he knows I’m right, which is 95% of the time!
Yes Carl, there is much less snow on the Olympics these days. Yes, there has been summer melt off in the past, but there is more melt off than accumulation these days. The global temperature is rising, plain and simple.
The Olympics are beautiful, it is sad to see this change.
What’s even better, the Neanderthals at work leave dirty coffee cups in the sink, even after being asked to put the dirties in the dishwasher. Entitled little bitches.
@3 and after all the snow melts there will be no melt to drink, it will all dry up.
@ 1
I wonder which half?
The half who think that George Michael may have touched it first.
Looking forward to the PA Senate debates this Fall.
@ 2
You can’t treat gay people differently…
G-clown, with each psychotic post of yours you have made the case that gay people deserve to be treated differently.
With each psychotic post of yours the other gay commenters here are made to wince.
2)Sending the deputies to serve a warrant in another state. Wonder if that is even legal? The Sheriff already lost the primary.
Me too!
Starting with a double digit lead and more money, you’d think Fetterman was an incumbent. But it probably helps that he actually lives in PA. Also helps that PA voters love him.
My senile, imbecilic, incompetent president really fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Afghanistan marks 1 year since Taliban seizure as woes mount
For a supposedly pro-women party the Democrats sure seem to give no fucks about women who aren’t Democrats.
This is why polling methodology counts:
But hey, they’ve got Warnock losing to Walker.
OOH, and Momala beating Mayor Pete. To which G-clown responds that if it weren’t for heteros breeding an’ shit, there wouldn’t be any high school students, and Mayor Pete would be in the lead. Or something.
“Let’s get some stuff done for America!”
Stuff like eliminating the filibuster right before turning the Senate back over to the GOP.
At least Fetterman’s got a really good medical excuse for this dumbfuckery.
Making Dan Quayle look good by way of comparison.
The KHive Retreats as Kamala Harris’ Popularity Vanishes
Yes, by all means, let’s make sure Momala has an “easy” job. Like wiping the spittle from the chin of First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Gggeeee Money, are you a poofter?
@7 Fetterman could be on a ventilator, in a medically-induced coma, and Oz would still lose. And then, if he croaks after the election, Gov. Shapiro will appoint a fill-in. You might as well write off Pennsylvania, doc, cuz your guys blew it big-time there.
@8 You’re insinuating, of course, that doctors should be treated “differently,” too.
@9 “Wonder if that is even legal?”
Short answer, no. If California wants to arrest someone in Indiana, they need to have Indiana authorities arrest the person, then extradite him to California.
But there’s another problem: California laws don’t apply to the guy in Indiana. This is fortunate, because it means Gov. DeSantis can’t kidnap Washington teachers and transport them to Florida to put them on trial for taping up rainbows in Seattle kindergarten classrooms.
So could President Joe Biden.
And he’d still be grinding Trump’s and the GOP’s faces under his mighty boot for their treason.
God Bless our beloved President Joe Biden!
@11 “My senile, imbecilic, incompetent president really fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal.”
Better than voting in the Taliban here.
The low IQ Nazi traitor speaking for HA’s gays. I reckon next he’ll speak for abused horses.
Heh. Even a HS poll show the raging orange man-baby whupping DeSantis. The low IQ Nazi traitor can’t win for losing.
At least he’s found today’s safe space.
‘We Will Not Stand Down’: Armed Trumpers Protest Outside Phoenix FBI Building
One man can be seen on footage waving a Confederate flag, and others held “honor your oath” and “Abolish FBI” signs, and many of them had their faces covered. Hey, we finally got them to wear masks.
It’s fun watching Degen kill time in the GOP’s green room of political self-implosion, shit posting about all the Democrats who have defeated him, while he waits for the next disaster.
@13 “Stuff like eliminating the filibuster right before turning the Senate back over to the GOP.”
Think that’s something? Your tribe wants to convene a constitutional convention to rewrite the Constitution “to fundamentally remake the United States” into “a conservative nation” (regardless, it goes without saying, of what kind of country the voters want to live in).
And to think they are doing all this to themselves, entirely of their own accord.
Kelly is now very safe.
New Republican strategy to keep Trump out of jail: Repeal the criminal statutes he violated.
Three in five likely voters supports getting rid of the filibuster.
Republicans devouring Republicans. Will there be any left by November?
Trump-loving conspiracy theorist gets sued by Michigan GOP clerk after she lobbed accusations of bribery
God bless Raw Story.
@26 The flaw in Degen’s argument is assuming Republicans won’t change the filibuster if Democrats don’t, when the only real question is whether Democrats haven’t learned their lesson yet and still believe that.
Greg Locke has even got the Evanjoes going at it.
It’s really a shame all these folks are so fond of gun violence.
@29 Not necessarily. Extrapolating from this to the next level, arming them might not be such a bad idea after all, if they start shooting each other and save the FBI, Ohio State Police, and/or National Guard the trouble.
The flaw in Degen’s argument is Degen.
He’s an animatronic turd. Human garbage, stumping tirelessly for a bloated, aging, gas bag who stole our nuclear defense secrets and offered them to the highest bidders. At some point ad hominem debate makes sense. How much longer is it reasonable for anyone to credibly entertain arguments and critiques emanating from a bubbling puddle of shit?
And Democrats should focus on doing the things the voters support, not the things powerless, weak, ineffective, disloyal Republicans threaten.
@27 Idiots like her usually are already judgment proof.
My bad.
Seems I left off the /s tag.
I’m honestly looking forward to the final last struggle facing the cult of treasonous assholes. I have some worry that as it turns more and more violent there is risk of innocent decent Americans suffering collateral injury.
But that’s why I urge law enforcement to refocus their attention on the greatest risk to our communities – these armed Christian Nationalist terror groups like the Republican Party. They should be monitored and disrupted to prevent harm to our communities of decent, loyal, law abiding Americans.
“Come and get me you piece of sh*t feds,” Adam Bies of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, said.
They did.
“Come and get me you piece of sh*t feds,” Adam Bies of rural Mercer County, Pennsylvania, posted on Gab.
They did.
Republicans devouring Republicans. Will there be any left by November?
…they start shooting each other, saving the FBI and National Guard the trouble.
Heh.. No SS checks for those klownservatics fatally eating each other..
and their timely passings, according to the insipid babblings of teh widbee kreepshit??
Can only be..
for my kids…
Why Roger, if I’m not mistaken that brave gentleman Republican might very well have been waiting to cast a ballot for Oz and Mike Kelly.
Such a shame he’ll be in pretrial detention being sat upon by a 340 pound Haitian drug lord. (Okay. This time I won’t forget the tag). /s
@36 Guess he’ll have to vote for Mastriano by absentee mail-in ballot, huh. And probably blew his chance to help Trump or DeSantis win Pennsylvania’s electoral votes in 2024, too.
I assume they didn’t embarrass him by arresting him in front of his kids and their friends as he was dropping them off at school. FBI agents have more class than that. They probably got him in the bathtub or while he was grocery shopping.
I’ll bet he didn’t resist arrest when the FBI agents he threatened to kill came for him.
Isn’t special – Bob thinks HighScool kids are being well educated by teachers.
The way I figure it is that it won’t be too late for me to get a gun an learn how to use it for which it is intended. Should be fun!
Keep in mind that being a Republican voter means you believe corrupt FBI agents planted incriminating documents in the basement of Trump’s private Florida sex club.
But you also believe that it was an abuse to remove the planted documents and that Trump is entitled to get them all back.
New Jersey “Man ‘o the People” shares his recipe for something called “crudite”.
Says it goes well with tequila.
Something else that goes well with tequila is losing.
This is how you know Andrew Yang is a self-promoting, celebutard and not the least bit prepared to be anything other than a Trump stalking horse.
He basically calls President Joe Biden “an extremist”.
@42 I hope he bought that produce, and didn’t put it back in the shelf bins. I wouldn’t want to eat it after his hands were on it. The guy’s a germ carrier.
Another plea deal and cooperating witness:
“Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg is expected to plead guilty to criminal charges tied to his indictment by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in an investigation of former president Donald Trump’s businesses, according to two people familiar with the matter and a public court filing.”
@42 he probably owns a horse too.
Yo Gggeee Money,
You get that Monkeypox shot yet? When will you guys ever learn?
@47 I take it that the surgery to remove the horse cock dildo from your ass was a success. I really do hope you learned something from that.
Of course she did.
Marsha Blackburn blocks bills that would ensure foreign countries can’t interfere with American elections
@43 did Lisa Murkowski vote for The FuckHump’s SCOTUS picks? Foward?
I think Yang is a passive homophobe personally.
Yo Johnny. Stop beaten on your wife.
“We we’re looking forward to the Pennsylvania Senate debate too but we now realize that a hirer of illegals with several fraud settlements who lives in a mansion in New Jersey was a really bad idea”
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is canceling $10 million worth of fall advertising reservations in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
That $5m from PA is better spent NOT on losing. We were really needing to win those.
Just thinking about Kansas.
In May Fox News Pulse of the Country poll had generic ballot among men +9 Republican. Today it’s +4 Democrat
Broken into ‘DADS’ from +8 Democrat to +28 Democrat
I guess the idea of being forced to become the primary support to their teen parents’ kids instead of retiring isn’t popular.
No one could have imagined.
The way I see it is that they’re probably taking care of the their own child…..they’re probably the father as well as the grandfather.
Look Johnny, Heteros are going to save the World and the United States!
This guy is not a self proclaimed homosexual.
I thought “Defund the police” was a stupid slogan. “Defund the FBI” is also stupid. But they’re not going to stop there. They don’t know how to stop. It is for this reason November won’t turn out the way our low IQ Nazi traitor had hoped, and I think he already knows it.
Rep. Anthony Sabatini
It’s time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies
Sever all ties with DOJ immediately
Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight
5:52 PM · Aug 8, 2022
This is only the beginning.
@ 26
Three in five likely voters supports getting rid of the filibuster.
Hey, next time 60 of 100 likely voting Senators supports getting rid of the filibuster, count me in as well.
Voters are fickle. In 2001 GWB43’s approval peaked at 92%.
@47 did you conservatives wear a mask to protect your fellow Americans from dying? 1,000,000 dead? so no, you could not be inconvenienced.
You don’t have the moral high ground to scold about monkeypox.
Three in five is as good as unanimous ever since Republicans betrayed the country over and over.
Nobody’s going to count in worthless, treasonous garbage anymore. So fuck off to all cancervatives. Were done with them.
Now’s a good time for them to all hunker down in their filthy, remote prepper compounds surrounded by Glock switches, pipe bombs, and drum mags and just wait for glory.
That’ll make the targeting much easier.
18)Waiting for him to complain about Metro Coach 4500, wrapped for BLM. Although he wouldn’t like the normal paint job on Metro’s XT40 and XT60 buses. They have a little propaganda on the usual purple and gold paint scheme, advertising Zero Emissions. 4500 is a Trolleybus.
Metro’s lawyer would be conflicted, being the King County Prosecutor, who issued an opinion that sidelined the Metro Employees Historic Vehicle Association. Just said that they couldn’t use Metros insurance pool, but MEHVA hasn’t been able to find private insurance, because officially Metro owns these vintage buses. It’s a shame, Metro turns 50 soon, and tge MEHVA fleet predates even Seattle Transit. They have on roster a bus and a streetcar from the Seattle Municipal Street Railway, although neither run, the streetcar was a low priority 1919-era Barney Safety Car, wasn’t even in good condition when it was in revenue service for SMSRy.
@57 In context, Republicans don’t flip-flop, nor are they hypocrites. They’re very consistent about their goals: Replacing democracy with fascism, imposing their agenda, and eliminating their opponents. In short,
Our way or the concentration camp.
No flip-flopping or inconsistency there. How they get there is a matter of details.
@58 Sure, when we have proportional representation in the Senate, where Democrats needed 41.5 million more votes to elect their 50 senators than the Republicans needed to elect their 50 senators. Or, stated another way, the 50 Democrats represent 57% and the 50 Republicans represent 43% of the U.S. population.
Or, stated another way, you already have a filibuster even when only a simple majority vote is required, in that it takes the votes of 57% of the people to pass anything. If you need a double filibuster, it must be because you’re very unpopular.
@62 Cluster bombs work well on a concentrated target like that. So does napalm. But there’s quite nothing like an Arc Light mission for pure, unadulterated obliteration.
For Johnny. Heteros saving the World and US, through their dominate leadership and guidance to stupidity.
Breeding will not save them!
@ 67
Breeding will not save them!
Breeding is what killed Freddie Mercury. And Robert Mapplethorpe. And Yasser Arafat. Ooh, and Liberace!
Ironic, isn’t it, that an asshole like G-clown, who has been NYC’s Patient Zero for more than a decade, expresses faux-concern about the survival of the heterosexuals when his own behavior – non-reproductive, anonymous sex and extremely irresponsible fatal disease transmission – does so much more to threaten the survival of homosexuals as well as heterosexuals.
Whenever I think of G-clown I envision Liberace, but with even less fashion sense.
And a really tiny AGI. Small wonder G-clown’s a catcher.
Walmart and Home Depot doing well in a RECESSION! DJIA doing very well lately too. Only about 2000 point, maybe 6% of its high, after a disastrous crash by Tge FucHump.
God Bless President Joe Biden!
The only thing threatening heterosexuals are heterosexuals.
Why? Display the Dumbfuckery of Bob, that’s why.
Breeding will not save them.
Boo hoo hoo
I got elevated to asshole. I really do admire and appreciate that. Coming from the biggest asshole that truly is a compliment and indication of effective anti-trolling. But mind you, he’s so vapid y that it doesn’t take much to be effective
God Bless Joe Biden!
G-clown’s parents have already filed DNR orders with every hospital in a 200 mile radius of NYC.
Where did you get concern? Not concern, more like mocking it, you stupid Dumbfuck.
I wonder if Bob, in his spare time, is optimistically thinking of the day he gets to bring out his cheerleading skirt. I bet he looks at it in admiration, probably even batters his eyes at. No recession, so sad it can’t be worn just yet.
@ 73
… even batters his eyes at.
I see someone has had his face painted one too many times.
Michael Cohen’s prediction that Rudy will take the fall for Trump’s TS/SCI document haul is absolutely priceless.
Makes sense on several levels. 1) Cohen should know, he was thrown under the bus by Trump. 2) It takes a weasel to know a weasel. 3) Rudy is just a moron and joke these days so he is a likely patsy for Trump.
Best part is, the MAL seizures have greatly muted Dr. Dumbfuck, he has been reduced to more name calling and homophobia.
@ 75
Cohen should know, he was thrown under the bus by Trump.
Yes, because the people close to presidents are never put under increased scrutiny for other reasons, are they, Newt?
He fucked around with taxi medallions and high-end handbags that had nothing to do with Trump.
You’re a fucking clown, Newt. An increasingly predictable one at that.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, sadly, paid off his loans for Trump School of Law, and won’t benefit from what Biden is doing.
Biden administration cancels $3.9 billion in student debt for 208,000 borrowers defrauded by ITT Tech
The thing is Doc, Cohen was an insider and knew about dirt on Cheeto Jesus. Trump did not use his vast wealth and power to save him. Doesn’t matter what Cohen got nabbed for, the point is he became a liability to Trump and Trump let him swing at the end of a rope. Convince us Rudy is any different.
You can set a clock by your predictability Doc, everyone here knows it.
@ 78
Convince us Rudy is any different.
Rudy Giuliani is not being investigated for personal corruption that was outside his then-association with the presidency.
It’s entirely different, Newt. You fucking clown. Newt, if you are looking for similarity, compare Michael Cohen to Bill Clinton. Clinton was disbarred before the Supreme Court for behavior that pertained to misdeeds outside his presidency.
Yes, HA libbies, you actually did witness Newt @ 78 criticize Trump for not stepping in to interfere with the DOJ’s prosecution of a felon.
That’s how deranged criticism of Trump has become. I have to wonder if Newt even realizes he did it.
The low IQ Nazi traitor has found today’s safe space, ragging on sexual orientation. Keep in mind, my friends, that it’s coming from a psychotic freak who, when he isn’t trying to end our democracy, is fucking animals in his barn.
Why are Democrats so scared of DeSantis? Why are they not waiting until after the midterms to go after him?
This is why. And Democrats have no one to match up with him. Julian Cruz proved he is a lightweight. There’s no one else.
Democrats have no choice but to hit DeSantis now. They won’t have anything to hit him with when it counts.
Yep, I know what I did. See what you did? You claimed Trump can recognize right from wrong, but only when it suits him.
Clinton has nothing to do with Cohen, Trump, and Rudy, no matter how hard you try. Your CDS is showing bigly today.
Calling you a clown is an insult to clowns.
Good retail news amongst parched acres!
– Wall Street Journal
Hey y’all, any important races in AZ and NV this Fall?
And here’s the kicker: California won’t share in the pain:
Makes total sense that the US state that is home to the largest number of humans gets a pass, amirite?
That’s how deranged criticism of Trump has become.
‘Cut his wife’s head off, cut his kid’s head off’: Congressman posts audio of death threat
Fuck you and your safe space, traitor.
G-clown has no understanding @ 84 of a relief rally.
Walmart has already cut earnings guidance and still expects earnings to be down by double digits, or nearly so.
It anticipates adjusted earnings per share will decline between 9% and 11% for the full year.
Home Depot also will lose ground this year after factoring in inflation:
The Atlanta-based company stood by its forecast for total and comparable sales to grow about 3% for the year, with comparable sales to be slower in the second half of the year.
When sales go up 3% but inflation is 8 %, G-clown, that’s a drop in earnings.
You’ll never improve your weak-ass AGI if you don’t have a better understanding of the markets. WMT and HD jumped today because there’s no new bad news, not because there was good news.
Former Democrat congressman indicted.
If Newt were here, he’d claim @ 75, 78 that First Vegetable Joe Biden threw this man of Pacific Island heritage under the bus. Biden did not use his power to save him, and let him swing at the end of a rope.
…is deranged.
Also cowardly, disloyal, weak, and un-American.
Democrat fortunes are increasing of late.
I’d tie it to the short-term performance of the equity markets as much as anything else. And equities have done nicely in the past couple of months – I sold short-dated naked puts at the lows and they’ll expire worthless on Friday.
But while the AIDS-addled brain of Cuomosexual G-clown cheers the equities’ short-term performance, he’d be well-advised not to forget the fixed-income situation:
That’s the 2-year 40 basis points higher-yielding than the 10-year. Serious inversion of the interest rate curve.
And today First Vegetable Joe Biden’s signature will push another, what, $800 billion into circulation?
This won’t be pretty. But it might save Democrats in November.
Degen threatening us with a good time again
For Republicans it won’t be.
@ 91
…threatening us with a good time…
I’ve only heard that term once previously. Letterkenny clip on YouTube.
Was TJ Cox a personal attorney for Biden? No? Why would Biden be involved? Only in your tiny mind is that anywhere equal to Cohen/Rudy and Trump. Neither Cohen or Rudy were members of Congress either.
If TJ Cox is found guilty, he should go to jail and pay his debt, doesn’t matter if he is a Democrat or not, that sort of behavior should not be tolerated of any member of Congress.
False equivalency Doc. Sorry. I’m sure you will keep trying.
Florida court blocks teen from getting abortion, must continue pregnancy
She is not “sufficiently mature” to choose to end her pregnancy.
But she’s mature enough to carry it to term?
Republicans. She had sex, she must suffer. Cruelty is the point.
This is a warning to everyone in America. If we elect this fascist clown De Santis president, republicans will do everything in their power to turn the whole country into the cruel joke that is Florida
@88 All you are doing is pointing out that Rule of Law applied to Democrats. Democrats are not howling that they will kill the law enforcement officers and judges and their families for indicting him.
I. Interested in winning or losing elections like it’s a baseball game rivalry, yet acres are patching. What does that do for inflation? What does that do for the sanctity of life.
Bob, plain and simple, you are a cluster Dumbfuck. You, a heterosexual, is a detriment to life and civilization. Breeding will not save you, but you can rejoice that the Dem lost. Hi fuck your self because you are.
@ 94
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, all you need to do is click on one of the links in your cite, which takes you to the decision:
This would inform you that there is barely anyone assisting the girl, and that she did not take advantage of an attorney that the courts would gladly and freely provide for her.
She inexplicably checked the box
indicating she did not request an attorney, which is available by
law for free under the statute. Id. § 390.01114(6)(a), Fla. Stat.
(“The court shall advise the minor that she has a right to courtappointed counsel at no cost to the minor. The court shall, upon
request, provide counsel for the minor at least 24 hours before the
court proceeding.”).
All the court wants is to ensure that the girl knows what she is doing before it agrees. The court notes that there is plenty of time for it to be satisfied that the girl is making an informed decision.
Read the opinion, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. No one has to see your lips move when you do it.
The rules lawyer says it’s not the Florida law of Forcing Births that’s the problem, it’s the victim’s fault for not filling out a form correctly.
She is not “sufficiently mature” to choose to end her pregnancy because she can’t check a checkbox, yet she’s mature enough to carry it to term.
Republicans are cruel. Why republicans treat women who are not their relatives as brood mares?
This abortion shit had been all decided, years ago. I could give a shit about anyone wanting to get an abortion, but I’d like to not be involved in the process.
Climate change is REAL. The West is dry when it isn’t burning. Lake Mead is giving up the bodies. Keep the food supply watered.
Republicans can win with the issue?
Go and actually read the water rights agreement for both the upper and lower regions. Face it, California had better representation back then and negotiatiated better rights. Nobody thought AZ and NV would ever become as populated as it is today.
Both AZ and NV will definitely feel the pain of the restrictions. Boo hoo for them.
@101 continued
Sort of reminds me of the constant bitching and moaning by the Red counties in Eastern WA about about socialism and welfare. If it wasn’t for the Buerau of Reclamation, a large portion of farming in Eastern WA would be non-existant.
Add in farm subsidies…. Calling Mr. Didier….
What a bunch of welfare queens.
This is the year when Man Made Climate Change reached the tipping point and starts to effect large numbers of Americans.
“You should vote for Republicans because it’s demoRats Fault ™ for not doing something about this earlier!” – Every republican you know
We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on – and in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. Just dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. There may be some areas where we’ll go the other route – desert areas – but for the most part you have many states where they have so much water – it comes down, it’s called rain. They don’t know what to do with it. So we’re going to be looking at opening up that I believe. And we’re looking at changing the standards very soon.
Instead Degen “hears” terms such as “Where we go one, we go all.” (#WWG1WGA), “trust the plan”, “enjoy the show”, “tunnel children”, and “Lizard people” almost constantly.
Pure coincidence, I’m sure.
You would think that the party that claims to be “conservatives” would understand the concept behind “conservation” but they clearly don’t.
Not entirely unlike the way I feel about your gun ownership.
If unenumerated rights to due process don’t exist, then I get to close all the Catholic schools, and you have to find somewhere else to hunt for dates.
I could give a shit about anyone wanting to get an abortion, but I’d like to not be involved in the process.
Great! Vote for Democrats so you do not have be.
Keep calling it an STD.
Trial judge finds that she is very aware of her situation and is “stable and mature” and denies the petition but sets a “we can look at this again later” in a state with a 15-week law.
The appeal notes that the form WAS filled out correctly but disagrees with the decision NOT to have a lawyer.
It’s a delay tactic to make the whole thing moot once 15 weeks passes.
Trial court “We find you are mature and lucid enough to understand this but you need to go home and think about it and be super duper sure and come back later. Take this lollipop and maybe when you know how many licks to get to the tootsie roll we’ll grant your request.”
Appeals court “We take at face value that when the trial court pinkie swore they would be willing to look at this again that they really meant it so we’re denying your appeal.”
@75 “Makes sense on several levels. 1) Cohen should know, he was thrown under the bus by Trump. 2) It takes a weasel to know a weasel. 3) Rudy is just a moron and joke these days so he is a likely patsy for Trump.”
4) Rudy is stupid (and inebriated) enough to let himself get played that way.
@77 “paid off his loans for Trump School of Law”
Sez the guy who commandeered a leaky boat from Caribbean refugees and paddled it back to where they came from to attend a third-world medical school.
@79 “Clinton was disbarred before the Supreme Court for behavior that pertained to misdeeds outside his presidency.”
Clinton was disbarred for one lie. What penalty should Trump pay for 30,000 lies that did pertain to his presidency? At the very least, not being elected again; but that’s up to voters like you, so what say ye?
Instead Degen “hears” terms such as
I wonder if the low IQ Nazi traitor “hears” Defund the FBI? Nah. It’d take him out of his safe space.
@80 Looks to me like an observation, not a criticism.
The most up-to-the-minute MAGA-land excuse for Trump failing to respond to the subpoenas to return all the classified documents he stole, is now that “Trump does not trust the National Archives”.
According to Trump surrogates and defenders he was “justified” in lying to the DOJ and ignoring the subpoenas once he learned that the National Archives was supplying the January 6th committee with some of the public records from his term in office.
This is not a defense.
This is an admission of multiple felonies.
These are government records. They do not belong to Trump. They belong to the United States of America entrusted to the National Archives for the express purpose of recording and informing the people and their government. If this argument is an honest reflection of Donald Trump’s beliefs and intentions motivating how he responded to the legal, procedural requests for their return, then it is an admission of the intent requirement in the obstruction statutes. He would be declaring that his intent in concealing and withholding the documents was to obstruct a investigation.
Obviously he would also be admitting to all the other predicate felonies particular to the theft and destruction of records, the mishandling of classified materials, and lying to federal agents.
@85 Water allocations are determined by an interstate compact. Western water law also plays a role: California has senior rights, Arizona and Nevada junior rights, so they get cut first. In all the states, most of the water goes for irrigation agriculture, which isn’t an altogether obvious place to cut, because we need the food supply; but there’s really no choice, because there aren’t any other uses big enough to cover the shortfall. (What they can do, and must do, is adopt more efficient irrigation practices, despite the expense; which, of course, will impact food prices.)
People, especially retirees, move to Arizona despite shitty schools and violent Trumpers because of the sunny climate, low taxes, and (relatively) affordable housing. People I know, including relatives, either already live there or are considering moving there; I tell them to be cautious about buying a home there, because that state is lurching toward bad climate problems, including heat waves and water shortages.
I recently had an electrical inspector at my burrow to inspect some recent rewiring, and he told me the Pacific Northwest has ample reserve power and won’t face water shortages in the foreseeable future despite receding glaciers and shrinking winter snowpacks. In other words, we’re not Arizona, Nevada, or Southern California. You have lots of water right at your doorstep, and thanks to climate change, it’ll soon be coming in your door.
If you’re so concerned about Arizona and Nevada, you should bottle it and ship it to them. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
How we got here.
Trump Derangement Syndrome….it is a Neanderthal Hetero STD.
I don’t trust the Library of Congress. I tried to give them my complete 20 years of “Barely Legal” magazine and they said it was “Not for our collection”. Maybe they want the special stuff I have on my phone.
What are the odds the low IQ Nazi traitor has one of these raging orange man-baby bed covers?
I just know that I’m not taking any bets on this one.
Our low IQ Nazi traitor isn’t even half the woman Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney is. No, he’s just a pussy whose only loyalty is to his raging orange man-baby and himself, and who does in fact detest our democracy.
“Well, look, I think today, no matter what the outcome is, is certainly the beginning of a battle that is going to continue and is going to go on,” Cheney told CBS News reporter Robert Costa.
“And as a country we are facing very challenging and difficult times,” Cheney continued. “We are facing a moment where our democracy really is under attack and under threat, and those of us across the board — Republicans, Democrats, and independents who believe deeply in freedom and who care about the Constitution and the future of the country — I think have an obligation to put that above party.”
@116 “Trump does not trust the National Archives”.
Trust the National Archives to do what? Not shred evidence that could land him in jail?
@121 Why pay $54.54 for a piece of cloth you can shoplift from a parking lot at a Trump rally?
@123 After Merrick Garland and the FBI are done with him, one could probably pick one of those up at Goodwill for a quarter.