Stay cool everyone. Drink some water. Right now. More than you think you need. You’ll want to piss clear during the heat wave. But seriously, drink a nice cool glass of water.
And please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. So bossy today.
The national average gas price has dropped 65 cents since mid-June. Republican strategists are feeling very sad.
@ 1
$5.69/gallon to fill the motorcycle tank with premium yesterday.
@ 1
The national average gas price has dropped 65 cents since mid-June.
The DJIA has dropped 5,000 points since the beginning of the year.
You two should hand you money over to Paul Pelosi. He seems to be doing pretty well.
Yes, like Jared Kushner I’ve done well investing in commercial real estate.
I was lucky to get to attend a couple of good Catholic parochial schools where I grew up in San Francisco. I worked hard as a student, and thanks to the recommendations of Jesuit Brothers I was admitted to a feeder prep for Georgetown University. Although my father was successful as a Rexall sales manager, we were lucky that tuition was much more affordable in the early 1960s. I worked hard at Georgetown and got top grades which got me into grad school at NYU. I learned a lot along the way that helped me when I eventually returned to the Bay Area and began my career in commercial real estate. I was also lucky to have been reaching the peak productive years of my career right when the Bay Area tech industry took off. But along with my partners and investors, I took advantage of those opportunities by offering exceptional service and value to these brand new companies that were just starting out. We worked hard and shared in their success.
I was lucky in a few ways to have some opportunities and to be ready to take those opportunities. By way of contrast, Jared Kushner was lucky in a very different way. He was lucky he inherited an already successful real estate company from his father the convicted felon. And though he nearly lost it all a few times by going massively into debt, and taking big risks speculating, he was lucky that his wife could fix it all for him by getting him a job inside the White House and convincing her father to use his office to get him a $2 billion rescue loan from a Saudi prince.
Different kinds of luck, I guess.
The Metropolitan Grill’s proprietors have opened a sister restaurant on Pier 55. Italian fare.
Goldy will tell you, Damn you $15 minimum wage!. In truth, he’s really celebrating the further widening of the wealth gap.
YLB, tell your kids both restaurants are hiring for the busboy position.
Speaking of minimum wage and busboys:
The BusBoys – Minimum Wage
In the 80s this band was featured in 48 Hours, with Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte.
@ 5
Pablo, that passenger with you when that accident occurred…
Was she blowing you at the time?
the motorcycle
More store-bought manhood. What a loser.
@9 Anyone griping about paying $5.69/gal. to fill up a vehicle that holds maybe 5-6 gallons and gets 50-60 mpg must have money problems.
Gas is cheaper in Texas because their roads look like this.
If employers can form unions, why can’t workers have unions, too?
Nowadays anyone can mosey into an airport terminal and shoot at the ceiling if they feel like it. That’s because SCOTUS and the GOP feel very strongly that everybody should have guns, and carry them everywhere. No preliminary mental evaluation required.
Seattle is dying… ish?
@ 14
The top end of Seattle is doing just fine. That’s the other side of the city from YLB’s end.
15 The greedy racist incel’s concern for the poor is out of character. It goes against everything he’s posted about their wages and benefits. Do You think he’s gonna vote for Democrats now?
Rep. Adam “The Man” Kinzinger,
“I always thought when you got elected to Congress, this is my naivete as a kid, that you coming out here to lead. What I have learned is that but leadership is extremely, exceedingly rare in this job, and people are more interested in maintaining the title and getting re-elected,” he continued without naming names. “Look, you have Republicans that only trust Republican leaders and when there’s only two Republican leaders that are currently elected that are telling you the truth, myself, Liz [Cheney], maybe Mitt Romney and a few others, it’s easy to demonize us.”
“We’re not the ones lying to you, fellow Republican voters,” he added. “It’s the people too scared to tell you the truth. That’s a choice you have to make. All I can do is say truth and I’ll do that any day of the week.”
We have a low IQ Nazi traitor here who is obviously frightened by the truth.
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.
@ 17
Rep. Adam “The Man” Kinzinger
The man who makes Steve moist, apparently.
Hero worship is not a good look, Steve. Just ask YLB.
The man who makes Steve moist, apparently.
A man respected for his patriotism. Quite understandable that a low IQ Nazi traitor such as yourself can’t relate to that.
I just heard Brian Deese refer to the Bidencession as “technical arguments about backward-looking data”.
How incredibly weak.
In Russia, child prodigy, computer beat you.
G-clown, how was your weekend at the Pride Festival?
Of course they deserve what they get.
No need to stand all day, G-clown. Have a seat.
Because you didn’t read And The Band Played On.
Not enough “poors” to sustain a healthy “foundation” of Waffle House and Cracker Barrels?
Paris is dying?
G-clown, I hope there’s more than one stall in the mens room where you work.
“I will make you fissures of men.”
Pity you’re not a top, instead of a bottom, G-clown.
It’s because you told her they were anonymous, dude. No point asking.
A sexual health worker who spent the weekend in a bathhouse, apparently, and wound up with monkeypox and gonorrhea.
May your employers read the article, fire your sick fuck ass, and may you share with Deathfrogg a camper parked next to a residential curb in Ballard, outside Carl’s apartment.
An absolutely appalling number of old white guys like Degen become violently ill with Norovirus and approach death because too many among their number of physically failing oldsters with limited movement, poor eyesight and a vanity driven aversion to wearing corrective lenses fail to wipe their asses and wash their hands, and they frequently dine at self-serve buffets with shared serving utensils.
I could go on at some length describing the various symptoms, detailing the means of transmission, and observing the depressing consignment to living covered with their own excremental filth that this implies.
But instead I think I’ll just leave this here.
’cause my team will change the definition @ 20 as often as it takes to avoid it.
Biden: “We’re not going to be in a recession”
What a weak, cowardly, fundamentally dishonest man is my senile president.
@16 “Do You think he’s gonna vote for Democrats now?”
I think he’s edging closer, but it’ll take awhile.
@ 28
Or you could just watch Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s hands at the next Drinking Liberally assembly.
I could go on at some length describing the various symptoms, detailing the means of transmission, and observing the depressing consignment to living covered with their own excremental filth that this implies.
@17 “Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.”
The most they could hope for was to kill some of it, and that’s where the zip-tie guys and the rioters manning the gallows were to come in.
Myanmar just executed two pro-democracy activists, and Mike Flynn probably is applauding.
@18 “Hero worship is not a good look”
Some heroes are better than others.
Wal-Mart shares are down 13 bucks, or 10%, after the market close today on news that Bidencession has already begun to hit its earnings.
Every year for about the past 4-5 or so, I’ve sold long-dated WMT naked puts. This year, for some reason, I didn’t.
@20 You probably think two consecutive quarters of negative GDP are automatically a “recession.” If so, go back and read your Barrons that you’re paying a subscription fee for, paying particular attention to GDI and what may be skewing the GDP data.
Amazon, Target, and Costco are all down in sympathy.
Tomorrow’s gonna be brutal in the markets, and the awful numbers that First Vegetable Joe Biden’s incompetence has caused will be reported Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week.
Hold on to your rectal catheter, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. The water’s gonna get pretty rough.
@21 The robot’s claw needs an elevator door mechanism. The Russian design engineers didn’t think of that because they’re stupid and drunk on vodka all the time.
‘bye Felicia to this Feckless Cunt:
Samantha Bee’s ‘Full Frontal’ Canceled in Latest Late-Night Cutback
Ivanka smiles.
@22 “Of course they deserve what they get.”
The Trump coup plotters haven’t gotten what they deserve, but it’s coming.
@ 36
You probably think two consecutive quarters of negative GDP are automatically a “recession.”
It was about two weeks ago, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you wrote that the NBER definition of recession was two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
Following very successful A/B testing, new ad hitting millions of phones today:
More just like it in the pipeline undergoing state and regional testing right now.
@28 That gets me thinking about preppers installing underground fallout shelters in their backyards. What are they going to do with the shit if they have to wait five years before it’s safe to come out?
@31 Rabbits don’t have “hands.”
@37 “Tomorrow’s gonna be brutal in the markets”
I sure hope so. I want to buy more stock.
@41 My understanding of the definition has evolved faster than yours. You’re still where I was two weeks ago.
Republicans invariably have a money advantage, so it’s strange that Democratic Senate candidates are vastly out-fundraising their GOP opponents.
But maybe not so strange when you consider the GOP has dumped Big Business for QAnon freaks, hairy-chested insurrectionists, and washed-up football players gone soft in the head.
Yeah, nice brainwashing that you’d like to do there.
I guess everyone gets what they deserve for things they do. Buy a motorcycle and crash or some crashes into you and you die or both you and your passenger (can the horse fit behind you?), we’ll, oh well! You pretty much deserved it.
The hunky-dory virus.
Back in 2018, going into the Trump midterm collapse, Trump took control in the RNC vacuum and arranged for all the money to pass through the finance team he controlled. It remained that way beyond 2020 and they still haven’t recovered. Trump still commands most of the small dollar game and many of the large dollar donors are afraid to cross him.
@ 46
… the definition has evolved …
Wait until your gall bladder inflames and while you are sleeping post-op your family evolves the definition of “DNR”.
YLB, tell your kids both restaurants are hiring…
they don’t pay enough your highshit.. the youngest worked a restaurant job long ago.. made a decent pile and lived on that for personal expenses while he devoted himself full-time to finishing college..
the oldest worked a minimum wage job for pocket change all the way through college.. Made enough money to save for season’s tickets for Husky football and basketball and had enough left over for some travel abroad. That job paid $15/hour very shortly after Seattle mandated the ramp up.. He didn’t have to wait.
Today they both have jobs that pay much better..
yawwwn.. lord kreepshit… always the johnny come lately.. Sux to be lord kreepshit, the kreepee fuk of widbee..
the other side of the city from YLB’s end
We have Phd’s, well paid Amazon software engineers, business owners, even a professional athlete living in our neighborhood..
Life here is a-ok… We have no need to pay out the nose for an expensive meal.. We do a lot of that for ourselves.. It’s not that hard. Just takes some work.
@51 Sounds like I’ll be dead before you get around to reading last week’s Barrons. Why do you pay for a subscription you don’t use? Instead of letting those magazines go to waste, how about sending them to me. I’ll actually read them.
Hero worship is not a good look..
Spoken like our true pet HA ZERO…
Gee, I guess if Native Americans have reservations, why shouldn’t Republicans have their reservations, too?
Tulsi… Ouuf.
Wow, look at all that black smoke.
After massive bus fire, CT pulls electric fleet from service
I thought electric vehicles were supposed to be good for the environment. I thought blue states were supposed to do healthy things with the tax money they steal from their residents.
Good thing they didn’t dump their tried-and-true diesel bus fleet yet.
I hope the guys at the Postal Service are reading this article. Gonna be a lotta black-smoke fires all over the country, otherwise.
Tomorrow’s gonna be brutal in the markets
The DJI is down 102….so brutal.
Opening statements this morning in Autstin in the defamation trial of GOP AM Hate Radio personality Alex Jones.
There’s little chance this is more than a trial over damages. There really are no legal issues in dispute. He defamed the named plaintiffs. And practically the only defense he has offered has been to argue that his years of alcoholism, drug abuse, and poor lifestyle choices have left his so weak and physically disabled that he can’t participate in his own trial. That may have succeeded in delaying this day. But now that it has arrived this will probably be a relatively brief shitshow followed by a quick verdict for plaintiffs. The real fun may be the damages phase.
Forgot to mention, Texas is a punitive damages state.
@58. Greedy Racist Incel’s comment from 1908.
“One of those Model T contraptions caught fire. It’s obvious that internal combustion engines will never ever work. Good thing they didn’t dump their tried-and-true horse fleet yet.
Also, the lazy Irish want to be paid 20 cents an hour? Absurd! They don’t deserve that kind of largess.”
Dissonance much?
Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) earlier this week came under fire for attending his gay son’s wedding just days after he voted against a bill in the House of Representatives that codified marriage equality as the law of the land.
Thompson praised his son for finding a man with whom he could spend the rest of his life, while also praising his new son-in-law as a welcome addition to the family.
“This has been a really good experience… to have a new son enter the family,” he said. “So we’re just blessed, and we just want to say thank you to everyone here as part of the celebration.”
God bless Raw Story.
You want batshit insane MAGA? You can always find batshit insane MAGA at Raw Story.
Lauren Boebert’s ex-campaign manager breaks down crying because ‘elections matter’
Tom Cotton fucked around and found out.
Rep. Liz Cheney
Hey @SenTomCotton – heard you on @hughhewitt criticizing the Jan 6 hearings.
Then you said the strangest thing; you admitted you hadn’t watched any of them.
Here’s a tip: actually watching them before rendering judgment is more consistent with “Anglo-American jurisprudence.”
Don’t mess with Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney.
From the Raw Story:
“Our children were under attack,” she said without explaining how her children had been threatened. “That’s how America’s Mom was born and naturally from there that’s elections.”
Gas lighting bullshit. It’s just another Heritage/Koch funded astro turf group organized by Rufo. They are only fooling themselves by grifting on themselves. Another reason why GOP Senate money race is anemic. All the energy has been Hoovered into the scam ecosystem of social media promo code peddling. Persecution complex victimhood is one of the most lucrative grift sources available. She undoubtedly negotiated a revenue sharing agreement with the Dirty Hobo. Degen is running for his Visa card this very minute.
“Chief Justice John Roberts privately lobbied fellow conservatives to save the constitutional right to abortion down to the bitter end, but May’s unprecedented leak of a draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade made the effort all but impossible, multiple sources familiar with negotiations told CNN.”
We still don’t know who was behind the leak, but armed with this information, we can make a much better guess.
The only person watching those hearings more closely than the Republican co-conspirators is their former Conspirator-in-Chief.
His spleen-venting on Trooth Soshyul is peaking.
His announcement could come at any time now.
Thomas was behind the leak, that’s obvious now.
But still made likely by the fact that Roberts’ Big-Big Probe went absolutely nowhere. The three moderates are too furious with the extremist majority to cooperate. And the extremists are covering their tracks. Roberts should quit.
He’s a cuck.
“In St. Louis … more than 8 inches of rain had fallen from midnight to 7 a.m. … already surpassing the city’s … one-day record of 6.85 inches set on August 20, 1915, the National Weather Service said.”
This has nothing to do with so-called “climate change,” which is a figment of overheated liberal imaginations. It’s “weather,” like St. Louis gets every day of every summer.
@60 “The real fun may be the damages phase.”
No, the real fun will be trying to collect the damages. Finding Jones’ money will be like trying to track down Putin’s money.
@61 Yeah, who ever heard of a horse overheating and catching fire? By the way, back in those days they stashed the horse shit in the middle of the street and the whole town smelled like a barn.
From today’s Seattle Times Morning Briefing email (which anyone can subscribe to, free of charge):
“Is recession staring us down? Already upon us? The answer isn’t tidy, as there’s a whole lot of waffling going on among economists. Part of it has to do with the definition of a recession in this ‘odd period.'”
If Doctor Dumbfuck won’t read the Barrons magazine he’s paying for, he should at least read a free newspaper once in a while.
I was telling my High School friends that this was the decade that ordinary people learn that the effects of climate change are real.
One responded with the lie that it’s just a 1500 year cycle.
I posted that science had proven that was wrong.
He posted that it didn’t matter, we are helpless to do anything to effect it. We can’t stop it and we can’t reverse the existing damage.
I replied with “That’s like arguing that child abuse happens and can’t be stopped. It’s a shame that the elementary girls showers are in the unmonitored men’s prison dormitory but we are powerless to change it. It might cost us money or be inconvenient. Even if we could change something, it wouldn’t fix what already happened. Stay the course, do nothing.”
He responded with “Let’s take this private, we don’t need to annoy all our friends. Everyone has lives here.”
The denial of conservatives is very strong.
DeWitt Michigan:
Versus Tacoma Washington:
I guess it helps to be the Sheriff when you decide to drunk-rage a newspaper delivery guy in the wee hours.
Matt Gaetz, “Let me just say what everyone here knows,” Gaetz said at the event, garnering cheers from the crowd. “Mike Pence will never be president.”
Pence’s ex-aide Marc Short, “I don’t know if Mike Pence will run for president in 2024, but I don’t think Matt Gaetz will have an impact on that – in fact, I’d be surprised if he’s still voting. It’s more likely that he’ll be in prison for child sex trafficking by 2024, and I’m actually surprised that Florida law enforcement still allows him to speak to teenage conferences like that.”
I don’t see the low IQ Nazi traitor including the fact that Republicans are rapidly and rabidly devouring each other in his prognostications of a rosy future for America’s GQP party of fascist fucking freaks.
@73 I think he’s right. We’re not going to do what’s necessary to prevent climate change that will kill millions of people, render coastal cities uninhabitable, intensify storms cause unbearable (and unsurvivable heat waves), worse droughts and wildfires, take vast areas of cropland out of production, and potentially turn our planet into a Venus. Because there are too many people like him.
Why do I think this? Because Covid gave us a window into human nature. Even as they lay dying, they refused to believe the virus that was killing them existed, or that they had it, or had gotten it through their own willful carelessnes.
It’s going to be the same damn deal with climate change. They’ll watch their homes burn down or get submerged by 100-year floods, they’ll fry in summer heat, and they’ll still refuse to budge.
You stupid humans are the frog in a blender, and when you’re all dead a more intelligent species than yours (i.e., rabbits) will run this place the way you should’ve run it.
@74 I have my own nominee for Racist Cop of the Day:
Obviously delivering newspapers is a high-risk occupation for blacks, because it requires them to be out after dark.
Isn’t it supposed to be womxn? YLB, how do you spell it when referring to yourself?
If the job was Panderer in Chief instead of Commander in Chief, no one would question Momala’s readiness to assume the role.
@ 73
He responded with “Let’s take this private …
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, he was protecting you. You were embarrassing yourself the way you do here, and you had a friend who didn’t want to see you do it in the company of people who know you.
Are y’all really gonna break G-clown’s heart two primary seasons in a row?
The Wuhan got to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit during the Clinton administration.
Long COVID may cause hair, libido loss, as well as brain fog, study says
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has had each of those symptoms, continuously, for well over two decades.
“There are more of us who hate Biden than there are of you who hate Trump!” wouldn’t look so good on a bumper sticker, but we’d love to see y’all do it, anyway.
This Democrat was on the phone with a reporter, talking shit about Republicans, when she killed a woman and her daughter
Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley involved in fatal car crash that killed a mother and her 5-year-old daughter.
Oh. The murdering cunt was driving at the time.
Two “‘nother!”s. Good for YLB’s kids.
“Good accidents” are the ones in which older Republican men are murdered, apparently.
Question for QoS McHillbilly:
Is the murder @ 84 of two women better, the same, or worse than what the South Dakota AG did?
Two “‘nother!”s. Good for YLB’s kids.
LMAO… as it only follows from the deranged, inane, insane babblings of teh degenerate kreepshit of widbee…
The president’s Council of Economic Advisors and the National Bureau of Economic Research has reviewed the facts @84-86, and no longer defines the killing of two innocent people by a distracted driver as a crime.
The murdering cunt
Harsh words for Laura Bush there kreepshit.. she married the empty suit you voted for twice..
@ 89
HA’s dumbest twat goes back 59 years in her quest for Whataboutism on this one. What a weak little girl is YLB.
I see she skipped right over Ted Kennedy, too. Probably jealous because that Kopechne slut got to blow a Kennedy.
They have known me since High School. I am tired of appeasing science deniers. Pretending denier’s ignorance is just as valid as scientist’s knowledge. I will be perfectly fine if some High School acquaintances fade away. They are ignorant two faced religious conservatives. They claim to follow Jesus but vote republican.
It’s fascinating how the greedy racist incel only pulls out the slur words for liberal women.
@ 92
It’s fascinating …
You must mean “refreshing”. Everyone else on HA reserves their slurs for conservatives, except for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who also uses them against various minority groups domestic and foreign.
@ 79
“I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.”
I am Cuomosexual G-clown, my pronouns are me and mine, and I am a gay man sitting on an erect, uncircumcised penis adorned with a blue cock ring and ringed by monkeypox sores.
Weird. Goldy thinks that the communications security of the United States Secret Service is no different from his own.
Enjoy this liberal girlfight:
Why Jessica Ramos Went After AOC
You’ve seen AOC wearing white and fake-crying at the southern border. You’ve seen her wearing white and glaring at Ted Cruz during a SOTU address. You’ve seen her wearing a white dress that says Tax The Rich. Most recently you’ve seen her trying to fool the world into believing she was arrested and handcuffed.
Ever see her do a shred of work?
Me neither.
More detail here.
AOC and Chuck Schumer were each rushed to the emergency room today, she with a deep laceration on the right side of her scalp, he with a fracture of the left orbit.
It seems there was a NY Democrat congressional caucus meeting and only one camera was permitted to capture the event.
Very, very bad news for our low IQ Nazi traitor and the raging orange man-baby he voted for three times.
DOJ directly probing Trump’s actions in plot to overturn 2020 election in criminal investigation: report
@86 Our armchair legal scholar doesn’t know the difference between manslaughter and murder.
Sounds like Wisconsin Democrats are gonna need a new minority leader, though.
@90 “I see she skipped right over Ted Kennedy, too.”
Maybe because the statute of limitations has run on that one? For what it’s worth, I always considered Teddy the dumber one of the three brothers.
goes back 59 years…
triggered.. mission accomplished..
the three brothers
It’s easy to forget that there were four brothers.