Andrew Cuomo is one of two POS Democrats sired by Mario Cuomo.
Report: Cuomo wrongly used state resources to promote book
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo improperly used state resources for a book he received $5.1 million to write, according to a report by a law firm.
New York’s soon-to-be-disbanded ethics commission, the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, voted Thursday to make the report public.
The report said the book raised several ethical issues, finding Cuomo “misused the power and authority of his office to create, market and promote for enormous personal profit.”
It’s kinda odd reading about a politician who misused the government or a charity for “enormous personal profit”, and that politician isn’t a Clinton.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Pretrial hearing this am for Steve Bannon facing criminal contempt charges for refusing to respond to a Congressional subpoena.
I’ll be very interested to see how DOJ responds to any efforts to cure his contempt with offers of cooperation.
A filing in preparation for today’s hearing revealed that one of Trump’s attorneys, Justin Clark, had interviewed with the FBI just a few weeks ago and informed the DOJ that Trump had never invoked executive privilege over any Bannon testimony. This is likely to be the reason that Bannon’s own attorney removed himself from representing Bannon.
Somebody did a big, big perjury. Fingers gonna be pointed.
Probably this morning.
President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer in the 2024 presidential campaign, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll, as voters nationwide have soured on his leadership, giving him a meager 33 percent job-approval rating.
The voters who elected him now realize their mistake. NYT pulls no punches with this title:
Most Democrats Don’t Want Biden in 2024, New Poll Shows
It’s safe to say that most Democrats don’t want my imbecilic, incompetent, senile president now.
Vicious Trollspews:
It’s too bad that the presidential succession can’t be like baseball.
Aging Joe Biden still has a confounding knuckleball, and is brought in to face the wildly inconsistent slugger at the plate, Donald Trump.
After Trump looks at a called third strike, he argues the call and is thrown out by three of the four umpires. The fourth umpire, who was behind third base, was certain that last pitch was outside, and that it hit Trump, and that there was catcher interference.
Biden is then replaced by closer Mayor Pete, who commands several pitches and can go four innings, and doesn’t drool and soil himself while on the mound.
Iran enriches to 20% with new centrifuges at fortified site
Nuclear talks have been at a standstill for months. The U.S. special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, described the latest round of negotiations in Qatar as “more than a little bit of a wasted occasion.”
The IAEA reported last month that Iran has 43 kilograms of uranium enriched to 60% purity — a short step to 90%. Nonproliferation experts warn that’s enough fissile material for one nuclear weapon if Iran chose to pursue it.
For this we can thank the Obama administration.
Vicious Trollspews:
I think it’s likely that a conversation like this took place in #CrookedHillary’s penthouse hotel suite on Election Night in 2016.
“Governor. Stop. It’s over,” the voice broke through on the conference call line.
Six months earlier, it would have been inconceivable that anyone, let alone a mere political consultant, would cut off the most high-profile, fearsome, and feared state chief executive in the country.
It was Andrew Cuomo who was talking, after all. He was 11 years into his reign at the top of the Empire State, and just one year removed from becoming a national phenomenon for his masterful, made-for-TV COVID briefings, which offered comfort to people amidst the isolation, confusion and trauma of a global pandemic.
But on August 3, 2021 — whether he was willing to accept it or not — he was a dead man walking. That morning, the Attorney General of New York released a bombshell report that concluded that he’d broken state law by sexually harassing women staffers in his administration.
“What’s over?” Cuomo responded.
“This. All of this. This is over. There is no path forward for you,” the adviser responded.
“It’s over because I touched a woman on the back?” Cuomo shot back, his voice rising with a pitched tone of panic.
The adviser, someone not prone to hyperbole or challenging the governor unnecessarily, didn’t mince words.
“It was more than touching a woman on the back. Don’t bullshit yourself or us. If I, a man, were accused of doing any of the things you were, I would be out of a job by now.”
“So, you’re telling me I don’t fight back? I don’t do a press conference? Why don’t I just resign then?”
“Lis,” Cuomo started in his halting, Queens-inflected cadence, “what do you think?”
He was looking for a sympathetic voice, as he often did on calls. He had a knack for finding people who could agree with even his worst instincts. I paused before I answered….
“Governor, I’d like to disagree,” I told him. “But I just don’t see a way out of this.”
It probably was John Podesta who broke the news to #CrookedHillary. Certainly it wasn’t Bill. She would have cut his balls off before he finished talking if it was Bill.
Actually, now that I think about it, it was Obama who told the horrid, corrupt one to concede.
“You need to concede,” Obama told his former secretary of State as she, her family, and her top aides continued to watch results trickle in from the key Rust Belt states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Remember that, y’all libbies, when #CrookedHillary announces her run for the 2024 nomination.
Vicious Trollspews:
Fat Midget Fucks Corrupt Cunt
Your New York Post headline, first Wednesday of November, 2024.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Bannon’s new attorney is up now in his pretrial hearing and it isn’t getting off to a great start. Promptly informs the judge that he was too busy doing media to read the government’s filings for this hearing.
Bannon’s has been begging for trial delays for a couple of weeks and been shut down. I assume he’ll be pleading once again given the last minute change in counsel. Judge will want to protect his rights from disparagement arising from causes outside of his control. However, withdrawal of his attorney arises from his having perjured himself. So Bannon must finger his former attorney Costello in order to gain the court’s sympathy here.
And he can only finger Costello if he can bring receipts. This is the moment every Shit Lord ultimately comes to fear and regret the most.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 10
Explain to me, please, why it’s Bannon who lied about Trump having previously invoked EP, rather than Clark who lied about Trump never having previously invoked EP.
I realize that it’s possible that both are liars, but why are you certain it was Bannon? Because Bannon’s attorney withdrew?
I’m trying to follow the teams and I don’t have a program.
Maybe explain it to me like I’m The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
DeSantis is the only governor since the Jim Crow era to institute a literal poll tax.
After signing the law, DeSantis proclaimed on his official Twitter account, “Voting is a privilege that should not be taken lightly.” He conveyed his beliefs with chilling accuracy: Voting is a privilege, not, as many Americans believe, a right.
lord kreepshit has a record of voting for cheerleaders: bonzo and dumbya..
Today it’s the most sicko-phantic, servile fascist cheerleader alive.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
The voters who elected him now realize their mistake. NYT pulls no punches with this title:
Bob’s horseshit. He’s trying to validate the mistake of the FuckHump.
I made no mistake voting for The Honorable President Joe Biden, unlike your mistakes and treason ass. Do I want someone else to be the nominee, yes. Two different things and The Dumbfuck knows it but he has to spin it.
God Bless Joe Biden. Hang The FuckHump!
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
For this we can thank the Obama administration.
More like thanking you for a comple fucking fascist bigot who blows the failed fuck Donald Duck
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Iran has every right to do as they please. See Russia.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 12
DeSantis is the only governor since the Jim Crow era to institute a literal poll tax.
Shorter YLB: If more felons in Florida could vote then Andrew Gillum might be FL governor right now instead of disgraced and under indictment for wire fraud and lying to the FBI.
If more felons in Florida could vote then Andrew Gillum might be FL governor
In November 2018, Florida voters passed Amendment 4, a measure that restores voting rights to certain felons (nearly 1.4 million people) once they have served their sentences, including parole and probation. Those convicted of murder and sexual offenses remain unable to vote.
In March 2019, a state law was passed that limits Amendment 4. That law requires former felons to either pay all fees that they owe as part of their case or get their sentence modified in order to register to vote. At the time of its passing, this law prevented nearly 775,000 felons from voting.
Shorter fascist cheerleader lord kreepshit: fuck what the people want, I’m a klown deathsatanist fanboi cheerleader and I’ll wave pom poms everyday at HA..
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Former President Donald Trump made a visit to Las Vegas Friday evening to campaign for the Nevada republican Governor and U.S. Senate nominees.
Treasure Island was the host site for the event.
Trump received a standing ovation from the crowd when he was announced. The crowd of a few hundred in the Treasure Island ballroom all stood for minutes at the start of his 47-minute speech.
Oranged-tinted dear leader and insurrectionist mob boss is running.. klown deathsatanist and its rasputin pushaw will either knife the degenerate or end up on their knees like all the other repukes. As will lord kreepshit.
Vicious Trollspews:
What’s the difference between a poor bronzing job and a poor hair plug job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 A two-time Trump voter complaining about politicians misusing government resources for personal gain? Funny!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 The same poll shows Biden beating Trump in 2024, which means your party needs a new candidate even worse than ours does.
Vicious Trollspews:
It’s Putin’s fault!
It’s The Wuhan’s fault!
It’s the oil companies’ fault!
It’s the Republicans’ fault!
It’s everyones’ fault but mine!
Joe Biden
United States government official
The President needs to stop blaming others and do his job.
5:10 PM · Apr 20, 2020
What’s the difference between a poor bronzing job and a poor hair plug job?
You’re on your knees for the former, kneepads… lmao..
klown deathsatanist kneepads, fat midget kneepads, dishonest harvard/yale fatboy kneepads.. what a fucking joke you are..
wave the pom poms fascist..
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 21
The same poll shows Biden beating Trump in 2024
Neither will be on the ballot in 2024.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “For this we can thank the Obama administration.”
After you think about it, maybe you’ll remember who actually abrogated the Iran nuclear agreement, after repeatedly promising on the campaign trail he would.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Imagine how much worse it would’ve been if he’d grabbed ’em by the pussy.
King Arthurspews:
Jose Alba needs to be freed immediately, and the New York City District Attorney needs to apologize to Alba and resign from the office today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To get away with what Cuomo did, you have to be a Republican, and he wasn’t a Republican, so that spelled the end of his political career.
Vicious Trollspews:
‘s never a Cindy Sheehan around when you need one.
Politics Insider
Biden told the father of a Parkland shooting victim to ‘sit down’ as he heckled the president during a gun law speech
Biden told the father of a Parkland shooting victim to ‘sit down’ as he heckled the president…
Manuel Oliver, whose son Joaquin was killed in the Parkland mass shooting, interrupted Biden as the president touted a bipartisan gun control law.
9:01 AM · Jul 11, 2022
One Alfa for me!spews:
“ The Raw Story (also stylized as RawStory) is an American progressive news website and online tabloid. It was founded in 2004 by John K. Byrne and is owned by Byrne and Michael Rogers.[1] The Raw Story is considered a hyperpartisan media outlet[2][3][4] and has been described as “junk news”.[5][6]”
– From Wikipedia
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 New York Post, hahaha, another one of your “sources.”
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 30
It may be junk news, but Steve loves him some RawStory.
Although Steve also loved him some 2020 South Carolina US Senate polling that showed the Democrat ahead, as long as an extra several percent of black voters was larded onto the poll.
Steve had no idea. None.
Steve has morphed of late, from having no idea to having no clue. Which is sad, but not surprising.
Steve clings to that day, decades ago, when he held up a middle finger in the office. So brave.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Clark has testified to the FBI that he has contemporaneous notes, emails, and memos that record and document that privilege was never invoked. According to the DOJ court filings Clark informed the FBI that privilege was never invoked over any testimony or materials related to Bannon. Clark also informed the FBI that he never himself requested nor was asked to attend Bannon’s deps before the committee, which would have taken place had privilege been invoked.
It would be easy enough for Bannon or any of his attorneys to produce a document supporting his claim if any such ever existed. That hasn’t happened so far. What has happened, is that very recently Bannon produced a letter from Trump informing him that Trump would “waive” privilege. Which is cute. But that isn’t the same thing as proof that privilege was invoked. And it would neither cure the contempt nor cure the perjury.
Somebody lied to the House committee. Clark has given testimony and provided receipts. Nobody else has. But it does appear that Costello is now ready to do so as well. Bannon is an avowed criminal fraud who operated a scheme to bilk Cancervative dupes out of money by pretending to be building a border wall when all he and his partners were doing was buying boats and cocaine. And the only reason he isn’t already in prison is because Trump corruptly gave him a preemptive pardon for those offenses in exchange for his silence.
The latest Republican criminal gambit of the most corrupt administration in history has played out. Bannon will be long dead before another Republican is elected president. So counting on another pardon would be unwise. And that probably explains all the sudden capering and yowping. He finally gets how fucked he is. I count on seeing him catch a boat very soon.
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was “sobbing” as he watched the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to an excerpt of an upcoming book obtained by CNN.
In his new book, “Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump’s Washington and the Price of Submission,” which comes out Tuesday, journalist Mark Leibovich said Ryan told him, “I spent my whole adult life in that building,” according to CNN. “I saw my friends, a lot of cops, some of my old security detail – I’m still friends with a bunch of those guys. It really disturbed me, foundationally.”
And today it waves the fascist pom poms from the board of faux snooze channel..
It cried ‘cuz Jan 6 was yet another always wrong wing failure like its stupid budgets, the fayled kandidacy of “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism (due to the “urban vote”) and its failed stint herding fascists during the kook haus daze.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 The voters didn’t make a mistake when they elected Biden. They knew who they were voting against.
Our political parties nominate the lowest common denominator. It just so happened theirs was a lot lower than ours.
The dumbfuck voted for him anyway, because he’s a dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Neither will be on the ballot in 2024.
This is how you get four more years of Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16, 17 I’m not so sure DeSantis and Dumbfuck aren’t shooting themselves in their feet. In the 2004 Washington governor’s election, there was a dispute over felon votes, and the best empirical evidence that emerged during the court proceedings was a newspaper reporter’s interviews with felon voters, which revealed that 90% of them voted Republican. (Should we be surprised that criminals lean heavily Republican?) Now, granted, Florida isn’t Washington; there, the felon vote could be even more Republican.
Proof @30 that I can trigger the low IQ traitor without even posting.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Think about how quickly, following the first round of televised House J6 hearings, the Cancervative response shifted from NOTHINGBURGER to BLAME TRUMP.
The flaccid balding incel troll is a perfect example. He denies Trump almost daily now. And just a couple of weeks ago he was still insisting that J6 was Larping by fat grandmothers, that no weapons were ever present, that forging election certificates was “legal maneuvering” supporting a legitimate election challenge, that nobody would watch the hearings, and that it wouldn’t change anything.
Another round of lashing tomorrow beginning at 10 am west coast time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I’m okay with Mayor Pete humiliating DeathSantis in 2024. And remember, Deathboy can’t say “gay” when he campaigns, because saying gay is now against the law.
Randroid babbles that drumpf goes “luca brasi” on repukes:
Ryan said the interaction at the concert would have scared his former colleagues, who know that defying Trump on even a single vote can have disastrous consequences for their careers.
“If you’re a member of Congress, that rattles you. The intimidation factor,” Ryan said, according to the book. “If you’re below 97 percent on the fealty scale, Trump’s going to come after you. It’s like a mass sociology experiment.”
This is so silly. Doesn’t randroid remember that Rove kneecapped John “Gook!” McSame and countless other repukes back in the dumbya daze?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Raw Story links to its sources (tweets, newspapers, etc.). It’s partisan, sure, but many cuts above Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit, two of Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite “sources.” Unlike Rogan, it doesn’t traffic in false conspiracy theories; and unlike Alex Jones, it doesn’t lie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “loved him some 2020 South Carolina US Senate polling that showed the Democrat ahead, as long as an extra several percent of black voters was larded onto the poll”
He plagiarized that methodology from Mike Lindell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 “Another round of lashing tomorrow beginning at 10 am west coast time.”
At what point do courts intervene against what obviously is cruel and unusual punishment?
John McCormack
Durbin in 1989: “I continue to believe the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade should be reversed.”
Quote Tweet
Billy Valentine
· Sep 5, 2018
As @SenatorDurbin questions Kavanaugh on abortion, let’s not forget Durbin’s own precedent on the issue. #KavanaughConfirmationHearings
10:21 AM · Sep 5, 2018
The latest omicron offshoot, BA.5, has quickly become dominant in the United States, and thanks to its elusiveness when encountering the human immune system, is driving a wave of cases across the country.
The size of that wave is unclear because most people are testing at home or not testing at all. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the past week has reported a little more than 100,000 new cases a day on average. But infectious-disease experts know that wildly underestimates the true number, which may be as many as a million, said Eric Topol, a professor at Scripps Research who closely tracks pandemic trends.
Instead he shut down House Democrat re-election prospects.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 47
it left it for the rest of us to deduce that vote was AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”…
Brilliant deduction, Madame Professor, that the 1980 Olympic Winter Games would be in the Winter of 1980, before the 1980 presidential elections.
Nobody else knew that, girlfriend.
@43 Raw Story, God bless them, does have an occasional opinion piece, but I never link to those.
Our low IQ traitor, dumbfuck that he is, struggles mightily with this.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Looks like Bannon’s judge thinks the Trumpaloompa WALL fraudster is a fucking liar too.
Judge ruled:
No delay.
No new defense.
No relief.
Told Bannon to sack up and take his chances with the jury.
Trial set for July 18.
Assuming that the government can prove it’s case that Bannon was properly notified yet failed to respond to a lawful subpoena within the statutory time limit, Bannon will be permitted but one defense: he must convince the jury that he did not or was not capable of understanding the statutory deadline. These are misdemeanor charges so the most time he can serve would be just shy of one year. But that still leaves him facing possible indictment and trial later for perjury, depending on what testimony and evidence reveals at his contempt trial and what other investigators determine.
I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now. Recovery from drug addiction in prison is worse than hell.
Vicious Trollspews:
My senile, imbecilic president has no idea why he was shouted at today. He does what the White House staff tells him to do.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 51
I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now.
I believe those are referred to as butt plugs, McHillbilly.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
One might ask, why is the Trump KRAKEN legal team hanging “a great guy who has been treated so unfairly” like Bannon out to dry like this?
Because of what Bannon was doing that week holed up in a floor of a nearby hotel in Trump’s BIG LIE COMMAND CENTER with people like Giuliani and his Dutch Oven victim Jenna Ellis, Eastman, Ali Alexander, CrackPillowGuy, Bernie Kerik, some clowns from OAN, all presumably hovering around a suitcase full of cocaine.
Trump’s legal strategy now is going to be to claim that these fuck sticks were all doing their crimes without his knowledge or approval. He’s disavowing the Impossible Mission Force.
If any of them had any brains they’d be cutting a deal now before time runs out.
Like Biden, Harris is not the strongest communicator and could face an uphill climb in an open primary against polished extemporaneous speakers—people like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg or California Governor Gavin Newsom, whose names have been floated as alternatives to Biden in 2024. Other insiders have suggested bringing back 2020 Democratic primary candidates like Senators Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.
But if Democrats put their weight behind any of these candidates, they risk upsetting Black women, the party’s most loyal demographic base. When Biden nominated Harris, it was with the understanding that she was the Democratic Party’s future. Her nomination was in part a nod to Black women’s vigilance at the ballot box and devotion to the party nationwide. Harris was an example of a world to come under Democratic leadership…
What a shitty position to be stuck in, libbies. Either go with the total loser you have, or piss off Clyburn.
Won’t matter, anyway. With Biden you’re hemorrhaging young voters and hemorrhaging Hispanic voters. You’re fucked.
There is, however, a solution to America’s woes:
President Ron DeSantis.
The low IQ traitor from 2015…
There is, however, a solution to America’s woes:
President Scott Walker
He’s not very good at this stuff.
Vicious Trollspews:
Wow. My post on Nevada was up, and now it’s gone. I went in to change one date from ’12 to ’08, got a message that it was spam, and now the whole thing is gone.
It’s like HA is GoFundMe, and I’m a wrongfully imprisoned white guy.
Vicious Trollspews:
HA’s dumbest twat @ 18 brought up Nevada. Now, she hasn’t a clue why Nevada matters, but Trump’s the shiny object that always catches her attention, and being a poorly educated female with the political understanding of a gnat, our lovely YLB doesn’t think beyond that, even though she should.
Because, if she did, she would learn that Nevada’s Democrats may have committed one of 2022’s largest own-goal errors inthe way they redrew their Congressional districts.
Under new Nevada map, a GOP wave could swamp all three Democrats
Democrats currently have a 3-to-1 advantage in the House delegation but came within 5 points of losing two of those seats in 2020. So Democrats went to the drawing board to shore up the 3rd and 4th districts by redistributing Democratic voters from the safely blue 1st District. That, however, now makes the 1st District vulnerable to a GOP takeover.
The final result is three competitive districts that Democrats could hold if the environment tracks the way Nevadans voted in 2020 — or lose in a good political environment for Republicans, like the one that saw a significant swing toward the GOP in Virginia and New Jersey last month.
Hey, it’s not like the Democrats aren’t led by an unpopular president, so what’s the problem?
Other than Nevada voting progressively more Republican since 2008, that is:
Is 2022 the Last Stand for Nevada Democrats?
What is striking is the consistency of the trend over the last decade. Nevada shifted 2.3% to the GOP between 2008 and 2012, 2.6% between 2012 and 2016, and then 2.4% between 2016 and 2020. Powering this trend has been the fact that Democrats have built their strength on trying to expand the turnout of their core electorate rather than expanding their appeal. The result is that while they have managed to hold-onto their raw vote margins in Las Vegas’s Clark County and Reno’s Washoe County, they have failed to make the gains which would be needed to counter their collapse in the rural areas. Unlike in other urban areas, where Democratic margins have increased dramatically, they have been static in Washoe, and actually declined in Clark.
In total, since 2012, the raw Democratic margin in Reno and Las Vegas has declined from around 107,000 in 2012 to 102,000 in 2020. This occurred as total turnout in Nevada as a whole increased by 380,000. In short, Democrats have not only failed to gain net votes in their strongholds, they have lost votes, all while being hit with the same erosion in rural areas and small towns as everywhere else in the country.
So we’ve got a progressive shift to the right, the loss of Hispanic/Latino voters accelerating of late, and a mucho unpopular president. Oh, and Democrats fucked with the electoral map, hoping to gain advantage.
Amidst all this, YLB noticed that Trump was in Nevada over the weekend. That’s HA’s dumbest twat for you. That’s the depth of her interest, and her understanding.
The funniest thing is that the moderators don’t see a reason to delete my observation that YLB is HA’s dumbest twat.
King Arthurspews:
Good news on the birth control front: there’s a pharmaceutical company seeking approval of an over-the-counter birth control pill. That’s great! No prescription necessary, and very empowering for the individual’s choice.
(Saw the story on KOMO’s 4 o’clock news.)
Vicious Trollspews:
Which one of y’all libbies wanted First Vegetable Joe Biden to be given credit for the small decline in gasoline prices in the last month? Was it Fudgepack?
Fears of Another Gas Shock Drive Biden to Seek Price Cap on Russian Oil
There must be some reason call options on Chevron in the $200+ range are still so expensive. It’s likely because the smart money knows that oil prices are going to spike as Fall sets in and the weather starts getting colder. Like, 2-3 weeks before Election Day in November.
Enjoy your four cent per gallon reduction in diesel fuel price while it lasts, libbies.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 60
…over-the-counter birth control pill
YLB’s preferred method of birth control doesn’t require a prescription, either. She only needs a pair of kneepads.
It can’t help itself… it’s worn two holes in the floor..
for klown deathsatanist…
It will continue to do so.. we will continue to remind it.
Vicious Trollspews:
I see that Julian Castro has been giving Spanish lessons to the First Lady.
Jorge Bonilla, Bowgedah Bro
Once again, Dr. Jill Biden butchers the Spanish language in furtherance of pandering to a client constituency (the org FKA National Council of La Raza). I hereby bless your timelines with Dr. Jill’s rendering of “bodega”.
Giancarlo Sopo
Jill Biden tried #Hispandering and ended up saying “Yes, we father!” (Si se padre) instead of “Yes, we can!” (Si se puede).
Not a big deal, but I’m old enough to remember when President Trump’s mispronunciations would consume news cycles.
Alexei Koseff
5:51 PM · Mar 31, 2021
the 1980 Olympic Winter Games would be in the Winter of 1980, before the 1980 presidential elections.
yes, dear kreepshit, Karl Malden and/or Kurt Russell only counts with yipping, yapping, high fivin’ white guy frat bro klownservaturds…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now.”
I don’t believe that’s necessary. Fleeing to Russia, especially through Ukraine, is very difficult right now; and even if he made it, they’d likely consider him a foreign volunteer for what’s left of their armed forces.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 You should be asking yourself why the rest of your comments aren’t also whacked as spam.
The funniest thing is that the moderators don’t see a reason to delete my observation that YLB is HA’s dumbest twat.
Nor do they delete my posts calling you a low IQ POS traitor who deserves to have his neck stretched.
@67 He’s so focused on himself and his own petty grievances he doesn’t realize the HA Spam Monster strikes randomly. We’ve all been victims at one time or another.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
I believe those are referred to as butt plugs, McHillbilly.
There isn’t a butt plug enough to plug that’s asshole’s fascist fuckin racisist asshole. Hang the fucker!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Trump was in Nevada
Not for long. Scheduled to be sworn and put to the question along with the Failson and Princess Intern in four days. So all events canceled – no refunds.
Speaking of Ivanka, remember that time Biden’s kid was put on White House staff and got paid $650 million for selling out the United States? You don’t?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
All Republicans are now this delusionally paranoid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air. So when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then — now we got we to clean that back up.” — Herschel Walker, explaining climate change
@81 Better ask your wife where she got the bait while you were sleeping, then check your crotch to see if anything is missing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Herschel Walker is the living embodiment of a cautionary tale against social promotion in public schools.
And make no mistake, the very same Republicans who endlessly troll Biden’s childhood stutter would make Walker president in an instant if they had that power.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 84
Herschel Walker is the living embodiment of a cautionary tale against social promotion in public schools.
Gonna have to say he takes a back seat to Barry Sanders, QoS McHillbilly.
Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders says he is the father of a 5-month-old son, B.J., who lives with his mother in Dallas.
Sanders told the Detroit Free Press in Saturday’s editions that the baby was born April 10. His son attended Detroit’s football game against Dallas on Sept. 20 with Sanders’ parents.“I feel great about it, it’s pretty nice,’ Sanders said of having a son, whose full name is Barry James.
Sanders, a onetime spokesman against premarital sex, said he doesn’t know whether he’ll marry B.J.’s mother, whom he refused to identify.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
This means it would take three of John Edwards to make one single Republican failure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 “Gonna have to say he takes a back seat to Barry Sanders.”
The numbers say otherwise. Three of Walker’s fatherless children have been found this year, and they haven’t even looked under the beds yet.
The numbers say otherwise. Three of Walker’s fatherless children have been found this year, and they haven’t even looked under the beds yet.
Hey, the Extreme Court annex of the Federalist Society set the rules, he’s just playing by them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Doesn’t he realize the Constitution only guarantees Xtian liberty? Only Xianity is deeply rooted in our history. All the Founding Fathers were Xtian. They fought the Crusades so Xtians could someday pray on the 50-yard line, realizing some teams need to pray all they can.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 86
This means it would take three of John Edwards to make one single Republican failure.
Name a Republican failure of a magnitude equivalent to #CrookedHillary. This would be a failure who:
1. allowed the GOP to flip the Supreme Court on abortion.
2. allowed Cocaine Mitch to place fully one-third of SCOTUS justices and one-fifth of lower-court federal justices.
3. allowed the GOP to install a tax cut.
4. hand-picked her opponent, outspent that opponent 2:1, and then proceeded to lose to him.
5. ignored poll data during the final weeks of the campaign.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 You win. I can’t name a Democrat who fucked over our country like the Republicans did.
Vicious Trollspews:
In light of the blowback to yesterday’s comparison of Latinx people to breakfast tacos by DOCTOR Jill Biden, speechwriters for her husband have removed the line in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s speech to the AME church delegates comparing the uniqueness of black people to the wide variety of fried chicken sandwiches available at fast food outlets.
NAHJ encourages
& her communications team to take time to better understand the complexities of our people & communities.
We are not tacos.
Our heritage as Latinos is shaped by various diasporas, cultures & food traditions.
Do not reduce us to stereotypes.
NAHJ = National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Hey, the Extreme Court annex of the Federalist Society set the rules, he’s just playing by them.
Muslims at the 50 yard line beware, there could be kreepah and its frat bros in the stands..
the klownservabros are big on “ass-pounding”…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…equivalent to #CrookedHillary
I don’t recognize the name. Is that somebody who violent Republicans believe conspired to steal the election or build a secret Jew space laser and hide it behind the moon?
It looks suspiciously like a Russian-bot social media hashtag.
But then again, the young people these days do some crazy things with names. I’m not judging.
Marco Rubio
7:13 PM · Jul 11, 2022·
There’s nothing unique about Hispanics, DOCTOR Jill. A Taco Bell breakfast taco in Carson City tastes exactly like a Taco Bell breakfast taco in Winnemucca.
Vicious Trollspews:
Meanwhile, the White House has blamed the DOCTOR Jill Biden faux pas on Manuel “Unique Breakfast Taco” Oliver, father of student Joaquin Oliver slain by the Parkland school shooter, whom it claims hacked into the East Wing computer system early Monday Morning and altered the text of the speech she gave yesterday.
Since all breakfast tacos look alike the White House staff claims it assumed he was one of the @ 95 National Association of Hispanic Journalists members and belonged in the group writing that speech with all of the other breakfast tacos.
Vicious Trollspews:
It’s become increasingly clear that First Vegetable Joe Biden erred by nominating KBJ instead of Sri Srinivasan.
Latinos, who make up 93 percent of the population in Hidalgo, are increasingly voting according to their socially conservative beliefs, according to local GOP and Democratic leaders. Republicans in Hidalgo are appealing to Latino voters with a message that is anti-abortion, pro-church, pro-work and pro-family. They’re also criticizing Democrats’ handling of the border and immigration issues. The Republican National Committee has even opened a Hispanic community center in the county that hosts activities such as movies and religious services.
The midterms will also be a test of Texas’ new congressional map, drawn by the GOP-controlled Legislature to shore up Republican dominance in the state.
Imagine spending decades laboring to stack the political deck with masses of Latino voters by letting them in illegally and then advocating that they should be permitted to vote as noncitizens, only to learn that once they finally become citizens, they realize Democrats are shit and begin pulling the lever for the GOP.
Vicious Trollspews:
The politically correct taco comparison:
If God had not meant for man to eat pussypussy to be eaten by, er, someone, He wouldn’t have made it look so much like a taco.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Younger, college educated cancervative voters turning away from Trump.
But do “younger, college educated” voters comprise a large fraction of those who participate in early violent Republican primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, etc?
It’s a bit of a mixed bag, for sure. But Trump is very likely to rack up some early, marquee wins and capture the free media attention he seeks exactly the way he did in 2016, the last time he mowed his way through a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
Energy, enthusiasm, and optics count for more in primaries because of the smaller nature of the individual contests and because many primary voters are in it for the sense of belonging and tribal identity. And it’s very hard to argue that any other violent Republican primary candidate can match Trump’s base for energy, enthusiasm, and optics. No other potential primary candidate is regularly gathering large crowds wearing costumes and waiving signs and banners worshiping them. Trump supporters have been sleeping out on the National Mall for weeks, and for almost eighteen months conducting vehicle convoys, blockades, parades, and violent flash mobs.
Highly contested party primaries are some of the most difficult elections to forecast. It’s incredibly difficult to predict what the composition of the party primary electorate will be in any given state contest. This explains why analysts and candidates alike rely heavily on consensus and fundraising almost as much as voter data. And it explains why long shot candidates consistently turn up and often outperform expectations. This is all exponentially more complicated when the party is undergoing any kind of ideological shift or struggle. Violent Republicans are certainly approaching a crossroads. And the stakes are only likely to mount higher between now and January of 2024.
@93. So every election where a Democrat loses, the republicans will be fascists? That any election where the voters fail elect Democrat allows the republicans are just waiting to rape and pillage America? Republicans are caged rabid animals just waiting for someone to slip up and release them so they can go a rampage of destruction? That’s not something to be proud of.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 104
… a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
The same ones that Bill Kristol (no f’ing liberal) described as: “they sound like crazy people.”?
What was one more crazy person from reality tv and tax/bank fraud? Just the craziest of the bunch.. Well maybe save for the loony brain surgeon..
Vicious Trollspews:
YLB’s perspective @ 107 is why Democrats will lose the next two elections.
106. Gavin Newsom is getting a lot of buzz for Prez. Now that we know that republicans are rabid dogs who will attack innocents when given any opportunity, I expect primary voters will be voting with electiblity as a factor from now on.
The same GOP candidates that QoS McHillbilly described as “highly qualified” and “popular”, YLB wants to lump together as “crazy people”, ‘coz Bill Kristol.
There are too many YLBs in this world. Too many YLBs is what gave us President Trump. YLB brings us the political universe as seen from the perspective of a 13 year-old girl with a double-digit IQ and an inability to construct a complete sentence.
The world needs fewer YLBs and more QoS McHillbillies.
So does HA.
Vicious Trollspews:
The difference between QoS McHillbilly and YLB:
QoS McHillbilly very clearly sees 2022 coming, knows the House is toast bigly, and chooses to distract from that while focusing on the increasingly likely GOP own-goals in Senate races.
YLB doesn’t see 2022 coming and doesn’t see 2024 coming. She’ll wake up crying on a Wednesday in early November and ask me why I’m here.
YLB is now the weakest HA commenter. One can see and appreciate that even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has stepped up his game, just a bit, of late. YLB isn’t capable of anything more.
@111 We need more deathsatanist from you… lots more..
so we can all laugh at your “kneepads”…
We need more JEB! from the repukes so those “highly qualified” repukes can look like deer in the headlights from the likes of a degenerate like drumpf…
Dang… lord kreepshit will lay down kneepads for deathsatanist non-stop to 2024.. the freak will gouge out the floor for that fat midget.. that dishonest harvard/yale fatboy…
Anyone can see that “coming”…
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 116, 118, 119
DeSantis is one of at least several GOP candidates who would stand out should they choose to run. They won’t have Trump standing in their way, either. He may announce but he won’t be there once the donations dry up. There’s always a medical infirmity to be claimed should he choose to withdraw with an excuse.
Off the top of my head:
Pence – former congressman, governor and VP
Haley – former governor and UN ambassador
Sununu – popular NH governor
Noem – popular SD governor and former congresswoman
Cheney – formerly popular congresswoman, higher-up in the House leadership, and now never-Trumper. She might pull more Democrat votes than GOP votes she’s lost, but she won’t get far in the primaries unless they’re open ones.
Noem’s Veep material more than anything else and the same might also be said for Haley.
There’s a plenty-deep GOP bench.
I’m coming up empty after Newsom, Mayor Pete, and Polis. Who else do the Democrats have with some experience and some credibility, YLB? Style points if you can construct a complete sentence, with a capitalized word at the front.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Democrats, you see, do not have a thick field of highly qualified and popular candidates. Not in 2016. Not in 2020. Not in 2024.
2016 Clinton, Sanders, Chafee, O’Malley, Lessig, Webb, etc.
2016 Democratic primary voter divisions between Clinton and Sanders led to Trump. And four years of Trump gave us the most unified Democratic party primary not involving an incumbent in modern history. That gave us President Biden and STOP THE STEAL. And that leads directly to Biden running as an incumbent in 2024 while violent Republicans paint their faces, build pipe bombs and store weapons caches.
Remember that time Donald Trump graciously congratulated the winning nominee and promised to fully support them, campaign for them, and even fund an independent PAC to defeat the other party candidate?
No. You don’t. And you never will.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 120
Yes, I left Momala off the list by intent. She’s not credible. Not any more. YLB likes her, though, because she’s a coward, just like YLB.
Cowardly gals gotta stick close, amirite?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 121
Those are names, QoS McHillbilly. Not highly qualified, popular names.
I forgot entirely about Patrick – he was Obama’s Chosen One, wasn’t he? It’s Bennet, not Bennett – he’s so ‘popular’ you can’t spell his name correctly.
I would have been fine with an O’Malley or a Webb as president. That doesn’t translate to a deep bench in 2016. Lessig? Chafee? Not popular and nowhere close to highly qualified.
Your requirements for inclusion on the list were “highly qualified” and “popular”. Those who make a list like that are far fewer than the lists you regurgitated, QoS McHillbilly. Revise.
Nobody likes Jim Webb. He’s like a Hillary Clinton, minus the blatant corruption. “You’re likable enough, Jim”. Said no one, ever.
In light of the blowback to yesterday’s comparison of Latinx people to breakfast tacos by DOCTOR Jill Biden
I’d remind the doctor of the stupidity a dumbfuck doctor can spew, but I’ve got better things to do.
Do not reduce us to stereotypes.
Quoted by a truly stupid doctor who we’ve all seen reduce blacks to stereotypes so he can celebrate their deaths at the hands of cops.
A gun-waving cop is chasing an obese black man until he can run no more, he turns and raises his hands. Exhausted, the black man staggers forward two steps as his hands start to drop. The cop shoots him dead.
How’s our stupid fucking doctor going to work with that? Lie countless times, telling us that it was a “bullrush” for the ages, one truly deserving death.
I’ll tell you who is truly deserving of death. Low IQ fucking traitors.
I would have been fine with an O’Malley or a Webb as president.
Horseshit. What you were fine with was a raging orange man-baby’s attempt to violently overthrow our government, end our democracy and turn America into a fascist totalitarian state. And you’ve fucking lied about it ever since.
You’re a fucking traitor who excused all of this. Tell us more about how 1/6 was no big deal, that it was only a dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
@120 I don’t recall much enthusiasm for the candidacy of John “Gook!” McSame until he was the last man standing in a shouting match between vulture kapitalist, lazybones Thompson, the “huckster” and “intensive questioning” Rudes.. and not even then until he started babbling..
the same as Bush.. which reassured the “base”.. fear of “teh black guy” also played into that..
The 2024 loser will sound “the same” as drumpf.. and the country will recoil in horror… the country doesn’t want that if it’s in fat midget form or a woman.. they all sound the same, they all behave the same.. crazy people..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…the House is toast bigly,
The day a two or three vote margin became “bigly”
At a time like this, it’s very helpful to recall who the violent Republican election denying House whip is. When a bill’s vote count depends on the persuasiveness and personal magnetism of a guy who routinely lends his support and appears at events like David Duke organized Klan gatherings.
Instead of passing laws, House violent Republicans will hold hearings. Lots and lots of hearings. They’ll issue tons of open ended fishing expedition subpoenas to Biden officials who will politely respond by declining to appear. In every case they will refer charges to DOJ who will decline to prosecute. In other words, Tea Party on Trump, but on a lesser scale for having failed to gain control of the Senate.
And in those two years of pointless and idiotic cancervative political theater, Mifeprestone will complete late stage, large scale trials and gain approval from the Biden FDA for use as a weekly dose, on-demand contraceptive. Etc.
Didn’t lord kneepads kreepshit babble highly about Klobuchar?
yeah, her, no she’s not that viable.. yeah but clearly preferable to vomit inducing types like Haley and Noem..
“lord kneepads kreepshit”.. hmm.. nice..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
In 2020, when he thought Sanders or Warren might be the front runners, he played around with supporting Biden and Klobuchar.
You’re right of course, Steve. It is all just horseshit.
Because violent Republicans are opposed to democratic elections.
They SAY SO, nearly every day. They tried to overturn the most recent elections that they lost. And they refused to participate in investigating any of that. They are not allowed to admit that Trump, McSally, Perdue, and Loeffler were beaten in a free and fair election. They reject the concept.
So it’s hardly credible when the same violent Republicans claim they would support the lawful, democratic election of ANY candidate. Violent Republicans have moved beyond all that. And whether they support Trump, or Fat Midget, or Marjorie Neanderthal Barbie is irrelevant. Because what matters is how they hope to install them into office using pipe bombs, grenades, “Rapid Reaction Teams”, and gigantic hooting mobs of delirious homicidal weird-beards hopped up on Q conspiracies.
Abigail Marone 🇺🇸
TOTAL MELTDOWN: pro-abortion witness accuses
@HawleyMO of being transphobic, inciting violence for suggesting only women can get pregnant.
9:20 AM · Jul 12, 2022
Vicious Trollspews:
Your reminder that it’s a fairly small minority of presidents – fewer than one third of them – who took office in their 60s and 70s.
The sooner Democrats stop play-acting that my imbecilic, senile, incompetent president is gonna go for it again in 2024, the sooner Democrats can distance themselves from the likes of YLB and be taken seriously.
The real argument, for now, is how to dump Momala without making it look like Democrats are dumping a black woman who currently stands a heartbeat from the presidency.
Y’all better have Val Demings on speed-dial for the Veep slot in 2024. After this Congress ends she’ll have plenty of time to take y’all’s call.
Vicious Trollspews:
I’m actually somewhat disappointed about what’s gonna happen to Val Demings in November. She should have been the Veep choice for Biden in 2020, and after November she’ll be damaged goods. Electing to run against Rubio was not a wise choice by her.
Although perhaps her poor choice should be seen as damage self-inflicted.
Vicious Trollspews:
Speaking of damaged goods, after Brian Kemp cleans Stacey Abrams’ clock a second time this November, that fat cow’s extended 15 minutes will be over for good.
Vicious Trollspews:
Shorter @ 132:
When YLB eats a bullet in despair after the November elections, it will be because of my violence.
it only followed from your “serious” babbling about my kids..
actions have consequences.. like a “serious” adult, you’re distracting from exactly those..
please continue your “serious” avoidance.. the way “stupid drumpfers” are going, my kids will be so far ahead of the game right up to your own stupid dance and beyond.
Fellow HA HEROES, yours truly presents the depraved “lord” kreepshit of widbee.. laying kneepads here at HA for degenerate, dishonest harvard/yale fat midget..
Turnout will be decisive. Modeling turnout in mid terms is exceptionally difficult. Forecasting that relies on historic patterns can go wrong whenever historic anomalies are in effect or voter realignment is taking place, or both.
Violent “homicidal” Republicans will be disappointed by their House results. But not enough to “eat a bullet in despair”. And not enough to prevent consistently wrong trolls from claiming to have been right “bigly”. And whatever happens, it won’t be enough to run a legislative agenda, or stop the frog marches.
@147 that’s a silly question.. before I answer.. How much income do you think a moderately enterprising person can get from “welfare”?
That’s worth a thread..
heh.. the “huckster” played an ok bass…
Heh. Not bad for an Arkansas Baptist church band bassist.
Vicious Trollspews:
TdF update: The Wuhan took out one of the UAE team, so race leader Tadej Pogachar’s team is now two men down because of it. George Bennett was to provide critical mountain support, so his loss is huge. Another UAE climbing domestique tested positive but with a viral load sufficiently low that he’s still in the race.
A big breakaway took German cyclist Lennard Ka(umlaut)mne, who had been 9 minutes down, and launched him to within 11 seconds of the Maillot Jaune.
Fun stuff to start the second week.
Interesting that the TdF makes determinations about riders infected with The Wuhan based on their individual viral loads, not just their positivity. Science, bitches.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Horse liver paste. Bitches.
Butt flashlights. Bitches.
Drinking bleach. Bitches.
Violent, “homicidal” Republicans have a bottomless memory hole.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Trump himself attempted to contact a committee witness.
“A witness you have not yet seen in these hearings,” she explained. “That person declined to answer or respond to President Trump’s call and, instead, alerted their lawyer to the call. Their lawyer alerted us and this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice.”
“Let me say one more time, we will take any effort to influence witness testimony very seriously,” she warned.
“At this point, you may recall testimony given in our earlier hearing by Richard Donoghue who said that the president asked the Department of Justice to say ‘that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen,'” Murphy said. “According to White House visitor logs obtained by the committee, members of Congress present at the White House on Dec. 21 included Congressmen Brian Babin (R-TX), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Andy Harris (R-MD), Jody Hice (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Scott Perry (R-PA).”
“And Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was also there,” she added.
For a low IQ dumbfuck traitor, whining about Raw Story is like taking a couple of sedatives.
And while it is true that violent crime rates showed a small rise in 2021, even those rates are still less then half of their early 1990s highs. Overall violent crime rates in the U.S. have fallen steadily for three decades. So your local cops probably don’t need jet packs or crowd control elephants.
Overall violent crime rates in the U.S. have fallen steadily for three decades.
I keep pointing that out to lord kneepads kreepshit.. bounces off a pin head denser than spent uranium…
pointed to red state violent crime rates as well and it couldn’t accurately remember which HA HERO had first brought it up…
pin head leaks like a sieve as well…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Less than half as much serious crime.
So what do cops do? Expand the mission.
Schools. Buses and trains. Boats. Scuba divers. Horses. Fixed wing aircraft. Helicopters. Drones. Robots, Bomb trucks. Chess teams. Drill teams. It seems there’s just no problem an under qualified, under trained, and poorly supervised bored, and mildly violent cop can’t “solve” by screaming incoherently and subduing it with force.
Please don’t ever call them about illegal fireworks littering your roof with burning debris.
But otherwise call. Cat up a tree? Call 911. Swarthy suspicious types at the picnic shelter? Call 911. Truant youths skateboarding near the mall? Call 911. Neighbor’s grass too long? Call 911. Ran out of dipping sauce? Call 911. Lemonade stand without a business license? Call 911. BLM chalk on sidewalk? Call 911.
Call 911 and a faintly disinterested, honorably discharged former Marine with an associates degree from a local community college dressed mostly in black combat fatigues and bristling with weapons and aggression will eventually appear to establish control of “the scene” by yelling at everyone, listening to no one, and shooting your dog about 25% of the time.
Andrew Cuomo is one of two POS Democrats sired by Mario Cuomo.
Report: Cuomo wrongly used state resources to promote book
It’s kinda odd reading about a politician who misused the government or a charity for “enormous personal profit”, and that politician isn’t a Clinton.
Pretrial hearing this am for Steve Bannon facing criminal contempt charges for refusing to respond to a Congressional subpoena.
I’ll be very interested to see how DOJ responds to any efforts to cure his contempt with offers of cooperation.
A filing in preparation for today’s hearing revealed that one of Trump’s attorneys, Justin Clark, had interviewed with the FBI just a few weeks ago and informed the DOJ that Trump had never invoked executive privilege over any Bannon testimony. This is likely to be the reason that Bannon’s own attorney removed himself from representing Bannon.
Somebody did a big, big perjury. Fingers gonna be pointed.
Probably this morning.
Maybe this is why Mayor Pete just moved to Michigan.
The voters who elected him now realize their mistake. NYT pulls no punches with this title:
Most Democrats Don’t Want Biden in 2024, New Poll Shows
It’s safe to say that most Democrats don’t want my imbecilic, incompetent, senile president now.
It’s too bad that the presidential succession can’t be like baseball.
Aging Joe Biden still has a confounding knuckleball, and is brought in to face the wildly inconsistent slugger at the plate, Donald Trump.
After Trump looks at a called third strike, he argues the call and is thrown out by three of the four umpires. The fourth umpire, who was behind third base, was certain that last pitch was outside, and that it hit Trump, and that there was catcher interference.
Biden is then replaced by closer Mayor Pete, who commands several pitches and can go four innings, and doesn’t drool and soil himself while on the mound.
Why can’t it be like that?
Sec. of Trans melting a snowflake with shade:
Associate Justice CryBaby McGangBang is just going to have to get used to it, or order take-out.
@4 should have voted foe pete then
You know what to do, Mossad.
Iran enriches to 20% with new centrifuges at fortified site
For this we can thank the Obama administration.
I think it’s likely that a conversation like this took place in #CrookedHillary’s penthouse hotel suite on Election Night in 2016.
It probably was John Podesta who broke the news to #CrookedHillary. Certainly it wasn’t Bill. She would have cut his balls off before he finished talking if it was Bill.
Actually, now that I think about it, it was Obama who told the horrid, corrupt one to concede.
Remember that, y’all libbies, when #CrookedHillary announces her run for the 2024 nomination.
Fat Midget Fucks Corrupt Cunt
Your New York Post headline, first Wednesday of November, 2024.
Bannon’s new attorney is up now in his pretrial hearing and it isn’t getting off to a great start. Promptly informs the judge that he was too busy doing media to read the government’s filings for this hearing.
Bannon’s has been begging for trial delays for a couple of weeks and been shut down. I assume he’ll be pleading once again given the last minute change in counsel. Judge will want to protect his rights from disparagement arising from causes outside of his control. However, withdrawal of his attorney arises from his having perjured himself. So Bannon must finger his former attorney Costello in order to gain the court’s sympathy here.
And he can only finger Costello if he can bring receipts. This is the moment every Shit Lord ultimately comes to fear and regret the most.
@ 10
Explain to me, please, why it’s Bannon who lied about Trump having previously invoked EP, rather than Clark who lied about Trump never having previously invoked EP.
I realize that it’s possible that both are liars, but why are you certain it was Bannon? Because Bannon’s attorney withdrew?
I’m trying to follow the teams and I don’t have a program.
Maybe explain it to me like I’m The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
DeSantis is the only governor since the Jim Crow era to institute a literal poll tax.
After signing the law, DeSantis proclaimed on his official Twitter account, “Voting is a privilege that should not be taken lightly.” He conveyed his beliefs with chilling accuracy: Voting is a privilege, not, as many Americans believe, a right.
lord kreepshit has a record of voting for cheerleaders: bonzo and dumbya..
Today it’s the most sicko-phantic, servile fascist cheerleader alive.
Bob’s horseshit. He’s trying to validate the mistake of the FuckHump.
I made no mistake voting for The Honorable President Joe Biden, unlike your mistakes and treason ass. Do I want someone else to be the nominee, yes. Two different things and The Dumbfuck knows it but he has to spin it.
God Bless Joe Biden. Hang The FuckHump!
More like thanking you for a comple fucking fascist bigot who blows the failed fuck Donald Duck
Iran has every right to do as they please. See Russia.
@ 12
DeSantis is the only governor since the Jim Crow era to institute a literal poll tax.
Shorter YLB: If more felons in Florida could vote then Andrew Gillum might be FL governor right now instead of disgraced and under indictment for wire fraud and lying to the FBI.
If more felons in Florida could vote then Andrew Gillum might be FL governor
Shorter fascist cheerleader lord kreepshit: fuck what the people want, I’m a klown deathsatanist fanboi cheerleader and I’ll wave pom poms everyday at HA..
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Former President Donald Trump made a visit to Las Vegas Friday evening to campaign for the Nevada republican Governor and U.S. Senate nominees.
Treasure Island was the host site for the event.
Trump received a standing ovation from the crowd when he was announced. The crowd of a few hundred in the Treasure Island ballroom all stood for minutes at the start of his 47-minute speech.
Oranged-tinted dear leader and insurrectionist mob boss is running.. klown deathsatanist and its rasputin pushaw will either knife the degenerate or end up on their knees like all the other repukes. As will lord kreepshit.
What’s the difference between a poor bronzing job and a poor hair plug job?
@1 A two-time Trump voter complaining about politicians misusing government resources for personal gain? Funny!
@3 The same poll shows Biden beating Trump in 2024, which means your party needs a new candidate even worse than ours does.
It’s Putin’s fault!
It’s The Wuhan’s fault!
It’s the oil companies’ fault!
It’s the Republicans’ fault!
It’s everyones’ fault but mine!
What’s the difference between a poor bronzing job and a poor hair plug job?
You’re on your knees for the former, kneepads… lmao..
klown deathsatanist kneepads, fat midget kneepads, dishonest harvard/yale fatboy kneepads.. what a fucking joke you are..
wave the pom poms fascist..
@ 21
The same poll shows Biden beating Trump in 2024
Neither will be on the ballot in 2024.
@7 “For this we can thank the Obama administration.”
After you think about it, maybe you’ll remember who actually abrogated the Iran nuclear agreement, after repeatedly promising on the campaign trail he would.
@8 Imagine how much worse it would’ve been if he’d grabbed ’em by the pussy.
Jose Alba needs to be freed immediately, and the New York City District Attorney needs to apologize to Alba and resign from the office today.
To get away with what Cuomo did, you have to be a Republican, and he wasn’t a Republican, so that spelled the end of his political career.
‘s never a Cindy Sheehan around when you need one.
“ The Raw Story (also stylized as RawStory) is an American progressive news website and online tabloid. It was founded in 2004 by John K. Byrne and is owned by Byrne and Michael Rogers.[1] The Raw Story is considered a hyperpartisan media outlet[2][3][4] and has been described as “junk news”.[5][6]”
– From Wikipedia
@9 New York Post, hahaha, another one of your “sources.”
@ 30
It may be junk news, but Steve loves him some RawStory.
Although Steve also loved him some 2020 South Carolina US Senate polling that showed the Democrat ahead, as long as an extra several percent of black voters was larded onto the poll.
Steve had no idea. None.
Steve has morphed of late, from having no idea to having no clue. Which is sad, but not surprising.
Steve clings to that day, decades ago, when he held up a middle finger in the office. So brave.
Clark has testified to the FBI that he has contemporaneous notes, emails, and memos that record and document that privilege was never invoked. According to the DOJ court filings Clark informed the FBI that privilege was never invoked over any testimony or materials related to Bannon. Clark also informed the FBI that he never himself requested nor was asked to attend Bannon’s deps before the committee, which would have taken place had privilege been invoked.
It would be easy enough for Bannon or any of his attorneys to produce a document supporting his claim if any such ever existed. That hasn’t happened so far. What has happened, is that very recently Bannon produced a letter from Trump informing him that Trump would “waive” privilege. Which is cute. But that isn’t the same thing as proof that privilege was invoked. And it would neither cure the contempt nor cure the perjury.
Somebody lied to the House committee. Clark has given testimony and provided receipts. Nobody else has. But it does appear that Costello is now ready to do so as well. Bannon is an avowed criminal fraud who operated a scheme to bilk Cancervative dupes out of money by pretending to be building a border wall when all he and his partners were doing was buying boats and cocaine. And the only reason he isn’t already in prison is because Trump corruptly gave him a preemptive pardon for those offenses in exchange for his silence.
The latest Republican criminal gambit of the most corrupt administration in history has played out. Bannon will be long dead before another Republican is elected president. So counting on another pardon would be unwise. And that probably explains all the sudden capering and yowping. He finally gets how fucked he is. I count on seeing him catch a boat very soon.
oooh, ooh, oooh randroid’s cryin’..
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was “sobbing” as he watched the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to an excerpt of an upcoming book obtained by CNN.
In his new book, “Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump’s Washington and the Price of Submission,” which comes out Tuesday, journalist Mark Leibovich said Ryan told him, “I spent my whole adult life in that building,” according to CNN. “I saw my friends, a lot of cops, some of my old security detail – I’m still friends with a bunch of those guys. It really disturbed me, foundationally.”
And today it waves the fascist pom poms from the board of faux snooze channel..
It cried ‘cuz Jan 6 was yet another always wrong wing failure like its stupid budgets, the fayled kandidacy of “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism (due to the “urban vote”) and its failed stint herding fascists during the kook haus daze.
@13 The voters didn’t make a mistake when they elected Biden. They knew who they were voting against.
Our political parties nominate the lowest common denominator. It just so happened theirs was a lot lower than ours.
The dumbfuck voted for him anyway, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@16, 17 I’m not so sure DeSantis and Dumbfuck aren’t shooting themselves in their feet. In the 2004 Washington governor’s election, there was a dispute over felon votes, and the best empirical evidence that emerged during the court proceedings was a newspaper reporter’s interviews with felon voters, which revealed that 90% of them voted Republican. (Should we be surprised that criminals lean heavily Republican?) Now, granted, Florida isn’t Washington; there, the felon vote could be even more Republican.
Proof @30 that I can trigger the low IQ traitor without even posting.
Think about how quickly, following the first round of televised House J6 hearings, the Cancervative response shifted from NOTHINGBURGER to BLAME TRUMP.
The flaccid balding incel troll is a perfect example. He denies Trump almost daily now. And just a couple of weeks ago he was still insisting that J6 was Larping by fat grandmothers, that no weapons were ever present, that forging election certificates was “legal maneuvering” supporting a legitimate election challenge, that nobody would watch the hearings, and that it wouldn’t change anything.
Another round of lashing tomorrow beginning at 10 am west coast time.
@24 I’m okay with Mayor Pete humiliating DeathSantis in 2024. And remember, Deathboy can’t say “gay” when he campaigns, because saying gay is now against the law.
@27 Alba is already free. He posted bail.
Randroid babbles that drumpf goes “luca brasi” on repukes:
Ryan said the interaction at the concert would have scared his former colleagues, who know that defying Trump on even a single vote can have disastrous consequences for their careers.
“If you’re a member of Congress, that rattles you. The intimidation factor,” Ryan said, according to the book. “If you’re below 97 percent on the fealty scale, Trump’s going to come after you. It’s like a mass sociology experiment.”
This is so silly. Doesn’t randroid remember that Rove kneecapped John “Gook!” McSame and countless other repukes back in the dumbya daze?
@30 Raw Story links to its sources (tweets, newspapers, etc.). It’s partisan, sure, but many cuts above Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit, two of Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite “sources.” Unlike Rogan, it doesn’t traffic in false conspiracy theories; and unlike Alex Jones, it doesn’t lie.
@32 “loved him some 2020 South Carolina US Senate polling that showed the Democrat ahead, as long as an extra several percent of black voters was larded onto the poll”
He plagiarized that methodology from Mike Lindell.
@39 “Another round of lashing tomorrow beginning at 10 am west coast time.”
At what point do courts intervene against what obviously is cruel and unusual punishment?
Remember when Dick Durbin wanted Roe tossed?
Good times, good times.
heh.. Remember when..
lord kreepshit admitted it voted for Carter?
however, it left it for the rest of us to deduce that vote was AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”…
twas the best of times…
My incompetent, senile, imbecilic president claimed as a candidate that he would shut down the virus.
Instead he shut down House Democrat re-election prospects.
@ 47
it left it for the rest of us to deduce that vote was AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”…
Brilliant deduction, Madame Professor, that the 1980 Olympic Winter Games would be in the Winter of 1980, before the 1980 presidential elections.
Nobody else knew that, girlfriend.
@43 Raw Story, God bless them, does have an occasional opinion piece, but I never link to those.
Our low IQ traitor, dumbfuck that he is, struggles mightily with this.
Looks like Bannon’s judge thinks the Trumpaloompa WALL fraudster is a fucking liar too.
Judge ruled:
No delay.
No new defense.
No relief.
Told Bannon to sack up and take his chances with the jury.
Trial set for July 18.
Assuming that the government can prove it’s case that Bannon was properly notified yet failed to respond to a lawful subpoena within the statutory time limit, Bannon will be permitted but one defense: he must convince the jury that he did not or was not capable of understanding the statutory deadline. These are misdemeanor charges so the most time he can serve would be just shy of one year. But that still leaves him facing possible indictment and trial later for perjury, depending on what testimony and evidence reveals at his contempt trial and what other investigators determine.
I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now. Recovery from drug addiction in prison is worse than hell.
My senile, imbecilic president has no idea why he was shouted at today. He does what the White House staff tells him to do.
@ 51
I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now.
I believe those are referred to as butt plugs, McHillbilly.
One might ask, why is the Trump KRAKEN legal team hanging “a great guy who has been treated so unfairly” like Bannon out to dry like this?
Because of what Bannon was doing that week holed up in a floor of a nearby hotel in Trump’s BIG LIE COMMAND CENTER with people like Giuliani and his Dutch Oven victim Jenna Ellis, Eastman, Ali Alexander, CrackPillowGuy, Bernie Kerik, some clowns from OAN, all presumably hovering around a suitcase full of cocaine.
Trump’s legal strategy now is going to be to claim that these fuck sticks were all doing their crimes without his knowledge or approval. He’s disavowing the Impossible Mission Force.
If any of them had any brains they’d be cutting a deal now before time runs out.
Newsweek opinion column today:
Sorry, Democrats: We’re Stuck With Joe and Kamala
What a shitty position to be stuck in, libbies. Either go with the total loser you have, or piss off Clyburn.
Won’t matter, anyway. With Biden you’re hemorrhaging young voters and hemorrhaging Hispanic voters. You’re fucked.
There is, however, a solution to America’s woes:
President Ron DeSantis.
The low IQ traitor from 2015…
He’s not very good at this stuff.
Wow. My post on Nevada was up, and now it’s gone. I went in to change one date from ’12 to ’08, got a message that it was spam, and now the whole thing is gone.
It’s like HA is GoFundMe, and I’m a wrongfully imprisoned white guy.
HA’s dumbest twat @ 18 brought up Nevada. Now, she hasn’t a clue why Nevada matters, but Trump’s the shiny object that always catches her attention, and being a poorly educated female with the political understanding of a gnat, our lovely YLB doesn’t think beyond that, even though she should.
Because, if she did, she would learn that Nevada’s Democrats may have committed one of 2022’s largest own-goal errors inthe way they redrew their Congressional districts.
Under new Nevada map, a GOP wave could swamp all three Democrats
Hey, it’s not like the Democrats aren’t led by an unpopular president, so what’s the problem?
Other than Nevada voting progressively more Republican since 2008, that is:
Is 2022 the Last Stand for Nevada Democrats?
So we’ve got a progressive shift to the right, the loss of Hispanic/Latino voters accelerating of late, and a mucho unpopular president. Oh, and Democrats fucked with the electoral map, hoping to gain advantage.
Amidst all this, YLB noticed that Trump was in Nevada over the weekend. That’s HA’s dumbest twat for you. That’s the depth of her interest, and her understanding.
@ 58 is @ 56 minus the links.
The links are:
The funniest thing is that the moderators don’t see a reason to delete my observation that YLB is HA’s dumbest twat.
Good news on the birth control front: there’s a pharmaceutical company seeking approval of an over-the-counter birth control pill. That’s great! No prescription necessary, and very empowering for the individual’s choice.
(Saw the story on KOMO’s 4 o’clock news.)
Which one of y’all libbies wanted First Vegetable Joe Biden to be given credit for the small decline in gasoline prices in the last month? Was it Fudgepack?
Fears of Another Gas Shock Drive Biden to Seek Price Cap on Russian Oil
There must be some reason call options on Chevron in the $200+ range are still so expensive. It’s likely because the smart money knows that oil prices are going to spike as Fall sets in and the weather starts getting colder. Like, 2-3 weeks before Election Day in November.
Enjoy your four cent per gallon reduction in diesel fuel price while it lasts, libbies.
@ 60
…over-the-counter birth control pill
YLB’s preferred method of birth control doesn’t require a prescription, either. She only needs a pair of kneepads.
Brilliant deduction,
LOL! just adds to the humiliation..
it could have voted for a cheerleader 4 times…
4 times..
your klownservabros never forgave ya.. awwwwww..
a pair of kneepads.
It can’t help itself… it’s worn two holes in the floor..
for klown deathsatanist…
It will continue to do so.. we will continue to remind it.
I see that Julian Castro has been giving Spanish lessons to the First Lady.
2012.. knees on the ground, ass in the air..
Praising Dems for their defeat of “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism”… due to the “urban vote”..
oh the pain.. 2010 was clearly lost amidst the grimacing..
the moderators don’t see a reason to delete
LMAO!! when it’s not imagining some direct line from Darryl to myself resulting in lost spews, it imagines other things..
like it imagines anyone gives a shit about its fookin’ munee..
it’s a crank.. it’s a loon.. it’s so funny, so sad… we’ll laugh just the same..
Jill Biden is no stranger to mangled Spanish.
IThe flaccid balding incel troll…
As teh babblin’ butthole would quip:
It was good for something, not much, but there’s that.
the 1980 Olympic Winter Games would be in the Winter of 1980, before the 1980 presidential elections.
yes, dear kreepshit, Karl Malden and/or Kurt Russell only counts with yipping, yapping, high fivin’ white guy frat bro klownservaturds…
@51 “I think they should slap an ankle bracelet on his ass right now.”
I don’t believe that’s necessary. Fleeing to Russia, especially through Ukraine, is very difficult right now; and even if he made it, they’d likely consider him a foreign volunteer for what’s left of their armed forces.
@57 You should be asking yourself why the rest of your comments aren’t also whacked as spam.
The funniest thing is that the moderators don’t see a reason to delete my observation that YLB is HA’s dumbest twat.
Nor do they delete my posts calling you a low IQ POS traitor who deserves to have his neck stretched.
Funny, huh?
@58 “Trump was in Nevada over the weekend.”
To see the model trains?
@59 Too many links and it deletes automatically.
@67 He’s so focused on himself and his own petty grievances he doesn’t realize the HA Spam Monster strikes randomly. We’ve all been victims at one time or another.
There isn’t a butt plug enough to plug that’s asshole’s fascist fuckin racisist asshole. Hang the fucker!
Not for long. Scheduled to be sworn and put to the question along with the Failson and Princess Intern in four days. So all events canceled – no refunds.
Speaking of Ivanka, remember that time Biden’s kid was put on White House staff and got paid $650 million for selling out the United States? You don’t?
All Republicans are now this delusionally paranoid.
“Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air. So when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then — now we got we to clean that back up.” — Herschel Walker, explaining climate change
Two Dungeness 7+” keepers after 3 pots in the water for 24h, 80′ depth.
Little League kids can’t even play baseball without getting shot at.
It’s Biden’s fault!
@81 Better ask your wife where she got the bait while you were sleeping, then check your crotch to see if anything is missing.
Herschel Walker is the living embodiment of a cautionary tale against social promotion in public schools.
And make no mistake, the very same Republicans who endlessly troll Biden’s childhood stutter would make Walker president in an instant if they had that power.
@ 84
Herschel Walker is the living embodiment of a cautionary tale against social promotion in public schools.
Gonna have to say he takes a back seat to Barry Sanders, QoS McHillbilly.
This means it would take three of John Edwards to make one single Republican failure.
@85 “Gonna have to say he takes a back seat to Barry Sanders.”
The numbers say otherwise. Three of Walker’s fatherless children have been found this year, and they haven’t even looked under the beds yet.
The numbers say otherwise. Three of Walker’s fatherless children have been found this year, and they haven’t even looked under the beds yet.
Is Barry Sanders running for the senate?
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@57. In which the greedy racist incel whines that the bot ate his post.
For the privileged, inconvenience is oppression.
Activist Asks To Lead Satanic Prayer At FL High School Football Game
Hey, the Extreme Court annex of the Federalist Society set the rules, he’s just playing by them.
@91 Doesn’t he realize the Constitution only guarantees Xtian liberty? Only Xianity is deeply rooted in our history. All the Founding Fathers were Xtian. They fought the Crusades so Xtians could someday pray on the 50-yard line, realizing some teams need to pray all they can.
@ 86
This means it would take three of John Edwards to make one single Republican failure.
Name a Republican failure of a magnitude equivalent to #CrookedHillary. This would be a failure who:
1. allowed the GOP to flip the Supreme Court on abortion.
2. allowed Cocaine Mitch to place fully one-third of SCOTUS justices and one-fifth of lower-court federal justices.
3. allowed the GOP to install a tax cut.
4. hand-picked her opponent, outspent that opponent 2:1, and then proceeded to lose to him.
5. ignored poll data during the final weeks of the campaign.
@93 You win. I can’t name a Democrat who fucked over our country like the Republicans did.
In light of the blowback to yesterday’s comparison of Latinx people to breakfast tacos by DOCTOR Jill Biden, speechwriters for her husband have removed the line in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s speech to the AME church delegates comparing the uniqueness of black people to the wide variety of fried chicken sandwiches available at fast food outlets.
NAHJ = National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Hey, the Extreme Court annex of the Federalist Society set the rules, he’s just playing by them.
Muslims at the 50 yard line beware, there could be kreepah and its frat bros in the stands..
the klownservabros are big on “ass-pounding”…
I don’t recognize the name. Is that somebody who violent Republicans believe conspired to steal the election or build a secret Jew space laser and hide it behind the moon?
It looks suspiciously like a Russian-bot social media hashtag.
But then again, the young people these days do some crazy things with names. I’m not judging.
Meanwhile, in Nevada @ 58, 95 it’s #TacoTuesday!
There’s nothing unique about Hispanics, DOCTOR Jill. A Taco Bell breakfast taco in Carson City tastes exactly like a Taco Bell breakfast taco in Winnemucca.
Meanwhile, the White House has blamed the DOCTOR Jill Biden faux pas on Manuel “Unique Breakfast Taco” Oliver, father of student Joaquin Oliver slain by the Parkland school shooter, whom it claims hacked into the East Wing computer system early Monday Morning and altered the text of the speech she gave yesterday.
Since all breakfast tacos look alike the White House staff claims it assumed he was one of the @ 95 National Association of Hispanic Journalists members and belonged in the group writing that speech with all of the other breakfast tacos.
It’s become increasingly clear that First Vegetable Joe Biden erred by nominating KBJ instead of Sri Srinivasan.
After all, liberals love them some judges who make pronouncements without constitutional authority, and are gonna need more and more of them if they ever expect to find a right to abortion in the Constitution.
@98 I see you, like The Donald, are a fast food connoisseur.
For starters, we’re not claiming they all look like breakfast tacos.
The once-blue border county where Republicans are winning over Latino voters
Imagine spending decades laboring to stack the political deck with masses of Latino voters by letting them in illegally and then advocating that they should be permitted to vote as noncitizens, only to learn that once they finally become citizens, they realize Democrats are shit and begin pulling the lever for the GOP.
The politically correct taco comparison:
If God had not meant for
man to eat pussypussy to be eaten by, er, someone, He wouldn’t have made it look so much like a taco.Younger, college educated cancervative voters turning away from Trump.
But do “younger, college educated” voters comprise a large fraction of those who participate in early violent Republican primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, etc?
It’s a bit of a mixed bag, for sure. But Trump is very likely to rack up some early, marquee wins and capture the free media attention he seeks exactly the way he did in 2016, the last time he mowed his way through a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
Energy, enthusiasm, and optics count for more in primaries because of the smaller nature of the individual contests and because many primary voters are in it for the sense of belonging and tribal identity. And it’s very hard to argue that any other violent Republican primary candidate can match Trump’s base for energy, enthusiasm, and optics. No other potential primary candidate is regularly gathering large crowds wearing costumes and waiving signs and banners worshiping them. Trump supporters have been sleeping out on the National Mall for weeks, and for almost eighteen months conducting vehicle convoys, blockades, parades, and violent flash mobs.
Highly contested party primaries are some of the most difficult elections to forecast. It’s incredibly difficult to predict what the composition of the party primary electorate will be in any given state contest. This explains why analysts and candidates alike rely heavily on consensus and fundraising almost as much as voter data. And it explains why long shot candidates consistently turn up and often outperform expectations. This is all exponentially more complicated when the party is undergoing any kind of ideological shift or struggle. Violent Republicans are certainly approaching a crossroads. And the stakes are only likely to mount higher between now and January of 2024.
@93. So every election where a Democrat loses, the republicans will be fascists? That any election where the voters fail elect Democrat allows the republicans are just waiting to rape and pillage America? Republicans are caged rabid animals just waiting for someone to slip up and release them so they can go a rampage of destruction? That’s not something to be proud of.
@ 104
… a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
A very Kinsleyan statement by QoS McHillbilly.
The Democrats, you see, do not have a thick field of highly qualified and popular candidates. Not in 2016. Not in 2020. Not in 2024.
She’s running. QoS McHillbilly just explained why she’s running.
Clinton/Demings 2024 might even have a chance.
But not against DeSantis.
a thick field of highly qualified and popular Republicans.
The same ones that Bill Kristol (no f’ing liberal) described as: “they sound like crazy people.”?
What was one more crazy person from reality tv and tax/bank fraud? Just the craziest of the bunch.. Well maybe save for the loony brain surgeon..
YLB’s perspective @ 107 is why Democrats will lose the next two elections.
106. Gavin Newsom is getting a lot of buzz for Prez. Now that we know that republicans are rabid dogs who will attack innocents when given any opportunity, I expect primary voters will be voting with electiblity as a factor from now on.
But not against DeathSatanist.
ding, ding, ding,,, HA provides the floor.. the kreepah lays down the kneepads…
Roll tape:
kneepads run in the “family”..
The same GOP candidates that QoS McHillbilly described as “highly qualified” and “popular”, YLB wants to lump together as “crazy people”, ‘coz Bill Kristol.
There are too many YLBs in this world. Too many YLBs is what gave us President Trump. YLB brings us the political universe as seen from the perspective of a 13 year-old girl with a double-digit IQ and an inability to construct a complete sentence.
The world needs fewer YLBs and more QoS McHillbillies.
So does HA.
The difference between QoS McHillbilly and YLB:
QoS McHillbilly very clearly sees 2022 coming, knows the House is toast bigly, and chooses to distract from that while focusing on the increasingly likely GOP own-goals in Senate races.
YLB doesn’t see 2022 coming and doesn’t see 2024 coming. She’ll wake up crying on a Wednesday in early November and ask me why I’m here.
YLB is now the weakest HA commenter. One can see and appreciate that even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has stepped up his game, just a bit, of late. YLB isn’t capable of anything more.
@111 We need more deathsatanist from you… lots more..
so we can all laugh at your “kneepads”…
We need more JEB! from the repukes so those “highly qualified” repukes can look like deer in the headlights from the likes of a degenerate like drumpf…
knows the House is toast bigly
2010… turned into 2012… drumpf found 10 million more voters and krazy repuke “kneepads” for drumpf turned out just enough more..
history will repeat… a freak from widbee will be “ass-pounded” again..
@ 114
As I wrote, YLB doesn’t see 2022 coming, the unserious twat.
why I’m here.
kneepads for deathsatanist.. or to put it bit more boringly :
yeah, how banal…
Microsoft today announced its first staffing cuts since 2017.
YLB doesn’t see 2022 coming
heh.. it’s as clear to anyone as your “kneepads” for deathsatanist…
And your “distraction” from those kneepads @117.. heh.. look there’s a squirrel!
Dang… lord kreepshit will lay down kneepads for deathsatanist non-stop to 2024.. the freak will gouge out the floor for that fat midget.. that dishonest harvard/yale fatboy…
Anyone can see that “coming”…
@ 116, 118, 119
DeSantis is one of at least several GOP candidates who would stand out should they choose to run. They won’t have Trump standing in their way, either. He may announce but he won’t be there once the donations dry up. There’s always a medical infirmity to be claimed should he choose to withdraw with an excuse.
Off the top of my head:
Pence – former congressman, governor and VP
Haley – former governor and UN ambassador
Sununu – popular NH governor
Noem – popular SD governor and former congresswoman
Cheney – formerly popular congresswoman, higher-up in the House leadership, and now never-Trumper. She might pull more Democrat votes than GOP votes she’s lost, but she won’t get far in the primaries unless they’re open ones.
Noem’s Veep material more than anything else and the same might also be said for Haley.
There’s a plenty-deep GOP bench.
I’m coming up empty after Newsom, Mayor Pete, and Polis. Who else do the Democrats have with some experience and some credibility, YLB? Style points if you can construct a complete sentence, with a capitalized word at the front.
2016 Clinton, Sanders, Chafee, O’Malley, Lessig, Webb, etc.
2020 Biden, Sanders, Gabbard, Warren, Bloomberg, Buttegieg, Klobuchar, Steyer, Patrick, Bennett, Yang, etc.
2016 Democratic primary voter divisions between Clinton and Sanders led to Trump. And four years of Trump gave us the most unified Democratic party primary not involving an incumbent in modern history. That gave us President Biden and STOP THE STEAL. And that leads directly to Biden running as an incumbent in 2024 while violent Republicans paint their faces, build pipe bombs and store weapons caches.
Remember that time Donald Trump graciously congratulated the winning nominee and promised to fully support them, campaign for them, and even fund an independent PAC to defeat the other party candidate?
No. You don’t. And you never will.
@ 120
Yes, I left Momala off the list by intent. She’s not credible. Not any more. YLB likes her, though, because she’s a coward, just like YLB.
Cowardly gals gotta stick close, amirite?
@ 121
Those are names, QoS McHillbilly. Not highly qualified, popular names.
I forgot entirely about Patrick – he was Obama’s Chosen One, wasn’t he? It’s Bennet, not Bennett – he’s so ‘popular’ you can’t spell his name correctly.
I would have been fine with an O’Malley or a Webb as president. That doesn’t translate to a deep bench in 2016. Lessig? Chafee? Not popular and nowhere close to highly qualified.
Your requirements for inclusion on the list were “highly qualified” and “popular”. Those who make a list like that are far fewer than the lists you regurgitated, QoS McHillbilly. Revise.
Nobody likes Jim Webb. He’s like a Hillary Clinton, minus the blatant corruption. “You’re likable enough, Jim”. Said no one, ever.
In light of the blowback to yesterday’s comparison of Latinx people to breakfast tacos by DOCTOR Jill Biden
I’d remind the doctor of the stupidity a dumbfuck doctor can spew, but I’ve got better things to do.
Do not reduce us to stereotypes.
Quoted by a truly stupid doctor who we’ve all seen reduce blacks to stereotypes so he can celebrate their deaths at the hands of cops.
A gun-waving cop is chasing an obese black man until he can run no more, he turns and raises his hands. Exhausted, the black man staggers forward two steps as his hands start to drop. The cop shoots him dead.
How’s our stupid fucking doctor going to work with that? Lie countless times, telling us that it was a “bullrush” for the ages, one truly deserving death.
I’ll tell you who is truly deserving of death. Low IQ fucking traitors.
I would have been fine with an O’Malley or a Webb as president.
Horseshit. What you were fine with was a raging orange man-baby’s attempt to violently overthrow our government, end our democracy and turn America into a fascist totalitarian state. And you’ve fucking lied about it ever since.
You’re a fucking traitor who excused all of this. Tell us more about how 1/6 was no big deal, that it was only a dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
Fuck you, traitor.
@120 I don’t recall much enthusiasm for the candidacy of John “Gook!” McSame until he was the last man standing in a shouting match between vulture kapitalist, lazybones Thompson, the “huckster” and “intensive questioning” Rudes.. and not even then until he started babbling..
the same as Bush.. which reassured the “base”.. fear of “teh black guy” also played into that..
The 2024 loser will sound “the same” as drumpf.. and the country will recoil in horror… the country doesn’t want that if it’s in fat midget form or a woman.. they all sound the same, they all behave the same.. crazy people..
The day a two or three vote margin became “bigly”
At a time like this, it’s very helpful to recall who the violent Republican election denying House whip is. When a bill’s vote count depends on the persuasiveness and personal magnetism of a guy who routinely lends his support and appears at events like David Duke organized Klan gatherings.
Instead of passing laws, House violent Republicans will hold hearings. Lots and lots of hearings. They’ll issue tons of open ended fishing expedition subpoenas to Biden officials who will politely respond by declining to appear. In every case they will refer charges to DOJ who will decline to prosecute. In other words, Tea Party on Trump, but on a lesser scale for having failed to gain control of the Senate.
And in those two years of pointless and idiotic cancervative political theater, Mifeprestone will complete late stage, large scale trials and gain approval from the Biden FDA for use as a weekly dose, on-demand contraceptive. Etc.
Didn’t lord kneepads kreepshit babble highly about Klobuchar?
yeah, her, no she’s not that viable.. yeah but clearly preferable to vomit inducing types like Haley and Noem..
“lord kneepads kreepshit”.. hmm.. nice..
In 2020, when he thought Sanders or Warren might be the front runners, he played around with supporting Biden and Klobuchar.
You’re right of course, Steve. It is all just horseshit.
Because violent Republicans are opposed to democratic elections.
They SAY SO, nearly every day. They tried to overturn the most recent elections that they lost. And they refused to participate in investigating any of that. They are not allowed to admit that Trump, McSally, Perdue, and Loeffler were beaten in a free and fair election. They reject the concept.
So it’s hardly credible when the same violent Republicans claim they would support the lawful, democratic election of ANY candidate. Violent Republicans have moved beyond all that. And whether they support Trump, or Fat Midget, or Marjorie Neanderthal Barbie is irrelevant. Because what matters is how they hope to install them into office using pipe bombs, grenades, “Rapid Reaction Teams”, and gigantic hooting mobs of delirious homicidal weird-beards hopped up on Q conspiracies.
O’Malley.. heh..
put a geetar in a politician’s grasp and lord kneepads for deathsatanist swoons..
heh.. the “huckster” played an ok bass… made the guy look even “reasonable” back in the day.. that sure didn’t last..
@ 127
… a two or three vote margin…
The center of the peak in the 538 graph is at 236 seats, QoS McHillbilly.
You don’t want to know the upper margin of the 80% likelihood range.
Add about 50 points to YLB’s IQ and you get this pro-abortion witness.
Your reminder that it’s a fairly small minority of presidents – fewer than one third of them – who took office in their 60s and 70s.
The sooner Democrats stop play-acting that my imbecilic, senile, incompetent president is gonna go for it again in 2024, the sooner Democrats can distance themselves from the likes of YLB and be taken seriously.
The real argument, for now, is how to dump Momala without making it look like Democrats are dumping a black woman who currently stands a heartbeat from the presidency.
Y’all better have Val Demings on speed-dial for the Veep slot in 2024. After this Congress ends she’ll have plenty of time to take y’all’s call.
I’m actually somewhat disappointed about what’s gonna happen to Val Demings in November. She should have been the Veep choice for Biden in 2020, and after November she’ll be damaged goods. Electing to run against Rubio was not a wise choice by her.
Although perhaps her poor choice should be seen as damage self-inflicted.
Speaking of damaged goods, after Brian Kemp cleans Stacey Abrams’ clock a second time this November, that fat cow’s extended 15 minutes will be over for good.
Shorter @ 132:
When YLB eats a bullet in despair after the November elections, it will be because of my violence.
When YLB eats a bullet in despair…
Heh.. it has “violent” fantasies.. yeah… like any repuke did that after bonzo got “shellacked” in the House in ’82… it lost 27 seats.
teabaggers in 2010? yours truly is still here.. will be here until the server goes cold..
even after lord kneepads kreepshit kicks the bucket.. if HA runs yours truly remains… heh.. next?
pro-abortion witness accuses
@HawleyMO of being transphobic, inciting violence for suggesting only women can get pregnant.
young females make the transition too.. even high doses of T won’t necessary block a rapist’s or a sick family member’s depravity..
the depravity that lord kneepads kreepshits bathes in daily here for us all to..
just laugh… do please continue.. another kneepads for deathsatanist?
@ 137
… it has “violent” fantasies…
This from the welfare queen who has spent most of the last year praying for my demise.
You go, girl. Gentlemen, may I present the always unserious YLB, HA’s dumbest twat.
it concern trolls over Val Demings… zzzZZZzzzzz…
kneepads for deathsatanist, pleez kreepshit..
just like you did for bonzo and dumbya..
most of the last year praying for my demise.
it only followed from your “serious” babbling about my kids..
actions have consequences.. like a “serious” adult, you’re distracting from exactly those..
please continue your “serious” avoidance.. the way “stupid drumpfers” are going, my kids will be so far ahead of the game right up to your own stupid dance and beyond.
it concern trolls for Val, weight shames Abrams.. yawnn..
can we get kneepads for deathsatanist?
Fellow HA HEROES, yours truly presents the depraved “lord” kreepshit of widbee.. laying kneepads here at HA for degenerate, dishonest harvard/yale fat midget..
It’s a close contest.
Turnout will be decisive. Modeling turnout in mid terms is exceptionally difficult. Forecasting that relies on historic patterns can go wrong whenever historic anomalies are in effect or voter realignment is taking place, or both.
Violent “homicidal” Republicans will be disappointed by their House results. But not enough to “eat a bullet in despair”. And not enough to prevent consistently wrong trolls from claiming to have been right “bigly”. And whatever happens, it won’t be enough to run a legislative agenda, or stop the frog marches.
Will lord kreepshit spare an amtrak ticket for a raped young female in transition? “Seriously”?
oh shoot, that expenditure of munee is for mary kay to make..
heaven forbid should a single penny be lost before its destiny in the pit with the moldering remains of lord kneepads kreepshit of widbee..
The Persecution Fetish that now accompanies the baseline paranoia of all violent “homicidal” Republicans.
Democrats should not pray for the demise of any violent, “homicidal” Republican voter. That would be morally wrong.
Democrats should simply pray for the demise of violent “homicidal” Republicans.
Are you on welfare? I don’t think Vicious Troll is telling the truth about you and your financial situation.
Democrats should not pray for the demise of any violent, “homicidal” Republican voter. That would be morally wrong.
lord kneepads kreepshit lies when it claims yours truly “prayed” for its demise. that’s a bald faced lie…
I merely pointed out that its eventual demise due to natural, violent, accidental causes, what have you, is eventual, a lock..
and when lord kneepads kreepshit and its ilk ends, their ugly fantasies about my kids end with them..
it didn’t think of that at the time it whacked those fantasies off..
So.. when it babbles “serious” shit about my kids, I will remind it how far ahead of the game my kids are.. it only follows from its silly babble..
We’ll be doing this until it ends or the server goes cold.
praying for my demise.
You’re a fucking traitor and a monumental fucking bore. What do you expect? Good cheer?
@147 that’s a silly question.. before I answer.. How much income do you think a moderately enterprising person can get from “welfare”?
That’s worth a thread..
heh.. the “huckster” played an ok bass…
Heh. Not bad for an Arkansas Baptist church band bassist.
TdF update: The Wuhan took out one of the UAE team, so race leader Tadej Pogachar’s team is now two men down because of it. George Bennett was to provide critical mountain support, so his loss is huge. Another UAE climbing domestique tested positive but with a viral load sufficiently low that he’s still in the race.
A big breakaway took German cyclist Lennard Ka(umlaut)mne, who had been 9 minutes down, and launched him to within 11 seconds of the Maillot Jaune.
Fun stuff to start the second week.
Interesting that the TdF makes determinations about riders infected with The Wuhan based on their individual viral loads, not just their positivity. Science, bitches.
Horse liver paste. Bitches.
Butt flashlights. Bitches.
Drinking bleach. Bitches.
Violent, “homicidal” Republicans have a bottomless memory hole.
Trump himself attempted to contact a committee witness.
More charges.
@150 No always wrong winger wants to admit their voluminous knowledge about “welfare”… we’ll get proof about their “expertise” another day..
I’ll admit to one piece of “free stuff”…
I live rent-free in lord kneepads kreepshit’s pin head… good for now..
Trump himself attempted to contact a committee witness.
And it was Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney who nailed the treasonous bastard. This deserves a Raw Story link.
“After our last hearing, President Trump tried to call a witness in our investigation,” she revealed.
“A witness you have not yet seen in these hearings,” she explained. “That person declined to answer or respond to President Trump’s call and, instead, alerted their lawyer to the call. Their lawyer alerted us and this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice.”
“Let me say one more time, we will take any effort to influence witness testimony very seriously,” she warned.
God bless Raw Story.
Here are the 10 GOP members of Congress implicated in Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing
“At this point, you may recall testimony given in our earlier hearing by Richard Donoghue who said that the president asked the Department of Justice to say ‘that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen,'” Murphy said. “According to White House visitor logs obtained by the committee, members of Congress present at the White House on Dec. 21 included Congressmen Brian Babin (R-TX), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Andy Harris (R-MD), Jody Hice (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Scott Perry (R-PA).”
“And Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was also there,” she added.
For a low IQ dumbfuck traitor, whining about Raw Story is like taking a couple of sedatives.
Hey “y’all”.
Remember to always keep the focus on Chicago:
And while it is true that violent crime rates showed a small rise in 2021, even those rates are still less then half of their early 1990s highs. Overall violent crime rates in the U.S. have fallen steadily for three decades. So your local cops probably don’t need jet packs or crowd control elephants.
Overall violent crime rates in the U.S. have fallen steadily for three decades.
I keep pointing that out to lord kneepads kreepshit.. bounces off a pin head denser than spent uranium…
pointed to red state violent crime rates as well and it couldn’t accurately remember which HA HERO had first brought it up…
pin head leaks like a sieve as well…
Less than half as much serious crime.
So what do cops do? Expand the mission.
Schools. Buses and trains. Boats. Scuba divers. Horses. Fixed wing aircraft. Helicopters. Drones. Robots, Bomb trucks. Chess teams. Drill teams. It seems there’s just no problem an under qualified, under trained, and poorly supervised bored, and mildly violent cop can’t “solve” by screaming incoherently and subduing it with force.
Please don’t ever call them about illegal fireworks littering your roof with burning debris.
But otherwise call. Cat up a tree? Call 911. Swarthy suspicious types at the picnic shelter? Call 911. Truant youths skateboarding near the mall? Call 911. Neighbor’s grass too long? Call 911. Ran out of dipping sauce? Call 911. Lemonade stand without a business license? Call 911. BLM chalk on sidewalk? Call 911.
Call 911 and a faintly disinterested, honorably discharged former Marine with an associates degree from a local community college dressed mostly in black combat fatigues and bristling with weapons and aggression will eventually appear to establish control of “the scene” by yelling at everyone, listening to no one, and shooting your dog about 25% of the time.