Good morning. I hope you have been enjoying the sun. Don’t forget your sunscreen. And don’t forget to drink more water than you think you need. Seriously, a big ‘ol jug of ice water. Just down it. I want you going to the restroom a lot, like until you pee clear.
And for goodness sake, with all that going on, please wash your hands. And hey get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
If I sent a demand letter with a bunch of faked invoices attached to your company’s accounts payable department, would I be guilty of fraud?
Would it be excused if I said “it was just in case”?
Asking for Ron Johnson.
@ 2
Zero. Cling to that, McHillbilly.
It’ll be like eyelid surgery in Korean girls.
What all those women going on a sex strike don’t realize is that G-clown will be there as a ready, willing, anatomically correct alternative, on his knees, just on the other side of the Glory Hole wall.
The difference between a gay pride parade celebration and hetero neanderthal celebration of a championship sports victory.
Pride Parade – Happy, Music, Dance, Love, Colorful, PEACEFUL.
Hetero Neanderthal Championship Sports Celebration – Cars set overturned and set on fire. business looted, and mob mentality savages.
@5 Pervert. More your style.
Good luck with ever getting any pussy you freaks.
Heteros – bigger problem in this world than they realize. Biggest immoral bunch going.
@3 you’re a zero.
You server no purpose in life….you should have been aborted.
Rape. Rape. Rape. Neanderthal Heteros raping the womenz.
Sweep. Sweep. Sweep.
Breeding will not save the Stupid.
I believe it was QoS McHillbilly who claimed that #CrookedHillary is staying out of the public eye.
@11 what do you want her to do? Put a Burka on?
You are such an Imbecile! An embarassment to the medical profession. I hold doctors and nurses in high regard, but you prove otherwise that reality. You fucking Troll.
It’s important to understand where G-clown is coming from when he lashes out in that pathetically weak way that he does.
If your AGI was as inadequate as G-clown’s, you’d be in a perpetually shitty mood, too.
God bless Gman and his high AGI and low A1C.
@ 14
The only thing about G-clown that’s “high” is his retroviral load, Steve.
Oh, and his mortgage debt, once G-clown signs the closing documents for that place he overpaid for.
Also believes…
Trump won, COVID goes away when the weather gets warm, someone named “Q” has uncovered a global plot to drain the adrenochrome from blond white adolescents, “FB friends from CO” got expired vaccines, 2018 RED WAVE, the WALL is working hard to keep him safe, he has a “foolproof” market timing “algorithm” built into an Excel spreadsheet on his Colecovision, butt flashlights kill virus, Hillary has an aneurysm, “this is how you get four more years of Trump”, thousands of churches are burning, every Black woman in Louisiana has SCD, Parkland was staged by George Soros, a dead Venezuelan dictator threw the vote count using a secret Italian spy satellite, Tara Reade was violently raped in the busiest public corridor in North America in the middle of a weekday with no witnesses, the phone call was “perfect”, The Establishment Clause was “iterated” outside of the Constitution, Donald Trump will graciously step aside and throw his support behind Fat Midget, 2.5 million adult gay men are having more anal intercourse than 250 million adult heterosexuals, an ectopic pregnancy is a U.S. citizen and should be counted in the census… unless they are Black or Mexican.
From the LA Times, behold the real reason that libbies don’t like guns:
Column: Is California ready for more Black people to legally carry guns in public?
Liberals must arm, in other words.
When Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit exhorted y’all with “Liberals must arm.”, he didn’t mean those dudes with the monster cocks that he has to pay to fuck Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit. He meant the weak-ass women like YLB, who needs something with a 15-round clip before she’ll come out from her safe space behind Goldy.
To his credit, Willie Brown sat by her side in the waiting area before her D&C, each of the three times he impregnated her.
Career advancement can be hard on a working gal.
Last minute, unscheduled Jan 6 Committee hearing set for tomorrow to present new evidence recently brought forward along with new witness testimony.
Smoking gun?
@ 19
Smoking gun?
Desperation. June’s inflation numbers are gonna be brutal and Dems need to get out in front of them.
Is California ready for more Black people to legally carry guns in public?
Is lord kreepshit finally getting bored of babbling about Chicago?
New place, new blacks to be frightened of…
Cali being closer to widbee?
Next thing we know, a sighting of armed blacks coupled with an antifa bus will give lord kreepshit a heart attack..
and oh will the world be a better place…
Surprise catching my connecting bus this morning, it came in a timely manner at 45th. The new wire segment on NE43rd went live this weekend, allowing westbound 44 busses, as well as the 49 and 70 to serve U-District station more efficiently. Now my 31/32 only have to share the stop with the 167, but it only takes operates when the UW is in session. At least this was an easy trolleybus extension, didn’t need to site new substations like the 48 electrification will need.
heh.. there goes lord kreepshit, dark fantasies of…
teh black guy.. of Cali…
HortonBrown…it’s fucking weird..
“this is how you get four more years of Trump”
LMAO… completely forgot about that one…
that was as good as Menendez “fucking”..
Spin it to be “lashing out” instead of admiting the reality of neanderthalistic hetero traits. Spun in such a way to hide and be in denial of the truth……such as the truth that January 6th was an Insurection….such as the truth that The FuckHump Party are fascist pigs destroying democracy. Denial that his math is correct. Denial that he is the biggest dumbfuck that never gets anything right and has to make up shit and lie, just like the FuckHump con man, the man he blows.
In the prayer decision the majority basically gets the facts wrong.
Which means, as it almost always means in such instances, that the lower courts will be burdened with the struggle to reconcile this ruling with the actual real life facts of this and the many similar cases that will follow. It’s burdensome in lots of ways. Potentially it’s burdensome mostly upon the rights of religious minorities in intolerant communities, and school districts stuck sorting it out and trying to avoid costly litigation.
And how that plays out initially will be anyone’s guess. Probably very little uniformity. But here’s a guess, and an explanation of why this will result in more litigation, rather than less.
In this case, and similar cases, the coaches religious observance was plausibly coercive. It was not done in circumstances or settings when normally student athletes and district employees were “free to come and go, or otherwise do as they pleased”. But by creating that paradigm, the Court has now imposed that expectation upon all those circumstances and settings. Employees and student athletes must now be free to walk away while “Coach” is talking. And “Coach” may not legally impose any consequences upon said student athlete if student athlete was ignoring them out of a conscientious respect for their own deeply held religious principles and beliefs.
Of course that’s not how things like this work. “Coach” is going to impose immediate consequences on student athlete. And eventually that will produce threats of lawsuits and lawsuits. There’s a lot that’s wrong with the culture of athletic coaching in America. And maybe this kind of focus would be a good thing if most Americans were truly interested in examining that culture. But I doubt that. In some cases coaches will be disciplined or fired. In some cases students will be disciplined or suspended from participation. It’ll be a mess. A costly mess that will produce disunity in communities and schools.
Alternative headline: Some of the reasons G-clown will always be single
Relationship Success: 8 Reasons to Marry a Fit Person
Here’s reason # 2: Fit Men Make More Money
Of course we do.
It follows that a poor work ethic explains Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s predicament and, sadly, that of his fucking family.
@ 26
…school districts stuck sorting it out and trying to avoid costly litigation.
The sorting out has now been done. The Kennedy test: If he’s not bothering anyone, leave him the fuck alone.
When I get a minute, just for kicks, I think I might do search log for how many times the capering idiot issued that pathetic, flaccid, empty threat. It must have been thousands. It was like a sort of self-soothing mantra for the freak, as the shambolic Trump Party sputtered and shook itself into broken pieces. For a while there, when things were at their most desperate, it seemed like everything was going to give us all “four more years of Trump”.
One thing was true: somebody got “four more years of Trump”. Cowering in an island bunker with Trump, forever.
It’s not as if we didn’t warn them.
the monster cocks
Because of, um, reasons, the low IQ traitor can’t seem to get thoughts of “monster” BBCs out of his head. a head which, by the way, seems to be in an even stranger space with each passing day.
Fit Men Make More Money..
Bald and fat, cloddish laughing stock lord kreepshit impotently babbles on HA from a double wide in Moses Lake in lieu of exercise..
@27 unfortunately the Heteros I know all like to be fat pig rapists….probably like yourself.
There isn’t anyone else more likely to care about their body than a gay or bisexual man.
@31 Lord Kreepshit (pervert, loser and sucker of BBHC) is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Hasn’t been any different from day one.
God Bless Steve and Rawstory!
Essentially detail can’t penetrate Teh Orange Event Horizon.
What happens when “Coach” is “bothering someone”?
I’d welcome a radical transformation of athletic coaching culture in American toward one that produces a lot less Sandusky Showers, “vaginal massages”, and routine physical and emotional abuse. But at least for now, athletic coaching in America is an authoritarian universe. If “The Kennedy Test” demands the relaxation of that authoritarianism then it places that demand, at least initially, on a not insignificant number of emotionally stunted steroid abusers unaccustomed to critical thinking.
I can almost guarantee there will be some “bothering”. The Court has merely expanded the definition and granted the license for more opportunities.
I can’t wait for some coach who’s into some sadistic devil worshiping religion that wants the team to say a prayer to. He’s not bothering anyone and just leave him alone.
@ 32
@27 unfortunately the Heteros I know all like to be fat pig rapists
Their appearance and disgusting presentation, G-clown, is why they all come to you for sex. That and your reputation to giving it up for all comers.
@1 Lying to reporters isn’t a crime, but lying to a grand jury is. I can think of a U.S. senator who may be getting a subpoena at some point.
You beat me to it. I hope someone does just that and put it to the test. This isn’t about freedom of religion, this is all about freedom of white-man evangelical christian worship.
This SCOTUS is going to make the Spanish Inquisition look tame.
Railfan knows not to respond to me. Why doesn’t Hunter Biden know not to respond to reporters from conservative outlets?
Hunter Biden Responds to Russian Escort Story
If G-clown had half as much money saved as Hunter Biden spent on whoring with Russian skanks in 2018 and 2019, he wouldn’t have to worry about his pitiful AGI or whether he’d be able to afford to retire.
@40 Wow.. lord kreepshit, that’s a touching story..
As touching as a repuke dad subsidizing its kid’s..
20 minutes of action…
We all know you’d do the same.. that is, if you had a son…
It’s quicker, cleaner, and cheaper when they execute themselves so the state doesn’t have to do it.
The whole reason Liz Warren claimed to be Cherokee was to promote abortion clinics on the Cherokee reservation in Oklahoma.
From high cheekbones to feet in stirrups.
A bit wider, dear. This will only sting for a second.
Sorry dude, you’re going to have to stick with the horse.
Mayor Melting Snowflake says the slap on his back nearly killed him, and he doesn’t understand why the assailant was allowed to bail out on a misdemeanor charge.
Political violence needs to stop, and if Fragile Rudes had died from his wounds, I’d surely support charging his attacker with second-degree manslaughter. However, since the victim is still walking around, the law apparently only allows charging him with battery of a vulnerable elderly person. But perhaps prosecutors should take another look at this case to see if a hate crime or domestic terrorism charge can be folded in. We’ve absolutely got to stop this antifa violence before it gets out of hand. Meanwhile, I wish the victim a full and complete recovery from his near-death experience.
Also, his daughter has some advice for him:
36, 39,
It’s more likely to be the student athlete who stands up and walks out of a team meeting because one of the coaches happened to mention the word “God”.
Under “The Kennedy Test” if any of those coaches or any district employee says shit to that student they get fired or sued. If the next day they bump that student out of their starting position they get fired or sued. If they make that student run an extra lap in practice they get fired or sued.
The Court just took nearly every tool in a coach’s disciplinary toolbox and turned it into a potential tool of religious bigotry.
This is why the Framers insisted on separation of church and state. Government attorneys hate these kinds of decisions because unlike The Five, they know how indiscreet and chaotic the real world usually is. They can’t tell “Coach” to check his Jeebus at the door. And they know exactly how “Coach” is going to react the first time a student declines to put up with it.
promote abortion clinics on the Cherokee reservation in Oklahoma.
lord kreepshit prolly did a stint on the rez..
sterilizing native american women..
Aim the x-ray and turn it on high, amirite?
yet another always wong wing cause.. I feel much better about the causes Mary Kay supports.
@ 43
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit didn’t read the piece he linked to, because had he done so he would have realize there was a “good guy with a gun” angle
to the story, and he wouldn’t have posted it.
@ 47
It’s more likely to be the student athlete who stands up and walks out of a team meeting because one of the coaches happened to mention the word “God”.
No, because the David Hoggs of the world are on the chess team, not the football team. ’cause they’re fuckin’ pansies when it comes to contact sports. Think YLB, but with a Y chromosome. Yeah, total pansy.
It won’t be the athlete who cuts against the grain, McHillbilly. It will be the athlete who feels pressure to kneel in prayer along with everyone else, even if it’s “voluntary”.
When that coach is hired by the next school, and after the game he prays in the end zone and 49 of his players join him in a completely voluntary act, it will be the 50th one who joins the rest of the team only so that he isn’t outed as a Colin Kaepernick or Eric Reid for choosing to stand apart.
That student will join the others, and then he’ll sue. And the ACLU will represent him.
And they’ll have a case.
@47 The outlines of the 6-3 court’s ideological thinking are emerging:
“‘We are aware of no historically sound understanding of the Establishment Clause that begins to ‘(make) it necessary for government to be hostile to religion’ in this way,’ Gorsuch wrote.”
The key phrase here is “historically sound.” This is the overarching principle that will govern all American law from now on.
Which brings me to slavery.
Slavery not only was historically sound, but also historically embedded in American life and law, and integral to not only its economy but also its social hierarchy, customs, and practices.
It follows that the 13th Amendment prohibition of slavery is unconstitutional overreach of a piece with prohibiting football field prayer.
they’re fuckin’ pansies when it comes to contact sports.
Heh.. like wrasslin’.. think chisum gym jordan watchin’ man-on-man action..
lord kreepshit approves… any wonder why it goes on and on about anal sex?
Clarifying, accused has obtained counsel and at first appearance successfully argued for a reduction in charges to misdemeanor after the police affidavits and victim statements filed in the arrest were demonstrated to contain material falsehoods.
With charges amended to misdemeanor the accused was granted release with condition of no contact, and the case reassigned to the court of lesser jurisdiction. Despite a continuum of complaining the victim, Giuliani, was unwilling to accompany investigators to a doctor or to see one on his own.
The lawyer for the accused is requesting copies of other store surveillance video as well as other unspecified videos, alleging that a subsequent separate physical assault, perpetrated upon her client by individuals in the company of Mr. Giuliani, may be witnessed in those videos.
G-clown feels safer with concealed-carry. Because it’s more likely that the stranger he’s bending over for in that greasy alley behind the bar can keep him safe if danger should approach while G-clown is in flagrante delicto.
Just think a raping frat boy just gave frat boys the pleasure to rape the womenz and make them carry the little bastard.
@ 46
Political violence needs to stop, and if Fragile Rudes had died from his wounds, I’d surely support charging his attacker with second-degree manslaughter.
This from the asshole who wished he could give the coward who attacked Rand Paul from behind a medal.
Eighteen-year-olds are a lot different today then they were back in the groovy olden days.
But don’t you worry, old man. I’m sure you could still strike ’em out… the white ones anyway. 😉
@49 You obviously didn’t read the story, either, because you made no mention of his troubled childhood.
@47 This is why the Framers insisted on separation of church and state.
@ 55
Just think a raping frat boy just gave frat boys the pleasure to rape the womenz and make them carry the little bastard.
It’s more accurate to point out that every Democrat who thought making Hillary Clinton their 2016 presidential nominee made that gift, G-clown.
Hillary Clinton was the gift to the GOP that will continue giving for at least a generation.
@59 Perhaps the most troubling thing about this case is that the majority changed the facts to justify their result:
“Sotomayor’s dissent, which included photographs of the prayers in question, suggested that she thought the majority was not describing accurately the factual circumstances of the case. ‘As the majority tells it, Kennedy, a coach for the District’s football program, ‘lost his job’ for ‘(praying) quietly while his students were otherwise occupied,’ she wrote. ‘The record before us, however, tells a different story.'”
We’ve seen this before. Specifically, when G.W. Bush “fixed the facts around the policy” to justify his recreational war in Iraq. Since then, conservative tampering with facts has become routine. There’s now irrefutable evidence this practice is bleeding over into conservatives’ Supreme Court rulings.
It’s one thing to be stuck with an ideology-driven court. A lying court is something else altogether. But I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that justices who lied in their confirmation hearings also lie from the bench.
Bob wants to talk about Chicago but not this. See talking about Chicago isn’t like him because he’s white. But talking about rape (horse or humans) is like him and his fellow ilk Neanderthals.
1 in 6 American woman raped. 50,000,000 and counting.
Insurection needs to stop and infringing on freedoms and liberties needs to stop, otherwise the violence will be coming.
It’s almost as if the Right wing fascists (just think of their freind Russia) are fabricating the situation, it is just what they want.
Churches are burning! Churches!
It’s more effective if next Sunday I go to church and drop in an Rainbow flag instead of some monetary value. They’ll get the hint, if they want parishners.
any wonder why it goes on and on about anal sex?
Anal sex and BBC seems to be what floats his boat. And a horse.
If the low IQ traitor wants black men to fuck him in the ass with their BBCs, I’m okay with that. What concerns me is the role the horse plays in all this, poor thing.
Looking forward to it.
Following @ 47
– The Self-Described Wise Latina
Mayor Melting Snowflake says the slap on his back nearly killed him,
lord kreepshit is nearly silent on this after the release of the video…
I’d surmise the assailant’s slap didn’t even approach Will Smith level..
to a lord kreepshit, not even worth working skin color into it..
@ 61
‘As the majority tells it, Kennedy, a coach for the District’s football program, ‘lost his job’ for ‘(praying) quietly while his students were otherwise occupied,’ she wrote. ‘The record before us, however, tells a different story.’”
Actually, the record tells exactly the same story. Sotomayor’s dissent:
He wasn’t with the players when he prayed, for he “rejoined” them after doing so. Hey, don’t take it from me. Take it from The Wise Latina.
@ 67
after the release of the video…
Haven’t seen the video. Seems like a nothingburger from the headlines.
Speaking of video, there’s one of Nancy Pelosi elbowing away a little girl during a swearing-in photo op of the girl’s GOP mom, who won the formerly Dem-held seat in that special House race in TX earlier this month. I spared y’all from seeing it. Mostly because Steve would make it spank bank material.
This was my original point.
Historically when the Court issues a decision altering the existing framework of rights tests basing that upon errors in the facts of the case, the result is bad law. The Court should not have taken this case. The Court should have observed the glaring discrepancies between the facts argued at the district and accepted by the circuit, and declined to hear the case. But an activist “conservative” majority wanted this case or some case like it, in order to make what they felt was an important point limiting the principle of separation.
It might even be a good point. But we’ll never know. Because the decision goes into effect attended by those facts, and not whatever errors in fact may have been argued at trial. So now a school district is enjoined from taking disciplinary actions toward a coach who coercively conducts mid field praying ceremonies. It’s far from clear where the boundary lies. If a coach can stop pre-game to conduct such a ceremony, they can obviously stop a team meeting. If they can do it on the field at mid field stripe, they can do it on a bus or in a meeting room. They can do it at practice, they can do it at a pep rally. A wise school district attorney would not intervene to prevent it.
Had the actual facts of the case more closely reflected those “fixed” by the Court majority, then it would be much easier to define a meaningful boundary confining this kind of prayer ceremony conducted by district employees. I frankly don’t see what would be stopping a teacher from conducting such a ceremony in the middle of a classroom during an independent reading or study period, for example. But I also don’t see how the district could do anything to stop a student from getting up in the middle of that same ceremony and walking out of the class, or even leaving school grounds.
It’s a bad case. It’s no surprise at all if it results in bad law.
Another indelible stain on the Roberts legacy.
Slap, elbow, punch….don’t talk about the raping Neanderthals
God bless Rawstory. This bitch is a criminal accomplice.
We have a Supreme Court problem: LYING JUSTICES.
Last Friday, when they struck down Roe v. Wade, we learned they lied in their confirmation hearings. Today, in their praying football coach decision, they lied about the facts of the case.
The search for a practical solution to a rogue court captured by a radical — and radically dishonest — faction needs to begin right now.
i.e. virtue signalling.
puts sky-daddy before doing his fucking job.. asswipe.
uhhhh.. get your priorities straight otherwise work for a place of worship..
one more thing.. the asshole is short-changing his players.. it wasn’t his players hard work or executing the game plan.. it was all due to sky-daddy..
The appropriate place for that is before or after the game.. sky-daddy won’t be offended for all blessings are due to him amirite? what’s next? spreading a prayer rug on the field and putting your butt in the air? No offense to muslims.. but that’s only where something like this can go.
@ 70
“I blocked that blitzing linebacker because I didn’t want to be the only one not trying to keep my QB from being sacked and possibly injured on the play.”
Conformity is the very worst kind of peer pressure.
@71 When rats get trapped they always blame the cheese.
@ 73
The appropriate place for that is before or after the game
YLB spends so much time cheerleading on the sidelines that she doesn’t understand that the prayers in question did take place after the game.
Yabbut doesn’t YLB look totes cute in that tight bare-midriff cheerleader uniform?
None of us are ever going to mistake you for someone with a serious argument, YLB.
@68 “He wasn’t with the players when he prayed, for he ‘rejoined’ them after doing so.”
question did take place after the game.
But BEFORE the post game conference w/ the players.. knew you’d pounce on that like rabid mutt..
the silly coach had to virtue signal FIRST..
School district shouldn’t have to put up with that.
Can’t wait for a dipshit like you to raise cain about a scientology ceremony at mid-field..
Dear Lord, please keep YLB safe as she cheerleads to the assembled crowd of spectators with her back to the action on the field, and to everything else that is happening in our world.
Forgive YLB, Oh Lord. She knoweth not what the fuck she spews.
Luke 23:34
@79 heh.. lord kreepshit can’t wait to “ass-pound” a muslim coach at mid-field..
go for it dude…
the coach will put his postgame w his players first after that.. no doubt.
then in lord kreepshit’s fantasy, kreepshit’s “son” will get a football scholarship to a klownservatic school and get “20 minutes of action”..
but lord kreepshit wont mind ‘cuz it’s not its fookin’ munee…
Amtrak derailment in Missouri. That dump truck will think twice before crossing the tracks without looking from now on.
rough tough sonsabitchin’ repuke football players…
Like Jack Kemp who even Bob Dole said played too much w/o his helmet.
Like Tricky Dick Nixon whose coaches babbled he was the worst and took too many shots to the head and resigned in disgrace..
Like Gerry Ford who couldn’t stop going head over ass down stairs.. and was only too eager to allow Cheney and Rumsfeld do his job for him.
Like the gipper who let nancy’s astrologer dictate his schedule and started going to Death Valley days many months before he left office..
Like Papa Bush who played baseball and.. soccer??? what a wimp..
Like the Phillips Academy and Yale cheerleader Dumbya who kreepshit voted for twice?
Shorter YLB @ 82
“Cowards live longer, ya know.”
Cowards live longer, ya know
heh.. it’s only too clear now that “the reason you’re here”
is you “courageously” took too many shots to the head..
not long for this earth. thank sky-daddy for that..
I understand Dumbya is an artist these days and claims a free press kept him honest.
There’s the “ectopic pregnancy”, which is about to become much, much more commonly diagnosed.
There are handheld ultrasound machines out there now, which are ostensibly marketed to medical professionals but in reality can be purchased by nearly anyone with a little bit of creativity. We’re talking just a few thousand dollars. The early models were wired, but the new ones are nearly all wireless. Some are double-ended, with a flat transducer on one end and a convex one on the other end.
What we’re going to see, very soon, are CE presentations that are really just disguised How-to instructions on how to create an ultrasound image that shows a fetus but de-emphasizes the uterine anatomy around it such that it’s not possible to prove that the pregnancy is uterine rather than ectopic. Presto! A “legal” abortion permissible after the legal development date or “to save the life of the woman”.
And I don’t have much of an objection to this approach. Until something goes wrong. And then we end up with a post-abortion septic uterus, when the abortion was performed with someone so willing to cut medical corners in the pre-abortion imaging that the same willingness to cut corners intrudes far too much into patient care during and after the abortion is performed.
Type “handheld ultrasound” and “ultrasound transmitted to iPhone” into your search engine a couple of times this week, and it won’t be long before these units will be marketed directly to you.
If you need an abortion and have to travel for it, take Amtrak. Your problem might be solved without any more financial outlay than the expense of a train ticket.
59% of public disapproves, 41% approve, of Roe v. Wade overturn.
That’s about the same as Biden’s approval-disapproval numbers; but you have to remember, a significant portion of Biden’s disapproval is coming from Democrats who feel he isn’t doing enough to shitcan the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, forgive student loans, etc., in otherwise he’s too conservative for them.
I don’t see how that voter dissatisfaction translates into 2024 votes for Trump or DeSantis. Perhaps Doctor Dumbfuck can explain how that works in favor of Repugnants.
@81 “That dump truck will think twice before crossing the tracks without looking from now on.”
The dump truck was killed in the crash. So was its driver.
@ 87
Perhaps Doctor Dumbfuck can explain how that works in favor of Repugnants.
Poll numbers change. That’s how.
The FBI seized John Eastman’s phone.
Eastman was the architect of the fake electors scheme. He’s already lost his law school teaching job. There’s a bar disciplinary complaint pending against him. Every legal expert quoted in the media thinks he’s the most likely Trump attorney to go to prison.
He was one of the first Trump plotters to ask the godfather for a pardon, and it’s strange he didn’t get it, when Bannon and Stone did, until you stop and think: The fake electors scheme failed.
So Trump will let him rot in prison. Like any good criminal organization, TrumpMafia not only punishes disloyalty, but also punishes failure. Eastman should’ve watched more Bond movies.
In November 2024, voters will
• realize that Planned Parenthood had a Plan B (no pun intended) ready to go when Roe was overturned, and that abortions are still available, if a bit more challenging.
• realize that two years of double-digit inflation and 15 months of recessions are all they need to see from Democrat governance.
• view deceased Jimmy Carter much more favorably, because Carter’s legacy can be compared with First Vegetable Joe Biden’s catastrophic failure as a president.
The House GOP investigation of Hunter Biden will begin in earnest in fewer than eight months.
The Biden Crime Family makes the Trump family appear saintly by comparison.
In investment news:
“Plans to make former president Donald Trump’s media company public appear to have hit another roadblock. Digital World Acquisition Corp. — the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) that has agreed to merge with Trump Media & Technology Group — said in a regulatory filing Monday that its board members have received subpoenas from a federal grand jury in the Southern District of New York related to due diligence regarding the deal. Shares of the blank-check company plunged nearly 10% on the news Monday. The stock has now lost more than half its value this year, adding to doubts about the merger going through.”
Who would’ve guessed Trump is a bad investment?
@92 Which could lead to big trouble for Hunter, because his dad won’t prevent the attorney general from prosecuting him, if the congressional hearings reveal he committed crimes.
Some of the prospective Republican members of that investigating panel may find themselves in that boat, too.
@89 Given that Biden stands to lose something like 0.003% of Republican voters, and he won by a margin of 4.4%, I’m curious where you think the other 4.397% will come from. Democrats switching to Trump because they’re upset about gas prices?
Finding The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s (sage, actually,) recommendation for Democrats to elect better liberals to office in order to effect change unworkable, House Speaker Pelosi decides instead to try to change the rules of governance:
She’s soon to be out of power, so why not?
When The Even Bigger Fucking Moron said elect better liberals, he probably did not realize he meant more people like Manchin and Sinema.
@ 95
Questions asked:
Given that Biden stands to lose something like 0.003% of Republican voters, and he won by a margin of 4.4%, I’m curious where you think the other 4.397% will come from. Democrats switching to Trump because they’re upset about gas prices?
Questions answered:
More than 1 million voters switch to GOP in warning for Dems
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit once again brings up the wholly irrelevant national popular vote margin when discussing a presidential election. The Republican need only hold Trump’s 2020 states and shift roughly 60,000 votes in a few states Biden won in 2020 into the GOP column in 2024 to emerge victorious.
To reiterate, the GOP takeback of the White House in 2024 will be because Democrats switch to the GOP. Who the fuck cares why they do it? It’s not like there’s time for Biden to be better about anything. Biden’s worse, every day.
I’d like to thank Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 95 for his slow, hanging curve down the middle of the plate.
Please continue to behave as if the national popular vote result means anything in presidential elections, Dumbfuck. It’s one of the most embarrassing habits you have.
Clarence Thomas wants to revisit NY Times v. Sullivan’s “actual malice” standard.
The specific case he’s upset about is SPLC listing Coral Ridge Ministries as a hate group. SPLC did so because of Coral Ridge’s anti-LGBQT theology and practice of “conversion therapy.”
It appears Thomas wants individuals and groups to be able to recover defamation damages from anyone who uses the word “hate” to describe anti-gay ignorance and discrimination.
Presumably, he would also allow himself to recover defamation damages from any white supremacist who called him a “monkey.”
But truth being a defense to libel, I don’t see how it could be actionable to call Thomas a “hater,” because he is.
@98, 99 In other words, FDR was trounced in 1944 by voters switching to Dewey because they were upset about gas rationing.
He’s an ape 🦍 . Not a monkey 🙊
@98, 99 What’re you gonna do if Biden isn’t the 2024 nominee? What if Sherrod Brown is?
take Amtrak. Your problem might be solved without any more financial outlay than the expense of a train ticket.
LOL!! Last I looked and it was a LONG time ago, a round trip amtrak from Seattle to Portland easily cost over $100…
I’m reminded of hospital social workers bringing patient family members to tears when they gave them $25 in taxi fare. Why? That had been the most cash they’d seen in years..
Some people are freaking poor.. can I get some kompassionate klownservaticism from lord kreepshit and its ilk?
no fucking way.. it’s a cliche these days that cruelty is the point.
lord kreepshit you’re such a fucking asshole.. next thing we know it will pronounce amazement at bar code checkout.
There’s the “ectopic pregnancy”, which is about to become much, much more commonly diagnosed..
Translation: more women will die of ectopic pregnancies when lord kreepshit as a “konsultant” to kreepshit red state LE rake its in “advising” LE on how to look for the “cheaters”..
Black, brown, native american women will top the death stats..
Cruelty is the point? Fucking orgasmic for lord kreepshit.
KAMALA: “If you are a parent of sons, do think about what this means for the life of your son and what that will mean in terms of the choices he will have.”
1:13 PM · Jun 27, 2022
This actually makes sense to YLB, who birthed two sons.
’cause before YLB is gonna be able to tell her boys about personal responsibility, she’s gonna have to learn the meaning of personal responsibility.
@106 heh, oh no lk, not so fast…
lord kreepshit’s greatest moment of pride is when its adoptive parents told it that it was found under a rock and stillborn at that..
folks we have mutant zombie freak for troll..
lord kreepshit couldn’t have been happier that it had escaped Saint Augustine’s curse…
Wow lord kreepshit, you’re speshul…
the meaning of personal responsibility.
It’s responsible to tell my sons:
look at lord kreepshit, it voted for Carter even after the REAL miracle on ice.. Inflation was high at that time..
To balm its anxious nerves, it joined a klownservatic frat and its frat bros fucked it in the ass for its “sin”.. it was admitted into the frat but it was “branded” for life. Maybe it was allowed sloppy seconds on the “20 minutes of action” the true klownservabros availed themselves of.
Look where it is now: assholic trolling of HA…
Don’t do what lord kreepshit did.
All kind of moot of course because both sons graduated college with high marks and no, they both skipped that frat shit.
Just came back from another Costco run..
Tank is at 5/8 full..
Can go another month without a top off and I usually do that at the 1/4 mark.
We’re lucky we didn’t want or need to buy into that ‘burb stuff.
@106 Gonna be a lot more boys in red states paying child support, and they ain’t gonna like what their Republican parents did to them.
Girls can end the abortion controversy by clasping a quarter between their knees until age fifty.
Republicans removed one recourse to rape by eliminating abortion in cases of rape, and compensated for this by creating another recourse by eliminating gun control and enacting stand your ground laws.
@111 repuke big daddy frosty freeze recommended an aspirin..
Westworld is so freaking cool.. others may say it’s a bit prurient, depraved or too clever for its own good..
but dang it’s so hard to wait one whole week between episodes. If Amazon was backing it, we’d have binged the whole season by now.
The music kills, so awesome to have good headphones to take it in.
Why First Vegetable Joe Biden and Momala don’t want to spend any time at the southern border.
LIVE ON THE SCENE: 46 migrants found dead in 18-wheeler
He’s not wrong.
Congratulations, libbies! A new record for our disconnected, incompetent, senile president.
First Vegetable Joe Biden has his first 2024 primary challenger, I see.
Ted Kennedy certainly softened Jimmy Carter’s beach for Reagan’s onslaught.
“Are you better off?”
At Least 42 People Found Dead Inside Truck Carrying Migrants In Texas.
If the border was “open” the migrants would have just walked across, maybe filled out a form and get waved through..
They wouldn’t have been crowded into a coyote’s trailer to be smuggled across.. risk death and die..
Risk death and die like under repuke governance:
Close to one hundred undocumented immigrants were struck and killed on San Diego County freeways over a five-year span in the late 1980s, prompting the creation of a highway safety sign to caution drivers about migrants crossing the road.[24]–United_States_border
klownservatic degenerates like lord kreepshit and shitstain abbott never disappoint..
Shout-out to the Cuomosexual G-clown @ 6:
The difference between a gay pride parade celebration and hetero neanderthal celebration of a championship sports victory.
Pride Parade – Happy, Music, Dance, Love, Colorful, PEACEFUL.
HA’s least selective cocksucker even put peaceful in all-caps, isn’t that adorable?
Adorable, sure. Accurate, not so much:
And this isn’t the first time things were not PEACEFUL:
We’ll have to forgive G-clown for his deafness to this violence by the gay community. He doesn’t hear much when he’s busy with a stranger’s cock up his ass.
a stranger’s cock up his ass.
a klownservatic frat bro putting lord kreepshit through its “initiation” would be no stranger..
but just like family, amirite?
Shout out to Dumbfuck.
And only 3 rapes today somewhere in America by Hetero Neanderthals, what a shocker.
@ 118
but just like family, amirite?
Your guess is as good as mine. No idea what he was into – zero specifics.
Appears that tge fatal collision between the dump truck and Amtrak 4 this afternoon in Missouri could have been either a driver being an idiot trying to beat the train, which was going 90, the speed limit, or the dump truck was broken down. On that particular subdivision, passenger trains have always been fast.
No idea what he was into – zero specifics.
i.e. you were drugged off your “ass”.. no memory… heh.. better that way.. someone to be sure has the pics..
Whoopi Goldberg has pointed out that, according to a strict reading of the Constitution, Clarence Thomas is “one-quarter of a person,” but I’m not convinced he’s that much.
shitstain Greg Abbott said it was gonna lock up all the rapists so no 12 year old girl will be forced to give birth.. no rapey no baby..
TexASS is the most rape happy state in the Union.. 13,509 forcible rapes in a year..
Heh.. the shitstain Abbott must have a “secret weapon”… wow. if that “weapon” works in TexASS it could work anywhere…
that has must have lord kreepshit and all the other misogynists soiling their depends..
Clip of the MARS launches from Season 3 of For All Mankind Looks like the Republican beat Clinton in alt1992, and ironically, the first woman President. President Wilson is the first President in tge series to NOT be a real life politician. She is one of the first 4 female astronauts in the show, and was apart of Apollo 24/25.
Looks like oil workers are picketing NASA, as Nuclear Fusion is already cutting into their livelihood.
In real life, the Soviets lost the Moon Race when Korolev’s Gulag injury made it impossible to get an oxygen mask on him dyeing an appendectomy in 1996. In For All Mankind, he lived, fixing the problem with the N-1.
@124 maybe we bus all the pregnant woman to TexASS. Afterall, it is a better and cheaper State to reside in. All it would take is a bus ride on a MegaBus.
Just imagine how poll numbers will change in 2024 when Trump wins the Texas primary and a few smaller state primaries but loses the California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio primaries all before April fools day. Trump’s gracious decision to suspend his campaign and throw his support behind Fat Midget will unify the party and serve as a shining example to all Americans.
Also, the Republican Party will adopt a new mascot, replacing the old elephant with a Magical Unicorn that Shits Rainbow Frozen Yogurt.
Airing on FOX exclusively. And only $100,000. And since Newsom has not even formed a committee the ads could not mention a candidate campaigning for office.
This is how the stupidity overwhelms them once they find themselves trapped on the rapey-cheeseburger-laptop side of Teh Orange Event Horizon. They believe any steaming hopeful garbage Matt Drudge or Nick Fuentes serves them. Whatever it takes to keep them in the fold.
Having raised $71 million to successfully defeat another FAYLED Republican out-of-state recall campaign, Newsom was left with a pile. Recall fundraising is not subject to state limits. But the money can’t be transferred to a reelection campaign, because those are limited. But there was plenty of bitching from the Dem Governor’s Association about all that spending in a safe blue state.
So he’s going after Fat Midget to help Crist and to retire the fund. Other similar buys in other states have been made as well. But that can’t stop mouth breathing idiots from running naked in the streets with burning hair.
Surprise witness in today’s unscheduled, last-minute Jan 6 hearing is a senior staff adviser to Mark Meadows. A few weeks ago she fired her previous attorney, who was one of a handful of Trumpworld consigliere assumed to be operating a clandestine joint representation scheme. Then her new attorney reached out to the committee and we have today.
Now that Republicans and gunmakers are arming everybody, I suppose we’re going to have a lot more petty disputes settled with bullets.
@129 She’s merely going to tell us the coup plot was as premeditated, organized, run from the top, and criminal as we’ve imagined it was.
@127 “a Magical Unicorn that Shits Rainbow Frozen Yogurt”
Any relation to the horse fucker?
Two lies in one sentence.
Kamala Harris is certainly not a good choice. She will be a liability for Biden in 2024, if he runs.
I suspect she’ll be implicating her former boss, Mark Meadows by connecting him directly with the instructions to unlawfully obstruct the electoral vote count. But that is likely to also involve a few members of Congress as well. I think more than a few of the people involved, with specific knowledge about the fraud conspiracy, may have been misled to believe that what was being done was somehow lawful. She may have been misled in that way previously, but has since come to understand that by withholding information in response to direct questioning under oath she made herself part of a criminal conspiracy. Or she just might have reached her limit.
It does appear that some few Republicans have reached or are reaching their limit with the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law. They might be acting out of self preservation. Or they might be acting out of patriotic duty. But alas I’m pretty sure they are too small of a minority to turn their party’s flaming plummet earthward around. The explosive auguring-in will come in 2024.
And it will be spectacular.
voting for any Republican, anywhere, ever, is the worst possible choice.
But it isn’t as if you had no warning.
Did violence follow Roe decision? Yes — almost all of it against pro-choice protesters–almost-all-of-it-against-pro-choice/
On Friday night, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a man drove his pickup truck into a group of women protesters, That same night, at a pro-choice protest in Providence, Rhode Island, an off-duty police officer punched his Democratic opponent, reproductive rights organizer Jennifer Rourke, in the face. In Greenville, South Carolina, multiple videos showed police arresting and dragging pro-choice protesters away. At the Arizona state capitol in Phoenix, police shot tear gas canisters into a crowd of protesters on Friday night, allegedly without warning, after some protesters began banging on the windows of the building, and, a video taken from inside the capitol indicates, one person kicked a glass door several times. However, there were no arrests, injuries or broken glass. In Los Angeles, videos show numerous violent confrontations between police and both protesters and the press. LAPD officers are seen pushing protesters to the ground and striking at least one with a baton. In downtown L.A., a woman protester shoved backward onto the ground and shot in the stomach with a riot gun projectile. LAPD officers on Saturday repeatedly violated protections for journalists covering protests
(if true) Since Roe v Wade was ruled on 50 years ago, forced birth activists have committed:
11 murders
17 attempted murders
4 kidnappings
153 assaults
42 bombings
619 bomb threats
100 acid attacks
173 arsons
These numbers are from 2021, so they’re even higher now.
But we all knew this. Republicans don’t care.
As Doctor Dumbfuck predicted, there’s been violence at pro-abortion protests. As Elijah predicted, by the police.
lord kreepshit likes to babble about “cheerleaders”…
it likes “cheerleaders” so much it voted for two:
One twice, the other.. heh… let’s say it paid for that “sin”, that dereliction of duty – with its booty..
Bonzo.. sheesh.. guess cheerleading was preferable to taking head shots.. heh. but the damage was done anyway.. awwwww..
Hilarious.. drumpf was pissed that the Jan 6 rally wasn’t full enough of lickspittle sicko-phants.. didn’t look good for the cameras.
why? so many had weapons they couldn’t get through the magnetometers at security..
drumpf fumed, “take away the fucking mags, let my people in, they’re not here to hurt me.”
But that’s not all…
Many of the sicko-phants wouldn’t go into the rally even if the mags were taken away.. they were there for insurrection.
riot? yeah right..
“Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel.. we need to go back to the West Wing”
The preznit LUNGED…
orange-tinted insurrectionist!
ketchup dripping down the wall.. shattered porcelain…
the preznit had thrown its lunch against wall.
and not the only time the orange-tinted piece of shit threw shit everywhere..
orange piece of shit is running… all its sicko-phants are even more firmly in its tent.. and the tent is only growing.
It has been said from the very beginning, a bunch of paramilitary weird-beards with guns, who stage a “Cuck Reaction Force” with crates full of ammo and a boat across the river, can’t be credibly described as “a lawful First Amendment protest that got out of hand”.
It was a domestic terror attack on Congress instigated by the White House and President Pringles. And every single Republican who voted for him shares the blame and the shame.
@137 don’t forget the planned violence by the 31 in Idaho at the gay pride parade.
Fuck you Bob! Seriously go fuck yourself! You’ll be fucked eventually. You know what they say – payback is a bitch.
Meadows’ indifference to what was going down was… I have no words..
He was on board w/ it all.. another piece of shit..
And it’s going to be so ugly for Hutchinson.. maybe not so ugly as it was for black poll workers in Georgia. but maybe even worse.
General Flynn: do you believe in the peaceful transition of power?
Shitstain Flynn: Fifth
2:15, 2:25 chisum gym jordan calls Meadows’ cell.. phone is relayed to Meadows..
A discussion is overhead about the “hang Mike Pence” chants..
You heard it Pat [Cipillone].. he thinks Mike deserves it.. he doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong.
Bob’s pieces of shit.
Bob’s pieces of shit.
You guys have to give Degen sufficient time to consult his “sources” for the carefully calculated and A/B tested excuses.
And then understand that once those excuses fail, as they always do, Degen will immediately move on to AOC or Hillary. It’s a perfectly formulaic twitching zombie troll dance. But it is a dance that is joined by at least 50 million other Trump addicted zombie trolls.
If a Democratic Administration did these things, I would be equally disgusted and condemn everything.
Unfortunately too many “conservatives” don’t care.
I was at a loss for words for Meadows’ attitude and indifference..
The proper words are:
“seditious co-conspirator”
Don’t care? They love it! They absolutely worship that freak.
This shit is beautiful. It’s such a magnificent wonder to behold. It’s a catastrophe of unimaginable sweep and grandeur and it is happening from here on out exclusively to Cancervatives.
He’s mentally ill, perhaps from too many decades of prescription drug abuse. But there’s evidence it runs in the family. Either way they are fucked. They’ve turned him into a demi-God within their own party, and invested more power in him than any other single living Republican. It’s a cult of personality with a madman at the top. In two years time he will either be their nominee, or he will turn on them. Either way it will destroy them.
Of course the greatest criminal offense we saw shockingly revealed today was serving dry aged, prime Wagyu beef well done and drowned in tomato ketchup.
Interesting little known fact: “fancy” grade ketchup has more sugar than ice cream. Two scoops!
It’s hilarious to see that dishonest garbage Mick Mulvaney turn on orange dear seditionist..
deflecting from its own crimes, no doubt..
So, since it’s a near certainty that among the excuses Degen will be carefully studying for a day or so, will be “HEARSAY!!!!!”.
So briefly, there are a bunch of well established exceptions to the hearsay rule in criminal courts. In federal courts most of these exceptions are covered in Article VIII, rules 801 through 807. The specific exception that would apply in the case of the testimony of Ms. Hutchinson is the Exception for Admissions by a Party-Opponent, rule 801 (d).
Ms Hutchinson is testifying to conversations at which she was present. The statements in her testimony are offered in adverse interest to the individual who made the statements. She has been sworn before offering her testimony.
Again, despite the yelling from idiots, if anyone bothers to think even briefly about this, they quickly recognize that they hear about this kind of testimony being used to convict people all the time. This is precisely what a jailhouse snitch is. Someone who testifies to having participated in a conversation in which the defendant made admissions that support their conviction for the alleged crimes.
When it comes down to it, the rule against hearsay is a very narrow one that doesn’t apply nearly as often as many people think.
Most of the “Hillary is running” rumors from the right. I honestly don’t know any center, center-left, left, that want her to run again.
Trump needs an evil opponent to run against. Just like God needs Satan, Trump needs someone he can demonize, it is the bases of his shtick. Hell, he will make a villain out of anyone that gets in his way, Pence will be his public enemy #2 after Hillary.
Dr. Dumbfuck is a tired pony, his BS is just always the same as you point out.
It is going to be fun to watch Trump’s “loyal” former staff turn on him now, and he will turn on them for sure. Change my mind….
Glassy-eyed, Grinning-Idiot, Zombie Mantra:
“He didn’t say that.
And if he did, he didn’t mean that.
And if he did, you didn’t understand it.
And if you did, it’s not a big deal.
And if it is, others have said worse.”
Trump will dispose of Pence before the March primaries.
Then he will turn on Fat Midget.
As for the “loyal staff” what we are looking at is clear testimony of criminal witness tampering. It’s carefully unattributed for a reason. “[A person]”, etc. All the identities are redacted for this hearing. There’s a reason the committee would do that. Those involved will of course deny the statements. But DOJ will be investigating and issuing more subpoenas. And if they can find evidence corroborating the witness tampering they will indict. It’s yet another chain of criminality by which uncooperative witnesses can be persuaded to cooperate.
Most of the “Hillary is running” rumors from the right. I honestly don’t know any center, center-left, left, that want her to run again.
She’s never been my first choice, but after I saw her stand up for 8, 11 hours before those load piles running that benghazi scam?
I was more than happy to give her my vote if she was the nominee..
Not one regret. As for lord kreepshit’s beloved SCOTUS degenerates, either they or the forced birthers or the gun fetishists or the fascists will die out or be defeated one day. Nobody lives forever, nothing lasts forever.
It’s a good thing nobody lives forever. If they did, Nixon would still be alive!
Nixon did the honorable thing and quit. He was a political pariah for years and still conjures up negative feelings by most.
The interesting thing is in his later years he was well regarded as an “elder statesman” so to speak, removing a little tarnish from his image ( Nixon, for all his ambition and warts, did after all get us into China when nobody else could.
The difference between Trump and Nixon is as huge as the Grand Canyon. Nixon knew what he did was wrong, Trump will never think what he has done is wrong.
Speaking of Dumbfuck’s “dozen cosplaying grandmothers”, er, I mean, his “two dozen chubby guys”, his raging orange man-baby said, “They’re not here to hurt me.”
Speaking of America’s vice president, he said, “He deserves it.”
I can understand why it’s going to take awhile for the low IQ traitor to regroup.
The interesting thing is in his later years he was well regarded as an “elder statesman” so to speak, removing a little tarnish from his image
drumpf actually hosted Nixon in NYC or FL, wherever and toasted Nixon as a great President..
shitstain Roger Stone has said he looked for a better Nixon and found it in drumpf.
I didn’t know this until today. Nixon taught drumpf that you can get away with a lot of bad shit in life.
He needs to come up with another tragic left “tilting at windmills” excuse. I’m thinking poll numbers are up next.
Of course the greatest criminal offense we saw shockingly revealed today was serving dry aged, prime Wagyu beef well done and drowned in tomato ketchup.
We all know that the low IQ traitor will come up with an excuse for anything his raging orange man-baby does, but excusing his pouring ketchup on prime Wagyu beef might be a bridge too far for our troll.
He needs to come up with another tragic left “tilting at windmills” excuse. I’m thinking poll numbers are up next.
Perhaps posting some more pro-Putin hashtags might make the low IQ traitor feel better.