Good morning. Can you tell that I don’t have anything prepared today? You can? Because I’m mindlessly waffling along here? Yes. Yes. That checks out. Waffle. Waffle. Waffle.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Giules was “definitely intoxicated” while giving legal advice to the Orange Porn Daddy Who Lives in Retirement in a Sex Club in Florida™, according to sworn testimony from multiple Trump party officials.
It is hard to say with any certainty if the quality of legal advice provided by a drunken Rudy Giuliani is significantly worse than the quality of legal advice provided by a sober Rudy Giuliani.
But I’ll bet there’s more swears, spittle, and nervous crotch rubbing.
The former attorney who the Orange Porn Daddy Who Lives in Retirement in a Sex Club in Florida™ appointed to run his election loss lawsuit mill announced yesterday on TRUTH Social that he is a Flat-Earther.
I was going to suggest that this was merely a ploy to preoccupy TrumpWorld debate with anything other than the Jan 6 Terror Attack hearings. But it looks like Wood really believes it.
It certainly has been a rather cold Spring here in Western Washington.
@3 And Nixon (R-played football w/ no helmet) faked the moon landing..
Blessed be Raw Story…
After Bill Barr’s testimony, how can any repuke keep giving orange dear leader a hand job while babbling the big lie?
Oh yeah, RINO never-drumpfer klownspiracy!
The new normal for repukes like ted khruzz and “iron fist” hee hawley.
TFW the only two advisers in TrumpWorld to ratify Stop the Steal are a drunk and a lunatic.
By the end of it all, every single one of them in the Trump Bunker was sworn to absolute, unflinching loyalty. But that did not prohibit them from telling him the truth. And they all did. Even his family. They all told him he lost and had no legal claim to challenge the results.
So instead he went outside to find dangerous tools like Giules and Wood to put together a plan and try to pull it off. Trump always knew the truth. He just didn’t care. And the people on the inside, including fuckers like Christopher Miller, all put their loyalty to Trump ahead of their loyalty to America. Which is what Republicans do now.
Bottom line: yes, drumpf didn’t care that he lost the election – there was munee to be made either way…
250 million from small and not so small donors.. An RNC that would pay the legal bills and funnel even more munee to drumpf.
If drumpf’s tool lawyers out in the field or at the doj could pull off the coup – so much the better.
Always teh grift.. always…
It’s nice to see these committee hearings without bloviations from the usual cast of klowns like matt ‘pedo’ gaetz, devin dumbass nunez or jungle gym jordan.
And when Republicans on this committee speak, they actually make some fucking sense.
@8 Truck drivers pay his legal bills, his lawyers do his jail time … gotta hand it to him, that’s not a bad grift, not bad at all, as grifts go.
Jenna Ellis joins Mastriano’s campaign as senior legal adviser. It’s easy to see where this is going on several levels.
” Truck drivers pay his legal bills, “
I’ve seen no evidence that any of Trump’s lawyers have ever been paid. At least in the case of Giuliani his compensation agreement appears to have been that in exchange for his “legal advice” Giuliani would be allowed to trade on the Trump name and sell Trump-access via his Florida sex club to foreign espionage agencies, organized criminal groups, human traffickers, and narco-terrorists.
Trump still in charge, still running the Trump party, and still calling the shots. Trump has controlling insiders in all the key Trump party campaigns. And his hand-picked staff are still running the RNC.
Rudy and Hillary have in common:
1. New Yawkers
2. Too drunk on Election Night to function
3. Losers on the national stage.
Something Hillary Clinton Rudy Giuliani do not have in common:
Only one of them is the trusted personal attorney for a twice-impeached self-described rapist who lives in a private sex club in Florida from which he runs the Republican party as a multi-level marketing financial fraud conspiracy.
Two things Rudy Giuliani and Doctor Dumbfuck have in common: They’re both dumbfucks, and neither one is a currently licensed attorney.
@ 15
Only one of them is the trusted personal attorney…
The other is, quite simply, distrusted.
Another thing that distinguishes Rudy Giuliani from Hillary Clinton is that only one of them tried to operate a gigantic election-fraud-for-profit scheme that resulted in a domestic terror attack on the United States Congress.
Hillary Clinton extended her personal congratulations to the election winner in 2016 overnight on Nov. 8th. She formally conceded the election in a statement to the press before lunch the following day.
Today is Monday, June 13th, 2022.
Orange Porn Daddy Who Lives in a Private Sex Club in Florida lost his reelection effort on November 3rd, of 2020. One year, seven months, and ten days after losing, Republicans and their loser-God still have neither conceded their loss nor offered the President their congratulations. Instead they’ve launched a huge series of fraud schemes and domestic terror attacks.
I realize these facts are obvious and manifest.
But I just enjoy reciting them every so often.
Not that any of you motherfuckers care to revise your lies that I have ever voted for Trump, but the guy whose name I wrote in on my November 2020 ballot is retiring from his current gig. It’s from the Chronicle of Higher Education. Sorry, Steve, not from RawStory. Your lips will probably move while you read it.
After a Decade, Purdue’s Mitch Daniels Calls It Quits
He elected not to run for president in order to protect his family. Class act.
@ 19
I was in awe over Stacey Abrams’ concession speech.
Stacey Abrams defends lack of concession after 2018 … – CNN › 2021/12/03 › politics › stacey-abr…
Dec 3, 2021 — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams defended herself from criticism that she never conceded her loss to Gov.
Pretty sure Trump got it from Abrams.
@ 18
…only one of them tried to operate a gigantic election-fraud-for-profit scheme that resulted in a domestic terror attack on the United States Congress.
The other one operated a gigantic election-fraud-for-profit scheme that resulted in the confirmation SCOTUS justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
Ba dup bup.
He elected not to run for president in order to protect his family. Class act.
Yawwwwnnn. a loooong time ago. Like in 2012…
Here’s why MD wouldn’t stand a chance.. From the always wrong perspective:
“My man Mitch” also believes in anthropogenic global warming and that humanity needs to act urgently to stop it. As documented at AT and elsewhere, including in numerous books[ie bullshit sandwiches], anthropogenic global warming is a fraud
Hmmmm. Last I looked, degen thought similarly..
and from a more rational perspective:
We watched Daniels oversee a $236 billion annual surplus turn into a $400 billion deficit during his 29-month tenure. And, here is a good one – in 2002, Daniels helped discredit a report by Assistant to the President on Economic Policy Lawrence B. Lindsey estimating the cost of the Iraq War at between $100-$200 billion. Daniels called the estimate “very, very high” and stated that the costs would be between $50-$60 billion.
i.e. the guy was dishonest.. perfect I guess for many in the always wrong wing crowd.
Republican fascists are against protesting and for “supporting the blue” until they want to “protest” and get arrested.
LPT: Vagisil is now approved for daily use.
You’re garbage now.
Don’t say nobody warned you.
Something that Bob doesn’t have in common with…..hand painted artisanal China set.
Doesn’t matter if you voted for the one you blow every day.
Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, a Republican, said: “Simply put, any public official unwilling to immediately and consistently condemn the invasion of the Capitol on January 6 isn’t qualified to hold elected office.”
Sounds to me like he just disqualified most of his party.
Alright. Alright. Break it up. Move along.
Nothing to see here.
You want us to believe that you didn’t vote for Trump when you lie constantly to own the libs?
Hello, my name is Paul. I am very rich, and very inebriated.
The police waited so long to book me so that my blood alcohol concentration would fall before I was tested. It’s good to be liberal, rich, and powerful in a blue state.
Good for YLB’s kids.
Why should Jamie Raskin get to have all the fun, amirite?
This tweet didn’t age well.
I think it’s so supportive of their parents that the children of Democrat congressional representatives choose a method other than gunshot to off themselves.
The Dumbfuck Rabbit family’s gains, of course, were lost when the patriarch stupidly hung on to GE shares, and shilled for them on HA, while everyone else was smartly getting the hell out.
All Stock Market Gains Erased Since Biden Took Office
Another 2% drop and the DJIA will be below 30,000. As predicted.
Suck it, libbies. Suck it.
• Negative returns on your watch now, asshole.
• 8.6% inflation and climbing, on your watch.
• $5/gallon gas, still hitting “record, after record, after record”, on your watch.
• Oh, and 600,000 Americans dead on your watch, from the virus you promised you would stop.
George Weyerhaeuser Sr has passed away at the age of 95. Survived being kidnapped as a child while on the way home from school. Good case of forgiveness and redemption, he hired one of the kidnappers after he got out of prison.
@31 Get back to us when you have some evidence he’s getting the special treatment every Republican demands.
On the 25th, King County Metro will begin using the new bus lane and trolleybus loop on NE43rd Street at U-District Station. Been waiting for it, even though I don’t use the affected routes, 20, 44, 49, 70, and 372, it will benefit my commute. I take the 31/32 after getting off the train, and convoys of the 5 soon to be diverted routes tend to crowd out the 31/32 at the stop on 45th.
This trolleybus improvement was relatively easy, and Metro and the city have plans to improve the system. Next up, is closing the gap on Rt48. The 48 has an interesting history, product of neighborhood activism during the Civil Rights movement.It was created by Seattle Transit in 1966, to replace a crosstown route on 23rd Ave that Seattle Transit diverted during WWII. There are two short stretches without trolley wire, but unlike the new loop, will require two new rectifier substations. Was wondering if that will see NIMBY opposition, after doing a little research around substations that feed Rt7, it should not. Went looking for Letitia Ave and Columbia City substations recently. The former is in the back of a sewage pump station, and the latter is in a former Seattle City Light building now used by SEED roughly on the site of where the Seattle and Rainier Valley interurban’s car barn was. They’ve literally been hidden in plain sight for 40 years.
@31 Get back to us when you have some evidence he’s demanding the special treatment every Republican expects.
@35 My portfolio is still up this year. How about yours? I’m looking forward to buying cheaper stocks.
@36 Is that the Doocy from Fox who sits in the White House press room pretending to be a reporter? Pop Rabbit was a real journalist back in the days when reporters were expected to be nonpartisan, and didn’t take sides or use their job to campaign for a party or candidate.
This guy has a suggestion for preventing school shootings (not arming teachers).
Thank God for President Jo Biden!
Thank you Mr. President! And God bless you maintaining a democratic institution and building a wall against democracy.
Your predecessor was a fuck of hump of piece of shit that wanted us all to live like Russians.
Those that can’t live in the Hamptons and pretend that they are rich are truly poor.
And those that become trolls are devoid of all life and POS that yearn for horse cock and FuckHump’s cock.
Truly the Party of Nazis. And they want to talk about God and the Bible.
Bunch of Fucks like the Troll Bob here, who has no use but to be a god damn mother fucker!
yeah, sure Bob (DumbFuck) tell us all about the one guy who wanted to burn down an anit-abortion establishment…..your bullshit equivalent comedy.
You and the others can go fuck yourself Bob. You and your creeps will not win. And if you win it will be at a great cost. I hope you are willing to make the sacrifice.
@ 43
…building a wall against democracy.
G-clown, meet Michael Kinsley. No, G-clown, the introduction isn’t so you can suck his dick.
It’s lying to blame Biden and Democrats for the COVID deaths caused directly and indirectly by conservatives who will not get vaxxed or would not wear masks.
Red counties have higher mortality rates than blue counties — and the gap is growing
Deaths due to heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, unintentional injuries, and suicide have largely driven this gap.
Republican-leaning counties not only have a higher death rate than Democrat-leaning counties but also showed the least degree of improvement
While Dr. Warraich emphasized the difficulty of parsing out exactly what mechanism has caused discrepancies, what is clear is that Americans who reside in counties in which Republican candidates win have the worst health outcomes.
>> It seems that republicans blocking access to health care is the biggest driver. Many states that typically vote for Republican candidates did not implement Medicaid expansion that led to more accessible healthcare and better health outcomes for their voters.
If trump still President, he’s ineligible for a third term. So he can’t be running in 2024.
Right Wingers demand mental health programs instead of gun reform.
and then
Right-wing parent groups are organizing against school mental health programs, claiming they are a “Trojan horse” for “critical race theory”
There seems to be no end to the madness.
Republican-leaning counties not only have a higher death rate than Democrat-leaning counties but also showed the least degree of improvement
And it follows from the deranged, inane, insane and degenerate babbling of teh keepshit troll of widbee:
for my kids..
“Blacks must arm!” At least, they think so.
Now wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to label this as violence against white people, and specifically, armed white people who target blacks.
@47 We’ve done all we can for them. It’s time to let them go.
@ 51
It’s evidence that the gun control argument is much more complex than you need it to be for it to help your ilk in November, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Giules is now publicly denying that he was drunk or otherwise cognitively compromised when he was advising the Orange Porn Daddy Who Lives in a Sex Club in Florida to falsely claim that the election was stolen.
It’s a shame, really. That might have been his best criminal defense.
@53 The impending collapse of a very modest gun bill in the Senate will move a few swing voters off the fence and not in your direction.
When they see Republicans block red flag and violent boyfriend laws, and refuse to let authorities to access violent juveniles’ conviction records before clearing the sale of deadly military weapons to them, they’ll realize nobody is safe with Republicans in charge, least of all the police who must respond to DV calls and besieged schools.
Guns aren’t your issue, dumbfuck. If you want to win this fall, your party should shut up about guns and whine about the inflation that Biden didn’t cause.
On Jan 6, 2021, at the Stop the Steal rally at the ellipse organized by Amy Kremer and Women for America First, Donnie Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle appeared on the stage and addressed the crowd for 150 seconds.
Women for America First paid her $60,000 for her appearance.
They were all in on the conspiracy, even if they had varying reasons.
If it collapses it will collapse in the House. Because of The Squad.
Degen’s position is very simple and you should respect it. /s
Voter’s responses to the economy are very, very simple, uncomplicated, and unburdened by any complex facts or history.
Voters responses to mass school shootings by violent suicidal teens armed with rapid fire assault weapons are elaborate and incredibly complicated, and depend upon a byzantine analysis of arcane factual details including muzzle velocity, magazine capacity, range, shooting angles, history of firearms development, cultural practices among firearms owners, and and what kind of music they listen to.
North Carolina Republicans want to prohibit the use of public funds for free EV charging on public land unless fossil fuels are also provided for free.
North Carolina Republicans want to require private companies who provide free EV charging to list the overhead cost of the charging on all receipts to customers but not the overhead costs of the “free” wifi or “free” bathrooms or little league sponsorships or advertising.
Republicans hate regulations unless it is regulations that hurt the people they hate.
Kevin McCarthy let Trump’s controlling MAGA base in the House push him into boycotting the Jan. 6 committee. The pressure was enormous, it’s true. But many of the pressure leaders who pushed for the boycott were those facing possible criminal indictment or otherwise involved in the criminal conspiracy. So it probably would not have been that costly in the long run for McCarthy to have resisted them, and moved forward with appointing some qualified, and credible members to serve on the committee.
But he made his choice out of weakness and cowardice instead, throwing himself at the feet of MAGA turds like Gym Jordan and Marjorie Neanderthal Barbie. And because of that weakness and cowardice Team Trump and the GOP have had no input to the investigation, and now no relevant response to or contributions to the findings being put on display to the voting public.
The character of the Trump party and the Stop the Steal movement, to which nearly all Republicans now belong, will be redefined by these televised hearings. And the greatest irony is that because of the cowardice and weakness the MAGA movement inculcated in their party, the principal leaders of that movement will take over the leadership if they win the House.
DJIA low today 30,144.
Tick tock.
@ 60
Was the boycott unprovoked, McHillbilly? Or did he decline to participate after his committee member selections were refused by the House Speaker?
The J6 committee is a clown show.
Charlie Crist Leading Ron DeSantis in Very Close Race!
It’s just polling but would love to see Crist beat DeSantis. The Florida republicans would probably throw out the election results and install the republican however.
Seems like a steep climb from narrow re-election as a shy-Trumper running in a Trump state to defeating Trump to win the Trump party nomination.
But Crist may be running closer in polling than in real life if large enough numbers of Florida Big Lie MAGAts lie about their intentions to pollsters. Which is something many Big Lie MAGAts appear to be doing in order to “punish” shy-Trumpers.
They must all crawl like dogs, embrace The Big Lie, and kiss the giant orange ass, or face the consequences, I guess.
McCarthy’s cowardice and failure of leadership was unprovoked.
His most important job is not to defend his own fragile ego, or the fragile ego of degenerate Trump party dwarves like Gym Jordan or Jim Banks, both of whom participated directly in an effort to present falsified statements as evidence in corrupt lawsuits challenging the lost election.
McCarthy made a choice. That his choice was motivated by political considerations is undeniable. That his choice will have terrible consequences for his party is something that remains to be seen. But I think it will. Trump and the Trump party are deprived of any good opportunity to frame the hearing testimony to their party’s benefit.
If it comes down to deciding whether McCarthy is a coward, or a fool, does the answer really matter? Either way, MAGA does its inevitable work to further humiliate “conservatives”. And Trump isn’t anywhere near done with them yet.
62 if clown show is the lie you have to tell yourself to make it through the day, so be it
But your lies do not make it truth
As of noon today, Giules has deleted his tweets in which he denied being drunk on election night when he advised the Orange Porn Daddy Who Lives in a Private Sex Club in Florida to launch The Big Lie conspiracy-fraud scheme.
Make of that what you will. He’s going to have a terrible time convincing a jury to believe anything he says.
@ 63
Last week’s news spewed by Steve.
The poll undersurveyed conservatives in the Florida panhandle.
@55 By all outward appearances it’s about to collapse in the Senate without ever making it to the House.
Some Republican senators will say the devil was in the details of the bill. But that’s not true. The devil actually dwells in the Republicans.
@59 I say let red states outlaw EVs if they want to. Less demand on the frail electrical grid. Less traffic on interstates as more refineries close one by one. Let them figure out how they’ll get around.
@61 Cheap stocks! It’s about time.
@62 He made sure he’d be “provoked” and his selections were made with that in mind.
Bloviating fat fuck @ 69, there were 10 GOP signed on and McConnell since added his support. Name the two you will lose from the support and share what news item supports your bloviation.
Seattle Pacific U. has an LGBQT sit-in on its hands.
@73 Mitt, for one.
“’The devil’s in the details,’ said Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, one of the 10 GOP signatories to the framework. ‘I have a feeling it’s going to be a challenge.’”
And then there’s …
“Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told reporters … ‘you’re going to have to see what the text says.”
“’I just need to see the details of it,’ … Sen. Shelley Moore Capito.”
“Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, said: ‘I’m open to doing something … if it doesn’t violate the Second Amendment, and I’m going to check that.'”
Sticking points include red flag laws, accessing juvenile records, who must register for a federal firearms license, and the boyfriend loophole — in other words, the entire bill, except the parts that give money to red states for more cops.
You would know this if you read the news once in a while. It shouldn’t be necessary for me to bring you up to speed.
Republicans are promising to come after your Social Security and Medicare.
Greedy Racist Incel Hope you have A LOT of money you can pull out of GE stocks.