Good morning to everyone except Mike Kreidler. Come on, guy. At a minimum, there needs to be a serious investigation. At this point, he should seriously consider resigning. I am not really OK with throwing out an election based on a couple of (very serious) articles. But it has already been more than a month and I don’t see any signs of a serious investigation. I assume there are more shoes to drop.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re enough of a dumdum not have done it yet.
Bob is a POS!
It said “Leave a Comment”, so I did.
One reason, if not the most prominent reason, that Bob is so resentful of everything he speaks about here is that he’s envious.
Envious of people getting “Free Stuff”, envious of gay people, envious of his dead brother.
Actually did not have this on my Florida Man Bingo card:
Makes sense tho
Shoulda seen it coming.
Good Doggie!
InfoWars has declared bankruptcy.
Full employment for lawyers in Texas.
Following in the footsteps of his Orange Idol. Bob will be soooo happy.
Mike Kreidler is just a competent version of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Altho RDR has more people covering for his racism on HA than Kreidler does in the insurance agency.
Don’t care about the hedging in that piece. Orange, twice-impeached, one-term tfg loser is running..
and a greedee freek from widbee, as always, fears for its munee..
Shitstain Greg Abbott gave widbee kreepah some wood recently..
Heh.. Big improvement over this ugly stunt…
And the most recent stunt was some balm over this:
Now THAT musta been the saddest day of widbee kreepah and drumpf’s lives..
477 million.. to repukes, doesn’t buy what it used to.. Shrug…
Small price to pay for political gain and to give kreepfuks wood..
Was it an “in kind” donation?
“I assume there are more shoes to drop.”
My due process instinct says you should wait for them to drop, and not assume guilt unless and until they do.
In the interest of fair debate, Doctor Dumbfuck, who doesn’t believe in due process, will argue the opposing point of view.
@2 He obviously envies my home gym.
Sit back, watch, point, laugh, eat popcorn.
Given enough time GOP will turn Texas into Somalia.
Some of those distributor warehouses are moving and modifying their freight logistics. What choice do they have? If freaks like Abbot remain in control then they can’t safely assume this thing won’t happen again whenever the next freak needs a media stunt.
Those Texas border crossings are the entry points of choice because they are cheap. But they lose that financial advantage every time a paranoid Republican freak like Abbott or Trade War Trump pulls one of these theatrical stunts. There are other options. Those options are now be priced in because crawling, desperate Republicans hyped up on Frito Bandito pills have nothing else to offer.
@3 He talks about it like house party shootings are normal and expected. Maybe they are in Trump World. Those folks probably don’t screen for guns at the front door.
@7 I’m not the racist radiologist who stuck a WHITE dumbbell up my ass on the x-ray table while I was sedated during my colonoscopy. If you were diverse, you would’ve selected a DOC (Dumbbell of Color).
@10 The losses mainly fall on Mexican farmers, distributors, and truckers. Trump couldn’t make Mexico pay for fake border security. Abbott just did, and will brag about it when he runs for Trump’s former job on Trump’s former platform.
Low information voters will blame Biden for vegetable shortages and soaring vegetable prices. That probably was Abbott’s plan all along when he decided to ruin hundreds of millions of dollars worth of vegetables.
7 very gobels to keep flogging that lie about rabbit.
I take that by “covering for his racism” you’re talking about our requests that you provide links to comments in which Roger used racist slurs. There’s been no response on your part other than to post links to comments left by others, including myself, who were taking exception to what now appears to be false accusations on your part.
Of course, repeatedly spewing false accusations is how Republicans roll, so no surprise here if you never get around to offering us the proof we’ve requested.
How creepy married Fox host gets dates with young coworkers, explained:
I think Ted Bundy did something like that, too.
Macron appears to have a comfortable lead over Le Pen. It seems when voters anywhere look at rightwing candidates more closely, they usually don’t like what they see.
Birds aren’t real. They are deep state drones and they’re watching you. Pass it on.
Time to Play DumbFuck Jeapordy!
Alex: “One category still in play, Dumbfuck.
Bob: “DumbFuck Math for $1000”
Alex: “If Gman paid 17.4% of taxes on all his 2021 Taxible Income and only 15.1% of taxes on his 2021 Total Income or AGI (that’s Adjusted Gross Income for those Chetto Jesus followers), and the ratio of taxable income to adjusted gross income is 86.7%, then what would his AGI be”
Alex: “Now remember Dumbfuck, don’t forget to phrase you answer in a question”
Bob: “What is I really have no clue. I’m a Dumbfuck doing dumfuck math”
I saw this one flying by the park the other day.
Absolutely! He’s resentful of computers and calculators too.
Breeding will not save them. Breeding will go extinct. Why would you want to fuck a horse!?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Wednesday, 2/10/21 at 11:03 am
Trump will go down in history as America’s worst president, and Graham is earning a place as one of history’s worst senators.
Yeah, and a few years ago it was G. W. Bush who was the worst president ever. Make up your fucking mind, you pathetic piece of shit!
@27 Explain how G.W. Bush being awful precludes Trump being worse. What a stupid comment.
@27. Which weighs more? 10 lbs. of rotting vegetables meant for the Texas market on Monday or 50 lbs. of rotting vegetables meant for the Texas market on Friday? That is how bush was America’s worst president and then trump is America’s worst president. Trump sidled up to bush and “hold my beer.”
@29 Simple logic is a waste of time on that idiot, so don’t expect an analogy to penetrate the dense fog inside his cranial cavity.
If tge Federal mask mandates is now no more, can states legally adopt one on there own, under state law.
Please don’t blame me for my worthless son’s stupidity. He got that from his equally stupid and worthless father.
My concern @31, is that I plan to voluntarily still wear one, especially on Metro busses and Link. Just worried some idiot that wants attention will try to rip it off saying I don’t need to. I think I do, my company has a few packing plants in Alaska and they are not in Anchorage. They are in areas like Bristol Bay, some villages have a high native population.
If I get mugged over it, I will testify this time.(Got mugged on the way to an early morning furniture moving assignment with a temp agency in 2005, I was nervous about testifying, so I gave permission to seek a plea bargain when asked.)
Congrats to Roger Rabbit for having negotiated rent-free empty loft space for life inside that pathetic freak’s head.
Criminal assault is still criminal assault. And you can wear whatever you like. Carry your smartphone and be ready to record. Carry oleoresin capsicum spray and take a training class. Warn your assailant and seek safe retreat.
States probably can. But it matters how.
The TSA mandate came from the CDC. And the court held that the CDC did not follow the legally required rule making process for the agency. So it’s a narrow ruling specifically directed at the CDC and its rule implementation in this case.
I think Putin, through his shameful actions, has set the Russian people and Russia back at least 100 years.
@33 “Just worried some idiot that wants attention will try to rip it off saying I don’t need to.”
That’s a legitimate concern. We’ve all seen news stories of anti-maskers harassing strangers because they’re wearing masks. To these people, wearing a mask is a political statement like a bumper sticker, and they take offense. They’ll run you off the road or key your car in a parking lot for having a Biden sticker on your car.
But don’t give up the mask. The vaccines prevent hospitalization and death, but they’re not very good at preventing infection, and who the hell wants to get even a “mild” case of Covid-19? Masks mostly protect others from you, and vice-versa, so when they don’t mask you lose a lot of your protection from exposure even if you’re wearing a mask.
And there’s no relationship anymore between exposure risk and mask requirements; the latter are now purely political (and that Trump-appointed judge in Florida is a political judge who made a political decision, not a decision based on best practices). There are more variants and surges coming, and then risk will go way up because more people aren’t masking or distancing anymore.
I’m just going to avoid indoor public places and outdoor crowds as much as I can, and public conveyances altogether.
@34 It’s a slum.
@37 Impossible. For that to occur, they’d need to have advanced 100 years at some point, but they never did. They’re still stuck in the pillaging, raping, looting, and burning Cossack Age. Russia never made it out of the Middle Ages.
Nothing more from HA’s least intelligent homosexual, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, on the Amtrak disaster that occurred last week. See the weekend thread Sunday night discussion beginning @ 76.
What happened on Amtrak was so serious that the San Jose Mercury News has not one word about it. Neither does the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office.
Maybe it’s because one of the “victims” is EiC of The Advocate, and ginned up a story that never happened. Maybe it’s because another “victim” was so traumatized by the incident that he felt it necessary to blame, in part, the author of the Harry Potter book series:
Gays who hope to be taken seriously should learn to behave seriously themselves.
I certainly hope this episode increases the paid circulation of The Advocate.. Gays should get something out of it besides being laughed at because two of them behaved like Paris Hilton after a encounter.
@ 31, 33
I’m flying monthly for the foreseeable future, and wife and I discussed the airline situation. My flight is usually packed. I’ll probably continue to mask up in airports and in airplanes.
Never know when I might find myself sitting next to JK Rowling. I could catch something awful.
38)I work at a place where people spend tge summer in Alaska, in close proximity with native communities. Bad enough I had a VOVID Scare myself, thankfully negative. Spent Christmas with my Aunt, and my cousins son who played at Duke was there. Got the text the next day from his mother. Usually don’t bring up the cousin, trying to stay anonymous here.
Never take DEI at face value.
Woke Ariz. diversity activists falsely accuse black DJ of wearing blackface
One of the two, confronted with his false assertion, immediately changed course and claimed that it was the PTA president’s fault for not selling short shares in General Electric.
And I think Degen, through his shameful actions, has set dumbfucks back at least 1000 years.
@41. I see nothing in the news saying it was a hoax. Are you lying?
JK Rowlings has written unpleasant gay character stereotypes and some bigoted things about trans people. Not as much of a fan anymore.
@ 46
Are you lying?
You always think someone is lying when your narrative gets destroyed, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Try the view from a perspective other than on your knees. Here’s something easy to begin with: Jussie Smollett was lying.
@47. I agree with you, after review, Jussie Smollett was lying. Unlike republicans, he suffered the consequences of his actions.
You have yet to provide any proof that the Amtrak incident didn’t happen. Are you lying like Jussie Smollett?
Twenty seven years ago today we got our first taste of modern “conservatism” GONE WILD!
In the decades since their hatred for democracy and equal rights has only intensified and metastasized. Today fully fifty seven percent of Republican voters describe the violent attack on Congress to prevent the electoral vote count as “patriotic”. The vile rejection of democratic principles and the embrace of violent, anti-social individualism is now the mainstream of the GOP in America.
@ 48
You have yet to provide any proof that the Amtrak incident didn’t happen.
I can’t prove that Goldy isn’t paid for fellating Nick Hanauer to completion on a daily basis, and not for other “services” provided to the billionaire.
Come to think of it, I can’t prove that you’re a homosexual, either.
Grow the fuck up, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Yes, Degen is lying.
Kinda his thing.
Fire Hose of Falsehood
Damn fine police work:
Count. Two patrol units, four uniformed officers. Glocks. Kevlar. Tasers. OC spray. One pump action shot gun in each patrol unit. A computer radio package worth about $10k. Salary. Training. Cadillac benefits and retirement. Layers and layers of administrative overhead.
And this is how your local police choose to make use of the investment.
This is what people mean when they talk about defund.
Police are out of control. They are not capable of making intelligent decisions about public investments. The proof is right in front of our eyes. We need to stop.
DJIA’s up 527 pts. Poor Degen Bob can’t catch a break. His long-awaited correction is going >poof< again. It must feel like waiting for a bus that never comes. I hope for his sake he didn't short the S&P 500. It's up even more.
@47. @50.
Until he provides links, he is, in fact, lying like Jussie Smollett.
And I think Degen, through his shameful actions, has set dumbfucks back at least 1000 years.
He’s even set quislings back, but only back to where they started, which was WWII.
The doctor should note that the original quisling was executed for treason.
Speaking of he with the low IQ, he was not only ragging on Roger again for the racial slurs for which which he has no proof, he now accuses us of “covering up” for Roger, when all we did was request a link to such a comment posted by Roger.
He failed to provide proof, He posted links of folk’s comments defending Roger, but he couldn’t post a link of Roger ever using such a slur. Asked again for proof, he ignored the request posted nothing.
Never fear, though, because he will, of course, continue to post comments accusing Roger of using racial slurs, and now I’m sure he’ll also be adding how we all defend him for doing so.
That, my friends, is the stuff of someone with a very low IQ and absolutely zero street smarts.
@42 I assume you own a fractional share in a private jet, because I can’t visualize you making it through a TSA checkpoint, or an airline letting you board, with that scarlet letter “H” for “Horsefucker” on your forehead.
@44 Almost stupid enough to be Republicans.
@47 You brought up lying. You’re the one who claims the victims are lying. Why don’t you ask the kids? They’re too young to have learned yet to lie.
@50 You play the childish “prove a negative” game, then in the same breath ask him to grow up?
@55 He also accused me of “recommending” GE stock when I didn’t. And he claims I’m not a millionaire when I am. (Gman can verify this, because I sent him a list of my stocks.) Bob spews a lot of shit. He’s a Republican, what do you expect.
I can’t really understand what Degen is even trying to defend here or why.
It’s non-controversial that Republicans like Degen believe that speech expressing disapproval of or condemnation towards LGBTQ people is “protected expression”. And they’re right. It is. Those protections are not without limits. And they specifically don’t extend to private fora.
And it’s likewise perfectly obvious that right now Ron DeSantis and the GOP nationwide are leading an effort to forbid speech expressing support and encouragement towards LGBTQ people in a broad array of limited public fora. They would obviously like to litigate the question of whether non-traditional expressions about gender can be limited or prohibited in public schools. And simultaneously they’d like to litigate the question of whether certain factual descriptions of the history of civil rights and race in the United States can also be limited or prohibited in public schools. So they’re implementing lots and lots of local laws, ordinances, and policies to test those ideas.
There’s no credible debate about these things, as far as what’s going on. It is what it is. The fact that random fat, angry, impotent cis-gendered heterosexual white men can’t distinguish between traditional public fora, limited public fora, and private fora is entirely to be expected. They are all dumbshits. They think Twitter owes them an account, and that Southwest airlines owes them a seat in coach. Of course they believe they have a right to threaten and harass children. Of course. Obviously.
These are people who think stabbing a police officer in the neck repeatedly with a modified cattle probe and beating him over the head with a fire extinguisher while shrieking “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN” is a stunning example of “patriotism”.
@ 60
And he claims I’m not a millionaire when I am. (Gman can verify this, because I sent him a list of my stocks.)
There are those who can verify that Trump really won in 2020, because they’ll send you a list of their electors.
There are those who can verify that Trump really won in 2020, because they’ll send you a list of their electors.
What??? Does this imply degen is skeptical?? That Biden actually won?
to every deep red-blooded repuke freek in WA state this is blasphemy…
widbee kreepfuk will NEVER NEVER NEVER again contend for a win at teh weekly klonwnservatic pissing kontest at teh local widbee vip room..
shame kreepfuk.. shame… heh…
I’ll probably continue to mask up in airports and in airplanes.
Happy travels to drumpf lovin’ lands where a shithead can get it in its pin head to rip that mask off your face..
Some believe mask wearers are pedos…
This is today’s GQP… You built that..
@61 “I can’t really understand what Degen is even trying to defend here or why.”
Low grade gay-bashing.
Doc can’t bring himself to be a homophobe, so he poses as one.
@61 “They would obviously like to litigate the question of whether non-traditional expressions about gender can be limited or prohibited in public schools.”
It’s not about protecting children from pedophiles, because they’re the pedophiles. It’s about politicizing the Gay Menace.*
* Successor to the Red Menace.
So here’s a question. If homophobic hate speech is protected by the 1A, why isn’t expressing support and encouragement towards LGBTQ people also protected by the 1A?
Answer: “Partisan judges”
@62 Can’t expect a dumbfuck to know the difference between real assets and fake electors.
It doesn’t matter whether you believe Gman’s vouching for my stocks, and I don’t care whether you do. Biden’s in the White House and I’m a millionaire. That’s real. Other folks’ fantasies are their problem and no concern of mine.
@63 “What??? Does this imply degen is skeptical?? That Biden actually won?”
Not really. He’s merely groping for a retort — and failing miserably.
@64 An extension of their belief that only robbers wear masks.
Judge who struck down mask mandate is private Christian college grad, has Claremont ties, worked for Trump’s DoJ, has never tried a case as a courtroom lawyer, was rated “not qualified” by ABA and confirmed on party-line vote, and has been on the bench about 6 months.
I’m thinking this case was forum-shopped.
Sure. He hates gays. We’ve always known that. And he isn’t the least bit reluctant to say so. He’s bigoted as fuck toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans, etc. He says so. Nearly every day. For some reason none of us can quite figure out. It’s something that seems to be always on his mind.
So what?
Somewhere far away someone just like him approached a family and started screaming at and harassing small children because their custodial care givers happen to be the same sex. I don’t see the point in him neeeeeding to make that go away. Since he’s otherwise so fucking proud of his own anti-gay bigotry. See what I mean? It doesn’t make sense.
It implies he recognizes there is something morally wrong about the animus and hatred that explodes out of him here toward gays nearly every single day (along with an overactive preoccupation with penises and anuses). Otherwise he should be cheering on the homophobic asshole on the train, not pretending he doesn’t exist.
I think it’s a year and six months.
She peaked early it would seem. She won’t be going anywhere. In about another 30 years, when she has watched in confused dismay that gradually transforsms into bitter resentment, as younger colleagues with less experience are routinely elevated to to appellate courts and beyond, she will turn that resentment back onto the government attorneys who come before her.
This is good.