As spring comes, I have been walking around town more. And my goodness has the sweeps heavy approach to homeless been not effective. Now whole blocks are lined with tents.
But at least the police are still investigating important things. Oh. Well um. They should probably investigate rape more than harrass homeless people with nowhere to go.
Anyway, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Colorado Republicans have chosen a Big Lie/Stop the Steal/QAnon election denier as their top candidate to face Senator Michael Bennett in his first reelection battle.
So we can probably relax about Colorado.
It’s looking more and more like Republicans will take their best gets in the Senate off the board before the general election even begins.
You assume that Republicans will count the votes of Liberals.
@1 “So we can probably relax about Colorado.”
Sadly no. It is that sort of complacency that leads to Trumpalos getting elected. We need to work hard to absolutely ensure those types of candidates are soundly defeated/rejected.
Okay. I agree we have to make sure Bennett and other vulnerable first termers have all the resources they need.
And there can probably be no greater priority than holding the Senate in 2022. But I don’t agree with bouncing the rubble over delusional piles of shit like Hershel Walker or even Ron Hanks. At least not yet. Democrat’s focus should remain on targeted turnout and profiling our candidates and their considerable accomplishments. We can trust that Trumpers and Never-Trumpers will do most of the dirty work for us in the next eight weeks smearing themselves. They’ll be labeling each other “groomers” before the end of June. There’s a ton of base energy among Republican primary voters. We need to match that in every swing state and district if we can. I’d gladly pay to see Ron Johnson lose in November by 1% if it comes at the cost of narrowing Mark Kelly’s win margin.
I’m not saying CO is safe. But I’m predicting that even Republicans will now begin to look elsewhere for pickups in the Senate. Hanks will be easy to beat. He has no statewide constituency or presence. He’s a giant bigot who has left a long trail of intemperate racist and violent remarks on social media. And he won’t get past the primary without venting lots of crazy. He can’t win the state without taking majorities in the Denver and Springs suburbs. And by the time he makes it out of the primary he will have lost them.
They’ll be labeling each other “groomers” before the end of June.
The only time they’ll both be right about anything.
Civil maybe.
But almost certainly not criminal.
To be a criminal threat it has to be credible, specific, and imminent. Advocating for what a generalized group of people “should” do “whenever” to “whomever” does not meet that standard. There’s even dicta specifically protecting that type of call for violence when it is generalized in that manner and issued in order to emphasize a protected point of view.
Tucker is a piece of shit. And FOX should get ready to hire more lawyers. But nobody is going to jail over this.
Putin and the low IQ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck – always on the same page.
Russian state TV floats ‘revenge plan’ against America that hinges on making Trump president again
God bless Raw Story.
@1 Which one?
@6 Tucker is a Kremlin mouthpiece, which is the same thing as a piece of shit.
It is time:
Time to get ready, get connected, and do your part.
Since Republicans were foolish enough to unleash a pandemic plague on Americans in the middle of an election year, Democrats got very good at virtual, remote, and data driven. It doesn’t matter where you live. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have lots of free time. It doesn’t cost any money. And you don’t need a mask.
Search through opportunities and click through to find a way that you can help produce the winning turnout in the states and districts where it counts right now. Because of so much Republican obstruction and disenfranchisement we need to get going early this year. Right now is already getting late.
We need a 15% increase in primary participation among targeted voters in key states and districts this year. The evidence is overwhelming that voters who register in time for and participate in primaries will turnout in November. Getting to those voters in the next few weeks is crucial.
I need everybody on this. That includes you.
Find an event or opportunity that works for you. Click through. Register. Download the app or log on to the website. Get going this week.
It’s hilarious that a bunch of idiots at hedge funds shorted 140% of the float of Gamestop shares, and a bunch of Reddit stock junkies did enough buying in the stock to create a short squeeze. I guess it’s OK for a bunch of Ivy League hedge fund guys to always make money off of the small investor, but they don’t like it when they do idiotic things like shorting 140% of the float of a stock, and they get their asses kicked by ordinary investors.
The SEC ain’t gonna do anything but side with the hedge fund guys. That is because the SEC people are all a bunch of would-be hedge fund scammers like the bozos that pulled this stunt in the first place.
The hedge funds deserve a good ass-kicking because the fuckers did it to themselves.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Wednesday, 2/10/21 at 11:02 am
However, Trump could stand in the street and randomly shoot 7 people; and Lindsey Graham, a lawyer of sorts, wouldn’t find him guilty of a crime or civilly liable.
That’s why Graham is a senator from a shithole state, and not a judge or senator from a civilized state.
Yeah, that’s right, rodent – just keep using terms like that to describe people with whom you disagree. That’s why they want to fucking kill your worthless ass.
You’re an arrogant fucking clown, rodent. That’s for sure!
12 you fantasize about rabbit being assaulted because he was correct. Sounds Republican.
And the poor thing has been grinding his teeth over it for a full year and two months?
That is just pathetic.
That almost matches how well Steve has burrowed into Degen’s psyche. I guess this is now what it means to be a “conservative”. Helplessly held hostage to all the self-imposed grievances.
TFW: the guy who brought you LAPTOP finally emerges from his “secure location” and even he repudiates LAPTOP!
Even the cosplaying weirdo who first handed it over to them admits that they tampered extensively with the contents.
Degen’s pussy must be sore from this much finger-blasting.
@12 I differ with Putin, too, but wouldn’t use the term “disagree” to describe my differences with him. Would you? He’s a piece of shit, and he can go fuck himself. I wouldn’t hesitate to tell him that to his face.
Graham is a notorious flip-flopper. He says one thing if it’s a Democrat, and the opposite if it’s a Republican. He has no principles, and won’t stick up for any principle; he just does what he thinks South Carolina voters want him to do. Graham is a moral midget because the voters of his state are moral midgets.
So, to rephrase my original post, Trump could stand in the street and randomly shoot 7 people; and the voters of South Carolina wouldn’t find him guilty of a crime or civilly liable. And that makes South Carolina a shithole state.
Dispute that characterization all you like, but I will still insist voters like that are not normal people, do not have values, and a state populated by such people isn’t civilized. It’s a shithole.
Pollsters claim 80% of the Russian people support Putin and his war against Ukraine. If that’s true, they are not normal people and Russia isn’t a civilized country. It’s a shithole.
But they have an excuse: The only information they get is Putin-controlled propaganda. The voters of South Carolina don’t have that excuse. They know what they’re doing when they vote for Graham.
Therefore, I decline to characterize them and their state as something better than they are. They’re shitty voters from a shithole state who elected a shitty senator to represent them. They don’t deserve polite words.
@13 I think he’s onto something. Specifically, he knows something about the people he hangs out with. Unlike me, Goldy doesn’t conceal his identity, and it cost him. When he had his radio show, and was raising his daughter as a single parent, properly I may add, somebody reported him to the police as a child molester and the cops came to his home. Then someone dumped a trailer load of manure in his driveway. PI’s affinity group is capable of this and more. I’m not saying he would resort to violence against me and my family if he could find me, but he clearly hopes someone does. He just said so.
I have to agree with PI about a couple of things. One, Republicans are violent. Two, if you disagree with them, they want to kill you. We know this because they tell us they do. And three, they don’t like being described as what they are. They want to kill us for that, too.
I don’t think we should use polite language to describe or refer to people like that. It’s not appropriate. And besides, PI calls names, so why can’t I, too? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Right in front of his stupid Shortbus troll face Trump bragged to a bus load of complete strangers about getting away with sexual assault. Trump laughed. He was proud. And then when Trump’s minions doubted it Trump went on national television and promised him it was all 100% true.
And a few weeks later the piece of shit troll voted to make Trump president. Shortbus then spent the next four years convincing himself more and more of insanely lurid tales of conspiracy and global evil in order to explain away what he did. Space lasers, cannibal dungeons, “Deep State”, CGI, finger bang, laptop, Stop-the-Steal, “Digital Rain”, Hugo Chavez, tan suit, cock rings, etc. It never ends. It never will.
Shortbus is the shitty voter. All Republicans are. All of them.
None can be redeemed nor are any of them worth the effort.
Total pieces of shit. Cast in permanent historical memory and record by that one moment in October of 2016. Human garbage.
@18 PI isn’t Shortbus. They’re different trolls. Shortbus doesn’t post on HA anymore. He can’t, because he was banned.
@19 Details here:
The real Shortbus posted on Handbill.US, too. This began long before he was kicked off HA, and continued after. I temporarily banned him for comparing Dr. Fauci to Joseph Mengele. (Lara Logan got kicked off Fox for that, so I’m not alone in thinking that crosses a line.) However, at this time nobody is banned from Handbill.US’s comment threads, but comments don’t post because the editor is dead. I moderated them for a while, but decided to just be a contributor, and not try to replace Steve as editor. After all, I can’t imitate him, and it’s still his blog. This works fine for me, because it reduces my workload, and apparently it’s fine with Handbill.US’s readership, which has been rising recently. Most of the incoming comments were spam anyway.
What happens to dumbshits who go to trial:
“A jury in Washington, DC, on Monday found an ex-Virginia police officer guilty on all six charges he faced for his actions around the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021.”
He should’ve taken a plea deal. Now, this is what the sentencing judge will consider:
“During the trial, a DC Metropolitan Police officer testified that a man carrying a stick, who prosecutors say was Robertson, hit him and another officer as they tried to pass through the mob of rioters during the attack. … Prosecutors cited online posts Robertson allegedly wrote a month before the attack where he called for an ‘opened armed rebellion.’ …
“Robertson has been awaiting his trial in jail since July, after investigators said they found a rifle and bomb-making material in his home and learned that he bought another 37 guns on the internet after his original arrest in January 2021.”
The disrespect that Republican fanatics have for our elections is nothing less than mind-boggling.
I wouldn’t mind if you were to call my worthless son Shortbus Jr.
@ 4
But I’m predicting that even Republicans will now begin to look elsewhere for pickups in the Senate.
I’m a Republican and I have thought not once about a Senate seat pickup in CO this year. CNN called it safely Democrat late last month, and I agree. Silly of you to bring it up, QoS McHillbilly. While you’re making priorities of stuff, perhaps consider spelling the last names of your candidates correctly for a change. It’s Bennet. Not Bennett.
It’s GA, AZ, NH, NV, and right now NH is a stretch. That’s the list of potential GOP pickups, and while you frame your ‘prediction’ as if it hasn’t yet occurred to the GOP that these seats are vulnerable ones, the only people you convince with your sage prediction are The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and YLB. They’re the only two on HA who have no fucking idea what’s happening in the world today.
Solid GOP governors Sununu (NH) and Ducey (AZ) decided they like their current jobs. Each would be overwhelming faves had they chosen a Senate race this year instead.
I’d advise y’all HA libbies to wear brown slacks to work tomorrow morning, like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has learned to wear every single day.
White House warns of ‘extraordinarily elevated’ March inflation rate
Perhaps that’s because inflation has predated this war.
YLB so desperately wanted Bidenflation to be a spike. Not gonna happen, Sister. Bidenflation followed by recession followed by both of your kids movin’ in with their mommies again. I read the prediction is for 8.4%. Ouch.
At least y’all voted for this to happen. Enjoy the pain.
@ 21
…it’s fine with Handbill.US’s readership, which has been rising recently. Most of the incoming comments were spam anyway.
Spam isn’t readership, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. The only “readers” who can stomach that garbage are Shortbus and computers.
@ 17
Then someone dumped a trailer load of manure in his driveway.
Stuff piles up right quick – two horses produce 18 tons/yr. Had to do sumthin’ with it.
No pain. The enjoyment is seeing you in pain.
YLB so desperately wanted Bidenflation to be a spike.
LOL!! 3 percent this freek gave to Biden..
2 of which every central bank has a target..
and 1 … awww.. it makes a widbee kreepshit babble and crow…
no fucking idea what’s happening in the world today.
The longer it molders in widbee… the limper and balder it gets…
and closer to “that certain day”.. the day… you all know the rest..
This from the San Francisco Fed
However, without these spending measures[CARES (Trump) and ARP (Biden)], the economy might have tipped into outright deflation and slower economic growth, the consequences of which would have been harder to manage.
A pos from widbee cherry picked from this in a past thread.. and of course left the above out..
Nice try, kreepshit..
First of many to come:
An Oklahoma woman pleaded guilty today in the Western District of New York for a scheme to defraud the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) of over $43.8 million in COVID-19 relief loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
CARES (Trump) fraud… wow.. too much munee chasin’ too few goods = INFLATION…
Oklahoma.. Not a single county there voted for teh black guy.. Biden? Have to look that up.. Nope.. Not a single one for Biden..
@26 The dumbfuck who criticizes other people’s spelling doesn’t realize rabbits wear fur.
@26 The Fed created inflation. Intentionally. For years they said they wanted more inflation. Now they got it and don’t want it. Who put Powell in charge of the Fed?
@27 Even dogs and rats don’t want your garbage. But maybe the Chinese will take your horseshit, and use it to fill in another atoll.
@28 That was 15 years ago. What have been you doing with it since? You should have about 240 tons in your front yard by now. I guess it’s not the Chinese who are filling in the tidelands around Whidbey Island.
Multiple people shot, 13 injuries at a Brooklyn Subway Station. Manhunt underway.
Due to the increased ethanol levels in gasoline now permitted by First Vegetable Joe Biden, a shortage of pet food containing corn products is expected.
This is counterproductive for people like ‘froggy, who still cannot make ends meet on $32.25/hr and is force to chow down on Ol’ Roy kibble every day.
36)Depends on the breed, or in the case of my late basenjis, the individual dog.
We’re about three months of Bidenflation away from hitting double digits.
Former president Donald Trump arrested!
Just kidding. They got a Democrat instead.
New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin Arrested for Alleged Campaign-Finance Scheme
Lee Zeldin smiles, just a little bit.
Whaddaboud the looooooming papier-mâché shortage?
The thing you gotta love about Republicans is they never stop fuckin’ that chicken. Imagine being the Daily Dot intern making your youth pastor/abuser proud for having discovered this nugget.
Hochul’s choice of Benjamin for Lt. Governor is the worst decision since Biden’s choice of Momala for the bottom of the Democrat ticket in 2020.
Although at least Momala’s not a criminal. Incompetent and really, really bad at her job, but not a criminal. Not yet, anyway.
Having dumped their public editor in favor of “Twitter” (???) and now having revised their Twitter policy to phase it out, I suppose I should have seen this coming from NYT:
Read at your peril before the paywall goes up. NYT Opinion Editor assigns his deputy and a senior staff assistant to impanel eight “conservative” men in a 90 minute focus group to vent their feels about Murica. What follows is 3500 words of unendurable toxic masculinity and overt racism.
For our edification.
Beware. NYT is going Murdoch.
@ 44
Beware. NYT is going Murdoch.
Beware. Democrats are going Che.
Previews of the 2024 RNC nominating convention:
Only with fewer assault rifles.
Yesterday was the deadline for submitting petitions for the NY gubernatorial Democrat primary.
This sent NY politicos scrambling over to Jersey to see how their lessers handled things with The Torch.
@41. So… a post that Rule Of Law only applies to Democrats.
According to Degen, last year Democrats were “going Hugo Chavez.” And invisible Joo Space Laser too.
I know. It’s hard to keep up.
“A Democrat got arrested…”
A murderer is their state’s top law enforcement officer.
And they totes cool with it.
So far, non-life threatening injuries. 5 of 16 injured are in critical but stable condition.
@ 50
A murderer is their state’s top law enforcement officer.
Three misdemeanors. Shoulda gone with Noem’s daughter instead.
But you do you, QoS McHillbilly.
Surprisingly, she wasn’t speaking about her Lt. Governor and current running mate.
How prescient it was of QoS McHillbilly to predict @ 4, 25 that the GOP would look at races other than CO Senate for pickups.
Since Hillbilly sees things before everyone else, perhaps he would like to make the GOP aware of the situation in Nevada, where prospects for Democrat candidates are quickly diminishing:
RGJ poll: GOP hopefuls gain edge on Cortez Masto, Sisolak as voters’ mood over economy sinks
This will worsen as 1) worsening inflation news creeps into the thoughts of the voters 2) worsening illegal immigration creeps into the neighborhoods and back yards of the voters 3) worsening cognitive function in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s brain is increasingly more difficult to ignore 4) Hunter Biden is indicted for being the POS that the NY Post made clear before the election that he has always been.
@44. Some nuggets
“Danny: Nobody follows rules or laws. Stop signs are voluntary. Red lights are voluntary. Nobody gets punished for doing the wrong thing anymore.”
>> On this we agree, but I don’t think we are thinking about the same lawbreakers.
“”We reward mediocrity.”
>> When I was a kid this was code for Affirmative action and hiring women. Does it still mean that?
“Tony: This country has become more feminized. It’s not the way it was when I was growing up. We started off talking about how the country has a weak image. They don’t call women the weaker sex for no reason. Men are necessary to maintain a vibrant society. And we’ve been feminized.”
>> No words.
To me, it read like eight guys pining for a time when their roles were more rigid in a way that they were the top dogs. Now they have to share, and be more tolerant, and people they think are less them them, won’t put up with their bullshit and they feel threatened by the changes.
Three misdemeanors.
>> Because Rule of Law does not apply to Republicans
@ 55
“”We reward mediocrity.”
>> When I was a kid this was code for Affirmative action and hiring women. Does it still mean that?
No, today it means choosing someone to be a heartbeat away from the presidency solely because nobody else checks three boxes.
55)I’ve been splashed by motorists that take the turn onto MLK from Rainier at high speed. Too bad the school zone rule doesn’t apply to Rainier Ave. These people who only follow the rules to pass the test wouldn’t follow it either.
@ 55
“”We reward mediocrity.”
>> When I was a kid this was code for Affirmative action and hiring women. Does it still mean that?
No, today it means pretending that the dude who just won the NCAA womens swimming event isn’t really a dude who was mediocre at best when he was swimming against other dudes.
@ 55
“”We reward mediocrity.”
>> When I was a kid this was code for Affirmative action and hiring women. Does it still mean that?
No, it means installing the most cognitively challenged, least intelligent candidate as a party’s nominee for president because the smartest guy in the room isn’t acceptable to black voters.
Whitey Privilege IS A LIE!!!!!
@ 55
Nobody follows rules or laws. Stop signs are voluntary.
Yup. In Colorado for cyclists, anyway.
It’s called progress. On I-25 the speed limit is 75 mph, too.
Trust me.
Danny is beside himself with an inexpressible rage over the saggy pants.
It’s eight guys who feel “victimized” because their views are no longer the default, privileged views.
“I was mentioning to someone in my office about the president appointing a Supreme Court nominee. It was an African American woman. And I was saying, “That’s the most racist thing you could do. What if somebody else was good? What if they were Asian?””
I feel like I’ve heard this one somewhere before.
Joe: I feel that social media destroyed a lot of the culture that we had. Things used to be private, or people just said things, and then they regret it after.
Then later on-
Joe: During the pandemic, we decided to make a WhatsApp group. And the group grew to what it is today, of like 35 guys that mostly share the same views. And we just talk to each other all day, and everybody says what’s on their mind. We don’t hold back.
Completely fucking clueless.
There ought to be some way of visibly identifying these people. Some sort of highly visible marker that you can spot from a safe distance. Maybe some kind of brightly colored hat.
Seen on Marketwatch’s site:
If AOC ever becomes president this issue would go away, because she’d simply stop talking about it.
Reverend Al, on Morning Joe:
A problem for HA libbies this is not. YLB has made her living with her nose in her vajazzling jewels when the topic of inner city kids dying at the hands of other inner city kids comes up.
Meanwhile, deep in the heart of
TexasHouston:Three of Lina Hidalgo’s aides, including chief of staff, indicted in Harris County contract award scandal
Time to take down YLB’s vajazzling twin.
Harris County “Republicans pounce” alert:
Until today, Lina Hidalgo may have been the most powerful Democrat in Texas.
Sheila Jackson Lee could not be reached for comment.
Beto has officially changed his stage name to Robert.
the topic of inner city kids dying at the hands of other inner city kids comes up.
Heh. And what did repukes do to protest racial covenants and redlining?
And racist policing that brutalized minorities when it wasn’t ignoring violent crime in the redlined communities.
Oh all that was ok w/ widbee kreepshit formerly of toonertown..
Thank you for demonstrating to us all your willful ignorance idiot spawn of white privilege.
Heh… this from a kreepshit who is obsessed w/ analyzzing..
thanks for the laughs..
One less Aristocrat in the world today.
Rest in vulgar filth, Gilbert Gottfried.
Fat cow alert:
The Jolt: Internal poll shows Brian Kemp close to outright primary win, despite Trump fight
No, not her. Trump.
Two Florida Men Plead Guilty to $35 Million COVID-19 Relief Fraud Scheme
Wow drumpf act fraud.. Bonzo’s favorite econo uncle miltie said too much munee chasin’ too few goods = INFLATION..
Bet they are big fans of klown “nosaygay” desatanist.. shoveled it munee…
It’s almost enough to make Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ashamed of his fellow liberals.
Seattle’s transit system struggles as riders refuse to pay
POS liberals are forcing Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to pay taxes he cannot afford so that they can ride light rail for “free”.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit must arm.
@40 “We’re about three months of Bidenflation away from hitting double digits.”
Yes, a dumbfuck who doesn’t read news and therefore doesn’t know the Fed has opted for tightening over stimulus, and doesn’t know how quantitative tightening works or have any understanding at all of what effect raising interest rates and rolling off Fed balance sheet assets has on inflation, would say that.
The rest of us, especially those of us who actually read Barrons instead of merely using it as computer wallpaper to convince themselves they possess some smidgeon of financial literacy, expect inflation to peak in March and April and then proceed on a downward trajectory, although there’s still some debate over how long it will take to hit 3% (some say year-end, others say 2023).
Put out to pasture widbee pos @ 77 repeats faux snooze propaganda..
We paid $143 for tabs last year.. Big whup..
High property taxes? Fact of life here in WA State that doesn’t tax incomes. Grow the fuck up and/or reform the tax system.
What else? High alcoholic beverage and pot taxes.. Way more than in states like Cali.
ST will get stricter on fare enforcement. Just a matter of timing.
Big yawwn on kreepshit’s copypasta..
@41 Let the chips fall where they will. If he’s guilty, then remove him from office and punish him according to the law.
Same for corrupt Republicans. Obviously, the rules should be the same for everyone, and apply the same to everyone.
Republicans don’t think so, but Democrats do. That’s another of many differences between us and them. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same; the former are morally and ethically superior to the latter.
@42 You’d think they’d get tired. Maybe we could figure out how to harness that energy and pump it into the grid. Closest thing there is to a perpetual motion machine.
YLB @ 76 had no way of knowing this because, being the unserious twat that she is, she did nothing more than cut-and-paste something she thinks she can blame Trump for, but her little news item was actually a conspiracy among a group of people including numerous business representatives of professional football players.
There’s a web of interlinked fraud and YLB’s news item is only a small part of that.
One of the fraudsters mentioned in YLB’s link is a former NFL receiver:
Here’s another fraudster,
And another NFLer:
Click on another link and you find yourself with an article about this south FL rapper:
What you’ll find is that this was a conspiracy among a group of people, largely in the sports and entertainment industry, to commit fraud to enrich themselves and their friends. YLB would have been less mirthful had she realized that she was celebrating the convictions and sentencing of a bunch of fraudsters who vote Democrat. Live and learn. Unless you’re an unserious twat like YLB.
@82 LOL!!! CARES (TRUMP) ACT Fraud..
a group of people, largely in the sports and entertainment industry, to commit fraud to enrich themselves and their friends.
Like Kanye… amirite?
Uncle Miltie sez too much munee chasin’ too few goods = INFLATION..
Thanks for the laughs…
Two Texas Men And One Oregon Man Charged With Fraud Scheme To Obtain Over $14 Million In Covid-Relief Loans
From teh law n’ order state of TexASS… CARES (TRUMP) ACT fraud…
‘member what bonzo’s fav uncle miltie said – too much munee chasin’ too goods = INFLATION…
And kreepshit attributed 3 percent of the inflation rate to Biden, two of which has long been a target of central banks..
which leaves a big whup of 1 percent spit between CARES and ARP.. awwww.. sux to be you kreepshit… Keep “ANALyzzing”…
@ 83
…too much munee chasin’ too few goods = INFLATION..
Bizarrely, Democrats still want to pump another $6 trillion into the market, and are trying to end-around Manchin so that they can do it.
While YLB puts on her best cheerleading uniform to shout “Yay!” while they do it.
A thought just occurred to me. Suppose your Republican neighbor is a garage tinkerer who’s in the process of inventing an electric scooter that recharges its own batteries. And you try to make him realize he’s wasting his time because it defies the laws of physics; he’s trying to invent a perpetual motion machine. Then he angrily insists that science is all a big lie, physicists are liars, and it will work because he believes it will, and believing plus elbow grease is all it takes to make something work. He’s impervious to facts and reason, and can’t be budged off his conviction that he’s on the cusp of inventing a working perpetual motion machine.
That sure sounds like the 80% of Republicans who believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the 2020 election was stolen by massive voting fraud and vote machine rigging by a dead Venezuelan dictator.
@45 “Democrats are going Che.”
Totally fact-free, completely picked out of your ass. You’ve having a bad day, even for you. What happened? Did you step in 18 tons of horse manure?
Bizarrely, Democrats still want to pump another $6 trillion into the market, and are trying to end-around Manchin so that they can do it.
Heh. Now kreepshit is getting desperate.. Only way to end run Manchin is to do what Manchin said.. elect more liberals..
Else accept way less than “half a loaf”.. amirite?
6 trillion? Over 10 years.. An investment in ordinary Americans so they’ll be more productive citizens as opposed to making the rich richer through tax breaks, tax expenditures, letting them pollute and rip off poor Americans to their heart’s content.. We’ve done that for decades? How’d it work out?
How much do we piss away on failures like the F-35? What else? Star Wars? Iraq and Afghanistan? Gotta make another list..
Executive muscle.
She won’t admit it, of course, but DeSantis makes YLB moist.
but DeSa[ta]ntis[t] makes
nada for kreepshit save for hopeless hope.. affirm clinic yields diminishing returns..
SAD! teh pissin’ away of kreepshit’s munee…
Gee Bob, it’s like Halliburton never got a no-bid contract from the US Government when their former CEO was VPOTUS. Especially after their former CEO pushed to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9-11.
@52 “Three misdemeanors” for killing a guy and then driving away. What’s wrong with that picture?
@57 It’s not new. Dan Quayle.
I have my own theory about GOP vice presidential candidates. They’re impeachment insurance: “If you impeach me, you get this guy.” George H.W. Bush played that game. Trump tried to play it, but it didn’t work for him, because he made even Pence look better.
@ 91
…Halliburton never got a no-bid contract from the US Government when their former CEO was VPOTUS.
1. Any indictments in that Halliburton example?
2. Does the Halliburton thing make what happened in Texas OK to you? Is fraud today tolerable because, regardless of what was found when it was investigated contemporaneously, you just know in your heart that what happened during the Bush43 administration wasn’t right?
Newt, it’s time to take off the pink pussy hat, don’t you think?
Newt is very conflicted about Dick Cheney, who
• married a woman who, despite holding a PhD, never insisted on being called “Doctor” like the woman who currently acts like there is nothing wrong with her famous husband’s POS children.
• supported gay marriage well before Biden did, and while Hillary and Barack claimed that marriage is between a man and a woman
gave birth tosired one of the small number of Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.• unlike First Vegetable Joe Biden, didn’t die while in office.
it’s time to take off the pink pussy hat
Heh.. kreepshit wears a brown pucker hat.. an “asshat” perhaps?
heh.. and proudly…
@62 “only when safe to do so”
Superficially, it’s tempting to suspect this looks better on paper than it works in real life. But would a legislature do this, without input from traffic engineers who’ve studied the matter?
From the article you quoted, leaving out (as per your usual practice) material facts:
“Eight states have adopted the practice as state law. In Delaware, state police said bicycle crashes with vehicles dropped by 23% while all other crashes involving bicycles fell by 8% 30 months after adopting the measure in 2017. It reaffirmed the law in 2021. Other states that have adopted the measure have also shown intersection crash declines of varying percentages.”
So, the law you’re deriding is a safety measure that reduces car-bicycle accidents, or so it seems based on data and real-life experience.
It also seems you’re more interested in scoring cheap rhetorical points than being right about anything. But isn’t that all Republicans?
@64 One African-American woman in 200 years doesn’t strike me as excessive catering to an identity group. Especially when the person selected has qualifications superior to most of the people who’ve ever served on that bench.
@65 Nathaniel Hawthorne had an idea for that in 1850.
@66 Deadbeat medical student?
@67 Remind me when Republicans gave a shit about black kids getting killed in their own neighorhoods. I can’t remember such a time.
Sigh, what a fucking moron you are. I’m not conflicted at all about Dick Cheney, aka “Darth Cheney.” What does his offspring have to do with no-bid contracts? Nothing.
You left out Cheney shooting a hunting partner and that Dick condones torture.
True, no indictments in the Halliburton contracts, other than the giving the high stench of impropriety.
What the folks in your original post did was wrong, they got caught, and now have to pay the price. I don’t have any issue with that. That is the difference between your tribe and ours, we don’t have a problem having justice served when someone from out tribe breaks the law and is afforded due process. If a conviction comes, so be it. You and your ilk will go to the ends of the earth to say , “move along, nothing to see here.”
Another joke The Even Bigger Fucking Moron doesn’t get.
@77 “POS liberals are forcing Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to pay taxes he cannot afford so that they can ride light rail for ‘free’.”
As a disabled veteran, my car license is free. I pay zero car taxes. Even you could afford that.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has always wanted to be one of The Aristocrats.
@ 104 How much grey matter did they have to take, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@79 “High property taxes? Fact of life here in WA State that doesn’t tax incomes.”
Washington property taxes aren’t high compared to numerous other states. Using this online calculator, the owner of a hypothetical $600,000 home would pay $5,580 in King County vs. a national average of $6,420 and $14,220 in New York, $13,680 in Connecticut, $10,920 in Texas, and $11,460 in Wisconsin.
Washington has the nation’s most regressive state taxes, but the regressivity is in things like the sales tax and gas tax that are disproportionately paid by poor people, who tend not to be homeowners anyway.
The spectacle of Trumpaloompa idiots like Degen celebrating evidence that the Never-Trump wing may finally be catching up to them warms my heart and fills me with mirth.
I would still not credit any Never-Trumper with doing the right thing in a general election. But I bet a whole metric shit ton of them, when confronted by a November ballot littered with mutant bridge troll garbage like MTG, simply toss it and save the postage.
He claimed self defense.
The Republican AG claimed the pedestrian tried to kill him by diving head first into his windshield at 75 mph.
That matched the “forensics” and seemed a very reasonable explanation to his own employees who were assigned to investigate the crash.
@77 I’ve always been deeply distrustful of Sound Transit, meaning the people who manage it, the board, and their slick salesmen.
The light rail system here is vastly more expensive per mile than any other mass transit system built, and it was sold to voters with deception, half-truths, and outright lies.
I remember attending the early dog-and-pony shows they put on to peddle the ST 1 ballot measure. Where they handed out glossy brochures and did slide shows. And talked about how great it was going to be. And, above all, lowballed the costs and deceived the public about the taxes they would pay.
They said, “These are the taxes you’ll pay.” But that was only for Phase 1, and there was always going to be a Phase 2. The Phase 3 may have been tacked on later, but it too was as inevitable as rain in Seattle.
After voters ponied up for Phase 1, they came back with the tin cup for ST 2, and then again for ST 3, each of which piled on more taxes. I very much doubt voters would have approved Phase 1 if they’d had any inkling of how much ST would eventually hit them up for. The ST honchos and PR flacks misled them from the get-go.
Some years ago I posted on HA that light rail would cost every King County household $28,000 spread over 25 years, i.e. more than $1,000 per year. I got that figure by dividing the projected cost of the project by the number of King County households. How many people would vote to tax themselves $28,000 for a light rail system many will never use, and some won’t live to see completed? The whole thing, that is the funding of it, and the way it was put over on the public, and the way voters were blindsided by the slick operators promoting it, reeked of a con job.
I also raised questions about their ridership projections, which seemed inflated and probably were, and the lack of parking near light rail stations. They projected, as I recall, 122,000 riders a day or something like that. Is ST going to provide 90,000 parking spaces for commuters (allowing for some carpooling)? Nowhere close. My neighborhood station will have parking for 500 cars. To me that means they’ll get about 700 daily riders from that station, not 10,000 or 12,000 or whatever they projected. I can tell you right now I’ll never ride the light rail if I have to depend on street parking a mile away just to get on the train.
And then there’s this: Light rail was peddled as a solution to traffic congestion, but I’d bet that 90% of the people who voted for it on that basis thought in terms of other people riding it so they could enjoy less traffic in their daily car commutes.
I’ve never been a fan of ST’s light rail, at least not how it was funded, and I voted “no” on every ST ballot measure. So if you want to pick on ST supporters, you’d better find yourself some other rabbit.
However, if I could vote to make you pay those taxes, I would do so in a heartbeat. I have no doubt that when light rail reaches Snohomish County, you’ll park your F-350 there, hop on, and ride it to sporting events paying a fare subsidized by King-Pierce-Snohomish taxpayers, and bitching the whole distance about disabled vet “free riders”.
@82 I think all thieves belong in jail, regardless of party affiliation. I wish Republicans felt the same way.
@85 “Democrats still want to pump another $6 trillion into the market”
You’re referring to the federal budget that buys stuff? According to this “logic,” every time you buy groceries you’re “pumping money into the market.” So just stop.
@89 I guess we’ll find out whether checks and balances still offer a modicum of protection for democracy. Early indications from the underhandedly empaneled and unrepresentative conservative majority on the Supreme Court aren’t encouraging.
A Republican is someone who wants to force his rape victim to raise his child without public assistance so she’ll have to work 3 low-wage jobs. It’s critically important to fill those $2.13-an-hour positions.
@94 “1. Any indictments in that Halliburton example?”
Republican AGs don’t indict Republican VPs for corruption. Didn’t you know that?
@105 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has always wanted to be one of The Aristocrats.”
Not true. I have no use for tuxedoes, tea parties, or debutante parties.
I want none of the trappings of aristocracy, only the idle sloth and creature comforts, which is why I gave up productive work to become a bloodsucking capitalist.
@106 I didn’t have to give them any bodily tissue or fluids. I just filled out a form and gave them a copy of my VA disability award letter. I got a handicapped parking placard, too.
I don’t get worked up about the 1.4% ST tax, like doc does about a tax he doesn’t even pay. I can easily afford it on the rare occasions I make a taxable purchase. (Rabbits don’t need a lot of consumer goods.) I’m more concerned about the capital gains taxes I’ll have to pay when I cash in my rapidly inflating oil and defense stocks. I can afford those taxes, too, I just don’t like paying them. I’m a free rider like doc, except he gets out of paying taxes by not having taxable income. He lives on his wife’s social security and breakfast eggs from the chicken coop behind the house, although it should be noted that fucking the chickens interferes with egg production.
The “gubmit spends too much” shibboleth of “conservatism” feels more than a little bit thread-worn after a mere four years of Ben Carson’s 15,000 credenzas and Mike Pompeo’s Net-Jets coke weekends in Paris. They crawled on their knees in rapture before Her Supreme Royal Highness Princess Goya von Nepotism when she arranged for a $4,000,000+ photo op with an upside-down bible for “Daddy”.
It was never any problem at all when Trump was insisting on putting his signature on the checks. Nor was it any problem when the checks were paying for hush money for the bruised and beaten girlfriends either.
This crying from “conservatives” is a symphony to my ears.
And that’s the GOP narrative or spin on how Repukes want to make. Like they have no responsibility for any crime with their inaction or fight against action on improving anything.
And I respect Al Sharpton. I even agree with many of his statements and beliefs, but he also has to hold people accountable in those communities and throughout for bettering themselves an being accountable too.
Remember Bob, many African American Repukes would disagree with Sharpton and agree on personal accountability.
@119 They’re social conservatives, not fiscal conservatives. They’re focused on upholding Puritan values (dunking stools for nagging wives, stringing up “witches,” branding adulterers’ foreheads, etc. — with waivers for when they do it).
@119 They’re social conservatives, not fiscal conservatives. They’re focused on upholding Puritan values (dunking stools for nagging wives, stringing up “witches,” branding adulterers, etc. — with waivers for when they do it).
At least one US Attorney (for the District of Maryland) did.
Doc can split hairs all he wants on this, but Spiro Agnew was one corrupt SOB and got nailed for it while he was VPOTUS. Granted, he did his corruption while he was the Governor of Maryland, but none the less, a sitting Republican Vice President of the US plead “no contest” to tax evasion and resigned from the office of VPOTUS.
Agnew, Nixon, Haig, Rumsfeld, and Cheney, the whole lot of them R’s, were corrupt.
Only Ford was a decent guy and look what happened to him, he served even less than Carter.
No, Marge, it’s not over. It will never be over. It will live in infamy.
@ 116
@105 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has always wanted to be one of The Aristocrats.”
Not true. I have no use for tuxedoes, tea parties, or debutante parties.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, google “Gilbert Gottfried Aristocrats”.
Bob, what you fail to understand about that joke is that its sole purpose, its only real reason for existing, was to provide club comics with a way to kill time between sets testing each other, especially the newer, younger comics.
It’s not actually funny. That’s really not its point.
Great comedy creates intimacy between the comic and the audience. Superficially at least, when told in front of a club audience, that joke builds a wall. The audience is repulsed. People walk out.
It works back stage because of who the audience is in the green room. They’re all in on it. They’ve heard a thousand versions of it before. So there they are appreciating a fellow pro and seeing how far he/she can take it. In that way, when told back stage among a group of other comedians, it creates its own intimacy within that group.
@ 125
They’ve heard a thousand versions of it before.
No shit, Sherlock.
This kid is a mathematician and a physicist in the same vein that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a millionaire.
@124 Why did you expect me to pick up on that? I don’t click on your links.
@126 Well, now we know what movies the medical school-trained troll spends his free time, which he has a lot of, watching.
I don’t even have time to watch the new 007 flick. I have a blog to run and a 7-figure stock portfolio to manage.
@127 What’s the relevance of that? The thing is, millionaires don’t need to know squat about mathematics (beyond addition and subtraction), physics, or biology. They don’t need to work, either, which is the whole point and purpose of being a millionaire.
I don’t work. It’s apparent you don’t, either. We’re both leeches living on other people’s work. (Workers, if you didn’t know, create all the wealth — all of it. No workers, no wealth.)
It’s also apparent I’m better schooled in biology than you are, despite your med school training; I fuck my own species.
And fwiw, Ben Shapiro’s bumper-sticker approach to biology may score points with the shallow thinkers who populate his audiences, but it wouldn’t impress a middle school biology teacher. And if you asked him about string theory, he’d probably produce a ball of string.
Instead of confronting the stupidity and ignorance at the heart of Shapiro’s argument, I prefer to confront the underlying premise.
Shapiro and other “conservatives” would have you believe that there exists a well-developed conspiracy among parents, physicians, and educators, working together in secret behind the scenes and somehow “out of public view”, using library books, “coercive coded language”, and “genital mutilation”, to “change boys into girls and girls into boys”.
That is literally a very straightforward and fair description of their premise, and the “danger” they are so alarmed about. Really.
It’s delusional. Deeply so. Not just lacking in credibility. But incredibly and really shockingly paranoid.
Aside from whatever this says bout the cynicism of “conservatives” to exploit and really do harm to young children for political gain, I’m more impressed by the degree of full blown paranoia this demonstrates, fully embraced at every level and in every corner of “conservatism” and The Republican Party now. They’ve gone insane. It’s a paranoid delusion overtaking and controlling them. And we all need to recognize how dangerous that makes them.
@ 132
They’ve gone insane. It’s a paranoid delusion overtaking and controlling them.
If you believe that Loudon County is a one-off, then perhaps.
The thing is, it’s not paranoia when they’re really out to get you. Terry McAuliffe said what he truly thinks, out loud, and the entire conservative nation was listening when he said it.
the entire conservative nation was listening when he said it.
As I recall, he said parents shouldn’t determine the curriculum.. Here’s what ha trolls would want kids to learn throughout the school day at their voucher schools:
@ 134
YLB is nothing if not consistent. She was an unserious twat in 2007, and she’s an unserious twat in 2022.
[Deleted and moved to new thread]
@133 My guess is few conservatives other than professional political operatives know who Terry McAuliffe is; at best, it’s a name they heard “somewhere” that’s somehow associated with the broad liberal plot to “destroy America.”
McAuliffe was right when he said parents shouldn’t determine the curriculum. Educators spend years in college learning what to teach kids and how to teach it. Delegating this function to parents would produce graduates who think ivermectin cures Covid-19.