Good morning. I am not sure that Inslee’s announcement of easing mask mandates at large outdoor spaces is the right call. Especially if he’s talking about further repealing the indoor mandates. I do want to see that at some point, but we’re still in the middle of it. I am glad he is being more cautious than many other governors, even Democratic governors.
Masks are a slight inconvenience, but people act like the sky is falling. It’s much worse to spread COVID-19. Let alone catch it.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
QoS McHillbilly assured us we wouldn’t be hearing about First Vegetable Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal after September.
As long as Team Biden continues to tell us to believe them rather than our lyin’ eyes, we’re gonna be hearing about it.
Declassified Afghanistan reports back U.S. commanders who said Biden team was indecisive during crisis
There must have been a WaPo reporter in the briefing room on Friday, because this report came out on Saturday. It’s nice when even left-leaning reporters are sick of being lied to their faces by Team Biden, isn’t it?
Biden’s either cognitively impaired or incompetent and uncaring – depends on how long it’s been since his last nap.
We’re still talking about Afghanistan, QoS McHillbilly. We’re gonna be talking about it for a long, long time.
First Vegetable Joe Biden rejects every report, regardless of source, which indicates that his decisions WRT Aghanistan were disastrous.
Senility is a sad disconnect from reality.
@1, 2 Didn’t you get the memo, you stupid fucking traitor? You’re supposed to be praising Putin today, just like your raging orange man-baby-squeeze.
Trump praises ‘tough’ and ‘smart’ Putin while attacking Biden as Russia prepares to go to war
Get with the fucking program, you low IQ stupe.
God bless Raw Story.
Republicans now yearn with an unquenchable blood thirst for bigger and better Forever Wars.
Degen Bob supports Pentagon careerists who want re-engagement in Afghanistan.
And the Orange-soaked GQP wants a “limited nuclear exchange” in the Black Sea.
Remember that these are the same people who prefer shoving flashlights up their asses, drinking aquarium cleaner, and spooning down horse paste to the TYRANNY of miraculously safe and effective vaccines.
Let ’em talk. The more they talk the better.
@ 3
I suppose I could refer to First Vegetable Joe Biden as “tough” and “smart“, Steve, but neither of those words truthfully apply to our president.
Our president is disconnected and incompetent.
Know who would be tough and smart?
Mayor Pete.
Those were not the people Democrats chose to nominate, Steve. Which is a pity, really.
Know who else would be tough and smart?
Unfortunately she would also be corrupt. She’s also not in the mix because she’s unelectable due to her exposed corruption, not to mention her corruption that has yet to be proven.
Indeed, God Bless RawStory. If not for RawStory, after all, Steve would have nothing to parrot.
@ 4
Degen Bob supports Pentagon careerists who want re-engagement in Afghanistan.
I respect Leon Panetta, who said we’re gonna have to go back in. I wouldn’t call him a Pentagon careerist. Former presidents Clinton and Obama certainly respect Leon Panetta.
Panetta served in Congress for 16 years and ran the Budget committee. He was tapped by Clinton to run OMB. He became Clinton’s CoS and was part of the successful re-election team.
That background wasn’t Pentagon stuff. It was that noted warmonger Obama who brought Panetta into the CIA and Defense Department. So blame Obama for Panetta’s decision to speak truth about the disaster that was First Vegetable Joe Biden’s exit from Afghanistan.
Leon Panetta would have made an awesome president. Unfortunately, he is in his 80s now.
“Tough and smart” doesn’t describe your orange hero either. However “corrupt” does and it fits him better than it does Hillary.
How many of Trump’s inner circle and close associates have been indicted and convicted? Now compare and contrast to Hillary.
Trump wants to be just a strong-man just like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Why anyone would vote for Trump and his ilk is unfathomable. Yet you defend him and shill for him.
I finally understand why the Evangelical voters support Trump. On the surface it seem incongruous that they would support a mysogynist and serial liar like Trump, but what they really like is the petty and vengeful person that he is because it is much like the petty and vengeful God that Evangelicals like to follow in their interpretation of the Bible.
If Trump had actually read the Bible he held, he might have come across Proverbs 16:18
West Texas Intermediate crude oil
closedis trading today above $95/bbl, up more than 2%.First Vegetable Joe Biden did that. Who says he doesn’t have any notable accomplishments?
@ 7
“Tough and smart” doesn’t describe your orange hero either.
“Unpredictable” is a reasonable description of Trump. Sometimes that’s good enough. Soleimani didn’t predict what Trump did.
Come to think of it, neither did #CrookedHillary.
You could have had Scott Walker or Jeb!, but you chose the Putin-loving fascist traitor instead. Twice! Such a pity, huh?
You can’t name any corruption any more than you could identify a crime. But go ahead and repeat this 8,000 times and then follow the lead of your raging orange man-baby and Gym Jordan and call for the execution of Hillary’s associates.
Three words for you, you stupid low IQ fuck. News aggregation website. But go ahead and repeat this 8,000 more times like the low IQ stupe traitor you are.
Just a few weeks ago he was all for sacrificing our troops in defense of Ukraine. Then he got the memo. From Putin. The low IQ stupe traitor hasn’t mentioned Ukraine since.
Pastor Newt @ 7 referenced the Scripture verse, “Pride goeth before the fall.” in reference to Trump.
While that verse may apply to Trump, it applies much better to #CrookedHillary.
A week before the election she was campaigning in Arizona and Georgia, Newt. To expand her electoral map. That’s how certain she was that she would win.
That’s how far that evil, crooked woman fell, and she took Democrats with her.
Coney Barrett.
Think on your sins, motherfuckers.
I saw Logan’s Run the other day for the first time in years. I had forgotten how it ended in the ruins of our nation’s Capitol. It ended with legitimate political discourse taking place in the Senate chamber as Michael York beat antagonist Richard Jordan to death with a flag pole.
Fine. You’re going to pay for your sins with your fucking life.
@ 12
I only remember the brief glimpse of the actress’ breasts. I saw that movie in the theater when it was released. Other than Olivia Hussey’s in Romeo and Juliet, which I had to have my parent’s signed authorization to see in English class because of them, it was the first time I saw exposed breasts on the silver screen.
Steve sees breasts and thinks Donald Trump. Steve brushes his teeth and thinks Donald Trump. Steve will gasp “Donald Trump” with his last breath.
Writing really stupid shit is your comfort zone, obviously, but it will not save you. You will soon pay for your sins.
@ 14
Steve sees breasts and thinks Donald Trump. Steve brushes his teeth and thinks Donald Trump. Steve will gasp “Donald Trump” with his last breath.
Now that I think about it, so will #CrookedHillary.
The next (and last) time was a cadaver. And now you’re fast running out of time. If you’re ever going to get some pussy in this life, you’d better get on with it.
I’m not a pastor, you can drop that silly inference. The Bible is a book, so is the Bhagavad Gita (I’ve read that too).
Being a liberal (not the political definition) I’ve read many religious texts to try an understand the want/need of people to believe in a higher being. That doesn’t make me a pastor.
You claim to be a chuch-going man of faith, you are merely a hypocrite and not a true follower of Christianity as you profess. Your written word here is proof of that.
What really describes Donald is a narcissistic, sociopathic pathological liar.
Donald only cares about one thing, himself. Don’t ever forget that.
Trump was so certain he would win he tried to make sure by formulating a plan to ensure he would stay POTUS. Losing is not in his vernacular, so he plotted to ensure he “won”.
Hillary may have made a miscalculation and spent time traveling to places that might have made a difference. Trump on the other hand plotted to subvert an election and tried to overthrow a fair democratic election, leaving a stain on the legacy of the United States far greater than the “pride” that Hillary showed in her campaign strategy.
The two “falls” are nowhere near equal, yet you continually try and make it so. It shows just how weak pathetic your attempts are.
Stuff you’ll read about from your own sources in a couple of months.
Former DNI Ratcliffe told Durham intelligence supports ‘multiple’ indictments in probe: sources
It was bad enough that Obama was briefed about it:
Three indictments so far:
I can wait for the rest.
No, you can’t. You’re fast running out of time, traitor.
@ 18
You claim to be a chuch-going man of faith…
Show me where I have ever made that claim. I’m not. I’m agnostic.
We’ve probably all been dragged to a service in a church, synagogue, or the like every so often – wedding, funeral service, christening, whatever. Going to something like that shows respect for whomever issued the invitation.
I’ve never – not yet, anyway – been inside a Whidbey Island church or other religious establishment. I don’t think it counts if I attended a vaccination event held in a church parking lot.
BTW the Park ‘n Ride parking lot in Freeland is shared with the parking lot of a church. That doesn’t count, either.
@ 18
Donald only cares about one thing, himself. Don’t ever forget that.
The Clintons only care about one thing: themselves. Don’t ever forget that.
Each of them have experienced their comeuppance. Don’t be fooled into believing Trump’s was unprecedented.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are each self-serving, very bad people. By now too many voters have realized that for either of them to win a national election. And yet neither of them will go away.
Before Donald Trump wore out his welcome, Hillary Clinton wore out hers.
I get that the statewide VA governor’s race last year gives you hope for a persuasion strategy.
What I don’t get is the Venn diagram that shows significant percentages of the college educated suburban white voters over the age of 40 with school age children who voted for Youngkin combined with the 2014 “Security Moms”, now clamoring for another global “War on Terror Surge” for the next generation of their kids just now reaching enlistment age.
If you aren’t trying to persuade them, I sure as fuck hope you aren’t trying to persuade us. You lost that battle a few fake FB friends in CO, Kwanzaa Kock Rings, Long Form Birth Certificates, Finger-Bangs, laptops, and invisible Satanic-cannibal pizza dungeons ago.
If you really hope to suppress the hippie turnout find a way to get Trump to shut up and go away. And maybe even quit worshiping him yourself long enough for it to be memory-holed. Then you just have to figure out how to convince your cop friends to stop sport-murdering sleeping innocent black men during an election year.
Good luck with that last one.
OK, I stand corrected about my assertion @18 about your religious beliefs. Agnostic, got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
I know you have said you attended church with your wife. At the time I wasn’t sure either of those statements were believable: 1) you actually attended a church and 2) you actually had a wife.
Maybe YLB can dig through the database and find the links about you going to church.
Saying you were “dragged to a service” doesn’t really indicate much respect for the “whatever” you were going for.
Whidbey Island is full of Trump Bible Thumpers, probably wise you don’t attend those churches, they would not be kind to you. That doesn’t mean you don’t drive off the island….
No, your church is more private: a barn stall.
@1 Biden and his team mishandled the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trump and his team mishandled his election loss. Which had greater and more destructive impact on American society?
There is no perfect president. All presidents make mistakes. Yours is much more destructive than ours, that’s all.
Likewise, some voters are better at assessing the relative abilities of candidates than others. As a voter, you’re a fucking incompetent, a disgrace, and a public menace.
Compare and contrast:
Ottawa Anti-Vax protester rams police officer with his pickup.
Cop stops him and politely asks him to quit it before continuing to escort him past the giant mob of counter protesters.
From link @3: “‘You never heard about Taiwan being having bombers flying all over the place … because President Xi respected our nation,’ Trump continues.”
Not exactly. From this story: “Taiwan only started regularly publicizing its data on air incursions in September 2020.”
@5 Mister Tough had 4 years to get Russia out of Crimea and Donbas. How’s that going?
Hey, as long as we’re “compar(ing) and contrast(ing)”:
It’s the same twitter feed, a few tweets up from what QoS McHillbilly cherry-picked.
And as far as the cop being “rammed” by a truck is concerned, shit-for-brains is taking lessons on breathless hyperbole from our resident unserious twat YLB, apparently.
There’s no bigger asshole than a leftist at a protest.
@14 “I only remember the brief glimpse of the actress’ breasts.”
Of course you remember, because it was the last time you saw any.
I reject the assertion.
Anything the military does could always be done better, at least in theory. But I think you’ll agree Roger that part of the institutional orientation of successful military commanders is to always over estimate the potential success of their plans. And part of the institutional orientation of successful politicians is to be biased toward happy news. That never works out well. And history tends to support that analysis more than it does not.
Adopting Degen Bob’s definition of “success” I don’t believe it was possible. At best a “successful” withdrawal using Degen Bob’s definition was only remotely possible, and unlikely in the context of the U.S. Army’s capabilities. They don’t train for this. They are not equipped for it. And it was supremely unwise for the political leadership to have accepted the Army’s reassurances that they could ever see their plans through with much success. This isn’t anything new. We’ve been watching this movie on repeat loop since the end of WWII.
We got out. That’s the good news. It’s the only good news. And it was probably always going to be that way, regardless of whatever the Pentagon brass said.
@30 “it was supremely unwise for the political leadership to have accepted the Army’s reassurances that they could ever see their plans through with much success”
That’s the mishandling I’m referring to.
“None of us are acting like terrorist or racist or hateful people like you guys are … this is the worst experience I’ve had in my whole entire life”
They were calling them rural, and accusing them of being illiterate and having carnal knowledge of their close relatives.
Here Bob. Using this anatomically accurate CRT doll, show us exactly where the “racism” hurt you.
Yum. More delicious “conservative” tears.
@ 28
@5 Mister Tough had 4 years to get Russia out of Crimea and Donbas. How’s that going?
About as well as the success of SoS’s #CrookedHillary and WhyTheLongFace in preventing the invasions, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You forgot to mention that Trump also failed to get Jews out of Palestine, you bloviating fuck.
What are they going to do?
Use the other Army?
I’m certain I was informed, very recently, by a seasoned investor who hangs out on HA that cash is not a good place to be.
UBS Says Wealthy Investors Are Hanging On to Cash
Who are these investors? They’re the types of investors who don’t think it’s noteworthy to tell others that their portfolios saw a five-figure gain on any one day. Because on nearly every day their portfolios move five-figures up or down.
They’re investors who, unlike Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, have not failed their families by making stupid decisions like defending GE for its dividend yield and dissing other investments merely because they don’t pay dividends.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is underwater on 3M, Citigroup, and AT&T despite their dividend yields.
Don’t be like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Don’t be a dumbfuck investor.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s earbuds of choice are made by Sig Sauer.
It’s how audiophiles prefer to listen to liberals crying.
Alternative headline: 15% of Democrats have lawns too big to mow themselves.
POLL: Only 15% Of Democrats Want US Immigration Levels Increased
Of course not.
They might put you in a pipe-bomb vest and send you to the Capitol:
And “hands-on” is just not your style. We all know how you like to watch.
How scary was the peaceful shutdown of a bridge last week?
This scary:
Canada’s Justin Trudeau preparing to declare ‘martial law’, per report
Link is a CBS affiliate in Bend.
This is the CBC story:
@39 – It’s only a “peaceful” protest if it’s liberal progressives, Black Looting Marxists or ANTIFA thugs/spoiled children doing the protesting.
We can be relatively assured that Hillary Clinton will never hold a government position again, either elected or appointed. As far as answering for her crimes is concerned, she will get off Scot free.
Justin Trudeau is a coward. He was schooled by a woman in Parliament last week, and he’s massively overreacting to an effective non-violent demonstration.
Meanwhile, Ontario is about to end its vaccine passport requirement.
All because Trudeau had no answer to a group of horn-honking, parked trucks.
39, 40, 41,
I’m grateful to see you two haven’t yet gotten used to losing like this.
It’s “Stand back and stand by” time again.
Back into the fapping closet for Degen Bob.
@33 “You forgot to mention that Trump also failed to get Jews out of Palestine.”
News to me. I thought Jared, his emissary, was trying to get the Palestinians out of Palestine.
Btw, how’s Jared’s Nobel Peace Prize coming along? Trump’s?
@ 43
Btw, how’s Jared’s Nobel Peace Prize coming along? Trump’s?
Neck and neck with Bradley Manning’s.
@35 It doesn’t surprise me that wealthy investors have only 10% in cash. As you point out, inflation impacts its value.
I’m over 13% cash, waiting for an opportunity to invest. It might be a long wait for a 10%-15% correction, so I’ll take a dip.
@36 Glorifying violence. Probably did at work, too, which is why they took away his badge and security doesn’t let him in the hospital anymore.
@37 Get some rabbits. Or borrow one of your goats. The goat will be happy to have other duties for a while.
@44 That’s what I heard, too.
I also heard — no, read — the judge in Sarah P.’s libel trial is going to
shitcandismiss her claim for failure to prove “actual malice,” if the jury doesn’t do it for him.In other legal news, the Trump Organization’s accounting firm announced today
(1) it is no longer the Trump Organization’s accounting firm;
(2) he should no longer rely on the last 10 years’ of financial statements they prepared for him;
(3) it would not file Trump’s and Melania’s tax returns.
The Trump Organization issued a statement saying this “confirms … [the] statements of financial condition do not contain any material discrepancies,” and, “This confirmation effectively renders the investigations by the DA and AG moot.”
GiveSendGo used the same unlicensed security backend as Parler.
Mind the rake, Gomer.
Calling ice fishing shanties houses of prostitution and ice fishermen johns isn’t a good political strategy in Ohio.
He’s a stupid-as-fuck Republican, of course.
Somebody should check his ice fishing shanty before his wife does.
Emergencies Act invoked.
Dep PM announced that the first thing they are doing under the terms of the act is expanding the anti-terror financing laws to go after the crowd funders.
Banks are ordered to immediately suspend accounts associated with the funding through RCMP and CSIS.
“Consider yourselves warned. If your truck is used in these blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your rigs home.”
Where’s Gov. George Wallace when white men need him most?
Dr. Dumbfuck really tipped his hand @21 “I’m agnostic.” as this really explains why he is the way that he is on this blog.
What this says about him is that he can’t plant a flag in the ground and hold a firm conviction. He can’t stand up and proclaim a belief in a deity, nor can he state that the belief in a deity is absurd and that no deity exists.
No, Bob wants it both ways. If there is a god, he will join that crowd as a “believer”. If there isn’t one, well, he will say he was right all along and there is no deity. Being agnostic is a cop-out.
This is shows up in his hatred towards Hillary and his support for Trump. He must have voted for Hillary and she didn’t acknowledge his campaign contribution. So he shills for Trump, hoping when the Proud Boys find him they will be kind to him.
His hatred of women, especially those women in power, must mean his mommy didn’t love him enough and favored the other son more.
Sad to be Bob:-(
OPP now reluctantly releasing details about an early Sunday morning theft from a commercial truck yard in Peterborough.
Stolen truck had over 2000 semi-auto assault weapons and high capacity mags.
Police responded to a trucking company on Parkhill Road East around 7:30 a.m. following a report that a truck carrying a quantity of firearms was stolen from the yard, according to a Peterborough press release put out late today.
Some time afterward Fucker Clownvoy organizers abruptly stopped taking questions, stood up, and walked out of their own press conference when a reporter asked about the weapons.
Engaging in
@54 “hoping when the Proud Boys find him they will be kind to him”
Maybe that’s why Manchin is being kind to McConnell.
No Democratic majority should let any Republican judicial nominee get confirmed for the next 20 years, until all the Trump-McConnell appointees are cleared off the bench.
And for some it’s just because they’re a dumbfuck like Bob.
Same reason why he got the horse for the wife.
I’ve never – not yet, anyway – been inside a Whidbey Island church
The local widbee VIP room doesn’t count? It’s only where the local klownservatics practice their most sacred ritual:
the weekly pissing contest – after all the participtants have been warmed up with a “dance”.
A very “serious” practice of a “religious” nature. heh.
The Fucker Clownvoy have called an “emergency” meeting on Twitter after their Zello channel was infiltrated by counter protesters.
Leading concern among the Clownvoy Fuckers was The MUNEEEEEEE.
Only the twitter space was infiltrated too.
One of the Fuckers asks “What is this Ram Ranch people are talking about? Is it someplace we can go and get our money?”
Yes. It is. Absolutely.
Ordinary citizens.
Engaging in legitimate political discourse.
@ 54
What this says about him is that he can’t plant a flag in the ground and hold a firm conviction. He can’t stand up and proclaim a belief in a deity, nor can he state that the belief in a deity is absurd and that no deity exists.
Remind me again how many times young Barack voted “present” in the Illinois Senate?
What did it mean when candidate-for-president Barack claimed that the beginning of life was something “above my pay grade” when interviewed by Rick Warren in 2008? Was he expressing firm conviction, or was he just trying to get to the next question?
He was running to be leader of the free world. Shouldn’t he have had more willingness to stand up and be counted? “Life begins when a woman decides she doesn’t want to kill it.”
Pastor Newt, you pass judgement so freely on members of the HA flock you deem to be black sheep. You really should wait until I am near my last breath, so that you can see whether I’m truly agnostic until death, or if I cave, and ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. You know. Just in case there really is a Holy Trinity.
Verily, Pastor Newt, I sayeth unto Thee: You are a silly, silly excuse for a liberal. Go ask Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit for some more investment advice.
Motion for defense summary judgement granted in Palin defamation case.
I’m not surprised.
The standard is actual malice. It’s very hard to meet in most cases.
It essentially calls upon the plaintiff to demonstrate the defendant’s state of mind. Evidence of that seldom exists in the real world. People can allege and assume all kinds of shit. But finding evidence to present to a jury is often impossible.
@ 62
QoS McHillbilly has his Micah X. Johnson “gotcha” moment.
Minus five dead cops, of course.
Oh. It wasn’t in Ontario that those weapons were seized. Those weapons were not going to be used to disrupt 28% of Canada’s trade with the US. I’m sure it was not your intent to suggest that, QoS McHillbilly.
The protesters found that their message was undermined by “individuals bent on division and violence”. It’s not uncommon, QoS McHillbilly.
McHillbilly, how many violent deaths occurred during the Canadian protests? When that police officer was @ 26 so viciously “rammed” by that truck, was he injured? Will he have to retire early due to his injuries?
@ 64
But finding evidence to present to a jury is often impossible.
Didn’t help Palin that Bennet was fired by the NYT over a controversy involving an editorial, three years later. Clearly a pattern of incompetence.
Bennet really fell on his sword for the Gray Lady, and for the press in general. A liberal man sacrificed himself so that liberal publications can continue to smear conservatives with impunity, one could say.
What does Barack have to do with this? I talking about you. Barack is a politician, you are just a coward and and hypocrite and you demonstrate it every day here.
“(y)ou pass judgement so freely on members of the HA flock you deem to be black sheep. “
Naw, the only one I pass judgement upon is you (and Puddy in the past). You are not a member of “the flock”, you are just a persona that loves to come here and gets humiliated on a daily basis. I don’t think of you as a black sheep, I don’t care what color you are, it doesn’t matter; but you are a horse-fucker.
I don’t wish an early death upon anyone, nor do I want to be around you when your time comes.
What do you have against the Hindus? Karma isn’t your thing? Why not beg at death to not come back as a gay horse? Why focus on Jesus and the Holy Trinity?
One more lie from you, “Go ask Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit for some more investment advice.” I never asked him for advice, I asked for his thoughts. Big difference. You were the one that didn’t take his advice and short GE stock. How many times do we have to point this out to you?
And you wonder why we mock and ridicule you on a daily basis? Jesus, you are one dumb horse-fucker.
Check out Bokononism, it might suit you. seems it might be in your wheelhouse (shipspotting wheelhouse that is).
Why 18 cowboys? Bob only needs a horse or two.
Rittenhouse is still a murderer.
@58 Bob is only in his 50s, so he can’t get away with disguising his lack of character as senility. Yet, he’s also too old to attribute his behavior to immaturity. Bottom line, nobody’s going to believe his shortcomings are age-related. He needs some other excuse. I suggest blaming his parents, especially if they’re dead and not in a position to tell anyone what he did to his little sister’s pony.
61)Was looking at the Twitter feed of a local who was live tweeting it on my lunch. break. Hilarious, Lost track of time.
@63 Looks like doc heard of Pascal’s Wager and isn’t a gambling man, only an insincere one. But he won’t get away with it. Jesus knows.
@66 Yes, an “innocent” conservative who ran a campaign aid depicting Gabby Giffords and other Democrats in crosshairs was “smeared.”
The only thing the Times did wrong was insinuate a cause-and-effect relationship where there wasn’t one. In all other respects, Palin was just as vile as they said she was. No foul, no harm.
Footnote: They were decrying a violent attack on a Republican when they did this to her.
Question: Is Palin’s real complaint not that they accused her of fomenting violence against Democrats, but of fomenting it against a fellow Republican, damaging her standing in her tribe?
@67 “What does Barack have to do with this?”
Don’t look here, look over there.
You should know this by now, because he does this all the time. Doc’s a one-trick pony, and this is his trick.
There’s a new mask sheriff in town.
“Louisiana man jailed for 44 years on rape charges is freed as prosecutor dismisses charges after judge calls for new trial”
He’s black, of course.
“In 1977, it took just minutes for a jury of 11 White men and one Black woman to convict Simmons, who is Black, for the attempted sexual assault of 14-year-old twin sisters.”
“A judge had ordered a new trial because exculpatory evidence had not been turned over to the original defense team.”
This is what Republicans want to punish teachers for telling white kids about.
76)Republicans wouldn’t like a student doing a Report on War an Remembrance. Great book by Herman Wouk, sequel to Winds of War. It describes in two separate chapters, the Holocaust. Pretty much all the issues they had with Maus.
Russia reportedly is pulling troops back from Ukraine border.
“Timothy Ash, emerging markets senior sovereign strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, said in a note on Tuesday that ‘if Putin has really blinked, this would be huge win for Biden, … Zelenskyy and the West.”
“’They called out Putin for threats [and] menacing military actions and failed to concede anything much on Putin’s red lines,’ he said. Ash added that it would be difficult to see the entire situation as anything but a big defeat for Putin.
“’What did he achieve?’ he said. ‘He managed to rally the West back around NATO, which again has common purpose. Ukrainian sovereignty [has been] affirmed, even strengthened.’”
As a face-saving consolation gesture, Biden will allow Putin to take collection action on Trump’s personal debts.
We don’t know if the Ukraine crisis is over, or just beginning. But let’s imagine, for a moment, that Biden has (1) prevented a war, (2) strengthened NATO, and (3) inflicted a huge defeat on Putin, while (4) giving up nothing of importance in return.
Now compare and contrast that with Trump, who cozied up to Russia, and tried to dismantle NATO, while getting nothing of importance in return.
If Putin just blinked, Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck are going to have a very bad day.
Now let’s suppose the pandemic subsides, mandates come off, supply chains smooth out and people can buy cars and refrigerators again, inflation cools and gas prices fall, the stock market roars, everyone who wants a job has a job, wages keep rising, bridges are being repaired, and life is good again.
Biden and the Democrats might not have such a bad November after all.
Of course, things could still go south in Ukraine. The economy might not smooth out. There might be another variant wave. It’s possible none of these things will come to fruition (except the bridge repairs). I’m not making a prediction. We’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
Typical republican. Gaming the system instead of doing the right thing in the first place. Like elections. Republicans can’t get elected if they tell the truth, so they cheat and set up an apartheid nation. Bob knows he’s going against the teaching of Jesus when he acts a greedy, racist incel, but he does it anyway. Seems he’s planning to be cruel until his last breath and then take advantage of the repent loophole and do a Jake Blues monologue, say “my bad, forgive me” as he dies and avoid Hell. The problem is one actually has to mean it. God will look into his soul, see that he was just saying that to avoid the consequences of a lifetime of knowingly acting with bigotry and greed and and send he where he deserves.
The greedy racist incel needs to try with all his soul to act as a better person now.
@ 82
I see that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is no agnostic.
He loved that choir boy outfit growing up, you see. Oh, and that “special communion” just for him given by the priest.
AOC and Fauxchahontas want you to believe that greedy corporations are responsible for all those price increases.
Meanwhile, wages are up and the PPI is now at 9.7% YoY, after climbing 1% just in the last month.
I don’t think it’s greed, ladies. It’s policy under First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Compare and contrast.
Degen Bob did. And he found out too.
Now he agrees that the patient deescalation tactics employed by Canadian police are safer and more effective.
Like I said, compare and contrast.
Then ask yourself if your city is going to be able to get police work like what you are seeing in Canada with “retraining”?
Durham’s court filings over the weekend describe evidence that companies and individuals paid by the Clinton campaign spied on Trump before the 2016 election, during the transition, and after Trump became president.
Here’s what the president’s spokesperson had to say about all of it when she was asked in yesterday’s presser:’
#CrookedHillary paid people to spy on her opponent so that she could gin up a narrative connecting him with Russia. This was serious enough that when the FBI found out about it, it went up the chain until Brennan briefed Obama about what this corrupt cunt was up to.
And now the White House is in no position to deny. Kudos to the White House for not trying to deny.
@ 85
Now he agrees that the patient deescalation tactics employed by Canadian police are safer and more effective.
It’s easier to be patient when buildings aren’t on fire, kids aren’t being shot, and stores aren’t being looted, QoS McHillbilly.
I’ll definitely agree with that.
The fucktard traitor is absolutely orgasmic. Too bad there’s no ‘there’ there.
What Durham has actually achieved, though, is yet another reveal as to how fucking desperate the low IQ traitor has become. Yet another premature ball-spike. It’s all the fucktard traitor has anymore.
Let us know when there are indictments, you stupid low IQ fuck.
@ 88
Let us know when there are indictments…
Will do, Steve.
You be sure and let us know when First Vegetable Joe Biden needs his diaper changed. That sharting episode in front of the queen of England was a wee bit embarrassing.
The wheels are coming off of Steve’s wagon. The leaked video of his mom’s gangbangs, PPI inflation nearing 10%, and #CrookedHillary’s dwindling prospects to swoop in as the DNC’s savior in 2024 have been crushing blows to the poor guy.
Here’s Goldy’s effort to prove to you that the right is stealing elections in Alabama:
And here’s reality:
Blue Washington DC fucks up voting reg in a red state. What Alabama sent the voter is nothing more than the equivalent of a computer asking you, “Are you sure you wish to delete this?”
It’s not designed to deceive. It’s designed to be filled out correctly by The Even Bigger Fucking Morons of the world. Of which there are far too many. Most in the Democrat party.
As we now see the Clownvoy Fuckers have (or at least had) stockpiled a reserve of thousands of semi-auto military assault style weapons with high cap mags.
And we know they set fire to buildings more than once.
They’ve broken into multiple private businesses and residences to commit vandalism, defecate, urinate, and even in a couple of instances to set fires.
But the weapons that haven’t either been stolen or seized remain safely tucked away. The fires were put out. The businesses boarded up and closed, And residents who could afford to have moved away. It’s relatively calm and orderly largely because police are not overreacting. No Army helicopters buzzing the demonstrators. No LRADs. No chemical weapons. No unmarked Ford vans filled up with armored SWAT driving around randomly shooting at people. No upside down Bibles. Just a few lines of absolutely disgusting porta-potties overflowing with Molson and poutine.
There are now 30 announced House Democrats who will not be running for re-election.
Associate Justice Asterisk.
A campaign did opposition research.A CAMPAIGN DID OPPOSITION RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!
Whither Trey Gowdy.
I think that if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would market to Kentucky liberals, he might pick up a few readers.
At this point in 2018 40 incumbent House Republicans had hit the silk.
Some “undetermined” other number of incumbent House Republicans stayed in and got their asses handed to them.
Ordinary citizens.
Engaging in legitimate political discourse.
@ 97
At this point in 2018 40 incumbent House Republicans had hit the silk.
Not that many especially when one subtracts the retiring senators, and a third of them were leaving the House to run for another office.
There were 26 “pure” retirements among GOP congressmembers by July of 2018, three of whom were senators.
So 23.
McHillbilly, you are off by 17 seats and five months.
Eight Democrats are leaving the House to run for another office.
Democrats, please do something useful with Val Demings when she loses this Fall. She’s one of your few politicians with some courage.
Another display of the dumbfuck traitor’s low IQ stupidity.
@ 98
Most likely the adult child who wrote the note to him/herself.
@83 stop projecting your sick fantasies on to me. Try to be a better person.
Prince Andrew blinked.
Putting out bimbo eruptions is getting expensive.
Hell, it cost #CrookedHillary the presidency.
Let me quote you if I may:
“Depending on how you count, 39 Republicans and 18 Democrats are not running for re-election.“
I guess you’ll just have to live with that until fivethirtyeight performs another “purity” test on this year’s retirements. Their most recent report was last month. And sadly for you they did not apply the “purity” test.
Pay attention everyone. Did you get that?
It’s a very important distinction that defines Degen Bob’s political character and his party’s.
According to Degen Bob sending death threat rape notes to a minor child of a school board member is not “legitimate political discourse”.
Once the kid turns 18 IT’S ON!
Think about that. This is the best a Republican is capable of when confronted with their own party’s KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN! violent extremism.
Very Degen.
Character is destiny.
The Putin Pussy disappointed all the fire extinguisher cop killers Maggot fans……Bob knows, and feels it.
How sad.
Elizabeth and Gabriel Rutan-Ram, a Tennessee couple, were denied access to a state-sponsored foster parent certification program because they are Jewish. The rationale? The foster agency they applied to claims that they should be allowed to turn away Jewish people because they are a Christian adoption agency.
“Holston Home places children with families that agree with our statement of faith, and forcing Holston Home to violate our beliefs and place children in homes that do not share our faith is wrong and contrary to a free society,”
On any given day in the United States, there are about 400,000 kids in foster care and about 117,000 of them waiting to be adopted …
But Jewish families need not apply in Tennessee. This the country republicans voted for.
Ukrainian government websites and its two largest banks were hit with a cyber attack today.
The Biden Crime Family pays no mind, as its Ukrainian assets were snorted months ago.
AP reports today that senior U.S. intelligence officials have named Zero Hedge among a group of five media outlets targeting Ukraine and under the control of Russian spies.
You’ll recall now that Zero Hedge was the principal media outlet promoting allegations about a “copy” of an imaginary laptop hard drive said to have originated from Rudy Giuliani, but since shown to have been produced by GRU and provided to Giuliani indirectly.
At the time, an obscure and reclusive cosplayer with a business front located in Wilmington claimed to have delivered the laptop to the FBI, a claim denied by the FBI. The cosplayer then claimed to have “copied” the contents and delivered them to Rudy Giuliani. No laptop, laptop hard drive, nor verifiable copies of any such drive have every been seen. Alleged digital copies of documents said to have come from the hard drive have been examined by intelligence officials who report the files all show indications consistent with GRU production.
This shit works because people are more interested in the hot take than in credibility. And they are not wrong. Because they are not held to account for credibility.
Your all-you-can-eat buffet line.
My choice.
Ordinary people.
BLM activist and former guest on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show attempts assassination of a Jewish mayoral candidate in Louisville. I referred to the incident @ 96.
Here’s the Louisville Courier-Journal reporting on, er, former Louisville Courier-Journal columnist’s crime.
Activist Quintez Brown charged in attempted shooting of Louisville mayor hopeful Greenberg
Why do all the dudes with mental health issues end up being interviewed on Joy Reid’s show?
@85 “Now he agrees that the patient deescalation tactics employed by Canadian police are safer and more effective.”
Still defends ramming police officers, though.
@102 You’re asking for the impossible.
@111 “Why do all the dudes with mental health issues end up being interviewed on Joy Reid’s show?”
When were you on? I want to watch that episode.
Why do all the dudes with mental health issues end up being…
…HA trolls.
The price of diesel fuel rose 9.4%. In January.
Diesel up 56% in the past year. Gasoline up nearly 54% in the last year.
Heh. Hawley’s ‘Made in China’ resurrection mugs.
When I saw folks in ‘Hartzler for Senate’ T-Shirts that were made in the Dominican Republic frantically taking Josh Hawley’s ‘Made in China’ stickers off his coffee mugs before Saturday’s breakfast I knew the jig was up. Two #AmericaFirst candidates were about to join forces.
WTF does that have to do with your fucking treason and the penalty you’re going to pay for it?
Donald Trump broke Steve.
“Mr. China man.”
What is it with attorneys feeling so free to employ anti-Asian slurs?
First there was Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, now this guy.
C’mon, HA peeps. Y’all defended Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bigotry. Show some love to this European liberal, will ya?
@116 “Diesel up 56% in the past year. Gasoline up nearly 54% in the last year.”
And the government (i.e., Biden administration) is responsible for this how? Seems like it is pure capitalism on display, supply and demand. Oil companies are recouping their losses when the pandemic hit nearly 2 years ago and everyone stopped driving all over the place.
Disingenuous at best on your part. Spare me the BS about Biden cancelled a the Keystone XL pipeline causing the price increase.
It is about refining capacity and existing infrastructure. Oil companies have share holders to answer to.
Remember Tina Peters, the Colorado county clerk who gave unauthorized access to voting machines? And was a “star witness” at Mike Lindell’s “election fraud” symposium?
Last week she tried to kick a police officer while being arrested for defying a judge’s order not to record a court proceeding and lying to the judge about it.
Watch her being dragged kicking and screaming to the patrol car here:
The real disease, of course, is these people have no respect for laws or rules, think they can defy judges and polices, and believe they can do anything they want. It’s a pleasure to watch force being used on them.
@94 I don’t think it’s a mistake. It’s simply a black women’s turn after two centuries of putting “Mr. Justice” signs on all the Supreme Court office doors. The conference room didn’t even have a nearby ladies room.
The article above mentions Reagan’s “campaign promise to put a woman on the Supreme Court.” The only difference this time is the woman is black. For Republicans, that’s all the difference in the world. Nobody back then talked about “affirmative action” justices.
@96 Not sure what your point is, so I’ll assume there isn’t one, you’re merely talking to yourself to hear yourself talk.
@116 Does this concern me? Yes, it does! But not one to miss any opportunity to profiteer from others’ misery, my 1,000 shares of Exxon stock are up 58.2% in the last year and up 24.1% in January.
By the way, you’ll have to fill up your F-350 at a Shell or Arco pump if you want to avoid putting cash in my kangaroo pouch.
@118 Just aimless whining about getting soaked at the pump by his local Exxon gas station. F-350s eat a lot of gas, and burn even more when towing a horse trailer (his personal contribution to global warming). See #125 for details about where his money ends up.
A Russian general stopped for 5 minutes to pinch a loaf and G-clown @ 106 is ready to declare First Vegetable Joe Biden the victor of World War III.
Translation @ 125:
The 50 shares of XOM that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit struggled to afford are still 5% below his purchase price.
No, he didn’t. But he did turn you into a low IQ dumbfuck and a traitor.
This doesn’t sound much like a “vegetable” or a senile old man talking. It’s worlds better than anything Trump could or would say or do.
Doctor Dumbfuck, of course, voted for Trump (twice!), because he’s a dumbfuck. People and rabbits with any brains voted for Biden, because we’re not dumbfucks. We know competence when we said it. We also recognize incompetence when we’ve lived with it for four years.
This “patriot” lost his job “and now works as a part-time pizza delivery driver.” Also lost his position on the local parks and recreation board.
But he has much to be thankful for. At least he hasn’t been killed by Covid yet, nor did he get jail time, just six months of probation.
Looking ahead, he may want to rethink his understanding of, and the meaning of, “patriotism.”
@128 I didn’t buy all 1,000 shares of Exxon at once, so it’s possible I have 50 shares that are still 5% or so below my purchase cost, but my average cost is well below the current quote. And, of course, I’ve been collecting dividends. My 1,000 shares currently pay $3,520 of dividends a year. I spend maybe $30 a month on gas, if that much, so I’m coming out well ahead on high gas prices. I don’t see where “struggling to afford” enters the picture. This sounds like meaningless and illogical blathering to me, which of course is usual for you. This shouldn’t require explication, but since you’re a dumbfuck, I’ll explain it. You either can “afford” stock, or you can’t. If you own stock, then obviously you could afford to buy it, because nobody gives stock away. I hope that clears up your confusion.
120 classic republican. Loudly accuse others of doing what you are doing.
Imagine how much better you will feel if you tried to be a better person.
An old white guy was canceled.
And absolutely nobody noticed.
With only a few notable exceptions it’s been generally sufficient for these guy’s wives to get their tips frosted, maybe get some collagen fills around their eyes, lever their fat asses into some Spanx, put on a ridiculously loud and colorful sweater, and trade in their mini van for a white convertible PT Cruiser.
I will never stop feeling a sense of awe at the spectacle of what was once the most powerful political party in the U.S. throwing it all away on a late stage midlife crisis for white Boomers.
Ted Crud and other GOP senators “strongly oppose” putting passengers who knock out flight attendants’ teeth, try to kick down cockpit doors, and/or open exit doors in flight on a no-fly list. They believe this would infringe on those passengers’ personal freedoms and cancel legitimate political discourse on mask mandates.
“The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot issued subpoenas Tuesday to Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward, GOP State Sen. Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania and four others over their alleged efforts to interfere with the certification of the 2020 election results.
“Individuals included in the latest batch of subpoenas allegedly tried to send ‘alternate electors’ to Washington to vote for then-President Donald Trump in key swing states won by President Joe Biden, the select committee said.”
Fuck around, find out.
Bob is a dick.
Cop killer sympathizer.
While Judge Rakoff issued a directed verdict for the defense in the Palin defamation lawsuit, he allowed the jury to finish their deliberations.
In case anybody missed it, the jury also came back with a defense verdict.
Nobody was more relieved than the Russian GRU backers of Zero Hedge.
Fuck the NEA and #FJB are bipartisan sentiments in the VA legislature.
139. Lets Go Darwin!
Durham explained:
“Ultimately, the fault for this phony bombshell rests with Durham. …
“Durham maintains that Sussmann and the researchers were falsely claiming that Trump and his crew were using Russian-made wireless phones, as part of an underhanded effort to tar Trump with a nefarious connection to Moscow. The researchers say their concern was Russian security breaches of the Obama White House and the Trump campaign. This seems to be a question that Durham could easily resolve with a piece or two of evidence. If he wanted to.
” … Through his tenure as special consul, Durham has chosen to use narrow indictments to disseminate information that suggests wider conspiracies. That ought to place a weighty burden on him to be fair and accurate—and to not feed any partisan conspiracy fever. Yet Durham’s latest filing falls short of that standard and fuels the suspicion that he might be more conspirator than investigator.”
“Biden orders release of Trump White House logs to Congress”
Well those completely accurate 1.5 pages covering his 4 years of visitors should help. /s
Expect wall to wall coverage of accusations and lies aimed at Hilllary on Fox today.
“Something something Hillary!! Something Something Hunters laptop! Something something Trump won. And EVERYONE knows it! 🙄”