Get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow if you want it to count. Make sure that you mark the party or it won’t count. And use a sponge instead of licking it closed.
HHS Sec. Alex Azar on Fox News: “This is a very serious health problem. Nobody is trying to minimize that.”
So, obvs, HE’S fired.
Does anyone find it amusing that capitalists who hate regulations have a stock market that has regulations that limit losses?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
This is precisely what an un-contained pandemic crisis looks like in practical terms:
Young woman studying abroad flies home from Italy to Chicago O’Hare, stays two days with a friend visiting Chicago, takes crowded Amtrak home to St. Louis, begins to feel ill upon arrival, self-quarantines and contacts county health, county health instructs family to self quarantine, requests young woman come to hospital for testing next day, meanwhile father and younger sister break quarantine to attend Daddy-Daughter Dance and party, older daughter test comes back positive.
Maybe doesn’t help when idiots like Matt Gaetz wear costume props to mock the risks and when the GOP yes-men all continue to insist that “it’s just the flu”.
Maybe Tom Douglas restaurants could use its soon-to-be-idled employees for the same thing. After all, they haven’t produced anything directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of unsuspecting end-users, yet.
@4. Something incoherent about the $15 minimum wage. Boeing planes. Corona Virus. Is the racist incel drunk at 9 am?
Minus 35% in one morning. I only own a bit of Halliburton, but I really wish I owned none. Sold most of it for tax-loss harvesting purposes in December, thank God.
The Fucking Moron II @ 6
Seattle-ish is
• home to much of Boeing’s manufacturing
• ground zero for much of the Fight for $15
• ground zero for the US expansion of COVID-19
IOW we’re living it. Incoherence is your perspective from afar.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Because $15 min wage caused Trump/GOP to obliterate health security funding and lie about it.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
…loss harvesting…
Sure! Like it’s a wonderful good thing like juicy delicious fruit that you harvest!
Just as delicious as giving away the twenty most fuckable years of your entire life for 80 hour work weeks at less than min wage.
“The Democrats, lyin’ doctors and worst the fake news ruined my weekend. I was lined up for birdie and the hot chick working the drinks cart sneezed and then had to make sure we all knew she wasn’t sick. Pushed it to the right. I couldn’t even eat my Whopper at dinner. Did you know that fake Whopper will give you a tiny penis? I like the real Whopper. It looks yuge in my hands. The virus is a hoax.” Donald, or words to that effect.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Good to see that ol’ apple hasn’t fallen too far…
Eric Trump
In my opinion, it’s a great time to buy stocks or into your 401K. I would be all in… let’s see if I’m right…
12:47 PM – Feb 28, 2020 · Doral, FL
These are the people who would lead us all straight to hell and sell us tickets for the ride.
Peter Lynchspews:
It might be a good day to do some buying in the stock market today.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Might? Might? Only might? Where are your balls, man?
Buying into an inverted yield curve.
Sure. bot-farm pussy is desperate for buyers.
Who’s in?
Narrator – “He was not right.”
@ 12
For every stock share sold, there is a share purchased.
There’s always a market bottom. Last time it was March 9, 2009.
@ 11
The virus is a hoax.” Donald, or words to that effect.
She has an absolute lock on 252 EVs
Cz-252 the day before the election. “Or words to that effect.”
Peter Lynchspews:
@14: OK, you don’t buy today, but I might make a buy or two in the last 30 minutes of trading.
The person having the worst day today is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Imagine waking up to the reality that you failed your family to a greater extent than you previously believed. That you have almost no time to recover the Dumbfuck Rabbit family losses and that doubling down on failure is under serious consideration, because the only other option is to admit to failure.
I have no reason to talk about the right time to buy stocks. I made those decisions, as well as the prices per share I’d be paying, when I sold those naked puts. Piper-payin’ time’s here.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
18, Player 3The Lesser Fool has entered the game!
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
the right time to buy stocks.
Ooops! I stand truly corrected.
The market timing Lesser Fool has entered the game!
Why, you might wonder, is QoS McHillbilly talking @ 12 about something a Trump said?
James Biden’s health care ventures face a growing legal morass
The Federal Bureau of Investigation raided a health care business linked to Joe Biden’s brother in late January, seizing boxes of documents.
In the weeks since the raid, two small medical firms that did business with James Biden have claimed in civil court proceedings to have obtained evidence that he may have fraudulently transferred funds from Americore “outside of the ordinary course of business,” and a former Americore executive has told POLITICO that James Biden had more than half a million dollars transferred to him from the firm as a personal loan that has not yet been repaid.
Last year, two medical services firms jointly sued James Biden and his business partners in federal court in Tennessee, alleging James and his partners promised to provide a large investment from the Middle East, then pushed the firms to make expensive acquisitions, as part of a scheme to drive them out of business and steal their business models. As previously reported, those firms alleged that James Biden cited his family’s political connections and promised his older brother would promote their health care model as part of his 2020 presidential campaign.
If there’s anything that the Bidens should have learned, it’s not to steal from a publicly-traded corporation.
@8. Racist Incel, Sure you can list three things about Seattle, but they don’t link to each other.
the locks, Costco and Grunge.
Dicks Deluxe burgers, The Seattle Sounders, Almost Live.
the Ferry System, Coffee Shops, Dino Rossi
Just shouting republican dog whistle words doesn’t say anything.
Stop drinking.
@22. Racist Incel, Now do the trump children!…..Thought so.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The Trump children who operate the GOP RapeHero’s business interests on his behalf at his direction and with his regular input and approval.
I honestly did not know who James Biden was until the bot-farm pussy posted that. Moreover, even now I simply can’t imagine it having any effect at all on battleground voting or turnout. Not when Trump swing voters are literally more afraid of the ER waiting room than they are of Bernie Sanders Socialism.
This is what they have. And it isn’t nearly enough. And they are starting to realize it.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
From the second Trumper smeared with TrumpVirus at CPAC and now forced into germ isolation:
Paul Gosar
Been thinking about life and mortality today. I’d rather die gloriously in battle than from a virus. In a way it doesn’t matter. But it kinda does.
9:27 AM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
He’s a dentist.
You know. Like Hermey from Rudolph.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Damn you $15 minimum wage!”
Might as well say “damn you 13th Amendment!” because it’s the same thing.
Doctor Dumbfuck quit tipping 35 years ago, then restaurants went and raised their wages. Understandably, he’s pissed about this violation of his right to not pay his server.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “I only own a bit of Halliburton, but I really wish I owned none. Sold most of it for tax-loss harvesting purposes in December,” sez the investing genius who used to rib me about making only a 300% profit on the GE stock I bought for $6 a share on March 9, 2009.
I’m still a millionaire. Sounds like maybe you’re not. Buying on margin can be a real bitch when the market turns on you. For us cash buyers, it’s like being locked overnight in a candy store.
When do you think Boeing stock will hit $20? I sold mine last year …
PI must be buying up a stormful.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 He’s probably got a 100-year supply of annual tax loss deductions stashed away by now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “There’s always a market bottom. ”
Yeah. This just isn’t it, that’s all.
Timing it is always the tricky part, amirite?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 My income is higher today than it was last week, and it’s about to go higher still.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 What public office is James Biden running for?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “I’d rather die gloriously in battle”
You can always spot these Republicans whose only military experience was reading G.I. Joe comic books as kids. They stick out like a sore thumb.
No soldier or veteran I’ve ever known wanted to die in battle, gloriously or otherwise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 His mom gives him his allowance on Mondays?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dr. Gosar apparently doesn’t realize that in most of history’s wars, infections killed far more combatants than bullets and shells.
While the death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic isn’t precisely known, it may have killed more people than both world wars combined. Trenches packed with exhausted, hungry, cold, and wet troops helped it spread.
Trenches, jungles, and foxholes are veritable petri dishes of germs and bacteria. The close proximity of troops sleeping, eating, and shitting together, often in grossly unsanitary conditions, is highly efficient for transmitting contagious diseases.
For armchair heroes eager to sacrifice themselves but lacking a trench or jungle to get sick in, sticking their heads up their asses may achieve the same effect.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was sick almost the entire time I was in Vietnam. Taking a shower in our drinking water would give you a skin rash. The Vietnamese crapped in rice paddies where they grew their food. They had stronger stomachs than we did; outhouses on military bases were constantly busy. The whole country smelled like an outhouse, from the time you got off the plane from the States, until you were on a plane returning you to the States. On a Navy ship, you could smell Vietnam 50 miles out to sea. If they awarded Purple Hearts for sickness, every Vietnam veteran would have a pile of them.
8% in a day.
That seems like a lot.
Yeah, the dumbest public Trump was advising to go ‘all in’ on stocks at roughly DJIA 25,500.
It’s going to close today somewhere around 24,000
But Dumbfuck assures is everyone who listened to CabbageBrain Tump picked all the right stocks and they made a killing.Because while some shares are sold, others are bought.
Still carrying a bucket weeks after the bottom rusted out. Won’t notice until he tries to get some water. Nice going, Dumbfuck.
The poor hillbillies, if they even have or buy any stock, aren’t savy enough to know when to buy. Poor soles have to lose in order for others to win.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 I’m fine. Anybody see Dumbfuck in the last 2 hours? Maybe he jumped out of a window. Margin calls have been known to exacerbate pre-existing depression conditions. No telling what someone like him might do on a day like this.
@42 you think the horse is glue? Or did he tie himself to the horse by his feet? I’m sure the horse knows what to do when he sees that.
@38. Damn. To think that that wasn’t even the worse of it.
For covid19 advice and analysis, FoxNews turns now to…
Dr. Oz
Does green coffee extract cure it AND promote weight loss too? Is there anything homeopathy can’t do? Stay tuned.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP Senate that wouldn’t censure Trump for extorting a foreign government to fabricate dirt against Joe Biden is pushing ahead to censure Chuck Schumer for intemperate remarks he’s already retracted and apologized for.
Kinda cheapens the meaning of censure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
They can’t credibly censure Schumer without also censuring Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 You missed this little gem:
“When you are on an airplane, sit next to the window: ‘It’s better for you because that germ zone is that little limited area,’ which includes the row before and after you, he noted. ‘The air that comes in from outside is actually pretty clean.'”
What are you supposed to break the window with? Your fist?
Peter Lynchspews:
I made a buy today about 6 minutes before the close. They were having a sale.
@godwinha spews:
Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far): 726
Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far): 21 24
FYI for godwinha:
The Seattle St. Patrick’s Day Parade set for March 14 is canceled.
SXSW’s Cancellation Over Coronavirus Not Covered by Insurance
Coronavirus prompts San Francisco to cancel group events at city facilities
Coronavirus concerns force closure of NASA center
The World Congress of Cardiology, scheduled for March 28-30, becomes fourth event to withdraw from Chicigo convention complex.
Caterers, restaurants struggle as major events are canceled over coronavirus
McDonald’s Corp. canceled its worldwide convention in Orlando, Fla., in favor of a digital meeting
Peter Lynch focuses a great deal of time on philanthropy. He said he views philanthropy as a form of investment. He said he prefers to give money to support ideas that he thinks can spread, such as City Year, a community service program. City Year is an American education nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students and schools succeed.
Doesn’t sound like @49.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Not surprisingly, better advice is available. Bring sanitizing wipes with you when you board and use them to disinfect arm rests, seat tray table, and head rest as you take your seat. Do not board unless both air PACKs (pneumatic air cycle kits) are operating. Ask at the gate. Keep your gasper open and blowing directly at your face the entire flight including ground time (positive pressure will help keep airborne droplets of unspeakable nasal filth from making it to your face). Stay hydrated. Fresh air provided by in flight air PACKs is very dry. The drying of mucus membranes makes you more susceptible to infection. Think about that when you are away from home working or vacationing in a warm dry climate. Stay hydrated. Limit alcohol in the days before flying to avoid the dehydrating effects. Newer aircraft have more efficient filters (HEPA). Fly them when you can. Board last and move quickly and directly to your seat limiting your contact with other passengers and crew. Fly smaller aircraft with fewer passengers to limit boarding and unboarding time when air PACKs are off and less efficient ventilation is provided by APUs or ground power. Oz is perhaps right about one thing, at the window you are perhaps 50% less likely to be sneezed on by a fucking slob.
Bottom line, in general when it comes to infectious disease it isn’t the air systems on passenger aircraft that is the problem. It is the passengers. You are being packed into a small space with a large number of strangers, a sizable majority of whom really do not comprehend the germ theory of disease. Defend yourself.
Only 26,150 to go and the performance of the DJIA under Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron will finally match what it did under the black Kenyan usurper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Also, throw the coughing passenger seated next to you out of the window after breaking it with your fist. The airline shouldn’t have allowed the asshole to board in that condition, so you’re within your rights by refusing to pay for the window.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
All of Italy now on TrumpVirus lockdown.
Is your state ready? Is your county ready? If you are in a state that has declared a state of emergency you are lucky. State health authorities need to be mobilized and supported with additional funds now to assist county and local health authorities in order to contain the spread of the infection. The GOP/Trump administration is not going to be there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 Only 23,851 to go in the other direction and stocks will be free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Didn’t Doctor Dumbfuck say something about naked puts recently?
I don’t have any of those. Don’t believe in ’em. Especially on days like today.
He hasn’t been around much today. Probably at the bank making withdrawals from his cash accounts.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Matt Gaetz now joining Ted Cruz and Hermey Gosar on the CPAC death watch list, admitting today that he french kissed the same CPAC patient zero and probably has the deadly TrumpVirus.
Probably at the bank DQ parking lot making withdrawals from his cash accounts selling his Bobby Goldsboro LPs.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
He’ll be back soon enough to perform more virtue signalling for his secret boyfriend.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Hill staffers are today meeting with Congressional IT to prepare to begin telecommuting.
Doug Collins joining Cruz, Gaetz, and Gosar on CPAC DeathWatch list. Collins and Gaetz both had extended close contact with the GOP RapeHero in recent days. So…
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’ve got it!
I just figured it out! We can all relax now.
I just figured out how the GOP RapeHero can defeat the TrumpVirus!
All he has to do is don a tight fitting flight suit and an oversized cod piece, land on the pitching deck of an aircraft carrier, and stand beneath a giant banner reading MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
He can do that, right? We’re saved, aren’t we?
Donald J Trump as of today sat in office during the top 8 largest Single day point drops in DJIA History.
One could make a very compelling argument that fact alone justifies the label ‘Worst President Ever.’
“Look at Marino’s passing yards!” “No rings.”
“More hits than any player” “Banned from the game.”
“Unemployment!” “8 of the worst 10 days, stranglehold on the worst 5”
Some truths can’t really be overlooked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Of course that’s what I meant. As I said, at the “bank” making “cash withdrawals.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 ” We’re saved, aren’t we?”
Of course we are! Have faith in the final victory! See, e.g.:
“Voters in all three states also disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s job-approval rating is underwater by 11 points (43 percent to 54 percent). In Wisconsin, it’s underwater by 10 points (43 percent to 53 percent). And in Michigan, it’s underwater by 7 points (45 percent to 52 percent). Across all three states, a plurality of voters (43 percent) say they ‘strongly disapprove’ of Trump’s performance.”
And the last week or two probably haven’t done much to boost voters’ confidence in him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump reminds me of Daniel Day-Lewis’s character in the movie “There Will Be Blood.” Unbridled greed, and … “I hate most people.” Unrepentant misanthrope. This November, I want to hear Trump recite the last line of the movie: “I’m finished.”
This probably also explains why so many horses dropped dead at Santa Anita.
What the democrats want to do
Paid sick leave — workers impacted by quarantine orders or responsible for caring for children impacted by school closures must receive paid sick leave to alleviate the devastating consequences of lost wages;
Enhanced Unemployment Insurance — we must ensure unemployment insurance benefits are available and sufficient for workers who may lose their jobs from the economic impacts of the epidemic;
Food security — we must expand SNAP, WIC, school lunch and other initiatives and suspend implementation of any regulations that weaken federal food assistance, in order to ensure vulnerable populations do not lose access to food during this epidemic;
Clear protections for frontline workers — we must have clear standards and sufficient distribution of necessary protective equipment for health care and other workers who are in contact with people who have been exposed or are suffering from the virus as well as the people responsible for cleaning buildings and public facilities;
Widespread and free coronavirus testing — to control the spread of coronavirus, the administration must ensure that all Americans who need an evaluation are able to access locations for cost-free testing and rapidly increase the unacceptably low daily test processing capacity inside the U.S.;
Affordable treatment for all — patients must be reimbursed for any non-covered coronavirus-related costs, or else the epidemic will be worsened because Americans will fear they cannot afford the costs associated with treatment;
Anti-price gouging protections — we must ensure that Americans are protected from price gouging of medical and non-medical essentials during this emergency;
Increase capacity of medical system — we must use our emergency response mechanisms to mobilize resources and facilities in order to respond to surges in demand.
Wonder if #MoscoMitch will kill this in the Senate?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 What Trumpublicans want to do: Cut payroll taxes.
How much help this will give those who lose their jobs: $0
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The ACU’s handling of the case has led to grumbling from some conference-goers, who have complained of a two-tiered system: VIPs have been notified directly even to be told they did not interact with the infected man, while ordinary rank-and-file attendees have by and large been left to wonder, receiving only vaguer information in mass emails.
They keep voting for it. Aren’t they used to it by now.
Geezus Republicans are some stupid motherfuckers.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
White House COS Meadows is the latest brave lil’ soldier to succumb to the CPAC Deathwatch.
Seems most of these dudes were exposed at a Friday night Shabbat dinner. So pretty sure not a shrimp buffet.
Either way, lots and lots of thoughts and prayers.
“Cut payroll taxes.” Given that it’s from republicans, I am expecting it hurts little people and helps the richest.
Can you give pros and cons about cutting payroll taxes.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Immigration Judges (NAIJ)
EOIR has ordered immigration court staff to remove CDC posters designed to slow spread of coronavirus.
No, this is not a parody account.
4:01 PM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for Advertisers
Remember this in the next few hours and days as lying asswipe pussies like bot-farm and Tucker Carlson accuse Democrats of trying to exploit this disaster.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Can you give pros and cons about cutting payroll taxes.
pros: people getting paychecks and probably their employers as well get to keep more of their money…
cons: bleeds the Social Security and Medicare systems.
The payroll tax was cut for a short while during the worst of the Bush depression.. And like Elijah said, the amount of money most working stiffs got was the equivalent of a tankful or two of gas per month. The trustees of Social Security and Medicare urged restoration of the full tax as soon as it was possible and it was restored.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 Don’t forget to ask your Republican representative whether they’re cutting the employer contribution or the worker contribution. Or, maybe, both.
But, again, the help this gives the unemployed, students, and retirees: Zilch. Being retired, I wouldn’t spend a dime of this tax cut, because I wouldn’t get a dime of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Interesting: The IAMAW (aerospace workers union) took a vote of their members on presidential candidate endorsement preference and about a third of them backed Trump.
“President Donald Trump on Monday said he will be meeting with Senate and House Republicans on Tuesday to discuss ‘a possible tax relief measure’ that would provide ‘a timely and effective response to the coronavirus.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just Republicans? Don’t Democrats control the House? Don’t appropriations and legislative have to pass there, too? I guess Trump thinks he’s president of 42% of us, not all of us.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
GOP president cat-food-brain has ordered the Attorney General of the United States to open an investigation into “the media” for the way “the media” have reported about the global pandemic COVID-19 virus.
Of the major broadcast and cable news networks all continue to omit any mention in any of the reporting so far that in 2018 the orange imbecile fired the entire White House pandemic response team.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
So far the cost to US taxpayers of president BoneSpurs frequent weekday golf habit is the equivalent of three hundred years of presidential salary.
HHS Sec. Alex Azar on Fox News: “This is a very serious health problem. Nobody is trying to minimize that.”
So, obvs, HE’S fired.
Does anyone find it amusing that capitalists who hate regulations have a stock market that has regulations that limit losses?
This is precisely what an un-contained pandemic crisis looks like in practical terms:
Young woman studying abroad flies home from Italy to Chicago O’Hare, stays two days with a friend visiting Chicago, takes crowded Amtrak home to St. Louis, begins to feel ill upon arrival, self-quarantines and contacts county health, county health instructs family to self quarantine, requests young woman come to hospital for testing next day, meanwhile father and younger sister break quarantine to attend Daddy-Daughter Dance and party, older daughter test comes back positive.
Maybe doesn’t help when idiots like Matt Gaetz wear costume props to mock the risks and when the GOP yes-men all continue to insist that “it’s just the flu”.
Maybe Tom Douglas restaurants could use its soon-to-be-idled employees for the same thing. After all, they haven’t produced anything directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of unsuspecting end-users, yet.
Damn you $15 minimum wage!
-16% in a month. That seems like a lot.
@4. Something incoherent about the $15 minimum wage. Boeing planes. Corona Virus. Is the racist incel drunk at 9 am?
Minus 35% in one morning. I only own a bit of Halliburton, but I really wish I owned none. Sold most of it for tax-loss harvesting purposes in December, thank God.
The Fucking Moron II @ 6
Seattle-ish is
• home to much of Boeing’s manufacturing
• ground zero for much of the Fight for $15
• ground zero for the US expansion of COVID-19
IOW we’re living it. Incoherence is your perspective from afar.
Because $15 min wage caused Trump/GOP to obliterate health security funding and lie about it.
Sure! Like it’s a wonderful good thing like juicy delicious fruit that you harvest!
Just as delicious as giving away the twenty most fuckable years of your entire life for 80 hour work weeks at less than min wage.
“The Democrats, lyin’ doctors and worst the fake news ruined my weekend. I was lined up for birdie and the hot chick working the drinks cart sneezed and then had to make sure we all knew she wasn’t sick. Pushed it to the right. I couldn’t even eat my Whopper at dinner. Did you know that fake Whopper will give you a tiny penis? I like the real Whopper. It looks yuge in my hands. The virus is a hoax.” Donald, or words to that effect.
Good to see that ol’ apple hasn’t fallen too far…
Eric Trump
In my opinion, it’s a great time to buy stocks or into your 401K. I would be all in… let’s see if I’m right…
12:47 PM – Feb 28, 2020 · Doral, FL
These are the people who would lead us all straight to hell and sell us tickets for the ride.
It might be a good day to do some buying in the stock market today.
Might? Might? Only might? Where are your balls, man?
Buying into an inverted yield curve.
Sure. bot-farm pussy is desperate for buyers.
Who’s in?
Narrator – “He was not right.”
@ 12
For every stock share sold, there is a share purchased.
There’s always a market bottom. Last time it was March 9, 2009.
@ 11
The virus is a hoax.” Donald, or words to that effect.
Cz-252 the day before the election. “Or words to that effect.”
@14: OK, you don’t buy today, but I might make a buy or two in the last 30 minutes of trading.
The person having the worst day today is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Imagine waking up to the reality that you failed your family to a greater extent than you previously believed. That you have almost no time to recover the Dumbfuck Rabbit family losses and that doubling down on failure is under serious consideration, because the only other option is to admit to failure.
I have no reason to talk about the right time to buy stocks. I made those decisions, as well as the prices per share I’d be paying, when I sold those naked puts. Piper-payin’ time’s here.
Player 3The Lesser Fool has entered the game!Ooops! I stand truly corrected.
The market timing Lesser Fool has entered the game!
Why, you might wonder, is QoS McHillbilly talking @ 12 about something a Trump said?
’cause it deflects from the news about something a Biden did.
James Biden’s health care ventures face a growing legal morass
If there’s anything that the Bidens should have learned, it’s not to steal from a publicly-traded corporation.
@8. Racist Incel, Sure you can list three things about Seattle, but they don’t link to each other.
the locks, Costco and Grunge.
Dicks Deluxe burgers, The Seattle Sounders, Almost Live.
the Ferry System, Coffee Shops, Dino Rossi
Just shouting republican dog whistle words doesn’t say anything.
Stop drinking.
@22. Racist Incel, Now do the trump children!…..Thought so.
The Trump children who operate the GOP RapeHero’s business interests on his behalf at his direction and with his regular input and approval.
I honestly did not know who James Biden was until the bot-farm pussy posted that. Moreover, even now I simply can’t imagine it having any effect at all on battleground voting or turnout. Not when Trump swing voters are literally more afraid of the ER waiting room than they are of Bernie Sanders Socialism.
This is what they have. And it isn’t nearly enough. And they are starting to realize it.
From the second Trumper smeared with TrumpVirus at CPAC and now forced into germ isolation:
Paul Gosar
Been thinking about life and mortality today. I’d rather die gloriously in battle than from a virus. In a way it doesn’t matter. But it kinda does.
9:27 AM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
He’s a dentist.
You know. Like Hermey from Rudolph.
@4 “Damn you $15 minimum wage!”
Might as well say “damn you 13th Amendment!” because it’s the same thing.
Doctor Dumbfuck quit tipping 35 years ago, then restaurants went and raised their wages. Understandably, he’s pissed about this violation of his right to not pay his server.
@7 “I only own a bit of Halliburton, but I really wish I owned none. Sold most of it for tax-loss harvesting purposes in December,” sez the investing genius who used to rib me about making only a 300% profit on the GE stock I bought for $6 a share on March 9, 2009.
I’m still a millionaire. Sounds like maybe you’re not. Buying on margin can be a real bitch when the market turns on you. For us cash buyers, it’s like being locked overnight in a candy store.
@8 “home to much of Boeing’s manufacturing”
Such as it is …
When do you think Boeing stock will hit $20? I sold mine last year …
PI must be buying up a stormful.
@10 He’s probably got a 100-year supply of annual tax loss deductions stashed away by now.
@16 “There’s always a market bottom. ”
Yeah. This just isn’t it, that’s all.
Timing it is always the tricky part, amirite?
@19 My income is higher today than it was last week, and it’s about to go higher still.
@22 What public office is James Biden running for?
@26 “I’d rather die gloriously in battle”
You can always spot these Republicans whose only military experience was reading G.I. Joe comic books as kids. They stick out like a sore thumb.
No soldier or veteran I’ve ever known wanted to die in battle, gloriously or otherwise.
@30 His mom gives him his allowance on Mondays?
Dr. Gosar apparently doesn’t realize that in most of history’s wars, infections killed far more combatants than bullets and shells.
While the death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic isn’t precisely known, it may have killed more people than both world wars combined. Trenches packed with exhausted, hungry, cold, and wet troops helped it spread.
Trenches, jungles, and foxholes are veritable petri dishes of germs and bacteria. The close proximity of troops sleeping, eating, and shitting together, often in grossly unsanitary conditions, is highly efficient for transmitting contagious diseases.
For armchair heroes eager to sacrifice themselves but lacking a trench or jungle to get sick in, sticking their heads up their asses may achieve the same effect.
I was sick almost the entire time I was in Vietnam. Taking a shower in our drinking water would give you a skin rash. The Vietnamese crapped in rice paddies where they grew their food. They had stronger stomachs than we did; outhouses on military bases were constantly busy. The whole country smelled like an outhouse, from the time you got off the plane from the States, until you were on a plane returning you to the States. On a Navy ship, you could smell Vietnam 50 miles out to sea. If they awarded Purple Hearts for sickness, every Vietnam veteran would have a pile of them.
8% in a day.
That seems like a lot.
Yeah, the dumbest public Trump was advising to go ‘all in’ on stocks at roughly DJIA 25,500.
It’s going to close today somewhere around 24,000
But Dumbfuck assures is everyone who listened to CabbageBrain Tump picked all the right stocks and they made a killing.Because while some shares are sold, others are bought.
Still carrying a bucket weeks after the bottom rusted out. Won’t notice until he tries to get some water. Nice going, Dumbfuck.
The poor hillbillies, if they even have or buy any stock, aren’t savy enough to know when to buy. Poor soles have to lose in order for others to win.
@40 I’m fine. Anybody see Dumbfuck in the last 2 hours? Maybe he jumped out of a window. Margin calls have been known to exacerbate pre-existing depression conditions. No telling what someone like him might do on a day like this.
@42 you think the horse is glue? Or did he tie himself to the horse by his feet? I’m sure the horse knows what to do when he sees that.
@38. Damn. To think that that wasn’t even the worse of it.
For covid19 advice and analysis, FoxNews turns now to…
Dr. Oz
Does green coffee extract cure it AND promote weight loss too? Is there anything homeopathy can’t do? Stay tuned.
The GOP Senate that wouldn’t censure Trump for extorting a foreign government to fabricate dirt against Joe Biden is pushing ahead to censure Chuck Schumer for intemperate remarks he’s already retracted and apologized for.
Kinda cheapens the meaning of censure.
They can’t credibly censure Schumer without also censuring Trump.
@45 You missed this little gem:
“When you are on an airplane, sit next to the window: ‘It’s better for you because that germ zone is that little limited area,’ which includes the row before and after you, he noted. ‘The air that comes in from outside is actually pretty clean.'”
What are you supposed to break the window with? Your fist?
I made a buy today about 6 minutes before the close. They were having a sale.
@godwinha spews:
Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
726Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124FYI for godwinha:
The Seattle St. Patrick’s Day Parade set for March 14 is canceled.
SXSW’s Cancellation Over Coronavirus Not Covered by Insurance
Coronavirus prompts San Francisco to cancel group events at city facilities
Coronavirus concerns force closure of NASA center
The World Congress of Cardiology, scheduled for March 28-30, becomes fourth event to withdraw from Chicigo convention complex.
Caterers, restaurants struggle as major events are canceled over coronavirus
McDonald’s Corp. canceled its worldwide convention in Orlando, Fla., in favor of a digital meeting
Peter Lynch focuses a great deal of time on philanthropy. He said he views philanthropy as a form of investment. He said he prefers to give money to support ideas that he thinks can spread, such as City Year, a community service program. City Year is an American education nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students and schools succeed.
Doesn’t sound like @49.
Not surprisingly, better advice is available. Bring sanitizing wipes with you when you board and use them to disinfect arm rests, seat tray table, and head rest as you take your seat. Do not board unless both air PACKs (pneumatic air cycle kits) are operating. Ask at the gate. Keep your gasper open and blowing directly at your face the entire flight including ground time (positive pressure will help keep airborne droplets of unspeakable nasal filth from making it to your face). Stay hydrated. Fresh air provided by in flight air PACKs is very dry. The drying of mucus membranes makes you more susceptible to infection. Think about that when you are away from home working or vacationing in a warm dry climate. Stay hydrated. Limit alcohol in the days before flying to avoid the dehydrating effects. Newer aircraft have more efficient filters (HEPA). Fly them when you can. Board last and move quickly and directly to your seat limiting your contact with other passengers and crew. Fly smaller aircraft with fewer passengers to limit boarding and unboarding time when air PACKs are off and less efficient ventilation is provided by APUs or ground power. Oz is perhaps right about one thing, at the window you are perhaps 50% less likely to be sneezed on by a fucking slob.
Bottom line, in general when it comes to infectious disease it isn’t the air systems on passenger aircraft that is the problem. It is the passengers. You are being packed into a small space with a large number of strangers, a sizable majority of whom really do not comprehend the germ theory of disease. Defend yourself.
Only 26,150 to go and the performance of the DJIA under Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron will finally match what it did under the black Kenyan usurper.
@52 Also, throw the coughing passenger seated next to you out of the window after breaking it with your fist. The airline shouldn’t have allowed the asshole to board in that condition, so you’re within your rights by refusing to pay for the window.
All of Italy now on TrumpVirus lockdown.
Is your state ready? Is your county ready? If you are in a state that has declared a state of emergency you are lucky. State health authorities need to be mobilized and supported with additional funds now to assist county and local health authorities in order to contain the spread of the infection. The GOP/Trump administration is not going to be there.
@53 Only 23,851 to go in the other direction and stocks will be free.
Didn’t Doctor Dumbfuck say something about naked puts recently?
I don’t have any of those. Don’t believe in ’em. Especially on days like today.
He hasn’t been around much today. Probably at the bank making withdrawals from his cash accounts.
Matt Gaetz now joining Ted Cruz and Hermey Gosar on the CPAC death watch list, admitting today that he french kissed the same CPAC patient zero and probably has the deadly TrumpVirus.
More thoughts and prayers.
Coronavirus doesn’t exist in the teabagger dojo.
Probably at the
bankDQ parking lotmaking withdrawals from his cash accountsselling his Bobby Goldsboro LPs.ftfy
He’ll be back soon enough to perform more virtue signalling for his secret boyfriend.
Hill staffers are today meeting with Congressional IT to prepare to begin telecommuting.
Doug Collins joining Cruz, Gaetz, and Gosar on CPAC DeathWatch list. Collins and Gaetz both had extended close contact with the GOP RapeHero in recent days. So…
I’ve got it!
I just figured it out! We can all relax now.
I just figured out how the GOP RapeHero can defeat the TrumpVirus!
All he has to do is don a tight fitting flight suit and an oversized cod piece, land on the pitching deck of an aircraft carrier, and stand beneath a giant banner reading
He can do that, right? We’re saved, aren’t we?
Donald J Trump as of today sat in office during the top 8 largest Single day point drops in DJIA History.
One could make a very compelling argument that fact alone justifies the label ‘Worst President Ever.’
“Look at Marino’s passing yards!” “No rings.”
“More hits than any player” “Banned from the game.”
“Unemployment!” “8 of the worst 10 days, stranglehold on the worst 5”
Some truths can’t really be overlooked.
@60 Of course that’s what I meant. As I said, at the “bank” making “cash withdrawals.”
@63 ” We’re saved, aren’t we?”
Of course we are! Have faith in the final victory! See, e.g.:–4
Today’s polls posted on RealClearPolitics:
Michigan, 5 polls, ranging from Biden 51% – Sanders 42% to Biden 65% – Sanders 24%.
Missouri, 1 poll, Biden 62% – Sanders 32%.
Mississippi, 1 poll, Biden 77% – Sanders 22%.
Arizona, 1 poll, Biden 45% – Sanders 17%
Wisconsin, 1 poll, Biden 49% – Sanders 38%
Pennsylvania, 1 poll, Sanders 59% – Sanders 31%
Might be a trend lurking in there somewhere …
Five-Thirty-Eight rates all the remaining primary contests here:
More polls showing Biden “crushing” Sanders in key remaining states.
Even more interesting:
“Voters in all three states also disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s job-approval rating is underwater by 11 points (43 percent to 54 percent). In Wisconsin, it’s underwater by 10 points (43 percent to 53 percent). And in Michigan, it’s underwater by 7 points (45 percent to 52 percent). Across all three states, a plurality of voters (43 percent) say they ‘strongly disapprove’ of Trump’s performance.”
And the last week or two probably haven’t done much to boost voters’ confidence in him.
Trump reminds me of Daniel Day-Lewis’s character in the movie “There Will Be Blood.” Unbridled greed, and … “I hate most people.” Unrepentant misanthrope. This November, I want to hear Trump recite the last line of the movie: “I’m finished.”
Biggest Dow drop since 2008.. Who was running things back then?
Oh yeah it had an “R” next to its name…
Damn, back then and now.. The R’s f’ing suck.. This election season, look at all R politicians running for re-election.. their websites.
The word “Republican” won’t be seen – anywhere. Just like back then..
The ballot will read “prefers GOP party”… Return of the GOPP..
You live long enough, you see it all. It’s too f’in funny!
@71 All their supporters are “independents” now.
The head of the New York/New Jersey Port Authority has coronavirus.
It’s the new social disease — everybody’s getting it.
We live in an age of cheating.
This probably also explains why so many horses dropped dead at Santa Anita.
What the democrats want to do
Paid sick leave — workers impacted by quarantine orders or responsible for caring for children impacted by school closures must receive paid sick leave to alleviate the devastating consequences of lost wages;
Enhanced Unemployment Insurance — we must ensure unemployment insurance benefits are available and sufficient for workers who may lose their jobs from the economic impacts of the epidemic;
Food security — we must expand SNAP, WIC, school lunch and other initiatives and suspend implementation of any regulations that weaken federal food assistance, in order to ensure vulnerable populations do not lose access to food during this epidemic;
Clear protections for frontline workers — we must have clear standards and sufficient distribution of necessary protective equipment for health care and other workers who are in contact with people who have been exposed or are suffering from the virus as well as the people responsible for cleaning buildings and public facilities;
Widespread and free coronavirus testing — to control the spread of coronavirus, the administration must ensure that all Americans who need an evaluation are able to access locations for cost-free testing and rapidly increase the unacceptably low daily test processing capacity inside the U.S.;
Affordable treatment for all — patients must be reimbursed for any non-covered coronavirus-related costs, or else the epidemic will be worsened because Americans will fear they cannot afford the costs associated with treatment;
Anti-price gouging protections — we must ensure that Americans are protected from price gouging of medical and non-medical essentials during this emergency;
Increase capacity of medical system — we must use our emergency response mechanisms to mobilize resources and facilities in order to respond to surges in demand.
Wonder if #MoscoMitch will kill this in the Senate?
@75 What Trumpublicans want to do: Cut payroll taxes.
How much help this will give those who lose their jobs: $0
The ACU’s handling of the case has led to grumbling from some conference-goers, who have complained of a two-tiered system: VIPs have been notified directly even to be told they did not interact with the infected man, while ordinary rank-and-file attendees have by and large been left to wonder, receiving only vaguer information in mass emails.
They keep voting for it. Aren’t they used to it by now.
Geezus Republicans are some stupid motherfuckers.
White House COS Meadows is the latest brave lil’ soldier to succumb to the CPAC Deathwatch.
Seems most of these dudes were exposed at a Friday night Shabbat dinner. So pretty sure not a shrimp buffet.
Either way, lots and lots of thoughts and prayers.
“Cut payroll taxes.” Given that it’s from republicans, I am expecting it hurts little people and helps the richest.
Can you give pros and cons about cutting payroll taxes.
Immigration Judges (NAIJ)
EOIR has ordered immigration court staff to remove CDC posters designed to slow spread of coronavirus.
No, this is not a parody account.
4:01 PM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for Advertisers
Remember this in the next few hours and days as lying asswipe pussies like bot-farm and Tucker Carlson accuse Democrats of trying to exploit this disaster.
Can you give pros and cons about cutting payroll taxes.
Tankfull O’gas II
Cutting payroll taxes:
pros: people getting paychecks and probably their employers as well get to keep more of their money…
cons: bleeds the Social Security and Medicare systems.
The payroll tax was cut for a short while during the worst of the Bush depression.. And like Elijah said, the amount of money most working stiffs got was the equivalent of a tankful or two of gas per month. The trustees of Social Security and Medicare urged restoration of the full tax as soon as it was possible and it was restored.
@79 Don’t forget to ask your Republican representative whether they’re cutting the employer contribution or the worker contribution. Or, maybe, both.
But, again, the help this gives the unemployed, students, and retirees: Zilch. Being retired, I wouldn’t spend a dime of this tax cut, because I wouldn’t get a dime of it.
Interesting: The IAMAW (aerospace workers union) took a vote of their members on presidential candidate endorsement preference and about a third of them backed Trump.
“President Donald Trump on Monday said he will be meeting with Senate and House Republicans on Tuesday to discuss ‘a possible tax relief measure’ that would provide ‘a timely and effective response to the coronavirus.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just Republicans? Don’t Democrats control the House? Don’t appropriations and legislative have to pass there, too? I guess Trump thinks he’s president of 42% of us, not all of us.
GOP president cat-food-brain has ordered the Attorney General of the United States to open an investigation into “the media” for the way “the media” have reported about the global pandemic COVID-19 virus.
Of the major broadcast and cable news networks all continue to omit any mention in any of the reporting so far that in 2018 the orange imbecile fired the entire White House pandemic response team.
So far the cost to US taxpayers of president BoneSpurs frequent weekday golf habit is the equivalent of three hundred years of presidential salary.