If you live in the 3rd District in Seattle, you have until tomorrow to drop off or have your ballot postmarked. Again, I hope you will oppose the recall. Sawant is good on the council, and the recall is a net negative waste of time and money even for a more typical member.
Also, I appreciate the residents of the tiny house village in the U District being neighborly, but there’s something off about this story. People transitioning out of homelessness can be good stewards of the place seems obvious enough that maybe it doesn’t need a story. But maybe it’s a good counter to the relentless negative messaging around the unhoused that it does need saying sometimes?
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And hey, get vaccinated or get boosted if you’re eligible.
What would the end of American democracy look like? Here are two terrifying scenarios
Scary read.
Here’s what’s off about the story:
And then, a bit lower in the piece, is this:
For those who read and connect dots, the message is that this one small cluster of individual housing units isn’t going to touch the overall problem.
One could also read and digest that the businesses in the area were forced to hire their own security guard to keep a lid on crime, but I digress.
The next one of these that opens should be next door to you, Carl. Then you can tell us how clean the residents keep their little tiny home neighborhood.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 1 worries about the next election being decided in the courts.
What he does not understand is that liberals will be the ones taking matters to court.
“Election Law Clinic launches at Harvard Law School”
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has no clue that it was Gore who began the legal fight that resulted in Bush v. Gore, and he began it by cherry-picking the Florida counties that he wanted recounted. Another way of describing his actions is asking the court to find more votes for the Democrats.
What Trump did was not original.
A reminder that now-First Vegetable Joe Biden said he would shut down the virus.
Cities and counties (and states) will not have sustained success in reducing homelessness until they are as committed to understanding the issue qualitatively as they are committed to understanding it quantitatively.
Sources of homelessness must be as well understood as the scale of homelessness. And while we may not know nearly enough, we do know that those sources are complex and diverse. So it’s very likely that sustained success at reducing homelessness will involve approaches that are just as complex and diverse. Without that understanding bureaucrats and community leaders involved in trying to solve homelessness are no better than the blind men in the Buddhist parable trying to describe an elephant.
This. is. CNN.
It took two of these, plus journalistic ethical breaches, to get Chris Cuomo fired.
Which you claim here was “cherry-picking the .. counties that he wanted recounted.”
You’re lying again, Bob. And you know it to your everlasting, and perpetually gaslighting shame. Trump simply made the whole thing up. He got nearly all the recounts he demanded. And not only did they not help, they made it worse. So instead he shifted to fantastical claims of alien conspiracies involving dead Venezuelan dictators and bamboo fibers. And then he sent an armed mob to attack Congress.
You used to be at least a competent liar. Now, like Trump, you’re just a pitiful joke.
Not that it matters much at this point. Won’t stop him any more than it stops you.
Trump told you he did much worse. And still you voted for him. More than once.
So how’s it looking so far in the great HA race this week?
Bob claimed the markets would drop 10 to 15% this week. Are we on track for the DOW to drop below 30k? Are we trending?
Until the mortar shell got stuck in his ass I suppose the guy was having a blast.
Bomb Squad Called To UK Hospital After Man Gets WWII Mortar Stuck In His Rectum
This is what Cuomosexual G-clown prefers to “breeding”. I have no idea why.
@ 9
Bob claimed the markets would drop 10 to 15% this week.
I did? QoS McHillbilly, as long as you’re going to lie, why not just say I clamed that the markets would drop 10-15% at the opening bell today? I mean, neither would be remotely true, but the latter seems much more exciting, no?
The future of the FreeDumb Party!
If QoS McHillbilly wishes to mock me while the wealth gap separating my wife and me from YLB and her kids continues to expand, I guess that’s just my cross to bear.
if @9 needs to be corrected. Then you would also need to correct @10.
Breeding will not save you though. See @12.
@3 that’s a pretty bold prediction pulled out of your ass. And why not prepare for defending against a real steal of the election by Fascist pigs? The real steal wasn’t or will not be the steal but the claim of a steal, and who so far has claimed stolen elections. And if you have to go to court to defend against a claim, then that’s the way justice works. The Horse doesn’t like the false claim that you fuck it, when the horse knows who is really fucking who.
Bob really missed the call today. The Dow is up!
He looks at the skirt from the corner of his eye….it calls him! He wants to but he can’t!
Wait…..if @9 needs to be corrected then Bob has a lot of correcting do himself.
Any nice statements from The FuckHump on Bob Dole? Bob isn’t waiting.
A reminder that gerrymandering is perfectly fine and normal when it’s done by Democrats.
A reminder to YLB as well, that Cocaine Mitch doesn’t give two shits about what happens in a legislative race in a single district in Virginia. What a silly thing to suggest, girlfriend.
When Biden dies in office the only reason to notice is that the chick who replaces him will be even worse.
As predicted! Like clockwork.
Because character is destiny. And the incel troll was destined to repudiate and walk back those claims. I just didn’t expect it so soon!
We shall see.
Current unemployment rate among the Cuomo brothers: 100%.
Kyle Rittenhouse did a better job explaining himself to an adversarial prosecutor on the witness stand than Alec Baldwin did in that interview with a friendly Little George.
What Trumpalo “cross bearing” looks like.
Hey, whaddya call jury verdicts of Not Guilty for Rittenhouse and Guilty for Baldwin?
Justice under the law.
This from the just-filed DOJ lawsuit against Texas:
The allegation is that a district was stocked with “bad” Latinos instead of “good” Latinos.
This was new to me. Has this argument been made previously?
It has already been done in this neck of the woods. A take-over by a new population with different beliefs than the existing population. Would have continued to work if not for a radicalize nut running the show.
Antelope, Oregon.
All too familiar.
It would be so much less messy if Texas could find some simpler, cleaner way to reduce Latino representation.
Like maybe only counting each Latino voter as 3/5ths?
@ 27
Maybe Texas could spend its energies learning how to keep its Latino Dem legislators from flipping to Republican party registration.
Or, like, listening to what Henry Cuellar has to say.
@ 27
Seriously, have you seen the argument @ 25 made in previous lawsuits over redistricting issues?
That’s cute enough. But “listening to Henry Cuellar” is not even remotely close to what Texas Republican are doing with redistricting. And everybody knows it, including you.
“When I entered this lawsuit I had three goals in mind:
1. Provide fair representation to my constituents in CD 28 so we can continue the important work of providing a responsive government.
2. Make sure the Hispanic community in Texas was treated fairly by creating new Hispanic Districts. This settlement gives the Hispanic Community two of the four new congressional districts that Texas got because of the growth of the Hispanic Community. It creates one new CD in the Dallas area and one in the Travis / Bexar county area.
3. Since I was the only elected official from South Texas that was a plaintiff, I wanted to make sure that the South Texas Border Area, especially all important Rio Grande Valley Area is fairly represented. Because of our fight, we have restored the Cameron County anchored district (now called CD34) and the four additional congressional districts on the Border: My district, CD 28, and CD 23, 15 and 16. This gives us a total of five advocates to fight for the issues of importance to our border area.
4. To work closely with Congresswomen Eddie Bernice Johnson and Sheila Jackson Lee and Congressman Al Green to protect the African -American communities of interests in Dallas and Houston. “
@3 Needless to say, you’re too stupid to grasp that those courses train lawyers to defend elections, not overthrow them. You have to go to Claremont Institute for the latter.
As of this morning, Doctor Dumbfuck’s 10%-15% pullback is nowhere in sight.
The “argument” is not as you present it because… Dumbfuck.
The claims alleged in the DOJ suit are similar to other claims that have been made successfully before.
There is an unavoidable nexus between the modeled demographics of any proposed district and the modeled voting patterns observed within that modeled demographic. And because of that simple fact analysis of a proposed district has to extend beyond raw census numbers about race. This has been presented to federal courts before. And they have been persuaded by it to varying degrees.
TLDR: babies don’t fucking vote.
Yes, but are the indexes moving in his direction?
He’s got to get the DJI below 30k, based on his claim.
Even with an indefinite timeline that must be at least remotely possible, right?
The allegation is that a district was stocked with non voting Latinos instead of voting Latinos.
14)UXO in Europe is no joke. It’s a daily occurrence in Germany. A WWII bomb went off in Munich last week.
And blowjobs in back alleys will not save you…..however they do appear to pay your rent.
@ 33
This has been presented to federal courts before. And they have been persuaded by it to varying degrees.
Examples, please. I don’t think I have a way to successfully search for them. Not arguing, but this is totally new to me.
@ 34
He’s got to get the DJI below 30k, based on his claim.
I did make this specific prediction. A couple of months ago I wrote that I think it’s more likely that the DJIA drops below 30,000 before advancing to 40,000 than it is that the DJIA just keeps on going to 40,000.
I still think this is the likeliest scenario: a nice, stiff pullback and retrenchment, new base of support, then eventual advance again.
Stupid people think cap gains are free and painless. They aren’t.
@38 It’s positively heartwarming to see you admit that you don’t know squat about a legal matter on which you obviously don’t know squat. Keep it up! You may make some new friends on the other side of the bar.
@ 41
Admitting lack of knowledge is my preference over demonstrating lack of knowledge, which is your preference, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You embarrass the memory of SeattleJew on a near-daily basis.
@34 He’s certain to get his 10%-15% pullback; it’s just a question of when. I prefer to buy on a 5%-7% pullback before the market goes up another 25%-45%, but that’s just me; I’m only a silly rabbit operating with woodland math.
Specific prediction?
In response to being shown analysis warning that “Further selling could bring a deeper correction. Stay tuned!”, Bob specifically said he was counting on a 10 to 15% correction, which would result in the DJI closing below 30k.
We shall see. A stiff pullback? A retrenchment?
Bob needs a recession in order to get working class whites angry enough to turnout and vote Trump in 2024. The whole “FB friends in CO” strategy has backfired disastrously.
@41 Excellent! Now do stock market corrections. I’ll let you know later how I did by buying last week while you sit on cash earning less than inflation.
I think the accountability of the Homeless has to be part of the solution.
The answer(s) to the complexity of the problem can’t be just, “Hey, I’m homeless, fix that.” They have to help fix it too.
@39 “A couple of months ago I wrote that I think it’s more likely that the DJIA drops below 30,000 before advancing to 40,000 than it is that the DJIA just keeps on going to 40,000.”
The last time the DJIA got within 4,000 points of 30,000 — if only for a fleeting moment — was a couple of months ago. Specifically, the first week of October, about the time you wrote that nonsense. The last time it got within 1,000 points of 30,000 was back in February; the last time it squeezed below 30,000, i.e. just barely and only for a few minutes, was January 4.
A well-informed and rational investor would squint at P/Es, earnings, economic and earnings growth rates, bond rates and spreads, etc., factor in business fundamentals, and calculate roughly how much stocks are overvalued. (Spoiler: At least 10%-15%!)
And then take note that the Federal Reserve is still inflating and propping up stock prices, and will continue to do so for at least another 1-2 years. If he reads the news, he’ll know the Fed’s priorities are about to shift, slowly and incrementally, such that the Fed is now prepared to let stock prices fall oh maybe 5%-7% or so. Which they obediently did. Investors, trying to figure out where within that range stock prices will land, are now groping their way from 7% toward 5%. Accordingly, the Dow is up 647 points today. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go count my shekels. You see, I bought last week, and the very least I’ll get is a dividend yield north of 3% while your cash still earns 0.1% in money market accounts, i.e. my realized yield from what used to be cash is now over 30 times your realized yield on what is still cash. Oh, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS (ex-War on Thanksgiving).
“He’s certain to get his 10%-15% pullback; it’s just a question of when.”
I’m not a timer. Hats off to them, I guess.
But as a non-pro, too buy earning a salary doing work I love, it was always my understanding that the common strategies a pro like our Bob would employ to “count on” a 10 to 15% correction are essentially time limited. Am I mistaken about this? Or are most of the hedge investments that Bob would be forced to purchase in order to “count on” the big market correction ones that would expire at some future date? And wouldn’t that then require him to purchase new hedge investments on an ongoing basis until the correction finally happened?
I wouldn’t expect Bob to be honest about any of this, any more than I would expect a degenerate addicted gambler to confess to his true losses over time. And of course, pursuing a short term losing strategy could be hugely profitable in the end if done well, and timed with great precision. But it would seem to me that “counting on” a big downturn in the markets during any extended period when it didn’t happen would come at a real cost to any investor, even a “pro” like Bob. And that eventually those real accumulated costs would surely surpass the big jackpot.
I guess we shall see. Because as we all know, like every white knuckle degenerate playing the same number every week for decades, he can wait.
@47 “I’m not a timer. Hats off to them, I guess.”
Nobody’s a timer, and anyone who says s/he can time markets or stocks is a liar. Sometimes markets or stocks are obviously overvalued, but when they’ll break is anybody’s guess.
There are many ways to invest in, play, or gamble with the stock market, depending on personal styles and preferences. I prefer the “Moneyball” approach. It’s more reliable than most of the others. It helped make me a millionaire.*
* The only reason I’m throwing this in there is to give Bob an opportunity to further discredit himself by lying again. Just like he lies about an AGI he’s never seen. Why bother to do this? Because egging Bob to look foolish amuses the rest of us and livens things up around here. His recklessly uninhibited posts about “waiting for a 10%-15% pullback” are unexpected frosting on the cake. WallStreet obviously isn’t waiting.
the wealth gap separating my wife and me from YLB
Minus the funds that go to liberal causes… heh.
your fookin’ munee is going into the ground with ya, greedee kreepah…
no one cares about it. yawwwwnnn…
heh. teh greedee widbee kreepah been babblin’ lately about “weak”..
Big yawwwwwn.. how’s this for “weak”?
can’t get weaker than “dead”.. since “teh wuhan” started, yours truly hasn’t been sick a day. Not a cough, sniffle, nothin’.. nada. something to be said for frequent hand washing, masking and avoiding crowds, minimizing your time in them.
Sux to be you kreepah – you closet librul.. bet you got your 3 jabs..
P.S., my accounts were up five figures today, with even more juice from very recent stock purchases. That sure beats the $300 – $700 annual bonuses Tyson is bestowing on chicken line workers who reported for work throughout the entire pandemic as a reward for risking their lives by standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the production lines without protective equipment before there were vaccines. But only the survivors get these tokens of slight appreciation — that is what they are — for their blind loyalty to a company that doesn’t give a damn about them in return. The bonuses are only a feeble effort to recruit replacements for the gaps in the line, in a labor market of worker scarcity. This company does nothing from the goodness of its heart; it doesn’t have a heart.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, as I’ve said this before, in this country it’s far, far better to be a lazy coupon-clipping capitalist than a hard worker. It shouldn’t be that way, but that’s the reality, and I go with the flow (while Doctor Dumbfuck goes with his hunches).
@49 “no one cares about it”
This isn’t true, someone does care about it, although even if the horse didn’t assume he’s in the will, he’d be eagerly awaiting Bob’s demise anyway, just for the purely personal reasons.
Devin Nunes is leaving Congress to pursue a private sector opportunity.
@53 opportunity? giving drumpf hand jobs?
good riddance.. Oh and good luck getting paid.
Bob never had that belief when The FuckHump was in office, skies the limit then and the skirt was on!
What changed? The skirt get to tight?
Cruz says US athletes should attend Beijing Olympics, “kick their commie a**es”
He’s right, and not just 1980. When the communist nations boycotted 1984 in return, it make a joke out of those Games.
Alexi Grewal as mens’ road race gold medalist? C’mon.
This is doubly bad news for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Not only did Viagra not work for him, he won’t be able to blame his imbecility on Alzheimer’s. It’s really just him being a dumbfuck, as usual.
I think this is what is “off” to Carl Ballard about today’s thread topic.
Hey Carl Ballard, tell us NIMBY without telling us NIMBY.
“Also, I appreciate the residents of the tiny house village in the U District being neighborly, but there’s something off about this story.”
@ 51
P.S., my accounts were up five figures today…
I hadn’t thought – I mean, what’s the point, really – to check, but Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit made me look at my own accounts.
And then I laughed at Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. “Please clap.”, begged he.
One really needn’t check a balance to realize that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit isn’t a millionaire.
$10,000 (five figures) divided by 0.0187 (today’s DJIA increase) equals
$534,759. Oh, and change!
Everybody, please clap for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s stock market performance today.
Every child had a heartbeat before being shot in school.
Where’s the righteous republican and christian pro-life outrage?
@60 there he goes at math again. But he can’t even figure out my AGI! Poor Bob.
Good luck beating the Russian women skaters. Five of the six finalists in the ISU Grand Prix Women’s Finals (now canceled) were Russian. The 5th was Japanese. Alysa Liu was the highest ranked American at 11th.
Speaking of commie asses, Russian skater Anna Shcherbakova has the nicest ass on the planet.
God bless Anna Shcherbakova’s ass.
Under Barack Obama the DOJ closed the #CrookedHillary investigation without charges, too.
Justice Department Closes Emmett Till Investigation Without Charges
Guess she must not have done anything wrong, then.
@ 63
God bless Anna Shcherbakova’s ass.
She was barely 17 then. Ya fuckin’ pedo.
Stocks are rallying around the globe and Dow futures are 162 points as Doctor Dumbfuck patiently waits for a 10%-15% pullback while his money earns 0.1% interest. I’ve already bought this market dip.
Steve’s too reserved to admit it, but in 2008 he woulda happily busted a nut into the ass of 10 year-old Malia that cold November night in Chicago, given an opportunity.
Tapping the ass of a 17 year-old girl skater is Steve’s idea of a get-tough approach to the Russkies. Biden’s, too.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is joke fodder to the Chinese.
Good one.
Fuck yeah.
She’s a superspreader, at minimum.
From CHS on Saturday:
She’s pulled it off twice. Third time? Let’s hope not.
@63 Shcherbakova has skinny thighs for a triple jumper (she’s done quads, too). She’s a rare combination of athletic ability and grace. That’s why she’s world champion. Her Biellmann is only so-so, but that’s to be expected, it’s the hardest spin in skating to do well and nobody has ever done it as well as the original. Her ass has nothing to do with it. I used to watch Harding’s jumps from the boards when she was 17, and she was all power in the legs, although Harding could do gorgeous laybacks and sit spins, too. Shcherbakova probably will take the Olympic gold; it’s hard to put together as complete a package as she has, and while it’s not surprising to see a Russian skater of her caliber, it’s a bit surprising to see one come from Russian rinks with a background of Russian coaching. For years, top Russian skaters came here for training, and top Russian coaches and professional skaters came here to work because the money was so much better.
@70 Unless you’ve been lying about residing on Whidbey Island, where you get to enjoy neighbors more to your liking than the kind of people who support Sawant, you don’t get to vote in that one and can only bloviate about it. In any case, in about 24 hours, you’ll find out if she’s still a Seattle city councilperson or not.
Sign on a telephone pole on Harvard:
And others. Pretty funny stuff.
@71 All voting in Seattle is by-mail, so you can expect “strong by-mail voting” in the rest of her district, too.
Oh, and one more thing, all the areas of her district are wealthy, except the tent camps under the freeway. Try buying a house there for less than seven figures. Even her dump is worth three-quarter mil.
@ 75
Oh, and one more thing, all the areas of her district are wealthy, except the tent camps under the freeway.
Well, then, it’s a good thing that the homeless don’t have to pay for a postage stamp for that ballot.
Oh, and one more thing, those wealthy residents in her district are known as voters.
@74 She has fans and detractors. The only neutral residents of Capitol Hill are in Lake View.
@76 “Well, then, it’s a good thing that the homeless don’t have to pay for a postage stamp for that ballot.”
Nobody has to pay for a postage stamp. Ballots envelopes come with prepaid postage. If you’ve ever voted, you’d know that, which makes me wonder if you’re 16 years old and your F-350 is a Matchbox Series.
Dow futures now 191 points. Drip, drip, drip. This buying opportunity isn’t just dribbling away, it’s already gone. I bought last week while you were waiting for a 10%-15% pullback.
Dow futures now 200 points. Drip, drip, drip. This buying opportunity isn’t just dribbling away, it’s already gone. I bought last week while you were waiting for a 10%-15% pullback.
@ 79
You learned nothing from your embarrassing performance of 10/20/17.
I feel badly for your family. Everyone except that fat tub of lard who married you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@80 Laughing all the way to the bank. At you.
Dow futures up 277. Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck is waiting, waiting, waiting … and I’ve already bought.
Justice Department Closes Emmett Till Investigation Without Charges
Emmett Till. killed by racists. Those racists now vote republican.
Hillary Clinton. After endless investigations, still innocent. Republicans couldn’t even frame her, and make it stick.
Democrats are better people. Vote accordingly.
Bob must be having a sad that he can’t wear his skirt today
65, 67,
Wasn’t TFG’s daughter 14 when he was discussing how “luscious” and “full and round” her breasts were with television and radio personalities?
And still Republicans voted for him many times. And they long to do so again.
I imagine this is a feeling of helplessness that Dumbfuck has grown accustomed to over the long years, whether it be sitting on the sidelines while “Libs” decide every local issue of any consequence, or concealing himself in the closet and watching while her bull services OfDumbfuck.
Bob likes to watch.
TFG’s Chief of Staff is now on the rocket sled heading for a criminal indictment for contempt, joining Bannon and Clark.
Flipping the House can’t change that. The DOJ would have to file a motion to the court asking for the charges to be dismissed. They would not do that.
What this reveals to the committee, I think, is that the maneuvering last week by Meadows’ lawyer was intended to delay and allow for testing midterm voter response. I think the committee should now proceed on the assumption that any witness who initially resists a lawful subpoena and fails to appear or materially respond should immediately be referred to the full House for charges. There’s nothing in this stupid political dance for the American people other than needless delay. Every witness should be given a reasonable opportunity to make a legal and legitimate response to a subpoena. But that’s sufficient to fulfill their rights to due process.
Let those who fuck around find out.
Truly bad parenting.
Breeding will not save them.
Another opportunity for First Vegetable Joe Biden to demonstrate his administration’s incompetence. This time the Russians will have a front-row seat.
New polling service for 2022.
Exclusive: WSJ taps Biden, Trump pollsters for 2022
WSJ cut ties with NBC’s polling.
Remember last Fall when Steve pushed a poll that showed the black Democrat US Senate candidate ahead but didn’t realize that it was because the poll padded the number of black respondents by several percent, and did so intentionally, and explicitly informed readers that it did so?
Yeah. Steve embarrassed himself bigly. Steve is who Nate Silver is speaking to here:
Oh. Dem candidate lost. By, er, several points.
DJIA’s up again.
Ooh. I wonder if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is eagerly anticipating another “five-figure” @ 51, 59, 60 paper gain on the day.
Everybody get ready to clap for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit!
Speaking of “five-figure” gains, that SALT limitation repeal will be handing those gains out to an awful lot of people, every year.
People who are not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Or YLB’s kids.
Build Back Better’s real slogan: Making destination vacation homes increasingly affordable to real millionaires everywhere, but especially in rich blue states.
Memo to QoS McHillbilly: We’re gonna be talking about Afghanistan for a long, long time to come.
Biden misses congressional deadline to disclose Afghan airlift details
Wait until First Vegetable Joe Biden’s military starts accidentally blowing up Ukrainian citizens while Russia has cameras rolling. Then it won’t just be China with video blackmail material against The Biden Crime Family.
For the record, the vast majority of retired attorneys have seen their investment holdings rise and fall by at least five figures on most trading days over the past couple of years. Even “quiet” days have seen substantial moves in the market, and those moves multiplied by the equity holdings of most retired attorneys easily surpass $10k.
The reason the five figures threshold is significant to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is that his investment holdings are pitifully lower than those of the vast majority of retired attorneys. Surpassing that small threshold was an unusual event for the Dumbfuck Rabbit household, and thus he felt the need to share his oh-so-good fortune with the rest of us.
A mistake, that.
If he was honest about it Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would share that his annual expenditure for Depends undergarments is five figures.
And that he’s running out of places in the back yard to bury them when they’re too badly soiled to reuse.
@92 How much is your money market account balance up today? Should we clap for that? Why don’t you just admit you made yourself look like a fool by trying too hard to make me look like one. Because it’s obvious to everyone you did.
@93 In which dumbfuck bitches about giving tax relief to people who are not billionaires.
@95 Let’s talk about one retired doctor. How’s he doing? Has his return on equity hit three figures yet?
Another smash-and-grab criminal caught.
Read it and weep Doc: A Maine city that’s 90% White now has a Somali mayor
This fact must make your blood boil. Someone should teach the folks in Maine about what I posted in @26 or else they might just take over.
Oh wait, she was elected fair and square. Again, must make Bob and his ilk blind with rage. Time for Bob and company to march in Maine.
55% increase of deposits in FDIC insured accounts in Blaine County ID since COVID. Blaine County is Sun Valley. Home address zip codes of account holders? Over 50% from California. Most of the rest from Washington.
Limiting SALT is a stupid way to fix income tax unfairness.
@96 “If he was honest about it Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would share that his annual expenditure for Depends undergarments is five figures.”
I’ll share that my annual expenditure for Depends is zero. Yours? (Not that anybody cares; but I thought I’d give you an opportunity to come clean, so to speak.)
@92 “Ooh. I wonder if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is eagerly anticipating another …”
Are you eagerly anticipating your next interest income statement?
@68 Yeah, it’s a pinprick, but to the Chinese it’s a very annoying pinprick.
@ 102
I doubt the repeal of the SALT limitation will precipitate a fire sale in ski chalet homes in Sun Valley.
What you described is not income tax unfairness. It’s income tax avoidance. CA state income tax avoidance, to be specific.
Ever try reading for comprehension, rather than for billing speed?
Home address zip codes of account holders? Over 50% from California. Most of the rest from Washington. These are based upon the tax payer IDs of the account holders, fucktard. These are funds earned in CA and WA by tax IDs in CA and WA and then deposited in ID.
You’d be marginally closer to be unfucked if you had suggested property tax avoidance. Which is maybe something you can explain to all those low income kids in failing ID public schools. But not in Blaine County, where thanks to a well supported property tax base and local levies they have more than twice as much money to spend per pupil as the rest of the state. California and Washington money
@ 107
What’s the reason for depositing in Idaho? Do CA bank ATMs not work there?
There’s no reason to open a bank account in Idaho if you spend four weeks a year there. They don’t give out toasters with each new DDA anymore.
69% of the new driver licenses in Blaine County, ID are issued to people 61 years or older.
They are leaving WA and CA and retiring to ID. This explains the bank accounts in ID. They haven’t paid taxes yet from their new digs in ID, so all QoS McHillbilly has to work with is prior-year tax stuff, when they still lived in WA and CA.
@ 107
…all those low income kids in failing ID public schools. But not in Blaine County, where thanks to a well supported property tax base and local levies they have more than twice as much money to spend per pupil as the rest of the state.
Let’s talk about school spending for a minute, shall we?
Idaho is dead last, 51st in the nation. $6,747 per student in the 2018-19 period.
Washington, DC spent $22, 406 per student in fiscal 2019.
Wanna talk about student performance in those locales next?
In Idaho, 37% of 8th graders are at or above NAEP proficient levels in math and the same percent holds for reading.
In Washington DC those numbers are 24% and 26%, respectively.
Tell me again about school dollars spent, QoS McHillbilly. But this time, tie those dollars to student performance.
Oh. One more thing. In Washington those numbers are 40% and 38%, respectively. Not a whole lot better than Idaho’s.
@ 110
Vermont, state in which reside the highest percent of vaccinated residents. ’cause the parents are smart, amirite? $19,340/pupil spent in 2018.
38% and 40%.
New Biden nominee for this post: Soon-to-be-available Kshama Sawant.
And now this chick.
Biden’s got a majority and can’t get his nominees confirmed?
Turns out it’s a much larger number of failed nominations. there’s actually a list of these asswipes, maintained by the Senate:
Nominations Withdrawn
In my life I have never met a liberal ashonest and straightforward than Jussie Smolett.
It’s not wonder that Kamala Harris was so quick to come to his defense.
@108 I would imagine that owners of million-dollar ski chalets who use them 4-weeks a year may be renting them out at other times, so would want a local bank to handle rent deposits, property expenses, and so on. If they’re not renting them out, that’s pretty fucking expensive weekend accommodation.
@109 Well maybe some of that, too. But most people don’t buy these properties with retirement incomes. They buy them when they’re working and making money.
@110 “Idaho is dead last, 51st in the nation. $6,747 per student in the 2018-19 period.”
It shows.
This turkey got part of her education in Idaho, too.
@110 “In Idaho, 37% of 8th graders are at or above NAEP proficient levels in math and the same percent holds for reading.” (Background whisper: “white”)
“In Washington DC those numbers are 24% and 26%, respectively.” (Background whisper: “black”)
No, you don’t say it. But you sure as hell implied it.
Everyone knows per-pupil spending doesn’t perfectly correlate with educational achievement. But you know what? School scores don’t perfectly correlate with civic responsibility or fucking common sense, either. Exhibit A: Idaho’s vaccination rate (lowest in country, worse even than Mississippi’s) Exhibit B: Per capita density of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, insurrectionists, and rightwing morons (highest in nation, worse even than Whidbey Island’s)
@110 “In Idaho, 37% of 8th graders are at or above NAEP proficient levels in math and the same percent holds for reading.” (Background whisper: “white students”)
“In Washington DC those numbers are 24% and 26%, respectively.” (Background whisper: “black students”)
No, you don’t say it. But you sure as hell implied it. By the way, slightly over one-third proficiency isn’t exactly instructional success. And just out of curiosity, what h.s. full of dumbfucks did you matriculate from? Asking for a mother who wants to know what schools to avoid.
Everyone knows per-pupil spending doesn’t perfectly correlate with educational achievement. But you know what? School scores don’t perfectly correlate with civic responsibility or fucking common sense, either. Exhibit A: Idaho’s vaccination rate (lowest in country, worse even than Mississippi’s) Exhibit B: Per capita density of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, insurrectionists, and rightwing morons (highest in nation, worse even than Whidbey Island’s)
@112 “Biden’s got a majority and can’t get his nominees confirmed?”
Happens all the time. SOP for all administrations. And Biden doesn’t have a majority, he has 46 Democrats, 2 Independents, 2 DINOs, 50 Obstructionists, and 1 Tiebreaker if he can get the DINOs on board.
@113 You should get out of the basement more, if your mother is willing to occasionally unlock the door.
Flail. Triggered. Flail.
Idaho is dead last, 51st in the nation. $6,747 per student in the 2018-19 period.
Not Blaine County.
Over $15,000 per student. Wonder why.
13:1 student/teacher ratio, 47% non-white, 22% free lunch, 29% ESL,
66% of H.S. at or above proficiency in reading, 34% math.
You forgot Sandpoint born and U of I Vandal educated Caribou Barbie.
I’d gladly trade SALT for 2nd home deductions.
As you like to say, “I can wait.” If you can wait until 2022 and 2024 for women to hand your ass to you in more elections, then surely I can wait until April for Anna to turn 18.
The doctor, who has never been laid by anything with two legs (farmyard fowl don’t count), has been envious ever since I shared how two recent HS graduates, both 18 and both very beautiful girls, took me out to dinner for my 37th birthday and then it was back to my place.
Stranger than that was about 10 years later when a young woman, a very beautiful, statuesque blonde, informed me that she and five other young women in the office, averaging about 25 years younger than me, were becoming upset because I’d never hit on any of them.
As I explained to her, “It’s a bit of a challenge. You see, ever since my 37th birthday I’ve been into threesomes. But now that we’re talking, do you think you and Megan (a very beautiful Eurasian girl) might be game for something like that?”
“Maybe. I’ll talk with her.”
Filing a formal sexual harassment compliant against these women would have been a bit awkward, to say the least, seeing as how the head of our HR department was one of the women complaining about me not hitting on them.
Perhaps the doctor will now take a moment to share a story about his horse with us.
@120 No, I didn’t. Second link. The turkey.