Looks like some windy shit today. And flooding rivers to boot. Nasty. Everyone, please stay safe and dry if you can. I definitely felt the wind on a walk earlier this morning. And the waves are very choppy. But no rain at this moment.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And hey, there’s still time to get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon surrendered to federal authorities in Washington, D.C., where he faces criminal charges after defying a subpoena from lawmakers investigating the deadly Capitol invasion.
Bannon, 67, was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress following his refusal to comply with demands to produce documents and sit for a deposition as part of that investigation.
1)Well, he could have avoided it. Just complied, showed up, and take the 5th.
Looks like the University Bridge may be open again. Friday they were detouring routes 49 and 70 on I-5. Something Metro was averse to do with the XT40 and XT60’s, even though they have limited off wire capability.
True, but this way he can become a martyr to their cause.
4)More important to him.
Where is Col, Jessup today? I thought he would be here defending his boy Rittenhouse.
According to the prosecutor during closing arguments, “Was he genuinely interested in helping people? He ran around with an AR-15 all night and lied about being an EMT,” Binger continued. “Does that suggest to you that he genuinely is there to help?”, I wonder where the fuck was this kid’s parents?
Why on earth did they allow him to go to such a place during the chaos that was going on? Rittenhouse was looking for a fight and he found it. The little shit should go to jail. Just like voting, lying has consequences. Doesn’t it Colonel?
Public law 600, 1954, amended Title 18.
In brief, in any case involving treason, sabotage, espionage, sedition, seditious conspiracy, conspiracy against the United States a witness may not invoke the fifth when the record shows that they have been granted immunity under the section by a majority of the committee.
In a case like this one, pleading the fifth would avail him nothing. The hearing would go into recess. The committee convenes in closed sesh under the direction of staff counsel, and a vote is taken to grant testimonial immunity to whichever questions they decide. Then the hearing reconvenes and the result of the vote is entered into the record.
Refusal under immunity takes him from a misdemeanor to a felony. Still leaves him open to a misdemeanor contempt charge.
He’s fucked. He’s less fucked this way. But he’s still fucked.
Don’t get excited expecting the committee to treat Meadows the same way. Circumstances and legal issues are different. But all the other non-government, Stop-The-Steal conspirators should pay close attention. Bannon goes first in part because he’s the least sympathetic of all the conspirators and has no constitutional or legal theory to rely on. Other, similarly situated private citizens involved in organizing and fundraising for the Keystone Coup could face similar treatment, however.
@1 Even better, if that’s possible, a judge entered a default judgment in favor of Sandy Hook families today against Alex Jones after he spent two years ignoring discovery orders. Damages to be determined in a subsequent hearing, but they’ll likely be substantial.
Surely having anticipated this, Jones either has moved his assets offshore, or he doesn’t have any.
@1 Even better, if that’s possible, a judge entered a default judgment in favor of Sandy Hook families today against Alex Jones after he spent two years ignoring discovery orders. Damages to be determined in a subsequent hearing, but they’ll likely be substantial.
Surely having anticipated this, Jones either has moved his assets offshore, or he doesn’t have any.
I wonder where the fuck was this kid’s parents?
They misjudged their own kid.
Struggles to stay involved in school, doesn’t go out, no close friends, gets into fist fights with girls and much younger children, spends a lot of time in his room on his computer, fascinated with guns, flunked out of the military, dreams of being a cop, gets his hair cut like an SS officer. They misunderstood the signs. They figured him to be a loner who wouldn’t get into trouble because there was no circle of friends to “have a bad influence”. In other words, they didn’t understand how the internet works.
Now the same circle of internet “friends” that punk’d him into LARPing his way to a double homicide and nearly getting himself killed are offering him appearance fees.
They object to the teaching of empathy and they resent bitterly that money is not being spent on their kids only.
@7 “Public law 600, 1954, amended Title 18.”
Thanks for pointing this out.
Bob probably has no internet at his hobby farm today due to the nasty windstorm.
However CNN was able to snap a photograph of him,
@12 Are you trying to crack my ribs?
No, but I thought we could use a little humor around here given the frame of reference.
I won’t be able to get that CNN photo out of my mind. Every time I read a Bob (or alter ego of his) post, I’ll think of that photo.
@12 “Bob probably has no internet at his hobby farm today due to the nasty windstorm.”
Go easy on the poor guy. He can’t afford a generator. So he’s using this day to pick up hay at the food bank in town.
Oh nooooes!
Looks like M’noooch and Fat Mike are ’bout to get voted off the island.
That ends Pompeo’s ambitions to run for Senate.
Bannon defense will be fascinating.
He will have to waive privilege in order to bring it. If he wishes to argue as his defense that the confidential communications he had with his previous attorney resulted in his refusal to appear and refusal to produce, then those communications become part of discovery.
Since such a criminal defense is colorably related to a civil claim against the previous attorney it puts Bannon in an adversarial relationship with that attorney and with privilege waived would incent that attorney to publicize or otherwise use any damaging information Bannon shared during the client relationship.
As a strategy it’s not clear to me if this is to his advantage. But if his new attorney is well versed in this kind of defense it may be his intention to use it as a means of substantially delaying pretrial as the parties fight over discovery. I don’t know enough about it. But it seems like that would be one possibility. It’s not a common defense and he may be able to have a prolonged fight over how much of his privileged communications are made available for discovery in this case.
Wont save him tho, imho. Might keep him out of jail for a year. Maybe that’s all he wants. He looks like he’s dying to me.
I didn’t know that about the fat little fuck, but somehow assumed it, just judging from his age and the facts of the case.I don’t think this is any different than the school reject who’s had enough, grabs a gun from his parents and goes back to shoot up the school.
@ 17
Might keep him out of jail
for a yearuntil the House committee’s authority expires.ftfy
@ 12, 13, 14
That’s a nude dude boofin’ a donkey. Not a horse.
A donkey.
Hey, y’all are both Democrats, amirite?
As mentioned in a Friday spew, one of those Texas state legislative representatives flipped to the good side today.
Looking forward to him being called @ 18 a “fat little fuck”.
Thought the horse headed for higher ground and left just the donkey at the hobby farm.
I am an Independent voter.
NYT sez BBB won’t be paid for. Not even close.
Sorry Dumbass.
Not how it works.
I’ve tried ‘splainin’ this b4 but you must have been preoccupied with figuring out how to hotspot your phone for the first time in your life.
Bannon has been indicted before a federal grand jury on criminal charges of contempt. The authority is now a statutory obligation. And it rests with the Department of Justice Criminal Division, not with “Nancy fucking Pelosi”. You, Bannon, and the rest of his MAGAt-mob of rapturous cheerleaders are all very stupid for thinking that flipping the House makes any difference.
In his case that stupidity renders him very well and fully fucked.
Kevin can not save you now.
@20 You do donkeys, too? Who would’ve guessed?
@21 You have a strange notion of what’s “good.” But we’ve known that about you for a looong time.
Question for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Why didn’t Cori Bush claim that Michael Brown was shot in the back when he was killed?
Wouldn’t saying that have made her lie sound more threatening? Or is suggesting he was shot while fleeing too imbecilic for even a halfwit like Cori Bush to contemplate?
WV poll that explains why Manchin has absolutely no reason to do anything First Vegetable Joe Biden wants him to do.
Jane Sanders will run for the seat of retiring Senator Leahy D-VT.
Once you use the word “heroes” to refer to bloviating fat fucks dripping human waste from around catheters in two adjacent orifices while keyboarding inanity into an obscure blog abandoned by a dead guy, and to vajazzling panhandlers without a functional spine, the word loses all meaning, and there’s no further risk to misapplying it elsewhere.
NYT sez BBB won’t be paid for. Not even close.
Fire the parliamentarian.. Or fire Manchin and Sinema.
O wait they haven’t “spoken” yet…
Heh. Name the repuke tax scam, passed through reconciliation, that “benefited all levels”, that included expansion of IRS enforcement.
Those tax scams were “paid for”? AMIRITE?
(rolls eyes)
keyboarding inanity into an obscure blog
Funny, that looks like what a “normal, productive” misogynist zero from widbee does every day.
Hillary “fired” from the Watergate prosecution team anyone?
Qualified immunity has been taking a real beating this week at the circuit panel level.
8th decides that you can sue individual cops for shooting your dogs and the 11th finds that you can sue individual cops who exceed the bounds of a jaywalking citation to strip search you and unlawfully arrest you on a drug charge when for having sand.
Yeah. I know what you’re thinking. This is progress? Actually it really is. All in all these kinds of decisions at the circuit level are coming along quite fast these days. And it seems to represent a sort of shift. A growing plurality of circuit level justices no longer seem to feel comfortable with zero accountability for police. And that’s real progress, especially as it represents a real change in momentum.
@ 33
It is progress. Progressively is how gay marriage was accepted. Recall that during the 2008 election season Obama was too chickenshit to support it. Hell, Dick Cheney supported it before Obama did.
We’re about a year away from the start of a presidential primary season during which Democrats will bring out the long knives against an unlikable, incompetent black woman. They’ll do this while calling Republicans misogynists and racists. The most virulent of Democrats doing this will be the wife of the president.
I can wait.
@35. I agree. Harris will not be the nomination but not for the reasons you cite. Democratic voters will vote defensively and they know that a black or female candidate cannot get elected as president regardless of how good for the country they would be. Democrats have learned there is too much misogamy and racism in the electorate whipped up into a fever pitch of hate and resentment by alt right media. Democrats will vote for the next safe Biden-like candidate.
“They’ll do this while calling Republicans misogynists and racists” Because that is what republicans do. We will stop calling them misogynists and racists when they stop acting like it.
Cheney may come out in favor of marriage equality before Obama, but he didn’t do it when he was in power and could have made it happen sooner. Obama helped make it happen during his tenure. Obama risked political capital while all Cheney did was talk.
@36. It sure does obsess about black people making love. That’s one of his go to slurs.
Serious remorse among those who voted for the now-First Vegetable Joe Biden.
A substantial number of those switched voters are not white. Minority voters are beginning to realize how they are used by the Democrat party. As further evidence of this, see southern Texas.
In which a white Republican lauds the efforts of a newly elected black Democrat to tamp down on domestic terrorism in New York City.
GOP leader lauds Adams’ resolve in face of BLM threat to ‘burn’ NYC
That’s bipartisanship in the effort against the type of shit that is favored by your average, ballpark HA libbie.
That includes populist Democrat politicians who ultimately become spouses of US senators.
The only good Democrat is a traumatically lobotomized Democrat.
@43. I pity you. To go through life with such hate and fear.
@ 44
I mock you. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has no memory of how HA libbies behaved 11/8/16 – 11/6/20.
45 I pity you. To go through life with such hate and fear and needing revenge for imagined grievance.
33)Saw a story about a CHP Officer who abused his power when it came to female motorists. He was afraid of the one who threatened to talk, and killed her. The San Bernardino county jury deadlocked, both times in favor of acquittal. After the judge dismissed the indictment as the prosecution moved for another retrial, the Feds took over, and he ended up dying of a heart attack in prison. The State jury, said they couldn’t convict a cop. Different time.
“If she had walked out of the hospital she could have had the medication.”
And she’d still be dead, because ineffective drugs don’t cure fatal illnesses. Should’ve take something that works, such as a clinically proven vaccine, for instance.
That is the Conservative/Republican modis operandi.
Hate and fear is how the function. They either sow it or wallow in it.
@43 A Republican complaining about a Democrat pandering to red state voters by flashing an AR-15 in a campaign photo. How quaint.
Next you’re going to say it was her fault she got shot in the head by a nutcase with a gun.
@12 LMAO…
The only good Democrat is a traumatically lobotomized Democrat.
Biden voters, eh? The ones that won the popular vote for Hillary in 2016 and grew to overcome 10 million MORE dumbasses “liberated” by the lies and blather of the orange grifter.
The only good pos is one turned into the soil – deep as possible. At least 6 ft..
@42 Well, if you follow all the links back to what the BLM guy actually said, it sure looks like it wasn’t a “threat” as you assert, but rather a prediction of what might happen if NYC cops start murdering black people again.
Most sensible people would agree that cops murdering black people is an all-around bad idea, racists excepted. Nobody here thinks you’re sensible, soooo …
The new mayor wants to bring back undercover cops. Remember how NYC’s undercover cops used to randomly grab people and slam them against a wall? I believe they called this “broken windows policing” or something like that. Indistinguishable from mugging. So, if some stranger in NYC abruptly grabs you, and you don’t know he’s a cop, what are you gonna do? You’re entitled to defend yourself, right? Also, invisible cops don’t exactly deter crime, do they? So I’m not sure what the new mayor, who used to be a cop, has in mind.
@51 “The only good Democrat is a traumatically lobotomized Democrat.”
He’s a Republican advocating mass violence against Democrats. Did you expect anything different? Is there a Republican besides Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who doesn’t project political violence imagery? Some are merely worse than others.
The doctor appears to be complaining that Gifford’s “traumatic lobotomy” was incomplete.
Is Mary Kay a Democrat? Sure donates like one.
What a fucking moron..
how HA libbies behaved 11/8/16 – 11/6/20
awwwwww.. hurt the fee-fees of repukes writing comments on an “obscure blog”.. (rolls eyes)..
Heh. On dimfuk’s screen wallpaper…
HA zero worship..
“A state audit report on government spending released Monday accused Iowa’s Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds of using nearly $450,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds to pay salaries for 21 staff members for three months last year and concealing the spending by passing it through the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
“State Auditor Rob Sand said a review of the state’s payroll system shows the money was used to pay the Republican governor’s office staff, but it’s unclear why she had to take federal money to pay the salaries.”
Aren’t we accustomed to Republicans misusing taxpayer funds? What I mean is, don’t we expect it?
@55 He’s not in favor of lobotomizing that one. Only law-abiding Democrats who go grocery shopping, visit their grandkids, and sit at home watching Stephen Colbert on TV.
It occurs to me if it’s legal for Kyle Rittenhouse to shoot protesters, then it’s also legal for BLM to shoot Proud Boys. I’m against that. I think “protecting the streets” should be delegated to properly trained and supervised police officers. We shouldn’t give that authority to random civilians (aka “vigilantes”).
Exactly the way Democrats “brought out the long knives” in 2012 in order to conjure support for…
… John Wolfe, Jr.?
… Darcy Richardson?
… Vermin Supreme?
If lonely, violent, emotionally disturbed MAGAteen escapes all legal accountability for what he caused to happen that night I believe you can count on ambitious trolls to mimic him.
@60 I published my views on Handbill. I know Doctor Dumbfuck won’t read it there. (Maybe he’s afraid I’ll trace a link to find out who he is. No. I don’t care who he is, and don’t want to know who he is. I’m against “outing” anonymous posters. I chastised someone else, don’t recall who, for posting his name here.) So I’m reposting it here:
“Boy with a gun insists … ‘I did nothing wrong’
“Someone sure as hell did. Responsible adults don’t let children play cops-and-robbers with real guns. This child wasn’t trained for policing a riot, no one was supervising him, and he lacked the maturity, wisdom, and experience to make life-and-death judgments. Whatever the jury decides in his case, accountability shouldn’t end with him.”
The following comment was received:
“Why is he in adult court then? The prosecutor decided he was mature enough to be charged as an adult. [Edited comment.]” (Some off-topic content was removed by me.)
I replied,
“I’ve thought about this. It’s fairly common to prosecute older juveniles charged with serious crimes as adults, but if he’s convicted, would you send this baby to an adult prison? I’d be reluctant to do that. You don’t want him mingling with adult criminals. I think he should be convicted, but of manslaughter not murder, and then confined in a juvenile institution until he’s 21. Although you probably don’t want young juvies mingling with him. So I’m not exactly sure what society should do with someone like this, beyond getting him off the streets.”
As you can see, the approach I’m taking is (i) he’s not innocent, but he’s not an adult criminal either, he’s a reckless kid; (ii) his crimes weren’t premeditated; and (iii) there are other people who should be held responsible for letting this immature juvenile roam Kenosha’s streets with a gun during civil unrest.
While this specific Handbill post doesn’t address the issue of vigilantism, I have views on that, too. To wit, (a) vigilantism is incompatible with rule of law; (b) vigilantism violates the principle of the state having a monopoly on use of force; and (b) failing to discourage vigilantism promotes violence.
So, society needs to punish vigilantes, and Kyle Rittenhouse is a vigilante. I wouldn’t lock him up for life, but a period of incarceration (at least several years) is appropriate, and then to keep him on a short leash I’d put him on extended probation, say 15 years of probation following release. And maybe a lifetime ban on owning, possessing, or using firearms. All of this in consideration of his youth and immaturity, and the fact others are also to blame for what he did.
@ 58
I think “protecting the streets” should be delegated to properly trained and supervised police officers.
Or a state’s national guard troops. Which weren’t called up to deal with the riots.
@62 Not true.
@ 63
Yes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, a day AFTER the Rittenhouse incidents, the WI governor realized his mistake and called up the troops.
Pull your head out of your ass once in awhile.
@64 Wrong again.
LA Times, Aug. 24, 2020: “The shooting [of Blake] drew condemnation from Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who also called out 125 members of the National Guard on Monday after protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and clashed with officers in riot gear the previous night.”
“Day 2: August 24 Mostly peaceful demonstrations were held during the day.[27] Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers activated the Wisconsin National Guard to protect firefighters and critical infrastructure in Kenosha. …
“Day 3: August 25 The Kenosha County Board sent a letter to Governor Evers requesting the deployment of an additional 2,000 national guardsmen.[42] … Governor Evers declared a state of emergency for the region, sending in 250 troops from the Wisconsin National Guard to the city.[43] … Significant numbers of armed civilians[47] were also on the streets.[48] Police said that such groups had not been invited and were not helpful.[49] Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth described them as ‘a militia… like a vigilante group.'[8] … At around 11:45 pm, a 17-year-old Illinois resident shot and killed two people and injured a third. He was arrested the next day and charged with homicide.[47]”
It’s very clear that National Guard troops were deployed before Vigilante Kyle took the law into his own hands.
However, I’m not alleging you have your head up your ass. You have your head up your horse’s ass.
Changing the subject, U.S. Covid-19 deaths now exceed 765k, and unvaccinated Americans are still dying at a rate of over 1,000 a day.
That’s a lot of people who won’t be voting Republican next year.
62. 63. 64.
The greedy racist incel said “The state’s national guard troops weren’t called up to deal with the riots.” implying they were never called in. The riots started and the governor called in the troops.
Rabbit was right. If the greedy racist incel wanted to be outraged he should have said “The state’s national guard troops weren’t called up to deal with the riots before they happened.”
Edit. I posted this before I saw Rabbit’s post. Troops were already there before magateen committed manslaughter.
You know, the dipshit has now been caught twice falsely claiming that Gov. Evers, a Democrat, waited until after the vigilante violence to call out the National Guard. Which clearly isn’t true. He not only doesn’t know how to do a simple fact-check on his own spew before posting garbage that makes him look bad, but he doesn’t know when to quit, either. Because dumbfucks don’t realize they’re dumbfucks. Somebody has to tell them. I just did.
This should really come as no surprise: Washington redistricting commission admits failure to meet deadline for new political maps.
It is pathetic that they couldn’t reach a decision, but even worse, they did it behind closed doors. They should be ashamed of their actions.
So, to recap, Jacob Blake was shot by police on August 23, 2020; Gov. Evers, a Democrat, called up National Guardsmen on August 24; Gov. Evers sent additional National Guardsman during the day of August 25; and one of the armed vigilantes whom the local sheriff described as “uninvited” and “not helpful” killed 2 people and wounded a 3rd person shortly before midnight on August 25.
At #62, Doctor Dumbfuck said National Guard troops “weren’t called up to deal with the riots.”
After being called out on that, at #64 he said “a day AFTER the Rittenhouse incidents,” i.e. August 26, “the WI governor realized his mistake and called up the troops.”
After being called out again, on that, let’s see if he compounds his errors by licking the horse’s balls in addition to eating its colon contents.
@67 This is getting embarrassing to the point where he should take a break, disappear for a while, go fuck the horse or something.
@69 As I’ve said before, this is really simple, just divide the state up into horizontal stripes from west to east. To equalize them population-wise, some of these stripes will be wider (from north to south) than others.
“The House is expected to vote on a resolution Wednesday to censure Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., for posting an altered animated video that depicts him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and attacking President Joe Biden, a source told NBC News on Tuesday.
“The House will also consider a motion that removes Gosar from his assignment on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform — on which Ocasio-Cortez also serves.”
I don’t see how they can serve on the same committee after this. Or be in the same office building. They should move Gosar’s office somewhere else. I have a suggestion:
This is hilarious.
@74 Equally funny, it looks like Doctor Dumbfuck took my advice at #71 and went into hiding. Or out to the barn, to fuck the horse.
Yep, he definitely has fled for the night.