Hey, get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow. Local races are going to make a huge difference. It’s quite a clear cut difference in many races, including Seattle. 2 years ago, it was pretty stark in many of the districts, but also a few were both fine.
But this year, there’s a clear difference in every race. I — you’ll be shocked to know — voted for the lefty candidates for all offices. I hope you will too if you live in the city.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And the vaccine is safe, people have been taking it all year: Get flipping vaccinated.
The overwhelming majority of Republican candidates nationwide running for election administration offices (sec state, county auditor, etc) profess an enduring belief in lurid fairytale nonsense about ballot fraud and election tampering and also promise to fuck with the election outcomes if they don’t like them:
Any vote for any Republican is an act of treason.
I love “self-deportation”.
Trump 2020 campaign distributed a whole bunch of payment checks to the Giant Lie Riot organizers on Jan 7th, the day after the mob they assembled planted pipe bombs, attacked Congress, tried to kill police, and tried to murder the Vice President.
It’s good to see that the committee will be looking into the money eventually. Chances are the criminal conspiracy lies in the financial records.
@1 Not only that, but at least 30% of them are in favor of superseding election results with violence.
If SCOTUS upholds the Texas legal vigilante law, Washington should pass a law entitling any Washington resident to sue anyone anywhere in the country who owns or possesses an AR-15 for $1 million of liquidated damages. The Constitution requires the other 49 states, including Texas, to give full faith and credit to those judgments.
I really haven’t been wathcing lately, but 36,000! WTF! Biden economy!
The FuckHump was a little pussy compared to Biden economy!
No mention of the Stock Market by Repukes. I wonder why? Only a dumbfuck neanderthal hillbilly wouldn’t be able to ponder it. Cooter is too busy sitting on the piece of shit 40 year old couch that smells like crotch, while drinking his beer.
And Geeeee Money is counting his money!
I believe the stated assumption in this essay that Trump will be the 2024 GOP nominee is 100% accurate.
But the further stated assumption that the 2024 GOP nominee will cruise to victory in the November general election is based upon Tim Miller’s grasp of math and in particular statistics. So it’s got issues.
Miller rightly points out that in thirty years Democrats have only lost the popular vote one single time when most of America was still blood-drunk with revenge for 9-11. So any prediction that Trump is assured of a win depends on a state-by-state analysis through the electoral college. And that is not good for the GOP right now, nor is it showing any signs of big changes in their direction – not when it comes to former President “Nuke-The-Hurricanes” and his most likely running mate “MyPillow Crackaholic”.
It’s a lot more than just a credibility issue the “challenger” has to overcome. It’s a record. A very, very bad record. And even if Trump had a good record to run on, just having a record to run on is a problem for him. Trump is at his best when he campaigns as the “disrupting outsider”. His skill is in transforming a contest from a choice into a referendum. He did that well against Clinton. He could not do it against Biden. Because Trump was not “the change”. Biden was.
Now it’s tempting to think that Trump can succeed again where once he failed after having lost last year. Two big problems with that are that 1) he denies that he lost; and 2) he is no longer an outsider. Running as “the former guy” “who got robbed” by Hugo Chavez and “crooks at Dominion” reminds every single voter that Trump had that job, fucked it up, and then got fired. As long as Trump depends on The Giant Lie to motivate base voters he will be turning off the indys he needs to persuade. He’ll be reminding them constantly that he is not the “outsider” with “new ideas”. He’ll be telling them he’s the loutish party guest they already dealt with once before, who fucked the dog, puked in the punch bowl, and shit his pants before being stuffed into the back of an Uber.
That’s not the kind of potent chemistry Trump would need to move more than 37 EVs to his side. That’s not one or two states. And it’s not three or four states, unless one of those states is Pennsylvania. His best chances are AZ, WI, and GA, which combined with reallocation of EVs would give him a two vote win. Any other change in any other state (NC) and Trump loses.
In other words, it’s most likely to be another very close race. Biden won some close ones in 2020. But he did not have the advantage of incumbency and he had to run an eighteen month campaign through some very close primaries and unify a diverse coalition along the way. Having surmounted those disadvantages he would normally be considered to be in a good position to win re-election when compared to other previous incumbents. I wouldn’t be foolish enough in times like these to argue that Biden is a shoe-in. But any realistic assessment would give him an edge, if only a slight one.
Instead the “conventional wisdom” among the “conservative” chattering class is that the White House is Trump’s for the taking. And that “never-Trumpers” have a “duty” to protect the country from that. This is what an “insider” media bubble looks like.
“And Geeeee Money is counting his money!”
The average salary for a construction scheduler is $78,000
Not-so Gggggggeeeeeeee Money is drunk stupid with crotch smell from his couch.
5)Sounds like what the Justices are afraid of.
The finalists for the new Olympic-class ferriy. I’m partial to Snoqualmie, but would settle for Enie Marie.
Hey, in case any of y’all have any spare time this week:
It’s pretty fucking important. Any one of you can do this.
One spew per hour? That’s it, when I’m not around to drive discussion?
Deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on this blog. You need me on this blog.
@7 Trump isn’t thinking about any of that. He’s thinking about how to get this 30% to 100%.
Wonder where the Southwest Pilot made his PA remarks? Better not have been airborne below 10,000AGL. The Sterile Cockpit Rule exists for a reason.
Somebody tell QoS McHillbilly that Biden’s stellar success in Afghanistan is above the fold again.
This is CNN:
She was sold to a stranger so her family could eat as Afghanistan crumbles
Texas wanting to ban The Handmaid’s Tale? Thought they were using it as a guidebook. I read the sequel. Very interesting read. They won’t like the end.
“MPs, guard the Colonel. Captain Ross?”
“Colonel Dumbfuck you have the right to remain silent. Any statement you make can be used against you in a trial by court martial or other official or administrative procedure. You have the right to consult with an attorney prior to any further questioning. This lawyer may be a civilian lawyer appointed by you at your own expense or we will appoint one for you. Colonel Dumbfuck do you understand these rights as I’ve just read them to you?”
LPT: Colonel Jessup is not the hero of that play or that scene. That’s how come he’s the one heading to Leavenworth at the end.
One of the reasons I will accept Enie Marie, was after reading the list, found out it was the name of Chief Sealth’s Grandaughter Snoqualmie sounds good because the boats do the work of bridges, and Snoqualmie Pass connects the state.
They actually extended the submission period because the first batch of names only Kalakala II was a serious submission.
What would make this look even worse for the far-left?
How about I tell you Bowman’s first name is Jamaal?
Pramila Jayapal took down Terry McAuliffe.
Joe Manchin took down Jayapal.
And now people don’t trust you.
Guess which judge just read handbill.us?
Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge: There Has Been ‘Irresponsible’ and ‘Sloppy’ Journalism with This Case
@16 Can we sell you? Not that we’d find a buyer.
@23 You know, it’s starting to sound like there are real problems with that judge.
People started to wonder when he told the attorneys the victims couldn’t be called “victims,” but could be called “looters” and “arsonists.”
Then he played “Jeopardy” with the jury pool.
Now he’s attacking the media.
Impartial judges don’t ordinarily do any of those things.
That judge won’t get to preside over the victims’ lawsuits against the Kenosha police, who are accused of “deputizing, conspiring and coordinating strategy with” the “white nationalist militia persons” in the “hours and minutes” leading up to the shootings. Those lawsuits are in federal court.
Whether convicted or acquitted, Kyle Rittenhouse is destined to go through as an infamous killer, and will be followed by paparazzi wherever he goes.
Being a notorious killer isn’t something most people aspire to.
@17 Not on that list: “Mein Kampf,” “Turner Diaries,” Ann Coulter’s hate tracts. (The Quran isn’t, either; how did they miss that one?)
You know what? I don’t give a shit. Their angst is their problem.
28)Three of those are probably going to be required reading.
As for The Handmaid’s Tale, an actress from the show said, may have just been joking, it’s required reading in her native Canada. Her part of the show is over, played one of the Handmaid’s in Mayday, got killed while trying to escape. Getting hit by a train is probably preferable to living in Gillead.
Texas isn’t part of Gillead though, not part of what’s left of the U.S. either, but Gillead claims Texas.
29) I found the CBC Coverage of Canada’s 1993 election, the one where Mulroney chose to leave his successor holding the bag after failing to solve the Quebec question. Campbell took the Progressive Conservative party to a beating that it didn’t recover from. She had barely 2-3 months before calling the election, but actually reduced the number of cabinet posts, and even denounced one of her own party’s ads. The current Mayor of Toronto, John Tory was managing the campaign, had the bright idea to run an ad that mocked Liberal leader Jean Chretien’s disability. Saw the ad posted on YouTube, the joke was, how to lose in 30 seconds. The Liberals ran some bad ones to, and the voters reacted with disgust as well to those ads.
Was reading about the failed Meech Lake Accords, one of the things it would have done was give Quebec veto power over Supreme Court appointments, and also reform the Senate, Would have made the Canadian Senate like ours, directly elected, equal seats per province. It failed because 3 provinces rejected it. The rules were that all 10 provinces had to approve it within 3 years of the first approval.
@31 If Canada, excluding Quebec, had ended up as part of the United States, we wouldn’t have to put up with this Trump shit or his justices.
While the legal theories and arguments are (sort of) fascinating, I don’t see why the court can’t cut to the chase and rule that S.B. 8 is state action, and by delegating enforcement to private citizens, the state has deputized them, which makes any person bringing a lawsuit under the act an agent of the state, and therefore the state can be sued directly.
In any case, it looks like the court isn’t going to open this Pandora’s box. But if it does, the Washington legislature should put million-dollar bounties on assault rifles and cake shops discriminating against gay couples.
33)There was an episode of Law and Order where a Defense Attorney got a conviction tossed because he argued that Private Investigators need warrants because they are licensed by the state to act in a Law Enforcement capacity, and needed a warrant.
Just got my replacement ballot, sending it in tomorrow. Still hoping the original one shows up, so Zi can shred it. Didn’t make the call for a replacement lightly, but time was running out.
Skimming the books, the texas republicans are banning so many books with a positive gay character.
Texas republicans: “We don’t hate gay people, we only want to force you to be invisible again. We will probably have to do something more extreme if you keep insisting on existing. ”
“In other words, government authorities are coming after books with positive portrayals of racial, sexual, and gender diversity and/or disability.”
In addition to his compiled list, Rep. Krause also asks the districts to identity any other books or content that may “address or contain” certain topics that is in violation of the law, or contain material that might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex or convey that a student, by virtue of their race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.
There is the ACTUAL course of study called “Critical Race Theory”. And then there is the bucket that evil conservatives are calling “Critical Race Theory” that contains everything that doesn’t make straights and whites and men and chrisitans and rich people seem like the hero of the narrative.
The fear and anger they preach, bypasses a conservative’s higher brain functions by fueling their fear and anger, allowing the base to be more easily manipulated.
You think the mandate doesn’t work?
Nurses who don’t believe in science and patient safety are quitting.
Police officers who think rules don’t apply to them or they should only enforce laws they agree with are quitting.
Seems to me the mandate is working just fine.
26, 27,
Never forget that unlike the rest of us (and the media) that judge has already seen most of the evidence that will be presented at trial against the emotionally disturbed, violent, gun-toting MAGAteen.
I see nothing wrong with letting the evidence speak and allowing the law to do its work. My only quibble would be with the judge allowing the def to refer to the people the emotionally disturbed, violent, gun-toting MAGAteen shot as “arsonists”, “looters” and “rioters” if they provide evidence to support it. There’s no legal standard within the context of an unrelated criminal trial for establishing the sufficiency of such evidence. In essence the judge is appointing himself the adjudicator of their guilt or innocence without benefit of a trial.*
I wonder if the judge would feel as comfortable applying such a standard to words like “rapist”, “wife beater”, “child abuser”, “pedophile”, “alcoholic”, etc. Count on seeing that decision revisited with a new motion in limine during trial. The decision has potential to set a bad precedent and the judge may be persuaded to see that with a well crafted motion. I wouldn’t count on him reversing himself. He’s obviously too well aware of the media attention and is now injecting himself into the trial. But a modification of the order might be available.
*Tactically it comes with risk to the defense. Once the defense has opened the door by referring to Huber, Rossenbaum, and/or Grosskreutz with those criminal labels then it becomes available to the prosecution to inquire with the defendant, or any other witnesses about that. We have yet to find out, but it seems possible and even likely that the emotionally disturbed, violent, gun-toting MAGAteen did not witness any “arson”, “looting”, or even “rioting”. Just a bunch of dudes he identified as “antifa” running around in the street. Dudes he shot. That doesn’t work well for him. And neither does emphasizing it.
The thing about the culture wars stuff is that it’s a cheap high with a terrible and prolonged hangover. The people who launched and run these programs are not political strategists with deep roots or long pedigrees and lots of experience. They’re the propeller headed mob of wannabe media climbers like Poop Girl who initially recruited these issues in order to “trigger” the “snowflakes”. They’re too dumb to notice that it’s now their own base being “triggered” or to contemplate what the implications of that might be. They’re all too busy enjoying the attention high.
In the long run, being cruel to school children is never a good look.
Hey Mr. Code Red, you don’t really drive discussion, you are more of a sewer pipe that just dumps shit into the environment to pollute (I’m sure you are still fond of your “friends” in Victoria and think they were screwed when the US and Washington State complained about BC dumping raw sewage into the Straits).
What we need are better trolls, but alas, we have you.
Speaking of BC and Victoria, it wasn’t until early 2021 that they finally got their sewage treatment plant fully online: https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-no-longer-flushes-raw-sewage-into-ocean-after-area-opens-treatment-plant-1.5260435
Doc, if you eat crab and such from local waters, since they are bottom feeders, you are literally full of shit.
I think a small percentage of Desperately Poor Bobby’s comments provide useful prompts to illustrate the severe decline of modern American “conservatism”. This is especially true when he really believes he has somehow claimed the moral high ground.
Whenever that happens it is always trivially easy to prove that it is merely an illusion codified into the framework of “conservative” orthodoxy. I mean literally every fucking time. The best he can ever hope for is either to catch us when we are occupied elsewhere, or to settle for some increasingly weak whaddaboudism. For every “leftist” local water commissioner caught in an unauthorized use of the water district copy machine, there is always another Republican $15,000 credenza. And for every Democratic state assemblyman caught in an extra-marital affair there is another coke-fueled, NetJets Republican rape weekend getaway with drugged, handcuffed, and blindfolded pre-teens.
The racist incel troll is like most “conservatives” in that respect. He suffers from the gambler’s fallacy, accounting “near wins” as wins. This leads him into believing he can make up for his losses in volume. That’s a big part of why their decline is accelerating.
42)They finally built it?
I love seeing the debate over building more dams for B.C. Hydro. Not mentioned, is that about 200MW of their current generation capacity goes to Seattle City Light. It was that or SCL built phase 3 of Ross Dam. All for breaching Gorge Dam if replacement power can be found. Keeping Ross Dam has it’s advantages.
They should look at some form of tidal generation at Seymour Narrows. I mean if they can remove Ripple Rock, they can figure out a way to generate electricity from the tidal currents that run through there.
@36 It looks to me like the main thrust of their book-banning offensive is to keep their precious white children from finding out their parents, grandparents, and aunts and uncles are racist assholes.
@37 “Critical race theory,” as they use the term, is vernacular for not being a racist asshole. Which, of course, attacks their culture.
@39 The problem for the defense is that Grosskreutz wasn’t a rioter, arsonist, or looter. He was a volunteer medic on scene to render emergency life-saving aid to people shot by the defendant. Not exactly the same thing as the vigilante-defendant shooting a firefighter, but not that far removed from it, either.
@43 “there is always another Republican $15,000 credenza”
They’re $25,000 now, thanks to the “Biden inflation.” For most of us, the Jerome Powell – GOP Death Inflation is a cost center; for Republicans, it’s a new profit center.
They get another $10,000 of markup on the credenza they sold to themselves to decorate their government office with.
@ 48
The problem for the defense is that Grosskreutz wasn’t a rioter, arsonist, or looter. He was a volunteer medic on scene to render emergency life-saving aid to people shot by the defendant.
Grosskruetz had a gun in his hand when he was shot. He had lowered the gun from its raised position at the time Rittenhouse fired. You rapidly approach someone on their back with a handgun and begin to lower it in their direction, causing them to fire, that’s not a problem for the defense. That’s a problem for you.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants to double down on his Fleeing Felon embarrassment.
A win by Youngkin would indeed be a big defeat for Democrats, at least in near term. But it would come, I believe, at yet another terrible price for Republicans.
Because it would cement the image of the cheerful, suburban Dad-Republican as siding with and supporting an out-of-control, angry, and frequently violent mob of ignorant tools attacking the local public servants and public service workers who daily manage and enforce the basic rules of civic society. These are people issuing death threats to parking attendants and dog catchers.
In other words it spells the permanent death of the Mitt Romney myth. The idea that there are some “kind, thoughtful, competent, respectful” Republicans still out there, and that they are still meaningfully engaged in steering the direction of the party and pursuing a coherent ideology. It was the penetration and destruction of that myth that ultimately doomed Romney’s hopes of becoming president, and reduced him to a shameless bootlick groveling before Trump.
Youngkin play acts the part well enough. But to remain in the hunt in a time of ascendant populism (and to distance himself from comparisons to Romney whose promises that enriching your boss would somehow be good for you now ring entirely hollow) Youngkin has had to personally plumb the darkness of pure racism and cruel hatred that fuels the worst parts of the modern GOP party base. Energizing that base has depended upon a politics of stoking social and civic antagonism rooted in racist fear and extreme divisiveness. Any win by Youngkin would leave him freighted with a train of camp followers single-mindedly devoted to those ends and objectives. It’s a self-limiting result that further narrows the potential for support both for Youngkin and for the GOP.
It’s really because public schools remain one of the last arenas where affluent whites, including substantial percentages of self-proclaimed “progressive” whites are still empowered to preserve racial privileges.
They may experience it all as butt-hurtz feels because Toni Morrison confronts them with an unsanitized version of slavery. But if it were only that, this wouldn’t have led to them issuing death threats to school board members. This is really about their deep fears that if their kids are confronted with a system that isn’t tilted in their favor they might not make it.
It’s really nothing more than Varsity Blues for suburban white trash.
Well this is nice.
Dave Wasserman at Cook began releasing exit poll data and projections 2 hrs before the polls closed. Which means he was estimating the electorate based on who the fuck knows.
Literally like tossing chum.
Wasserman thus far has also been guilty of one of the greatest sins of election night forecasting: equating county turnout percentages and county exit margins with actual statewide results.
It’s just so hard to be reminded that 80% of Rappahanock is still but a driplet when compared to 50% of Fairfax or Prince William. Those small county results will certainly matter in the eventual outcome. But modeling the exit margins of tiny western counties against the entire state is really just stupid.
I think VA is done.
It’s Youngkin.
This may also mean a shift in the assembly.
@ 51
But it would come, I believe, at yet another terrible price for Republicans.
Not nearly the price Dems will pay for going all-in on AOC, Jayapal, and Cori Bush.
It may very well cost y’all a $1.75 trillion slush fund to fund the next generation of unemployable libbie voters.
QoS McHillbilly, as much as I’d like to engage with you directly as you try to make The Even Bigger Fucking Moron believe that the ultraliberal sky is not falling, we have to do it in Darryl’s living room from now on. DL thread.