Good morning to the new terminal cranes only. It was too rainy to go out and have a look myself, but I love seeing the pictures. I hope it’s a boon to shipping in the region.
Also, probably unrelated, but has it seemed to anyone else that there are a lot of cargo ships hanging out in the Puget Sound? Is this actually happening, or just my imagination? The last time I can recall so many ships was the West Coast Longshoremen striking.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated if you haven’t already.
Yes, it’s happening, and yes, the last time was when the strike occurred.
Some of the ships have been anchored in Holmes Harbor. It’s interesting that one of the ships was compelled to move to deep-water anchorage off of Everett after Whidbey residents complained that the diesel generator onboard was too loud, and disturbed the peace.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit no doubt rejoiced in the news that an off-duty Seattle PD officer was killed while trying to assist at an accident scene.
By any means necessary. Isn’t that right, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
I hear Merrick Garland is still available.
Ocasio-Cortez says Breyer should retire from Supreme Court
This stupidity on the part of Democrats will help ensure that Breyer’s seat, once vacated, will be filled a President DeSantis nominee.
Whidbey Island looks like a dump of a place.
@2 the only one rejoicing and exploiting that is you.
Don’t forget about January 6th….Ron
Unless he was killed by direct attack from the Bear Spray®, Fire Extinguisher®, Gadsden Flagpole®, or Patriot Crutch® then it does not count, it does not matter, and we need not concern ourselves about it.
These are your Trump Rules®. And like the dead police, I’m only here to enforce them as violently as my mood dictates.
And Tara calls YLB “unserious”.
Inflation is largely an expectations game. It’s less important what the inflation rate is now than what consumers expect the inflation rate to be in the future. As long as consumers expect the current spike to be transitory, then there is no sign of an inflationary cycle.
Jun 11, 2021
If inflation is an expectations game, as Goldy claims, my expectation is that the following price increases have not been fully accounted for as yet:
Also not yet accounted for: The trillions our government has chosen to spend in the past 15 months, and the trillions that part of our government still wishes to spend.
Finally, Goldy, I’d say one sign of an inflationary cycle is the 3.8% CPI increase since last May and the 0.7% increase in the CPI since last month.
Don’t support passage of any law until you are 100% comfortable with watching a violent mob of your local taxpayer funded police mercilessly beating the shit out of a child for failing to obey that law:
Goldy wrote, “Inflation is largely an expectations game.”
I’d argue the same goes for political donations. Ergo,
Boeing Restarts Donations to Members of the So-Called ‘Sedition Caucus’
Once the videos of Capitol Police holding the doors of the Capitol building open for January 6 protesters, and waving them invide, are made public, and January 6 is demonstrated to have been little more than a protest that got out of hand – “conservatives must arm”, if you will – rather than an earnest effort to overthrow the government, we can begin to turn our attention to how the Democrats have governed during these past few months.
At that point the donations to the GOP will really start to roll in.
Car rental 110% (y/y): Temporary shortage caused by selloff of fleet and slowdown of new car production. Expectation? Future rate decreases.
Gas 56%: Shortage caused by rapid increase in demand meeting typical lag in production (somebody teach Dumbfuck how cracking distillation reactors work). Expectation? Falling future prices.
Used cars 30%: Massive increase in demand triggered by pay windfalls, and limited-time relief payments combined with shutdown of new car production. Expectation? Falling future prices.
Laundry appliances 27%: Samey-same.
Airfares 24%: Samey-same.
(Blather redacted)
If you define any period of inflation as a “cycle” then you can have an “inflationary cycle” any time you like. Continuing struggles among major trading partners and major consumer economies like Japan (4.8% vaccinated), Germany (25%), and the rest of the EU combined with renewed economic shutdowns in those nations and regions can be expected to provide a significant cushion against any long-term trend for falling dollar. And these same phenomena will probably also cushion U.S. equities against a flight of capital.
Bob’s predicting a significant inflationary cycle leading to a recession based on one quarter. That looks to me like the behavior of a degenerate gambler, which fits his profile to a tee. Anybody who tells you they know what the economy will look like this time next year is full of shit.
And remember kids: Bob took an academic record and a level of youthful discipline and personal sacrifice that put him in the 99.99th percentile and “invested” it into a career that paid him less than minimum wage until well after his 30th birthday for cleansing the anal scabs of 75 year old homeless women. And while “past performance is no guarantee of future results”, shitty fund managers tend to remain shitty fund managers.
Still my fave use of force example:
Unfortunately the video has been taken down. Probably because the girl is hoping her behavior that day won’t be held against her now that she’s an adult.
Nowadays, the jaywalking incident that prompted @ 12 just won’t be addressed. I suspect that nowadays a couple of thugs walking down the middle of the street in early daylight hours in Ferguson, MO also just won’t be addressed.
@ 11
Car rental 110% (y/y): Temporary shortage caused by selloff of fleet and slowdown of new car production. Expectation? Future rate decreases.
Hertz filed for bankruptcy last year. Partly because of this, AVIS shares have spiked. I didn’t see that one coming – sold covered calls against my AVIS shares, and while I had a nice gain, I lost out on another $30/share because of those sold calls.
I bought AVIS in 2009 at $2.20/share, when they were beaten to a pulp and just looked way, way too cheap. They’re at $92 and change today.
It should cost more than $20 a day to rent a car. Uber’s now a great deal compared with renting. Less time at the airport, too.
Expectation: Future rate decreases, but they’ll still be 50% higher than they were pre-pandemic.
Ask yourselves where these videos Bob is waiting for came from. Who made them? Who owns them such that they are being “withheld” by the DERPSTATE!!! conspiracy.
Literally all the videos the government has they got from data grabs provided to them by outside private groups. The Parler security failure was a big source. Probably the biggest. Thousands of hours of images that have been in the public domain since about a week after the GOP Terror Attack on the Capitol. There are right now about four different searchable data mines in the public domain with all that imagery. Anybody can look at it. There were something like a thousand privately owned and operated video cameras recording and streaming during those hours.
This is a good indication of the kind of cognitive corrosion that takes place when somebody signs on to “conservative” group think in America today. They tell themselves whatever lies they need to tell themselves in order to move past the fascism and the treason. And each time they do they become more and more stupid. Forcing their brains to accept and incorporate obviously irrational ideas makes it progressively harder and harder to engage in critical, rational thinking.
Newsflash: everything will be higher in the future. Relatively. Forever. Our entire economy depends on it.
Fuck me. Bob is becoming as stupid as Short Bus. This is pathetic.
Well done Tara.
You began your morning calmly alleging the RR would be celebrating harm to a police officer, only to finish up with nostalgically choke-fapping to a decade-old video of a black child being beaten by a police officer.
Character is destiny.
@11 those facts don’t support his whining nor his Troll agenda.
Today Republican Senators Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, and Mitt Romney will be presenting to the White House their “bipartisan” proposal for a big infrastructure bill. They put this together with the help of five of the Democratic colleagues in the Senate.
The very first question that should be asked of them by the White House should be:
“Please name at least five other Senate Republicans from whom you have obtained provisional commitments to support your bill.”
I don’t see anything wrong with the White House and the Majority Leader allowing the ten to pursue their process. And that’s even if the only purpose of that process was to put on a political show. But that forbearance should end today. There is nothing to be gained for the White House, the Senate majority, or the House majority in prolonging this if it is only to provide political cover for Republican obstructionism and partisanship. If these five very prominent Republican Senators can’t at least promise a vote on their bill, there’s no point in going forward with it.
And since they are part of the ten member team, Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin should be asked to answer the same question. And if they can’t answer it then they should be asked to explain to their voters how they plan to gain passage of the vital legislation.
@ 15
Literally all the videos the government has they got from data grabs provided to them by outside private groups.
Literally this is a lie unless there are no video cameras in the Capitol building.
Literally this is a lie.
I assume this will get messy, as defense attorneys subpoena for a list of all cameras in the Capitol building, and the subpoena is refused by the government because of (very reasonable for some of the cameras, but not most) national security concerns. So then a judge has to decide what is and what is not secret.
We’re gonna see a lotta dropped charges, some guilty pleas to trespassing, and a nucleus of persisting serious charges against, say, 20-40 of the more aggressive and violent instigators. Like Antifa and the PDX assault on the Federal building, except with flagpoles instead of Molotov cocktails.
@ 19
No reason to give Sheehan, Tester, and Warner a pass.
No reason to give the White House a pass, either. Most of the money is repurposed rather than new spending, and none of it comes from increased taxation. There’s no point in passing a bill that Biden won’t be told by Jill to sign, since according to Capito Biden is insisting on a tax increase as part of the deal.
Make the group of 10 answer your question, and make ol’ Joe’s puppet masters signal that they’ll sign it.
More @ 19
CNBC isn’t calling out the GOP as the problem here, so much as it’s calling out Democrat leadership.
Something tells me QoS McHillbilly won’t demand lists from Democrats the way he demands lists from the GOP.
I think it’s noteworthy that the House is moving on a surface transportation bill. It’s a signal that Democrats want to pass something, and that if Jill doesn’t cave they’ll have to strip down their wants to what is reasonable and substitute a different bill.
As when I beat the dumbfuck traitor to death with a steel flag pole…little more than a teaching moment about patriotism that got out of hand.
Babylon Bee 1
New York Times 0
Confidential to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron: this is satire.
CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide
@ 23
As when I beat the dumbfuck traitor to death with a steel flag pole…little more than a teaching moment about patriotism that got out of hand.
It’s too bad, isn’t it, Steve, that you can’t tell lynching jokes now that Puddy has left us. I’m sure that joking about me fails to provide you with the same satisfaction.
Spiking the ball 3 years before the game even starts. Can’t get get any more “unserious” than that. Or stupid.
But give him a few hours and he’ll show us he can do it. Peak Dumbfuck is just around the corner. Of this I have no doubt.
Letter from Senator Johnson to Acting Capitol police chief.
Numerous references to security footage.
QoS McHillbilly lied @ 15. There is plenty of video that was not taken from outside sources.
Jokes? No.
You are so fucking stupid.
Senator Rob “Peaceful Protest” Johnson?
You both deserve to be hung until dead for your fucking treason.
God bless America.
Bob, right now (not in the future) your thesis is this:
whatever welcoming, encouraging, and permissive conduct you and the rest of your 8chan girlfriends claim Capitol Police engaged in was somehow selectively missed by the thousands of privately owned cameras in use throughout the campus that day.
Like vampires who can’t be photographed and are not reflected in mirrors.
You, “the man of science” believe this thing right now.
Sure there is. None of those three have pre-judged the filibuster rules and declared that they will NEVER support changes to the 60 vote requirement. If the Democrats can deliver their 45 votes in support of the Republican bill then the least the other seven “Pro-60-vote SQUAD” can do is deliver a mere five. If they can’t deliver a mere five votes then they are imposters who are just playing at “bipartisanship”.
This is the Republican infrastructure bill. This is their fucking bill they are asking the Senate majority, the House majority, and the White House to consider and take seriously.
It is not asking too much that they demonstrate they are not going to block their own fucking bill.
Absolutely no reason to do so.
Because Democrats are not the minority exploiting the 60-vote-requirement to block vital legislation. Aside from the five Republican partisan obstructionists on the Bipartisanship Squad, the political analysis essay Tara cites here does not list even one single additional Republican willing to support their bill. Their leader is only willing to say he is “open” to considering the bill.
Sad. Weak. Limp. Very low energy “bipartisanship”.
Maybe fake? Oh yes. Fake.
I see that I’m now 80%+ of YLB’s newly expanded screen name. All because I was the first person to point out her uber-feminity.
The first, but not the only one to notice.
@ 33
Their leader is only willing to say he is “open” to considering the bill.
The one he hasn’t seen yet because it’s still being created? What would you have him say?
Less than half of what Biden wants is “vital”. Less than half of what Biden wants is traditional infrastructure. Biden wants the Gillebrand definition of infrastructure and he wants tax increases, neither of which are vital.
I’m glad to see we’ll have these hardened criminals off the streets soon.
Demonstrating and picketing? Why, they could have been subjected to horrific treatment had they done this in, say, PDX.
Like being booked, released, and having charges dropped by the DA the next day.
They were violent, and viciously beat the Capitol police officers who tried to prevent their entrance into the building.
If that isn’t textbook sedition, I don’t know what is. Something different, maybe.
Once the DOJ has incarcerated a few dozen people who look like extras in Hee Haw, this country will begin to feel safer.
In which Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan reveal themselves to be racists.
Supreme Court unanimously rules certain crack offenders not eligible for resentencing
Intent on sending a message, SCOTUS let the black dude write the opinion.
Meanwhile, Biden feels badly that he’s responsible.
“I promise I won’t try to block it by threatening my caucus when a few of them dare to step out of line. I repudiate all of my previous commands ordering the members of my caucus to vote no on cloture motions for any bill that does not meet with my approval and the approval of a majority of the minority caucus.”
That’d make for a nice start.
More on @ 34
I’m also 60% of YLB’s adult vocabulary.
That’s an opinion. An opinion of yours and Mitch McConnell’s that is not shared by most American voters who bigly support what’s in the Biden billl.
But that’s not the bill we are talking about Dumbfuck. Forget?
Day drinking again is going to do you in.
The Senate minority is unwilling to say if they will agree to let their members vote on a bill they prepared. Whatever is in it, it ain’t what Bernie wants. And yet he’s cool with it.
You and Moscow Mitch and Every Republican You Know want to prevent votes on any bill you don’t 100% agree with because you don’t want all those midterm voters to see how out-of-step you are.
Fun fact:
SCOTUS will decide 16 cases in the next two weeks
Most of them won’t go the way you want them to go. For that you have #CrookedHillary to thank.
Enter the drumpf-de santis orange death zone:
Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy urges Florida to boost vaccine rates and fight Delta variant
So this delta variant is especially bad for younger people. Which is tailor made for repukes..
Younger people tend not to vote repuke.
Vivek Murthy’s admonition will be IG-NORED by Orange Death De Santis.
Don’t miss the video bundled with that story. Features an orangey anti-vaxxer babbling about its “civil rights”.. rapey boob couldn’t be prouder of this freak.
All because I was the first person to point out her uber-feminity.
Heh.. I’d have to look it up but little maxwipe busted a YUGE rape fantasy many moons before you babbled your misogyny..
and your own rape fantasy.
Love how your “ilk” represents your politics. Keep it up..
@2 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit no doubt rejoiced in the news that an off-duty Seattle PD officer was killed while trying to assist at an accident scene.”
Absolutely not, but I could imagine you applauding the anti-masker who killed a grocery store cashier and wounded a deputy.
This one survived to face the music; I’ll applaud when he’s sentenced to life without parole. (Virginia abolished the death penalty a couple months ago.)
@2 Dumbfuck either hates me, or trolls the HA threads because he’s bored with his useless life. I hope it’s the former. It’s probably both.
a President DeSantis
LOL! Why not your forced birther of a jerk black “friend” in MI?
Are you afraid he might cave on reparations? Naaaaah…
For teh sleezy skeezy kreepah of widbee, a white guy must always be on top.
A rule that must never be violated lest there be 4 years of restless sleepless nights in teh widbee safespace let alone 8 years.
Now that “rule” is some “serious” shit.
@8 Rabbits don’t notice inflation. Grass is free, always has been, always will be. I revel in your discomfiture. (With prices for hay and oats going up, I assume the horse will charge you more for turning tricks.)
@13 “walking down the middle of the street in early daylight hours”
What happened to the $5 of cigars? Reverting to his jaywalking offense again?
Soon we’ll be treated to a whole new tranch of congressional hearings on Trump’s surveillance of newsies, Democratic congressmen and political opponents, starring Jeff Sessions and Bill Bar. Subpoenas going out next week or soon thereafter …
@36 “Textbook sedition” does not include fucking horses, goats, pigs, and/or chickens. That falls under “bestiality” and “perversion.”
I was the first person to point out that fascist fucktard traitors like you always project your worst ‘qualities’ onto others. You simply can’t help yourselves. “It’s a Psych 101 thing.”
In this case, it’s your uber-femininity, something about you that you revealed to us years ago.
Old news, traitor.
Once the DOJ has incarcerated a few dozen people who look like extras in Hee Haw, this country will begin to feel safer.
Ohh puhleeeze kreepah.. Hawley raised the iron fist to these people.. If drumpf strokes out or his ticker explodes, you’re going to be “electrified” by teh hawley, noem ticket..
Like voting for Fred and Serena Waterford.
De Santis??? HAHAHAHA!!! Yeah teh freak looks kinda orange but the name has too much ethnic. Not orange enough..
your uber-femininity
Uber.. Yeah teh kreepah is a Uber fan.. Called itself Travis Bickle who was a big time porno movie fan and took Cybil Shepherd to see one. Great idea of a night out with a liberal gal.
Too bad for kreepah that “Uber” evokes bad, bad shit..
It begins innocuously, the tinny audio capturing snippets of the group’s conversation and shared laughter—the giddiness suggested a tipsy ride home from a night out. As a Maroon 5 song plays on the radio, Kalanick starts shimmying his shoulders, swaying to the beat. As they watched their boss on camera, some in the room could only think of one word: “douchebag.”
“Douchebag” that skeezy kreepah.. indeed.
@52 “the name has too much ethnic”
It’s amazing he got has far as he did in the GOP. The rubes probably think “DeSantis” is Austrian, like short for “Der Santa” or something.
Wherein Tara informs us that she will be clutching her knees together tightly for the next two weeks in anticipation of a “potentially stunning” decision marginally tweaking the extra-territoriality doctrine in aiding and abetting claims against domestic corporations.
Libertarians look to the Supreme Court the way the most tedious baseball fan you know follows “Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched”.
Pro-Putin hashtag # 7,011 and counting. The dumbfuck traitor hates America but he sure loves him some Putin.
Video of “hugs and kisses”, no doubt. What a fucktard. And a dumbfuck traitor.
Yes, we all know that Hillary has murdered 123 people. Fucktard.
The dumbfuck traitor and Republicans murdered 700 people with their infrastructure malfeasance as a weapon over only two weeks last winter. I wonder how many hundreds of Texans will die from Republican malfeasance during the current heat wave?