I generally don’t like the line item veto. But as long as it’s being used, it can go to better housing laws (first item). More accessory dwelling units are great for density. I will be glad if there are more. I know people who lived in them right out of college who wouldn’t have been able to afford their neighborhood otherwise.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
You’re a so-called “news” channel. Your viewership has plunged from 2.7 million in prime time to fewer than 800k, in fewer than four months.
One of your reporters outs himself as an anti-Semitic lover of all things Hitler over the weekend.
What do you do?
CNN cuts ties with freelancer who tweeted praise for Hitler
You do what you should have done when he praised Hitler in 2014.
At the end, even the referee is smiling.
Better one with replays: https://twitter.com/WorldWideWob/status/1394082005340639234
Politics · Trending
Amy Coney Barrett
3,789 Tweets
Gee, I wonder why?
US national news
·1 hour ago
Supreme Court agrees to consider Mississippi ban on most abortions after 15 weeks
Trending with Supreme Court, SCOTUS
I hope they don’t ban abortions.
I mean, just think how many more G-clowns there would be in this world if abortions were illegal.
Wasn’t Tucker Carlson just bleating “Our body, our choice” just the other day? Sure, old angry white men will scream and shout about their body and their choice, but let a woman say that? Never.
No wonder your tribe is morphing into the mess that it is.
In which the Secretary of State realizes that he’s being kept out of the loop.
Blinken says saw no evidence from Israel Hamas was working in AP building
This might be a decent time to point out that First Vegetable Joe Biden has yet to appoint an ambassador to Israel.
21 Senate Democrats think that Netanyahu should continue to kick Hamas’ ass.
I stand with those 21 Nazi Senate Democrats.
@ 5
Newt, aside from my willingness to use the abortion issue to jab your ilk with it, as far as the issue itself is concerned there is probably very little daylight between your perspective and mine.
In the vast majority of instances abortion is an unfortunate necessity.
I seriously doubt there is very little daylight between our respective perspectives.
Abortion is no “laughing matter”, neither are the choices women have to make about their bodies. This particular choice is under dire threat in this country and using it as an argument to “jab” at another just shows how sick and twisted you are.
If you really believe what you say about abortion, and support the right of a woman to chose what she does with her body, then say it, stand behind it, and support women. The thing is, you won’t, because it would expose you as the fraud and hypocrite that you are. You would rather continue to subjugate and hate women than stand up and support them.
@ 9
If you really believe what you say about abortion, and support the right of a woman to chose what she does with her body, then say it, stand behind it, and support women.
Every child has the right to be loved. If that is not possible, best not to bring the child into the world.
I care less about women than about the fate of an unloved child. Ergo, abortion is a necessity to prevent the latter.
The world needs fewer G-clowns. Abortion helps with that. I wish G-clown’s mother had chosen it.
Probably Tara’s smartest comment in the last four years*.
Think about it.
*Good thing for us, like most Republicans she’s too dumb to know why.
Please, “jab” on!
Let us clear the sidewalk and toss down some cardboard, fire up the boombox and get the crowd clapping.
Whenever you’re ready, you go girl!
@10 I care less about women than about the fate of an unloved child.
There you have it, doc thinks women are just a petri dish/oven and they count less than an unborn zygote.
You may have to wait a while, the horse occupies most of his time.
@ 12
The jabbing harkens back to the betrayal of your cause by your very own RBG, who failed to resign and retire at a politically expedient time. Her traitorous selfishness hath resulted in the unholy birth of Associate Justice Coney Barrett.
Having been thus betrayed and now twice shy, AJ Breyer is bearing the brunt of the liberal onslaught, lest lightning strike twice.
What’s not to jab?
Bob is angry this morning….I wonder why? hahahahaha!
Live in his empty skull
Poor guy – he’ll never have a beer with Steve. He failed at that too.
His attempt to be something is to make it here. Guys go easy on him, be a bit charitable.
@ 17
…be a bit charitable.
The best thing about being “a bit charitable” is that after doing it you can go onto a blog three time zones away and brag about your charitable donation.
Like G-clown does, for attention.
I don’t know about fooling “the world”. But they sure as hell fooled Steve.
Collusion: How Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier fooled the world with the media’s help
Steve has wasted more than four years on this crap. What did it get him? It got him Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett. It got him a tax cut. It got him hundreds of federal judges appointed by the other side. All because he threw in with the #CrookedHillary supporters when he could have shown some spine and stood with Bernie.
Think on your sins, Steve.
Kyrsten Sinema?
Whelp. It’s time again. Time for yet another recap.
The Republican Presidential Campaign CEO delivered internal state level polling data to a group of Russian espionage operatives and then followed up with consultation on how best to use that data for micro-targeting registered likely voters in the fall of 2016.
The micro-targeting was used by the Russian espionage operatives to specifically influence voting patterns on behalf of the Republican Presidential campaign in four key battleground states that included Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
Call it whatever you like. But even Republicans now have to call it true. Just like they have to call Joe Biden “Mr. President”.
That’s really nothing. If you really want a fantastic example of Brits Gone Wild: Spy Edition check out how Republican Senator Chuck Grassley’s Senior Senate Judiciary staffer Barbara Ledeen recruited Eric Prince to employ a retired British spy Richard Seddon to go after H.R. McMaster.
Sedon and Prince roped in “Rear” Admiral Pimpstick of the Republican Dildo Navy to recruit a half dozen women given code names like “Brazil” and “Tiger” to hunt down McMaster, try to feed him Hennessy shots and get him to say mean things about your fragile orange emperor.
After six months, when that didn’t work, Seddon convinced them to transfer the whole operation to his control and set him up in a $10,000 per month townhouse in G-town near Dupont. There Seddon and the ladies partied on your RNC dime and pretended to be going after “disloyal DERP STATE”. Periodically Seddon would bring on new chicky-babe recruits and fly them to the Prince family ranch on the family jet “for training”. Training was said to be very “hands on” involving lots of “body molding” and “compliance education”.
After nearly two years with nothing to show for it, Prince and Ledeen finally pulled the plug and canceled the lease.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will awaken to realize that AT&T will cut its dividend by half.
To the Dumbfuck Rabbit this is relatively good news, because GE cut its dividend by far more than that.
Ahhh there it is, change the subject at 23.
MAGA* baby!!!!
*Mysoginst Ashholes Governing America
Speaking of “fooling the world”, was anybody fooled by Tara’s “FB friends from CO”?
Nobody. Right.
So now, howz it work? Doesn’t that make retired British Spy Steele smarter than Steve, and Steve smarter than Tara, and Tara smarter than Eric Prince, and Eric Prince smarter than Trump?
And Joe Biden smarter than all of them.
Transitive property of “conservatism”
All of which still leaves George W as the dumbest human who ever lived.
And Tara voted for him twice too.
Merely a proactive protective strike in response to Wingman’s plea deal being accepted.
They scheduled this for the beginning of a weekday media cycle for a reason. If all goes well enough we should be rid of the fucking pussy troll for most of the week. Can’t happen soon enough.
Whoa, get a load of @19. You triggered the dumbfuck traitor real good, Gman.
God bless you.
“more than four years”
The number of years the dumbfuck traitor has failed to explain why his raging orange man-baby’s campaign was sharing internal polling data with Putin.
The dumbfuck traitor stinks of borscht. He can’t get rid himself of it any more than shit can rid itself of a fly.
The Vicious Troll is nothing more than a Troll without any substance. His ability to change the subject is an act, just like his act of cheering on the Stock Market or then no longer having any interest in it.
He’s playing a broken fiddle. Don’t but into it.
He has no ability to ever do anything right but always be wrong in life. He’s a Useless Troll, that describes him better.
Such an act that he perceives other comments as untrue because of his own untold perpetual lies and act.
At William Barr’s direction, The DOJ sought an unmaking order, compelling Twitter to reveal to them the personal anonymous details associated with an Twitter account holder who had been politically critical of a California Congressman. In support of this effort the DOJ alleged “threatening communications” in violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 875(c). When Twitter responded by requesting that DOJ offer any example of the alleged “threatening communication” the DOJ refused. In response Twitter filed an instant motion to quash the subpoena and the accompanying gag order. The instant motion was unsealed today.
I don’t know why people think that modern fascism would immediately take on the appearance of tanks in the public square.
This is in fact what it looks like.
The Attorney General, a principal officer of the U.S. government answering directly to the President, issued a subpoena to reveal private personal details of a citizen in order to target them and silence their political dissent. It’s very important to be clear here about a distinction: this is a government effort at political censorship of private expression. This has nothing to do with snowflake terrorists hand wringing about being deplatformed by a private company. A private entity can do exactly as they please. The First Amendment applies to government.
As well it should. The Attorney General is a very powerful individual. The government is frankly more powerful than any individual or even group of individuals. It’s the First amendment for a fucking reason. And it’s the very same reason why the first thing done by every fascist authoritarian you have ever seen is to take control of the media and shut down the internet.
Any emergent fascist authoritarian in the U.S. would always begin by issuing subpoenas targeting political criticism.
Sure enough, that’s exactly what they did.
Acting on behalf of the Republican Party, the Attorney General started going after political critics of the party members for that criticism specifically.
To conjure up false equivalency the Trumpists will have to reach all the way back to Nixon. And they certainly don’t want to do that.
As time progresses, history will show that Trump was far worse that Nixon with regards to political enemies.
Has any POTUS ever had so many people so closely associated within their immediate orbit, indicted, tried, and convicted? Here is a refresher: https://www.thedailybeast.com/all-of-the-trumpworld-figures-whove-been-arrested-indicted-or-jailed
Trump will be remembered as the worst president ever. No wonder GWB is such a happy guy these days.
The guy is Hitler reincarnated. He’s coming back and the United States and the World will never be the same. Bob will let it happen
I can just hear Bob now, “You want it to happen.”, “I want it to happen.”, I need it to happen!
Fucking traitor.
@15 your very own RBG, who failed to resign and retire at a politically expedient time.
Speaking of retiring at a politically expedient time, Trump failed to resign after being impeached by the House, not once, but twice. For that he gave us an ugly and violent insurrection attempt that was broadcast around the world for all too see, especially our enemies. Not to mention 0ver 500,000 deaths due to COVID-19.
I can’t speak for the dead, but my guess is a few of the 500,000 would have gladly traded 3 SCOTUS appointments for some competent leadership that could have saved their lives.
Think of his sins!
There are 21 Senate Democrats @ 7 who didn’t want this terrorist to be dealt with in a serious manner.
Nearly half of the Democrats in the US Senate wanted this guy to remain alive so that he could kill more Jews.
I’m surprised a Jew-hater like yourself would have a problem with that. After all…
…you want them all dead.
@34 and 36 – Tell the Fuck Troll what a fucking clown he is. He’s an act. A Bozo the Clown act.
When he’s not putting on his skirt he’s got big fucking clown shoes on.
He’s a cop killer and cop assualter sympathizer. The fuck is troll and a clown mother fucker. Picture the fuck with Bozo the Clown hair and makeup. He’s Matt Gaetz like.
I wouldn’t put it past him, Gman. In documenting the 200+ Republican pedo and bestiality pervs, I learned that it wasn’t at all uncommon for them to wear clown costumes while fucking the sweetest little children and the most adorable farm animals.
What depraved monsters they are.
So, according to KOMO, a recall has been filed against Inslee, and on their Facebook their viewers can’t wait to sign. Of course, if it gets approved by the judge, and the State Supreme Court, and the signatures, and passes, they forgot to mention Article III, Section 10 of the State Constitution. No simultaneous free for all election. Lt. Governor Heck would be acting Governor until the mid-term.
@ 39
C’mon. Too many Republicans support Inslee, or at least some of Inslee’s actions.
Hell, I voted for the guy last time around. Had no reason not to.
40)I think it’s been brewing for awhile, the Lockdown is the reason they are giving. Affecting businesses and churches. I wonder how many of them would be supporting Art Langlie for mayor. Grandson of the Mayor who killed the Seattle-Everett Interurban(It needed the city streetcar tracks to get to the Terminal) and as Governor, bought out most of a private business, the Puget Sound Navigation Company.(Now Washington State Ferries).
@1 Dumbfucks prefer OAN to CNN. There, you don’t get fired for praising Hitler (but you might if you don’t praise Baby Hitler).
Yeah, as though the write-in vote for Vladimir Putin cast in Island County during the last election for both president and governor wasn’t you. Nice try, though, traitor.
@40 And a lot of reason not to vote for the other guy, including, now, this one:
@23 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will awaken to realize that AT&T will cut its dividend by half.”
And its shareholders will get 71% of a new company created by combining TimeWarner and Discovery media assets.
Discovery doesn’t pay a dividend, and you hate dividends, so I’m guessing you’re on the 29% side of this trade.
I don’t hate capital gains, so I’ll keep the Newco shares.
Poor Bob, he has a sauce problem.
A horse sauce problem.
Businesses will now be forced to post signs announcing they serve transgender customers in Tennessee
Republicans punching down
Such a beautiful day in NYC today.
I had a doctor appointment, I went to see a real doctor and not some fake turd like HA’s horse doctor. I was going to take 4 hours of PTO, when nobody really would have know whether I was working or at the doctor’s office. But it’s such a nice day, fuck it, I’m taking 8 hours PTO instead.
God bless you Steve!
Wouldn’t he have to be found to have committed some crime, or corrupt use of office in order for a recall to make the ballot?
I assumed Washington was more sensible than California… politically.
@ 45
I don’t hate capital gains, so I’ll keep the Newco shares.
And I’ll dump them at my earliest opportunity. Everything Time Warner has touched turned to shit, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. This explains your comfort with the company, as you and the company share a similar track record.
The reason you don’t hate capital gains is that you hold on to garbage shares so long that most of the gain evaporates. You’ve never had gains sufficient to cause any significant taxation, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s announcement that he plans to keep the dog shares encompassing Time Warner’s corpse after the excrement is spun off from AT&T reminds me to plug my
Notadumbfuck Investment Method.
Every time Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit announces his investment strategy, listen carefully, and do the opposite.
The two things that have enriched me the most in this past decade are:
1) strict adherence to above-mentioned investment strategy
2) rapid expansion of the wealth gap under Democrat administrations
In addition to the comfortable lifestyle supported by these gains, substantial enjoyment comes from the knowledge that the gains came at the expense of YLB’s kids, and YLB voted to make it happen.
Victims of the 9-0 SCOTUS smackdown made public yesterday include the Biden Solicitor General’s office.
That’s Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan telling Biden that he has his head up his ass WRT firearm confiscation.
Heard over dinner in the Dumbfuck Rabbit household:
“They’re not Depends. They’re masks for my anal sphincter.”
I guess it’s “socialism”, or “communism” or something when a private place of business enacts and enforces its own private policies with regard to premise safety and visitor conduct?
I’ve given up ever expecting conservatards to comprehend the true meaning of these words they habitually toss around.
But it does seem to me they grow increasingly desperate in their dogged pursuit of examples. They need a counter argument to the long, enduring record of Democratic policy success. And this is the best they can come up with.
I don’t think this ever works. Even someone who shares the weird aversion to the requirement still comes down on the side of the guy forced to wear the company smock. And it’s telling that this kind of performative conflict captured by the instigator’s own smartphone is happening more often. Knowing that it makes them look like selfish, elitist assholes they do it anyway.
It’s like some period of days or weeks go by with nothing but good news about Biden/Harris success or Pelosi/Schumer progress on popular legislation and they feel compelled to go out and create a scene. And they insist this shit proves “tyranny” or something.
But in the end all anyone sees is another asshole going after someone they believe they can hurt.
@ 54
Rick Schroeder and Scott Baio are former child stars. Alyssa Milano is a former child star.
None of these people, as adults, provide any reason to be taken seriously.
Speaking of child stars, Danny Bonaduce is a morning shock jock on KZOK in Seattle. He’s the best reason to listen to NPR’s Morning Edition instead.
Republican Minority Leader will oppose legislation to create an evenly split, bipartisan commission to study the origins of the terror attack on the Capitol.
Republicans now say they will only support a bipartisan investigation if the legislation requires the investigators to blame “BLM” and “Antifa” before the investigation has even started.
Seems like such a weird ask.
I wonder why?
It pleases me that you and nearly everyone else insists on referencing them this way. Believe me, every time that appears in print one of their testicles shrinks a little more and their sponsors get another panicked phone call.
It pleases me even more that you say this. Now. Suddenly. After four years of leaning hard into Shawn King, Kathy Griffin, Lil’ Wayne, and Diamond and Silk.
We’ll see how long you can keep it up.
Never give up on your dreams, Tara!
@ 57
That’s one interpretation. Another is that the GOP wants it reviewed in a broader temporal context than the Democrats do.
Democrats don’t want the Jan 6 riot to be compared to the many riots liberals were responsible for in the months leading up to the Jan 6 episode.
I wonder why?
Now do Kevin McCarthy:
@59. Because if you were being honest you would admit they were not the same thing. Liberal protests were protesting against the killing of black people by the police. Conservative insurrectionist were trying to overthrow the democratically-elected government because not enough people wanted to vote for white supremacists.
You should read the legislation the committee approved, rather than Chachi’s Facebook page.
You’re caught lying again, Tara.
Better change your control top pantyhose before you post. And maybe check in with your “FB friends from CO”. Maybe they’ve kept up on their reading.
That’s too fucking funny.
There’s nothing in the current legislation that would prevent the commission from investigating “liberal protests”, or “BLM”, or “rioting on federal property in 2020” if the commision and it’s staff decide that those things are related to the January 6th event in which hundreds of armed terrorists backed by a mob of over 8000 stormed the Capitol, overwhelmed Capitol Police and took over the House and Senate seeking to assassinate the Vice President and take hostages.
Tara lies. Cornered, she lies. Always has. Always will.
Then she disappears.
Stans for Chachi when it suits her.
Mocks him as a failed child star when he shits himself.
Looks the other way whenever her Minority Leader calls the President a “traitor”* “overturning the Constitution”* to impose “radical socialism”*.
Never fails to notice it when Kathy Griffin calls Trump “fat”.
Right this minute, under McCarthy’s leadership, his members in the House are all preparing a similar list of lies to explain their opposition. Some are saying it’s the money. Some are saying it would cause “delay”. Some are saying it’s phases of the moon.
It really does not matter. Because of the political sensitivities involved and the origins of the event, a Congressional investigation is preferred. Weighing the broad implications and risks to our framework of a constitutional republic, in the long run it’s better for Republicans if a comprehensive investigation is carried out by an independent commission reporting to the Congress.
But there’s nothing stopping the Attorney General, other than that preference. And again, weighing the implications and risks to our framework of a constitutional republic, a DOJ led investigation is better than none at all. Republican opposition is simply forcing this in a particular direction. It’s a direction that leverages their four years of experience in dismissing such investigations. But it also leaves them powerless to influence the course of the investigation. Which stands in stark contrast to the control they directly exerted over Mueller.
*All direct quotes from McCarthy.
Keep in mind, McCarthy is not a smart guy.
Moscow Mitch is certainly wiser and has better political instincts.
But neither one of them was in-the-loop before Jan. 6th.
Or even on the day of.
Think about that.
The Republican House and Senate leadership had no involvement or prior warning. Perhaps a few of the members did. But the guys making the calls today were in the dark about what Trump World was up to back then. They really have no fucking idea where this thing leads.
So they are making what they hope is a safer gamble on DOJ being slower, more compartmentalized, and less public. And they are probably preventing the investigation from playing a big role in the midterms.
But it’s a gamble that could easily blow up in their faces before 2024, with Trump’s name on the November ballot.
To paraphrase Peggy Noonan:
What I saw at the execution
We were told he was “executed”, shot in the back of the head while he had his hands in view, on the steering wheel.
We were not told that he was trying to run down cops at the time.
@ 66
Ugh. Four body cam videos were played on a screen, which was video-recorded and published by WaPo.
One gunshot pretty clearly was appropriate – that one was through the front windshield and apparently missed Brown. Less sure about the others – fleeing felon territory.
14 shots fired by three weapons. 2/14 found their mark.
Brown had a half-dollar size crystal meth rock in his mouth at the time of the autopsy. “Too large to swallow.”
The DA: “People made claims on camera that were knowing falsehoods and were directly refuted by the body camera video.”
And don’t forget Religious Freedoms. How could you?
One of the witnesses claimed that additional gunshots were fired after Brown was pulled from the vehicle.
I am reminded of the witness who claimed that Dennis Wilson stood over a prostrate thug Mike Brown and fired a shot into the back of his head.
An act on Bob’s part….just like the GOP is one big act. Their is nothing about governing and solving the problems of the world, it’s one big act.
Wierd, all those people mentioned, as being adults, are heterosexuals. They really seem to be the problem and the common denominator.
DA: “Do I think that people can see what they want to see? Absolutely.
I would hope that attorneys, licensed attorneys who are bound by the same oaths and the same rules of professional conduct that I am would conduct themselves a little differently.”
He clearly does not know Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
He’s one Bozo the Clown act.
G-clown @ 73
Jussie Smollett’s path from adorable child actor to ‘Empire’ star to felony suspect
The view’s quite different if you don’t spend your life on your knees with a pair of hairy balls in your face, G-clown.
The DA referenced Plumhoff v. Rickard.
“The Supreme Court has never found a Fourth Amendment violation when a suspect uses a car as a deadly weapon. Never. Not one.”
This is great video of the news conference.
Why not release the videos?
Bob have you seen all the video footage?
Hey Bozo Bob was Jessie one of the people previously mentioned? No. I stand as always right in what I said, bunch of Neanderthal Heteros
Who’s Jessie?
Release the videos, stop lying.
@75 “He’s one Bozo the Clown act.”
More like John Wayne Gacy.
If you are being called a liar and you have evidence that you aren’t lying, then wouldn’t you show the evidence? Seems like you wouldn’t show the evidence if it proved that you are lying.
Hugs and kisses for all!
1989 79.5% 14.4% 18.1%
1990 59.6% 8.9% 15.0%
1991 62.4% 9.8% 15.7%
1992 56.9% 8.5% 15.0%
1993 64.5% 10.4% 16.1%
1994 70.4% 12.4% 17.6%
1995 66.9% 11.5% 17.2%
1996 67.6% 11.1% 16.4%
1997 67.6% 11.1% 16.5%
1998 72.9% 13.5% 18.5%
1999 76.2% 15.3% 20.0%
2000 77.5% 15.5% 20.0%
2001 79.0% 15.9% 20.1%
2002 84.3% 16.4% 19.4%
2003 68.1% 11.8% 17.3%
2004 72.0% 13.4% 18.6%
2005 72.0% 13.4% 18.6%
2006 64.9% 11.6% 17.8%
2007 70.6% 12.7% 18.0%
2008 72.4% 13.8% 19.1%
2009 77.6% 14.0% 18.1%
2010 78.5% 15.3% 19.5%
2011 81.9% 16.5% 20.11%
2012 82.0% 16.5% 20.13%
2013 80.8% 15.7% 19.39%
2014 82.4% 17.2% 20.9%
2015 82.4% 17.2% 20.89%
2016 74.7% 15.2% 20.40%
2017 72.1% 15.2% 21.16%
2018 83.7% 16.5% 19.7%
2019 84.1% 17.1% 20.4%
2020 85.2% 16.9% 19.9%
First Column – The Year (Dahh), Second Column – percentage of taxable income versus AGI, Third Column – Percennt of Taxes paid on AGI, Fourth Column – percentage of taxed paid on taxable income.
All said and done – not much of a fucking difference. Everyone should know what is reality. I think the only thing I notice is that i paid less taxes during the GWB years, just when the deficits started to ballon. America is too cheap to pay the way for what we need.
Fuck Bob!
I probably should do some type of ratio comparison that measure that adjusts the percent paid in taxes with the percentage of income that was taxable. Obviously if I was my taxable income was 100% of my AGI then the percent on the taxable income would be greater (or equal to) the percent on the AGI, but some consideration needs to be made that the taxable income percentage is against the percent of taxable income to AGI ration.
@ 84
If that’s all you make you won’t be able to afford to retire any time soon.
I really didn’t convey that correctly. What I meant to say is that there should be sometime adjustment made to reconcile the difference between year to year based on the difference of year to year on the percentage of taxable income against the AGI.
G-clown has not learned the lesson from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s oversharing.
@86 why don’t you express that in terms of current 2020 salary. You don’t have any fucking idea what you are talking about.
If you want to prove what you are saying then tell me what was my 2020 salary. I think you could guess better than figure it out mathamatically from the data given….but give it a shot.
Also, remember jackass I don’t have any kids to feed, dress and make happy, nor do I have a fucking horse or two.
I know when I can retire and what I can retire on dumbfuck
indulge me, please, quickly, in 10 minutes I have to leave for the gym, fucking fat fuck!
And Dumbfuck is a Dumbfuck. Please…..write it down, my current salary, just for the fun of it…..again, you could probably guess better than deduce what it is from those figures. Show your math you dumbfuck.
Bozo the Clown is a failed fucking clown too.
just like Puffy has tons of relatives here in NYC, but not one is gay or transgender. Yeah, right!
Bozo is gone.
Dude the other people here are all smarter than you, haven’t you ever looked in a mirror to see how fucking dumb you are?
yeah, that’s you all right. Dumbfuck sad!
@ 87
I really didn’t convey that correctly.
Not if by “correctly” you meant to create a false impression that you have any real assets, or income means to acquire them. You don’t. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit made the same mistake when he overshared.
I do have to give G-clown credit for something: now that he’s told us how pitifully low his AGI is, I really should commend him for that $18 meal he donated to someone several weeks ago.
It turns out that to G-clown, 18 bucks is a lot to see go out the door to somebody else.
So kudos to you, G-clown.
The only thing vicious about the Vicious Dumbfuck is his vicious smell
What is my AGI Dumbfuck? You pretend to know? Tell everyone. Do tell.
You can’t, because you’re a Dumbfuck
Sounds like Dumbfuck is digging to nowhere. You have no idea what my assets are.
But he’s just a Dumbfuck.
@ 98
I can, because I can go to any online tax calculator and work backwards from a tax rate of 19.9% on your taxable income, which is the number on the bottom line of page 1 of your 2020 tax form. It’s the number you gave us @ 84, bottom row, last column, G-clown.
Using that I can back-calculate your federal taxable income. Since you live in NYC you pay state and city income tax, not just federal income tax.
Doing these calculations I know what your taxable income was last year – I don’t care what your AGI was. Because of the online tax calculator I also know what your after-tax income was last year. Since you live in NYC you pay 33% more to live than a similarly psychotic gay fuck would pay to live in Seattle. I know that 3/4 of what you took home doesn’t buy much fun in Seattle, so what you make must not buy much fun in NYC, either, G-clown.
Half the commenters, at least, on HA have a higher Seattle-equivalent income than you do, G-clown. None of the other contributors brag about handing out $18 to someone in need, and it’s because 18 bucks doesn’t mean much to us, G-clown. It’s something we all do, but don’t feel a need to tell others about. YLB does it, and uses her own money. Even ‘froggy does it. We all have charitable hearts.
G-clown, you would do well to avoid sharing so much online that it enables others to know more about you than you want them to know. Sleep well, Pumpkin.
But you clearly can’t, because all you have to do is say what it’s, but you can’t. You fail at everything you do in life.
All you have to do is guess a number and who knows maybe you’ll be right…but me thinks you’ll be wrong as usual.
The horse better watch it tonight, it probably won’t sleep like a pumpkin, that’s for sire.
Pick a number if your within 15 percent plus or minus, I’ll call you a smart doctor.
@ 102
… I’ll call you a smart doctor.
How far would I have to fall in life to have any concern whatsoever about what you might think of me?
Steve thinks I’m a traitor. You, for some reason, seem to think that I once tried to become a professional athlete.
People are gonna think what they’re gonna think.
G-clown, I think that you realize you shared too much. You shared so much that it merely takes someone with some common sense to do the back calculation to discover that your income is pitiful.
Hell, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron can probably manage that calculation.
@103 but you can’t do it. You claim to be able to do what you can’t do. You prove that you are a fake.
It’s not gonna happen.
Dumbfuck claims not to be a traitor. 😆😆😆. He failed at Pro sports too.
Why? So someone else can do the math that you can’t do?
Are you the one that welches on bets too?
What gibberish.
All said so that he can impress. The more impressive thing would be to guess at what it is, but he can’t even do math.
“Womble came to his conclusion after reviewing evidence and considering the standard for judging the uses of force by police officers. Womble said that courts have held that officers can use deadly force to protect against deadly force from someone they’re trying to arrest, or to take custody of someone who presents ‘an imminent threat of death or serious injury to others unless apprehended immediately.'”
Man, it sure looks like the “fleeing felon” rule is alive and well in North Carolina — when the suspect is black and the cops are white.
But then, the “fleeing felon” rule was always a Jim Crow rule, and I never suggested it wasn’t. After all, Michael Brown was black and Darren Wilson was white, too.
@77 The factual matter in dispute is whether he used the car as a deadly weapon. If you get the facts wrong, you’ll apply the wrong legal rule, and come to the wrong conclusion. But I don’t expect a doctor with no legal training — and a dumbfuck doctor at that — to master this sophisticated logic.
This is the same doctor who wants to tie soldiers to stakes and shoot them with firing squads before knowing what the facts are or what legal rules, if any, were violated.
@86 I don’t see anybody’s income in #84, just a bunch of tax rates. (But I haven’t read this whole thread, either. I’ve been busy elsewhere today.)
It does occur to me there’s a lot of income that’s never taxed. For example, the capital gains embedded in massive estates that are excused from any and all taxation, ever, by the basis stepup, up to the limit of the very generous estate tax exemption.
And that’s before you get into the “carried interest” tax-coddling of hedge fund managers with billion-dollar annual incomes.
And innumerable other tax dodges embedded in the tax code by the Republican servants and ass-kissers of the uber-wealthy greedheads who fund their political campaigns, sham unofficial recounts, frivolous election lawsuits, and dirty tricks.
Unfortunately I don’t fall under the category. My taxes are much more simple, but the Dumbfuck still can’t do the math. He says he can but he can’t. If he could he would have already told everyone the pitiful figure that I make.
And If I make a pitiful figure then this Country is in big trouble.
And to think that I was just hoping that Trump’s attorneys and a handful of dumbfuck radiologists would be held to same professional standards that I am.
I didn’t get one dime of PPP or unemployment – nor did I need it or want it. And I probably could have finagled some PPP money being an LLC, possibly I suppose. But pretty much everyone in my family did. And they aren’t poor by any standards. Nor did they loose their jobs at any time.
He is no more…..must be fucking the horse
Today, at the gym, I saw on the tele the Headline that the virus was declining in all 50 States. I can recall if it was referring to the spread, number of case, or hospitalizations or deaths, or all of and/or any combination of those.
But I see it plateauing in the near future – My prediction that that’s the headline you will be seeing in the future. Or the decrease will be substantially less going forward.
Heh. Dimfuck will never own an F-150 Lightning…
Too “woke” for it.. Eh.. no matter…
After “that certain day” no matter indeed..
Of course he is. Because never let notoriety go to waste.
Ted Bundy was 50 years too soon, and lived in the wrong state.
Today he could get elected to the U.S. Senate as a Republican, too, although not in our state.
Florida would’ve been a good bet for him. He did become a permanent resident there. The three murders he committed there eminently qualified him for today’s Republican Party.
Oh, and he thinks God sent the protesters: “‘God came knocking on my door last summer disguised as an angry mob,’ McCloskey told [Tucker] Carlson. ‘And it really did wake me up.'”
Having spent some time in Missouri myself, I know where he’s coming from. That state will elect anybody who says God made them do it.
Hawley and McCloskey in the Senate together would make quite a pair.
That kinds talk gonna make consurvatard heads explode.
Against a tiny virus Trump was helpless as a fat baby.
Biden licks it dead in four months with Republicans fighting him every step of the way.
Imagine the history books.
David DennisonDonald Trump, the worst president in all recorded history is replaced by Joseph Biden, the greatest president in all recorded history.I think for the 2024 debate Biden should propose a contest.
Biden and Trump, on a timer, starting from lying face up on the stage floor, must rise to a standing position without their hands touching the floor.
@113 I think the average U.S. income is around $100 million a year, and the mean is about $28,000 a year. Six guys skew the averages. One of them is about to get his income cut in half. The others already have.
@103 “How far would I have to fall in life to have any concern whatsoever about what you might think of me?”
It’s hard to imagine you falling any farther than you already have is even possible, but you might surprise us.
@115 I didn’t lose a job either. Didn’t have one to lose. The last time I lifted a furry paw to do useful work was 20 years ago. I’m a capitalist now, which is the same thing as useless. Even my money is useless. The world doesn’t want it. Nobody will pay interest on it. I’m reduced to spending it to buy more stock.
@122 That’s a rigged contest if I ever heard of one.
49)To tgem, tge Lockdown was illegal. Same thing with the eviction moratorium.
I wonder if the abuse of the process with the recall of Seattle Mayor Frank Edwards.
@ 118
Heh. Dimfuck will never own an F-150 Lightning…
Very true.
1) We’ve done the solar panels on the roof and leased a Nissan LEAF. Not much has advanced since then.
2) We have two late-model RAM trucks, they each get 4k miles per year, and at that rate there will never be a reason to trade one in. There’s nowhere to drive on the island.
3) I suppose that with EV there’s a CVT and Ford’s reputation for awful transmissions in its trucks is a non-issue. But Ford trucks have awful transmissions.
4) YLB, in the last month both NYT and CNN have done reports on how awful mining for the rare earth elements that go into EV batteries is for the environment. Any idea how large a battery would have to be for an EV truck, YLB?
Enjoy the video of Biden driving a truck at 45 mph and then saying “This sucker’s quick.”, as if he has any idea. Presidents aren’t allowed to drive. For a reason. There was zero chance that Biden would ever be allowed to find out if the vehicle is quick or not (spoiler: it is. That’s not why anyone ever buys a truck.)
@ 122
Biden and Trump, on a timer, starting from lying face up on the stage floor, must rise to a standing position without their hands touching the floor.
But Biden’s gotta touch the casket lid in order to stand, no?
@ 123
@113 I think the average U.S. income is around $100 million a year, and the mean is about $28,000 a year.
Will someone please explain to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that average income and mean income are the same thing?
Hamas knocked out power to 250,000 Palestinians with a wayward rocket this week.
Hamas has killed 17 Palestinians with rockets intended to hit Israel.
QAnon Shaman’s Lawyer: Many Rioters Are ‘F*cking Short-Bus People’
OTOH, presented for your consideration are G-clown and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Both sides have engaged in far too much intermarriage amongst cousins.
A very wealthy Trump voter lost his mask battle with the COVID and passed his immense estate to his lovely widow.
But she can’t touch it for another six years when she turns 18.
What do the guests at Mar a Lago call reruns of Hee Haw?
Just watched the latest episode of the Handmaid’s Tale, first time most of the way without stopping. Last week, Gillead unilaterally declared a 24 hour Cease Fire around Chicago and other fronts to allow Aid Workers in, as PR Stunt. Unfortunately, they decided one more airstrike on rebel-held portions of the Windy City just prior to it taking effect, and another round during. Love the power of Friendship in Dystopian times, as one Aid Worker risks everything to get her friend she found in the rubble, out, even though they are not supposed to take refugees, only provide food, medicine, and medical aid. Her Friend, OfFred.
House Republicans will hold hearings next week on a new law they are proposing that requires that when a married couple is divorced they must still remain cousins.
Young Barron Trump came to his father filled with excitement:
“Dad I found the perfect girl and I want to marry her. She’s beautiful, smart, and a great cook. She dresses like a fashion model and built like a swimsuit model. And best of all Dad, she’s a virgin!”
“What? “Deals off, son. If she ain’t good enough for her own family, she damn sure ain’t good enough fer our’n.”
@128 What kind of fucking idiot owns 2 Dodge trucks on an island with no place to drive? Even considering the family horse isn’t used for transportation. Just curious.
@130 Excuse me, median.
I was having a Doctor Dumbfuck moment when I typed that.
Back during the before times, Nancy Reagan booked Waylon and Madame for Ronnie’s birthday at the White House for a special treat. As the dummy act got going the ventriloquist Waylon Flowers, who’d had a bit too much to drink, starts really digging in telling “stupid Republican” jokes through his dummy, Madame. At first the jokes are lighthearted and there’s some polite laughter. But before too long they start really getting specific about people in the audience and even some of the President’s family. The room got completely quiet and people began shifting and coughing. The Secret Service even got nervous. Finally about halfway through the guest of honor stands up and interrupts the act saying “See here. Some of us don’t appreciate that kind of humor, sir!”
Flowers immediately begins to apologize profusely and begging the President’s forgiveness. But Reagan interrupts him again saying to Flowers “No, you’re fine. I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the old lady sitting on your lap.”
What do a tornado and a Trump voter divorce have in common?
Someone loses a trailer.
@136 Reminds me of the Trumper who complained that after four marriages he still has the same in-laws.
Republicans so dependent on investigations that they actually hired the Cyber Ninjas to audit the 2020 election results would like you to know that as far as January 6 is concerned, an investigation doesn’t seem necessary.
The Republicans disparaging the January 6 commission because “we should move on” are the same people who supported the Benghazi Select Committee that lasted more than 2.5 years, and wrapped up more than 4 years after the Benghazi attack itself.
I think 2.5 years of endless investigations into Trump’s attempted coup and the republicans who supported him would be worth the time and money. Republicans set the standard.