Can whoever is killing sea lions please stop? It seems like not fucking killing sea lions would be the default. Come to think of it, I have lived my whole damn life not killing sea lions.
If you see a sea lion today, just let it be. Same tomorrow and the next day. Pretty soon you’ve gone a week without killing any sea lions. Then a month of no killing sea lions. Because you know it, not killing sea lions becomes a habit.
Don’t fire tear gas at them when they attack your kayak, either. ’cause that would be a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
@1 And you’ve been attacked by a sea lion in a kayak how many times?
@ 2
About the same number of times as Hillary Clinton has told the truth.
Fishermen shoot them because they eat salmon, Carl. Lots and lots of salmon. Seals are eating machines. I’m not saying it’s right, and it’s certainly not legal, I’m simply explaining who does it and why.
Republicans have decided to respond to Democratic investigations by behaving like criminals.
If government doesn’t regulate health care providers, they’ll charge whatever they want, like half a million bucks for an ambulance ride.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, from a purely legal standpoint, I don’t see how someone can make you pay for a service you haven’t agreed to purchase. If you keep your mouth shut and don’t sign anything, I doubt they can collect from you.
Call price regulation “socialism” if you want,* but laissez faire capitalism is good only for capitalists.
* It’s not, but who’s literate these days? Certainly not your average Republican bleating sheep, who doesn’t even know the meaning of 80% of the words he heard on talk radio that he’s mouthing.
@ 5
Remind me again what Eric Holder’s responses were to House subpoenas?
You’re never correct, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but you’re always predictable.
@3 Given a choice between two liars, you’ll vote for the bigger liar every time, because that’s what dumbfucks do.
The Market is having a great day today on the news that GM is cutting production!
See how it works!
The YLB Financial Plan for Success
@ 6
If you keep your mouth shut and don’t sign anything, I doubt they can collect from you.
@7 You’re saying, in other words, that Republicans should behave like Eric Holder. Of course you are, because you’re a dumbfuck.
If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was truly a millionaire he wouldn’t be constantly informing us that he is a millionaire.
New Day✔
“If they were truly asylum seekers, they would have just walked up and surrendered and that did not take place,” says the Chief Patrol Agent, San Diego Sector Border Control, defending the decision to use tear gas.
5:37 AM – Nov 26, 2018
@9 Actually, that’s not why the market is up. This morning’s 235-point gain in the Dow is just a cannnonball bounce.
@12 “If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was truly a millionaire he wouldn’t be constantly informing us that he is a millionaire.”
Interesting juxtaposition of topics there: Roger Rabbit is not a millionaire, therefore it follows that the migrant caravan people are not asylum seekers.
Also, if you weren’t such an insecure little snot, you wouldn’t obsess over how “rich” someone else is. Normal people don’t work themselves into a frenzy over such things. I have enough, which is all I care about. If you’re richer than me, that’s fine with me. It doesn’t bother me a bit.
“‘If they were truly asylum seekers, they would have just walked up and surrendered and that did not take place,’ says the Chief Patrol Agent, San Diego Sector Border Control, defending the decision to use tear gas.”
Like they used to do before Trump announced that (1) asylum seekers would be turned away at the border and (2) after submitting their paperwork and waiting months to be processed none would be granted asylum?
Hey, I’m not defending these people, or saying they should be allowed across the border. They have no right to be here and our government shouldn’t allow them to get in by storming the border. I support what the Border Patrol is doing (but not based on Trump’s reasoning, if you can dignify it by calling it that). But creating a functioning immigration system isn’t part of the GOP program, and you’re going to get this kind of thing when you don’t provide an avenue for legitimate asylum seekers. But don’t expect a rational policy response from the GOP. They’re not into rational policy responses, e.g. if half a state burns down, just rake more leaves.
@ 13
Noted financial wizard and strong GE supporter
General Electric Co.
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2018 at 12:41 p.m. EST
Real time quote
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit wants to tell us what today’s market means.
Good thing GE pays that hefty dividend, amirite, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@ 14
But creating a functioning immigration system isn’t part of the GOP program, and you’re going to get this kind of thing when you don’t provide an avenue for legitimate asylum seekers.
Hey, remember when Obama got this sort of thing?
Border Patrol: crowd confronts agents
A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said.
The group first approached a lone agent stationed about 1/8 of a mile north of the border. They ignored his commands to stop, so he fired pepper balls to try to stop them and protect himself, Caston said.
As the crowd kept advancing and throwing rocks and bottles, she said, more agents came to the scene and used other “intermediate use-of-force devices” to push back the group. The agents also contacted Mexican law enforcement.
Caston said several agents were struck in the arms and legs with rocks, and that one agent was hit in the head with a filled water bottle.
That was a long time ago. YLB hadn’t yet worn through her fourth set of kneepads back then. Not for lack of trying, mind you.
More on @ 16
…you’re going to get this kind of thing when you don’t provide an avenue for legitimate asylum seekers.
They’re not legitimate asylum-seekers, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. They’re pawns in a leftist-funded demonstration against the administration.
They’re turning down job offers in Mexico because of it.
You’re going to get this kind of thing when you pay money to create it.
Trump plans to visit Mississippi today in an effort to revive the Old South. If he’s greeted with a sea of Confederate flags it’ll be a great photo-op — for Democrats.
@15 “Good thing GE pays that hefty dividend, amirite, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
I wouldn’t know. At this point, you know more about GE than I do, since you follow it on a daily basis. All I know is you’re the dumbfuck who didn’t short it at $23 while bleating about how bad it was.
@16 In 2013, the House consisted of 234 Republicans and 201 Democrats, which happens to mirror next year’s House makeup (234 Democrats, 201 Republicans), and the House passed how much immigration legislation? Squat. Your side made this, and continues to make it.
Of course, Republicans don’t want immigration reform or a peaceful border. That would deprive them of a juicy talking point. They like border riots. Keeps their fan base stirred up.
@ 19
I knew more about it when you owned it a year ago, as well. You disgrace your family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. They will never recover from your financial mismanagement.
@17 “They’re pawns in a leftist-funded demonstration against the administration.”
I see. George Soros recruited these people in poverty-stricken and crime-infested Central American shitholes and paid them to walk a thousand miles to the U.S. border and throw bottles and rocks at Border Patrol officers to take down Trump.
How do morons like you become doctors? Did you get your medical diploma from a correspondence school in Belize? You seem to know a lot about that region.
@21 In other words, you follow my stocks, because you don’t have any of your own.
From the folks who brought you the largest inauguration in the history of the universe, ten million new coal jerbs, “RED WAVE” mid terms, a nuclear free Korean peninsula, “I can see Russia from my kitchen window”, and “Hawaii is a foreign country”.
You betcha!
I think he’s make it pretty clear that Teh Dumbfuck’s insecurities extend way beyond his financial status. Mocked and criticized by his disgraced, alcoholic blue-button father he grew into a seething pile of petty resentments determined to “outperform” expectations.
Unfortunately that “drive” lead him to squander his intelligence and discipline on a white coat profession that condemned him to spending the best years of his life getting by on less than four hours of sleep, and marinating in the nauseating aromas of necrotic Medicaid patients for less than minimum wage. But the diplomas make for an impressive display at least.
I see that the doctor is really bringing the dumbfuckery today.
@26 For him, investing is a spectator sport.
@25 Meanwhile, Ole Miss’s first-ever female Rhodes Scholar is calling Cindy Hyde-Smith what she is.
Too bad the loon (RIP) got himself lynched. His head would have exploded real good!
“Mia Love Slams Trump in Concession Speech”
A Georgia woman was pulled over for tinted windows that were legal, and after her car was searched without a warrant, she was arrested for possession of cotton candy, then held in jail for 3 months because she couldn’t post $1 million bail. Now she’s suing their asses off.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope she gets a million dollars, so she can post bail the next time dumbfuck cops* arrest her for minding her own business.
* They grow ’em stupid in the South, which is a good reason to never go there. Georgia should be on the State Department’s “No Travel” list. Like North Korea and North Sentinel Island, when American citizens are detained there, there’s no way to get them out.
@ 30
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope she gets a million dollars, so she …
I hope so too, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. That way, one of the two of you will be a millionaire.
Socialism, y’all.
Venezuelan Ex-Treasurer Admits He Took $1 Billion in Bribes
Although Bill and Hillary seem to be doing pretty well without it.
@31 We’ll all be equal soon enough, dumbfuck. Nobody’s richer than anybody else in the cemetery.
Those who advocate for socialism and/or communism believe it’s possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
I see Russia and Ukraine are putting on another shit show for the world’s audiences. All Russia wants is to bring back its czarist empire, which means enslaving countries like Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries and others bordering on “Mother Russia.”
As for Ukraine, I don’t have much sympathy for them. Back in the Second World War, Ukrainians couldn’t wait to help the Nazis round up the local Jews.
What a shit show!
This seems to be all Fun and Games right now…..but wait till someone decides they want to retaliate, then let’s see how much Fun and Games it really is.
remember the GOP Moto – Consequences!
“You disgrace your family…… They will never recover from your financial mismanagement.’
Easy Bob, this is something you should take up with your therapist, sounds like you got a lot of guilt weighing on your mind.
I’ll take Socialism over fucking Nazis any day`
@34 you’re right – it was wrong to think that you had a clean end, you turd.
@35 you ought to check in with The Hump on that shit show….he sure does want to emulate it here in Emreika.
@34 I agree. Socialism sucks, and communism sucks even worse. I’m for regulated capitalism.
@35 I agree. Russia is an aggressor again, and while the Ukrainians suffered terribly under Stalin, that doesn’t excuse what they did to the Jews. I wouldn’t vote for Putin or his friends, but some Americans do, and I can’t understand that.
@37 As I’ve said before, Doctor Dumbfuck must believe that Jonas Salk was a fucking idiot for the ages for not cashing in on his polio vaccine. Sad, though, how only one of the two is venerated by the medical profession*.
*Hint. It isn’t Doctor Dumbfuck.
@36 They’re Cindy Hyde-Smith yard signs.
I can’t think of a reason to confirm an opponent of democracy as a federal judge. Can you?
When you spend your days trading Mountain Dew Code Red for Oxy to crush, and your nights trading QuiverFull sister-porn for fizzy beer, do you even care which one is “the clean end”?
Don’t answer. It’s not necessary.
The wages of tariffs.
“The number of farms filing for bankruptcy is increasing across the Upper Midwest, following low prices for corn, soybeans, milk and beef, according to a new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. … The situation has gotten worse for farmers since June because of the retaliatory tariffs that have closed the Chinese market for soybeans and held back exports of milk and beef.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they voted for Trump, all I can say to them is, you get what you vote for.
And there’s this, too: Ruined crops.
“Andrew Light, one of the report’s editors, says the evidence humans are causing climate change is undeniable. ‘The part of the country that’s going to get worse fastest is actually the Midwest, which is the breadbasket of America,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump didn’t cause climate change, and it can’t be fixed overnight, but it would be nice to have someone in the White House who isn’t dedicated to making it worse.
The White House looks like a cranberry farm.
They’ve depended for far too long on price supports and market subsidies. What is politically disastrous for the GOP will ultimately work for the good of the economy. Those resources can be put to better uses elsewhere.
Maybe we can offer them discounts on U-Haul and adult literacy programs.
@50 It’s better to grow too much food than not enough. But for some reason, “the market” doesn’t work in the agricultural sector. You consistently get overproduction and ruinous prices. Plus, the market can’t control weather or climate.
Now, we are witnessing the market failures of agricultural taking root in manufacturing and other sectors of the economy. Farmers have received a Guaranteed Income from the government for a long time. Perhaps it’s time nonfarm workers did, too.
Just like the second amendment, “Socialism” is a whites only drinking fountain.
See 34.
@3 “About the same number of times as Hillary Clinton has told the truth.”
Yeah, but Hillary has told the truth way more than Trump ever has.
@4 They need to bring back a better version of “Fake Willy”:
It is clear Dr. Dumbfuck doesn’t know jack-shit about GE. All he knows is what he reads in his high-priced fancy investing magazine that he pays a premium price for. Yet he didn’t short GE at $23…..
@17 “They’re turning down job offers in Mexico because of it.”
Good news for those folks turning down jobs, GM is coming to the rescue. Now that they are closing plants and eliminating 6 models from production and slashing 14,000 jobs, they are going to ramp up production of SUVs and trucks where? Wait for it…. Mexico!!!!
Trump has to be so proud, all that winning! Turning key states into blue states with his tariffs and stupidity. Just tell all those displaced rust-belt state’s workers it is easy to hop the wall to Mexico, it is just tough to come back.
A new poll shows 60% of Americans disapprove of Trump, while 38% approve.
My question is: What the hell is wrong with the 38%?
Manfort lied to Mueller. Now he gets to play “Deal” or “No Deal” again. Guess which button Mueller will push?
Elvis is alive in the White House.
“Between September 12, 2001, and the end of 2016, far-right extremists were responsible for 73% of deadly extremist attacks, … government statistics show.”
All you need to know about where domestic terrorism comes from.
@60 they envy Hamas so much that that’s why they hate them.
Important dots to connect beyween this status report revealing that OSC has known all along that Paulie has been lying to them and the delay in filing it until after President PornAbortion turned in his take home test.
“The government will file a detailed sentencing submission to the Probation Department and the Court in advance of sentencing that sets forth the nature of the defendant’s crimes and lies, including those after signing the plea agreement herein.”
Can’t suppress that. He’s got ’em. And he gets to tell the world the minute “acting” AG Meathead “acts”.
Manafort’s 5K1 is history. This plays out one of two ways now.
Either BabyShits issues a full pardon immediately, which really only delays the inevitable, and still leaves Manafort having forfeted everything and facing additional state and federal criminal charges later on. Gets out jail shortly before he dies penniless.
Or BabyShits pouts and Tweets leaving Paulie twisting in the wind long enough to cut a new deal for a rule 35 motion. But to get a post sentencing motion Paulie would have to hand over the family. If he can he’s no better off. If he can’t he dies inside.
He put his fate into the hands of an intemperate imbecile probably displaying dementia. Cool. Going for popcorn.
Another Republican, another crook.
@62 That’s what happens when you mess with a professional.