New budget proposals just dropped. The state House and Senate 2 year budget proposals have been announced. It seems like good stuff. Of course it’s such a weird year, focusing on COVID-19 recovery and bringing back the economy are top priorities.
Anyway, wash your hands right now!
See, if they don’t turn up positive ’cause they aren’t tested, then they must not be infected —-> Love Gov’s plan is a success.
Cuomo admin. kept COVID tests from nursing homes as gov’s kin got them
Hey, it got him an Emmy.
I’m just certain that First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval numbers will still be where Steve can brag about them after 7+ more months of this border crisis.
Scoop: Kids’ border surge expected to last 7+ months
I wonder what First Vegetable Joe Biden has to say about the “seasonality” of these numbers. Maybe someone could ask him.
Of course not. What could they say other than “It’s not a crisis.”?
It’s a crisis. And it’s completely Biden’s fault.
Keep fuckin’ that approval chicken, Steve.
Still more exceptionally fine “police” work by heroes in blue.
They aren’t doing the work you are being told they are doing.
They are doing other things that really don’t make our communities any safer. And they do them very poorly, at that.
Tara, who once claimed to have had her vagina violated through control top pantyhose in the busiest corridor in North America without a single witness and promised everyone BEACH WEEK!!! at South Padre by July of 2020 has just discovered “lying”.
Look “y’all”! Another crisis that is “completely Biden’s fault.
Trump/GOP broke a lot of shit.
It must sadden the traitor to see that our nation’s beloved President Biden is enjoying 72% approval for his response to the virus, and 75% approve of his distribution of the vaccines, and 60% approve of his hamdling of the economy.
Since you like to look to a make-believe future to pathetically taunt us with in a futile attempt to make yourself feel better, here’s a future for you consider, you fucking traitor. President Biden having 75% approval of the migrant situation at the border by June, with 70% overall approval.
Cheer up, Doctor. In spite of your failed insurrection to overthrow our democracy, I hear your raging orange man-baby will be president again come August.
“What I’m talking about, Steve, is what I’ve been doing since Jan. 9th,” Lindell explained. “All the evidence I have — everything is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye.”
“It was an attack by other countries, communism coming in,” he continued. “I don’t know what they’re going to do.”
“Hold on!” Lindell added when Bannon tried to interrupt. “Donald Trump will be back in office in August!”
Brought to you by Raw Story.
The Putin/Bannon authoritarian dezinformatsiya program was always to fuck things up in the United States. Trump and Republicans are perfect for that. A consistent record of failure and incompetence liberally seasoned with greed and corruption.
Then, to whatever extent possible, blame the fucking up on whatever stands between the Putin authoritarian cabal and their goals. “Blame Biden” could just as readily become “Blame Bernie”, or “Blame Bloomberg”, or “Blame Buttigieg”. And it perfectly correlates with Tara’s consistent demands to “Blame a Clinton” for his party’s collapse into degeneracy by gleefully nominating an avowed rapist.
But one of the really brilliant qualities about the U. S. governmental system is its capacity for rebound and recovery when it is in the right hands. Things have gotten fucked up before. In some ways even worse. Aside from initiating a nearly permanent state of war for no clear purpose, Cheney/Bush 43 presided over wiping out seventeen trillion dollars in accumulated household wealth. Eight years of Obama recovered every single cent and more.
As Republicans grow increasingly committed to their ongoing project of destroying democracy to better serve authoritarian globalist dictators through obstruction, incompetence, willful sabotage, and government SHITDOWN!, and Democrats continue to rack up a successful record of rescue and repair, younger less habitual voters not so deeply invested in “pwning the libs” and culture wars tropes will increasingly reject “conservatism”.
The media continue to depict the Biden/Harris administration as beset with “CRYSIS” and overwhelming challenges. But that’s mostly due to habits formed during four years of Trump/Qanon/GOP authoritarian incompetence. For competent professionals like Biden/Harris these are opportunities to invite American voters to compare and contrast.
In that sense, they can’t lose. And they owe it all to…
…that’s right…
…it’s another…
Should a vaccine passport be required for voting? After all, that should help break the resistance down.
He’s also saddened that no GOP assaulted a LEO yet today too …but soon, he’ll get his wish.
As private entities not engaging in unlawful discriminatory practices, how airlines, spas, resorts, cruise operators, arts organizations, tour operators, concert promoters, hotels, casinos, festival operators, lodging companies, event producers, restaurants, and caterers choose to safely resume public accommodation and service will be up to them and their risk management teams.
It will surprise no one if most such private entities are cautions about assuming the risk of dealing with people like this stupid asshole.
Enjoy your funerals. Forgive the rest of us if we decline to attend.
@5 How can Republicans fund peace when they need all the money for war?
@7 I fear for him. Normal human beings can take only so much disappointment before going off the deep end. On the other had, he’s not normal, and he’s already off the deep end. Still, I fear for him.
@8 I get the impression Republicans aren’t even trying to win the “compare and contrast” tourney. They seem more interested in keeping anyone else from competing.
@9 “Should a vaccine passport be required for voting?”
Of course it should! No opportunity to prevent voting should be missed. But definitely not for anything else:
“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) vowed to take executive action this week banning ‘vaccine passports’ that businesses and local governments could potentially require to show digital or physical proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
“The Florida governor said … he would take action … against vaccine passports and requested the Republican state legislature draft a bill forbidding such passports. …
“‘It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society,’ he added.”
Um, doesn’t that take away a private business owner’s freedom to refuse service? Isn’t that a mandate to let contagious anti-vaxxers waltz around inside your business? What’s his authority to do that?
” … federal prosecutors wrote in a court filing Monday that Garret Miller was clad in a shirt bearing the message ‘I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021,’ when he was arrested on Jan. 20 … ”
No comment.
Judicial Watch gets their ass handed to them. Again.
Had to expect the planet would defend itself.
@17 No Hillary deposition? Special protection given to Hillary by the SCOTUS while offering no comment? The doctor and his raging orange man-baby have been betrayed again, obviously.
In an unsigned order issued without comment, the justices declined an appeal from Judicial Watch
“Hillary Clinton ignored the law but received special protection from both the courts and law enforcement,” he said. “For countless Americans, this double standard of justice has destroyed confidence in the fair administration of justice.”
Law enforcement loves Hillary? Little wonder the doctor and his raging orange man-baby had their savage minions stoked to murder LEO on 1/6 .
@19 Hillary gets special protection from the courts and kidnappers and Capitol insurrectionists don’t! Not fair!
Looks like Democrats want to tax Doctor Dumbfuck’s offspring.
There’ll be much gnashing of teeth and whinnying in the pasture if this passes. No oats, just hay, for doc’s My Little Ponies!
Name an angry black conservative and I bet if you dig deep they don’t like gay people. I’d put money on that bet and would win 9 times out of 10.
Amazing how most cosnervatives would hold a cop in discontent for like stealing overtime pay, or doing personal business while on the clock. But if that same cop murdered or contributed to the death of a man, they seem to have a different view or are fine with it.
Conservatives (I say Conservative but some of the people are former democrats) have no respect for human life (period).
@ 22,
You’d win. But only because even gay conservatives “don’t like” gay people. It’s a pretty universally upheld prejudice among modern American conservatives.
But I guess today must have given you some reason to single out Black people.
Let’s spread the COVID-19 around so that all the migrant children have an equal opportunity to come down with it, shall we?
This is equity.
@ 22
Name an angry black conservative and I bet if you dig deep they don’t like gay people.
G-clown, the problems black people have with homosexuals extend far, far beyond those black people who label themselves as conservatives.
What this means, G-clown, is that the average black person is more likely than not to think that you are abnormal. Before even meeting you, which would remove any lingering doubt.
G-clown, Dick Cheney accepted you before Barack Obama did. Think about that. You sick fuck.
Today’s GQP hates his daughter. Why? Because, like Mitt, she didn’t side with the traitors and seditionists who constitute the majority of today’s GQP to overthrow our government. Think about that.
I know you’ll give it no thought. And we both know why. It’s because you’re one of the GQP traitors.
Texas trooper stops to render aid to a stranded motorist. Who kills him.
This is what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit calls good news.
Why Deathfrogg can’t get a job.
@ 27
I know you’ll give it no thought.
Wrong. I did, Steve. In fact, I had to read your spew twice before I realized you were referring to Liz Cheney and not Mary Cheney, who is Lynne and Dick Cheney’s other daughter. And is gay.
Your GQP hates Mary, too, but they’ve always hated her. The hate for Liz reflects the new breed of GQP hate.
They’d hate you, too, if they’d read a few of your recent comments. That’d mean everybody in America hates you…except for me. I find it isn’t necessary for me to hate you in order for me to want to see you hang for your treason.
@ 24
But I guess today must have given you some reason to single out Black people.
If G-clown focuses on how the skin of a black conservative crawls when in his presence, he might not have to think as much about how he makes his parents’ skin crawl when they think about the horror that is their son.
Yes, Candace Owens
Bob’s pleasure as a Troll.
To see to it that people can’t and don’t live happily….must have something to do with having to fuck a horse all his life.
Please Bob, if HIV was a heterosexual thing youd be loving it like wine. You really don’t care about the spread of COVID-19 do you, bless your heart.
Just imagine – they could have had a President Buttigieg. I guess Candace Ownes should help point that out to them.
Oh and the problem too – many black people are gay, like Puffy’s relatives.
Yes. There are many black poeple that are bigots….it’s not working out too well for them in the conservative world, is it.
He is a sick fuck too. Hahaha. Sad.
The irony…..a black person oppressed by society, and oppressed by the cops. Those same people then want to oppress. Sounds like they defeat themselves.
Bob supports Capitol insurrection rioters that assault and kill cops.
The irony. And he fucks a horse too.
Your own skin crawls when it sees you.
You’re no doctor – you are a failed individual and soul….and God will get you probably sooner than some would like to see you hang.
By the way the black homeless guy that I bumped into on the street last friday called me an Angel, a couple of times, (you don’t have to believe it, but you can ask Thomas Houston himslef), after I walked 3 blocks with him to buy him some lunch.
He stopped me, as I was out for a walk, asked if I could buy him some soup. I said sure. Where? He said at the corner of 8th Ave and 14th street. We walked about 3 to 4 blocks. They had no soup. He asked if he could have a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon. I said, yeah, tell the man what you want. Then I asked if he wanted something to drink or some fruit or something else. He said he couldn’t have fruit becuase of his teeth. But he then asked if he could get a salad. I said sure, get the salad. All said and done $18.00.
He called me an Angerl about 5 times.
You see Bob, you are the only fucker here. A horse fucker.
It’s okay.
Bob gave at the gun shop.
When any white person says this about any racial conflict, it’s always accompanied by a “But…”
Then you realize the “it” they are talking about is not what you thought. It doesn’t matter if you started out talking about two local cops joining a violent terrorist group and taking part in a terror attack on The Capitol that left 140 police injured. It doesn’t matter if you started out talking about a veteran white police officer with a long history of physical violence and abuse in his personal and professional life methodically kneeling on a dying Black man’s windpipe for nine agonizing minutes while bystanders begged him to please stop.
So you have to walk it back and try to understand, what is the “necessary condition” these white people are thinking about when they threaten a race war? And make no mistake, that’s what these Trump supporters, 3%ers, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and random Q-Shaman are threatening. That’s what they were demonstrating when they attacked The Capitol. Under current circumstances, what would reassure them enough to agree not to start a race war and kill all the African Americans?
What does Make America Great Again really mean?
Something else “conservatives” got absolutely completely wrong:
One year ago today, conservative evangelicals brought an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Also: Most cringeworthy hype man in history.
“…that can pass.”
Sounds more like failure is the outcome, Murph.
Had the minimum wage increased at the same rate as GE shares since Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended them in October of 2017, it would be $4.04 today.
There must have been some major pushback from President Jill Biden. The headline used to read “Most Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail time“.
Many Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail time
The cases could embarrass the Biden administration, which has portrayed the Jan. 6 siege as a dire threat to democracy.
We’re not gonna see AOC doing staged photo-ops at the border any time soon, either.
Jen Psaki Was Cornered About Kamala Not Visiting the Border – Her Response Says It All
There might still be a Democrat occupying the White House in 2025, I suppose. But it’s growing increasingly unlikely that the occupant will be named Biden or Harris.
Biden handed Harris a political grenade. Can she defuse it?
With that personality? No fuckin’ way. She couldn’t even last until the primaries began last time she took on a challenge.
@43 “By the way the black homeless guy that I bumped into on the street last friday called me an Angel … after I walked 3 blocks with him to buy him some lunch.”
Don’t try that in a Republican town without having a bail bondsman lined up in advance.
@47 Bob extolling gun violence again. To see Bob shed crocodile tears over a soon-to-be-dead cop, backtrack to #28. The last thing Bob wants is more background checks to keep guns away from psychos who kill cops.
@48 What’s the wage rate for unemployed doctors? Just curious.
@51 If we parked your personality on the border, migration would completely stop. Interested in volunteering? This is your golden opportunity to be a patriot.
G-clown brags about his charity as much as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit used to brag about how much money he made in the stock market each day.
They’re both liars.
G-clown, there are numerous published variations of Maimonides’ Eight Levels of Charity. You might consider familiarizing yourself with them.
One of them, paraphrased, is to STFU about your alleged do-good activities. What sets you apart from the rest of us, G-clown, is not that you provide for others at times. It’s that you feel the need to build yourself up by bragging about it. You sick fuck.
I doubt that there is anyone on HA who does not lend a helping hand from time to time.
Ronald Reagan was shot, 40 years ago today.
Thousands of times more quick-witted than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
His staff couldn’t get him to consistently tell them where, or what, home plate is.
Biden will not throw first pitch at Nationals opening day
On the bright side, nobody will accuse First Vegetable Joe Biden of wearing mom jeans.
Josh and Kyle hooked up at their favorite Jamba Juice, opened their laptops, and started zoom calling a handful of dudes they knew from college who went on to become lawyers and such.
USAO-DC is not SDNY. The last guy who gave loving press head from that office was a Trump/Qanon holdover who was slated for firing the next day (and Tara was even dumb enough to pimp it).
This is as much a complete misapprehension of the federal criminal system as it is media outrage-pimping. Stated ranges for crimes charged have almost nothing to do with sentencing, since the sentencing guidelines are so complex, with so many mitigating and/or aggravating branches. But also because the system essentially relies upon “load ’em up and deal ’em down”.
But what ought to scare the fuck out of the terrorist Q-anon mob is that the US Attorney’s office is being so ponderous and methodical about this. In nearly every single case they are independently developing the evidence, while the FBI assigned to the cases continue to “learn as they go”. This does not describe a “quick and dirty” process like what you might find in low level drug cases. It looks a helluvalot more like the kind of slow, methodical, prosecution used to bring down organized crime and corporate crime.
It’s actually a very large prosecution:
.. with a lot of cases and defendants. It’s much more comparable to a major organized crime prosecution, in which most of those charged cooperate in exchange for reduced charges and favorable sentencing recommendations. And it very much appears to still be in the early stages.
And again, that’s probably what some of the “expert analysis” misses. It assumes that the event was merely “political expression” that “got out of hand”. And thus a whole bunch of “MAGA Tourists” are being put through the shit out of political vindictiveness. But if that were so, then we’d see much greater emphasis on the part of prosecutors to hurry to trial and put on a show. But that isn’t what we are seeing at all. These guys are all still fighting over pre-trial. That’s a big clue.
This investigation continues to proceed as if there are organizational and causal connections between the event organizers and the criminal acts that ensued. And that’s because that is where the evidence continues to lead. Prosecutors here aren’t operating as if they are mopping up a bunch of corner dealers and runners after a police raid. Rather they are operating as if they are working their way methodically through the low level operators and dealers in order to build their case against the suppliers.
The big difference being that in this case what is being “supplied” is political terrorism seeking to bring down the lawful democratic transfer of power. And Moms for America, Inc. may be just the beginning.
Neither will Bob Dole.
Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t a cop-hater, nor is he a racist. To the contrary, he’s a shining example of equality in its purest form: He wants everyone dead. He cheers and dances on the grave whenever anyone dies, no matter who it is. Doctor Dumbfuck (hearts) death.
@ 62
Nor Tammy Duckworth, using that sick line of thought.
I wonder if there’s a correlation between Doctor Dumbfuck’s fondness for death and the fact he’s not a practicing physician anymore?
@ 63
Doctor Dumbfuck (hearts) death.
I’ve been John Creasy‘d. A guy could do worse.
But what ought to scare the fuck out of the terrorist Q-anon mob is that the US Attorney’s office is being so ponderous and methodical about this.
Shouldn’t this scare Hunter Biden as well?
Now that his step-mom is president the only thing that scares the fuck out of First Addict Hunter Biden is the possibility that he’s being too closely watched to continue to procure crack.
Jimmy Carter, on Laura Ingraham’s show:
Abortion is nothing to cheer about. Y’all sick fucks have gone from “Safe, legal, and rare.” to T-shirts proudly proclaiming, “I had an abortion.”
Y’all sick fucks have too much in common with Margaret Sanger. it’s time to take more than a step back.
Geezus, Bob. Don’t look now, but all the Brony-porn in your search history has come back to bite you.
My gawd. How humiliating.
You realize that Carter feels the exact same way about masturbation.
Which is going to be a BIG problem for you and all the other Bronies.
@ 71
I know how Carter felt about lust. I read it in the Playboy interview.
And now I know what a Brony is.
Sorry Bob. Your Google search history belies that claim too.
Out of the infinite universe of YouTube videos of spastic concert twirlers only your search produces Bronies.
In cards that’s what they call “a tell”.
Own it.
@ 73
In that video around the 1:33 mark or so there’s a guy doing something that looks like the Nazi salute.
You sure you wouldn’t have gotten more mileage outta that, QoS McHillbilly? ’cause I’ve heard of Nazis before.
Plus, if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit didn’t know what BBC is, he’s certainly not gonna know what a Brony is.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit just always thought that all of those BBC entries Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit made in the check register meant that she was sending $200 a week in donations to the British Broadcasting Corporation.
It’s not only because of his poor investing choices that the Dumbfuck Rabbit family is nowhere close to having a million dollars in assets. It’s not cheap for Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit to ride cowgirl on stuff that big.
Said the guy also with lots of “Anne Frank” joke searches in his Google history …
The problem for Tara is that in the US, while about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, and about 25% of all pregnancies are terminated early, being a heel-clicking, Nazi-saluting Brony is an incredibly narrow and rare kink.
But hey. If Tara wants to Tweet her Kink I say let her!
Today’s best tweet.
“How did QAnon miss PizzaGaetz?”
This headline gets to the point.
Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl, 17
Remember this one?
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz was literally the only person to vote against an anti-human trafficking bill
The only surprise for me is that it was a young girl and not a little boy or a farm animal.
Doctor Dumbfuck and Matt Gaetz believe a Covid passport is a horrible infringement of our personal rights.
Doctor Dumbfuck and Matt Gaetz also believe that inspecting young girl’s genitals before they play lacrosse is a very, very important.
78 – 80,
Let us not forget Rep. Gaetz’ live-in “adopted son”, Nestor, who has a pension, a five-o’clock shadow, an AARP card, and is a part of a 30-and-over bowling league.
Matt likes his “pizza” with extra adrenochrome.
“Our relationship as a family is defined by our love for each other, not by any paperwork.” Ditto Bob’s horse.
@67 “Shouldn’t this scare Hunter Biden as well?”
Why should any of us care?
@74 You expect forest creatures to know what a Brony is? Of course nobody where I come from ever heard of it. That’s a human thing.
@79 That vote makes perfect sense now. What kind of idiot votes himself into jail?
“Matt Gaetz also believe that inspecting young girl’s genitals before they play lacrosse is a very, very important.”
They are inspecting in the hopes of finding a penis.
It’s a Republican thing.
Just ask Rep. Gaetz.
“Sweety I’m sorry, but I had no choice. It was either this or his AG was going to indict me for digging out some sweet sweet high school pussy with Matt Gaetz.”
It’s been plain and simple to me. We all know what it means. Slavery for Black people, if they’re lucky.
Bob is willing to kill and assault police to have it happen
The Washington Post article linked is unavailable to me, paywall.
Unfortunately I can’t read it.
Bob, we know your perfectly fine with the rioters not serving any jail time.
You’re a racist pig. And a lover to a horse.
If you give your girlfriend money, she’s not your girlfriend. She’s something else.
500,000 plus dead due to COVID, not massive, just a flux. Thousands of immigrants crossing a border? Massive, massive, just massively massive massive.
CBS News reporter:
So, Cruz wasn’t embellishing anything. First Vegetable Joe Biden has created his own disaster. Bob Gates was right about First Vegetable Joe Biden, but only half-right, as it turns out.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is wrong about every domestic policy question, too.
Did Bob kill and assault any cops today?
This is how First Vegetable Joe Biden avoids 2500% of pandemic capacity in those pods. He stashes them under bridges.
I don’t doubt that this disaster has not been CBP’s intent. It was Candidate Joe Biden’s intent.
Yeah guys don’t forget that the horse fucker too gives, he gives a dime once in a while to the horse federation.
You’re a goat fucker and a pig fucker and a horse fucker.
1. Your generalization and stereotype of all is just as sick, you sick horse fucking puppy.
2. Why all the anger? Did the horse turn you down today?
Right after playing with the Horse’s penis.
If your girlfriend is seventeen, and you’re thirty eight, she’s not your girlfriend.
She’s your victim.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval only 52%, and with MOE of 3.4 points he may be underwater overall.
Biden approval with Independents only 48%.
Only 2/3 of Democrats approve of Biden’s handling of immigration.
This is his honeymoon period. Expect worse numbers, and soon.
@ 10
Good one. The pros don’t blow easy lay-ups.
I literally giggled at 102.
It’s become a kind of performance art masterpiece of pathetic humiliation. At some point in the next three years when 4 of 5 Dems approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, Biden hosts the first Mars Mission astronauts at the White House, and his approval sits at 56% Tara’s going to dub it “the second honeymoon” and predict a “dead cat bounce” or some shit.
52% was Ronald Reagan’s average approval. But that stood in comparison to Jimmy Carter’s average of 45.
Trump’s average was 41. Bob voted for him four times.
Way to “own the libs”, Bob
I wonder what Trump thinks of police now.
Probably same as America’s war dead.
G. Gordon Liddy is dead.
The World’s Dumbest Congressman(TM) has to pay the fine:.
“Gohmert stated in his appeal that he … left the House floor briefly to use the restroom located outside the Speaker’s Lobby and was unaware that he had to undergo another screening upon reentering the chamber.”
I wonder how many times he was arrested in airports for the same thing?
Being an FBI informant doesn’t authorize you to overthrow the government. Nor does it earn the cops a gold star:
“The defense lawyer’s claims buttress a widely held view among left-leaning ideological opponents of the Proud Boys that law enforcement has coddled them, condoned their violence and even protected them during their frequent street brawls with anti-fascists.”
Read this article and then decide whether Biden is the vegetable Doctor Dumbfuck insists he is.
Doctor Dumbfuck is in for a surprise. The best part is Biden’s going to raise his taxes and he’ll have to help pay for it.
Maybe gohmert has not see the godfather movie but the security and Democrats had
Matt Gaetz has a minor problem.