It has been a year since the first COVID-19 death in the United States. It has been a hell year, although the absolute worst is behind us (touch wood). I haven’t gone further than a bike can take a round trip from my apartment. Here’s hoping the next year is better.
Andrew Cuomo is a male Democrat.
’nuff said.
Senate Democrats drop proposal to penalize companies for not providing $15 minimum wage
Tick tock, bitches.
Trump: Lovefest
Durkan: Summer of Love
Dumnbfuck’s about to go full Tara on us.
Democrats will deal with Cuomo. On the other side of the coin, you just tried, and are still trying, to overthrow our democratic republic to replace it with a single-party fascist state ruled by a self-confessed pussy-grabbing traitor who has had over a score of rape charges filed against him.
I hear you’re going to try to overthrow our government again this week.
Fucking traitors. All of you.
There’s a reason for this: None of the visitors were online with Joe. They were online with Jill.
Jill Biden must have spent a shitload on her shadow presidential prep team.
Biden won’t release White House virtual visitor logs
First Vegetable Joe Biden content with green Jell-O for dessert.
September 1, 2015: My advice to the DNC is to make the primary season a fair one.
First Vegetable Joe Biden
Putting in an early lid for the day.
Ready to take on a second dish of green Jell-O after my nap.
Team Biden has reversed itself and will give a SOTU address this year after all.
Jill Biden will address a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 23.
They are donors to the DNC and to the Clinton Foundation.
Three names mysteriously removed from Khashoggi intelligence report after initial publication
Looks like just another “handful of people who did the wrong thing.”
Let’s make a deal:
We’ll agree to hold Cuomo accountable to precisely the same degree the Republican party holds Donald J. Turnip accountable for Jan. 6th.
Try this: Gianforte for beating the shit out of a reporter for asking him the wrong question.
Or Noem for orchestrating a statewide coverup of a homicide by her AG.
Or any of Trump’s pardonees.
It’s a good deal for you. Think about it.
Hey, Tara. Want an even better deal?
How ’bout that horrible “Never-Trumper” Larry Hogan?
He’s been steering transportation spending into his family real estate development businesses for years now. And Trump hates him.
Why not trade him for Cuomo?
You won’t get a better deal than that. Trump hates him. You hate him. He refuses to back “The Big Lie” and he promotes climate science. Republicans could easily rid themselves of a thorn in their side. Why are Republicans protecting Hogan? And really, let’s be honest, not just protecting him. So-called “moderate” Republicans have been promoting Hogan for the past four years as some kind of “New Breed”. But he’s been the swampiest of swamp creatures the whole time. Why do you protect him so?
Trade ya!
@ 10
It’s a good deal for you. Think about it.
Naw. You need to sweeten with a SCOTUS AJ To Be Named Later.
In another 20 months you lose the House and the Senate. I can wait. I’m being paid handsomely to do so.
Re Hogan @ 11
There’s something about East Coast state governors with lymphoma that tells me to take a pass. Althugh I’ll give credit to one of them for this:
“To suggest that saying yes to middle-class tax cuts is an example of profiles in courage is a phenomenally interesting definition of the term.”
Although if that unserious pussy YLB can call herself an “HA hero” I suppose courage has been drastically redefined to a point that the term no longer has meaning.
Well I’ll be darned!
Tara’s a bullshitting fraud! Who on earth would have thunk it?
It’s who you are now, Dumbfuck. A corrupt, worthless, lying, piece of shit not one bit better than the lowest of the shitstain scum you defend. Trump is your bellwether. A distracted, ignorant, failed reality television celebrity who can’t read beyond bullet points and can’t concentrate longer than a three minute television segment. Your leader who proudly boasted of his long history of violent sexual assaults, then cheated on his pregnant wife with a post-dated porn star offering to pay her cash to fuck him, then paying for her silence with stolen campaign funds. Your leader who bilked charities under his control to pay for his own vanity. Who offered a foreign leader facing attack from Russia a protection racket scheme of missiles in exchange for a political smear. Your leader who assembled an army of armed and violent weird-beards and set them to murdering his own Vice President.
A freak. Who lost. Badly.
Just like you.
So you keep right on mewling about Cuomo or Clinton, freak.
And until you come clean and agree to address Donald J. Turnip and the rest of the Swampublican party with the same intensity and skepticism we’ll keep right on ignoring you, other than to periodically call you out.
And here I was beginning to worry that HA would lose some “atmosphere” without Puddy.
Instead of another TIME MUSHEEN deep dive, why not take a stab at Madison Cawthorn*?
You know. Before it’s too late and you find yourself genuflecting to him too. That would be pretty low, even for you, Tara.
*150 of his fellow students accuse him of sexual assault. That’s half the student body. My oh my, he is and impressive young man.
@ 15
*150 of his fellow students accuse him of sexual assault. That’s half the student body.
Gee, someone should notify Gillebrand. She thought it was only one in five.
Cawthorn, a hero to the modern Trumpalo “conservative” movement, has done so much more than grope and assault women.
He’s a classic social media fake, with no accomplishments to his name who got massively hammered with friends on a spring break getaway in Florida and injured his legs in a fiery car wreck. Then blamed his best friend. Then sued his best friend’s family. Then sued his doctors (Trigger Warning Tara), then lied about just about every aspect of his life. Claimed to have been kept out of the Naval Academy by his injuries, when in fact he was rejected for having shit grades and basically for being worthless. Claimed at one point to have suffered his injuries in combat. Dresses like a soldier on stage so he’ll look like an injured vet. Claims to have trained for the US paralympic team, when he has nothing to do with it. Claims to have been a top staffer for Mark Meadows, when he was a local office vol for one summer who barely showed up.
Republicans punished him by electing him to Congress and putting him on Veterans and Education and Labor.
“It was really scary. And just I remember just being very happy to make it back home safely.”
-Future quote of Every Republican You Know after Cawthorn is elected youngest ever House Minority Leader in 2023.
Just stop putting food out for it Tara, and it might go away.
@ 17
He’s a classic social media fake, with no accomplishments to his name…
So, like Darcy Burner, only successful in a congressional race.
Nikki Haley will be 2024’s Kamala Harris. Except for the sleeping her way to success part.
Cuomo, once married to a a Kennedy daughter, learned to abuse women from his uncle-in-law, too.
So, like Darcy Burner… if you can compare a National Merit Scholar with a management career in high tech to a drunken college dropout fired after six months of part-time at Chic-fil-A.
Other than that and the party affiliation, exactly the same.
Burner buys implants and hair extensions and puts an (R) after her name and next thing you know she’s Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations.
Yes. It’s very different.
Modern Republicans murder their way to success.
@ 21
if you can compare a National Merit Scholar…
Why the fuck would I do that? Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Didn’t stop him from raping women. Why would a high school award have anything to do with someone running for Congress? What’s next? Brownie award for selling the most Thin Mints?
Don’t forget that before she was reported as a “manager”, Burner claimed to be an executive at Microsoft. I guess being a National Merit Scholar wasn’t enough to turn heads.
You were comparing.
Specifically you were comparing Cawthorn to Burner.
Specifically you were not comparing Cawthorn to Bill Clinton, or to Pol Pot, or to any other random high achiever.
You specifically chose a high academic achieving Merit Scholar who got into Harvard Law to compare to a college dropout who never held more than a part time job and never for more than six months. You chose Burner out of an infinite universe as the person you would compare to Cawthorn.
Your choice. Party of personal responsibility.
That’s why the fuck, you pathetic shitstain.
What now? Second thoughts? Your comparison didn’t work out for you? Need another “do-over”? Need a new election count? Got someone else you’d rather compare Cawthorn to? We’re here. Who ya got?
Doctor Dumbfuck is supposed to be overthrowing our government this week, executing a whole bunch of Democrats and RINOs, in order to have his raging orange man-baby inaugurated by Thursday while also wiping out a whole slew of Constitutional amendments, and he’s here whining about Darcy Fucking Burner??
Good grief.
Hey Tara.
Instead of struggling over who to compare to Cawthorn, maybe a better option would be to just repudiate the little asshole.
Do you realize that the only thing that passes for an “accomplishment” in his life, his claims of high school football success are also fake?
North Carolina, being part of “The Old South” has very different rules for high school aged interscholastic athletics than what you might be used to. Cawthorn was home schooled (family paid proctors to take the tests for him) and he played for a “private independent” team. A team his father ran that was created specifically for Xtian home-schoolers to compete in a nearby league in Charlotte, also consisting of private Xtian academy kids. Even playing against their hand-picked opponents the team enjoyed their last winning season the year before Cawthorn’s father gave him a starting spot.
Run while you still can, Tara.
Kudos for the Darcy Burner reference…what a POS she is…
GQP Superstar, murder conspirator, and currently featured on Tara’s Tiger Beat Choke-Fapping poster wall, Governator Noem of S.D. is responsible for over 260,000 COVID infections and $12 billion in publicly born healthcare costs.
Party of personal responsibility and “sanctity of life”.
Could be. I dunno. All I know is that “POS” or not she actually compares very favorably to someone the GQP just elected to Congress and seated on a couple of very important House committees.
What’s that tell you?
Ya I don’t do the random people comparison stuff. A person is judged on their own merits, or lack thereof, in my world.
I don’t either. But our resident Trolls4Trump do and chose Burner to compare to Madison Cawthorn. Poor choice, I’d agree.
Part of a pattern.
So tell us: how do you “judge on the merits or lack thereof” a 25-year-old college dropout, whose homeschooling GPA was below 2.5, who lied about his acceptance into a national military academy, who 150 of his former bible college classmates accused of sexual assault, and whose only career experience was being let go from a part time job at Chic-fil-A?
Your next member in Congress, right? Right? Bueller? Tara? Anyone?
I wouldn’t vote for either one. Nuff said.
“It is entirely possible to construct a rational, center-right policy platform that attracts a broad coalition that includes Trump supporters.” — Scott Jennings, GOP strategist
No, it isn’t. That was the pre-Trump GOP, and even then, these sentiments were more aspirational than actuality. Now the GOP is nothing more than a reinvigorated KKK populated by people who are absolutely disinterested in expanding the tent. What they have in mind is killing everyone who isn’t already in the tent. They have no interest in winning elections by appealing to more voters. If they can’t do away with elections altogether, they want fewer voters.
@1 So am I. Got a problem with it?
I wouldn’t say so at all.
Because 240,000 Republican voters in rural North Carolina made him their choice to represent them in Congress.* And then GQP Minority Leader awarded him plum seats on important committees, and Trump called him “one of the greatest”.
What’s that tell you?
* Their choice over a decorated, retired Air Force Colonel JAG prosecutor from Gitmo who resigned his position in protest over Bush/Cheney practice of torturing detainees.
@2 We know you hate the idea of paying workers. Labor should be free, right? But unfortunately, because of that pesky 13th Amendment, you have to pay them something. So, as little as possible — your position on this is clear.
I don’t agree with you, but I recognize that we live in a capitalist system that treats workers like dirt and penalizes labor by taxing the shit out of wages, so being a worker is a losing proposition. Having wised up, I no longer do any work, and I’m now a lazy ass who sits on his butt collecting the fruits of capitalism produced by other people’s work, just like you.
Where we differ is that, unlike you, I feel guilty and bad about it, and I don’t vote to perpetuate this system. I would change it if I could, with a $15 minimum wage — which I support — being a small step in the right direction. After all, $30,000 a year isn’t a fortune; it’s only a tiny fraction of what I make doing nothing.
But as long as this unfair system persists, and capitalists like you and me are highly paid to be useless, and are given the highest status in society and special tax privileges the productive members of society don’t get, I’ll take the money and run. I’d be stupid not to.
I feel like there’s some kind of pattern here. I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…
@9 “They are donors to the DNC and to the Clinton Foundation.”
Is there some factual foundation for that, or did you merely pull it out of your ass like you usually do? Just curious, that’s all.
@10 “We’ll agree to hold Cuomo accountable to precisely the same degree the Republican party holds Donald J. Turnip accountable for Jan. 6th.”
I’m not on board with this. It’s bad enough that all the Republican harassers are going scot free. I realize adding an occasional Democrat to that river of misconduct won’t noticeably raise the sea level, but they’re no example to follow. We don’t want to become like them.
@12 “You need to sweeten with a SCOTUS AJ To Be Named Later.”
Don’t worry, when one of yours drops dead, we’ll offer your senators an opportunity to embarrass themselves by voting against a highly qualified jurist who respects the Constitution and hasn’t raped anybody.
@14 “three minute”
More like 30 seconds.
The comforting news is it takes longer than that to break open the nuclear launch codes. That’s why we’re still here.
@15 Was that before or after he went numb below the waist?
Now there’s a piece of work. Cawthorn lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy (he was rejected). He lied about his buddy leaving him to die (his buddy pulled him from the wreck). He lied about working full-time for Mark Meadows (he worked part time). He blamed his failing college grades on the accident, claiming his injuries made him “less intelligent” (he was born lazy and stupid).
He, like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, is a perfect example of who Republican voters elect to Congress these days. A college dropout who claims to be stupid and lies about everything. In the GOP universe, these are qualifications, not disqualifications, for public office.
@16 Good thing he’s not bi, otherwise he would have assaulted the other half, too.
@18 Don’t compare Cawthorne to Darcy Burner. She’s a college graduate and hugs rabbits. She lost because the 6th District was a Republican district at the time, and she didn’t have the qualifications GOP voters demand, i.e., she’s not a college dropout or a pathological liar and doesn’t pull wings off live butterflies.
The best thing to do with a district that elects someone like Cawthorn or Greene or Boebert is to ignore that district. Just assume the majority of people there are crazy, because they are. Treat it as an open-air insane asylum, because it is. Drive around, not through, it. And never, ever put a military base there or build a road in it. You don’t want the inmates to have an easy way to get out.
@26 “Instead of struggling over who to compare to Cawthorn”
Well, that’s easy. There’s plenty to choose from. I’ve already mentioned two.
@30 Do Trump.
@32 “I wouldn’t vote for either one.”
Of course you wouldn’t. You have to be 18 to vote. But be patient, time marches on, and your opportunity will come in a few more years.
Andrew Cuomo is a Heterosexual.
’nuff said.
So were all the Insurrectionist Cop killers on January 6th.
If they have to kill a few LEO while doing it then so be it. Cop killers they are!
Republicans kill cops!
’nuff said.
Trolls. Worse than Cuomo. Having sex with goats and horses.
’nuff said.
What does that tell me? It tells me politics is nothing but PR bullshit. We have hundreds, even thousands of elected officials, in both parties, that have no business running a Kool-Aid stand, much less a country, state, city, etc……its all PR, marketing, social media, and catch phrases now.
Most of these people are truly idiots.
I am sure it will come to you…….
“She lost because…….”
which of the FOUR times are you referring to? She didn’t even make it out of the primaries last time around…….good riddance to her.
You a strange little man
’nuff said.
The multiple oak leaf clusters on Cawthorn’s opponent’s military decorations are “PR bullshit”?
Career service in the military is “PR bullshit”?
Congratulations. You’re a Republican.
Line on the left is for your Ted Nugent Edition Taser and fur bikini.
Line on the right is for a quiet spot to Tase yourself to death in the ball sack.
HAHAHA, well it didn’t take long for you to get all spun up and jumping off the deep end. Clearly the point of my post has gone so far over your head that you couldn’t see it with the Hubble Telescope. No surprise really, I have seen your posts, and you do not strike me particularly intelligent or self-aware.
Funny, where were you when McCain, Bush Sr, Dole were all torched relentlessly? Even their service records were attacked at times. I guess their service to country doesn’t count? Oh well – it goes both ways, even the nutty Trump Republicans went after McCain, so don’t feel like you are all alone.
I did get a good chortle at being called a Republican though, so you are not fully useless – but tonight you seem to be sucking harder than G man does 3 days before his rent is due.
Cuomo lawyers up.
You’d think liberals would learn. They spent years giving loving rim jobs to Al Gore, only to see him sell Current TV to Al Jazeera because of The Benjamins.
They then spent four years holding their noses while carpet-munching the most corrupt woman in America. Which cost them four SCOTUS seats, including the one held by RBG.
But no. Most recently they fawned over an asshole in New York. Gave him an Emmy for…
… nothing, really. Pales in comparison to the Nobel Obama got, but in each case neither was earned, nor even close to it.
I’ll never be able to watch a flick with Robert De Niro without shaking my head about what a gullible POS he has turned out to be.
There’s a photo of Cuomo and a woman who did not want to be touched by him.
He’s touching her. While doing the white man’s overbite.
How fucking NY disgusting can a slimeball Democrat get? It’s like Cuomo took Anthony Weiner lessons.
Bob Packwood was a male Repuke.
Heh. Does teh widbee kreeepah remember Bob Packwood?
The freak should. Packwood shepherded a huge tax cut for bonzo raygun. Even bragged the tax cut took poor people off the rolls.. Take that RMoney!
And he attacked Julie Williamson in his Corbett Building office, less than a year after he was first elected in 1968 at the age of 36. She was 29. He’d pawed drunkenly at her before. This time, he kissed the back of her neck in the otherwise deserted office.
She said, “Don’t you ever do that again.” He chased her to the back of the office, grabbing her ponytail with one hand and trying to strip off her underwear with the other. When she finally broke free, Williamson says, Packwood casually walked out, calling back over his shoulder, “Not today, but someday.”
Drummed out by none other than Moscow Mitch back in teh day.
Cuomo is a bully, a jerk. Always has been. No one will miss him.
Like no one will miss teh widbee kreepah.. after.. that.. certain day…
It came for Sheldon Adelson..
It came for Flush Limpbone..
That… certain.. day will come for teh widbee kreeepah..
Buttermilk Biscuits
Lotsa big words in your spew there little maxwipe..
Indian name: shoots itself in teh balls.
Dan Burton was a male repuke
Does teh widbee krreeeeepaaah remember Dan Burton of Indiana?
“In the early 1990s a Planned Parenthood delegation visited Washington to lobby members of Congress and paid a courtesy call on Burton, even though they knew he was unsympathetic to their cause. They expected to meet with a staff member. Instead, Burton himself bounded out and escorted the three lobbyists into a tiny inner office. “This was almost a closet,” says one participant, a middle-aged woman and a Republican. “There was a lot of junk around … and there was maybe one chair, and he pulled in another chair, and there was the sofa that sat practically on the floor. It was uncomfortable for all of us. And he came in and was talking to us about his years at the seminary.”
Soon thereafter, the trio took their leave, with Burton standing in the doorway so that each had to pass him. As she tried to exit, “he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I thought that he was just angry (about our discussion). I was there maybe 30 seconds, and he had his hands up my skirt so fast I didn’t even know what was coming.” The woman says she was able to stop Burton’s hand before it reached its target.”
teh kreeepah should remember Burton. The freak called Bill Clinton “a scumbag”.. Heh..
Another Republican gets caught embezzling campaign funds and using government employees for personal services.
Trump can’t pardon this one, so I guess he’s going to jail.
He’s touching her. While doing the white man’s overbite.
Wow.. How woke of you dimfook.. Throwin’ shade on white privilege.
But you link to a vid of a jewish guy makin’ moves on the white girl next door..
Get with teh program, klownservatic.. Ya gotta blend in with teh orange crowd on widbee..
@ 64
Trump can’t pardon this one, so I guess he’s going to jail.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit embarrasses the family of SeattleJew yet again.
When’s the last time a guy went to jail for violating ethics in Congress, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
A fucking attorney, he claims to be.
@66 “When’s the last time a guy went to jail for violating ethics in Congress, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
I didn’t say he’d go to jail for violating congressional ethics. I said he’d go to jail for embezzling campaign funds. Like Duncan Hunter did.
And you call me a dumbfuck?
N.B., SJ’s blog has nothing to do with this. I haven’t posted about this on Handbill. Instead, I wrote a post opposing Warren’s wealth tax.
You really shouldn’t cite to sources you haven’t read. Granted, here it only gets you laughed at. In college, it would get you expelled.
Ravnsborg need not bother.
He’s got Kristi Noem.
@68 Until she throws him under the bus.
You mean those “suckers and losers”?
Four times you voted for him. That’s one more than Peter.
What did Bush call them? Slanderous attacks?
This is who you are now. This is who you’ve become.
Own it.
I’m guessing Doctor Dumbfuck attended an offshore community college, then got a mail-order medical degree. Just a hunch.
“Own it”
I’m to busy owning you. Only so many hours in the day.
The dude Bill Clinton relied upon to help make the biggest of his bimbo eruptions go away has assumed room temperature.
No word on whether Monica blew him, too.
This is why AOC had him primary’d.
Border Democrat warns Biden about immigrant fallout
Can you believe the nerve of this guy? I mean, what could some border town Hispanic Democrat possibly know about immigration? He should STFU, be glad his fellow Democrats haven’t figured out a way to deport him yet, and let the Jell-O-dribbling vegetable who occupies the White House take care of business.
Conduct a poll online and you can accomplish just about anything you want to accomplish.
Biden’s approval tops 60 percent in new poll
No matter. Steve will still eat it up. Although not until RawStory publishes it, and hides the way the poll was taken while doing so.
Steve won’t like this poll. It was done by telephone. Oh, and RawStory won’t touch it, so to Steve it never happened.
DeSantis approval 53%, up from 45% in July.
I’m sure Democrats will have little trouble stoking black turnout in Florida during a midterm election while First Vegetable Joe Biden is stumbling his way through the West Wing.
Freshly re-elected in 2022, DeSantis can concentrate on what he wants in 2024. Particularly when he’s compared with Cuomo, he’ll be looking pretty good about then.
All you appear to own is hatred and bigotry in service to a crude and ignorant celebrity television personality.
You claim “politics is nothing but PR bullshit”. Own that then.
Admit to yourself that you despise politics enough to walk away forever from all of it. If you wish to claim that both parties and all politicians are “equally” bad, or at fault, I won’t argue. But only if you then agree to leave it aside and use your time some other way.
“Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Get. Be gone. There’s no point in you staying here.
And more to the point, your ramblings and proddings only serve as inflection points to discredit the claims of people like Tara, who really does believe that Republicans are better. Your posts merely serve as frequent and compelling opportunities to demonstrate how much Bob lies in his posts, and what breathtakingly incompetent and irredeemable bigots Republican lawmakers have become thanks to Trump.
Stay here and continue your struggles to defend Republicans and I’ll keep using that opportunity to humiliate you and Tara. It’s too easy not to.
And just like that, they’ve traded down their hopes of avoiding Trump2024 from Haley, Hawley, Cruz, and Noem, to Florida Man.
It only gets worse from here, Tara. Looking forward to seeing DeSantis “monkey up” the 2024 GQP primary.
Think that might have any effect on turnout by “those people”?
Chris Cuomo, who fellated his brother on live TV for most of last year, now feels that covering his brother’s woes on CNN is a conflict of interest.
YLB disagrees, of course, having quite openly fellated Obama through good times and bad during the latter’s entire eight years in office.
@ 78
Looking forward to seeing DeSantis “monkey up” the 2024 GQP primary.
Think that might have any effect on turnout by “those people”
Only if you think what Biden had to say about Obama had an effect on turnout by those same people, QoS McHillbilly.
Among other similarities, I see that DeSantis also referred to Gillum as “articulate”. Apparently when describing a black politician that’s not always a given, or so Biden, too, would have us believe.
Florida is a different world, Tara. Even among southern “conservatives” Florida is regarded with more than a little side-eye.
So it ought to be fun seeing how this shit plays out in a GQP primary against Trump:
The message from Trump will be a very simple one: get out of my way or prepare to be run down. He wants the 2024 primary to be a coronation/Nuremberg rally.
And it will be. The only question is which prominent national Republicans will be tossed onto the bonfire.
It’s too bad, really, that YLB does not live in New York. She could have been brought into the governor’s mansion to quietly and effectively fellate Cuomo, and none of this would have happened.
Right now, right this minute, he’s your president.
You and Trump lost, Jan 6th/March 6th/March 20th notwithstanding.
Trust the plan, Tara.
@ 83
He’s my president. Agreed.
As Trump was yours, for four full years. Longer than The First Vegetable will serve.
Still no plan for a press conference. Still no plan for a SOTU.
As was previously reported, Oath Keeper terrorist Jessica Watkins had taken part in logistical planning for the attack on The Capitol that included plans to ferry weapons and a “quick reaction force” across the river to be staged on the mall when needed.
This morning ARLnow published photos of the group meeting in preparation for that operation near the Marine Corp Memorial:
“A handful of people who did the wrong thing.”
Sure, Jan.
How it started: “Hillary had an aneurysm”
How it’s going: “Biden’s not the one in control of the military right now. See, there’s this clause in the constitution that says that power doesn’t transfer until March 20th. An oath might get taken on the 21st. That oath was actually taken on the 20th, right? And I have friends in Spain who had it even before it was aired.”
Trust the plan, Tara.
@ 85
This morning ARLnow published photos of the group meeting in preparation for that operation …
ARLnow seems less certain of that.
Certainty generally does not require a question mark.
I also found it interesting that the piece pointed out that most of the vehicles in the Memorial parking lot had out-of-state plates. It’s a tourist destination, and a place for veterans from all over the country to mourn their fallen colleagues. On what day of the year are all of the plates in the parking lot NOT from somewhere else?
You keep doing you, QoS McHillbilly. Meanwhile, the quality gap separating you from The Even Bigger Fucking Moron narrows further.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck always weeps when he sees the RCP Biden approval average.
55.4 Approve 38.9 disapprove
And why does Putin’s pawn weep, you might ask? The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck weeps because his twice-impeached orange moron never saw such approval, not even in a single fucking poll, let alone RCP averaging.
That’s gotta really fucking suck. Oh, wait. They must all be under sampled. Or maybe they’re all on-line polls!!
Let’s help him out. There’s gotta be some way for the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck to feel better about being such a bitter fucking loser.
I know!! Maybe another violent fascist/white supremacist insurrection to overthrow our democratic republic government and to replace it with a totalitarian fascist state will happen on Thursday. Surely that would lift the spirits of a racist, fascist, dumbfuck traitor like our stupid fucking radiologist.
The HA laughing stock and dumbfuck traitor hasn’t had a quality post since he shared his vision of violent, fascist militia’s patrolling the streets of America’s cities, shooting black people on sight.
It includes a 110% wealth tax on dumbfuck radiologists.
Elizabeth Warren renews push for wealth tax after joining Senate finance panel
A Raw Story link. The dumbfuck traitor’s head will explode with sadness.
The left has cancelled The Grinch.
Next up: Pigpen and Peppermint Patty. Meanwhile, Franklin takes a knee before The Great Pumpkin.
On the fourth Friday in November QoS McHillbilly will breathlessly regale us with tales of sinister gatherings he witnessed the previous day. A bunch of unfamiliar people in the house next door, and down the block, all afternoon. Lots of cars with out-of-state license plates parked in the driveway and down the street.
And a lot of shouting was heard, reported especially by his libbie friends who live in places like Detroit and Dallas.
It’s a complete and total mystery, that’s what it is.
“The Griswold family” from a group of exclusively Military-Age Males with body armor, ear pieces, tactical vests, handheld radios, and ammo cans.
You make a terrible defense lawyer, Tara.
That the images in question are being published now, almost two months later, tells us a few things. The FBI has completed enough of their investigation, and identified the individuals and relationships relevant to those investigations that they have agreed to let ARLnow publish.
In the days immediately after Jan 6th these would have been very valuable and sought after images for most media outlets (setting aside FOX and Newsmax). The publishers of ARL would be under no legal obligation to delay publication. Doing so would be voluntary. Many responsible media outlets will do so when law enforcement demonstrates to them a credible connection to an ongoing criminal investigation. It’s a balancing act, for sure. But media with respect for public safety will reluctantly go along when they are persuaded that public safety is at stake.
Oath Keepers like Watkins, Caldwell, Crowl and these idiots are fucked. This seals their pre-trial detention. And it almost certainly elevates the charges against them. The best day ever in the lives of these QRF idiots is the day the boat’s outboard wouldn’t start.
Of course they did:
You’ve no doubt learned from the best in the business.
“What? These are just “tourists”, comrade. I assure you.”
…in places like Detroit and Dallas.
2020 put “the skeer” in Tara.
Good. Shame you won’t learn from it. Shame for you, but not for us. There’s really no reason you should have lost all those states, and come so terrifyingly close in others. No good reason, at least.
But as your comment demonstrates, you know the reason.
You could have had Pence/Haley and eight more years. You could have held the Senate. And had no Chewbacca Bikini Coup failure.
But you stuck with Donald J. Turnip. And you are sticking with him still. As it stands you have to find a way to hold Texas, claw back Georgia and Arizona, and find one more to flip back somewhere. And you have to do all that while your leader files desperate appeals to stay out of prison and your Congressional leadership hold minstrel shows on The Capitol steps.
In Florida, the “little” people wait in line, while GOP donors go to the head of the line.
Sure glad I don’t live in a corrupt state.
@75 Just can’t accept the fact dog shit is more popular than your guy, huh?
@76 Every Republican who bought a place in line will vote for him, and that’s a lot of voters. Nothing’s more comforting than the sense of security that comes from stealing a senior citizen’s vaccine dose.
This is why we need a federally-run vaccine distribution program. If you leave it up to states, you’ll have more GOP governors and county commissioners trafficking doses like a heroin pusher on a street corner.
@84 “Longer than The First Vegetable will serve.”
What do you think, guys? Should we report the doctor to the Secret Service? I’ve always considered him a harmless buffoon, but now I’m not so sure.
@86 “Trust the plan”
Those who did on the Western Front would have been better off to adapt to the realities.
@87 Yeah, just a bunch of veterans shooting the breeze. Probably just got off an Honor Flight. Sure, Tara.
@89 The armed kids among them even shoot white people on sight.
@92 My neighbors are mostly Asians, so I live in a quiet neighborhood. No Trumper white trash here.
Shorter 91:
Santa just is white.
Because that worked out so well.
Those of us living in the civilized zone have of course moved on, now that spring weather is dawning and the media cycle has shifted focus to Cat in the Hat.
But for the wretched, disheveled souls shambling through the smoldering frozen wasteland of The Forbidden Zone (otherwise known as Texas) the carnage lingers. And promises to do so now for what will probably be decades. The grid operator is now suing everyone in sight, the retailers are being sued by the state AG and everyone else who can manage to grip a pen in their frozen fingers, and the Mariachi bands still play nightly outside Sen. Ted Cancun’s Houston home.
So let us all now raise a glass to celebrate in advance the date years hence when a “Trump dominated federal judiciary” citing texturalist orthodoxies hangs the entire price tag on Texas power consumers. Perhaps just in time for some important future election. Gives me a tingle.
Ohhhhhh, I bet Bob loved this…..Assault the Cops!!! Those insurrectionists and the GOP are Cop assaulters!
They tried to beat those cops to death with steel poles sporting ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flags.
@ 106
Santa just is white.
Not in the Santaland Diaries.
Tanden out. She was misdirection to ensure the confirmation of Bacerra.
She was also Ron Klain’s bad idea.
The First Vegetable was surprised, too. Jill is supposed to tell him everything.
I had no idea there was a real one.
BBC apologizes for interview with fake Cory Booker
Relatedly, G-clown is one sick psychotic fuck.
@111 “Tanden out.”
She sure is! This being a Democratic administration, she won’t be put in the job as “acting” until a federal court throws out the appointment as illegal. We now have a president who respects the Senate’s power to “advise and consent” under the Constitution.
Looks like you figured it out faster than Bill Cassidy or John Thune.
Although that not much to be proud of.
The crippled guy in Texas probably thinks good punishment for the non crippled is death.
Are you sure that they didn’t say Heterosexual? That would make a ton more sense.
After all, you are a Dumbfuck and never have gotten anything right in life.
Got Fire Extinguisher?
2 days away from Insurrection Day II. How many dead cops can we expect this time? How many injuries due to assault?
Next, one could only wish they pee and shit in their Maggot hats.
Quick Bob….see if you can successfully reproduce with the Horse.
The Biden transportation plan: 25 people in a Ford Expedition, heading north from the border.
California crash kills 13 of 25 people crammed into SUV
I can only fit 17 packages of White Gem shavings into my Expedition. Maybe they were all jockeys.
The reason G-clown lost all that weight is because when he was so much heavier he could only fit two dads in at one time.
Gay poly throuple makes history, lists 3 dads on a birth certificate
Since Bob no longer spends time to put the cheerleading skirt and Pom Poms on each day, it’s allowed him to come across the one story the three trouple of 330,000,000 people in this country.
Insurrection Day II is upon us but Dumbfuck is busy. Cops will be assaulted by Repukes.
Heh. Nothing inflames kreepee pos rapey boob mcdimfook teh widbee kreepah more than the sex antics of a Dem pol.
Even rumored shit sets teh kreepah off.. Anyone remember what Menendez did to teh kreeepah?
Made teh widbee kreepah go RAPESHIT..
@124 “Insurrection Day II is upon us …. Cops will be assaulted by Repukes.”
Thought I read somewhere there are 5,000 NG troops in D.C. New Capitol Police chief, too. Hard to see them getting caught out again. This one’s gonna be kinda like a Zulu spear charge against the British army.
@ 125
There’s an IQ in the mid-double digits.
I wonder if exposure to shit like this affected YLB’s parents. It might explain @ 125, 127 some things.
It’s not like it’s a surprise to the left that there’s a problem here.
Biden set off the stampede to and then across the border. He’s gotta put them somewhere.
Positively Trumpian.
The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion spending package is good news for two reasons:
1. It will help the economy further widen the income and wealth gaps that liberals claim is a problem in this country.
10% GDP growth? The U.S. economy is on fire, and is about to get stoked even more That’s CNBC, bitches.
2. The debt that will result from this spending will be serviced by YLB’s kids, while the benefits flow largely to people like my wife and me.
Ask me again how sad I am about the election results.
Meanwhile, as YLB watches the economy tilt ever further in my favor with every move the Democrats make while her children fall further and further into disfavor, she is busy @ 125 making the average third grader look intelligent by comparison.
No one ever said “heroes” are smart. No one ever said “heroes” are literate.
“I can’t make up my mind.”
Hey look, Tara!
I found you some of that thar Cancel Culture:
I remember reading about this in a media/com class I took in school. What strikes me about it is Trailer Murica is thriving more than ever, far as I can tell. I just always assumed that Dukes of Hazard was supposed to be some kind of cautionary tale, not an instruction manual.
There’s an IQ in the mid-double digits.
It took 3 digits for teh kreepah to go RAPESHIT over Menendez..
Sure rapey..
Meanwhile, as YLB watches the economy tilt ever further in my favor with every move the Democrats make
Until the sand runs out… See Limbaugh and Adelson.. Dems can’t help but help teh kreepah.. Has admitted the black guy wasn’t that bad, even admitted Hillary would be ok..
while her children fall further and further into disfavor
Yes teh kreepah of widbee is on the record goin’ RAPESHIT over kids..
Anal rapeshit.. Eeeewww.. You earned it kreepah..
@133 The average IQ of Whidbey Island residents dropped 30% when Doctor Dumbfuck moved there, because he’s a dumbfuck.
No one ever said “heroes” are smart. No one ever said “heroes” are literate.
Zeroes by definition are neither smart nor literate.
See Scott Atlas for example.
I’ve never seen anyone care about horses as much as Bob does.
Good news for the GOP: Human intelligence is dcclining. That’s a slew of new voters for Republican candidates.
Tomorrow The Fuckhump becomes president of the loons! And cops will be assaulted and killed by them.
@137 that was more than evident to me when I was introduced to Doctor Dumbfuck. Kind of put the icing on the cake then.
Given the news of the historic covid-19 vaccine alliance it must scare the greedy racist incel that a turnip is smarter and better at the art of the deal then the twice impeached miserable failure.