Should I have realized that it was time to write this before it was a few stops away. My apologies?
But don’t worry. There’s still time to write your legislators and members of Congress.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Should I have realized that it was time to write this before it was a few stops away. My apologies?
But don’t worry. There’s still time to write your legislators and members of Congress.
Here’s the 30 page legal opinion published by President George W. Bush’s Office of Legal Counsel explaining the law and binding legal precedent that validates the use of an auto pen by a President to sign large numbers of official documents.
Texan man living in economically booming area does not notice when pollution affects others, is shocked when pollution starts affecting him and killing his neighbors, and he no longer has usable water.
Republicans don’t do that
Sorry. We thought the yard sale was going to work but turns out everybody still hate that guy and his Reichnobiles.
Here’s digital images of signatures that one guy claims were autopen that the entire rest of the staff says weren’t and it’s as real as that meta analysis of a JPEG of a Hawaiian birth certificate n
Well we’re not sure if the direct oral instructions of a judge to our attorneys entered into the court record are an actual order because it was’t written.
Add Navaho Code Talkers to the list of ‘down the memory hole’ pieces of official DOD history.
After an impressive weekend, the workweek is starting off well for DJT47:
Maybe this is why Chuck Todd left.
@ 1
… validates the use of an auto pen by a President to sign large numbers of official documents.
QoS McHillbilly, does it also validate the use of an autopen to sign the president’s signature on documents without the knowledge of or over the objection by the president?
Do you think the answer to the question might have to do with the recent firing of the pardon attorney, who was immediately escorted out of the building by armed guards before she could delete anything?
Air BnB, a company who now charges more than hotels when ‘cleaning fees’ are totaled in most areas is sending out unsolicited texts trying to fool the rubes into defeating a potential ‘room tax’ as ‘Keep our Vacations Affordable’.
Maybe if your starter home is unaffordable as a hotel room you’ll sell or rent to a young family? It’s almost like they’re TRYING to keep home ownership elusive.
We’ll let the 7th grader break down how many wats that statement that kicks off the latest Heritage Foundation fantasy is couched in maybes.
One Biden White House source (like who, janitor? Intern to the deputy Press Secretary?) told The Post they suspect that a key aide to the then-president may (MAY)have made unilateral determinations on what to auto-sign. The Post is not publishing that staffer’s name due to the lack of concrete evidence and refutations by other colleagues (so you admit it’s one person with no verification and you’re playing the ‘we don’t want to get sued like Fox News game)
We’re under water but we’re still not on the shark or the battery.
While trying to verify the claim that the Cybertruck is more ‘flame death’ prone than the Ford Pinto (Yes absolutely when measured by dead people per vehicle sold) I came across this probably AI generated ‘journalism in INC.
Yeah…no. The Pinto was named after horses. It was a ‘baby Mustang’. It’s styling was largely borrowed for the Mustang II, a sales disaster of the OPEC crisis age when Ford tried to sell ‘Fuel Efficient Sporty’ car to muscle car fans.
Tom Homan isn’t the first cop or ex-cop who “doesn’t care what judges think.” A few minutes before the bench and a month in jail usually changes their mind.
What role, exactly, does a Navy destroyer play in stopping border crossings? Aren’t the guns on Coast Guard cutters big enough?
@1 Doesn’t the president, or someone acting at his direction, have to push a button to activate the autopen? And isn’t that the same as a mark with an “X,” sharpie pen scrawl, or doctor’s signature? If this is good enough to fill an opioid prescription, an autopen is good enough for a pardon. If not, EOs “signed” with a sharpie scrawl are invalid too.
The written instructions would still have applied to the aircraft that had not yet even taxied from the gate.
@3 Based on a typical P/E, and assuming Tesla’s earnings stop deteriorating, its stock is worth about $46 a share.
Nazi Fucktard’s argument seems to be that President Biden did not approve of pardoning his son.
BTW, Todd Blanche fired Liz Oyer because she refused to carry out his order to restore Mel Gibson’s federal firearms privileges after Gibson has pleaded or been convicted of multiple drug and alcohol fueled violent domestic battering incidents.
Heil Trump!
No one’s rooting for a recession but it’s exactly what we told you you’d her under the slash and burn economic policy of Trump II
Retail sales growth nosedived last month.
@8 Does President Biden announcing the pardons on teevee constitute evidence he had knowledge of the pardons?
@9 Just another free market failure, that’s all.
It has yet to occur to Republicans that the reason for government intervention in markets, when necessary and appropriate, is that markets don’t always work on their own. (Also, they can be hijacked.)
George W Bush appointed Judge Boasbe is not having it with DOJ argument that the ‘Notify your client IMMEDIATELY to turn any planes in the air around’ oral ruling didn’t count because it wasn’t written.
Gives government until noon ET tomorrow to produce all flight records AND written justification why, in contradiction to his order for TODAY’S hearing were not prepared to do so either in open court or chambers if National Security exception.
Of course this thumbing their nose at the judicial branch won’t stop until some very high level officials are arrested for contempt. A pardon requires admission of guilt so…
@9 It’s a sure thing that Biden didn’t sign his son’s pardon, despite claiming he did, because he’d said he wouldn’t. The janitor or intern must have done it.
US retail sales eked out a 0.2% increase in February, falling short of the expected 0.6% rise as gains in groceries and nonstore sales couldn’t hit the mark. February’s growth underperformed expectations, were due to consumer wariness amid broader economic uncertainty.
Retail sales rose less than expected in February and saw downward revisions for January amid fears the US economy is growing slower than Wall Street thought to start 2025.
Retail sales in January were revised lower to a decline of 1.2%
Republicans did that
Doctor Dumbfuck loves to quote Heritage Foundation, because they keep coming up with brilliant ideas like this:
Open-air nuclear tests for “signaling” purposes. Brilliant.
Doctor Dumbfuck loves to quote Heritage Foundation, because they keep coming up with brilliant ideas like this:
“Signaling” to adversaries (Canada? Greenland?) with open-air nuclear tests to either fall into line or else. Brilliant.
9, 20,
AirBnB was launched with one of their intended goals to try to avoid local transient lodging taxes, which are an extremely common form of municipal, local tax measure in the United States and overseas as well. Arguably deeply, intensely MAGA red Houston has the highest transient lodging tax in the U.S. at 17%, comprised of 6% state tax, a 7% city tax, a 2% Harris County tax, and a 2% Houston Sports Authority tax. Harris County and the Astros don’t tax AirBnB afaik.
They should be taxed even more, since AirBnBs are typically cited in neighborhoods and locations that lack the required infrastructure to support a short term lodging industry. Irrespective of their impacts on the terrible housing shortage in the US, short term vacation rentals don’t belong in residential neighborhoods and serve as a blight upon the use and enjoyment of permanent residents. They have arisen because of the dramatic shifts in residential occupancy in the last four decades.
For example, from 1960 to today, as the total number of residential housing units in Seattle doubled, the average household size in Seattle has declined by 50%. It makes far more sense to remove land use restrictions that force single persons to live on a 8,000 square foot lot in a 2,500 square foot home with a three car garage.
But as long as such restrictions persist people will seek out ways to get around them, often with unintended consequences.
Now, instead of having a tidy duplex next door, occupied by a couple of conscientious Amazon employees, you’ve got a party pit occupied by seventeen vomiting bridesmaids, their purse dogs, and a dozen pink and yellow Volkswagen Cabriolet convertibles parked drunkenly on your lawn and blocking your driveway.
Has this been mentioned here? I’ve been in and out..
In early 2025, an 82-year-old man named Ned Johnson in Seattle was declared “dead” by the U.S. Social Security and deprived of his benefits.
According to Westneat, Johnson’s wife Pam received a letter from the bank offering condolences on her husband’s death. The letter went on to explain that the bank had deducted the equivalent of two months of Social Security payments from Johnson’s account to return them to the benefits to the agency — $5,201
However, Johnson was very much alive.
Bunch of fucking thieves (pants shitter, elmo and elmo’s shitler youth) are fucking up the system, screwing seniors, so the system collapses.
This is not going to end well for the thieves.
Pants shitter is making a big stink farting up the Kennedy Center.
Again this is yet more assholery because pants shitter to my knowledge was never accepted in the cultural life of Manhattan.
David Koch, the hick from Kansas (educated in New England) could put his name on lot of cultural landmarks in Manhattan but pants shitter? Just his shitty tower? Koch was a real billionaire even if he was just the salesman and yes man in his brother’s shadow.
Now pants shitter gets its turn to throw its weight around. YOLO. Everyone still laughs and flips the bird at it behind its diaper shitting back.
As many on the BlueSky, Twatter and TikTok are pointing out, Social Security if it had an error rate of .65%, about the rate for a lost suitcase by US Based Airlines, would be roughly 500k people having a problem. We all know people or have personally lost a bag.
How many of them will lose housing, medication, stop eating if the SSI, which they 100% qualify for doesn’t cone for one month? How about two? Three?
They are literally playing with Grandma’s (or disabled folks) lives by gutting the staff who keep the error rate as liw as possible.
Last time we killed your aging parents with COVID that we could have minimized. This time we’re just going to put them on the street or starve them unless you clear out some space for them to move in.
Run it like a business!”*
*Elon’s businesses kill people. See @12
Tea leaves…7-2. The dissent by Alito and Thomas will be fascinating.
In court today The DOJ argued anyone for any reason they want to call ‘terrorism’ without any court proceeding can be put on a plane at the whim of the Secretary of State and President and the Judicial Branch no linger has jurisdiction if they have left American territorial waters or airspace before anyone notices they’re gone.*
And Heritage is all in behind them. Gonna be interesting which Federalist List judges are going to be OK with this at the appeals court level.
*Hinting that born or naturalized citizens included
All one has to do in any ‘tourism’ city is look at AirBnB availability 6-8 months out no price caps, all neighborhoods, entire home to see how many housing units are being kept of the market for ACTUAL housing.
It’s eye opening. Over 1000 in city limits of Seattle. Another 1200 Eastside.
“But it’s my property and I can do what I want with it!” say conservatives.
No…you cant. There have been municipal, state and federal laws for centuries on how you can have ‘for hire’ lodging and none of you are following them.
If WE have to pitch in to cities we do business in then so should you.