– Hey eff a parking minimum.
– If you’ve seen the horror in Los Angeles and can help an animal out, well geez.
– I don’t understand transit in Spokane, but good luck to them.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Hey eff a parking minimum.
– If you’ve seen the horror in Los Angeles and can help an animal out, well geez.
– I don’t understand transit in Spokane, but good luck to them.
Where is everyone today?
@ 1
They’re in an urgent meeting called for the purpose of developing talking points that explain why the Los Angeles disaster really is the fault of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
All evidence to the contrary.
Elmo decided to have CA Firefighters on a live Twatter stream where he asked them about their difficulties. It did not go well for him. In fact it went so unwell Gov. Newsome grabbed the video and posted it.
The firefighters essentially debunked everything Elmo tried to lead them towards ESPECIALLY the idea that the reservoirs were empty.
@ 3
The firefighters essentially debunked everything Elmo tried to lead them towards ESPECIALLY the idea that the reservoirs were empty.
This is not correct. The reservoir in question is empty. The clear photographic evidence really cannot be argued. It’s why there were three temporary 1M gallon tanks filled with water – because the main reservoir was empty.
What was said to Musk is that no water system could have pumped enough water to control the fires. There was no dispute that the reservoir in question was empty.
Next up @ 3: Karen Bass claims that her absence from LA for that silly Ghana junket is irrelevant because her presence would have made no difference.
Currently seeking other opportunities:
Chuck Todd – NBC
Jennifer Rubin – WaPo
Maybe they can snag gigs on Democracy Now.
“Why don’t they seed the clouds.”*
Actual thing Twatted
Having been repeatedly told, “You’re a moron who cites no judicial precedence in your rulings” by the court of appeals, Judge Cannon has been forced to allow Jack Smith’s report to be released.
@ 7
People who think empty reservoirs are no big deal during a wildfire calamity poke fun at an unscientific suggestion to come up with water by some other means.
“We don’t need anything they have” Donald on Canadian imports.
Mmmmkay, about half the oil imported per day into the US is from Canada. So you are going to get the oil companies to go back to the ban on export sales of US Produced Oil. A thing that will decrease their profits? Good luck with that.
The Moron in Chief comes back in a week.
left off the second part of the tweet,
“They know how to do it.”
Yes, yes they do. The cloud cover has to be just right, which it isn’t in SoCal AND there is close to zero evidence it works.
She’s the official government liaison to DOGE the fake Government Department to keep the government from wasting money.
And THAT, despite what MAGA will tell you, is what Keystone XL was all about. Canadian oil trades at a lower price than US Oil because they are a captive market. It is not profitable nor is the infrastructure in place to ship oil to the world market from Canada. So they have only one serious customer, the U.S. and because they have only one customer, accounting for 98% of exports, the price they can demand is limited.
Keystone XL’s only purpose was to get Canadian oil to a port where it could be sold at a higher price for overseas consumption. Once Canada has a market for oil overseas, the price the United States would need to pay would rise as well.
But never expect a MAGA choad to understand something complex like this. They truly believe Keystone was designed to give “Merca more gasoline cheap. Most of them think it was taking American oil to American refineries for American consumption.
It never goes well for dumbfuck neanderthal heterosexuals like them and like the asshole @4.
Which one are my lies today?
All of them! Of course!
Eat Shit liberal pussies. You are powerless to stop me.
God knows if the Dumbfuck @4 were in charge how fucked up the world would be.
His head is full of shit.
@1 Rabbits are nocturnal and sleep during the day.
@ 10
Mmmmkay, about half the oil imported per day into the US is from Canada.
Because we have chosen not to drill here, drill now.
We’re a net exporter. We could import less and export less.
This must explain why MSNBC continues to carry Joy Reid.
Southern Resident whale continues to carry her dead calf, highlighting orca grief process
@4 “The reservoir in question is empty.”
Yes. For repairs. In January, because you don’t want to empty the reservoir during summer heat or normal fire season. And anyway that’s not what this reservoir is for. “A rep for the city’s Department of Water and Power [stated] … ‘The system was never designed for a wildfire scenario that we are experiencing.’’’
Telling the whole story changes the picture, doesn’t it? That is, the false picture you’re trying to paint.
So the empty reservoir didn’t hold back the high winds.
@ 10
Mmmmkay, about half the oil imported per day into the US is from Canada.
Not after President Trump keeps his promise to somebody to cut off the EU.
Ooops. Did I just say that part out loud?
@8 Please don’t call this woman “Judge.” That mocks real judges. Yes, that’s her pro forma title, but in practice she’s a member of Trump’s legal defense team, so she should be referred to as “Trump lawyer Cannon.”
And the high winds – normal!
@ 16
Rabbits are nocturnal and sleep during the day.
They also ingest their own shit. Which explains much.
@ 20
So the empty reservoir didn’t hold back the high winds.
No, but it helped end Hair Gel’s 2028 hopes and dreams.
True Gretch emptied the reservoir.
@9 People who think drinking water reservoirs shouldn’t be repaired to comply with water safety regulations but instead held on perpetual standby in case there’s an unprecedented wildfire aren’t water system engineers. Or smart about anything else.
The host of the 2028 Summer Olympic Games will be Karen Bass’ Los Angeles.
@10 Also half the lumber imported into the U.S. is from Canada.
Also cars and car parts, machinery and machine parts, ores and minerals, and electronics and other consumer goods, all to the tune of over a trillion dollars a year.
Really? That’s what you came up with.
Tell me, why do US Oil companies export. (see @12 for the thumbnail sketch)
I’ll answer for you. Because it is profitable AND because even though Democrats filibustered and Obama vowed to veto the overturning of the export ban (Drill Here, Keep here) republicans jammed it into the must pass omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.
With the various AMERICAN pipelines coming off the shale oil fields it is more profitable for the oil companies to be a net exporter of oil and use the discounted Canadian oil for domestic consumption than it is to make the US truly oil independent.
And Exxon/Mobile, Chevron, and Phillps aren’t going to give up that profit without taking a bunch of senators out in the process.
Every day you prove you know nothing at all.
But keep up with the posts about subsidized renewables while you’re at it.
@15 “His head is full of shit.”
For the first time he’s admitting it. Of course we knew all along he was trolling. He’s a guy with nothing to do, except shovel horse manure, and he believes in nothing and stands for nothing and votes for Trump. He’s a nihilist who amuses himself by shoveling shit into HA threads.
@17 “Because we have chosen not to drill here” other than having more oil wells than any other country on earth and being the world’s largest oil producer by far.
@24 Leave it to doc to know that. He’s our animal poop expert.
@30 And who’s the biggest buyer of American export oil? Canada. And the biggest buyer of American export refinery products is Mexico.
How to explain? Simple. Oil comes in a variety of flavors, and goes to the refineries best able to refine a particular flavor, and refineries aren’t all the same in terms of the oil they can process.
Where did I argue that gas prices would not rise dramatically?
Of course they will!
That works for me!
@4 People buying fewer electric vehicles (no tax credit), more people commuting (return to office policies), tariffs on imported oil, more refinery fires (less regulation and fewer safety inspections), boosting exports (to who, China?), and general dumbfuckery should have that effect, other things remaining equal.
Let’s skip over the fact that holding disaster relief hostage for political concessions is immoral, because we already know Republicans aren’t moral people. Instead, let’s discuss Democratic retaliation when their citizens are left homeless by natural disasters, and the fact the majority of natural disasters occur in red states.
In politics, what’s good for the goose is always good for the gander. Baseball rule #1: You hit our pitcher, we hit your pitcher. Golden rule: Do unto others as they do unto you.
This isn’t news, but …
The Democrats shouldn’t applaud this, of course, but they should capitalize on it. The 2026 campaign ads almost write themselves: “Republicans took away your health care to pay for tax breaks for Elon, the 14 billionaires in Trump’s cabinet, and Wall Street billionaires.” How will that make voters feel? Mad as hell, I imagine. And many will think, “This isn’t what I voted for in 2024. I was lied to, and I don’t like it.” And Democrats will reply, “Republicans haven’t changed their stripes. If you vote for them, they’ll knife you in the wallet every time.”
Good job border patrol. You just bought yourself a lawsuit.
SCOTUS granted Boarder Patrol and Customs Agents the right to stop and question people withing 100 miles of an international border.
Bakersfield CA (200+ miles). Ernesto Campos was doing his thing, driving his landscaping truck when he was targeted by an unmarked Border Patrol Vehicle, it did have lights. presumably because…well he looks mocha colored. As border patrol has no authority to make traffic stops outside of the 100 mile zone the stop itself is letter of the law unlawful detainment and arrest.
It gets better. When Campos who had surrendered his license was ordered to also hand over his keys officers slashed his tires. As officers became more aggressive Campos rolled up his window 3/4 to allow communication but not access to the vehicle. And in true protect and serve manner the officer demanded he “Get the fuck out of the car.”
Again, note that border patrol has no jurisdiction to make traffic stops outside the 100 mile zone.
Officers threatened to break the windows so Campos got out and was handcuffed and at some point border patrol confirmed that he was indeed a US citizen. Throughout the agents, in response to Campos speaking English repeat phrases in broken Spanish to him a s if “Of course this wetback doesn’t speak English.”
Officers insist Campos’ passenger is “Illegal” though he, as told to them by Campos, has an upcoming asylum court date which makes it absolutely legal that he is in the country unless he is denied asylum by the court.
Yabut from Dumbfuck in 3…2…
If we want a fair tax system, enact a single flat-rate income tax rate with a generous deduction for every individual covered under a stream of income and apply it to all.
I need a tax break!
Wish I could have helped. But I was so far away. Thoughts and Prayers!
Spokane Transit Authority is actually pretty good, much better than 20 years ago, and getting better. Especially on the West Plains.
This has officially got out of hand. At least when the Coast Guard names a class of cutter, they stick to the theme, although the Secretary class made one exception, for the CG’s only MoH recipient.
The Ford Class CVN is now 4 Presidents, Enterprise, and USS Doris Miller. Ford and Kennedy served in the Navy, but not this guy, or the guy CVN-83 will be.
@41 A fair tax system is one in which a cleaning lady can deduct her bus fare to her employer’s mansion because it’s a work expense, and her employer can’t deduct his private jet travel to the Bahamas for rest and relaxation because that’s not a work expense. That’s not the tax system we have. In our tax system, the cleaning lady’s taxes subsidize the billionaire’s jet travel.
Bloomberg News says China is considering selling TikTok’s U.S. operations to none other than Elon Musk.
@46: No, we have a tax system that supports rewarding friends and punishing enemies through the arcane nature of the tax code. There are about two volumes of real tax code and 70 volumes to explain those two volumes of real tax rules. The complexity is there on purpose.
A flat-rate system is fair to everyone: the rich will pay the same rate on their taxable income as the cleaning lady. The high income earners will pay a flat rate to yield revenue for the government necessary functions. So will the cleaning lady, if her income exceeds the generous deduction.
A single flat-rate system is imminently fair. A generous deduction for each individual supported by the income stream will be applied, then a single flat rate used to compute the taxes due on the taxable income.
Let’s assume we have a tax code wherein each individual is allowed $30,000 of income per year, totally free of federal income taxes. A family of four making $50,000 would pay absolutely zero in taxes because their personal exemptions would add up to $120,000. The poorer family pays nothing.
A family of four with an income of $10,000,000 would pay a flat rate on $9,880,000 ($10,000,000 – $120,000 = $9,880,000. The poorer family pays zilch, and the rich family pays a helluva lot.
I’m sure the tax attorneys, CPAs, and tax preparers would hate this system because it threatens their rice bowls. Complexity and asinine rules mean the tax prep industry can have nice pay and benefits for absolutely no reason at all other than we have a mess of a system now.
@ 48
I’m sure the tax attorneys, CPAs, and tax preparers would hate this system because it threatens their rice bowls.
Irrelevant, whether true or not. Congress would hate it, which is why it’s nothing more than a wet dream. Just ask Steve Forbes.
Gotta admire this treatment of #CrookedHillary and Boxcheck Momala, who had the misfortune to sit amongst a sea of presidents.
@48 The progressive federal tax system helps offset the regressive state and local tax system. Unless you also remove the regressivity from state and local taxes, a flat-rate federal tax would make the overall tax system unfair.
Your argument also fails to take equity into account. Why should those less able to pay be taxed the same as those more able to pay? Why shouldn’t those who benefit the most from our system pay more to defend and maintain it?
Your reasoning doesn’t take all the factors into consideration, and is too narrow-minded.
@48 Then there’s your fuzzy math. What is a generous deduction? If it’s set at a level that exempts all the income an average person needs for essentials and work expenses, a large percentage of the population will pay no taxes at all and you won’t have a flat-tax system. A true flat tax would have no exemptions or deductions at all, but that’s unworkable. By conceding the need for a “generous deduction,” you’re admitting a “flat tax” must be progressive to work.
Jon Stewart did a damn good job of mocking Republicans and raking them over the coals of the California fires.
The horse is out of the barn: Read Jack Smith’s election interference case report here.
Does the cleaning lady get to take part in writing those rules?
Because I do!
Fact-checkers are American heroes.
In the same way that chicks with dicks are women.
@ 51
Your argument also fails to take equity into account. Why should those less able to pay be taxed the same as those more able to pay?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who not once has had to pay the NIIT or capital gains tax at the 20% rate, thinks he’s taxed the same as people who can honestly describe themselves as wealthy. You know, real millionaires, not the wannabe kind like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Why shouldn’t those who benefit the most from our system pay more to defend and maintain it?
Because the free shit our system gives them, like the EITC and other handouts, don’t leave them with a whole lot extra to pay in taxation.
Hair Gel has no clothes.
Oh, we’re beyond questions at this point. Well beyond.
We’re well into exposing the incompetence inherent in the increasingly Democrat rule in California and its larger cities.
Q: What’s the difference between Boxcheck Momala and Donald Trump?
A: Not much, it turns out.
Harris declines to invite Vance for courtesy visit to vice president’s residence before inauguration
I think the risk is that JD might bring Usha along, and then voters would get to see how a likable woman of Asian subcontinent heritage comports herself.
Usha Vance’s appeal over Boxcheck Momala is the biggest reason that Welfare Queen YLB hates her.
Welfare Queen YLB “othered” Mrs. Vance by referring to her as JD Vance’s “Hindu wife”.
Welfare Queen YLB is living proof that nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
Nothing says transparency in government like secretly swearing in your own party’s legislators.
Democrats are such cowards.
Donation Totals:
LA Fires
Taylor Swift
The Weiss report on POS Hunter Biden and The Biden Crime Family’s corruption is out:
History will not treat The Don of The Biden Crime Family as anything other than a shitstain on the American presidency.
What a disgusting POS is Joe Biden’s surviving son.
POS Hunter Biden’s corruption can’t be blamed on the drugs or any addiction he may have had to them. He was a corrupt POS after he stopped using them:
The wrong Biden son died. Although had he lived, Beau certainly would also have been unmasked as a corrupt POS by now. The rotten apple falls not far at all from the corrupt family tree.
The overt criminality of the current White House occupant and his family is more than enough reason for him to be denied a state funeral.
Which will be soon enough.
From a statement released from the chairman of the House Oversight Committee:
It became clear that The Biden Crime Family had done a piss-poor job of hiding its corruption with shell companies.
Something had to be done to protect President POS. It was decided to hamstring the FBI and DOJ prosecutors.
Hell, there are 1.3 million signatures within five miles of Pacific Palisades.
That Stock Market is cooking!
Nah…definitely not a fascist. And how donyou ‘get stuck watching something’ did someone swipe the batteries from your remote? Too old to understand the smart TV apps?
Just a reminder, the Trans Sports Ban being debated today includes language that when read plainly authorizes genital inspection of an athlete suspected of being a boy by an ‘authority’.
So yes, the bill is giving license for coaches of adolescent teams to demand a look. Protecting girls by empowering pedophiles.
Dumbfuck will have thoughts on chicks with
What’s the over/under on DJT47 running the table with his nominees confirmations?
Apparently all that dirt-digging by the FBI on Hegseth came up goose egg.
Too bad nobody thought to ask this of them last Monday evening:
Harry Reid once called her the Senate’s “hottest member”.
The years have been unkind.
@ 75
Vogue, 2010.
From hot to shot, in just over 14 years.
I think Joe Biden and Kirsten Gillibrand @ 75 had their hair plugs done by the same plastic surgeon.
@48 – A flat rate tax will never be enacted because politicians will never give up the power to use the tax code for their own benefit. Also, the tax preparation industry and the charities will fight live wolverines to keep the current confusing mess.
The 16th Amendment is an abomination that will never end.
@ 78
The 16th Amendment is an abomination that will never end.
Meanwhile, the Biden presidency is an abomination with only six days left.
You mean the thing said on every newscast during Santa Ana Winds since the 70s about camping, beach bonfires…
Misogynist complains a woman all done up for a fashion mag shoot doesn’t look the same as the picture fifteen years later.
I got a secret, the Nachos BelGrande don’t look like the menu picture when you get them.
It was ALWAYS about ethnic cleansing.
Sen. Markwayne Mullin is really going for it. In excusing Hegseth’s apparent alcoholism and rape allegations,
Wait, Sen…which wife? You’re on #3
That dog! Get some! Get some pussy! Yeah!
Man, what a badass. Now that’s a fucking awesome lifestyle.
Mark Wayne FUCKS! Almost as much as TRUMP!
@56 The Stupid Troll™ is now on record as favoring bullshit over facts. Of course he is, because the entire conservative construct, not to mention the Republican Party’s electoral viability, depends on lying to people. Truth is now in the same category as keeping brown babies with their families: They both have to be defended against Republicans.
85 – We ALL have to be defended against the Deep State criminals.
@57 Did I ever claim to be wealthy? I’m not wealthy, and neither are you. I’m merely a millionaire. That’s not wealth, and most millionaires aren’t wealthy. A million could buy an ordinary working-class Seattle house without a view, but that’s about it. It won’t pay for a mansion, or even a upscale house, let alone a yacht or horse estate.
Five acres and a barn on Whidbey Island isn’t a horse estate. It’s a five-acre lot with a barn like you see everywhere in Washington’s rural counties, and probably has a trailer home on it.
@57 Wherein Dumbfuck argues Bezos, Zuck, and Elon are too poor to pay more taxes. If they are, they should call Buffett for money management tips.
@58 Is this an argument to put Republicans and Brownies in charge?
What Republicans want voters to do is trade imperfect Democratic leadership for corrupt and disastrously incompetent GOP leadership. Pink state voters may be dumb enough to buy that, but it probably won’t sell in California.
@60 “nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman”
I suppose that’s true if you consider rape, beatings, and murder gentle.
Also, how many serial killer victims are men, and how many serial killers are women, dumbfuck?
Every time Dumbfuck posts, stoopid is on display.
@60 “nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman”
So rape, beatings, and murder are gentle? How many serial killers are women who murder men, dumbfuck?
Every time the dumbfuck posts, stoopid is on display.
@63 As best as I can make sense of this word salad, either Hunter is the “don” of the “Biden crime family,” or Biden Sr. is criminally culpable for his adult son’s offenses.
@63 As best as I can make sense of this word salad replete with non-alphabetical typography, either Hunter is the “don” of the “Biden crime family,” or Biden Sr. is criminally culpable for his adult son’s offenses.
@64 I think we can all agree that Hunter Biden isn’t an upstanding citizen like, say, a teacher or firefighter who works hard, contributes to society, and pays taxes. On the respectability scale, he’s much closer to people like Trump’s SecDef pick.