I hope that your holidays were and are a delight. Unless you prefer them bitter sweet and then, sure, that. Or if you don’t celebrate at least I hope work was a good pace. Back to the regular pace of nonsense come the new year.
• eight years of Ronald Reagan, beginning with the release of US hostages held by Iran on his first day in office – beat that, DJT47
• validation of the Venezuelan election that installed Hugo Chavez
Vicious Trollspews:
Did I mention that Ronald Reagan was a TWO-TERM president?
That was for your benefit, Welfare Queen YLB.
Augusto Pinochetspews:
When you call for an election that is free and fair and then the populace picks the person you didn’t want to win….
Send the CIA
I prefer the flavor of tan boots to blackspews:
Solid performance. On the Fox News today live, REp Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ)
I am supporting (MAGA Mike Jesus Johnson) and let me say if I hear from President Trump who I do speak with relatively regularly and I have a relationship with him to the contrary that would that would change my mind. Let me say this, I’m a very independent person so I get it members of Congress want to express their individual viewpoint.
Most of us derive our sense of independence by doing exactly what some other person tells us to do. I support Mike. That is my independent view. But that could change if Vice President Trump tells me to do something for him. FREEEEEEDOM!
The Silence of the Evangelicalsspews:
Instead of just ponying up the payment in arguing that the sexual assault judgement is void because he’s president AFTER the assault happened, Donnie got the Federal Appeals Court to issue an opinion suggesting that he is guilty of TWO MORE sexual assaults against other women.
The opinion references the groping of breasts and kissing of Ms. Leeds, a flight attendant who to date has not filed a civil suit AND the assault of Stoynoff who was deposed in the Caroll case.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 5
Those judgements against DJT47 are bound to interfere with the inauguration.
Won’t they?
Let’s call a spade a spade!spews:
If you guys would have gone after FDR, JFK & LBJ like you’re going after Trump, history would have certainly been different.
All three of those “gentlemen” had absolutely no business in any role in any government anywhere in the Universe.
who you calling a slut Mother Fucker?spews:
So in other words, what a man could get away with in assaulting women 50, 60, 80 years ago is different since women”s studies and all the things the GOP calls woke and need to be eradicated.
Back when not renting to the blacks was Daddy Trump’s business model. No means No was a thing by the 80s. Right about the time Donald was fingering women against their will and DEFINITELY by the time he was barging in on little girls in a dressing room to get a look.
“YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE. Oh for the good old days of slapping a woman around if she got lippy.” -GOP
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 8
So in other words…
Very much other words. As in they have nothing at all to do with the topic, asshole.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I always thought Jimmy Carter was a decent guy who was not evil like all of the other politicians of the day. He had to deal with a lot of lowdown assholes in his term as president.
Dumbfuck thinks he atespews:
Reading comprehension is tough for you.
Conservative: “the founding fathers live in their and prevailing social norms so how DARE the left point out they were nearly all slave owners. That was their normal.’
Also Conservatives: “If you’re going to judge Trump for his assaults on women you also need to hold the modern norms of behavior HE operates within to men for 50, 60, 80 years ago and not the social norms of THEIR times.”
See if you can work that out in your sad emotional immaturity.
Politically Incorrectspews:
9 & 11 – You two sound like an old pot and kettle arguing about who’s the blackest.
All three of those “gentlemen” had absolutely no business
lmao.. Curtis Yarvin, the darling of the tech bro always wrong wing billionaires, called FDR the “monarchist” of his time.
Big fan of “monarchy” that Moldbug weirdo.
Did I mention that Ronald Reagan was a TWO-TERM president??
And didn’t you bleat that Obama was the “next Jimmeh Caaahtaa”..
Yes you did. We had a good laugh at that. Oh “the pain”..
Oh and did you say that you voted for Carter? Yes you did.
How could you? After the REAL LIFE “miracle on ice”???
After the humiliation you endured during hell week.. heh.. All “sins” were forgiven.
Now if only you could pay for your tax cheating sins. Just might escape that one.. by dying.. which you say is great for the kids.. heh.
Vicious Trollspews:
Hell, if we tried this on our own citizens Welfare Queen YLB might even end up with a job.
Department of Decline
Sweden has now turned its immigration into a net outflow.
They did this very complicated trick.
1, Stop letting people in
2. Stop giving any money to the ones already there
So hard, I doubt any developed nation could copy it.
3:23 AM · Dec 29, 2024
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 The middle one is the worst.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What do you think of the Cramer crime family, doc? I’ll bet there are even photos of the senator posing with his son.
@11 Not to mention they fucked their slaves. They don’t put that in the sugar-coated K-12 textbooks, either.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 17
What do you think of the Cramer crime family, doc?
I think Biden’s son got a better deal, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I also think that this is the first time you’ve given two shits about a dead sheriff’s deputy.
2. Stop giving any money to the ones already there
Wow.. So dumbfuck is condemning the orange pants shitter for the CARES act.
The spending primarily includes $300 billion in one-time cash payments to individual people who submit a tax return in America (with most single adults receiving $1,200 and families with children receiving more[5]), $260 billion in increased unemployment benefits, the creation of the Paycheck Protection Program that provides forgivable loans to small businesses with an initial $350 billion in funding (later increased to $669 billion by subsequent legislation), $500 billion in loans for corporations, and $339.8 billion to state and local governments
Why does dumbfuck hate America? hmm.. shoveling horseshit for the radlib dominatrix breeds loads of resentment.
Hail Hitler Drumpf!🖐️
Glad Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus discussed here today, nice!
@11 Not to mention they fucked their slaves. They don’t put that in the sugar-coated K-12 textbooks, either.
Not only that. The bred slaves for future slaves. Then they wonder why the negroes have more kids. It ain’t the welfare checks for each kid. It’s because they engrained the trait in them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 FDR, JFK, and LBJ were nothing like Trump. Any such comparison is juvenile and ridiculous. In all of American history, only one convicted felon has occupied the White House, and morons like you made that possible.
Julius Caesarspews:
“It ain’t the welfare checks for each kid. It’s because they engrained the trait in them.“
Hoc ridiculum est.
What a game for the Kraken vs the Utah Whoevers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15(2) What does Sweden have to do with us?
Here in the U.S., illegals give you money, not the other way around. They pay into Social Security and you take out.
You don’t have to keep proving you’re fucking dumb, everybody already knows that.
Politically Incorrectspews:
@7 – LBJ and Nixon were the WORST presidents of the 20th Century. JFK was killed by the Deep State Cabal because they wanted to have the Vietnam War, so I give him a pass. He was OK.
Wilson, FDR and the Elder Bush were HORRIBLE, but not as bad as LBJ and Nixon.
Jimmy Carter gave us:
• normalization of the terrorist Yassir Arafat
• eight years of Ronald Reagan, beginning with the release of US hostages held by Iran on his first day in office – beat that, DJT47
• validation of the Venezuelan election that installed Hugo Chavez
Did I mention that Ronald Reagan was a TWO-TERM president?
That was for your benefit, Welfare Queen YLB.
When you call for an election that is free and fair and then the populace picks the person you didn’t want to win….
Send the CIA
Solid performance. On the Fox News today live, REp Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ)
Most of us derive our sense of independence by doing exactly what some other person tells us to do. I support Mike. That is my independent view. But that could change if Vice President Trump tells me to do something for him. FREEEEEEDOM!
Instead of just ponying up the payment in arguing that the sexual assault judgement is void because he’s president AFTER the assault happened, Donnie got the Federal Appeals Court to issue an opinion suggesting that he is guilty of TWO MORE sexual assaults against other women.
The opinion references the groping of breasts and kissing of Ms. Leeds, a flight attendant who to date has not filed a civil suit AND the assault of Stoynoff who was deposed in the Caroll case.
@ 5
Those judgements against DJT47 are bound to interfere with the inauguration.
Won’t they?
If you guys would have gone after FDR, JFK & LBJ like you’re going after Trump, history would have certainly been different.
All three of those “gentlemen” had absolutely no business in any role in any government anywhere in the Universe.
So in other words, what a man could get away with in assaulting women 50, 60, 80 years ago is different since women”s studies and all the things the GOP calls woke and need to be eradicated.
Back when not renting to the blacks was Daddy Trump’s business model. No means No was a thing by the 80s. Right about the time Donald was fingering women against their will and DEFINITELY by the time he was barging in on little girls in a dressing room to get a look.
“YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE. Oh for the good old days of slapping a woman around if she got lippy.” -GOP
@ 8
So in other words…
Very much other words. As in they have nothing at all to do with the topic, asshole.
I always thought Jimmy Carter was a decent guy who was not evil like all of the other politicians of the day. He had to deal with a lot of lowdown assholes in his term as president.
Reading comprehension is tough for you.
Conservative: “the founding fathers live in their and prevailing social norms so how DARE the left point out they were nearly all slave owners. That was their normal.’
Also Conservatives: “If you’re going to judge Trump for his assaults on women you also need to hold the modern norms of behavior HE operates within to men for 50, 60, 80 years ago and not the social norms of THEIR times.”
See if you can work that out in your sad emotional immaturity.
9 & 11 – You two sound like an old pot and kettle arguing about who’s the blackest.
All three of those “gentlemen” had absolutely no business
lmao.. Curtis Yarvin, the darling of the tech bro always wrong wing billionaires, called FDR the “monarchist” of his time.
Big fan of “monarchy” that Moldbug weirdo.
Did I mention that Ronald Reagan was a TWO-TERM president??
And didn’t you bleat that Obama was the “next Jimmeh Caaahtaa”..
Yes you did. We had a good laugh at that. Oh “the pain”..
Oh and did you say that you voted for Carter? Yes you did.
How could you? After the REAL LIFE “miracle on ice”???
After the humiliation you endured during hell week.. heh.. All “sins” were forgiven.
Now if only you could pay for your tax cheating sins. Just might escape that one.. by dying.. which you say is great for the kids.. heh.
Hell, if we tried this on our own citizens Welfare Queen YLB might even end up with a job.
@1 The middle one is the worst.
What do you think of the Cramer crime family, doc? I’ll bet there are even photos of the senator posing with his son.
Israel continues its War On Hospitals And Doctors. It won’t last much longer, though, because IDF is running out of Gaza hospitals to attack.
Greg Abbott apparently isn’t up so speed on what happens outside Texas.
@11 Not to mention they fucked their slaves. They don’t put that in the sugar-coated K-12 textbooks, either.
@ 17
What do you think of the Cramer crime family, doc?
I think Biden’s son got a better deal, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I also think that this is the first time you’ve given two shits about a dead sheriff’s deputy.
2. Stop giving any money to the ones already there
Wow.. So dumbfuck is condemning the orange pants shitter for the CARES act.
Why does dumbfuck hate America? hmm.. shoveling horseshit for the radlib dominatrix breeds loads of resentment.
Hail Hitler Drumpf!🖐️
Glad Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus discussed here today, nice!
Not only that. The bred slaves for future slaves. Then they wonder why the negroes have more kids. It ain’t the welfare checks for each kid. It’s because they engrained the trait in them.
@7 FDR, JFK, and LBJ were nothing like Trump. Any such comparison is juvenile and ridiculous. In all of American history, only one convicted felon has occupied the White House, and morons like you made that possible.
“It ain’t the welfare checks for each kid. It’s because they engrained the trait in them.“
Hoc ridiculum est.
What a game for the Kraken vs the Utah Whoevers.
@15(2) What does Sweden have to do with us?
Here in the U.S., illegals give you money, not the other way around. They pay into Social Security and you take out.
You don’t have to keep proving you’re fucking dumb, everybody already knows that.
@7 – LBJ and Nixon were the WORST presidents of the 20th Century. JFK was killed by the Deep State Cabal because they wanted to have the Vietnam War, so I give him a pass. He was OK.
Wilson, FDR and the Elder Bush were HORRIBLE, but not as bad as LBJ and Nixon.