– The race for King County Executive is shaping up nicely. One note, the longer you struggle with Girmay Zahilay’s name, the greater the side eye.
– I had no idea about Spokane’s Community-Oriented Policing Services but it seems like they have done some questionable things.
– SAM security deserve a fair contract.
– These open threads are often a bullet list, but maybe that’s not the way to go for a city’s legislative agenda.
Donald – “We’re doing great, I get Hegseth all confirmed and we’re gonna fire the Generals who won’t love me.”
Ducking to avoid the flying ketchup, “Sir…
The Bidens are personified corruption. To their core.
CNN’s front web page right now:
I love the way Team Bi-Done joined Emhoff in backhanding Boxcheck Momala across the face. Of course she would pardon POS Hunter so that Bi-Done wouldn’t have to, because that was part of their deal for his endorsement of her incompetent candidacy.
Trump never needed any opening.
He just grabs ’em whenever he likes.
P.S. Only Bidens should be investigated. Sometimes a Gaetz. Maybe a Cheney.
Carrying over from yesterday:
The notion that anything Biden does gives permission for what Trump has already said he plans to do is
A: Lazy filler content
B: Fake Handwringing
C: Just silly
D: all of the above
Don’t forget to put you name on the test before you turn it in.
This is what got you more Trump.
Members of The Biden Crime Family are above the law, and none of them give a shit about how badly they will harm Democrats in exercising this power.
Mildly interesting.
AOC becomes the first Bluesky user to gain 1m followers.
Smart and funny. Yesterday she set of a viral day long parade of replies by suggesting recipes for Mountain Dew Baja Blast mock/cocktails.
For you olds, BajaBlast is a wildly popular beverage among the youngs. While the original version is still sold exclusively as a fountain product at Taco Bell locations, bottled special edition flavors and celebrity created special editions often lead to a buying frenzy among fans.
What’s funny about yesterday’s timeline is the reply posts of people posting AI Nudes of the Congresswoman, calls for her murder in response to a bit of fun and rape threats just get mass blocked and those ‘fanboys’ skulk back to Twatter where the “pick me bro”s continue to hear them.
“AOC becomes the first Bluesky user to gain 1m followers.”
Wow, there are a lot of idiots out there!
Karine Jean-Pierre, on News Nation today, says that, in regard to Joe pardoning Hunter, “enough is enough.” That leaves Trump able to pardon a lot of people. I’m sure “enough is enough” for Donald Trump, too. It’s time to put all this bullshit behind us because we are on the verge of nuclear war with Russia.
Democrats and Republicans: start acting like adults.
@7 Well, I can think of one here. Got a mirror handy?
@9 – If you go look in a mirror, rodent, you will see one of the people who got Trump re-elected.
Hunter Biden pardon ad nauseum: In normal times it would be outrageous nepotism, but these aren’t normal times. Given what Trump has said about federal law enforcement, and who he’s appointing to manage it, it would be parental malpractice not to pardon Hunter.
It’s no coincidence the pardon occurred the day after Trump named Kash Patel to run the FBI. (Never mind the FBI already has a competent director with several years left on his term of office.) Patel has publicly threatened Hunter. How would you react as a parent? If you think this pardon is out of line, blame Trump for it.
Dinesh D’Souza venting outrage at Hunter’s pardon: “No one is above the law — except Hunter!” Snort.
And, of course, pardoned ex-felon Dinesh D’Souza.
Hypocrisy is a GOP specialty.
Oxford University Press’s word (actually phrase) of the year: Brain rot.
It’s not hard to guess who they have in mind. You’re one of ’em, dumbfuck.
@8 Better start dig your bomb shelter while there’s still time.
@10 I didn’t realize I’m so influential.
Speaking of Dinesh D’Souza, “The producer of a movie claiming the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President-elect Donald Trump has issued an official apology for ‘inaccurate information.'”
Probably because they’re both being sued for defamation.
Nepo baby calls another nepo baby a nepo baby. How cute!
Like I said, these people are pros at hypocrisy.
Not like he sent text about being was off to shoot a protester and then shot a protester.
@ 11
…it would be parental malpractice not to pardon Hunter.
POS Hunter Biden is 54 years old. He is trained as an attorney at Yale Law School after graduation from Georgetown. He is old enough and educated well enough to care for his own affairs.
Biden was not elected with the premise that he would sell out his country to save his POS son. Although those of us who did not vote for him always believed it would take far less for Joe Biden to sell out his country.
@ 18
Prayers up today for all of Hunter Biden’s victims. There are none. But still
Mr. Rupar, how many victims were mentioned in the NYC trial of Donald Trump? Was it Deutsche Bank? Because DB profited from the relationship with Trump’s businesses.
I heard it was Elonia and the people who voted for him who got Trump elected.
That’s what Elonia says.
When some greedy, corrupt asshole like Trump commits financial fraud it costs all of us. When someone is allowed to falsify sworn statements in a financial transaction in order to massivelyt inflate the value of claimed assets they hold, it exposes not just that individual transaction to massively inflated risk, but all other similar transactions.
Financial institutions have no other choice but to price that risk into everything they do in order to protect themselves, their investors, and their depositors. So every single loan, every single fee, every single back charge, and every single penalty gets just a little bit more expensive for everyone, everywhere, all the time. But taken altogether, that inefficiency penalty adds up to billions of dollars. Dollars that we all pay, even if we don’t borrow money, or pay banking fees. Because the people we buy shit from do. All of them do. All the time. That’s just business.
So human trash fire Trump gets financing by lying. And we all pay a Trump tax to pay for it.
Nothing to see here. And definitely do not look up the dude’s photo, or the party affiliation of the congressmember he works for:
Thank you for reciting today’s version of “ya, but…..”
Maybe just call a spade a spade and admit that the Hunter pardon is sleazy as all fuck and just reinforces what many people believe is a crooked family….
Nobody should ever be above the law.
Except me.
Appointing Pam Bondi and Kash Patel to head up Fat Hitler’s Department of Getting Even was sleazy.
Agreeing to confirm those nominations without any public hearings was even sleazier still.
Handing out pardons to shield people from their attacks is just common sense.
Patel has named dozens of Democrats for criminal investigation without a single shred of evidence. He wants to lock up Democratic Governors for not overturning Fat Hitler’s humiliating 2020 defeat. Bondi at one point argued that Republican state lawmakers should go to jail for certifying Fat Hitler’s 2020 loss.
They aren’t joking. And they don’t care that they don’t have any evidence.
Look for lots and lots more pardons before Biden departs. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the just thing to do.
@19 “Biden was not elected with the premise that he would sell out his country to save his POS son.”
Oh please. Trump was elected to make eggs and gas cheaper. Think he’ll stay within the bounds of his mandate? How, exactly, does Kash Patel help the struggling working-class consumer?
Also, how does “selling out America” by pardoning Hunter compare with selling out America by leaving classified docs, including nuclear secrets, laying around Trump’s sex club for Chinese spies to read at their leisure while taking a shit?
Are you trying to win some hypocrisy award?
That was quick.
Sen. Joe Manchin calls on Biden to pardon Trump too after prez’s shocking Hunter move: ‘Clean that slate up’
“Joe Biden Pardons Literally Hitler“. If Democrats really want to make the POS Hunter Biden pardon a nothingburger, this is the way.
@23 Not exactly on the same level as the GOP members who intentionally tried to sneak guns past the magnetometers onto the House floor; or trying to sneak loaded handguns onto planes twice. But rules are rules, aren’t they?
Who was it who mentioned “parental malpractice” earlier today? Was it Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit? Why, yes. Yes @ 11 it was.
Parental malpractice doesn’t begin during adulthood, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I’d like to congratulate the Republican House members for
holdingexpanding their chamber majority in the 2026 midterms.Kash Patel’s first armed SWAT raid of Dick Cheney’s cardiac ICU room is what will make the Biden pardons into nothingburgers.
The Nikki Haley investigation will just be the $5 milkshake to go with it.
@24 Trump’s pardons of Dinesh D’Souza, Roger Stone, and Steve Bannon were “sleazy as all fuck.” Pardoning the J6 rioters will be “sleazy as all fuck.” Is there anything you guys come up with that isn’t hypocritical as all fuck?
@28 I beat both of you to it.
HA is a teardown, too.
These last several months should indicate clearly that a thorough house-cleaning is in order. Beginning with Pelosi. Moving quickly to Schumer. Clyburn’s deal with Joe Biden in early 2020 is what started Democrat downfall, so he should go as well and no, it is not racist to kick his ass into retirement or at least into back bench silence.
@30 Jared. Saudi Arabia. Two billion dollars. Like I said, you guys excel at hypocrisy.
While the Democrats clean out their trash, Darryl would do well to give Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit the rest of the year off. I’ll gladly join him.
HA desperately needs CPR, but Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit represents too much surface blubber for that to ever be successful.
@31 Well, since they failed to do it this year, you can always hope for better luck next time. Midterms usually aren’t kind to the party in power, though. The one thing GOPers will have going for them in 2026 is that eggs aren’t imported.
@35 I would merely observe there’s no Republican Party left to tear down. Not the Reagan Republican Party, anyway.
@37 “While the Democrats clean out their trash”
I see you admire Jaydee’s racist rhetoric.
CPR isn’t going to help this shitpile of a web page.
It’s literally down to 4 people posting here…..5 if you count G man and his twisted ramblings…..
@41 Which one of us are you?
Since you’ve decided it’s okay for the troll to blatantly plagiarize Ann Althouse at 35, I’m presuming it’s now okay to plagiarize a racist, piece of shit troll with a history of threats of violence including rape.
Yep. It’s true.
I voted for him.
In fewer than twelve months, when inflation has hit 14%, I can’t get food for my horse, Seoul is surviving nightly bombardment, and the Secret Service is burying dead hookers in the Rose Garden I’ll be denying it.
But for now at least I’m a proud fascist. 👍
I’m none of the 4…..I do not post consistently enough to count.
Throttling post with links killed the bird.
295,000 members that are going to move somewhere else, as if we don’t know where they’re going.
50,000 Twitter users responded, “Cucks can suck my dick while I rape their wives. Follow me for tips on picking up chicks.”
Cool cool.
Because they lost.
NC Legislature passed today a host of brand spanking new measures.
Removed the Incoming Governors’ Constitutional duty to fill vacancies to the State Board of Education transferring that to the highest remaining Republican in office, State Auditor.
Requires incoming Governor to replace Supreme Court Vacancies ONLY with a member of the party of the departing member.
Removed two County Judges who ruled against their election theft schemes.
Prohibits incoming Democratic Attorney General from filing lawsuits against any measure enacted by the legislature.
@45 You do not post intelligently enough to count. ftfy
DNC Finance Committee member Lindy Li:
Gullible Democrats sure did enrich a lot of the usual suspects. I think one pissed-off Democrat shortly after the 2004 election referred to them as “professional election losers”.
Think on your sins, libbies.
@ 43
… blatantly plagiarize Ann Althouse …
Fuck. You’re right. I copied the link but didn’t paste. Call it blatant but inadvertent.
@ 47
Cool cool.
Because they lost.
NC Legislature passed today a host of brand spanking new measures.
NC watched what the Massachusetts legislature did when Romney was governor.
They didn’t have more time. So being Democrats, they flipped in 2004, and flopped in 2009.
@ 46
295,000 members that are going to move somewhere else, as if we don’t know where they’re going.
Doubtful. At worst they’ll post at both sites to reach the most readers.
Please enjoy this filing by special counsel David Weiss, who opposes the dismissial of the federal indictment of POS Hunter Biden in California.
By the time Biden’s ONE TERM! (that was for you, silly twat) ends, the whole nation will understand just how corrupt The Biden Crime Family truly is.
From Weiss’ filing @ 53:
Throughout the defense, defense counsel has been proven incorrect many times. So many, in fact, that one would think Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is advising counsel.
Joe is as sharp as a tack!
Harris ran a flawless campaign!
Guy shut the fuck up….you are hardly one to talk.
Go buy some more GE stock…maybe follow that up with some MySpace stock..
It’s a pattern of misbehavior with me, demonstrating my contempt for the blog and its moderators.
I shit all over the site rules with glee. I troll. I disrupt. I lie. I steal the work of others and claim it for my own. Then, when every so often I’m busted for it, I glibly fess up and move on to do some more damage.
Your weakness is my strength.
How long until Bi-Done issues a pardon to his POS influence-peddling brither?
@49 “Gullible Democrats sure did enrich a lot of the usual suspects.”
Better to enrich themselves from donors than taxpayers. We haven’t seen the full list of Trump’s conflicts of interest yet, but his relatives likely will do well, and Elon has to get a return on his $130 million investment in access to the taxpayer till. Especially after a judge ripped up the $56 billion paycheck he wrote to himself.
@50 Even doctors make mistakes. This one won’t cost your insurance carrier a fortune. They’ve already put you out to pasture for the ones that did.
“Brither” is the new “birther”.
Lock them all up!
I’m not a doctor. I’m a total fuckup. I never made it past community college.
@53 This is technical procedural stuff above your pay grade. Who really cares if the indictment is dismissed or the pardon is recorded as the disposition of proceedings?
Either way the guy won’t pass a background check, something he has in common with half of Trump’s cabinet nominees.
@56 Sounds like you’re jealous that you’re not a rich capitalist like me who doesn’t work and gets fat on the sweat labor of shmucks like you.
@57 I’m guessing you get deplaned a lot, too, after spending too much time in the airport lounge; and then brag that getting kicked off your flights is a sign of manly strength.
Well, looks like I dodged the bullet!
Europeans take their union protections very seriously. If they want to remain in theirs they can.
Twatter, lots of followers, no clickthroughs because of the throttling Elmo placed on posts with links.
Bluesky, with it’s rapid growth gives them fewer followers but vastly more engagement.
Twatter is Serius XM with a potential to reach the globe but few are listening to Bluesky’s BBC1. Only available in a limited area but most people listen at least sometimes.
Journalists are figuring it out and as they do, Twatter’s usefulness fades.
The only way they stay is when Elmo is forced to admit that a post with a link to click off ‘my preciousssssss’ is OK again.
Speaking of unions, a Wisconsin judge just threw out Scotty Walker’s Act 15 on equal protection grounds. This isn’t the final word, of course. Wisconsin’s supreme court election will determine whether Scotty’s signature anti-union legislation survives. You don’t hear much about Scotty anymore.
@66 Oh, go away. You’re a pardoned convicted felon just like Steve Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner, except your crimes are less serious than theirs.
I’m at my in-laws and they have Sinclair KIRO on. How did they cover the Kim Bondi nomination?
@ 69
You’re a pardoned convicted felon just like Steve Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner, except your crimes are less serious than theirs.
And, where, appropriate, except for the prison time served.
You’re right about POS Hunter Biden still being a convicted felon, though:
Joe Biden stood by and watched, or sat down at the dinner table and watched, as his POS son sold out the nation for a few million dollars at the time.
The Biden presidency will be remembered as a stain on this nation’s history far more consequential than J6.
Link from Weiss’ motion provided upthread.
The Clinton presidency will be remembered as a stain on this nation’s history far more consequential than J6.
The Obama presidency will be remembered as a stain on this nation’s history far more consequential than J6.
The Carter presidency will be remembered as a stain on this nation’s history far more consequential than J6.
The Cleveland presidency will be remembered as a stain on this nation’s history far more consequential than J6.
Stop kidding yourself, you aren’t “rich”.
@ 76, 64
I have zero doubt that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is telling the truth about his morbid and worsening obesity.
You got all that from tax evasion and a false statement on a firearms form and of course James Comer.
29% of eligible voters is a mandate.
Change my mind
Chuck Todd: In the 2017-18 timeframe, POS Hunter was spinning out of control and he took Hallie Biden with him, essentially turning her into a crack addict. And Joe and DOCTOR Jill were so concerned about the health of their family that they decided he should run for president.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was just claiming that it would be parental malpractice not to pardon his POS son. By the same token it was parental malpractice to ignore what was happening around their POS son so that Biden might once again chase his lifelong dream.
@ 79
5.3 million voters is suppression.
Change my mind. And buy me the middle seat because I can’t fit in just one anymore.
No, YOU go the fuck away, you arrogant and lying cocksucker! You should be publicly flogged once a week in Pioneer Square just to get your mind right!
I’m actually pretty cool with the Hunter Biden pardon.
Just so long as we can still fuck over Nikki Haley. And maybe even get her killed.
Romney was no fool. He made the smart choice to quit before he became another target.
Don’t stop there. Read my book published just last year:
Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for our Democracy
The list of Deep State Republicans I will be targeting as your FBI director is very long but it includes William Barr, John Bolton, Pat Cipollone, Robert Hur, Cassidy Hutchinson, Ryan McCarthy, Charles Kupperman, Mark Esper, Pat Philbin, Rod Rosenstein, Sarah Flores, Alyssa Griffin, Miles Taylor, Stephanie Grisham and many more. Basically anyone who ever spoke out or testified in any way that was negative about President Trump is going to get raided, arrested, indicted, and brought to trial. We will be certain to paint targets on every one of them and then very intentionally document them and their families to the public so they have nowhere to hide.
The Nutty Ninth to Dow Constantine: Be Less Asshole.
Rudy, or his lawyers, was ordered by the court to file a response to the motion to hold him in contempt by Dec 2. As normal in such orders it was made clear that ‘failure to respond will be treated as conceding the motion.” The court is closed for the day and the clerk did not receive a response.
Rudy is now looking at the possibility of jail time because he, or his lawyer, has no fucking clue how procedure works.
Justin Sun, a Chinese national being prosecuted for fraud by the SEC for crypto market manpulation, bought $18 million in World Liberty Financial tokens pushing the previously worthless crypto over the sale limit for Donald Trump to realize his $18m personal valuation.
Media…”Hunter Biden got a pardon”
We don’t care. We will burn the earth to the ground, just as long as we get to rule over the ashes.
Fat Hitler just accepted an $18,000,000 bribe from a People’s Republic of China kleptocrat who is indicted on criminal fraud charges by the SEC. Probably spent the money on porn stars.
But the biggest news story is that Hunter Biden, who years ago agreed to plead guilty and pay all back taxes and all penalties, got a presidential pardon. And you can’t hardly find any reporting on Trump’s bribe.
Referencing domestic “news” as a source of political criticism now suffers a crippling lack of credibility.
McConnell cries over partisan judges making partisan decisions. 🤡🤣😂🍿
I’m truly a Dumbfuck. I let a con man con me
@89 “Probably spent the money on porn stars.”
Now that you mention it:
@27 “Trump was elected to make eggs and gas cheaper.”
…and has spent most of his term throwing eggs and passing gas.
Fuck search warrants.
Turn out your pockets.
Do not defy the authority.
Show me your mother fucking papers or die!
Thanks, Dad!
@84 Better budget an extra billion for the civil rights lawsuits and payouts.
@71 Very good. Now learn how to use a space bar.
@82 Any flogging in penitence will be yours only. I’m not the one who smoked crack, cheated on taxes, or lied on a gun background check form. The only thing I’m guilty of is being a greedy fatcat capitalist, which is not only legal in this country, but preferred and rewarded. It is honest hard work that is disparaged, taxed, and punished. That sounds crazy to me, too, but I didn’t create this system; I only milk it.