– If you’ve been listening to Hush, this statement and refutation is pretty amazing. And if you aren’t, it’s almost done, so you can start binging it.
– It can be difficult to advocate for non drivers when it’s tough to see them.
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. And! Get some tests courtesy of the US government.
t’s too bad we have such poor choices for the November election.
Fuck all of this.
Stay home. Don’t vote. Until you bend the knee, join the cult and swear your allegiance to MAGA, we Republicans don’t want you to vote.
Discouraging turnout is our love language.
Jamie McGregor is a lifelong Republican, voted twice for Mr. Trump, now gets death threats from MAGA for hiring Haitians. All stirred up by Trump and Vance.
The Commie Chinks are shooting at us with a hurricane gun and Kameltoe isn’t doing a thing to stop it.
Pete Rose’s lifetime ban has finally been lifted.
A tale of how to lose the PR battle, natural disaster edition.
Asheville NC
Publix (no power) opened the doors to flood victims telling them to take what they needed on the honor system and frozen/refrigerated foods were totally free.
Harris Teeter is distributing bags of food to all who can make it to the stores.
Ingles called police to guard the stores so looters didn’t get in.
The FuckHump’s lying is very dangerous.
Now Biden didn’t call Georgia governor Kemp.
This fuckhead is purposely causing chaos to break apart this country. It is treasonous.
Bob you are POS Traitor.
Mommy never hugged me, but Uncle Frank hugged me all the time.
@1. I Love my choice. She’s great! Sorry your choice is a physcopath treasonous traitor.
Your comparison is not even equal. To even think so, then you should be examining yourself for thinking whether you are the problem and not there choices.
Another classic! You go girrrrrlllll!
White male GOP congressional candidate in Nevada tells his district’s black voters to go fuck themselves. Hey, we’re happy to keep that seat.
@11 was wrong. See @5
Heterosexual Neanderthals are an International Hit!
@1 But one is vastly inferior to the other, and that’s the one you’ll vote for. If you live in Washington, it doesn’t matter, because this state has enough responsible voters to ensure its electoral votes go to the right candidate.
@ 6
Pete Rose’s lifetime ban has finally been lifted.
That ban lasted a lot longer than Bart Giamatti did.
@4 His just reward and re-education all rolled into one.
And she was anti-Semitic the day before, when she interviewed Josh Shapiro.
Kamala Harris says insomnia hit after Biden dropped out, was sleep deprived the day of Walz pick
When all of this is over and your wounds have been licked to the bone, recall that it could have ended up very differently if only Josh had said Yes.
Bi-Done really hasn’t handled Helene or its aftermath in a way that is at all helpful to Boxcheck Momala’s chances in November.
This was not a good weekend for him to spend at the beach.
@16 Made an example of him, they did, to preserve the integrity of the game.
Now let’s apply that principle to presidents who incite insurrections against the integrity of the election process.
Well, we certainly have had experience these past several months, haven’t we?
Ted Cruz has a GREAT new ad and mailer out criticizing Colin Alred for not supporting the ‘Protecting Women in Sports’ act.
The weird thing is the person they are using is a trans MALE. The argument is Gentically at birth FEMALE wrestler who identified as MALE was forced by Texas law to compete as a girl and then he went and won a bunch of matches.
And somehow letting him compete as a man would have….harmed women?
Fox News
They can’t even get their Trans Bigotry
straightCIS-Fat Hitler
And yet,
she dragged you in front of an audience of 85 million for 90 minutes.
About time Pete.
They tried that in a small town.
8 men arrested following alleged looting in Washington County, Tennessee
Just red-blooded Americans.
@ 23
… she dragged you …
She and the two moderators backing her.
20)Calling Pete Rose Up, maybe one of Fred Hutch’s few mistakes as a manager, but how could he know.
Yes. That’s absolutely right.
The whole world despises all of you and conspires against you always. It’s not us.
It’s you.
All of you.
Everyone hates you.
Anytime! Anyplace!“Er, umh…
Only this one specific time in this one specific place!“Errrr… ummmm…
Such courage.
“They’re eating the pets.”
I don’t know what the Trumpaloompas are so butt hurt about.
That line about eating cats and dogs got him more attention than almost anything he had done for weeks. Including getting shot at by one of his own voters.
GOP begging for a government hand out again I see.
Blew the $780 SS check on pull tabs and needs some free cheez from Uncle Sam to see him through till the next one.
Looks like Japans incoming PM is going to call for the Lower House to be dissolved on the 9th, with election on Oct 27th. Even with all the recent scandals with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, it will be the LDP that still wins. Just depends on how many seats they will lose.
BNSF says it can handle a surge in West Coast container traffic. Well, looks like they get to prove it.
@26 Do you have something against calling out liars and their lies?
@31 Well, when you’re getting shot at by your own voters, that’s indicative that you’re not going to win the popular vote.
Scotty P prepares to settle for two years of blacking court appointments.
A lot of people are talking about the violent illegals. Well, after all, they are of the heterosexual Neanderthal class.
Learn anything?
Cut and Run Walz is a lying sack of shit.
Here is Minnesota Public Radio – what a right-wing rag, amirite? – on YouTube reporting that Walz exaggerates:
Tim Walz used to exaggerate his experience in China. Now he barely mentions it
Walz claimed to have been in Hong Kong when the Tianeman Square massacres took place. He testified to this claim while a congressmember.
The thing is, local news items published at that time prove that Walz was in the good ol’ US of A rather than where he subsequently claimed to be:
Tim Walz Said He Was in Hong Kong During the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He Was Home in Nebraska.
Walz’s claims in 2014 congressional hearing are a tall tale, video and local news reports show
It’s right up there with Hillary claiming to have landed under sniper fire, or to have been named after a guy nobody heard of until after well after she was born.
Cut and Run Walz is a disaster of a pick by Boxcheck Momala, and sold out his country to the CCP.
sold out his country to the CCP.
That’s fucking stupid..
and who is supporting the lying sack of orange shit that wants to sell out its country to Putler?
Lots of ignorant always wrong wingers and one silly bloviator from widbee scared shitless of an IRS audit.
Congratulations to Mayor Pete and Gina Raimondo, who have overseen the disruption of port deliveries to the entire East Coast just as Hurricane Helene’s victims will need them the most.
World Economy
A historic strike is underway at U.S. ports — and the impact on global supply chains could be huge
This might seem problematic, but the important thing is that Bi-Done enjoyed his weekend on the Delaware beach.
Congratulations to Mayor Pete and Gina Raimondo, who have overseen the disruption of port deliveries to the entire East Coast
yawwwnn.. there was a time when always wrong wingers blamed stuff like this on the greedee, lazee union “thugs”..
But when a kreepee bloviator from widbee is running scared from an impending IRS audit..
that “union thug” shit is gone like a fart in a wind tunnel.
But hey, the strike is not such a big deal (link @ 41) as long as Bi-Done is willing to drive a stake through the heart of the union movement in America in the weeks just before the presidential election:
And it’s not as if Boxcheck Momala doesn’t already have generationally serious problems with unions, as Harry Enten pointed out:
But hey, the strike is not such a big deal
Now look – it’s pro-union… who’d a thunk it..
attagirls for Hillary because of the country that can do no wrong..
poor, poor unions because of an AI-enabled IRS..
I suspect the reason the CCP declined to outbid Putler is they realize that Fat Hitler is going to lose. And even if he can pull it off he’ll be on the market again as soon as Putler goes bankrupt.
“U.S. President Joe Biden would have “little choice” but to intervene and invoke back-to-work legislation ahead of the November election.”
And union rank and file are such big fans of repuke “right to work” laws..
Sure.. kreepshit babbles they luv Fat Hitler’s pasty white ass (unless it’s toasted in the tanning booth).
Maybe Democrats should try making black people feel like the Democrat party truly cares for them more often than once per quadrennium. Or maybe they should try nominating a real black candidate, rather than someone who became black when the Asian heritage gig didn’t pan out.
That was CNN’s Harry Enten, yesterday.
You’re really not doing well when you find yourself in the final weeks trying to close with low information swing voters by campaigning on a “research note” from a new-hire propeller head at a tiny UK based consultancy owned by PE, that mentions Taft-Hartley.
Paging Lisa Simpson…
@ 48
Taft-Hartley became law after a congressional override.
Which would not have occurred had many Democrats not voted to cut the balls off of union members. Wiki:
That’s a majority of House Democrats and a near-majority of Senate Democrats.
@ 48
…“research note” from a new-hire propeller head at a tiny UK based consultancy owned by PE…
Which part of the quoted note was incorrect, QoS McHillbilly? Or are you simply reduced to deriding the messenger, because the message he sent was accurate?
Or maybe they should try nominating a real black candidate, rather than someone who became black when the Asian heritage gig didn’t pan out.
By that score neither was Obama “black”.. Yet he served TWO TERMS.. defeating a man who “understands [vulture] kapitalism”.. a man who today is incapable of disrespecting anyone more than jerkoff dickhead bowman..
And Kamala matriculating from an HBCU and even pledging an African-American pedigreed sorority doesn’t penentrate the dense as spent uranium vacuum between kreepshit’s ears.
Sorority??? Heh.. that’ll bring back kreepshit’s fond jungle punch memories..
That was CNN’s Harry Enten, yesterday.
Taking over for Lou Dobbs it seems.
Longshoremens’ union chief:
Last 10 seconds of the video in this tweet.
As if Bi-Done hasn’t crippled Boxcheck Momala badly enough already.
@ 51
By that score neither was Obama “black”.. Yet he served TWO TERMS..
Say, Welfare Queen YLB, any idea how I’ll describe Donald Trump to you for four years – and forever after that – after November 5?
I’m even gonna use all-caps, girlfriend. You’re gonna love it.
Along the TWO TERM theme, it’s notable that my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president’s first term was so awful that members of his own party overwhelmingly refused to nominate him to possibly serve a second term.
One and Bi-Done.
The misleading that Scotty P is bear-hugging here is that Enten (who has no training in mathematics or statistics) is pulling crosstabs for individual groups of “non-white” respondents to nationwide surveys, where the survey pops are low to begin with.
The MOEs for these crosstabs taken by themselves are very high. Combining high MOE crosstabs compound the error.
Knowing that polls are descriptive and not predictive, and knowing that typical modern nationwide polls are very low response polls, we conclude that the “snapshot” provided is at least somewhat blurry.
But to arbitrarily cherry pick uncorrelated crosstabs of very, very low response groups, each with relatively massive MOEs, and then combine those together produces Jackson Pollock. This is just laughably dismissible shit.
And it’s got nothing at all to do with partisanship. This would still be outlandishly silly data malpractice even if it made Trump look bad or made Harris look good.
We know Trump does better with low education males, including non-white low education males compared to Mittens or Maverick or any other standard issue Republican of the past. To obtain a three to five point gain with low education males he must alienate huge cross sections of the electorate. If those alienated cross sections are disengaged, as they were in 2016, Trump wins. If they are fired up and volunteering and donating and putting up signs and turning out Trump loses.
And that’s that.
I’m even gonna use all-caps
Can you say NEXT JIMMEH CAAHTER kreepshit?
You did at least once.. didn’t work out, did it?
I always encourage you to do your worst. have ya ever done that? Could’ve fooled me.
According to their own published data since the purchase by Elon Musk content moderation at Twitter has declined over 99% while advertising revenues have plunged 84%.
Tester will be badly missed come next January if the polls are “predictive” (they’re not):
Do I agree with him on everything? Nope. But you can’t help but like the plain talking Farmer/Senator.
His opponent is a jackass and I read a poor businessman.
@54. Yer funny. If that’s what you have to tell yourself to soothe the demons in your head, who am I to stop you.
Source: Commentators aggregate? Aggregate of what? Doesn’t say.
But there’s some curious polls out there that make this seem like….well a reason to get his face on the air.
Pew In August
Black voters 77% Harris, 13% Trump
Howard U. September Battleground states only
Harris 78% Trump 14. Worse for LVs 81% Harris, 13% Trump.
Forgive me Mr. Enten, did you leave BOTH of those out of your aggregate. The math isn’t mathing of two polls showing 64 pt in both adds up to 28%.
You said voters of color. Cool. So Pew in September found Latino bote for Harris is at 57% which is down from the 61% Biden received. But with 4% remaining undecided you’re looking at at least 58% Harris.
A 3% Drop among Latinos and a not at all drop among blacks doesn’t math out to 28% lead among ‘Voters of Color’ unless some pretty wild assumptions are being made about turnout.
Asians? Not a lot of recent data here but AAPI in July had Harris with at 38% lead among Asians.
Still not adding up to 28%
To go to an internet meme….citation needed.
Walz, then: I’ve been to China dozens of times. Like, 30.
Walz, now: OK, so I’ve been to China half as many times as I used to claim. I lied about the rest.
Taft Hartley was passed in 1947, 77 years ago, two years after the end of WW2. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 significantly reduced the power of unions. Democrats in 1947 were the racist conservative republicans of 2024.
Weird how union member polling in PA shows Harris doing about a point and a half worse than Biden but 9 points better than Hillary and this CNN Guy we’ve never heard of until yesterday calls it, “On track to have the worst showing among union voters EVER!” for Harris.
Cool story bro!
@ 60
A 3% Drop among Latinos and a not at all drop among blacks doesn’t math out to 28% lead among ‘Voters of Color’
I think the issue is that it’s not a drop of 3% among Latinos. It’s much, much more than that:
36 minus 14 is 22. That’s a 22 point drop in Latino support for the Democrat candidate compared with 2020, QoS McHillbilly.
“Terrible job, couldn’t get anyone, the governor here who failed to find me ten thousand votes, the Brian Cramp, couldn’t talk to the president, called and called but the beach house was empty…”
“The Fuck I didn’t. I talked to him. We have his full support. We’ve been through this before. Once we make the formal request to FEMA as required by law I have ZERO doubt President Biden, WHO I TALKED TO, will release all requested aid and not just toss me a roll of paper towels. Fuck you you lying fuck!”
Not sure why you’d want to pick a fight with a Republican Governor of a closely watched swing state but you do you.
I think there’s a pretty good chance Republicans will wind up with a one vote majority in the Senate after Jan 1st. But it won’t last more than two years. And it will be a very difficult two years for a few moderate Republicans hanging on. They will be forced to take a few tough votes, especially on reproductive freedom.
Susan Collins will likely retire. Thom Tillis will be quite a bit more vulnerable than his party thinks. And following a Trump loss the potential for a GOP food fight over party leadership, control of PACs, and fundraising will be in limbo for a while.
Union Pacific says what East coast dock strike, they are prepared for more traffic from West Coast ports as well.
@ 65
I don’t disagree with your characterization of Trump speaking without a command of facts except to point out that Bi-Done himself stated that Kemp’s call didn’t reach him because he was jetting from one vacation spot to another when the call came.
If Trump says on Sunday that no call occurred and Kemp says on Tuesday that a call occurred on Monday, that doesn’t make Trump a liar.
SilesDood on Xitter
The myth of capitalism is that as long as you work hard, you will be looked after.
The reality of capitalism is that no matter how hard you work or how loyal you are, the company will try to screw you over for added profit at any opportunity.
There is some politics going on with the head of this labor union being a trumper. And having endorsed Trump.
@ 67
Union Pacific says what East coast dock strike, they are prepared for more traffic from West Coast ports as well.
You heard the East Coast union head saying that if forced back to work they will intentionally slow down? From 30 movements/hour to 8/hour? You heard that, yes? I posted a link above if you didn’t.
What do you think the West Coast port union members are gonna do in solidarity with their East Coast brethren, Railfan?
Union Pacific might be able to handle greater volume. But first it’s gotta be loaded. It won’t be.
Telemundo is another nationwide polling a low propensity demographic in states that don’t count.
And “Latino” is kind of a bullshit demo tbh.
For example the majority of “Latino” voters in Pennsylvania are Puerto Rican ancestry native born citizens with deep ties to the Democratic Party. About 17% are naturalized. There are about 580,000 potential “Latino” voters in PA or about 6% of all eligible.
Basically Puerto Rican voters in PA despise Donald Trump and he hates them too and doesn’t seem to mind saying so. So that’s nice. Where Trump does best among Latino voters is with recently immigrated or first gen naturalized males from other contries. They are more concentrated in larger cities. Democrat canvassers have found it very helpful to remind these voters of hurricane Maria and the fat white guy throwing toilet paper at them.
About 25% of these eligible voters speak only Spanish, and there is no, zero, none, nada bilingual English/Spanish Trump or national GOP canvassing in PA.
The ILWA are nothing more than thugs.
ILA? We’ll see.
@ 69
The fact the shipping companies are willing to lose billions of dollars instead of raising wages for the dock workers…
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has any idea that the port workers want a 61.5% wage increase over 6 years, and if has considered how many billions of dollars that will cost the shipping companies over six years.
@ 71
Let’s recap, shall we?
Enten: National POC support for Boxcheck Momala is way down.
McHillbilly: Not that much because only a national 3 point loss of Hispanics.
NBC: Au contraire, as national Latino support for Harris down 22 points compared with what it was for Biden in 2020.
McHillbilly: OK, this national discussion is kicking my ass so let’s instead cherry-pick Pennsylvania…
What’s next, McHillbilly? Gonna pick the Philly Barrio to talk about?
73. Yup. That will really cut into the shippers money for their next yachts.
Little more than a month after labeling Joe Biden a war criminal in a photograph, Taylor Lorenz is no longer associated with the Washington Post.
Also no longer associated with the Washington Post: accuracy, credibility, and good taste.
Thousands of people purged from Georgia’s voter rolls reregistered after Kamala Harris’ rally in Atlanta
Nobody liberal or conservative has respect for the wash post anymore
When you copypasta your boilerplate hate screed and send it out on the emails and the texts.
@ 79
Yup. The DNC platform was copied and pasted with so little care that everything assumed that the nominee was still Bi-Done. You recall that, right?
Eighty-two Republicans voted to shut down the government as a catastrophic storm prepared to devastate a quarter of the country.
Almost every Republican voted AGAINST FEMA emergency funding last week.
Are the dead bodies around the party platform?
Good Job. You get a lolly and an extra credit sticker.
We’ve shown him that Enten’s data is faulty to begin with, but then his analysis is scientifically laughable.
So he re-ups it, of course.
I can see where this is going.
As we all know, in the final few weeks before an election, as the majority of television viewers begin to engage with the fact that they’ll be voting soon (assume they even do), the television network news divisions all begin their “special” coverage in hopes of binding some of that audience through the election and retaining them beyond. This is carefully planned and includes strategies to target key audience groups.
To that end they pump out lots and lots of instant, shake-a-pudding nationwide surveys intended to trigger the attention of targeted groups. Then they apply analytical narratives to that data to engage those targeted audiences by gaining identification or concern with that narrative.
It’s weak data and scientifically invalid analysis for the purpose of building audience share not enlightenment.
Since Trump is losing, and relevant election polls are all moving away from him, it looks like we are going to be literally bombarded with this shit by Scotty P as the best cope he can get to face the inevitable.
I’m done with this. I’m looking at decent quality swing state polls, and crosstabs relevant to significant shifts in support among high propensity voters or large populations.
Knowing that each of these statewide contests will likely be excruciatingly close, there’s value in looking at small groups, and low propensity voters for canvassing operations. But they can’t tell us shit about what to expect because canvassing effort is highly unpredictable.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sick and tired of hearing about Israel and its problems. It’s time for the US to divorce Israel and worry about the internal issues. Israel is a big, grown-up country, and it’s time for them to stand up without us.
Iran’s offensive firepower is as impressive as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investing prowess.
The PA Senate race is within MOE.
Boxcheck Mamala is gonna cost Casey his seat.
@ 84
Israel is a big, grown-up country, and it’s time for them to stand up without us.
Also big (the size of Texas) and grown-up: Ukraine.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sick and tired of hearing about Israel and its problems.
Fuck, my great-great-great-great grandparents and their great-great-great-great grandparents are sick and tired of hearing about Ukraine and its problems:
Ukraine Has Seen Centuries of Conflict
“America doesn’t need another Tik-Tok performer.”
But then how will Welfare Queen YLB learn the newest dances?
If you’re Boxcheck Momala, how do you avoid word salads?
Iran has no reason to fear Boxcheck Momala.
Oh, and her one-word foreign policy is no different than Bi-Done’s.
Bi-Done and Boxcheck Momala are two spineless fucks who no one takes seriously.
They’re one-trick ponies in a stampeding world.
Once they really were.
They had a few thousand nukes. Maybe more than Israel.
But the United States and NATO forced them into relinquishing all of them in exchange for sovereignty and mutual defense.
Should we demand the same of Israel?