– Kind of old, but I like Emmitt’s Washington State flag redesign. My personal preference is that we change to being named after George Washington Bush and adopt one of Jacob Lawrence’s paintings to be the flag.
– This is a very funny headline in The Needling.
– And this story about Bellevue being the first city in the state to get a Monopoly board feels like a Needling headline. But it’s real.
Lets revisit the St. Louis Gay Bar where an officer drove into it and then arrested one of the owners who was then beaten before arriving at the jail for not giving their ID to the officer driving the car so he could presumably investigate why they put their bar in the path of his patrol car.
That officer is no longer with the department. Fired or resigned is unclear. But in the civil suit against the department by the bar owners St. Louis Police have been ordered by the judge to produce his personnel and disciplinary records by the judge.
Again, this has been ruled on. To date the Department refuses to comply. There is a hearing scheduled where the department will again ask to shield the records or at least be able to redact large portions of it for the privacy of the officer.
Stonewall is appropriate here.
While chasing an alleged fare skipper (a crime of $2.90) NYPD claimed they opened fire because the skipper had a knife. Two random subway riders hit and one is in critical condition.
Good guys with guns.
2 – Did the fare skipper get caught?
When the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Force Industries unveiled a new turboprop variant of the Shahed kamikaze attack drone on Iranian state television last year there was speculation that the new drone’s black coloring might indicate anti-radiation “stealth” coating.
In last night’s attacks on Kyiv over 95% of the drones that managed to launch were identified and successfully destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
So it looks like we have our answer.
Just a quick reminder then that the underwriting sponsors of Republican Donald Trump’s new cryptocurrency are interested in it as a means of evading global financial sanctions on nations, companies, and individuals intent on selling stealth tech to terrorist nations like Iran and Russia. This escalating race to evade sanctions and embargos has been going on for years. And it’s a big reason why President Zelensky is so desperate to obtain approval for effective strikes against the attack facilities in Russia launching these weapons. He understands that with people like Donald Trump seeking to enrich themselves by facilitating the transfer of this technology and these weapons it’s only a matter of time.
Tonight Trump leverages his brand to become a global merchant of terrorism. Watch as the collective gathering of Republican America celebrates and looks to cash in with him.
The good news is the crack shots with 8th grade educations and about 700 hours of professional training managed to take out one of their own.
When informed that the guy who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump had a Biden-Harris sticker on the back of his truck, Welfare Queen YLB responded that the sticker was merely misdirection by the wannabe assassin so that people wouldn’t know that he was totes in love with Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy.
And yes, she’s apparently serious about her claim. This is what it takes for HA’s Unserious Twat to become serious about anything.
Discussion about the fallout from the “black people eat pets” lies, is that so many bomb threats are going to called in on liberal poling places on the election day to disrupt the election and suppress the liberal vote.
5: How do you know they have eight grade educations?
When informed that a documented long time conservative voter turned on Trump and wildly supported Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley decided, “Anyone but Trump”…
Dumbfuck gonna Dumbfuck.
Ryan Routh is a lefty POS and is Steve’s alter ego.
Is there room in your head for me to live there too?
“ Good guys with guns.”
Yes, it would have been soooooo much better if the bad guy had the gun and the cops had the knife.
@11 There you are, you worthless bastard! I’m taking you to court to get my damned money back.
Certainly would have been a whole lot better for the cop who was shot by one of his own.
Because getting the hostages back has never been the plan. Genocide and razing the entire area has always been the plan.
Maybe chasing down someone over less than $3 is always the least safe option for all.
Follow up with pulling the trigger in an area crowded with people has a high likelihood of collateral damage.
NYPD, fuck that, gotta make sure the poors pay their share.
@13, 15 – Let’s just take the guns away from the cops so the poors (sic) can run totally amok. It’ll be better than when we defunded the police.
In a win over Dallas Caitlin with 35pts Clark broke the all time WNBA rookie scoring record with one regular season game to go.
The performance and Indiana’s return to the playoffs for the first time since 2016 puts her in the conversation for MVP (ROY is a lock). Vegas’ A’Ja Wilson is the expected MVP
You just ran headlong into the point.
Cops trained to respond with violence for a $3 crime are the problem in this scenario.
Over $3 NYPD is hoping one bystander survives and the civil judgement will cost the city what, half million?
Keeping in mind always that what you are “defending” here with deadly force is a $2.90 subway fare.
This is a good look on you. /s
Perhaps an alternative proposal would be to take the guns away from the police who demonstrate that they are incapable of carrying them responsibly. The bystander waiting on the platform after meeting a friend for brunch who was shot in the head, and the NYPD officer who was also shot by fellow officers might argue that it wasn’t worth $2.90. And most sensible people would agree. Frustration is not a good reason to open fire on a crowded subway platform.
A better outcome is available here, involving reasonable alternatives to your completely bullshit false dichotomy between “lawless mayhem” and “ultra-violent Robocops”. It is not unreasonable for sworn, trained and armed police officers to be expected to hold fire in a situation like this one. At some point, very obviously, even letting the fare jumper leave without making an arrest is very preferable. Oviously.
The 49-year-old man shot in the head by a police 9mm Gold Dot hollow point round will almost certainly die. But should he survive the injury it will only be with what are entirely predictable and very severe permanent health consequences. This is a 124-grain round with plenty of punch that quickly expands on impact but is still designed to penetrate effectively. IN HIS FUCKING BRAIN, asshole. Over a $2.90 weekend subway fare.
This incident is a proof point for the claim I often make here:
More police do not make us more safe.
More police make us less safe.
When Congress resumes this week the Please Help America Save Donald Trump’s Life firearms safety bill will be introduced that would place certain restrictions on the type of weapons that have now been employed twice in only two months in unsuccessful attempts to take the life of the Republican nominee and former president. The bill would also impose mandatory background checks on gun purchases to ensure that more irrationally frustrated, deeply disappointed conservative white males are unable to purchase their assasination rifle of choice.
We’ll just have to hope enough Republicans are interested in taking these simple small steps to try and save the life of their nominee and hero. At the rate these attempts are taking place time may be running out.
Robinson speaking during a church service in North Carolina. In that speech, he discussed “evil” people who he said threatened American Christianity. “Some folks need killing,” he said while in the pulpit.
@16. So in your head, the cops with guns are the only barrier keeping the poor from running amok.
You have a bleak world view. Do you feel there would be a complete collapse of law and order if there wasn’t a police force ready at all time to kill any lawbreaking underclass for for any crime big or small?
You can’t imagine people being lawful if they had a path to success and were treated fairly and equitably?
Never mind, if trump is your template, he’s going to die in prison if he follows the rules, so running amok, cheating, stealing and lying is in his self interest. You probably can’t imagine a world where following the rule of law is beneficial.
A bit more to know about Trump’s cryptocurrency debut introducing his brand into global export and monetization of WMD proliferation and terror.
The “coin” and other transactional features are to be based on a previously released, very small defi app called “DOUGH”, which following a massiv hack was shut down in 2021 and the accounts folded into a different defi system.
Seventy percent of the coin holdings will be held by mostly unknown “insiders” presumed to be the initial underwriters of the product, but who will apparently include Don Jr. and Eric, Donald J. Trump, real estate investor and Trump funder Steve Witkoff, and top executives running the day-to-day, quite a few of whom have criminal records in the US and EU.
The fact that 70% of the tokens will be held by unknown insiders also gives some clues to the proposed object of all this.
A big beautiful money laundry to replace the one that used to exist in high end real estate and was the reason why so many guys with Russian names own homes and square footage in Trump (and Witkoff) properties.
Try not to pay too much attention tonight when the assembled gliteratti of the GOP gather to cheer on the Trump family as they attempt to build a new way for global criminals to get around financial restrictions and expand the export of deadly violence all over the world.
Just imagine me as the nominee for President. Only one issue to deal with first.
jerkoff dickhead bowman:
J.D. Vance tripled down on his debunked claims that Haitian immigrants are killing and eating local pets in Springfield, Ohio, while also admitting, “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
translation: I’m a “creative” magat repuke and I’ll make any shit up to get orange dear leader and my lying ass into the White House.. I can grift and hustle with the best of ’em. And I need the practice for the day when bad orange man kicks.”
Cubans! We need more Cubans! They vote Republican!
Fat Hitler is now crying like a weak bitch complaining that the reason his own voters won’t stop trying to kill him is because fuckheads like me keep calling him Fat Hitler.
Look, I can’t help it that his own voters have all lost their shit and a bunch of them seem to want him dead. That’s not good. They should stop doing that. But I’m certainly not the one responsible for their ever increasing impotent rage and sense of humiliating emasculating.
That’s on Fat Hitler. He should stop kicking around his own supporters. He should be more encouraging and positive and help them look forward to a better future instead of constantly lying to them and making them feel like shit.
But all that could change for them in an instant if the just switched sides and got on board with the new generation of American leadership. Sure, there’s a bunch of other things that could be done, starting with taking military assault rifles away from dangerous criminal lunatics. But the simplest, fastest, easiest way to alleviate all that violent anger on the political right would be for them to just switch sides.
“The sheriff of an Ohio county … told his followers to ‘write down’ the addresses of people who put Harris-Walz signs in their front lawns so that he could drop off any undocumented immigrants at their residences.”
I hope he does, so they can sue his department into bankruptcy.
A turd circling the drain always gains speed and energy the closer it gets to being pulled into oblivion.
JD, I don’t think it matters who it is, The People love me! They all love me. The cats and dogs of Springfield love me, just ask Melania or Ivanka, they all love me!
Radical leftist commies, who are kidnapping the pets and cooking them on their zero emissions grills powered by fascist windmills while murdering the beautiful babies right after they force them into sex changes, have got to stop using harsh rhetoric.
Or I’ll just start to blame everything on JD. I never liked him to begin with.
You mean other than the tape of him discussing facts not being covered and ‘alternative facts’ are just facts not being covered and
”Haitian Nigger..Migrants”
We can all hear it Meaghan. Its not even distorted.
Fat Hitler
Nutjobs are to Fat Hitler as stink is to shit, inseparable. It’s really all his fault.
Where’s dumbfuck? Out eating his neighbor’s cat?
Enjoy it until Elmo takes it down
Ghastly. Shameless. And very real.
When they tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
Of course that is not what he intended to say.
Of course he wishes he hadn’t said it.
But that doesn’t mean he did not say it. And it certainly doesn’t mean that when he said it that wasn’t the word he had in his head. He just fucked up and said the quiet part out loud.
This is prominent Republicans and MAGA Trumpers using vile, racist language to target good people in a small American community. And THAT is the extreme, hateful rhetoric that needs to be called out. This casual, intimate, racist slur exchanged very naturally between friends and close associates as a way of signalling community gets people dragged to death behind pickup trucks or chained to rural fences along a highway, peed on, and left to die of exposure.
@ 33, 35
The N-word doesn’t begin with the sound “m”.
This isn’t a Michael Richards comedy routine.
Well, the Deep State is certainly persistent!
This isn’t a Michael Richards comedy routine.
No shit? So JD made the whole thing up, pulled it from his fat ass, and you support both him and Fat Fucking Hitler. The blame is on you too, traitor. Everything is your fault.
Let’s start with the bomb scares and the closure of Springfield schools and public buildings. You get off on that shit?
USA Today/Suffolk has Harris +3 in Pennsylvania.
The trend isn’t dumbfuck’s friend.
Picturing Scotty P with both index fingers jammed into each ear hole singing “la la la la la la la”.
Everyone can hear what he said very clearly. Moreover, the word “migrants” has nothing whatsoever to do with any of it. This isn’t 78-year-old Grandpa Alzheimer’s getting his words mixed up. Top scholar and editor knows his words. That is a laughably weak and truly stupid excuse to make in this case. 🤡🤣💩🧌
DERP STATE put the hard “r” in Rich Lowry’s head?
Well now I’m at a loss.
TIME MUSHEEN couldn’t do that.
And not being an “expert” I can’t really comment on the capabilities of the JOO space laser George Soros has hidden behind the moon.
Does it also transmit brain waves?
33 MAGA bomb threats targeting 22 facilities and institutions in and around Springfield Ohio, including public schools, churches, and medical facilities since Trump lied about “The Black Voodoo Cannibalism” during the debate last week.
@35 that’s a nice smile and nod as she says yeah, to “come take (eat) the guess of the golf course”. And while your at remove the guess pop…..right after picking the cotton.
Bob’s true racist colors and fascist boot licking is coming to light here. He’s a traitor.
It’s not hard to spot a racist POS Nazi loving traitor, first sign is the homophobia.
@36. Troll, you are right, the republican was clearly saying “Haitian miggers”. Totally not the N word at all.
Jo at JoJoFromJerz on Xitter.
Republicans will inevitably say “it’s not the guns, it’s the mental health.”
And yet they have repeatedly voted against expanding access to mental health services.
What have they expanded access to instead?
The guns.
It’s all lies. Fake polls. I am winning Pennsylvania. We don’t even need to vote. It’s over. I won. Everybody loves me there. I had a big rally
Looking forward to the new PITBull single where Migrant rhymes with trigger, figure and bigger
Just blocked Taylor Swift on all my socials.
Teach that bitch a lesson.
@21 That rhetoric wouldn’t give anyone ideas, would it? Meanwhile America’s biggest hypocrite tries to blame political violence on Democratic rhetoric.
Hoo boy, do I feel stupid.
You’re absolutely right of course. I listened again. And I see now how very clearly he did indeed say “miggers”.
My bad. “Haitian miggers” is perfectly okay. Right? RIGHT?
Sure it is. Obviously.
A classic portmanteau combining “migrant” and “mugger”.
Everybody knows that one. Duh.
How incredibly stupid of me.
Media over analyzing, 24 hour news cycle is part of the problem. They’re wondering whether the shooter had any cavities and how often he visited the dentist and whether his dentist is sic gender.
Heterosexual Neanderthals killing this country. The virus is a pandemic
@ 54
… whether his dentist is sic gender.
There’s cis and there’s sick.
If we don’t see the ladies on The View spending half of today’s show talking about the conservative so racist he has no trouble saying the N-word in a recorded interview and claiming that Megyn Kelly is so racist she didn’t call him on it, we’ll know that this is nothing more than a liberal wet dream about a guy who muffed a word.
For a bunch of libbies so aghast at what they wish they could believe they heard, you were awfully silent about the Democrat congressman who actually used the word jigaboo when addressing a black woman a couple of months back. Maybe it’s because the black woman he spoke to was silent about it, and his black primary opponent was silent about it. Muffing a word is a nothingburger.
“I’ll take false equivalences for $2000?”
A thing said in response to offensive behavior AND a claim that the behavior never happened?
“What is an apology and lying?”
Correct that takes you to $5700. We’ll be right back after the break.
When Republican Race Science™️ becomes vocabulary science.
A whole bunch of interesting poll results out this morning.
Looks like the Scotty P cherry sifter will leave him with Trafalgar and Insider Advantage. GLWT
I mean who among us HASN’T mixed up words that rhyme like spite a spic, nap and wop, knob and kike?
Sorry IF you were offended.
Why are employers firing Americans and hiring illegals? Shouldn’t we be prosecuting employers for hiring illegals?
You know why they need to ban TikTok?
So a teacher can’t go live as IDF troops escort illegal settlers to a Palestinian primary school in the West Bank and stand by while the settlers beat kids with bats driving them off school grounds.
Certainly one of the more interesting results comes from Suffolk (high quality poll) in PA. Among other interesting things, their survey found that right now, among likely Republican voters, Vice President Harris enjoys a higher approval than her 78-year-old opponent, 49% to 47%.
When your candidate is more popular with his own voters your messaging is working. Keep in mind that these Republican likely voters in PA are far more highly engaged with the news and the campaigns than undecided swing voters. So if your messaging is effective it can be expected to be more effective with these highly engaged voters. Which tells your campaign they’re doing good messaging. They just need to do more of it to reach more undecided swing voters.
That’s exactly where a campaign wants to find itself with six weeks to go. The right candidates, the right messaging, and hopefully the right tactics in each of the battleground states and the right electoral strategy.
It sure beats the hell out of the other campaign struggling to find message footing still blabbing about Race Science™️, cat barbecues, and daily defending silly, useless lies.
@56 “a guy who muffed a word”
Kinda like a fielder who muffed an easy play at home plate?
They could bill the Junior Senator for the overtime? Side note, if you MAGAts ever really wanted to know the Top Speed of your 2003 F-150 with the tailgate off for ‘air dynamic flow’ hit the highway. They’re all busy.
Ya know when Scotty P bitches and mewls about the dreaded DERP STATE!!! conspiring against his beloved Fat Hitler?
This is what he’s actually talking about:
An unqualified goober wtih a talent for football tricks and gambling drafts an Executive Order withdrawing thousands of U.S. troops from all over the world and shutting global security down in key regions, gets Fat Hitler to sign it, and then ALL the collected top level Republicans within the administration, completely loyal to Trump, go to see him and he rescinds it because Fat Hitler has no fucking clue.
That’s the real DERP STATE!!! And what a DERP STATE!!! it is. The chaos and failure that can only come from true incompetence.
Trump couldn’t get shit done because Trump.
It’s a very critical time right now for Democrats.
The Harris/Walz campaign in flush with cash, volunteers, and outside support. The candidates for president and vice president are very popular. The messaging is effective and appealing. And the polls appear to be moving slowly (slowly is to be expected) in their direction at the top of the ballot.
But the picture is less clear and may include some profound risk down the ballot. West Virginia will flip this November. Senator John Tester is trailing in Montana. Senators Sherrod Brown and Jacky Rosen are in very tough races for re-eleciton. The DSCC is considering making a push to challenge Republican Senate Republicans in Florida and Texas to hedge against the possibility of a loss in Montana or elsewhere. But those are both incredibly expensive states in which to invest money in a challenge. Both Colin Allred and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell are polling very well against Rick Scott and Ted Cruz respectively. But that’s owing mostly to the very low approval and unpopularity of the two Republican incumbents.
A move by the DSCC, if it were to happen, could also be a precursor to lead additional investments from the affiliated Harris/Walz PACs, also very flush with cash. But both the DSCC and Harris/Walz will naturally want to have a better idea how well their existing priorities are situated before trying to expand the map. And the risk is that if they wait too long, the expected value of the investments in those states can drop fast, as undecided voters move closer to voting and begin settling on decisions.
I believe the smart money is to go hard into Montana to secure Tester’s re-election success before doing any map expansion in the Senate. And then I believe the focus should be on only one of the two races. And that should be Texas.
Some people have pagers.
Some people are Hezbollah.
All people with Pagers are Hezbollah.
Is Trump fucking Laura Loomer? I’m not saying I believe the rumors; after all, rumors aren’t fact. I just find the possibility intriguing, that’s all. It could explain why she’s jetting around with him even though she doesn’t work for his campaign. And Trump could use a morale booster after two of his supporters tried to blow him away in as many months.
Why I think Texas is the better option for expanding the Senate map has much to do with what we know about Texas and Florida voters, voting age adults, demographics, and Republicans.
The Florida Republican party has pursued a voter expansion operation for decades. I’m not saying they make it easy for younger, or non-white voters to participate. Rather, they’ve actually operated a fairly sophisticated effort to identify and target Republican leaning voting age adults, get them registered, get them signed up for mail ballots and get them to fill them out in nearly every election. The voter and ballot supression efforts are a new thing in Florida and are mostly driven by Team Fat Midget. They’ve got a lot of office holders on their side, which makes it effective. But the point is that there is not as large a reservoir available in Florida of potential Lean-D voting age adults for Dems to target.
By comparison, Texas is stacked deep and wide with younger, non-white voters who have been discouraged from participation and even prosecuted and imprisoned for trying. And Texas is fertile ground for Dobbs messaging to reach these voters. The trick is to develop and deploy the right messages centering women’s health and safety and trusting doctors and scientists instead of engaging in Republican culture wars framing.
With the right messaging Democrats can mount an effective registration and turnout blitz in a state like Texas that, when combined with incredibly low incumbent popularity among targeted demographics and the large and growing electoral gender gap, can give a challenger like Allred a very good chance.
That kind of blitz would have to rely on a nationwide network of volunteers willing to put in the hours and the work finding and contacting those younger and non-white voting age adults in Texas. Today is national voter registration day. Get on it.
ALSO, POS leftists must stop saying mean but true things about me and the lies I tell. It might get me shot.”
Okay Nostradamus.
Trump 2020 “If Joe Biden is elected the stock market will crash. It might even be a 1929 situation”
TRUMP late last night:
Donald J. Trump
@realDonald Trump
Remember when the troll predicted endlessly that Hillary was running? Talk about weird.
@74 He’s never been right about anything, so it’s not surprising he was wrong about that. Didn’t he also argue Michelle would be the nominee?
It looks like even Joe Rogan is ditching Trump.
Jonah Goldberg called Trump and Vance “dumb.”
The GOP isn’t exactly prospering these days.
The growing backlash among Islamic Voters against Kamala Harris think….hmmmmmmmm
Donald has the political instincts and skill of a young Goodspaceguy.
It’s easy to forget in the pet eating outrage, but Trump did absolutely terrible in the debate. She dominated him. She baited him and he reacted every time. She was presidential, he was a mentally disturbed elderly crank.
P Diddy suffering from the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
But hey that’s just normal mainstream society life, no?
Bob, the Dumbfuck, just says she to incite, and to be a Dumbfuck conspiracy theorists. He’ll, literally, never be right in life. He failed medical school. He could never be a doctor and he’s bitter about it. And now he’s stuck with horses.🐴
And Bob, you are part of the sick, with a virus called Heterosexual Neanderthal Syndrome. 🍴