You should have received your ballot. Go make sure you have it. If you haven’t got it yet, go ahead and contact your county elections office.
And, hey. Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
You should have received your ballot. Go make sure you have it. If you haven’t got it yet, go ahead and contact your county elections office.
And, hey. Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
So now we’re learning the reason why Trump is insisting on returning to outdoor rallies despite the security challenges is largely because his 2016/2020 campaigns are still dodging past due invoices from mid sized arenas all over the heartland so there are few option of places to rent.
This doesn’t absolve the secret service from making the secure perimeter smaller than the range of the weapon of choice among mass shooters but it does add a wrinkle.
It was with much fanfare that Donald J Trunp opened a TikTok account and bought followers to say “record growth.”
Since then the actual viewership numbers have steadily dropped with each posted video.
For example, late last week Donnie posted a video of himself having a chat with professional internet troll and soon to be Mike Tyson victim Jake Paul.
To Date it has 185k views.
On the same day the brand new Kamala Harris TikTok account posted a video of her and largely forgotten 90s boy band member Lance Bass.
To date 3.2M views.
While double checking those numbers noticed a new video on the Harris page. Been up for 6 minutes. 10k views.
@ 3
On the same day the brand new Kamala Harris TikTok account posted a video of her and largely forgotten 90s boy band member Lance Bass.
To date 3.2M views.
While double checking those numbers noticed a new video on the Harris page. Been up for 6 minutes. 10k views.
Yes, couples fuck a whole lot during the honeymoon. Four years after that, less so.
Boxcheck Momala’s honeymoon week is coming to an end. Whether her numbers climb from here remains to be seen. As she is forced to speak and defend the administration’s record, her numbers will fall.
But good on you to point out that we’re experiencing Peak Boxcheck Momala.
“Which is incapable of solvin even the swollest smallest problem the simplest of problems we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything we are an institute in a powerful death penalty we will put this on.”
The sad desperation.
Don’t worry, they’ll all come back to Dotard ranting about immunity for cops who kill black women in their homes and and JD asking immigrants who have something to offer to come you know from Denmark and Britain and other Wonder Bread complexion immigrants.
Say did you catch Elon banning a credentialed AP reporter from his app because he posted his photo that had already gone out over the wire of Donald’s undamaged ear.
Ronnie Jackson swore there was a chunk blown off. Seems to have miraculously regenerated in the way cartilage doesn’t.
Ryan Zinke US House, R-MT on Fox News this morning claiming the Republican mutter trying to shoot Donald Trump is part of a government plot to take him out.
Why have Qannon when you’ve got elected Republicans at the ready.
So what they are saying is it’s a matter of having enough money to purchase a weapon system with the longer range to a stationary target on an elevated stage with zero wind.
Good to know.
So VIce President Kamala Harris’ TikTok pointing out the Iowa abortion ban means women won’t even know their pregnant before they can’t get a basic medical procedure reached more people in an hour than Donnie reached in 5 days.
Calling it a ‘Trump Abortion Ban’ is smart politics.
Iowa Goes Blue
Be sure to get the kind of weapon it is 100% legal to open carry in whatever state you’re making your plans and you can pretty much do whatever you want.
Then sing the praises of the NRA for giving you that right.
Not just any photojournalist.
The former official White House photographer and Director of the White House Office of Photography serving in both the Reagan and Obama administrations.
Trump put 14 million people out of work, blew up the deficit and gave nukes to Iran.
@ 6 [and @ 11, equally silly but late to the party]
Say did you catch Elon banning a credentialed AP reporter from his app…
1. Make a silly claim that Trump wasn’t really shot and that wasn’t really blood streaming down his face when he was laying on the stage with Secret Service all over him.
2. Experience the blowback resulting from the silly denialism.
3. Delete your account to get away from your past.
4. Claim your account was deleted by somebody else.
Nice work if you can get it.
It’s not Souza’s first effort to cast shade on anything Trump. From CNN:
Trump sent an armed mob to the Capitol to murder police.
@ 6, 11, 13
Here’s Newsweek’s take on the Souza account:
Libbies are silly twats. They are reduced to arguing whether Trump took 3 mm of a bullet or only 2.4 mm of a bullet.
On the cover of the current New York magazine, Beyonce is flashing the “White Power” sign.
Hey, it’s as verifiable as Pete Souza’s claim that Trump wasn’t really shot because after two weeks his ear’s largely healed, because it’s not bleeding and the tissue looks sorta pink:
Silly twat snowflakes are so afraid of photographic evidence that they ban journalism.
Don’t believe us?
Try posting this on X.
So, is this the kind of weapon I’ll need?
Until I came to HA three years ago or so, I hadn’t heard the word “twat” since 7th grade. The guys using the word were losers then and they still are.
Just sayin’.
There’s a very simple way to clear this up. Kind of the same as tax returns.
Meanwhile there’s a contemporaneous photo out there indicating that there was superficial wounds to Donnie’s face (2) bolstering the theory that shrapnel of some kind was the cause not a bullet.
Show us the discharge report, Don. Or are you hiding something again?
As truly shocked as I have been at the historically unprecedented outpouring of support, financing, enthusiasm and energy that Vice President Harris has generated in just a single week, I suspect that the Village Idiot is at least a little right that we are in some kind of a honeymoon period before the convention next month.
But that being said, what matters most about these historical moments is not as much about what they represent but more about what the campaign and its supporters do with the moment.
MAGA has had these moments too, even if we hate to acknowledge them. But they have rather consistently used them to generate in-group obedience, cult worship, and to target more hate and grievance.
Trump’s ear boo-boo is a pretty good example. That was a moment. But the sympathy or even admiration it provoked was pretty quickly drowned beneath wave of insanity, resentment, and cult worship, sharks, cunts, n***ers, and sofas that served mostly to repulse independent voters.
The thing to watch will be how Democrats and the Harris campaign use this honeymoon, the VP pick, and the convention bump to expand outreach and broaden their coalition in key demographics and battleground states.
We’re about three open threads from HA libbies claiming that Trump cut his own ear.
This is a pretty monumental come-down from:
Trump raised taxes on low income working families, doubled the deficit and put 14 million Americans out of work.
Then a fellow Republican shot at him.
Republicans want to bring Big Government into your bedroom
Two comments regarding this email sent from the US Capitol Police Deputy Chief to the House Sergeant-at-Arms the day before J6:
1. Sounds like a conspiracy to prevent certification.
2. The House had plenty of warning, yet did nothing.
I expect climate refugees will pile into Whidbey Island by the millions when the equatorial belt becomes uninhabitable due to the climate change hoax.
Lesson learned: Political beliefs don’t change reality.
@26 Yeah and the incoming Bush administration ignored the outgoing Clinton administration’s warnings about al Qaeda, too.
In most cases, doc, there’s no conspiracy; just an unwillingness to listen. Happens a lot in politics and bureaucracies.
@25 And schools and libraries, where Bibles will be required reading.
@21 Fwiw, Snopes has debunked the couch fucking story, after tracing it to Elon’s den of lies (where else?). But for the record, what Snopes precisely debunked was the claim he mentioned it in his book, which he didn’t, and that’s not exactly the same as verifying he didn’t do it.
I think it’s unfortunate, from an intellectual honesty point of view, for a person to have a scurvy lie hung around his neck like an albatross. But hey, they do it to our guys and gals all the time, so sympathy has to be rationed.
@17 Well, I guess he can afford to overeat better than most people can. But if I can afford a home gym, he can too, so the only reason he isn’t working out is he’s a lazy fuck. He’ll probably claim he’s too busy ruling his little corners of the world, though.
Clearly, no part of the ear was “blown off.”
It was nicked, and like a shaving nick, it bled like fuck. Ears must have a lot of little blood vessels.
1. Sounds like a conspiracy to prevent certification.
Really? And so not “cosplaying tourists” after all.
Did the crates filled with firearms provide you with any useful clues there, Sherlock?
2. The House had plenty of warning, yet did nothing.
The email is dated Jan 5th, asshole. Maybe come up with something else next time.
The United States of America would not have to treat its elections processes and its national capital like a high security vulnerability if the second largest major political party was not committed to acts of political violence as a means of obtaining power.
When I was recovering on the Navy hospital ship, I saw an NVA officer brought in on a litter who’d been grazed on the side of his head by a bullet. Had to be either 5.56mm or 7.65mm. There was a white furrow in his skull, but the bone wasn’t penetrated, so no brains were leaking out. No blood either; our medics must have cleaned him up. He was awake but dazed and glassy-eyed, it probably felt like getting walloped with a hammer. Our Army guys picked him up; a Navy medic told me the Marines didn’t take prisoners. I don’t know if that was true or just talk. He had a more serious abdominal wound and the medic told me our doctors wouldn’t bust their asses to save him. I have no idea what happened to him. I saw all kinds of shit on the hospital ship while I was there, including a grisly burn case. I was aboard the ship the day Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, and the Navy cooks made cakes, so we had cake with dinner in the ship’s enlisted mess that day. The Navy food in general was a hell of a lot better than us Army guys got ashore on the dirt so I stayed on the ship as long as they’d let me. But just sayin’, I know what a bullet graze to the head looks like. Trump wasn’t grazed; just clipped in the ear. Luckier than that NVA guy. Close call, though, and when you’re being shot at, do you really care whether it’s a bullet or shrapnel? It still bleeds, hurts, and scares holy fuck out of you.
Dolly Parton is a childless cat lady. Tennessee goes blue.
“cosplaying tourists”
It was a dozen cosplaying grandmothers in a stack formation looking for the visitors entrance.
I can see that when Dear Leader declares J6 a national holiday you libbie twats will be weeping bitter tears. That is, if you haven’t been rounded up and executed for treason yet.
If you offered a Purple Heart for Trump’s wound to a Vietnam field vet, he’d glare at you like you just fell out of a rubber tree.
Purple Hearts for scratches didn’t have status there. Hell, they got worse cuts from the elephant grass.
Reports I’ve read explained that the passage describing sex with sofas was only present in the first run of first edition hardcovers of the book. Prior to publication in softcover and ebook the content received substantial revision.
This could also be another lie. But it’s not what Snopes investigated nor what Snopes claims to have debunked.
I have not been able to see a hardcover edition to say one way or another. I don’t know anybody with such shitty tastes. And library copies are later editions printed and bound for library use only.
The sad thing is, once you take the trouble to familiarize yourself with this guy’s personal history in accurate detail and compare it to his manufactured mythology, the story about fucking furniture does not feel that out-of-character.
This is one ugly, fat, weird, lonely young man living with his grandmother – think Thurman Merman in Bad Santa.
Being diet private in the USMC got rid of his fatbody. He’s not stupid. And he got pushed. The Corp provided him with a lifetime worth of discipline. At Ohio State he had nothing better to do but study and pass exams. And then he got his ass into Yale for the weird, formerly fat, ugly, Marine-who-lives-with-his-grandma diversity he contributed to the class. And then Tiger Mom Yale prof Amy Chua took him under her wing and coached him into turning an undergrad essay into a non-fiction cri de coeur for the opiate addicted fly-overs just when that was the new “hot thing”.
He’s changed his name something like four times since turning 18. And completely reinvented himself politically to suit whoever was willing to pay him.
If I had to guess, I’d bet the sofa fucking was in the original hardcover edtion.
And I’d wager he made the whole thing up, just like he’s made up nearly everything else about himself.
Would be a shame if OTHER AP photogs got pictures of his unblemished ear at other events on the same day.
I just want to say that getting shot at doesn’t turn a draft dodger into a veteran, and getting winged in the ear doesn’t make him a hero. He’d be a hero if he intentionally took a bullet to save a Secret Service agent like the hero firefighter did who saved his family. Instead Trump made their job harder by wriggling free of them and exposing himself for that fist-pump photo-op.
34 – So, the Trump shooting was a conspiracy then?
It was one Republican shooting at another Republican.
And unfortunately Republicans are only reliably on target when tazing themselves in the nut sack.
@38 “Reports I’ve read explained that the passage describing sex with sofas was only present in the first run of first edition hardcovers of the book.”
Snopes debunked that, too. Traced it to the original jokester, who admitted he made it up and altered an image of the book page.
Vice President Harris’s favorability polling now surpasses 78-year-old convicted felon Donald J. Trump in key battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsyvania, Minnesota, and Michigan.
We’re too lenient with gun crimes. People like this should be off the streets until they’re no longer a threat.
@41 Nothing in my post @34 mentions “conspiracy.” Everything points to Crooks being a lone actor driven by his own lust for notoriety.
I’d recommend you go directly to Snopes rather than relying on the AI bot generated summaries on MSN or whatever that is.
Snopes details their efforts to debunk the story, which are actually pretty minimal. But they could not verify the identities of any of their sources (problematic), nor could they directly obtain copies of the source text (lazy), instead relying on images generated by their anonymous sources, which can also be faked. So their falsification of the claim depends upon potentially faked images provided by anonymous sources.
It certainly isn’t in the later editions. And so it hardly matters.
Vance is weird. Trump is weird. Both are incompetent, lazy, unpopular, and have disturbing ideas about sex. Trump wants revenge and to escape eventual imprisonment. Vance wants fascism.
@ 46
Everything points to Crooks being a lone actor driven by his own lust for notoriety.
Everything except the complete absence of any written or spoken comment by the shooter to suggest this, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You pulled this out of your prodigiously voluminous ass.
When did Boxcheck Momala do a complete 180 degree flip-flop on her fracking stance?
’cause in 2019 she was crystal clear that she wanted fracking banned.
Those coming GOP ads in Pennsylvania are gonna leave a mark.
Other than Elon’s claim there is zero evidence to suggest he supported either of them. There are no donation that require public disclosure. He seems to have given mostly similar amounts to DNSC and RNC.
But that he bought Twitter to ‘enhance free speech’ because Trump and Bannon and Alex Jons got banned for inciting a riot is surely circumstantial evidence that his claim to have voted for Hilary and Joe is utter bullshit.
VA Stays Blue.
Because when a local community votes that the “Moms for Liberty” daughter of Antonin Scalia has no business at all being on the school board (62% to 38%) Governor Youngkin appoints her to the STATE school board (Board of Education) She has zero relevant experience other than pulling her kids out of the public school very publicly and then failing at running for local schoolboard but none of that matters. Best person in the entire state for the job according to Youngkin.
How many more ways can the GOP shoot themselves in the foot before November?
John Bolton is still a fucking asshole but he’s not taking shit from Newsmax.
Dumbfuck will be undeterred.
The list of people who want no part of Boxcheck Momala’s ticket has grown to now include:
True Gretch
Hair Gel
Term-limited NC guv Roy Cooper
Boxcheck Momala is so brave.
Can’t let reporters ask about Boxcheck Momala’s flip-flop on fracking, can we?
Still in the running, a number of people who have never fucked a couch, haven’t publicly called their wife a baby factory, hasn’t said they encourage immigration but only from white countries, AND isn’t a forced birther.
It’s all going to be fine but thanks for your concern.
Trump would be a fool to debate Harris, and even he knows it.
@53 You know why, don’t you? Has nothing to do with Harris; he doesn’t want to make Mark Robinson governor.
@51 Youngkin got elected by pretending to be a “moderate Republican.” Nobody’s fooled anymore.
@50 That sure is expensive “free” speech. I don’t think he did it to give Trump and Bannon a shitposting platform, though. He did it to give himself shitposting a platform.
Vice President Harris’s favorability polling now surpasses 78-year-old convicted felon Donald J. Trump in key battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsyvania, Minnesota, and Michigan.
It’s still hard to imagine anyone, even orange tinted dear leader, approaching a tenth of the unlikability of the Hindenburg that was kon-klown DEE-Santis.
aka the unlikable fascist kreep kreepshit has ghosted. too funee..
Ron F’s xitter stream is documenting magat weirdness:
The magats can keep their weird, vote sane in November..
Trump, if elected, won’t stand for this; it’s government interference in poultry producers’ lives:
Yes, you can get salmonella by voting Republican.
He’s fucking terrified.
OPEC nations daily production numbers are mostly unchanged since 2022 due to the caps Donald convinced them at the end of his presidency to adopt. OPEC is meeting next week and Donald is warning them NOT to increase production because that will bring down gas prices.
And why does that terrify him? Joe Biden broke OPEC by opening the SPR and getting a handle on the surge in prices and then sitting back and watching US producers set record amounts of production in 2022, 2023, and on target to do it again in 2024. OPEC is kind of out of options as Venezuela is in a cash crisis and there’s no way they’re going to agree to a production cut, Iran’s oil is mostly under sanction and isn’t much of a factor, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are looking at a potential escalation of Israeli aggression in the region. Keeping current production is the only card they can play for Donnie. Flooding the marked to try to tamp down US production of more expensive to extract Shale Oil is probably their desired move.
The summer gas surge didn’t really happen so this signature “I did that!” issue is off the table not just because Joe isn’t running but because Americans are paying on average $.25 less per gallon than last year. $3 average by election day is very possible.
And meanwhile, Donald is out there saying “Please OPEC keep pump prices high for the average family. I pinky swear I will make it up to you somehow even though I’m going to lose.”
Absolutely ZERO self awareness.
“Fuck your Feelings!”
“Calling us weird is Juvenile and hurtful.”
Call me weird and I’ll look at my clothes choices, hobbies, musical taste and jokes that make me laugh and go, “Yeah that tracks.”
Call a conservative weird and he’ll call you a soy boy or a queer and say you’re persecuting their Christianity.
The White Dudes for Harris Xitter account @dudes4harris organized a Zoom event that raised over $4 million.
So of course Elmo suspended the account.
MAGA’s greatest plutocratic backer is so cowardly and so lacking in any confidence in Trump or his ideas that he needs to silence the opposition.
@63 “Venezuela is in a cash crisis and there’s no way they’re going to agree to a production cut”
Cut what? There’s no Venezuelan oil production to cut. That country’s oil industry has collapsed.
Escapee from evangelicalism explains what made her see through the bullshit.
The Elderly Senile Criminal Wants Police To Be Above the Law
Donald Trump pledged to give cops “immunity from prosecution.” The idea is both legally illiterate and dangerous.
>> He wants them to take orders directly from him, and do shit that isn’t legal.
>> “As long as I’m dictator, I will shield you from any consequences of your actions. Keep it that way. “
Well now The Heritage Foundation is going with ‘Stalin was good on abortion and no fault divorce.’
Deeply weird guys.
Well now The Heritage Foundation is going with ‘Stalin was good on abortion and no fault divorce.’
Deeply weird guys.
Talking to a man with a wife a two kids as though he were a woman? I’d call that…weird.
Well because a manual ‘latch’ is a thing of the past and we have newer and bester ways.
In case you were wondering about how you were going to buy that new RV for Clarence, gonna have to sell more.
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp DJT:NASDAQ
28.67 (-4.91%)
Words of the lyin’ klown of Florida, kreepshit’s krush of its “life” that it’s now ghosting:
“I can tell you, I’ve watched the Republicans have the House now since 2022, they’ve got really nothing to show for it. I remember the first two years we had a Republican Congress when Trump was president and they really failed to deliver in a big way. So now I think is the time to put up or shut up. We’ve shown that it can be done in Florida, so follow that lead and do it nationally.”
Wow.. Still plans to run on making the US Florida.. Took that to Iowa and fayled. Everyone hates this unlikable fascist hustler like they hate Ted Kankun.
Stable Genius.
Because once you open the door to the stupidity of ‘natural immunity’ the homeschoolers are going to bust it off its hinges.
kreepshit’s concern trolling in the Snowball thread is too funee..
Its fellow bonzo buttlicking VIP room buds are cringing right now.
“ …haven’t publicly called their wife a baby factory…”
Correct: they call their wives “baby momma.”