Good morning to everyone except the jerks with initiatives targeting LGBT folks. Stop being jerks, you big ol’ jerks. At least they’re losing in court, like a bunch of jerks.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
I’ve long wished that was rich so I could afford to buy a little boat with an outboard motor.
From the end of the W Bush fiasco through last month voters views on abortion and how the issue motivates their decisions in elections have shifted dramatically.
In 2007 60% of voters surveyed said abortion was merely one of a great many issues they considered when choosing how to vote.
By May of this year that had fallen to 45%. While the percentage of voters who said they only vote for candidates who share their views on abortion had doubled, from 16% to 32%, with all of that increase taking place in the last ten years of intensifying legal challenges to abortion.
Which candidates benefit from the change?
Well, 23% of voters surveyed in May said they would only vote for a pro-rights candidate. While only 8% said they would only vote for a “pro-life” candidate. The percentage of pro-rights voters more than doubled since 2020. While the percentage of womb-worshipers fell from 13% to 8%. And while the abortion views of those survey respondents who identified themselves as Republican or independent voters haven’t budged in the last four years, the composition of views by respondents identifying themselves as Democrats have been completely transformed by Dobbs, with double digit increases in the percentages of Democrats who say abortion should be legal in all circumstances, that abortion is morally acceptable to them, and that the issue will determine how they vote in November.
Abortion is a turnout issue. How much of a turnout issue is not something polling can easily measure. But mid terms and other elections held since Dobbs, many of which have been used to test and measure voter response, have indicated that it has shifted the partisan turnout advantage in off-year and mid term elections away from Republicans.
We should keep abortion front and center in the swing states because of the power it demonstrates in bringing our voters out in greatly increased percentages in places where small shifts in the election results produce massive consequences. But we should also remember that for most disengaged, non-aligned voters this year abortion is not the only issue they will consider. They need to hear how much better President Biden’s performance is on the economy.
For example, in his one term in office Trump borrowed twice as much money to fund government spending as President Biden has in his first term. And Trump’s spending entirely benefitted wealthy assholes just like him. Better with Biden.
@ 1
Buying little is the key to rich.
I’ll take Poorly Timed Articles for $500, Alex.
Exasperated Democrats try to stamp out talk of replacing Biden
Coulda been worse. Coulda been published Thursday morning.
@ 2
They need to hear how much better President Biden’s performance is on the economy.
Yes, because if it’s shouted loudly enough and with sufficient frequency voters may forget that in 2020 they made rent and in 2024 they can’t.
Five more months of super intelligent remarks.
To the Faith and Freedumb Coalition gathering:
Let’s go to the George Washington Historical Society. At the time of his father’s death George was willed 11 slaves on the family farm. At the time of George Washington’s death there were 317 slaves at Mt. Vernon. (Sort of) Admirably Washington’s will left Emancipation instructions for the remaining slaves but only after Martha’s death. I mean what’s a few more years…it’s been so long already.
Because if shouted loudly enough they’ll remember that in 2020 those lucky enough to have WFH-able jobs were still getting full pay and unemployment was paying the rent for the others and Texas was looking at mile long lines at food banks.
In 2024 they have a job and some are still struggling but they aren’t subsisting on Government Cheese and past the sell by date cereal that they waited 3 hours to get.
Fixed that for you.
@ 6
Five more months of super intelligent remarks.
My uncle was cannibalized by George Washington. Folks, it’s a God’s honest true story – you can look it up.
For one brief year, with their first term president circling the bowl and a blue wave looming, Republicans reluctantly embraced GBI.
And rather than produce the dreadful doom that greed-head klownservatives have been threatening since The Great Depression the disaster was barely averted and the economy began to work again. The looming econimic collapse was averted. The economy restored. Trump was kicked out. And Biden turned the economy around.
Trump gave away your pay raise to a few thousand billionaires.
Joe Biden got it back for you.
No. Actually you can’t.
I made it up.
Same way I made up “long form birth certificates”.
@ 7
… some are still struggling…
An understatement, to be sure.
NY Fed:
7 in 10 Americans support Senate Democrats investigating breaches of judicial ethics and corrupt conduct on the US Supreme Court.
So with big plans for TWO speeches, one in the arena and one on the overflow stage at Temple University in Philadelphia,
The venue quickly curtained off empty sections in the arena and the back few rows of filled floor seats were quickly given signs to hold up so the “fake News” media couldn’t pan around and see all the empties.
Sometime today Kellyann will be on Fox to say that 43,000 attended the arena of 10,00 capacity.
Dumbfuck has been locked in the bathroom for the last hour wanking to polling from PA that has him convinced Donald is gonna take it.
So you’re saying that Jim Bob who ‘needed’ that F-150 Crew Cab to haul his iPhone to work at Moore Furniture didn’t factor in that getting only 17MPG is a big variable in his living expenses?
But the ads during the UFC pay per view showed how MANLY it was and the stimulus check covered the down payment.
(you should also look at what % of those car loan deliquencies were sub prime vs. prime and know that dealers are more interested in getting the down and maybe a year before they can repo and sell it again as a low mileage ‘certified pre owned.’ Huh, banks took the lesson of mortgage busts and applied it for increased profit. Shocking.)
Biden outraised Trump by more than $200B in 2020. That won’t be the case this year:
@ 14
… the stimulus check covered the down payment.
About a year or so ago it was determined that the four-member family of Welfare Queen YLB received $11,200 in pandemic-related stimulus checks.
My wife and I didn’t get a dime.
We’re also not eligible for instant rebates on new or used EV purchases, nor for tax credits for energy-efficient home upgrades.
It’s a bit problematic that the Democrats decided to exclude those people most able to afford to buy the shit they need us to buy from the subsidies they know are necessary to compel people to buy them.
It’s ’cause he’s barely got a pulse.
And paying cash for the little stuff you do buy!
Seven in ten Americans (or more!) probably support looking into corruption and ethics abuses for anybody in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the federal government, including the Deep State traitors.
@ 12
7 in 10 Americans support Senate Democrats investigating breaches…
They’d better hurry up, then. Gonna be hard to do after December.
Setting aside that the DUMBFUCK link has abSWOLEutely nothing to do with the campaign’s financing, total dollars raised tell very little of the story.
Most of Trump’s raise is PAC. It can’t be spent the same way and it can’t go as far. Every PAC dollar Trump raises is worth $2 individual donor dollars for Biden. And the indy limits reset next month. So currently maxed out indy donors to Biden can begin giving directly to the campaign again until November (and even after). Making the difference almost 4 to 1 in terms of actual campaign communications buys.
Can Trump use his PAC mega donors to fund any of the local campaign offices he just realized he had to have to produce turnout (compared to Biden’s local offices being fully staffed and volunteer trained almost a full year ago)?
Nope. That’s prohibited spending.
Trump’s PAC billionaires can buy smear ads on local Sinclair owned television and AM transistor radio news stations in between compelling stories about the terrible shoplifting menace in your nearby city and a utility vault fire on the other side of the county. In other words they will be preaching to the same old choir. While his recently hired GOTV coordinators in a couple of dozen state offices are still arguing with T Mobile about the “family plan” for the office staff, Biden will be deploying data driven GIS and votyer ID software to millions of volunteers in all fifty states. And Biden’s campaign will be buying advertising placement for less than half what Trump’s greedy, corrupt, fat-cat billionaires have to spend, if they can even aquire the placements, because a lot of the key placements targeting useful demographics on mobil devices and platforms are already locked down.
Finally, Biden doesn’t have to pay lawyers a $20 million per month burn rate to stay outside of jail so he can campaign. Much of Biden’s media exposure if free of charge. He gets to send dozens of taxpayer paid spokespeople onto television every single day and the taxpayers foot the bill.
It’s not just how much you raise. It’s where you get it from and how you spend it that counts. Trump failed to understand this lesson in 2020 and wound up firing his campaign staff when the money ran out early. All indications are he’s doing it over again. And who would stop him? Not Lara Trump. She’s even dumber and more incompetent than he is.
You knew it couldn’t be true. Not really. How do you explain job growth when so many people are struggling, juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet, and still going deeper and deeper into debt?
Newest Early Jobs Revision Shows No Net Job Growth During 2023
You explain it by admitting that there wasn’t really job growth.
The article. is from the Legislative Analyst’s Office of the State of California, a non-partisan entity. So not a right-wing rag or anything else you can dismiss out of hand.
Benchmark revisions caused California’s 2023 Q4 job growth to plummet from 117,000 reported to an actual loss of 32,000 jobs.
Data like this comes out roughly 5 months following the end of each quarter, so expect the 2024 Q1 data analysis to be released in mid-September.
Just as the Fall campaign is heating up. It will not be pretty for Democrats. But you already know that. You just have to hide it until after the election.
Like the way Daddy Twump The King of Debt “paid cash” to post a $400 million bond after he was found liable for rapes?
Good post. Well done./s
@ 21
Much of Biden’s media exposure if free of charge.
Trump has an adult lifetime of free media exposure. That’s not going away between now and November 5.
You extoll the advantages of incumbency but not the downside of voter judgement based on the performance of the incumbent. It’s why Trump lost, barely, in 2020. It’s why Biden will be blown out in November.
I went back and checked my post. I didn’t mention Trump, Biden or any other politician, political party, ideology or anything other than paying cash for one’s purchases.
So, what the fuck are you talking about? What does Trump’s finances have to do with the average guy or gal saving up and paying cash to avoid going into debt?
Stick to the fucking subject at hand, loser!
I see that none of the people who joyfully pointed out the decline in DJT share price last week feel the need to report today’s spike in the price, at one point up 30%.
True dat.
Only it will be dominated by shots of the candidate in handcufs or falling asleep at a defense table in a puddle of his own drool.
Because money is made of debt.
And the “wealthier” a person is the more they rely on debt financing.
Take our own degenerate gambler troll. He ceasely brags about his boring and tedious days playing options as a twitching day-trader in his damp trailer on Whidbey Island. Options trades like he pretends to master depend on debt and precise timing. Something he’s been forced to reckon with more than a little lately when he’s been forced to liquidate real property in order to cover the debts he suffered due to his alcohol-fueled emotional outbursts late at night.
Wealthy people can afford to take these risks. But a guy figuring out how to get another rainy winter out of blue tarps can’t.
Which is thoroughly irrelevent but thanks for sharing your tales of prosperity that no one believes.
Kind of like your stock ‘puts’.
US tax subsidies aren’t necessary to afford an EV.
Hey, I’m running for Senate and you should give me your vote. I’m on your side.
Texas voter:
I’ve been NOT mining crypto here in the state for decades. Where’s my check, Ted!
Rushing right past the realization that pollsters are weirdly finding a shit ton of “Hell no I’m not voting GOP for Senate, House or State Leg but I actually think that Trump guy isn’t so bad.”
Either that or their weighting and demographic assumptions are bad.
November is going to be rough for our little Dumbfuck.
Compared to 2020 It’ll be a river of Republican tears.
My kayak is ready!
@ 28
Options trades like he pretends to master depend on debt and precise timing.
Not really. Precision has pretty much nothing to do with it, in my case. I don’t look at ex-dividend or earnings announcement dates. I look at a trading range, place a trade outside the range, and in most cases the premium is 100% retained because the contract expires worthless.
For the times I’ve had shares put to me and there wasn’t enough in cash reserves to cover it – most recently March 2020 – I have relied on debt, in the form of a margin loan. But it’s not traditional debt because it’s secured by my own equity, and the way I look at it, the debt is covered by short-term future earned income.
Debt that can be instantly (OK, 72 hours) extinguished by a margin call isn’t really debt.
Trump’s offshore basketball shoe vendor is dumping the excess inventory:
The Boston Globe Version of this story is soft paywalled but this is an evolving and explosive embarrassment for “Back the Blue” politicians.
Globe Headline:
Death of Sandra Birchmore was a homicide, prominent pathologist says
Finding contradicts conclusion of state medical examiner who ruled Birchmore died of suicide
Canton Citizen
“About a year or so ago it was determined that the four-member family of Welfare Queen YLB received $11,200 in pandemic-related stimulus checks.”
serious? wow…what a bunch of slimeballs
gaming the system. no surprise.
Team Biden question of the week:
The other shoe dropped today (couldn’t resist)
“Does everyon know Ronny Johnson, Congressman from Texas?”
House ethics voted unanimously to open a formal investigation into Rep. Jackson’s misuse of campaign funds to buy a membership in an exclusive private fine dining club.
Hold my beer, bro!
Team Trump question of the week.
“How do you fit hundreds of thousands of dollars of cocaine into a tiny little ziplock pill pouch?
(Oh we’ve got so many more batshit lies Trump told just this weekend to get to but I’ve got some work to do.)
Hello…SEC? Are you even paying attention?
Elon, in advertising and in the owners manual.
Advertising, “The Cybertruck with the optional boat package will be able to float and travel as much as 38 feet across water.” (Note, there are no plans to offer the ‘boat package’ now or anytime in the future.)
Owners manual. “The Cybertruck is waterproof.” (referring to the battery and electrical components)
if you drive your brand new Cybertruck with 26 miles on it in a tiny bit of water, not even reaching the cabin, your insurance company may total the car. Congratulations. Your $120K is now worth about a $75k cash in what, a week?
If you take it to the wrong car wash we void the warranty.
A majority of the Double Haters are voters who previously have voted mostly for Republicans.
After I get rich, I’m going to trade options! I’m not sure why but, dammit, that’s what I’m gonna do!*
*When I’m not puttering around in my little boat.
Donaald Trump 6/23/2024
“I won Wisconsin in 2020.”
Donald Trump to Logan “I can fight Mike Tyson” Paul, footage released over the weekend
“I’ll tell you when you look at the people, when you look at the crowds, I did a rally in New Jersey, we had 107,000 people that you saw that”
Sadly 30 to 40K
Donald Trump, June 20th, 2024
“I saved Kenosha, do you know that? I saved it. Kenosha was about ready to go down the tubes. The governor wouldn’t move, he just wouldn’t move, and I moved,” he said. “You know, I’m not supposed to, it’s supposed to be the governor is supposed to do it. The mayor and the governor.
Pants on Fire: At Racine rally, Trump repeats false claim he ‘saved’ Kenosha in 2020 and Evers didn’t act
(a:) The protests, even at the peak of the unrest Aug. 25, 2020, were largely concentrated in the one-acre Civic Park and a nearby area a few blocks wide…
That drastically exaggerates the scope of the situation in Kenosha, a city of 28.4 square miles
(b:) The White House described itself as authorizing 2,000 National Guard troops to go to Kenosha. But Maj. Gen. Paul Knapp, who commanded the Wisconsin National Guard at the time, said that’s not really how that system operates.
On Aug. 24, 2020, Evers activated the Guard, less than 24 hours after Blake was shot. The Trump administration talked to Evers on Aug. 25, 2020.
Texas kills babies.
Entitled congressman thinks he has a right to have “confidence” in election results.
He’s entitled to a recount, and to challenge the election in the courts, as allowed by Virginia election law. But fuck his lack of confidence in democratic elections.
Biden creates jobs!
Not even that.
The original crowd size report came from the local Republican MAGA town manager through his assistant. It was only 80,000.
It was based on mere wishcasting bullshit with no official police estimate available. Later the city mgr indicated 80,000 was the typical “peak” weekend tourist total visitor count associated with Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day.
Later a local FOX News affiliate said that based upon photos they estimated 30,000. But the photos they used were a mixed collection of photos including some of a Bon Jovi concert.
True crowd size probably closer to 10,000, most of whom were weekend tourists who wandered over out of curiosity and left within the first 15 minutes of the spittle-flecked yelling.
@ 49
(a:) The protests, even at the peak of the unrest Aug. 25, 2020, were largely concentrated in the one-acre Civic Park and a nearby area a few blocks wide…
That drastically exaggerates the scope of the situation in Kenosha, a city of 28.4 square miles
Next he’ll downplay the half-billion dollars of damage caused during the 2020 Minneapolis riots, because only a couple of square blocks downtown burned to the ground and Minneapolis is a big city, 59 square miles.
And the Watts riots, ’cause LA, you know, is a pretty big city. Now had those riots occurred in Pacific Palisades…
Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.
– Reuters
It’s a good start to the week when a House Democrat calls another House Democrat a disgusting thug.
Fortunately there’s a NYC high school somewhere that the freshly unelected Bowman will be able to help badly underperform next year.
…fine, upstanding white cops.
Driving around in unmarked vans, drinking beer, looking for groups of non-whites they could shoot.
Damn fine police work.
@ the utterly pathetic 54
2 points.
Kenosha is not Minneapolis. It’s not even the same fucking state. Not even like…a suburb that parts of Wisconsin are to Minneapolis. People needing no questions asked guns in Chicago go to Kenosha. If you’re tweeting on coke you can’t get a gun in Chicago, but Kenosha? LAPTOP! Twins fans hate the White Sox.
How much damage actually in Minneapolis was a fire? You really said burned? Wow,like, wow!
Umbrella Man: Minneapolis police link suspect to white supremacists
I see you’ve become Piddles level stupid during my absence.
Uh oh. Somebody’s seen the polling and realizes that abandoning Israel is gonna cost him in November.
Intimidating Jewish congregants is dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American. It’s also your average, ballpark afternoon in the 43rd LD.
The best thing about Bowman’s defeat tomorrow is that there won’t be anything to stop him from getting worse after that.
Compared to the forthcoming Bowman, Cynthia McKinney’s dad will seem like any other Orthodox Jew.
Bad enough for POTUS to call it out, but not bad enough for LAT to write about it.
Keep rockin’
There’s a reason newspapers are dying.
They deserve to die.
Piddles does not deserve this.
I don’t miss him. But at least his lies were credibly based upon a willful misinterpretation and inartful spin of news, current events, and history. Where Piddles pulled his shit out of his ass, The Village Idiot pulls his shit out of an alternative QAnon/MAGA dimension populated with Lizard People and conspiracies of evil clerk-typists in league with Satanic feminist lesbians.
The Village Idiot is quite simply insane. Which is the natural consequence of his complete and utter surrender to Trump – which is something Piddles was not willing to do.
This member of the RNC’s army of poll workers found a way to stand out from the crowd:
Heh. Hiring a convicted thief to guard polls for them. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
“Good Christians,” eh? Well, real Christians don’t incite mobs to lynch Jews.
Meet the Maricopa County Republican caucus.
After firing Post Editor Sally Buzbee for resisting his efforts to kill unflattering stories like these at the Post, the NYT scoops the Post again on Post Publisher Will Lewis’ deep involvement in obstructing Scotland Yard’s investigation into phone hacking.
“Joan Rivers, we’re great friends. She absolutely adored me on the apprentice (ed.note, too old to rape) She told me she voted for me.” – Donald Trump.
Joan Rivers – June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014
“So me and Joan used to have tea at the Russian Tea room. I wore an Ascot with a silver onion pin which was the style at the time Your father — in 1928 I had a big year. I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in commissions.”
Missouri’s abortion ban, 2 years later: ‘Women are afraid to be pregnant in Missouri’
“Vote to restore your rights, and protect them.
Or keep voting for the people who made you so afraid in the first place.”
Dobbs is on the ballot.
Oh, no!
There’s one less university from which to obtain a totally useless Ph.D. in Critical Dance Studies:
Q: What kind of fucked up “university” needs 700 people to teach 1,100 students?
A: One that should have laid off about 400 people a decade ago.
Hey, at least all of those laid-off staffers will have time to go ring doorbells for Biden, amirite?
Hey, if a rack on a 19 year-old blonde isn’t enough to keep a Hooters location in business, the Welfare Queen YLB family financial plan to earn extra income by having Welfare Queen YLB flash her teabags on 12th and Madison is probably not gonna bring in much extra cash.
Hooters to close some ‘underperforming’ stores in multiple states
Joe Biden broke promises to millions of young voters.
Courts halt parts of Biden’s student loan repayment plan
Congress controls the purse. Not my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
Cool flex, bro.
Huh, GOP tells young voters to go fuck themselves.
November is coming.
See @68
Eighteen Republican-led states have joined one of two lawsuits challenging the repayment plan known as SAVE (Saving on a Valuable Education). The plan lowers monthly payments and offers a shorter pathway to loan forgiveness for many low-income borrowers.
Just last week I was reading a story about Blue Bird installing three-point seat belts Some comments were about who’s going to pay for a bus monitor to make sure the bus is evacuated? Saturdays accident has re-ignited the debate whether they should be installed on a transit bus.
On the Northwest Bus Fans Facebook Group, since we have drivers and mechanics in our group, I asked about it. One driver, for paratransit ops at Everett Transit, said cutaways are already required, due to a high rollover risk. They have no ability to make sure their passengers use them, and most don’t. They said, would be hard to on a transit bus too, especially urban and bus rapid transit operations.
@3 “Buying little is the key to rich.”
Then I take it you will agree that someone who brags about owning an F-250 and horse trailer, and eating out at fancy restaurants, isn’t rich.
@70 When a sixtyish doctor talks about “a rack on a 19 year-old blonde,” you should take your kids inside and lock the doors.
You’ll like this, doc, since you were a ballplayer of sorts: First 1-3-5 triple play in majors since 1929.
Pitcher catches hit ball on fly, throws to first to get runner heading for second, then first baseman’s throw to third gets runner heading for home.
@74 The greedy racist incel is not “Rich”. Why else would he constantly be trying to project that other are poorer than him. He can’t feel good about himself until he feels someone else is worse off than him.
@69. The last data the school has shared with municipal bondholders shows that total enrollment fell to 1,313 in the 2022-23 school year from 1,914 in the 2018-19 school year. The drop in freshman enrollment was more dramatic, to 182 from 426 over the same time period.
The use of Plagiarism Script Image generators is decimating entry level art jobs. Students are choosing different careers where they think they can get an income. This will kill the art pipeline and Plagiarism Scripts will run out of new content from master artist in a generation. But hey, why let that get in way of quarterly profits?
Interesting point
“Conservatives: You can’t tell nobody to go back to Africa, Mexico, Japan or any other country. Your ancestors invaded from England. This is NOT your country.”
Samuel Alito’s neighbor has a TikTok account.
Sam…Bro…why you lie to Congress?
@ 78
The use of Plagiarism Script Image generators is decimating entry level art jobs.
The term “starving artist” did not originate with ChatGPT, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
“Entry level art jobs” have always been dishwasher, barista, and cab driver. Or, if you’re smart and good with your hands like Harrison Ford was in his younger days, carpenter.
Art degrees exist so that people who will always be on the public dole can say they’re degreed in the business of sponging money from those who produce something for a living.
STEM degrees exist so that there will always be people who are degreed in the science of exposing “artists” for what they are.
@82. Thank you for telling us you wished desperately you had art skills but since you don’t, you don’t feel good about yourself unless you tear down those people who are better than you.
70% of Fortune 100 CEOs are registered Republicans.
Not one of them has given a penny to Trump.
San Antonio U.S. Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to ‘ethnic cleanse’ white progressives
>> How long do you think it will take for the greedy racist incel to turn us in to the trumpshirts? He posts like he’d like to do that.
Texas megachurch Pastor Robert Morris repeatedly raped a child over a four year period beginning when the child was 12. The rapes took place in both Texas and Oklahoma.
No charges. Absolutely no protection for child rape victims in either of those two states if the rapist is a white Republican.
A fourth recall of the Tesla Cybertruck was just announced this morning.
Like i asked previously.
Thought experiment:
“Texas megachurch Pastor Robert Morris repeatedly raped a boy over a four year period beginning when the boy was 12.”
See if they react differently.
Sixteen Nobel economists warn of soaring inflation next year if Trump is elected.
Here’s one now:
It’s the Buttery Males of 2024.
These major daily newspapers are in the bag, especially the LA Times.
@ 89
Not on that list: Krugman.
We recall the Krugman warning of Election Night, 2016, don’t we?
51 national security “experts” were wrong about the POS Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation. They were probably purposely wrong, but wrong nonetheless.
The 16 economists aren’t any more credible this time around than the 51 “experts” were four years ago.
If inflation or debt really matters to them, they would not vote for the convicted criminal for president or republicans in general.
@ 87
A fourth recall of the Tesla Cybertruck was just announced this morning.
Meanwhile, Ford completely ceased production of its F-150 Lightning EV truck for two months earlier this year due to a quality issue that it still hasn’t specified.
Strong, strong post. You’ve really got Elon on the run.
The national security experts were correct that Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. You lie as usual.
Ford’s problem doesn’t invalidate the tesla failure.
That’s like arguing a radiologist that screwed up a cancer diagnosis should be given a pass because a different doctor missed a cancer spot.
Not at all.
President Joe Biden is the third consecutive Democratic President to have seen sustained growth, higher wages and lower deficits on their watch.
Between them the last three Democratic Presidents produced net job creation of 49.4 jobs. While Trump and both Bush failures produced a net of just 1.9 million jobs.
33.8m jobs = 16 years Clinton, Obama
15.6m jobs = 40 months of Biden
1.9m jobs = 16 years of Bush, Bush, Trump
The economy is better with Democrats. 25 times better.
The economy is better with Biden.
Does Ford sell more trucks? By how much?
Is a Ford F150 about the same price as a Cybertruck? What’s the difference?
The Village Idiot has no point. Never has. Just blows thin, whispy smoke. Tesla is in trouble.
Today is the day that Jamaal Bowman learns there are consequences for overt antisemitism.
I don’t think economics really matter to conservatives, it’s culture war, they will gladly allow themselves to be hurt, if the people they hate are being hurt even more.
Economics only matter to conservatives as a pretext to justify the pointless cruelty necessary to impose fear and to empower authority.
Economics offer context for resentment, sense of loss, and jealousy that can be used to leverage the consent for cruelty, state and public aggression, and violence. The cruelty, aggression and violence are required to instill fear. And fear opens the door for authoritarian state control.
Economics don’t really matter any more or any less to conservatives than culture wars do. They served the same purposes but in slightly different ways. Conservatives need to get involved in who fucks whom and how they fuck for the same reasons they want to impose economic conditions of false scarcity and austerity. They need fear and suffering to fuel the consent for authoritianism leading to fascism.
I’m copping a plea deal to get away from the treacherous Deep State criminals I have exposed over the years. It’s the easiest thing to do at this point. Also, I want to possibly got out into the public and tell the whole world of the evils of totalitarian American government agencies who trample everyday on the American Constitution.
I am hoping this will be the start of the destruction of the Deep State in America and the end of its horrible damage to the World.
@ 102
I’m copping a plea deal to get away from the…
feces I have smeared on the walls of my enclosures for the last nine years.
That shit really starts to stink before it finally dries. Reminds me of the last time I visited the Dumbfuck Rabbit subterranean domecile.
103 – You’re a tool of the Deep State criminals who are destroying your freedoms and your country.
102 and 103. It’s schizo to be writing fan fiction and then responding to your sock puppet just to get a slur in on Rabbit.
The Plea hearing at a court in Saipan, 80 years ago became some of the newest U.S. Territory. Interestingly, it was the backwater command that the Japanese had exiled Nagumo to after Midway. Fitting that the Bombardment Force was composed of Pearl Harbor Battleships.
As I posted yesterday in defense of Piddles (of all people) the Village Idiot is insane.
Fun to watch, tho.
Hey, did you know he’s an expert market timer who has made “millions”?/s
Hunter Biden has lost his license to practice law.
That’s good. He’s a fuckup with a lot of problems and his father would be the first one to say so. But at least he loves his son.
Hunter Biden should do his sentence (whatever it may be) and continue to get his life back together. Someday in the future he can apply to have his law license restored. And if he’s completed the terms of his sentence and is still in recovery it might be something to consider. But there are plenty of other lawyers in the world. One fewer is no loss.
This year The States Project will be spending close to $200 million targeting competitive down ballot state legislative races in Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, while also hoping to build a Democratic supermajority in Nevada. The organization is also aiming to break up Republican supermajorities in North Carolina and Kansas.
Republican family values.
GOPer Arrested Chasing Stripper With Gun: ‘I Was Framed!’
Shocking, really. I say that because Republican males usually fuck children. And animals, mostly dogs and horses.
105 – Who’s Rabbit?
Nother “family values” conservative:
While he was serving in the leg chairing the Senate appropriations committee. For more than 20 years he was regularly traveling to Europe to fuck children and paying dudes to send him CSAM using taxpayer funds.
He makes Brett Favre look like a “very fine person”.
Yeah, he’s one of us.
@112. Conservatives. “We don’t care,. Nothing about our culture is ever at fault. We are as blameless as the Boy Scouts or Mega church pastors. “
Ford’s F-150 Lightning units aren’t moving and Ford has moved its assembly crews to other vehicles.
Meanwhile, earlier this month Tesla shipped 1,300 Cybertrucks in a single week.
In the entire 2024 Q1 Ford sold 7,743 F-150 Lightnings, even though it’s been producing them since 2022.
Ford lost $3B in its EV efforts last year. Tesla makes money from its EV sales.
POS Hunter Biden has lost his license to practice law in Washington, D.C.
He was convicted of three felonies, which are “serious crimes”.
Convinced felon trump is 11 x more guilty of serious crimes than Hunter Biden.
A sea of red.
Georgia: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
Atlanta Journal-Constitution*
Trump 43, Biden 38, Kennedy 9, West , Stein
Nevada: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. Stein
Trump 44, Biden 37, Kennedy 10, West , Stein
He was convicted of three felonies, which are “serious crimes”.
So fucking what? Nobody here or anywhere else is voting for Hunter. You, on the other hand, are voting once again for a rapist who was convicted of committing 34 felony crimes.
Self pwn much?
A sea of red.
Somebody here isn’t going to be ready for The Pain.
Serves him right for being so fucking stupid.
@ 119
Nobody here or anywhere else is voting for Hunter.
The activities of the Trump children seemed to be a thing to HA libbies four years ago.
The activities of Mrs. Alito seem to be a thing to HA libbies this year, and Mr. Alito isn’t even on the ballot.
POS Hunter Biden is on the ballot the same way Dobbs is, QoS McHillbilly. The Biden Crime Family is dirty. The September trial will be a fun one to watch.
How ordinary voters feel:
“Republicans only want debt cancellation for wealthy. To be clear, the US have billions in debt relief through PPP loans and have bailed out Wall Street lenders, but debt relief for the common citizens must be stopped by the right wing hypocrites.”
Republicans keeping it classy.
Republican Rep. Jon Stone’s New Hampshire law enforcement career ended when he threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children, all while he was already under scrutiny for his inappropriate relationship with a teen girl, according to the internal investigation reports finally released this week.
Stone, a twice-elected Republican state representative for Claremont, has been fighting to keep those reports secret for years. Last month, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that Stone could not block their release in response to this reporter’s 2020 right-to-know request, ending years of legal challenges.
Unlike the troll who posts here, at least he wasn’t fucking animals. None that we know of anyway.
The United Nations does not respect Welfare Queen YLB.
…when they were employed at taxpayer expense to peddle their own private real estate projects and sell visas and national defense secrets to foreign spies it was a problem.
Democrats fixed it by kicking them all out.
Why do Republicans hate Americans so much?
No votes will change because of Hunter Biden and no new voters will come to polls to vote Republican because of Hunter.
…because her husband, who is a “classically trained Republican cowardly weakling” lied and threw his wife under the bus.
@ 89
Sixteen Nobel economists warn of soaring inflation next year if Trump is elected.
“Many” of these same people thought larding $3.5 trillion onto the national debt was a good idea in 2021.
I’d have to do a side-by-side comparison of the signatories of the two letters to know for sure, but my guess is “many” means “most”.
IOW Inflation is good if it’s for stuff libbies like. Inflation is bad if it’s for stuff libbies don’t like. When people point out that economists are not a credible bunch of people, this is what they mean by that.
Exposing ourselves to The Wuhan is OK if it’s done by going out in public to gather in large crowds and demand that police be defunded.
It’s a serious crime if it’s exposure done by social distancing at a school board meeting to complain about one’s child being raped in a school bathroom by a chick with a dick.
Overall prices rose 21% during Ronald Reagan’s first term in office.
The collapse of Bretton Woods was similar in many ways to the supply disruptions that followed a deadly global pandemic that killed seven million people.
Or the election of an incompetent, poorly educated, failed reality television personality as President.
@ 130
Overall prices rose 21% during Ronald Reagan’s first term in office.
Praytell, what was the rate of inflation in January, 1981?
In January, 2021 it was 1.4%, annualized.
Oh. The answer to my question? The inflation rate Ronald Reagan had to contend with when he assumed office of the man whose ass he kicked in the 1980 election?
It was 11.8%, annualized, in January of 1981. That’s what Carter left Reagan to clean up.
Strong post. You have made very clear that inflation was no problem at all under President Trump.
I’m not “poorly educated”. And I know lots more than Noble Prize winners about stuff.
Did you know I won a Noble Prize?
Joan Rivers was the emcee that year. I stood on that stage and Joan Rivers and Johnny Carson wept with joy as they opened the envelope and announced the winner.
The political neutrality of CNN in one map.
Overall prices rose 21% during Ronald Reagan’s first four years in office.
Facts shouldn’t hurt.
Not bad for a little dude in lily-white rubber boots.
RE: 116
It’s hard to believe that Hunter Biden has a law license. Obviously, he may have gone to law school and passed the bar exam, but he’s not a very good lawyer.
Or even a decent person.
Having spent the last six months with his head in a bag fiendishly huffing polls like Alison Walking on Sunshine, the Village Idiot just recognized that polling analysis can be politically biased?
He’s not at all ready for The Pain.
Shares in the media company associated with the former and future President Trump rose 8.5% today after rising 21% yesterday.
Said shares have more than doubled in value since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile Biden’s cognitive decline rate has doubled since the beginning of the year.
Please lay off that at least until after Thursday night.
I’m already on dangerous levels of Adderal and it’s obvious the Provigil isn’t working.
Steve Bannon prepares himself for imprisonment:
I see some Heterosexual Neanderthals in ArkanAaaassssss was stricken with the Heterosexual Neanderthal virus an killed 4 last Friday.
Bob’s pals.
HA Censorship of this Virus is badddddd
Unabashed bullshit. Making non-Catholics pay taxes for your Catholic parochial school isn’t “religious liberty.” Even Oklahoma’s conservative state justices see through that ridiculous argument. SCOTUS will, too, when it denies cert in this case.
I don’t think this blatantly discriminatory law has a long future ahead of it:
Not even straight parents will stand for that last part.
Lots of action in the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus news department. I can’t post the links without risk of being censored. You can google them yourself.
No need to wash your hands but maybe self casterate yourself. Bob leave the horses alone.
@144 some of those parents have a good chance of being killed by The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, one can hope.
Bob will be so triggered after reading about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, those poor horses could be in danger
He will soon.
That Elon Musk truck or thingy is the most God awful looking thing in the world.
@132 No less than 16 Nobel laureate economists agree a second Trump presidency would reignite inflation.
Reminds me of Turkey’s strongman decreeing lower inflation. It didn’t work out that way …
I bet he won’t even squeal like a pig.
Just picture that fat fuck so afraid he looses his vocal chords
Lazy, bloviating fuck Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 150
It’s been covered upthread. You bring absolutely nothing to a discussion except the inability to see your own feet.
Lazy, bloviating fuck Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 150
It’s been covered upthread. You bring absolutely nothing to a discussion except the inability to see your own feet.
@139 “Shares in the media company associated with the former and future President Trump rose 8.5% today after rising 21% yesterday.”
Congrats, they’re almost back to where they were 10 days ago.
@153 I brought 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists into the discussion. What did you bring? You’re not even a bookkeeper, let alone an economist.
I know I’ve been a little absent but has Bob been right about anything that I may have missed? One thing, maybe at least one thing?
Welfare Queen YLB should step it up and learn to churn like The Biden Crime Family churns.
Hey, coke and rehab ain’t cheap.
Good for them!
Sixteen Nobel economists warn of soaring inflation next year if Trump is elected.
Overall prices rose 21% during Ronald Reagan’s first four years in office.
We used to drive in from Grenada Hills in a couple of cars with five or six guys to a car. We’d park usually a block or two away from Pershing Square on Olive, aiming to get there a little before most of the bars on The Run would make last call. We’d look for the really drunk ones who were by themselves and we’d follow. Or if that didn’t work out we’d head to the public restrooms at the Subway Terminal Building. We’d wear these white cotton gloves my cousin Eric stole from the band room at school. The idea was to see who could get the most blood on their white gloves.
Seems the Binden’s are handling their money well, no bankruptcy yet. The word PAID kept showed up. You never see that in trump lists. So weird.
The Trump Taj Mahal – bankruptcy in 1991.
The Trump Plaza, – bankruptcy in 1992.
The Trump Castle – bankruptcy in 1992.
Plaza Hotel – bankruptcy in 1992.
Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc. – bankruptcy in 2009.
Trump Shuttle Inc – failed in 1990
Trump University – failed in 2011 amid lawsuits and investigations
Trump Vodka – failed 2011.
Trump Mortgage, LLC – failed 2007
Trump Steaks – 2007 failed two months after its launch.
Not a single PAID in the list.
Convicted criminal trump the rapist is a bad businessman. What kind of loser would want to elect a constantly failed businessman?
@157 The Bidens use their real estate as a piggy bank. If that’s a crime, we’re going to need vastly more prisons. If borrowing is a crime, we’ll all be in prison, most of all Donald Trump. Sometimes you’re funny without meaning to be; this is one of those days.
Trump borrowed almost a half a billion dollars from a wealthy billionaire private lender to cover his obligations after he was found liable for sexually assaulting a journalist in a dressing room and then lying about it afterwards.
Trump promises that he will cut education spending by 50%.
While House Republicans have unveiled a 2025 budget that cuts over $1 billion from law enforcement.
That’s ok. Bob can afford.
What were CD rates during Ronnie’s reign?
Seems Bob ran away.
I guess he’s still never right.
Bob is probably looking for property outside the US. He knows he’s fucked here in this Country.
Devout Christian traditional family values conservatives who trafficked slaves!
Very Fine People, indeed.