– Man, we have too many dipshits with guns.
– So many dipshits with guns.
– Dipshits who demonstrated that they are not responsible gun owners want guns.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Man, we have too many dipshits with guns.
– So many dipshits with guns.
– Dipshits who demonstrated that they are not responsible gun owners want guns.
Defense has rested.
As expected and as any good attorney would have advised, Hunter Biden did not testify.
Closings today and tomorrow.
Not holding out for jury nullification, once the jury is charged and retired to deliberate, perhaps Wednesday, I’d expect them to come back with a partial verdict by Friday. Sunny and warm this weekend.
People still believe what they are told without any effort to validate the source claims:
80% of Republicans surveyed describe believing that President Joe Biden ordered all twelve Trump jurors to vote unanimously to convict on all 34 felony counts.
That’s some bonkers conspiracy paranoia. It really defies any rational examination. It describes “feels” more than anything else. Any one of these respondents would be reduced to stuttering confusion if asked to explain how this conspiracy was carried out. Because rationally they know it’s bullshit.
But they need it.
Biden didn’t have to “order” the jurors to vote guilty on all counts: a guilty verdict was absolutely assured even before the trial started, given the players involved. The judge was horribly biased, as was the entire jury pool. The DA was just a complete scoundrel. He actually campaigned that he was going to “get Trump.”
I expect this trial to be used in future training for lawyers to show what big city corruption can become.
You make three allegations:
The jury, who voted the 34 unanimous verdicts, was somehow “tainted” from the start;
The judge engaged in misconduct depriving the defendant of due process;
The prosecutor engaged in misconduct.
You can’t support a single one of those sweeping and extremely serious charges. You cannot point to even a single objective incident or circumstance that supports any of those claims.
Moreover, and very tellingly, none of those three insupportable allegations involves President Joe Biden, anyone in the White House, anyone in the administration, or anyone in the Biden campaign.
Face it. You are insane.
Your groveling servility to Trump and careful steady consumption of his brain-melting rhetoric has left you unable to process information with a rational mind.
@ 2
People still believe what they are told without any effort to validate the source claims:
People believe it unless the judge doesn’t allow it to be said.
Biden voter, why are you supporting Biden?
Trump voter, why are you supporting Trump?
As the economy worsens and Biden’s increasingly public decline accelerates, the difference in voter enthusiasm will grow and Biden’s chances will shrink. [Link @ 2]
Another lie from the lying, deeply delusional Village Idiot.
Norieka did not prevent the defense argument from being made to the jury. She simply declined to make it for them. A trial judge making a defense argument as part of the charge would be prejudicial. And the Republican nominee, convicted felon Trump learned to his great dismay, juries regard the judge as a trusted adviser. That role may not be leveraged by either the prosecution or the defense.
Lowell had ample opportunity to make that argument about his client’s mens rea during his closing. And he did. The jury heard it as an argument from the defense, which it is, rather than as a charge from the judge, which it is not. But they did hear it.
Meanwhile, as a loyal, groveling, Trump-voting klownservative our Village Idiot persists in believing in magical Time Musheens that enable Dark Brandon to travel back into the 2014 to plant evidence against Daddy Twump in business records of Ukraine. Not just amazingly silly and “unserious”, but also obviously insane.
“Evil Dark Brandon and The DERP STATE were obviously responsible for George Papadopolous getting White Gurl Wasted on $500 Burgundy and shitting the bed in front of high ranking diplomats from Oz” and similar “words”. Silly indeed.
Since you obviously now admit that you are simply unable to provide any example of any instance of any misconduct at any point in Trump’s trial and conviction on 34 felonies we must now conclude that as I had suggested, like 80% of all other Republican voters, when confronted by your own assumptions you rationally admit that it’s bullshit. But you need the bullshit to overcome your own prior bad choices that you refuse to face.
So you hand yourself over to insane, paranoid conspiracy delusions instead.
Choosing Trump was a terrible decision eight years ago when, in his very own words, he admitted to you that he was a rapist. It was still terrible two years ago when FBI agents conducting a search of his Florida sex club discovered thousands of pages of stolen highly classified national defense intelligence stacked around a photo copy machine in a bathroom being handed out like fliers for a swap meet to Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and Lebanese spies. It was just as bad a year ago when a civil trial confirmed the judgement that he is a rapist to a legal certainty and recorded it as a matter of law. It was still a terrible decision six months ago when the same 80% of Republicans swept aside all other options in favor of a candidate who was diverting most of the party’s money to pay for his army of lawyers.
Convictions have consequences. Trump must present himself before the NY Probation Authority today to submit to his initial interview as a convicted felon. It gets worse every day from now until November. And well beyond.
As usual, a lie that has been debunked keeps popping up as an article of faith.
Somehow you snowflakes have twisted, “It there is a crime that has been committed I will bring it to trial” is “I’m going to get him!”
Always follow the money. Right to the 2025 GOP inaugural balls.
Never mind: Wall Street titans shake off qualms and embrace Trump
Maybe next term Vogue will put Melania on its cover. Although if this happens Queen YLB has threatened to cancel her subscription.
That recession is really just around the corner this time.
OPEC’s Surprise Output Hike Offers Biden Break on Gas Prices (those commies at Bloomberg.
Gas is $.14 cheaper than last year.
Outside of the faked footage of the ‘attempt to sit down’ did you notice any difference at all between the public speeches of President Joseph Biden in Europe and the raving lunacy of Ex-President the felon on Suicide, foamy spittle, electric boats and sharks over the weekend? What planet are you living on?
Just a handful more references to the heroes of January 6th this weekend too from NYS Prisoner #15982176
Isn’t Donald meeting with his parole officer today?
As the previously regarded “Senator from MBNA” President Biden has certainly offended and even greatly betrayed many of the titans of the banking, finance, and energy sectors.
All of which is a feature, not a bug.
They know by now he will not see the Trump Billionaire Tax Giveaways extended. They know that if he is reelected they must face and pay BIG tax increases. And his direct interventions into oil and energy trading markets to destabilize and cripple OPEC, hollow out Russia’s economy, and strengthen and stabilize the green energy industry of the future is infuriating to many influential global financial CEO.
Fuck ’em. Voters love this shit. Voters love a President who will fuck over Greedflation Plutocrats to help regular folks.
So please do keep right on promoting how angry the global plutocrats and billionaire assholes are at Dark Brandon. Keep right on reminding voters that the fat cat assholes who want to cut their retirement to pay for a second walk-in cigar thermador on their backup Super Yacht are all-in for Convicted Felon Trump.
Congratulations to my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president on his new record!
Maybe next term Vogue will put Melania on its cover.
lmao.. lemee guess..
lordkourt klown kreepshit reads it for the articles..wake me up in November.
@ 14
wake me up in November.
If I had the alternative of feigning enthusiasm for the train wreck that is Biden/Harris for five months, I’d want to sleep through it, too.
One of the biggest reasons Fat Midget lost every contest early and often is precisely because he had the open backing of the plutocrat class. Even Republicans hate that shit.
Now their chosen nominee is betraying them and selling them out to the elite class of billionaires they chose him to batttle against.
Let’s ALL keep reminding voters from both parties that Trump is now sold out to billionaires that previously backed Fat Midget. Promote that story far and wide. Shout it to the hills.
Trump voter, why are you supporting Trump?
Mainly because I like Donald Trump ……………………………………………..52%
kreepshit is our resident troll “expert” on “likability”…
Look at what that did for kon-klown DEE-Santis..
Perhaps DEE-Santis should have taken kreepshit’s advice to spray tan and to confess on tape to pussy grabbing.
No such thing as bad publicity.
@ 16
Let’s ALL keep reminding voters from both parties that Trump is now sold out to billionaires that previously backed Fat Midget. Promote that story far and wide. Shout it to the hills.
Worked for the GOP in 2016. ‘course, it helped that both Clintons had been selling out to billionaires for decades before that.
@ 17
No such thing as bad publicity.
Hold my beer.
Fat Midget’s carefully cultivated donor class of authoritarian billionaires have BIG PLANS for a cash-strapped convicted felon Trump. And Trump is naming his price!
Not only an expert on “likability”
No one does better on “POS”…
It knows intimately what it babbles..
See @ 13.
Only in the land of kon-klown DEE-Santis:
Took him long enough:
The Israeli general in charge of the Gaza Strip area announced his resignation on Sunday over his role in the failures that led to the Hamas terror group’s October 7 onslaught.
Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, the head of the Israel Defense Force’s Gaza Division, said in a letter to his superiors that “on October 7, I failed in my life’s mission to protect the [Gaza border communities].”
Guess he had to do his part to first “mow the grass” and only then take responsibility for his fuck up..
‘Everyone has to take responsibility for their part’
Oh ya don’t say.. Asshole.
“More bad news on the economic front for Americans” -Dumbfuck
@3 “a guilty verdict was absolutely assured even before the trial started, given the players involved”
I don’t think a guilty verdict is assured in any criminal trial, but the defendant being guilty and a solid prosecution case certainly raises the odds of a guilty verdict.
@5 Showing off your legal chops again?
@6 It depends on how you word the question. There’s probably more “voter enthusiasm” for not living in a fascist country ruled by a dictator than this question measures.
@10 Billionaires are flocking to candidate promising more tax cuts for billionaires. Who would’ve guessed?
@18 Nostalgic for the Clintons?
Nostalgic for the
Clintonsslave-state Democrats who agreed to play by Republican rules?ftfy
Shorter Queen YLB @ 24:
“My fucked kids are not guilty of theft because those cash boxes should have been behind four locked doors, not just the two that my fucked kids broke through.”
It’s not my fucked kids’ faults. The cash boxes were not sufficiently well protected from theft.
@ 25
…showed improvement of people’s perceptions of their current financial situation as well as their outlook for a year from now.
You embarrass yourself. You didn’t provide a link to the piece but Google reviewed the text you shared and gave me this link.
You’ll notice, reading the entire piece, that there is no provided numerical data. The respondents’ perceptions are improved but by how much or why the improvement is there are not mentioned. And for good reason.
Expectations for (employment) earnings growth are down, did you see that?
Expectations for inflation five years from now are up, did you see that?
Expectations that unemployment will be higher a year from now increased from 36.2% of respondents in March to 38.6% currently, did you see that?
Expectations are for medical care to rise 9.1%, education costs to rise 8.4%, gas prices to rise 4.8%, food costs to rise 5.3%, and rent to soar 9.1% in 12 months, did you see that?
When you read a story about a survey that doesn’t provide you any data, be skeptical about what the survey results actually are. I looked it up and so can you.
People expect things to be worse, and in the few instances in which they expect improvement, it’s very likely because they know the White House will be occupied by Trump again in only several more months.
Shorter asshole troll @32
1200 people are dead and a whole bunch were taken hostage and even died in captivity..
But the pos troll I am can’t make enough tortured excuses for the idiot responsible for not even a half-assed effort at rebuffing the attack.
Oh and forget the 36000 plus bodies in mass graves.. They never counted in a lifetime of being a bonzo buttlick who couldn’t stop fellating bonzo even when it cut and ran from a truck bombing of Marines in Lebanon.
I expect things to be better next year. The reason I expect this is there will be a GOP president and a GOP Senate. There might be a GOP House, I’m less sure about that last one.
So count me among those who expect it to get better. Just not for the reasons you want it to get better.
Nate Silver goes there.
Darryl would never go there. That would be disrespectful to my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president, after all. But you know Darryl’s thinking it.
Hell, would not surprise me one bit if Darryl is wishing it.
Piddles used to whine about Leeeenks too.
Let’s see what information could have gotten you there.
New York Fed’s May survey is googleable.
There was also a link to it in the CNN piece you quoted.
Some other things you decided not to include:
All of the data on people CURRENT financial situation. Inflation fears down… You know the thing you say touches everyone nearly daily.
Expectancy of not being able to afford current debt in one year, down .9%
Expectations of higher yield on savings, up 1.5%
Probability of losing job within a year down .7%
Probability of changing jobs voluntarily (AKA seeking greener pastures) up slightly .2%
(Those last two indicate a disconnect. People are apparently concerned that OTHER people may lose their jobs but not themselves.)
Expectation that inflation will be lower in one year. Up slightly.
Sorry that it doesn’t work out for you that people are feeling better about their own personal finances that your promised recession around the corner demands.
Did the Village Idiot bleat something about fucked up polls?
I thought it was too preoccupied with exploring weird Q-klownspiracy delusions to explain away the 34 felony convictions, and how his nominee was assigned a NY state corrections identification number today.
MAGA had better start loading up that commissary account if they hope to keep that old man’s ass fresh and tight and provide him some faint hope of retaining one or two of his original teeth.
Would be a shame if someone had tapes of Mr. and Mrs. Alito.
The brave patriot who stood up to tyranny and injustice on January 6th in support of the Messiah President,
Can’t handle debating at all.
Ew, you’re old enough to be my grandpa and Stormy told us all about your shriveled little mushroom penis. Even your wife won’t share your bed. Like seriously, ew.
how dare the people try and bypass Lord Farquaad and his rubber-stamp legislature
The repukes taking credit for funding they voted against:
Scott Perry, ultra-magat, one of the biggest hogs at the trough.
Is YLB entering early menopause?
Would be a bigger “shame” if enough voters heard those tapes in the next four months.
@44 clutch that popgun harder little maxwipe..
It might relieve you of your nuts.
You and DEE-Santis, Lord Farquaads separated at birth. I’d add Monson for fraternal triplets but why bother – it’s dead.
Kevin Roberts, president of Heritage Foundation, says Democrats “have lost their moral legitimacy to rule.”
Only one reply is possible: 🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡
Here’s one for kreepshit and little maxwipe:
Remember to vote in November.
As part of Team Convicted Felon’s and Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 they intend to implement mandatory military recruit screening for all U.S. high school seniors as a condition of graduation.
Get the word out.
Yes @ 49, get the word out:
The GOP got the video from HBO, it was recorded by Pelosi’s daughter. Not sure whether a subpoena was required.
A bit problematic for the Democrat narrative, one would think.
Lying Village Idiot lying again.
Must be a day with a “Y” in it.
Convicted Felon Trump refused pleadings from his own party to deploy.
Convicted Felon Trump’s “Acting” Sec Def established the rules for a response and then deliberately intervened to break the chain of command.
Convicted Felon Trump’s “Acting” Sec Def is the author of the Project 2025 blueprint for compelling every single high school senior in America to sign up for the new draft.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives does not command the National Guard of the District of Columbia. Not even a little bit.
When Convicted Felon Trump gets his mandatory conscription of all the fit, Aryan youth he will deploy half of them to bayonet Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers in Mexico and the other half to bayonet disloyal members of the House and Senate.
Russian Black Sea Fleet is no more.
Disco era ship defense systems have left the remnant remains of the fleet so vulnerable to attack from air and sea drones and French and British cruise missiles that they have been forced to withdraw to a concentrated port area in the Sea of Azov near occupied Mariupol where they are unable to maneuver.
Thanks to Joe Biden.
What are Guatemalan toddlers dong in Mexico? Aren’t they Guatemalan? So, what are they doing in Mexico?
And if Convicted Criminal Trumps last defense secretary could have his way, all public high school students would be required to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a standardized test developed by the Defense Department decades ago to help the military funnel recruits into occupations that match their skills and intellect.
In an interview, Miller said a national service requirement should be “strongly considered.” He described the concept as a common “rite of passage,” one that would create a sense of “shared sacrifice” among America’s youth.
In explaining its shortfall, the Army, the largest of the services, points to internal data indicating that most of America’s youth — 71 percent — do not qualify for military service for reasons that include obesity, drug use and aptitude.
>> When have Conservatives shown ANY shared sacrifice in the last 40 years?
Hunter Biden is guilty on all counts, according to News Nation.
A bit early to be reaching a verdict, isn’t it?
Looking forward to the debate later this month.
Hunter Biden guilty in criminal gun trial
“My son’s done nothing wrong!”
The Biden Crime Family. Now not just a nickname.
Convicted Criminal Trump has cognitive issues
“It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery’s now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there- by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? lotta shark.. i watched some guys justifying it today, ‘well, they weren’t really that angry. they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were… they were… not hungry, but they misunderstood what/ who she was.’ these people are cr… he said, ‘there’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming’, now we really got decimated and other people, too, lotta shark attacks- so i said, “so, there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat… 10 yards… or here. do I get electrocuted- if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking- do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. he said, “you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.” i said, “i think it’s a good question. i think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.” but, you know what i’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? i’ll take electrocution every single time. i’m not getting near the shark. so, we’re gonna end that. we’re gonna end it for boats. we’re gonna end it for trucks.”
Imagine The Godfather except James Caan’s character is strung out on crack cocaine, and Marlon Brando’s character is irreparably cognitively compromised and refuses to acknowledge the existence of his bastard grandchild.
Ooh, and Carmela Corleone, not Michael, takes over as the head of The Corleone Crime Family during her husband’s final few years.
That’s what we’ve got in and around the White House. The Biden Crime Family.
POTUS freely associates with drug addicts and convicted felons.
@58. Still not voting for the convicted felon trump or Hunter.
Break the law, deal with the consequences. FOR EVERYONE.
That’s still 31 less than the convicted felon trump!
But I thought it was all rigged? Right MAGA?
Best reasonable comment:
He committed a felony and is now being held accountable. His dad has already said he will not pardon him because he believes in the rule of law unlike his opponent.
With all that said this guy isn’t running for any political office, isn’t a political appointee, and the crimes he committed do not effect my life in the slightest. He didn’t stage a coup or try to take away Americans constitutional rights. He’s simply a private citizen.
Mods. If President Binden doesn’t say his son is innocent, would you consider banning the greedy racist incel for the duration that Hunter is in jail?
Why does Naomi Biden hate her POS father so much that she used the witness stand to drive nails into his coffin?
The Pardon Watch begins.
If Biden dies in office, he can’t really rely on Momala to do the dirty deed. Despite his advanced cognitive decline Biden still realizes how RBG bet wrong.
@ 62
… would you consider banning …
It’s always the weakest of HA’s crowd that try to ban others. Here we have The Even Bigger Fucking Moron hoping that his head-in-the-sand approach to the next few months will be easier if he doesn’t have to see increasingly clear and convincing evidence that head-in-the-sand is the wrong approach.
Calls for banning are expressions of weakness and unseriousness. Isn’t that right. Queen YLB.
Nice, isn’t it, that a Delaware jury has helped a California jury to understand that since it’s OK to brand the president’s POS son a felon for an illegal weapons purchase, it will be OK to brand the same POS son a felon for stealing from the US taxpayers.
This is why the early July nomination of Biden as the DNC candidate is so important. By waiting another few weeks and seeing further cognitive decline as well as dwelling on the additional felony convictions to come, Democrat voters might have time to pull the plug on the abomination that is The Biden Crime Family.
So please, nominate him soon. Lock him in as soon as practicably possible.
Merrick Garland: Unfounded attacks on the Justice Department must end
Conspiracy theories, falsehoods and threats of violence against DOJ personnel are not normal
Or what? Seriously, or what?
More empty threats?
Do something about it!
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Do you really think Hunter Biden is going to get jail time?
@ 68
Do you really think Hunter Biden is going to get jail time?
No. But I really think he’s going to be found guilty of stealing from the US taxpayer. That’s even better.
Edit: The dollar amounts involved in POS Hunter Biden’s thefts from the US taxpayer commonly result in prison sentences for other convicted of the felony. So possibly. Although no way he’d be incarcerated before Nov 5. Or before his cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a father issues his pardons.
It looks as if, following a completely fair trial in which the defendant was given ample opportunity to defend himself, a randomly selected jury approved by the defense considered all the evidence presented and voted unanimously to convict.
The system worked perfectly.
And in four months you and I still won’t have to cast a vote for a convicted felon. Also perfect.
Democrats just somehow seem to be able to do the “government” thing much better than the Pipe-Bomb Party can even pretend.
Republicans will now attempt to resurrect their completely failed attempt at impeachment, despite President Joe Biden being a very good man, innocent of any crimes, who has always followed the law, and who has made tremendous accomplishments for Americans in the last four years.
The parties are not remotely equivalent.
There’s even less reason for Joe and DOCTOR Jill Biden to acknowledge grandparentage of Navy Joan Roberts now.
Not only is that little bitch a bastard, she’s been proven to be spawn of a felon.
She’ll lead the fucked-up life expected of a member of her fucked-up POS father’s family.
@ 70
And in four months you and I still won’t have to cast a vote for a convicted felon.
No, but you’ll cast a second general-election vote for a woman who by design kept hundreds of black men incarcerated well beyond the ends of their sentences.
I won’t, but you will.
If Biden had picked Tulsi Gabbard instead of Momala he’d be re-elected easily.
Do you really think Hunter Biden is going to get jail time?
I think Judge Noreika will follow the law just like the jury did.
This is a federal conviction. There is binding Congressional statute that limits judicial discretion. Federal sentencing is a statutory process. It begins with the preparation of pre-sentencing reports. And as you should have learned by now, pending an initial appeal the original sentence is normally stayed, depending on the outcome of the application. If the defendant in granted a full panel review the sentence can be stayed indefinitely.
But as you also should have learned by now, and as Stephen Bannon and Peter Navarro have certainly learned, that process eventually runs its course. And if an appeal is not successful the sentence is imposed.
McHillbilly will gladly cast his vote for Momala, a woman who spent six years imprisoning black men for possession of hashish.
If Trump had picked Newt Gingrich instead of Mike Pence his insurrection would have gone off successfully and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would be dead.
@ 74
And if an appeal is not successful the sentence is imposed.
I wish to laud McHillbilly for this brief period of honesty. And for his recent comment that POS Hunter Biden did this to himself. The GOP didn’t do this to him.
POS Hunter Biden is the public embarrassment that one would expect from spawn of a man like Joe Biden.
Biden camp ‘stunned’ by verdict, ‘clear blow’ to president: ABC host
ABC’s Jonathan Karl said Hunter Biden’s immediate orbit was “stunned” by the guilty verdict his trial and called it a clear blow to the president.
“My son’s done nothing wrong!”
One has to feel a little sorry for ol’ Joe. After all, it can’t be easy to realize that your spawn really is an embarrasing POS and not the little angel you told yourself that he would appear to others once they got the chance to know him better.
You even forgave him for that period when he was fucking DOCTOR Jill. After all, he slipped, and his penis got stuck in her. Coulda happened to anyone.
Some of Hunter’s shit caught up with him and teh kreepshit of widbee is having an orgasm.. a pretty weak and silly one at that..
According to the babbling of kreepshit, liberals must never arm. At all times they must be servile to fash gun nut repukes..
I don’t own a gun right now.. Grew up with them in the house and often went shooting with my dad..
But now I’ll crawl over broken glass to “arm”..
The GOP didn’t do this to him.
And Democrats did not do the 34 felony convictions to Convicted Felon Trump, either.
He also did that completely to himself, along with a host of other incredibly foolish, ill-considered, and objectively criminal acts.
Convicted Felon Trump chose to meet with and socialize with sex workers.
Convicted Felon Trump chose to pay them off for their silence to protect his presidential campaign.
Convicted Felon Trump chose to issue those payments on behalf of his presidential campaign through his real estate company.
Convicted Felon Trump chose to conceal those campaign payments through a complex scheme of false reporting.
The Lying Village Idiot has steadfastly denied all this from the beginning and continues to claim that Convicted Felon Trump did not receive a fair trial. The Lying Village Idiot continues to insist that Convicted Felon Trump was either “framed” or that his conviction on 34 individual felony offenses was somehow “rigged”. Yet the Lying Village Idiot has never once offered any sort of explanation for those silly claims.
None of us has ever denied that Hunter Biden is a criminal. Nor has his father, President Joe Biden.
We don’t have to.
How’s that for honesty?
ol’ Joe forgave POS Hunter for
– fucking DOCTOR Jill
– fucking Beau’s widow and introducing her to crack
– bringing cocaine into the West Wing residence
– placing that hidden camera in the shower to catch Joe diddling 12 year-old Ashley and then playing the video at The Biden Crime Family reunion
@ 81
Convicted Felon Trump chose to meet with and socialize with sex workers.
Joe Biden bought 12 year-old POS Hunter his first whore.
To be fair to ol’ Joe, he got her off. Twice.
@ 81
None of us has ever denied that Hunter Biden is a criminal. Nor has his father, President Joe Biden.
Pretty sure the latter was implied: “My son’s done nothing wrong!”
Something about old Joe brings out the “best” in teh widbee kreepshit..
It never was this way with no drama Obama..
The “best” it could muster was that Obama was unpopular and didn’t “understand” capitalism. And of course, “the next Jimmy Carter”, ooooo… that was a low blow…
Guess back then it thought it would get away with its tax cheating sins to the grave..
And now it can’t say enough good things about Barack. Who’d a thunk it?
heh.. 4 more years for Joe and knock, knock, knock for teh kreepshit of widbee.. yep, it couldn’t happen to a nicer troll..
“As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a Dad. I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,” President Biden said. “As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.”
ol’ Joe is able to keep track of the number of grandchildren he is willing to acknowledge because it’s the same number of times that POS Hunter has been in rehab.
He refuses to add Navy Joan Roberts to that list of grandchildren for the same reason that he refuses to add POS Ashley’s stint to the total number of times his kids have gone to rehab.
The Biden Crime Family is fucked-up.
“As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a Dad,” Biden said. “Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery.
“As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal,” the president added. “Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.”
Only thing that “stuns” here is the stench from the mean-spirited, misogynist POS troll of widbee.. and such a freaking BOOORIIINGGG troll at that.. yawn… I’m out for the day.
It took a herculean effort from the Obama administration to cover up the fact that Beau Biden’s brain cancer was caused by second-hand smoke from POS Hunter’s crack pipe.
POS Hunter Biden has filed a pardon request. It was sent directly to the office of Elon Musk.
@ 89
“Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.”
“The rest of our family except for that bastard spawn-of-a-felon bitch.”
I’m far more troubled that I’ll be casting my vote for a President who has been arming a genocide.
But I’ll do it anyway because the alternative is unthinkable.
As before, Trump is not playing and he’s not engaging in empty rhetoric or “locker room talk”. That’s just part of his act.
He really means to wreck the economy to benefit himself and his pals. He really means to cripple and shut down law enforcement and replace it with militarized authoritarian political enforcers. He really means to force every able bodied young high school graduate into military service unless they can qualify for one of his special exemptions. He really means to impose martial law in cities that don’t play by his rules and take over local elections and local school boards. He really means to pack the federal courts with a permanent army of FedSoc robots trained to take away birth control and marital equality and impose a Christian Nationalist Ethno-Theocracy. He really means to pass a nationwide ban on abortion beginning at flirting. And he really means to try to stay in office after 2028 and beyond.
If he’s elected he’ll try to pull all that shit off. He won’t be entirely successful. But he’ll be a helluvalot more successful than he ever was the first time around because he’s had practice and he’s begun preparing ahead of time this time.
Faced with that alternative I’ve got no problem voting for Kamala Harris who, when she was a prosecutor acted like a prosecutor and aggressively enforced the laws given to her by the state of California and locked people up for narcotics offenses. I’ve got no problem voting for a enabler of genocide. I’d vote for Joe Biden if he announced tomorrow that he was pro-life. I’d vote for Kamala Harris if she announced tomorrow that she was pro-machine gun.
I don’t give a tiny shit about compromise when preserving democracy is at stake. But I still won’t have to vote for a convicted felon. I won’t have to do it. And I won’t have to conjure up an excuse for it either. Because I’m a Democrat. And I’m an American who puts his nation ahead of his party.
@ 89
HA’s unserious twat Queen YLB wishes for everyone to know that mean-spirited comments are unwelcome on this blog.
Unless they are directed at Mrs. Alito or Melania. ’cause fuck those bitches.
I’m not shocked by the verdict but honestly I’m a little hurt no one has threatened my life.
@ 93
I’m far more troubled that I’ll be casting my vote for a President who has been arming a genocide.
Now, now. Almost none of Russia’s dead soldiers were from Moscow. Didn’t you see the demographic distribution that was just published?
Bombs away, Volodymir.
Spoken by President Biden in a May 5, 2023 interview with MSNBC, in the immediate aftermath of learning first that Hunter Biden would be entering into a negotiated plea agreement on misdemeanor tax offenses, and then next that House Republicans would launch an investigation into Hunter Biden’s energy trading activites in Ukraine from a decade before. At the time, though a criminal investigation that had begun under President Trump five years earlier was still ongoing, it was the belief of the DOJ that no criminal charges would result. And at the time Hunter Biden was not charged with any crimes.
So, not a denial of these charges. They had not been brought. They did not exist. The prosecutors themselves said so.
Village Idiot is a liar.
…..will forever live rent free is YLBs wallpaper lined empty skull.
I would be miserable too if I was stuck in seattle….
“We are fools, our equipment was shot down, soldiers are dead”
It’s only 700 klicks to Moscow.
In 1917 they walked even farther. And it was in winter.
POS Hunter Biden belongs in a pine box.
The wrong Biden son died. Even ol’ Joe knows this by now.
FBI reports further plunging crime rates and further declines in violent crime rates.
Thanks, President Biden.
Here’s Village Idiot with a BREAKING NEWS ALERT of a Twitter post from Andy Ngo filiming a piece of trash he pulled out of a trash can and set on fire in front of a Starbucks. Burn baby, burn.
Greedy racist incel, I see what you are doing. How juvenile.
@ 101
FBI reports further plunging crime rates and further declines in violent crime rates.
“We’re gonna exclude this case of illegal firearm purchase by an addict ’cause the addict was between highs when he bought the gun.”
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 102 wants everyone to know that he sees what I did there.
So dumping out trash cans and setting the contents alight for clout is a more sound “methodology”.
Got it.
President Biden has lowered crime.
President Biden has restored full employment.
President Biden is lowering gas prices.
President Biden is raising average wages.
President Biden ended the pandemic.
President Biden has closed the southern border to asylum seekers.
President Biden has forgiven $170 billion in student loans for over 4.75 million deserving Americans.
President Biden is defeating Russian aggression in Ukraine.
Because President Biden has been so successful in his own right, but especially because the last three Republican presidents have been such colossal failures at everything, Republicans have to rely instead on “methodological” disputes with statistics while making up lurid incest fantasies to feed their humiliation and to gird themselves for their inevitable fate of losing another huge election.
We all see what the Lying Village Idiot does there every single day.
When in doubt, WHITEY TAPE!
Two-tiered justice system … Republicans singled out … uh, Hunter was convicted??? Well, it’s not the same!!! HE’s guilty!!!
Let’s not forget the corruption of Joe Biden.
It requires a willing suspension of disbelief to claim that Joe Biden is lily-white innocent while his brother and his son are chest-deep in influence peddling and corruption.
The GOP has several more months to drop evidence. The Democrat party has precious little time to change horses.
That would be Convicted Felon Trump’s own DOJ under William Barr.
So many paranoid dark conspiracies they lose track.
Or they’re just idiots.
Probably idiots
No it doesn’t.
It merely requires a willingness to demand objective evidence and a lawful criminal investigation process instead of a fabricated FD-1023 proffered by a bankrupted flatulent alcoholic and a “star” witness awaiting trial in jail on charges of perjury.
GOP = 🤡🚗
All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration
It likely has something to do with pricing changes to the X API which now starts at $42,000 a month for enterprise customers.
>> And you know, the racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny and hate flooding the site.
Xitter, the cybertruck of Social Media.
Just saw this go by.
“The only reason Hunter was allowed to be found guilty was to make the criminal trump conviction seem less corrupt.”
the pretzel logic is amazing.
Charlie Kirk dismisses Hunter Biden guilty verdicts: “They’re trying to make it seem as if, oh, our justice system is fair. You go after Donald Trump, and you go after Hunter Biden.”
@55 Notice he said public high school students, and think about what that means:
Private school students — exempt
Parochial school students — exempt
Charter school students — exempt
Homeschooled students — exempt
@113. It shows who they value and who they don’t.
@55 “When have Conservatives shown ANY shared sacrifice in the last 40 years?”
Actually, last 80 years is closer.
The GOP’s reaction to the Hunter Biden guilty verdict is that it’s “election interference” because Joe Biden rigged the DoJ to convict his son in order to protect himself.
I’m not kidding:
GOP rep declares it’s “rude” to remind him that a jury, not a “biased judge,” convicted Trump.
@61 “POTUS freely associates with drug addicts and convicted felons.”
Are you jealous of Joe because your kids refuse to have anything to do with you?
@64 “The Pardon Watch begins.”
If you’re so sure, then hold your breath. We won’t miss you all that much.
@65 I agree that letting you make a fool of yourself is stronger.
@69 If it’s proven in a court of law that Hunter Biden stole from American taxpayers, then I sure hope he goes to prison for it.
Kinda like when Trump stole from American taxpayers by diverting military personnel to his money-losing resort in Scotland, but Trump will never go to prison for that.
@71 The little girl in the middle is who Doctor Dumbfuck is calling a “little bitch,” a “bastard,” and “spawn of a felon.”
Explain how this isn’t bullying? Of a defenseless toddler yet. Good going, doc, it’s one of your finest moments. (sarcasm)
@77 “POS Hunter Biden did this to himself. The GOP didn’t do this to him.”
True; and it’s also true that Trump did it to himself, the Democrats didn’t do it to him.
See how that works? Goose and gander.
@ 111
All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration
In other news, X has announced that the average IQ of its users has increased 20% now that the gamers have integrated with Al Franken’s new social media site: Air America 2.
@78 Jonathan Karl said “a close friend” of Hunter was “stunned” by the verdict. So now “a close friend” (note the singular) is “Biden camp” and “Hunter Biden’s immediate orbit”?
I doubt anybody was actually “stunned” by the verdict. After all, he tried to cop a plea deal to these charges. The facts constituting the elements of the crime were virtual givens. If he’d been acquitted, you’d wonder what the hell was going on.
@ 122
@71 The little girl in the middle is
who Doctor Dumbfuck is calling a “little bitch,” a “bastard,” and “spawn of a felon.”a little boy.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-11106957/Bidens-golden-haired-grandson-Beau-2-adorably-steals-show.html
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that’s Beau, who is POS and newly crowned felon Hunter Biden’s son with Melissa Cohen. Beau is a boy, and his grandparents dote on him, we are told.
The bastard grandchild and spawn of a felon that the Don of The Biden Crime Family and his cruel wife, DOCTOR Jill, have refused to meet is Navy Joan Roberts.
I realize that the depths of POS Hunter’s irresponsibility are hard to keep up with, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, but please tell me you are still able to differentiate between boys and girls.
You bloviating fuck.
Most of the basic facts of the case, as well as the trail linking them all together into the criminal charges, were laid out for them in an autobiographical drug memoir published three years ago.
Makes you wonder what Weiss was doing with all of his free time before 2021. Obviously it made Chuck Grassley wonder.
@ 127
Makes you wonder what Weiss was doing with all of his free time before 2021.
He was rimming POS Hunter during his artist phase.
kreepshit hasn’t been this orgasmic since the opening of the bridge tragedy movie..
And we all know where that went..
uhh.. straight to streaming…
with maybe one streamer…
kreepshit 24/7/365..