Gosh, I don’t know. Maybe lowering the standard for hiring police from whatever this is is a bad idea. I know it’s tough to find recruits right now. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a way to hire better people.
Of course, I am referring to one of my bugbears, disarm most police. Think of the pool of people who might want to be a cop but who don’t want to carry. Maybe some of them are security guards now and don’t want to make that leap.
It would also probably make policing better. Fewer deadly interactions. Probably make some civilians less nervous around the police.
Four possibilities for Justice Thomas’ absence without explanation from CJ Roberts.
He’s just going to rule as the Heritage Foundation demands and he’s just tired of pretending he isn’t.
He took out the free luxury RV to see the path of totality and ran into traffic
He’s the oldest on the court and dying.
No one put a pube on his glass and his anger so great he’s currently restrained.
And so begins what is expected to be at least six weeks of wall to wall bad publicity surrounding the Playmate the pornstar, the prostitutes, the mushroom penis, the married partner postpartum, and the prohibited payment.
DJT:US to existing shareholders,
It’s not a DE-Value it’s a RE-Value. By this time next year you won’t believe the value. It’ll be unprecedented the value.
While much of that prejudicial testimony will be excluded from being presented to the jury, many media outlets will recite it for context and background.
I think that perhaps the most potentially harmful testimony may come from the interrogation of witnesses into the purposes of the elaborately deceptive payment scheme.
Voters will of course be reminded that the Republican nominee is a crude and disrespectful man of exceedingly low character.
But quite a few voters will be shown for the very first time the fraudulent and criminal lengths he went to in order to deceive them about the kind of person he really is.
That in turn serves to remind them that most of the public personality that Trump presents as a candidate (and as a television celebrity before) is a complete fabrication. He demands to be treated with dignity and great respect. And he constantly insists on his own authority and wisdom.
But he lives his private life in a very crude, nasty, and entirely undignified way. He mistreats everyone around him and respects nothing about them beyond whatever they can do to provide his immediate gratification or contribute to his appearance of importance. The crude mechanics of how he pursues those ends will be put on display. That will probably be costly.
Raise your hand if your party’s candidate for president is in a courtroom today as an accused felon?
No one expected the dividends to be paid so quickly.
Do tell us more about ‘Sleepy Joe’ come June.
Headlines, we got Headlines people.
Dozing Don the Diddler
Bedtime for Bogus Billionaire
Court Catnap Catches Camera attention
California McDonald’s owner operators are going hog wild running to all manner of media about how the $20 minimum wage is going to force them to raise prices to an unsustainable level.
(Here’s why they want to ban TikTok now that videos of ‘private events’ become public)
At this werk’s McDonald’s Global Convention, a ‘reward’ event for franchisees who meet sales goals live musical entertainment was provided by (all have private one time performance demands of $1m or above.)
Bruno Mars
Christina Aguilera
Imagine Dragons
Dual Lipa
This shit doesn’t fly anymore capitalists. Now that we know we’re no longer going to pay a premium for you to exploit labor so you have enough to throw a $100m party for yourselves every year.
Something about Cake and Guillotines.
The T in THC is still not Testosterone. Wasn’t yesterday either.
I heard there was bad traffic in Kennewick and the entire
Testosterone Cities region this morning.
Portland’s Testosterone service is experiencing delays due to a stalled car on the tracks new at Lloyd Center.
My grandparents went to Colonial Williamsburg and all Ingot was this. Minuteman Testoterone cornered hat.
Aaaaand the DUMP:
Trump announcing to the world yet another fraud scheme.
And our own village idiot is in deep. Once again, he was warned.
Persisted anyway.
The warrant filing with the SEC seems to indicate Trump’s intention to sell his entire stake, 78 million shares plus an additional 36 million earnout shares.
When he wasn’t sleeping he was shitting his diaper and doodling swastikas on his legal pad.
Todd Blanche has been seen in the bathroom putting Vics under his nose. Judge Merchan has a fan blowing directly at the defense table. One prospective juror passed a note begging to be excused for having a weak stomach.
@3 DJT drops 18% in one day. Spectacular! This stock is headed for the penny-stock lists.
TSLA isn’t doing so great today, either, after Elon announced 10% of the workforce has to go.
Outspoken liberal darling Alec Baldwin will serve serious prison time.
@6 Coming soon (i.e., before November) to your favorite tabloid: “Trump can’t stay awake while being sentenced to prison”
@ 7
Something about Cake and Guillotines.
Cake and kiosk might each begin with the same guttural sound but the words are, in fact, very different.
@13 The Bloated Orange Fraudster will need a prison fuck buddy. Might as well be him. Or will it be the other way around?
What’s occurring with Thomas Jefferson High School, the formerly best STEM high school in the country, shows what happens when blending chickenshit into a good egg salad to make it more. “inclusive.”
According to our idiot.
How sad.
@16 – Maybe Alec Baldwin on Hunter Biden will be available.
From Carl’s link:
The cost of the settlement to Kandula’s family just went way up.
It seems to me this ruling, if applied to the merits, would greatly increase Trump’s exposure to J6 civil liability. Because what’s good for the black goose is good for the orange gander.
@1 If he’s in a hospital being diagnosed with a terminal condition, we should wish him a quick and humane departure as opposed to a drawn-out and painful end stage.
Vulture capitalist-turned-senator opposes unionizing VW plant.
I see nothing there that tariffs can’t fix, in the event U.S. consumers want to buy junky Chinese cars (we already know they make crappy can openers that break the second or third time you use them).
Hard to believe this guy graduated from a fine law school and passed a bar exam.
Anyway, any juror foolish enough to follow his advice is asking for legal troubles of his or her own.
Just a little less than four years ago President Biden won voters under thirty by more than 24 points. The latest NYT poll has voters under 30 supporting Biden by just one point.
This is another example of a outlier in the crosstabs of some of the major polls that implies either tectonic shifts in support for what is essentially a redo of the last election, or something else perhaps having to do with survey design. And it may help to point out that, objectively, modeling “likely” vote among voters under 30 is quite a bit more challenging since this is a group with typically irregular turnout. It’s a very hard group to survey, and a very hard group to model. But it makes up about 20% of the survey response.
That’s really all you got?
An Actor/Director?
That’s what’s covering for the guy you’re supporting for President being on trial? Hoping Alec Baldwin’s lawyers can’t put on an effective defense? A few months from now?
More on DJT stock:
From this it’s clear that Trump not only intends to sell all his shares, but also all the “earnout” shares he hasn’t received yet. At least the Orange Moron knows when to run out of a burning building, give him credit for that. One more thing: Lockup period? What lockup period?
@17, 19 There you are! Shame on you for stealing all that money from my purse!
By the way, the police are looking for you
The stock market is declining, Tesla is falling, and Trump Media is plunging. But hey, a share of DJT is still worth more than PI’s fistful of scratch-off lottery tickets. He was investing for his mom.
Maine became the 17th state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact today, adding 4 electoral votes to the total of states committing to vote for the winner of the popular vote. The compact still has a long way to go — it needs 61 more electoral votes — and all the low-hanging fruit has been picked, so the civics flunkouts who think grotesque candidates like Trump should “win” despite being rejected by the voters can breathe easy for a while. But they still need a supermajority to repeal the 13th Amendment and reinstate slavery, so they’re doing workarounds on that one.
I want to know why politically incorrect is being politically correct with his racism. If he really thinks that women and minorities screwed up the school just say it, don’t use euphemisms , don’t be a coward
Six percent fewer Americans disapprove of Biden and 5% more approve, a net shift of 9% in Biden’s favor since February.
At that rate Biden would have a 70% approval rating by the election. I’m not saying he will; I’m only saying that’s the math.
A train crash in Georgia this afternoon injured three crewmen.
I wouldn’t say that exactly.
There are more than enough EVs available in states that are either already in our column or moving in our direction.
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, and New Hampshire could make the move, especially in the post-MAGA near future. The backlash that will result when the GOP snaps under so much accumulated Trump tension is hard to predict. But it will result in more historical political realignment.
@ 21
It seems to me this ruling, if applied to the merits, would greatly increase Trump’s exposure to J6 civil liability. Because what’s good for the black goose is good for the orange gander.
It seems to me the same ruling would greatly increase the exposure to civil liability of you fucking liberals who organize protests that bring out the more violent and unhinged liberal contingent, too. Durkan Kill Zone, anybody?
Suing Trump in civil court while he’s president goes nowhere. Once his second term ends and he’s no longer president nobody will care about his civil liability, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Know who will care about civil liability? All of Goldy’s unwashed and deodorant-free friends and colleagues.
@ 32
At that rate Biden would have a 70% approval rating by the election. I’m not saying he will; I’m only saying that’s the math.
Here’s the math that counts, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
At that rate Trump will have a second term by January. That’s the math.
@35 Suing Trump in civil court while he’s president goes nowhere. Once his second term ends and he’s no longer president nobody will care about his civil liability, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You seem to be forgetting there’s still an election between him and “his second term.”
@36 You keep assuming Trump will win in November. There’s a not-insignificant chance you’ll end up with egg salad on your face. That’s math, too.
Another armed vigilante is going to prison.
@ 25
Just a little less than four years ago President Biden won voters under thirty by more than 24 points. The latest NYT poll has voters under 30 supporting Biden by just one point.
This is another example of a outlier in the crosstabs…
Outlier my ass.
Suffolk/USA Today in January:
Fox in early March:
Whatever the shortcomings of the poll you want us to disbelieve, QoS McHillbilly, it’s not an outlier. You misunderstand the term.
Or you’re a fucking liar. I’m more than willing to accept either possibility.
They trusted me over Dubya on the economy in spring of 2004.
And I lost.
The funny thing is, for all the naked -promotion and cockiness, Carville was wrong more than he was right. Timing is everything.
Like the March Sienna poll that had Trump winning women by ten points, the outlying data is in the crosstabs.
There have been a bunch of these glitches bubbling up all year in plenty of polls. And as I pointed out these glitches seem to appear and then disappear within the same polls over time among groups of voters that may be difficult to model.
Voters under 30 saw big turnout jumps in recent elections when compared to historical norms. And they are well understood to be least likely to have landline phone service or be willing to sit for a long survey. In a modern workplace managers and coworkers must schedule a phone conversation if they hope to have their call answered.
Women of course have seen explosive increases in turnout recently. And as they already constitute a majority of voters survey scientists are keen to get the modeling right with this group. But polling has lagged election results significantly in every election held since Dobbs. A small survey design error modeled onto more than half of actual turnout creates big problems.
But our resident idiot poll sniffer fixes the deep discomfort all this produces by getting angry, ignoring my actual words, and screaming in incandescent rage that polls are right, especially when they agree with one another, as they all did in September 2016, for example.
I for one wish media would just wear their biases proudly. An outlet that just says facts in a very opinionated way is much more fun.
Take Defector.com for example.
@40 Rightwingers lied about Kerry’s military record. He was in Vietnam, got shot at, was wounded three times. Dubya never served overseas, his expensive pilot training was useless to the taxpayers who paid for it, he even didn’t show up for drills, and spent his military time working on political campaigns.
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
@42 So you’re saying if we see someone driving a Cybertruck on the highway, we’d better get the hell out of the way, because he can’t slow down much less stop.
If only it was just the panel gaps, right?
Weird that the whole thing stems from you cheating on the wonderful boy’s mother with a pornstar when he was just a suckling infant.
Also no one believes that in the bi monthly ten minute phone call you two talk about graduation ceremony.
Did you need to borrow some nails and a crown of thorns?
@46 He’s my dad? I didn’t know I had one.
33)CSX, one of Precision Scheduled Railroading’s “successes” that activist investors at Norfolk Southern want to emulate.
Republicans’ Project 2025 would overhaul the US treasury and privatize Social Security
Moore advocates mandatory 401k accounts, in place of social security.
Moore called for Trump to privatize the “black hole” of Social Security. Moore explained, “… you would be able to put that into a personal account, like an index fund. And that means, Steve, everybody in America would benefit when the stock market goes up.”
And be broke when the market went down. Imagine if you invested your life’s savings in Tesla and DJT?
MAGA Mike announced last night that he has agreed with bipartisan lawmakers in the Senate to move ahead with funding for Ukraine while dumping any further efforts at stricter border security.
Republican majorities mean Democrats get everything we want while Republicans get theater.
Slava Ukraini!
We don’t have to.
Our village idiot did.
Trump Advisers Scheme to Devalue Dollar in Potential Second Term: Report
The move would be an aggressive and risky effort to lift U.S. exports and reduce the trade deficit at the expense of ballooning inflation and endangering the dollar’s global dominance and status as the world’s main reserve currency.
>> Just wait till the greedy racist incel gets to experience repubflation after his social security is replaced by a tanking 401K! He probably will still vote republican to hurt a black person.
Closing my eyes, dropping my head, relaxing my jaw, drooling and snoring is just my way of concentrating in important meetings.
Ask anyone.
Our village idiot
If one wants to see what cognitive decline looks like, simply compare the difference between our village idiot’s comments
posted in 2015 to those he’s posted in recent years.
The following is approved news by government-sponsored NPR:
NPR suspends veteran editor as it grapples with his public criticism
Maybe because tax dollars support NPR.
I’d like to thank the exposure of NPR’s obvious liberal bias for aiding the coming defeat of Democrats in November.
@ 54
If one wants to see what cognitive decline looks like, simply compare the difference between our village idiot’s comments
posted in 2015 to those he’s posted in recent years.
HA in 2015: Moderated
HA in 2024: [All but] abandoned by moderators
@56. True. The mods will let the greedy racist incel say almost anything, to keep him around.
HA in 2015: Moderated
HA in 2024: [All but] abandoned by moderators
Speaking of our village idiot’s cognitive decline.
At the same time that your monthly retirement check becomes variable based on fund performance, and the fund performance is in freefall, prices for everyday consumer goods skyrocket and your dollar buying power plummets.
Looks like Kirkland Signature cat food for the village idiot.
Likely swing voters in battleground states and districts do not listen to news radio at all, much less to NPR.
Holding up the narrowcast complaints of FREEPERS and Christopher Rufo is about as inside baseball as it gets. And I’m all for it. If Republicans want to fill the void left by Donald Trump locked in a criminal trial for the next four weeks by shouting at each other in code, while President Joe Biden tours Pennsylvania highlighting the economic cruelty of the Trump-Ryan tax giveaway, who am I to argue?
@ 41
And they are well understood to be least likely to have landline phone service or be willing to sit for a long survey. In a modern workplace managers and coworkers must schedule a phone conversation if they hope to have their call answered.
Tell me you do not understand modern polling without telling me you do not understand modern polling.
SCOTUS to Queen YLB’s fucked children, when they were minors:
“Hey little dudes, when your tranny phase blows over you’re gonna want your dicks back.”
Supreme Court Upholds Idaho’s Ban on Puberty-Blocking Drugs, Sex-Change Surgeries for Minors
The Free Press is a site that has become a haven for journalists who believe that mainstream media outlets have become too liberal. In addition to his essay, Berliner appeared in an episode of its podcast Honestly with Bari Weiss.
Bari Weiss is already more than sufficiently discredited as an objective reporter. The FreePress is essentially an extension of Ms. Weiss’ substack funded by fascism worshipping billionaires Harlan Crow and Tim Draper.
In plain terms, it’s a fascist billionaire propaganda mill.
And NPR is being exquisitely careful and gentle in its response to one of its senior editors contributing to such publications. He should have been fired on the spot.
@ 60
Likely swing voters in battleground states and districts do not listen to news radio at all, much less to NPR.
They must not listen to Mika and Joe, Jake, or Fox, either.
We should pay more attention to Charlamagne tha God, then.
@ 63
And NPR is being exquisitely careful and gentle in its response to one of its senior editors contributing to such publications. He should have been fired on the spot.
Do it. No, go ahead. Then the House can hold hearings and they can be used in Fall ads.
Oh, and next year’s House and Senate GOP majorities can pass a bill that cuts deeply into NPR’s federal funding, which President Trump can allow to become law without his signature. You know, so he can be neutral.
In the same way that NPR’s news coverage is neutral.
“Hello. (long pause) This is a call from the Sienna College Research Institute. We are currently conducting important research into voter opinions about upcoming elections in your area. If you are a registered voter and you are willing to participate in a brief telephone survey please call back at 1-800-782-SCRI and press 1 to be connected. Thank you.
Just like IMPEACHMENT and LAPTOP and all the other House Republican Theater of Self Humiliation.
I’m sure if Democrats had anything at all to say about it they would welcome another opportunity to let Republicans demonstrate to voters how completely unwilling they are to do their fucking jobs. But I wouldn’t blame NPR for not volunteering for that duty. Unlike Republicans, they have work to do.
They don’t.
They don’t know who Christopher Rufo is, who Mike Johnson is, or who Hakim Jeffries is. What little news they get comes through feeds. They will decide this election and this Village Idiot’s political and economic fate, and he has absolutely no idea that they don’t give a fuck about AOC, DJT📉 or “Anti-Woke” Ultra Right Beer.
The price for Israel’s (relative) restraint WRT to Iran will be the world’s (relative) silence while Israel finishes Hamas in Gaza.
Yes, Joe, we’ll take the W.
I found Queen YLB’s True Confessions site:
Darling Queen YLB still doesn’t realize that Goldy has taken advantage of her for coming close to two decades now.
Queen YLB thinks $84,000 Chevy Tahoe’s are a human right.
Fischer, live audio.
BofA’s nonperforming loans jumped 7.2% in just one quarter.
BAC shares down 3.5% on the day, at present.
The solicitor general was just asked whether pulling a fire alarm to disrupt a vote would qualify as a federal felony subject to 20 years in prison in the Fischer hearing.
Bidenflation causes shrinkflation in concert performances by has-beens.
Which is most noteworthy insofar as the hypothetical has absolutely nothing at all to do with Fischer’s central brief that the underlying statute is specifically limited to destruction of evidence.
Prelogar showed up today and proceeded to dismantle Fischer.
And so the FedSoc owned right wing of the court has pivoted to demanding that she respond to challenges never contemplated by Fischer.
The Corrupt Right Wing of the court may not be wrong. As enacted by Congress 18 U.S. Code § 1512 may be impermissibly broad in its potential application by federal law enforcement. And the court has historically expressed skepticism about criminal statutes that grant sweeping ambit to law enforcement that might intrude upon protected rights.
But the same historical traditions of restraint have likewise heretofore argued that the court wait until such a question is ripe and comes before the court properly framed. Here the argument is not being made by petitioner that Joseph Fischer was engaging in protected expression when he breached barricades, assaulted uniformed Capitol police, and broke into a secure government building.
And such a precedent might not suit the preferences of wannabe fascists.
Trump called Obamacare “not good healthcare” and vowed to replace it with his own yet-to-be-revealed program, while also recently denouncing Republican senators who “raised their hands not to terminate it” as “a low point for the Republican Party.”
>> Not only will republicans privatize your social security, and wildly increase inflation, they will eliminate health care for Americans who most need it.
DJT and DJTWW continue to nosedive.
TSLA too.
Since our government paid millions to civilian contractors in Iraq, those contractors can afford to pay millions to the Iraqi civilians they tortured.
Ohio voters have a constitutional right to elect a phony to the Senate, but J. D. Vance should stick to what he knows, e.g. different ways of jerking off.
@49 Republicans have always hated Social Security, and haven’t given up trying to privatize it even after the Dubya debacle.
You didn’t watch the video did you?
A lone heckler says “Just play some fucking music.” During a quiet moment of audience banter. John Mellancamp deals with the heckler in exactly the same manner as a stand-up comedian or other professional performer.
And apparently then busting into an acoustic solo “Jack and Diane” is ‘a rage.’
@56 “HA in 2024: [All but] abandoned by moderators” sez the troll who got his tail feathers clipped when he posted using my name.
It may have been news to you, kiddo, but HA’s posting rules are still being enforced.
@59 Let’s suppose, for a moment, that Social Security is privatized and the people running it are replaced by incompetent political bootlickers, as the roadmap for Trump’s second term envisions.
What would prevent your Social Security taxes [ ] benefits [ ] (choose one) from being diverted to purchasing DJT stock, to prop it up long enough for Trump to dump his shares?
And for every other Republican grifter with worthless securities to peddle from wanting to get in on the action, too?
A little about the NPR editor.
He should be fired, probably. All NPR editorial and on air staff have it in their contracts and it’s very well understood that they cannot be a guest on a non NPR show without written clearance from the network. The folks at Splendid Table can’t join KOMO’s Hot Stove to talk about the exploding popularity of Faro and Korean BarBQue without getting clearance.
It’s possible he had clearance but it would be HIGHLY and I mean damn near impossible, to be cleared to go on a show and air your personal thoughts on the content of NPR coverage. Clearance to do a show that is clearly political chat would never ever happen.
Not saying that’s sound corporate policy but dude went out and tried to get himself fired to land a gig in the Conservosphere. What NPR is likeLY to do is let him sit on his ass until his contract expires ,
Go over the contract he signed and be sure to let him know that termination and full exercises of a non compete is in that contract.
@62 Great. Your biology teacher is impressed. Now for more laughs do flat earth, intelligent design, people living side-by-side with dinosaurs, and the climate hoax.
Turns out the judge has not issued a ruling but a recess was requested so Donald can attend Baron’s graduation. (You know the Google has lots of interesting things his kids have said over the years about his total absence in their young lives. The one about pulling Ivanka down with a ski pole to win a race downhill is my favorite)
Court reporters have tweeted today that the response was he’s open to the recess but needs to see how far along in selecting the jury they are before deciding.
So once again, Donald is a lying sack of shit.
@61 @66 Let me assure you both that I’m completely invisible to pollsters. I do not pick up when they call. But I vote.
It occurs to me that all phone surveys, whether by landline or cellphone, only survey voters willing to answer the phone.
@70 Goldy takes advantage of me every time I send him another donation to keep HA going so freeloaders like you can spit their venom to their heart’s content — and I don’t mind a bit.
The entertainment your posts provide is worth every cent.
Just sent him another $25.00.
@71 From the guy who brags about his toys.
Every horse has a right to an F-250 and a horse trailer, right? So he doesn’t have to be celibate when you’re traveling.
You didn’t watch the video did you?
I sure as fuck didn’t.
Ivan Bayoukhi is a Canadian 26-year-old unemployed former used car salesman. It’s as if the Village Idiot carefully researched the precise assortment of characteristics most certain to make me swipe left and concentrated them in a single, obscure Birdshite account.
He might as well have invited us to smell his fingers.
heh.. Mary Kay’s fav listen (NPR) really burns kreepshit’s ass..
every accusation, in truth, a confession…
@73 Just to be clear, that was a 7.2% increase in nonperforming loans, not an increase to 7.2% of loans. For banks generally, that ratio was 1.4% in December, compared to “an all-time high of 7.5% in Mar 2010 and a record low of 1.2% in Sep 2022,” so just above the record low.
Not exactly the end of the world; and in BoA’s case, more than offset by a double-digit increase in investment banking income.
If you dig further into the statistical details you’ll find it’s low-income households who are struggling with credit card debt and losing cars and trucks they couldn’t afford but bought anyway at pawnshop interest rates to repo men, while the consumer binge spending supporting GDP growth, corporate earnings, and the stock market is coming from affluent households reveling in rapidly expanding home equity and stock market wealth.
In Doctor Dumbfuck’s worldview this means collapse is imminent. What a dumbfuck.
Garcia: Is it true that under Donald Trump, murder rates surged by 30% to the highest rates since the 90s?
Bier: Yes
noun, verb, 2022 FAYLE!
memo to kreepshit: you’ve been ordered by the boss to swill Bud Light…
Dana White’s diplomatic ambitions were clear, if complicated: Un-cancel Bud Light.
He had some calls to make.
As the chief executive of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Mr. White was the arena-filling, Trump-loving, perpetually smirking public face of a multi-billion-dollar sport…
Publicly, Mr. White appealed to friends across the conservative media, defending Bud Light’s parent company in interviews with Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk.
disobey and you’ll be subject to a beat down! stop worrying kreepshit.. the boss’ last name is White.. drink up.. yours truly will pass thank ya very much..
@85 Going on nonproprietary airwaves and saying his boss should be fired got him only a four-day suspension?
Geez, where else but in a liberal cesspool would you find a tolerant employer like that? NPR made his point for him by not firing him.
@91 So if I’m following this conversation correctly, then my question would be why would a foreigner who can’t vote in our elections want to listen to a campaign pitch, however brief between music sets?
It’s not often that a headline pops up that both Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and I can agree with, but it happened today:
Sen. John Fetterman Calls Bridge Blockers ‘Assholes’
I would have preferred “fucking asshole”, but hey, he’s only been in office a few months. Give him time.
I wonder how he’ll vote on Mayorkas. Some of you probably are, too.
@98 It’s amusing to see a troll who belittled and mocked Fetterman when he was running for the Senate, and certainly wouldn’t have voted for him, quote him approvingly. It’s for reasons like this that I just donated another $25.00 to keep HA up. Where else can you get priceless entertainment like this?
Acting like assholes does no favors for the innocent Palestinians trapped in Gaza or the West Bank Palestinians having their land stolen by Israeli settlers and their children arrested by Israeli soldiers. It just reinforces biases against Palestinians. The message it sends is, We’re Palestinians and we’re assholes. The response inspired by making people miss their flights and harassing them when they’re just trying to get a cup of coffee is not sympathy, but “fuck you and your cause.” These protesters need to retool their strategy.
Is that finally going to trial now?
I had not heard that.
Meanwhile, USC administrators aren’t exactly covering themselves in free speech, academic freedom, diversity, or inclusivity glory.
@ 99
It’s amusing to see a troll who belittled and mocked Fetterman when he was running for the Senate, and certainly wouldn’t have voted for him, quote him approvingly.
I am pleased that you are amused, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Fetterman has been a pleasant surprise and it’s a nice thing to see him making such a complete recovery from his stroke. With his rightward tilt it’s clear that his brain is functioning even better than it did before his ischemic injury.
You’ll be less amused when he turns out to be well to the right of Sinema and Manchin.
Back at
the ranchsuburban waterfront home, the GOP candidate who lied about hisruralupbringing is now denying the existence of the climate change behind his business fortune, thereby proving that intelligent, well-educated, and wealthy Republicans seeking a hobby in politics will tell any whopper to get the votes of the ignorant rubes all Republican candidates must pander to if they are to have any hope of being elected.https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republican-senate-tim-sheehy-climate-hypocrisy_n_661ea563e4b015646f795ce1
To this I would add that the bullshit flinging only begins on the campaign trail, and must be continuously maintained while they are in office, or they will be primaried in the next election.
I wonder how he’ll vote on Mayorkas. Some of you probably are, too.
Makes for great entertainment.. Wind ’em up.. Look at ’em go:
Being enslaved to the stupidity and ignorance of the far right must be hard on these Ivy League guys (in Sheehy’s case, the U.S. Naval Academy). Perhaps we should pity them.
@98 Why do you think there’ll be a vote on Mayorkis?
@ 102
Meanwhile, USC administrators aren’t exactly covering themselves in free speech, academic freedom, diversity, or inclusivity glory.
It was precisely those lax standards that attracted my mother and me to Southern Cal.
his brain is functioning even better than it did before his ischemic injury… well to the right of Sinema and Manchin.
So you’re saying being always wrong wing is clear evidence of brain injury, malformation, defect..
No wonder repukes love football (without helmets), ufc and wars of choice – they’re tbi manufacturing machines.
That didn’t last long. Maybe he had a conversation with the probate judge or got a letter from the bar association.
They can’t all be working. After all they’re useless liberals like Queen YLB. What else do they have to do?
Must be that enthusiasm gap I keep hearing about. Bigger gap than I thought, of course.
I found a loan that should be repaid:
Enjoy this liberal cocksucker screaming in agony as absolutely nothing is done to cause him any discomfort.
He’s nearly as unserious as our darling Queen YLB.
Breaking news — “Voting technology company Smartmatic and the far-right network One America News said Tuesday that they had settled a defamation lawsuit stemming from the outlet’s lies about the 2020 election. … Both parties declined to share details about the settlement.”
Thousands showed up
Newly minted Bud Light fans.. the toast of UFC..
liberal cocksucker
Hmmm.. kreepshit heard this a lot during hell week when it confessed to voting for Carter.. and felt it a lot.. in its ass..
every accusation, in truth, a confession…
misspent nearly $900,000 in pandemic relief funds on vacations, cosmetic surgery, jewelry and other personal expenses,
Oh my.. the crickets from the HA village idiot is deafening here..
If jailbirds could get a tax cut, kreepshit would shill daily here at HA for them getting one. Along with defunding tax LE..
RNC ResearchJan.Like the thousands who showed up in Manhattan to show their support. /s
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 102 probably did not read his link and therefore does not understand the significance of this:
USC is concerned about safety and this terrorist-in-training brings up those assholes as a counter point?
Travis Scott?
She planned to wear a suicide belt under her gown and hide grenades under her cap, and take out the entire USC leadership during her speech.
Oh, one more thing. There were more than 100 students with GPAs above 3.98 who applied to be speaker, and the terrorist-in-training was selected, likely by a committee who doesn’t know what Google is.
@ 119
I’m not in favor of running over them with cars.
True. That incident that made your kids and the state Department of Licensing take the keys away from you was entirely accidental, if avoidable.
Poor is only one of the reasons you are forced to walk everywhere, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Inability to drive and limited capacity of the largest Depends size available are other reasons that you have to stay within a couple of blocks of home.
@113 Are you calling him a “cocksucker” because he’s blocking traffic, is against genocide, or both?
Doctor Dumbfuck told you earlier that my views on street-blocking protesters are the same as his. That’s not completely true. I’m not in favor of running over them with cars.
@119 You obviously didn’t read the rest of it, because you missed the significance of this:
Now try again to convince me this is about “security and safety.”
Not dangerous:
Dangerous: Valedictorian
Not dangerous: Dropout
Dangerous: “Free Palestine”
Not dangerous:
Oh, and he even wrote a book calling himself “Dangerous.”
@120 You’re getting ahead of me. #119 has been moved to 122.
@120 Rabbits don’t run over people with cars; it’s the other way around.
Rabbits don’t spew emissions, either, except an occasional carrot fart.
March of the
penguinsdodo birds:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suynEdlaPkE
Now that Caitlin Clark is in the WNBA, maybe arenas can take the drapes hiding the existence of the 200 series sections down.
Do the WNBA’s fans know she’s straight?
@ 128
Rabbits don’t spew emissions, either, except an occasional carrot fart.
Oh, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You really should not have gone there.
Explains a lot. Doesn’t it.
@130 They’re keeping the drapes up for Trump rallies. And spreading the folding chairs farther apart on the arena floor, too.
@131 At least I’m not a shit-eating Republican. Rabbits can choose what shit to eat. As a Republican, you have to eat what’s served to you, whether it tastes good or not.
The U.S. is on track to grow at double the rate of any other G7 country this year, according to IMF forecasts.
Imagine that. An arena full of lesbians and no one is telling Caitlin she can’t be there.
Now do any megachurch on Sunday.
When she steps to the line, who’s gonna yell, “Get in the Kitchen you cocksucking STRAIGHT!”?
Love the Play, hate the player.
every accusation, in truth, a confession…
As is his premature end zone ball-spiking. It’s a confession that dumbfuck’s “here and now” sucks for him. Best to live in a make-believe future.
@136 … eating make-believe shit, as all Republicans must do.
A St. Louis judge on Monday awarded nearly $23.5 million to a former black police officer who was targeted and beaten by white colleagues while working undercover during a protest.
Our cancer numbers are so high because we keep testing.
If we didn’t test the numbers would be much better. Some of the best actually.